The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 28, 1960, Section One, Image 8

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    These fifteen O’Neill scouts and their counselor, Rev. John Hart,
attended Camp Cedars near Council Bluffs hist week. Scoutmaster
Elroy Leib also accompanied the boys.
Clearwater New:
Mrs. Charles Curtrtght
Hl nter 5-Mm
Mr. and Mrs. John Rix and
family drove to Stanton Friday
evening and were guest3 at the
Elmer Rix home to help the
later celebrate a birthday an
Mrs. Howard Luben and Don
and Lorruine Brandt spent a few
days visiting in South Dakota
last week.
Mr- and Mrs. Emery Carey
were Sunday dinner guests in
the Donald Kline home Neligh.
The telephone booth located on
highway 25 near the highway
cafe was robbed last week of
about 530 and considerabe dam
age was done to the property.
YML Club
YML club met Thursday with
Mrs. Orval Hankla. The old con
stitution was revised and new by
laws added. Highlights of the old
secretary books were reviewed.
A letter of resignation was read
from a member. The next meet
ing will be with Mrs. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanks of
North Platte spent a few days
with Mrs. Sank's father, William
Luben and other relatives.
Ben Chamberlain of Ventura,
Calif., is a guest in the William
Luben home
Mrs. Charles Michael enter
tained at dinner Monday of last
week in honor of her son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Michael of Concord, Calif. Guests
were Mrs. Ocea Kirehner and
sons, Betty Tinsley, Linda Sch
lect, Ellen Filsinger, Mr. and
Mrs William Michael, Mrs. Min
nie Claaussen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Michael, Rev. D. L. Brauners
reuther and Tillie Braunersreut
her and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Sehweppe of Concord, Calif.
Clearwater Creek
Mrs. Fred Maben was hostess
to the members of Clearwater
Creek home extension club Wed
nesday at her home. The usual
noon day dinner was served.
Thirteen members were present
and several visitors. The meet
ing w«s conducted by Hilda
They voted not to sponsor a
booth at the county fair this year.
Sharon Knapp, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Rudy Knapp, reported
to the group on her trip to Lin
coln for 4-H week. August 11
meeting will be with Mrs. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curt
right visited Mr and Mrs. Lloyd
Kimes Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Ocea Kirchner and family
attended baptism services for her
granddaughter, Lauri Jean Kir
chner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dwight Kirchner.
Spencer News
Ky Mrs. Rose Hornback
The Women Missionary Society
of the Spencer Wesleyan church
met Friday afternoon in the par
sonage basement for their month
ly meeting.
Mrs. Paul Nelson was in charge
of business. A letter was read by
Mrs. Walter Hornback from an
Indian school in South Dakota.
A collection of postage stamps
was prepared for the Women’s
World Fellowship fund.
Mrs. Lester Hornback and Gay
returned home last week after
visiting for some time at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hurley at
Mrs. John Green and Mrs.
Ralph Wurtz motored to Atkin
son bringing Sheryl Wurtz, Bar
bara Keller, and Joyce Storjohann
from the Wesleyan childrens’
camp near Atkinson. Terry Green
and Donald and James BUden
siek also attended camp.
Mrs. Glen Jones and daughter
were visiting Monday at the Ralph
Wurtz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hornback
spent all of last week visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Hornback of Spencer and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Summers of O’Neill. They will
take their son, Alan, who has
spent three weeks with his grand
parents and return to their home
in Mt. View, Calif.
Tuesday callers at the Ray
Hornback home were Rev. and
Mrs. Dale Hornback of Venus.
Thursday evening guests at the
Ray Hornback home were Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Hornback and Alan of
Mt. View, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Hornback and Gwen and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tate. Home
made ice cream was enjoyed by
the group.
An outdoor picnic was held at
the Ray Hornback home. Rev.
Dale Hornback and taimiiy of
Venus and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Hornback were the honored
Friday afternoon callers at the
Ray Hornback home were Mrs.
Walter Hornback and Rosela,
Mrs. Lester Hornback and Gay,
Mrs. Roland Hornback, Roberta
and Pomona, and Mrs. John
Hornback, all of Spencer.
Mr. Eldred Cummings of Rush
ville was a Thursday morning
caller at the Ray Hornback
Springvalley Homemakers
The Springvalley Homemakers
4-H club met at the Spencer hall
Friday with seven members pre
sent. Carol Keller called the
meeting to order. It was voted to
hold a club picnic August 7 at
O’Neill. Mrs. Evan Lewis and the
‘‘Let’s make a skirt and blouse”,
group discussed a test pattern.
Mrs. Joe Jamber helped each
girl with her special sewing
Roll call for next time will be
‘‘What I like best about sewing”.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McAllister and
family of Madison are visiting at
the Frank Loocke and Mary Mc
Allister homes untill school starts.
Frank Loocke and Mrs. Ed Me
Allister were O’Neill business cal
lers Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and
boys and Ronnie Richards of O'
Neill were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Loocke and
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Simon of
Omaha were weekend visitors at
the William Bentz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Soukup were
weekend visitors at the William
Bentz and Enon Soukup homes.
A birthday party was given for
Donald Blair on his sixth birth
day Wednesday afternoon at his
home. Fourteen friends and play
mates were present.
Friday evening a birthday din
ner was given in honor of Ef
fie Chandler on her ninty^sixth
birthday at the Wayne Blair
A Connot reunion was held at
the Ed Connot home Sunday. Pre
sent were Mrs. Lena Connot, Mr.
and Mrs. John Connot, Mr. and
Mrs. William Connot and Ronnie,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Connot and
—-. "J
family, Sharon Havranek and llet
Souk up, all of Spencer, Mrs. Vm
cent -burton and Mrs. Anton Tups
of Om ,ha.
Pauline Connot is visiting at the
home of her sister and brother
m-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Soulek of Wagner for several
Mrs William Connot s mother
Mrs Emma Lesler of Winner, is
visiting lor several weeks at the
William Connot home.
Mrs. Ray Smith of Carroll and
Ervin Janssen of Fremont were
last Saturday visitors at the Ray
Kngeihaapt home.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Donlin of
Brookings, S. D. were last week
end visitors at the Ray Engel
haupt home.
Mr. and Mrs. Moerli Roselius
from Edgemont, S. D. are visit
ing at the Mr. and Mi's. Lloyd
Haun home. Mrs. Roselius and
Mr. Haun are brother and sis
Mr. and Mrs Harold Haun and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Moerle
Roselius were dinner guests at
the Floyd Haun home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carsten
and Mrs. Louise Counts and son
from Bonsteel were Sunday after
noon and evening visitors at the
Floyd McNair home.
Dana Counts, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Counts of Lynch, is
visiting at the Floyd McNair home
while her mother is in the hos
pital with a new baby.
Verdigre News
By Vac Randa
Adolph Kotrous was electee
president of the American Legior
Post No. 259 when the group mel
last week in regular session
Other officers elected were Don
ald Wesche, first vice-com
mander; LeRoy Kotrous, second
vice-commander; Don Jiraenk,
child welfare; Raymond Zerbe
finance officer, and Anton Choe
olousek, service officer; Frank C.
Kroupa, chaplain and Harold
Chilar sergeant at arms. N. Ted
Havercamp was the out-going
Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Farnik
and family returned home Sun
day from a four thousand mile
trip to the east coast. They also
visited Dr. and Mrs Frank Jar
man and family at Bristol, Conn.,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
Mitchell and family at Long
meauow. Mass.
Verdigre firemen were called
out Wednesday at 4:25 p m. Mr.
Miller, city marshall, had the city
truck equipped with asphalt tank
and burner when it caught fire
and required both the city and
county fire equipment to bring it
under control. The village dump
truck was damaged to some ex
tent. The street will get a
thorough covering of asphalt as
soon as the marshall has repair
ed the bad spots.
Ted Ward, vocational agricul
ture instructor in the Verdigre
hig school, announced that mem
bers of the Verdigre FFA are
sponsoring the national farm
safety week observance July 24
August 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roubicek,
who have been corresponding
regularly with relatives in
Czechoslovakia, had two air
mail letters mailed May 8 re
turned to them on July 16 These
letters had been opened and re
sealed with the brown paper the
censors use in the old country.
Evidently restrictions have been
placed on correspondence behind
the Iron Curtain although Mrs.
Roubicek could think of nothing
worthy of censorship.
Between 400 and 500 people at
tended the "4-H Share the Fun”
festival held in the Verdigre
ZCBJ hall Friday evening.
The program consisted of
musical numbers, skits and in
dividual numbers. Fifteen 4-H
clubs were in competition.
Dorsey News
By Mrs. Harold Osborn
The 4-H club held their
recreation meeting on Friday
evening, July 22 at the Scottville
The Dorsey Aid Society held
their meeting at the home o(
Mrs. Kdna Mellor Thursday.
Plans were made to hold a
bake sale Saturday, July 30
at the Moody Cafe in Lynch.
Mrs. Lee Brady sr., and Mrs.
Harry Johnson stopped Thursday
evening at the Harold Osborn
home to inquire about Ruth, who
is recovering from her recent
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and
sons spent Saturday night and
Sunday at the Howard Slack
home. Mrs. Wells and sons re
mained Sunday night so she
could attend the services held for
Mrs- Florence Harris.
Mr. and Mrs Ted Crawford
were Sunday visitors at the
Gordon Barta home.
Mrs. A. W. Aim is now at
home again after having spent a
few days in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Crawford
and Linda Kruse arrived here
Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Craw
ford attended their granddad’s
funeral Wednesday.
Mrs. Leta Miles met her daugh
ter Linda, here instead of having
to go to Riverton to get her
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks
were Saturday shoppers in O’
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka re
ceived word that their daughter, I
Mrs. Joe Pavilk is to have sur
gery Monday at the Lady of
Lourdes hospital in Norfolk.
Mrs. Edward Carson arrived
home after spending a week in
Lincoln visiting friends and rela
Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber
spent Saturday at the Harold
Osborn home.
Mrs. Grace Alder went home
with her son, Elmer Thursday
evening so she coud help her
daughter-in-law can beans
Janet Young is now employed;
at the Lyle Wells home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells j
and family were dinner and sup-:
per guests at the Howard Slack
home Sunday.
Meyer's Summer
Carpet Sale
BEAUTIFY Your Floors Now ... No Need to
Walt . . • Many Rolls of New Summer Patterns Fr.°m the Nat'°" * Leading Mills
and Textures from which to Choose . . . Don’t Gulistanj Downs, Barwick, Magee
Walt . . . Buy Now and Pay Later. and Others.
All wool I weea *- I lopyuamy uurom
Sq. yd. 5.25 i No Down Payment J Nylon sq. yd. 8.95
All Nylon with j UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY | All Wool Broad
Foam Rubber Back . Payments to Start Sept. ^ loom Wilton
Sq. yd. 5.50 w w w w w w w w w w W1 Sq. yd.9.95
3 Ply All Wool Wilton sq. yd. .. ...10*
200 More Samples to Choose From
Now you can see new carpet without leaving home! Call 536 any day or
i evening and our men will call on you with complete carpet samples.
There's No Obligation what-so-ever to you.
Meyers Midwest Furniture & Appliance
West O'Neill or Bassett
Newport News
Ey Mm. Oliver Gil|
Altar Society
Altar Society met Wednesday
afternoon in the home of Mrs.
Lou Weiwel with four members
Mrs. Jay Blair, Scott and Gary
and Janice Podkanyok of Wyom
ing. who is a house guest for the
summer left Saturday for a visit
with relatives at McCook.
Mrs. Warren Fales and girls
of Gregory, S. D., were Sunday
visitors in the Don Jameson and
John Emerson homes.
Mr and Mrs. R. D. Fox, Lynn
and Doug of Ainsworth were
Sunday afternoon callers in the
Oliver Gilg home. They ail were
visitors at the Atkinson park at
the Brittell picnic. Others at
tending were Mr. and Mrs. Verc
Butler. Terry and Danny, Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Fox, Mary Beth
and Joel of Bassett, Hattie Fox of
Stuart and Sophia Lashmett.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Opher jr.,
and children of Norwalk, Calif.,
came Sunday for a visit with
Mrs. Opher's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Myers Sunday din
ner guests in the Myer s home
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and
sons moved Saturday and Sun
day to their ranch near Brewster
for the summer. Mrs. Glen
Haugen helped them move.
Mrs. Jim Brown of Long Pine,
Mary Joe anti Lindsey Frizzell of
Bassett and Mrs. Dick Mohanna
and sons of Cairo were Saturday
afternoon callers in the Elmer
Christensen home.
Hilda Amspoken and Fred and
Hertha Bahr were Friday dinner
guests in the Don Jameson home.
Mike Seger spent Friday and
Saturday in the home of his
uncle and aunt, M. M Karo,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bendig
were surprised recently when
Capt. and Mrs. Delbert Paulson,
ShMia, Judy and Linda stopped
enroute to their air force base in
Oregon. Mrs. Bendig was former
ly employed by Capt. Paulson's
m. xu. iuiiu J1 •» dx oium i nna
a weekend visitor in the Jim
Seger home. Saturday evening
guests to help Miss Kathy cele
brate her third birthday were
Mr- and Mrs. Wilfred Seger of
Stuart, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Farr,
Jannie and Jackie and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Gilg.
Ronnie Seger spent several
days last week in Stuart with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
fred Seger.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kaul of
Grand Island and Lieutenant Wil
liam Kaul jr., of Loredo air force
base, Tex., were visitors in the
Leonard Bendig home from Tues
day to Friday. On Wednesday,
accompanied by Mrs. L- Bendig,
Roger and Robert, they visited
relatives and friends at Spencer
and were dinner guests with
Cecil Kaul.
Donna Colfack is spending this
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, Oscar Keithly at At
Leo Fox left Friday for his
home at Des Moines, la., after a
weeks visit with relatives in
Newport and Stuart.
The Leonard Bendig family
spent the weekend at the Paul
Bendig farm near Bonesteel.
Sunday they attended a Bendig
family reunion in the Bonesteel
park in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
William Black of Kingston,
Ontario, Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilg were
callers Sunday evening in the
O. W- Wolcott home near Bas
Royal News
By Mrs. R. J. Bering
Drive-In Planned
At Junction of
Highways 20-14
The old Pleasant Valley scholl
house in district No. 76 that
served the community for close
to 70 years and finally was
abandoned has been put to new
use. It was purchased by John
Gilroy and moved from its lo
cation northwest of Royal to the
intersection of Highways 14 and
20 located five miles east of Roy
al and three miles west of Bruns
The schoolhouse is now being
transformed into a modern dwel
ling with a double garage add
ed. To the north of the house a
basement house has been built
for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Charron
of Yakima, Wash., son-in-law and
daughter of Gilroys.
A Drive-In is being built at the
intersection by M-r. Charron, who
was employed for 20 years in
the lumber mills in Yakima. Mrs.
Charron said, “Wo hope to have
the Drive-In ready by the middle
of August and will be ready to
serve hamburgers, coffee and con
fections as well as cold drinks
and ice cream.”
The Charron's have decided to
call it “The 14-20 Drive-in". Ihs
tells the location and the busi
Mr. and Mrs. Charron have
three children, two boys in the
grades and a little daughter two
years. The boys will attend scho
ol in District 78, cast of Royal.
Moira, the Irish Setter at the
Royal Shoe Shop likes rasp
berries, but not particularly
hand-picked. She goes to the
bushes and picks them for her
self. She also Likes grapes
which she gathers in season,
and plums which she selects
with care from the fallen. She
also likes oranges and bananas
and nearly all vegetables.
Morsett Reunion Held
Members of the Morsett fam
ily held a reunion at the home of
Mrs. Fern Morsett Sunday, July
1/7, with 32 parsons present. The
oldest was Mrs. William Raff of
Creighton, and the youngest, Ter
ry Morsett of West Point, young
est son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Morsett jr.
Seven births, two marriages and
one death were recorded during
the past year.
Present were Mrs. F. Morsett,
Mrs. Charlie Morrsett and son,
Mrs. John Sicheneder and family
of Atkinson, Mrs. Ethel Cooper
of Ewing ,Alta Cooper of Neligh,
Galan Gibbs of Orchard, Mr. and
Mrs. George Hervey of Royal,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Caulfield
of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie
Wilson of Oakdale, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Schneider and family of O’
Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ramold
and family of O’Neill, Mr. and
Mrs. William Raff and Allan Raff
of Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Lou
is Fletcher of Norfolk and Mr.
and Mrs. Buss Napier of Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burch and
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hering were
Plainview visitors Thursday call
ing on Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Kirk, who recently returned to
Plainview from two years in
Farmington, N.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodds of
Royal, ahd Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Dodds of Albion returned home
from 10 days in Rochester and at
Benton, Minn, the first of the |
Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Curtis I
and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rundquist j
attended a Republican rally and
banquet in Neligh Thursday eve-1
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Curtis and
family of Hopkins, Minn., vis
ited relatives in Royal and Ne
ligh during the past two weeks.
Wilson is a son of C. D. Curtis
and a brother of Fremont. Mrs.
Curtis is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Myrtle Keetle.
Members of the Royal WSCS.
who attended a meeting of the
Page society Wednesday were,
Mrs. T. R. Dodds. Mrs Florence.
Weber. Mrs. M. M. Colson, Mrs.
R. E. Trautman, Mrs. Bus Charf
Mrs. Warren Holm went to
Wayne Monday to enroll in a
two weeks course.
Mr. and Mrs Gordon Charf
came from Pierre Saturday to
obtain some of their household
goods, having rented an apart
ment where they will live while
Gordon is engaged in carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Fryer
ami family of Norfolk visited
Royal relatives Sunday.
Mrs. Zola Bering was a din
ner guest Sunday of hex parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Anson of
C.E. and Glenn Rundquist made
a business trip into Iowa the first
of the week.
A large number of persons
were present at Grove Lake Sun
day during the District Boy Scout
Camp >ree with an attendance of
some 200 scouts and leaders.
Families were invited to a picnic
dinner an Sunday. The Campo
ree ended Sunday afternoon.
lVoops from Norfolk, Stanton,
Madison, Hartington, Wayne,
Plainview, Ponca, Bloomfield,
Pieice and Clearwater were in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pick and
Lee came from Denver the last
of the week to spend a week va
cation visiting relatives here and
at Clearwater. Robert is a grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reefe.
Mr. and Mrs. Pick will also visit
his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Rice and family of Clearwater and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler
and family were Sunday evening
callers at Fred Beutler’s of Or
Mrs. Mabel Meyer accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer
to Bartlett Sunday to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Morrison.
Eldon Morrison had ccgne from
Newtown, Mo., for his wife who
had been assisting in their son’s
home during the convalescence of
Aaron, the eight-year-old boy who
was run over by a tractor recent
ly. Mrs. Mabel Morrison, who had
been visiting here a number of
weeks, returned to her home with
her son and his wife.
The Royal shoo and general
repair shop, which has been
closed since April 21 due to the
Illness of R, ,1. liering, the pro
prietor, is again open for busi
At Spencer, Nebraska
Ulven By
Storjohann "66"
Our opening dance last year wu«
held on the driveway. This year
we are giving the dance In the
Spencer Community Hall, with
music by AIJCK A HER
We appreciate your business and
hope to continue serving you in
the future.
"66" Service
The crowd at the Republican fund raising appreciation dinner held Thursday night.
The Frontier proto and Eeoeatwq
60th Annual
Old Settlers Picnic
I located: 17 milt's north mi Highway ?ni, three miles east and one
mile south of O’Neill
Basket Dinner at Noon
• Ballgame — Lynch vs. O’Neill Pence*
• Kiddle Rides — Concessions — Food Stand
• Races for everyone — Amateur Program
Dance in the evening on the new Bowery floor
Music by Johnny Mullen and his family
To Choose From
FREEZERS - New & Used
Stop in or call 41OW
After hours 41 OR
^k 4Bk Pfe A ^k 4
I See The Presto *
| Cooks 6 Hot Dogs in ^
| 60 Seconds Electronically I
( No Heat-No Mess ",
| Cleans in a Jiffy t
^ While They Last.$g95 I
r bp? ip w v w bbt w w w w w ^ ^
Dankert's Service
® Neill Chambers