The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 28, 1960, Section One, Image 10

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Circle 1 of the Presbyterian
cbiTch, Alfred Drayton home,
9 a. m
Circle 2 (A the Presbyterian
church, Roy Shelhamer home,
9 am
St Patrick’s Altar Society
Saturday. July 30
Barbecue at the American Le
gion club
Sunday. July 31
Smorgasbord dinner and carni
val at the Church of Epiphany
at Enwnet, 5 p.m.
Monday, August 1
Bridge at the Country club
Wednesday, August 3
Ladies breakfast at the Coun
try club
Thursday. August 4
Women's Association of Pres
byterian chu'ch, 8 45 a m.
Mrs. Duane Boelter
Honored Monday
ORCHARD A pink and blue
shower was given Monday for
Mrs Duane Boelter at the home
of Mrs, Theodore Hurtig
Mrs. Clyde Hurtig was in
charge of the entertainment for
the twenty guests. Mrs. Henry
Drayton and Mrs. Charles Strofe
were winners of the games. Lunch
was served by the hostess.
Meet Thy Neighbor
Club Holds Meeting
“Meet Thy Neighbor” club met
Wedneslny with Mrs. Mary E.
Price. Roil call was answered by
giving canning hints. There were
seven visitors. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Morland Babutzke the last Wed
nesday of August.
Picnic Held At
Ford's Park Sunday
The Adult Fellowship of the
First Methodist church met Sun
day evening at Ford’s park for a
family picnic. Mrs Grant Pea
cock gave a report on the adult
camp at Fontanelle July 3 and a.
The meeting closed with a song
test. There were forty-three pre
Bridal Shower Held
Saturday In Bristow
BRISTOW Miss Karen Bowers
was guest of honor at a miscel
laneous bridal shower at the
Trinity Lutheran church base
ment on Saturday evening.
The program was planned by
Miss Mario Johnson, Miss Rose
mary Johnson and Miss Barbara
Thorell Others participating in
the program were Denise Dennis,
Robyn Boettcrer, Marilyn Swan
son, Sue Ann Landholm, June
Swanson, Pamela Bowers, Gert
rude Allen and Mrs. Eddie D.
Danielson. Rosemary Johnson,
Kathy Havranek and Julie Boet
tcher assisted with the gifts.
Pre-Nuptial Shower For
Barbara Westerhoff
Clearwater Barbara A Wester
hoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..
W. Westerhoff, was honor guest at
a pre-nuptial shower Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. O.
Wilson assisted by Mmes. Tyler
McKillip, Kenneth Anderson and
Jack Blair.
The room was decorated in
colors of pink and white with a
sprinkling can suspended above
the gift table and an umbrella
added to the decorations.
Forty-five guests enjoyed the
evening highlighted by a pro
gram, "This is Your Life” with
Barbara Ann as the subject. All
of her grade school teachers
were able to appear on the pro
gram except one. The story of
her life was given and snapshots
from her babyhood on up were
used in telling the story.
Each guest also brought an
item from the grocery store ac
companied by an original jingle
to help the future bride guess
the contents These items were
all place in a basket marked
Lunch was served.
Miss Westerhoff will marry
Donald Snider, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Snider of Clear
water, on August 7._
Ten Methodist Youth
Attend Church Camp
Ten boys and girls from the
First Methodist church are at
tending intermediate Methodist
camp as Fontanelle this week.
They are Bonnie Tomlinson,
Christine Herley, Dianne Gilles
pie, Sandra Laursen. Janice An
gus, Patricia Wilson, Linda Gil
dersleeve, Karen Bart os, Curtis
Peacock and Cheryl Clyde. Rev,
Glenn Kennicott was the regi
strar. Camp began Monday and
ends Saturday morning.
Baby Shower Honors
Mrs. Melvin Thompson
VERDIGRE—A baby shower
was given Thursday morning at
St. Weneeslaus auditorium honor
ing Mrs. Melvin Thompson. Mrs.
L. E. Mastalir and Miss Mable
Bruce were hostesses. The
shower began with a breakfast.
A "Rock-a-bye Baby” tree
formed the centerpiece of the
gift table.
Steak Fry August 14
The O'Neill Country club annual
steak fry will be held Sunday,
Augjst 14. The event has been
postponed from July 31.
Holt County Legion
Meeting In Stuart
The annual Holt County Amer
ican Legion and Auxiliary con
vention was held Sunday at Stu
Jim Davis of Stuart was elected
county vice commander for a
two-year term. Mike Coday of At
kinson, commander, has another
year of his two-year term.
Joe Baldauf of Rushville was
guest speaker. He is the area
vice commander and candidate
for department senior vice com
mander. A bingo party is being
planned for the veterans at the
Grand Island Veteran’s hospital.
The American Legion auxiliary
elected Mrs. Lawrence Hairnik of
Stuart as president; Mrs. Mike
Coday of Atkinson, vice-president
and Mrs. J. W. Walter of Cham
bers, treasurer. Mrs. Al Chavet
of Plainview installed the auxili
ary officers.
A buffet supper was served be
fore the joint meeting by the
The Stuart color guard was giv
en first place. The Stuart drill
team also placed in the drill
competition. The Page drill team
was second.
Shower Given Tuesday
For Mrs. Cunningham
A post-nuptial shower was held
at the Gibson school house Tues
day afternoon honoring Mrs. Tho
mas Cunningham, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder.
Bouquets of garden flowers
graced the gift table and a short
program included contest games
in which the winners of the pri
zes presented the bride with their
Marilyn Siders presided over the
gift book and Kathy Snyder and
Christine Sholes assisted with the
opening of the gifts.
Hostesses were Mmes, John
Babl, Claude Cole, Clayton Nel
son and Robert Sholes.
O'Neill Better Ways
Club Assists Hospital
The O'Neill Better Ways Ex
tension club met Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. Arthur Tibbets. The
eight members made forty-two
fitted diaj>ers for the nursery at
St. Anthony’s hospital as a com
munity service project. They al
so volunteered to take care of the
book cart at the hospital on Tues
days and Fridays during the
month of August for the hospital
The next meeting will be a
picnic at Ford’s park on August
23. In case of rain the club will
go to the home of Mrs. Joe Men
ish. Refreshment were served by
the hostess.
Jeanne Schnabel
Arnold Oltjenbruns
Marry In Clearwater
The Concordia Lutheran church
in Clearwater was the scene
Sunday, July 24, of the wedding
of Miss Jeanne Schnabel, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. l.aurence
Schnabel of Clearwater, and
I - !
$2.00 off on any pair of
(No Alterations) I
$1.00 off on any short sleeve
Two Groups — $3.50 and $4.50
All Sixes
Phone 197-W
If Uf-fi U 4 ’O’?
Arnold Oitjenbruns. son of Mr
and Mrs Louis Oitjenbruns of
Plainview. The Rev. D. L.
Braimersreuther of Clearwater,
uncle of the bridegroom, and the
Rev Virgil Brack of Plainview
officiated at the double ring
Mr. Arne Sorenson, organist,
accompanied Miss Dianne Herley
who sang. "The Voice That
Breathed O'er Eden" and "The
Lord's Prayer." The sanctuary
was decorated with bouquets of
white shasta chrysanthemums,
white and lavender gladioli, can
delabra and emerald green satin
pew bows
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a floor length
gown of imported French Chanti
lly lace over bridal satin which
she made in the pattern "Lov
able." The fitted bodice featured
a V neckline finished in scallops
and bridal sleeves. The satin of
the bouffant skirt fell to the floor
while the lace was finished in
scalloped edges a few inches
above the hem of the satin. Her
fingertip veil was held in place
by a crown of lace and pearls.
She carried a white orchid on a
praper book with white picot
streamers tied with stephanotis.
Miss Anne Terkelsen of Oma
ha was maid of honor. She wore
a mint green street length dress
of nylon over net and acetate
with a wide white hem and
double puritan collar Miss
Shirley Tinsley of Clearwater
was bridesmaid and wore an
identical gown. They carried
crescent bouquets of white shasta
chrysanthemums accented with
emerald green satin ribbon.
Ronald Koehler of Osmond,
cousin of the bridegroom, was
the best man. Dallas Schnabel,
brother of the bride, was the
groomsman. Serving as ushers
and candle lighters were Byron
Oitjenbruns of Orchard and Billy
Schwanebeck of Plainview,
cousins of the bridegroom.
A reception was held in the
church parlors following the
ceremony for 200 guests. Mrs.
Willard Gross and Mrs. Glen
Morris, aunts of the hride, cut
and served the wedding cake
which was baked and decorated
by Mrs. John Rix. Mrs. Walter
Koerler, aunt of the bridegroom,
poured the coffee and Mrs. Mel
vin Jacobson served the punch.
Mrs. John Rix was hostess.
Waitresses were Patty Schultz,
Janice Reher, Patty Taylor and
Carol Suckstorf.
Miss Karen W'renholt registered
the guests and Miss Ixiis Sanne
was in charge of the gift table.
The hride is a graduate of
Clearwater high school. The
bridegroom graduated from
Plainview high school and at
tended Nebraska Wesleyan Uni
versity. He was a member of
Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity
He is now engaged in farming.
After a short wedding trip the
couple will lie at home on a farm
northeast of Plainview.
Leona Niles
Bradley Krusel
Exchange Vows
Miss Leona Niles of Orchard
and Bradley Krusel of HarUngton
were united in marriage at the
Sacred Heart church at Norfolk
on Saturday, July 9.
The bride escorted to the altar
by her father, wore a gown of
white and silver net over mint
green taffeta. Her veil was caught
in a white tiara. She carried a
bouquet of white and mint green
carnations surrounded by rhine
Miss Doris Sealmeir was maid
of honor. Miss Norma Jean Kru
sel, sister of the bridegroom, was
the bridesmaid. They wore iden
tical mint green gowns of chiffon
over taffeta and carried bouquets
of white carnations.
Jim Krusel, brother of the bride
groom, was the best man. Robert
Niles, brother of the bride, was
the groomsman. The ushers were
Terry D'ayton of Orchard and
Lonnie Brummer of Hartington.
A dinner and reception were
held at the Sacred Heart gym
nasium. Miss Alice Niles was in
charge of the guest and gift
books. Mrs. Ardell Bright and
Mrs. Clifford Watson displayed
the gifts.
The bride is attending the Nor
folk Bi-auty school and the bride
groom is employed at Norfolk.
The couple will live in Norfolk.
Mrs. Frank Miller of Ewing
announces the engagement of
her daughter, Mary, to Richard
Johnson, son of Mrs. Gustav
Johnson of Omaha.
Miss Miller and Mr. Johnson
are both employed in Omaha.
A September wedding is plan
Auto, Furniture etc.
O'Neill Loan Co.
Four Nurses From
Here To Graduate
Four O'Neil girls will receive
dipkxr, 1$ Aug. 4 when the second
joBit graduation few the St. Ca
therine and St. Joseph hospital
Schools of Nursing cert*monies
will be held at the Boy s Town
auditorium in Omaha.
The Most Rev Gerald Btrgan,
Archbishop of Omaha, will pre
sent the diplomas.
Miss Luanne Fritton
The O'Neill graduates will be
Miss Luanne Fritton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs A1 Fritton. She is
a 1351 graduate of St. Mary’s
Academy. Miss Fritton was the
queen of the formal dance of the
Nel raska State Nurses associa
Miss Charlene Mahony
Miss Helen Clair Hynes, daugh
ter of Mrs. Loretta Hynes, and
a 1957 graduate of St. Mary’s
Academy. Miss Charlene Mahony
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Mahony and also a 1957 gra
duate of St. Mary's.
Another 1957 St. Mary’s gradu
ate will be Miss Carolyn Muff,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark
r ^ h
Sick and Injured
O’NEILL—Mrs. E. R. Hill un
derwent major surgery Monday at
Our Lady of Lourdes hospital
in Norfolk. . .Mrs. W. B. Gilles
pie had surgery at Clarkson Mem
orial hospital in Omaha Monday.
ORCHARI >—Mrs. Ray Reed is
suffering with a severe cut on the
foot, which she received when she
stepped on the sharp edge of a
CHAMBERS—Mrs. C. F. Gillette
fell from a ladder while picking
apples a few days ago breaking
a bone in her wrist. . .A. A. Walt
er went to Rochester, Minn., Mon
day, July 18 for a check-up at
the Mayo Clinic He returned home
Saturday. . .Alfred Maas has been
a patient at the Antelope Mem
orial hospital the past two weeks.
Thiele sr. entered Antelope Mem
orial hospital Friday afternoon
for treatments.
STUART—Henry Murphy caught
his left foot in the mower bar
Tuesday, July 19. Flesh and skin
were torn from the little toe and
the mower had to be broken be
fore he was able to get out. He
was alone at the time, but was
able to get the attention of his
brother, Jim, some distance
away. Henry got his hand in a
winch about a year ago.
PAGE—Linda Smith was return
ed to St. Anthony’s hospital Sat
urday night whi re she submitted
to surgery for the correcti n of
post-surgery developments from
an earlier operation. Her condi
tion is described as satisfactory.
MARTIN—Mr. and Mrs. Ora
Martin of Spencer, son, William
Edward, 7 pounds 11 ounces, July
MITCHELL—Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Mitchell of O’Neill, son, Lee
Alan, 8 pounds 8 ounces, July 21.
BECK—Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Beck of Atkinson, son, Lowell
Dean, 8 pounds 9'4 ounces, July
SANDERS—Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Sanders of O’Neill, son, Ran
dy George, 6 pounds 6*^ ounces,
July 24.
SCHAAF—Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Schsaf of Atkinson, daughter,
Denise Marie, 5 pounds 11 ounces,
July 20.
ZAUNER-Mr and Mrs. Har
old Zauner of Tilden, son. 6
pounds 14 ounces, July 19. Mrs.
Zauner is the former Margorie
JOHNSON—Airman and Mrs.
Leonard Johnson of Japan, aon,
David Leonard. Gra • arents are
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of
Spencer. This is the first grami
cmid in twenty-four years that is
a Johnson.
MILLER—Mr and Mrs. Melvin
Miller ot Bloomfield, son, Daniel
Steven, 7 pounds. July 26.
Grandparents are Mr and Mrs.
Robert Miner of Star ami Mr.
and Mrs. Van Haozlik of Nio
SEGER—Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Seger of Neligh, daughter, An
nette Kristine, 7 pounds 2 oun
ces, July 26, Tilden hospital. Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Seger and Mr.
and Mrs Herbert Ka.ser are the
grandparents The couple has a
son. Mark.
MASHEK—Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Mashek of Richards. Mo., son,
Steven Emil, 7 pounds 15V« oun
ces, July 14. Grandparents are
Mr and Mrs. James Mashek sr.
of Richards, Mo., and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Dotory.
MCDANIEI_Mr. ami Mrs. Le
on McDaniel of Mesilia Park,
N. M., daughter, Teresa Kay, 7
pounds 4 ounces. Mrs. McDaniel
is the former Audrey Mlnarik.
Mr. and Mrs. Alois Mlnarik of
Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
nard McDaniel of Scottsbluff are
the grandparents.
HEESE—Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Heese of Randolph, a son, Dav
id Scott, July 19. This is the cou
p.e’s fourth son. Ihc Heeses are
former Page residents.
SUNDERMAN—Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Sunderman, daughter,
July 16. Mrs. Sunderman is the
ft rmer Shirley Bartnk.
FINNEY— Mr. ana Mrs. Dale
Finney of Prairie du Chien. W'.s.,
daughter, Shirley Kaye, July 16.
The grandparents are Rtv. and
Mrs. Char es Cox of Chambers.
BASS'—Dr. and Mrs. Dale Bass
of Spalding, daughter, 5 pounds
6 ounces, July 22. Mrs. Bass is
the former Bonnie Hubby, daugh
ter of Air. and Mrs. G. M. Hub
MALY—Mr. and Mrs. James C.
MTy of Creighton, son, Timothy
J- hn. !* p un is. July 12. The cou
ple now has two sons and one
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED; July 20—Dale Re
vell and Mrs. E. J. Revell, both of
O’Neill; Mrs. Ora Martin of
Spencer. 21—Maurice Cavan:ugh,
Mrs. Jennie French; Mrs. Ken
neth C. Mitchell, Mrs. Kieth
Abart and Master David Thur
low, all of O’Neill; Mrs. Duane
R. Beck of Atkinson; Earl Dav
id of Chambers. 22—Alvin Ott,
Mrs. Della Bowden and Timothy
McManus, all of O’Neill; George
Zellers and Mrs. Kenneth Ad
ams, both of Chambers; Mrs. Al
ma Tegeler and Mrs. Gene MUd
loff, both of Page; Mrs. Alice
Quigley of Orchard. 23—iMrs.
Richard Sanders and Mrs. Eu
gene Wolfe, both of O’Neill. 24—
Milton Ballard of O’Neill; Miss
Linda Smith and Mrs. Duane
Finch, both of Page; Michael Ma
lerbi of Butte. 25—William Gatz
of O’Neill. 26—Marlin Svatos of
Lynch; Mrs. Jennie Gibson and
Mrs. C. E. Tibbets, both of Cham
bers; Becky Howard of O’Neill;
Mrs. Gina Cronk of Page.
DISMISSED; July 20—Mrs. Ed
die Morales and baby girl of Sac
ramento, Calif.; Mrs. C. F. Gil
lette of Chambers; 21—Mrs.
James Sofootka of Inman. 22—
Miss Linda Smith and Mrs. Alma
Tegeler, both of Page; Mrs. Don
ald Park and baby boy and Mau
rice Cavanaugh, both of O’Neill.
23—Mrs. Alfred Hamik and baby
boy, Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and
baby girl, Mrs. Theodore Kyster
and Mrs. Keith Abart, all of O’
Neill; Mrs. Arby Kruger of Wey
auwega, Wis.; Earl David and
Merle Fagan, both of Chambers;
Mrs. Bertha Reed of Page. 24—
Mrs. Ora Martin and baby boy of
Spencer; Mrs. Roy Boshart and
baby 'boy, Milton Ballard and
Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell and baby
boy, all of O’Neill; Mrs. Gene
Mudloff of Page. 25—Timothy Mc
Manus of O’Neill; Mrs. Duane R.
Beck and baby boy of Atkinson.
26—Alvin Ott of O’Neill; George
Zellers and Mrs. Kenneth Adams,
both of Chambers; Mrs. Duane
Finch of Page. 27—Mrs. Ernest
Porter of Atkinson; William Gatz,
Harry Gross and Mrs. Richard
Sanders and baby fooy, all of O’
EXPIRED; July 25-Mrs. Er
nest McIntosh of Albion.
ADMITTED: July 18—Peggy
Schmit of O’Neill. 19—Mrs. El
mer Schaaf of Emmet; Mrs. Mar
vin Doolittle of Atkinson. 20—La
Veta Clements of Stuart; Mrs.
Donald Schaaf of Atkinson. 21—
Roger Lee Upton and Bryan Os
born, both of Atkinson. 22—Ber
tha Kramer of Atkinson. 24—Al
len Dial of Leola, Ark. 25—Walt
er Peacock of Newport; Mrs.
Donald Cleveland of O’Neill
DISMISSED: July 18—Mrs. La
Vern Morgan and daughter and
Mrs. Ed Fletcher and daughter,
all of Atkinson. 19—Mrs. James
Stewart and son of Newport; Ro
bert Cole of Emmet. 20—Fred
Sc ha-urn of Inman. 21—William Ul
rich, Mrs. Amelia Hoffman and
Mrs. Leo Seger, all of Atkinson.
22—Roger Upton and Mrs. Marvin
Doolittie, both of Atkinson; Peg
gy Schmit of O’Neill. 23—Mrs.
Sadie Morton of Bassett; Mrs.
Elmer Schaaf of Emmet; Ber
tha Kramer of Atkinson. 24—'Mrs.
Donald Schaaf and daughter of
Atkinson. 25—LaVeta Clements of
PRESENT: W. H. Block and
Erick Ohman, both of Anoka;
Mrs. Lena Connot, Mrs. Mary
Classen and Mrs. Ray Kerbel,
all of Spencer; Mrs. Ray Counts,
Dr. John A. Guttery and Mrs.
Hannah Streit, all of Lynch; Mrs.
Celestine McNamara of Bonesteel;
M-s. Janettie Nelson of Center;
Mrs. Clara Hahn of Butte; John
W. Johnson of Bristow; Mrs.
William Schultz of Naper; Mrs.
Arthur Vesley of Monowi.
DISMISSED: July 19—Mrs. Don
Reiser of Butte; Mrs. Mac Broek
mier of Danville, Ind.; Ethan
Denniston of Emporia, Kan. 21—
Mrs. Donald Ebsen of Verdel;
Mrs. A. W. Aim oi Lynch; Mrs.
Fred Dunkak oi Bunt-steel. 22—
Baoy load Eldon Broekemier ol
Danville, Ind.; Joe Bosks ol
Ly.ich 24—k rank Ha nun on and
Mrs. Euinond Rohde, both oi
Lynch, Baoy Dawn Marie Reiser
oi Butte, Mrs. William Zetsicr
and Mrs. G.en Brown, both oi
Naper. 25—Frank Pkauek of
Sp» ncer.
EXPIRED July 24—Carl Ny
gren of Bristow.
Farwell Party Held
For William Meyler
ASH Ciivo* c,—.ur, anu Mrs. El
mer Juia..eK anu Mr. anu Mrs.
Crayton nemon nosted a picnic
Sunday at me Asn Grove com
munity hail in tarewell for Mr.
Wimani Aieyur ot caugnuine.
South Wale*, Great Britain, who
wi.i leave Omaha Monday lor
New Yor*.
other guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Aloert oericKsun and tainiiy,
Wimam oetic-ttsun sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Wilimm Dencuson jr. and
lamiiy, rur. a no Mis. Arden Laur
sen anu tamny, Mr. and Mrs.
bin Miller, ,urs. kred Timmer
man, tur. and .v*rs. Dave Jonn
son oi (_ reign ton, Mr. anti Mis.
brace Joiinsun ol O'Neill, Mr.
and Mi s. vui.iam McIntosh and
son oi O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans and
son of Nouoik, Mr. and Mrs.
Gayle Boyie, r«r. and Mrs. Wil
liam Hansen and family, Mr and
Mrs. aorta a art naen jr. and
daughteis, Mr. a..d Mrs. Ernie
Gro-> ait. son, Lawyne i f
Orchard, Mi. Mrs. E1R y
L < o and lamiiy of O Neill, Mr.
and Mis. Lai-. oi Virdi
gre, Mr. and Mrs. Mer.e Spang
ler and tunny, Mrs. Ew. lt
Spangler ana Dc mar and Mr.
and Mrs. N. D. Iekes sr.
West O'Neill
Wins Fifteenth
At Atkinson
West O'Neill Little Leaguers
made it 15 in a row over the
week with a 12 to 4 win over At
kinson. East O’Neill dropped a
close 4-3 contest to Lynch at the
same time.
The winning pitcher for West
was Jim Troshynski who gave up
only 5 scattered hits. Jim Booth
collected two doubles to pace the
J. Stuart was the winning pitch
er for Lynch in the victory over
the East O’Neill team. Cradit was
the loser. Lynch’s Hajek banged
out three straight hits for the
The Braves continued their
mastery of the city league by
downing the Cards 12-3. Wayne
Sindelar was the winner, Rich
Cradit took the loss. Sindelar
smashed his third home run of
the year for the winners.
Elkhorn Valley standings:
West O’Neill 15 0 —
Lynch . 12 2 2Va
East O’Neill 11 3 3Vi
Atkinson . 8 6 6Vs
Page . 6 7 8
Stuart 3 9 10V4
Emmet . 3 10 11
Ewing .2 11 12
Orchard .1 12 13
City League standings:
Braves . 8 1 —
Cards .4 5 4
Indians . 3 5 4Vi
Phils . 2 6 5Vs
Top Ten City Hitters:
Russ Johnson, Braves 595
Jim Booth, Braves 547
Jim Troshynski, Indians 532
Rich Cradit, Cards 477
Wayne Sindelar, Braves 3
Joe Gilg, Indians 438
Bruce S'pittler, Braves 425
Ron Riley, Braves 404
Gary Godel, Carets . 400
Larry Krugman, Phils 400
Home Runs:
Jim Troshynski, Indians — 6
Larry Krugman, Phils 5
Jim Booth. Braves 3
Rich Cradit, Cards 3
Wayne Sindelar, Barves 3
O'Neill Locals
Mr. and Mrs. George Ham
mond and family left Saturday
for a week’s vacation in the ,
Minnesota lake region.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich
went to Hornick, la. Friday where
they were overnight guests in |
the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. apd Mrs. Beverly
(Bid) Wanser. Colleen, Jim and
Jeanie returned to O’Neill with
their grandparents for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spring
er and family of Oakdale were
Sunday afternoon visitors in the
heme of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Konnie Kurtz spent the week
end at Kearney attending the
KSrc summer dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hanna
and son of Kansas City, Mo.,
were Sunday to Tuesday guests
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil
Mrs. Guy Young was a week
end guest in the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs Carroll Summerer at
Mr. and Mrs. Grover M. Shaw
and baby of Ewing were Sunday
dinner guests in the home of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gro
ver Shaw. !
George Shoemaker attended the
lay-apostulate convention at the
St. John’s Seminary at Elkhorn
Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday evening dinner guests
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Bird were Mr. and Mis.
James Earley and family.
Mrs. Helen Sullivan took her
daughter, Judy, to Grand Isiand
Sunday where she boarded a
train for Los Angeles where she
will visit her brother, Tom Sul
livan an family for two weeks.
John Kurtz, who has employ
ment at Valentine, was a week
end visitor in the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kurtz.^
Mrs. Dean VanEvery and child
ren of Omaha, who are guests in
the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Brady were bon
orixl at a Monday evening pic
nic supper at the Lee Brady
Mrs. Esty Nelson and daughter,
Lois and Mrs. E lite? 'Strong and
daughter, Marilyn went to Lincoln
Friday where Lois took state
board examinations following a
course in cosmetology at a beau
tician school.
Mr. and Mrs Ewalt Miller at
tended a family reunion of the
descendants o! the late Frank
and Alice Butterfield at River
side park at Neligh.
Mrs Henry Bonze and family
Mrs. Geraldine Schoenle and Mrs.
Leonard Dusatko and family
spent Sunday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Magnus Diesner and family
of Primrose.
Emily and Kathleen Dusatko of
Emmet are spending the week
with their cousins, the Benze
Mrs. Henry Benze and girls
and Mrs. Geraldine Schoenle vis
ited Mrs. Margaret Strum and
family of Spalding on Sunday.
Sgt. and Mrs. Orville Banks and
family left Monday morning from
Detroit, Mich., to visit her mo
ther. In a few days he will go
to New York where he will de
part for Germany, His wile, Mar
ilyn and two daughters will leave
lliursday evening supper guests
of AOs. aam Banns were Mr. and
Mrs. J .ha baius of Chadron, Mr.
ana Mrs. Kuoert Pruuen ol Page
and Sgt. and airs. O'vdle Banks
auu windy.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Black went
to u. ana i.iuila S>uUi\<ay io Vis
it dwa son. Ram an and Orletha.
Rauean ana ms woe Run took
Uwm u usd Bar oat Hull at Har
lan, la., and to visit their grand
Mr*. Josephine Stewart left
Tuesday lor tu no, Nev. to visit
her daughter.
Roy Sjjinuiu' It ft Thursday for
Redding, Call!, to attend the wed
ding ot his granddaughter on Sun
ivir. and Mrs. Harry Ressel re
turned last week irom a five
week vacation, they spent tour
weeks at their cabin on Fishhook
Lake at Park Rapids, Minn., and
a week at the home ol their
daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Elaine)
Templin at Detroit, Mich. They
traveled to Detroit over the new
97 million dollar Mackinac bridge.
They also attended three Amer
ican league games while there.
Their grandson, Rodney Sullivan
ol Homestead, Fla. accompanied
them and is spending the remain
der of the summer in Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Behrens
and family attended a Behrens
family reunion in the Pierce park
Sunday, July 24. Sixty-two guests
attended the no-host picnic din
ner. Bloomfield, Norfolk, Os
mond, Pierce, Plainview and O'
Neill families were represented
The 1961 event will be held in
Ta-ha-zouka park.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Donohoe
made a business trip to Omaha
Saturday and visited their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Cloyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Donohoe
and daughter of Santa Monica,
Calif, were visiting relatives in
the O’Neill vicinity over the week
Miss Sadie Derickson of Dor
sey spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Annie Derickson and
her sisters, Miss Jeanette Der
ickson and Georgia Butterfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cary and
family of Elyria, Ohio, arrived
Thursday at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary
and were Tuesday arrivals at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Beckwith. They will
spend the week visiting relatives.
Mr. Carey is a carpenter by
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derick
son and family of Lynch cal
at the home of Mrs. Annie Der
ickson Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beilin
were hosts last Tuesday for a
birthday anniversary party for
their son, Dale Beilin. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Beilin,
Mr. and Mrs. ’Torn Gilder and
Rolland Casburn. A tense game
of croquet was played following
a cook-out supper.
Ralph Rosencrans of Neligh
was a Saturday visitor in the home
of Mrs. Annie Derickson and Miss
C. R. Foree flew Mrs. Tom Tim
merman, Stevie and Sherry to
Labanon, Mo. July 13 where they
attended funeral services for Mrs.
Timmerman’s grandfather on Ju
hr 15. They remained until July
24 when Mr Force and Mr. Tim
merman returned to Lebanon aixi
brought thun home to O'Neill.
Fire Instructor
Here for Lessons
James Doyle, Nebraska State
tire Instructor, is making O'
Neill his headquarters while con
ducting schools of instruction for
firemen at Spencer, Lynch and
Bruce Wilson is conducting like
classes at Page, Ewing, Bruns
wick. Orchard and other towns
in that area.
Christ Family
Earn Diplomas
John Christ jr., who is married
to the former Joyce Miller
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Miller, ranchers northeast of
Page, has the distinction of
graduating from Peru Teacher's
college with a master's degree
while all the members of Ins
family will also lx* receiving de
His father wu go to Italy for
his Ph. D. while his mother and
younger brother receive masters
and high school diplomas re
speciticvely at Peru State.
The Christ's have two sons,
Randy, 3. and Dennis, 2.
Cancer Drive Tops $1600
Mrs. Otto M. Herre. chairman
of the llolt county cancer drive,
reported this week that a total
of $1,604 59 was collected for the
cancer fund in Holt county.
Mrs. Archie Bright was treas
urer for the drive.
Corkle Buys Hereford
James Corkle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Corkle, O'Neill, received
a Hereford steer through a feed
company auction held at Rrook
ville, Kan., during the past
The steer will be entered in 4 II
Area Students Named
To Honor Roll
Miss Janet Krugmnn, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey King
man, O’Neill; and Mr. James
Nissen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Nissen, Page, were
named to the mid-quarter honor
roll at the C E School of Com
merce, Omaha
Brewster Services Held
Henry Brewster, 72, died Mon
day at the Elgin Rest home where
he had lived for two years. Ser
vices were held Tuesday at Hig
lin’s Chapel with the Rev. Glenn
Kennicott officiating. Burial was
in Prospect Hill cemetery.
Mr. Brewster was born in 1888.
He was a patient in a Norfolk
hospital from 1922 until 1958.
He had no survivors.
Rabid Skunk Report
Comes From Dorsey
DORSEY The first rabid
skunk report comes from this
area this week. Mr- Lloyd Brady,
who lives on a farm southeast of
Lynch, said that he was attacked
by a skunk last Wednesday while
working in the yard.
Mr. Brady killed 1 ho animal
with a pitch-fork and the report
showed the skunk to be rabid.
Farmers are warned to be on
the watch for rabid animals dur
ing this hot season.
Ickes Family And
Horses Don't Mix
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes of
Page received word Wednesday
that Pamela Ickes, lit, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Ickes was
injured when a horse she wes
riding reared and toppled over
.•n her. She suffered a fractured
pelvis and other injuries. The fam
ily was riding in the annual Snake
River Stampede parade at the
During the same parade Dr.
Lionel! C. Ickes was kicked by a
colt and four stitches were re
quired to close the wound.
Does it Again and Again . . .
HOG PRICES 50 to 75 cents over nearest terminal
The hog market at Verdigre again took Hie lead Inst Monday In
prices paid for hogs. Extreme top just lacked 45c from hitting the
*20.00 mark as top reach $19.55. Other top butchers sold from
$1900 to $19.50. Sows from $14.00 up to $17.50 with one consign
ment of lightweight fancy sows at $18.00. Pigs are still in good
Next Special Evening Sale Will Be Held
Friday Evening, August 12
Make your listing as soon as possible. Ail classes of Live
stock will be sold with the exception of butcher hogs on Friday
evening, Aug, 12.
Regular Sale Every Monday At Verdigre
800 to lfloo Hogs 11:00 a.m.
200 to HOO good lightweight calves from North Dakota will be sold
at next Monday’s auction. If you need calves make it a point to
attend this sale, Monday, August J.
If you desire good service and highest prices for your livestock_
then ship to the Big Weekly Auction every Monday in Verdigre.
Don Jensen, Manager