The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 21, 1960, Section One, Image 7

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    Inman News
By Mm. James McMahaa
Mrs. Ray Siders had a panic
supper honoring her nephew and
family, Mr and Mrs Wesley Tay
lor of Gammas, Wash Present
were Mr. and Mrs Bill Mibba
and sons, Mr and Mrs Gerald
Snyder and fCathy, and Mr and
Mrs Jack Taylor of O’Neill, Mr
and Mrs. Merle Schliahner and
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Juracek
and family of Orchard. Mr and
Mrs Wesley Taylor, Norman and
Barbara of Gammas. Wash , and
Diane Snyder and Tran Cunning
ham of Inman.
Mr and Mrs Lee Conger and
family of Independence, Mo
spent a few days Last week vis
iting Mr. Congers mother, Mrs.
Sadie Conger.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Powell of
Corvallas, Ore. visited Thursday
with Mrs Ray Siders.
Mrs Kay Siders and Marilyn
were Sunday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Sukup and family at Page.
Mr and Mrs. G. E Hartigan
and family of Valentine spent
the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs
James Coventry and Bill and
Mrs Mary Hartigan.
Mrs James Coventry visited
Mrs. Harry Sullivan of O’Neill
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Mar
garet Pruss, who attend summer
school at Wayne, spent the week
end in their homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ubben
and Christie left Thursday for
Omaha where they will visit in
the home of Mr and Mrs John
Charles Young came Thursday
evening to spend the weekend in
his home here.
Don and Ned Kelley came
Thursday evening to spend the
weekend in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W E. Kelley.
A nice crowd attended the out
door concert Friday evening un
(h r the direction of Leonard Saw
yer. There will be another concert
in two weeks. The band mothers
served pie, cake, coffee, kool aid
and home made candy with the
proceeds going into the treasury.
Several from Inman attended
funeral services for Frank Musil
Saturday morning at St. Patrick’s
church in O’Neill
Cindy Stolier returned from
Page where she spent a couple of
days visiting her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat.
Mrs. Violet Sholes and grand
daughter Suellen attended a Con
rad family reunion Sunday at the
Neligh jiark.
Miss Donna Jonas of Los Ange
les, Calif, spent last week visiting
her aunt and cousin, Mrs. Wood
row Gaughenbaugh and Carol
Donna is also visiting her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Jonas of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Day and ,
family and Bill Lewis of Den
ison, Iowa were overnight guests
Friday night in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Anthony and fam
ily. Mr. day and Mr. Anthony
are army buddies.
Mrs. Lewis Kopecky and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Snyder went to
Lincoln Friday where Mr. Sny
der will receive medical treat
ment. Mrs. Kopecky and Mrs.
Snyder returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat
and family of Page were Sunday
afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Anthony and family
Mrs James Sobotka entered
St. Anthony’s hospital as a med
ical patient.
The Inman and Page MYF
will have a swimming party and
sack lunch at the O’Neill pool
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Woodrow Gaughenbaugh
Thursday, July 21
Entire Family for $1.00
Walter Brennan Phil Harris
Brandon DeWilde
Frt. - Sat. July 22 • 28
An Adventure into the 4th
Gerald Mohr Nora Hayden
In Color
Sun. - Mon. - Tues.
July 24 - 28 - 26
James Cagney as Admiral Halsey
Wed. • Thurs. July 27 • 28
Entire Family for $1.00
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello
and Carol were Sunday evening
dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs
Clark G&ugbenbaugh at O'Neill
The WSGs met Thursday alter
noon at the home of Mrs Clar
ence Hansen for their regular
meeting About 14 guests were
present and two visitors, Mrs
Clifford Dick and daughter and
Mrs Donald Keyes and children.
Mrs. Eleanure Gaughenbaugh had
charge of the meeting and Mrs
Luis Tompkins had the devotions
Mrs Hansen served lunch at the
close of the afternoon
Mr ami Mrs Clark Gaugben
baugh of O’Neill were Thursday
callers of Mrs Woodrow Gaugben
bsMgh and Carol.
Bruce Couch of O’Neill spent
Sunday and Monday morning with
his grandmother, Mrs. Ivan
Mr and Mrs Tom Clark and
family of O’Neill visited Mr and
Mrs E E Clark Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Couch of
O’Neill were Sunday afternoon
callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Mrs. Francis May and Jean
Ann went to Omaha Wednesday
to meet Elwin Cronk of San
Bernardino, Calif, who visited un
til Monday with his mother, Mrs.
Jessie Cronk at Page and with
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher,
Mrs. Frances May and family
and other relatives in Inman.
Mrs. May took him to Omaha
Monday afternoon where he took
a plane for his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dokken
of Boston, Mass., spent Thurs
day and Friday in the Ernest
Brunckhorst home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch and
Conda, who are employed at Bro
ken Bow came Saturday. Mr.
Couch returned to Broken Bow
Sunday and Mrs. Couch ami Con
da remaim'd in their home here.
Mrs, Clifford Anthony and fam
ily of Billings, Mont., were over
night guests Thursday evening in
the home of Mr and Mrs. Albert
A __J f.._11..
Sharon Michaelis, who is em
ployed at O'Neill, spent Sunday
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Michaelis.
Becky Benash returned to her
home in Beatrice after spending
a few weeks visiting her grand
mother, Mrs. Ray Siders and
Marilyn and with relatives in Or
chard and O’Neill.
Several from Inman attended
the Cunningbam-Snyder wedding
Sunday afternoon at Page
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney met
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelley and
family of Wisner at Norfolk Sun
day evening and enjoyed a pic
nic supper together.
Ralph Sholes, who is employed
at Ainsworth, visited his mother,
Mrs. Violet Sholes over the week
Meek News
By Mrs. Fred IJndberg
Marion Rosenkrans left Sunday
for Mankato State C ollege at
Mankato, Minn. She is taking a
two week science course given by
the National science foundation
for the benefit of honor students.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters,
I muglas and Caroline Hell and
Norma Walters were supper
guests at Russell Woeppel's Wed
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson at
tended a Sunduy school meeting
and picnic at John Greens at
Butte i- nday evening.
Missionary Meeting
Missionary meeting was held
Friday with Mrs. Paul Nelson.
Twelve ladies were present. They
packed boxes of clothing to be
sent to the mission fields. The
next meeting to be with Mrs.
Dave Jensen
Tuesday callers at Jessie Kacz
ors home were Mrs. Delia Har
rison, Diane Devall and Garold
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters
and Norma attended the adult
class party of the Assembly of
God church at Walter Wells of
Bristow Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson
went to Omaha Monday where
they met Mrs. Jean Weiss, Patty
and Marilyn from Kansas City.
Tom Green, Tom Bursell, Don
Borg, George Mellor, Harold
Peterson and Loyal Hull worked
on the new telephone line that is
being huilt. Several of these
people hope to l>e able to have
telephones in their home in the
near future. Most of the setting
of poles and stringing of wire is
l>eing completed in Coleman
township. Paddock township hopes
to be next.
Viola Hall is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Phyliss Dobrovolny this
Dwight Hammerlin and Tra
Pietenpol enjoyed Sunday after
noon fishing together.
Gary Devall helped Don Borg
hay a couple of days the past
Loretta Hynes called at Mrs.
Don Borgs Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse
called at Paul Nelsons Tuesday
night. __
Teen Age Hop
American Legion Ballroom
All Parents Invited Free
Dancing Contests
Admission: 75c
Mr and Mrs John Schmitz and
family were Sunday visitois in
the home at Mr* Schmitz's sister
amt brother-m-law Mr and Mrs.
Jim Pesek of Cotome, S. D.
Mr and Mrs Delbert Rouse and
sons and Mrs Howard Rouse cal
led on Mrs Carrie Borg and
Marvel Tuesday.
Mary Nelson from Fort Calhoun
and Mr. and Mrs Vem Peterson
from Irvington were weekend
guests at the Frank Nelson home
Saturday they had dinner at Paul
Nelsons and Saturday evening,
Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Kaczor
joined the group for supper at
Frank Nelsons.
Mr and Mrs Fred Lind berg
ami Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth
and granddaughters, Rozan and
Rozella Worth, from Omaha were
Sunday dinner guests of Viola
Hall in O'Neill.
Mr and Mrs. Herman Meyer
jr , and Don Novak from Pender
were Sunday dinner guests at Carl
Norma Walters was an over
night guest of Caroline Hall Wed
Sandra, Linda and Annette
Long, the daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Noal Long of California, are
spending their summer vacation
with their grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Robertson.
Mr. aid Mrs Henry Wa'ters
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Loran Libby visited in Omaha
Saturday at the Gene Libby home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson at
tended services at the Wesleyan
Methodist conference grounds at
Atkinson Wednesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox ami
Cleora and Joe Kamphaus called
on uan isxogns luesuay evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ccnard of
Inman were supper guests of
Emmet Slaights Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lix? Blake and
Ben Sanders were callers Sunday
evening at Lawrence Dcbrovolnys.
Bassett News
By Mrs. C. M. Terry
Last Weeks News
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Byington
and daughters are spending a
ten-day vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Clark in
Rockport, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bucken
dorf and son, Bill of Lincoln vis
sited over the Fourth in the Mal
lie Buekendorf and Ronnie Burt
Charles Rissell spent Sunday
visiting relatives and friends at
Miss Pat Terry, Don Fox and
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heyne came
from Omaha for the weekend.
Misses Marcia Weber and Jan
Rhoda of York, who are attend
ing summer school at the Univ
sity of Nebraska spent the holiday
here with the Art Weber and
Ford Garwood families.
Mrs. Harry Kaperman drove to
Wayne Saturday to get her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Marcellus and baby.
The new baby, Mark Alan, is
just a week old. Gary returned to
Wayne Tuesday but mother and
baby will spent (he week here.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Nor
man and family spent Sunday and
Monday in Hastings in the Harold
Park home. The Parks are for
mer residents of Bassett. Miss
Jeanie Park accompanied the
Van Normans having spent the
past week here visiting former
A picnic dinner was held at the
Elmo Keller ranch home the
Fourth with the following in at
tnnHnnno • \T r anH
Peterson and Mary Louise of
Ames, la., Mr. and Mrs. Clesson
Keller and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hcyne and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Blake, Mr. and Mrs. .
Glen Butler and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Tompson and son |
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox and •
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Billesback
and sons, Robert and Dick visited .
relatives Saturday and Sunday.
The Billesbacks were former
owners of the Home Furniture
store here.
Jim Panzer came home from
Omaha for the Fourth by plane.
Dr. H. J. Panzer returned Jim
in his plane Monday. Jim is em
ployed in Omaha for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Weber en
tertained at a picnic at their
home Sunday evening. Those pre
sent were Mrs. Zaida Van Donzer,
Miss Neva Nemer, Mike Nemcr
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boham
and sons, Gary and Ronnie, also
Jerry and Marcia Weber.
The Bill Bussingers have Mr.
and Mrs. Leland Bussinger and
children as house guests for a
week. Leland is employed as city
agent for the Chicago North
western in Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher
and children motored to Ravenna
and Loup City Sunday and Mon
day. Dennis remained with his
grandparents and John and Lana
who had been visiting relatives
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Davis vi
sisted their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Joy, in Denver Saturday and
Sunday and Monday. They were
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Davis and Benny De
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake were
hosts Sunday noon at a birthday
dinner honoring their grandson,
David, on his fifth birthday. Ot
hers present were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Litz and children Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Litz and Mr. and Mrs.
Delano Litz and children of Storm
Lake, la.
A band concert will be present
ed at tbe Stockwell Memorial
band , shell Tuesday evening.
There was none held last week
following the fourth of July. Re
hearsal is held on Monday eve
The first session of the ad
vanced Red Cross first aid class
was held Thursday evening. There
will be eight, two hour sessions
in all.
The fall session of the grand
lodge of the Nebraska Mason’s
will be held In Bassett Sept.
23. About 300 are expected to
attend the afternoon and eve
ning sessions.
Rock Falls News
By Mr*. Floyd Johnson
Its quite a longtime since
you've heard from this comer,
so will try and find a few items
that might be of interest to some
erf you. The mam topic of the day
is that summer has really turned
on the heat the past two or three
day as the mercury soared into
the 90’s with considerable humidi
ty. This should make the small,
late com unfold. Fields of small
gram mostly rye in this vicinity
are at the stage when the com
bines can soon move in.
Altogether, it’s a most busy
time Hay crew's making use of
the warm weather and getting
that second cutting of alfalfa out
of the way, and last but not least
there’s been a great crop of
strawberries, mulberries, cherries
and all sorts of good things from
the garden.
Terry Brown spent two or three
days of last week at the Arlen
Brown home in Atkinson, whi’e
little Melodee Brown came out
and spent the time with her
cousin, Cindy Brown.
Mrs. Ethel Brown of Atkinson
came to the Lou Brown home
Sunday to spend a few day3 va
cation with the family.
Norma ana Jimmy wiaueiai
and Donzel Peterson were Friday
forenoon visitors at the Lou
Brown home.
July 7 visitors at the Floyd
Johnson and John Schultz homes
were Mrs. Heber Breiner of
Grand Island and her daughter,
Mrs. Wally West and children of
Denver, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
children and Linda Johnson went
on a picnic on July 4 and after the
picnic they enjoyed a little fish
July 4 supper and evening
guests at the Floyd Johnson home
were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell John
son, their daughter, Mrs. Dave
Anderson and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. John Schultz and child
ren After supper everyone enjoy
ed a display of fireworks.
Mrs. John Schultz and children
were Friday evening visitors at
the Lou Brown home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and Mrs. Theresa Breiner went
to Palmer on Sunday for the
funeral of Mrs. Breiner’s nephew,
Cranson Robinson, who had been
in failing health and died sud
denly of a heart attack.
July Fourth visitors at the Don
Ilynes home were Mr. and Mrs.
George Calkins, Mrs. Doris Hynes
and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tangeman
and son Gregg.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Juracek
and daughters were Thursday eve
ning visitors of the Don Hynes
On July 11 the Don Hynes fami
ly went on a picnic and outing to
Fort Randall. While there they
enjoyed a tour of the power plant.
The John Schultz family enjoy
ed a break from the heat on
Sunday by attending a picnic at
Ford's park in O’Neill. Others
present were the families of
Harold Mlinar, Bud Krugman and
Erwin Hesse. The afternoon was
occupied by swimming and visit
Donald (Bud) Vequist of Oma
ha spent the July Fourth weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Vequist.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of
O'Neill were Saturday supper
guests at the home of his sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders
and Melvin of O’Neill and Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Sanders and
children were Sunday dinner
-* .. * iU . ITnnm, 4
;ort Randall News
Janice Kirwan
(Last Weeks News)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausmann
and Jill were Sunday evening vi
sitors at the G. R. Kirwan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nyquist
and Cheryl of Washington and Mr.
and Mrs. Thorsten Hokonson and
Helen of Omaha were Sunday vi
sitors at the Walt Nyquist home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Nyquist and
Charles were Sunday evening vi
sitors at the G. R. Kirwan home.
Tony and Terri Bentz and La
vonne Nyquist spent several days
at the home of their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Ny
John Cover, Robert Keener and
Gary' Fiala all of Pickstown, Tom
Novotny of Lake Andes and Jim
Kirwan of Randall Valley were
Sunday visitors at the G. R. Kir
wan home.
Mrs. Harry Mostrom and Elmer
and Freidolf Pierson and sister
Clarinda were fourth of July
weekend visitors at the Walter
Roos home in Worthington, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kirwan, Joe
and Mary Jane and Olga Bengston
were Friday evening visitors at
the Melvin Anderson home. They
helped Mrs. Anderson celebrate
her birthday.
Mrs. Walt Nyquist and grand
daughters, Terri Bentz and La
vonne Nyquist, were Thursday
evening visitors at the Olga
Bengston home.
Janice and Mary Jane Kirwan
were Friday evening callers at
the Melvin Kirwan home.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kirwan and
family, Dave Lundstrom, Mr. and
Mrs. Duane Kirwan and Freddy
and Dan Kirwan and Jim attend
ed a picnic supper at the Melvin
Kirwan home in honor of their
son, Eugene, who was home for
a visit from Indiana where he is
now employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kirwan,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wudel and
sons of Armour and Lester Pear
son of Spencer were all Thurs
day evening callers at the G. R.
Kirwan home.
Olga Bengston and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Olson and Waldon were
Sunday visitors at the Vincent
Olson home in Atkinson.
Dave Lundstrom was a visitor
a tthe home of Freidolf and
Clarinda Pearson, Friday eve
A Sunday morning visitor at the
Melvin Kirwan home was Leo
Reider of Hot Springs.
Deloit News
By Mrs. II. Reimer
Mr and Mrs Leonard Larson
and Leonard's sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Larson and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Mlinar attended a
l.arson reunion and picnic at
Pickstown, S. D., Sunday.
Mrs Vonnie Paul and Larry re
turned to Oakland, Calif., with
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lodge for a
visit. Mr. and Mrs. Max Paul of
Oregon came to Oakland to visit
Mrs. Paul and Larry and Mr. and
Mrs. L. Lodge and Max’s son who
lives there.
Mr and Mrs. Milan Born and
Kevin of Humboldt spent the
weekend at the Henry Reimer
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and
Mary of Oakland and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Reimer were Sunday
dinner guests at the Larson home
in Ewing. Mr and Mrs. Milan
Born and son and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Larson and family were af
ternoon guests.
Fred Bollwitt shipped cattle to
Omaha Monday. Ewald Spahn and
Fred were in Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray and
daughters of Omaha spent the
weekend at the Ralph Tomjack
home They were enroute to their
Florence Butler of Ewing was a
supper guest at the Ralph Tom
jack home recently.
Mrs. Watson McDonald was a
patient at the Tilden hospital re
mr. cuiu mib. ivuijmi luiujauiv
were supper guests at the Henry
Reimer home Tuesday evening.
Several from here spent July
Fourth at Pibel lake where G. B.
Dunning family was also present
for a picnic and afternoon meet
4-H Club Notes
The Gratton Farmerettes Ex
tension club met at the home of
Mrs. William Hanley July 13 with
12 members present. Marne Sul
livan and Mrs. Anna Sullivan
were guests.
Since there was no lesson, the
afternoon was spent playing
games. A white elephant sale
was also held.
Aug. 10 meeting will be with
Mrs. Floyd Saunders.
Mrs. Paul Krugman, reporter.
Holt County Rural Youths
The regular meeting of the Holt
County Rural Youth was held
July 15 at the Courthouse Annex
in O’Neill.
Gerald Ruroede gave report
on the last meeting.
A letter about State Camp was
read. It will be at Fort Robinson
July 28-30.
There will be a picnic August
7 at 1:30 p.m. at Swan Lake.
Ramona Wayman,
News Reporter
The Midway Ranchers and
Ranchettes 4-H club met Friday
evening at Sharon Anson’s. The
meeting was called to order by
our president. Roll call was an
_1 1_ V/vii TAi/1 fKa
W V i VI i^jr ~
Fourth”. Plans were made for our
picnic in August.
Kathryn Devall, Diane Devall
and Larry Nelson gave a report
on the 4-H camp they attended
at Niobrara.
After the business meeting the
cakes and pies project gave a
demonstration conducted toy Lin
da Woidneck, Georgia Mellor, Di
ane Devall and Kathryn Devall.
Carol Ann Drueke was a guest.
Mrs. De wayne Anson served
Wayne Rouse, reporter
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walker of
Grand Island visited relatives in
the Walnut and Verdigre vicinity.
Saturday evening visitors at
the Ralph Brookhouser home
were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cihlar
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cihlar
and Sherrie, and Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Diez and Reggie,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard EnEarl
of Tacoma.
Work and Fun Club
Mrs. Reed Risinger entertained
the Work and Fun club at her
home Wednesday, July 13 with 11
members and two visitors, Mrs.
Lloyd Butterfield and Mrs. Leo
nard Risinger present. The after
noon was spent quilting. Luncheon
was served at the close of the
evening by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Genya of
Chicago visited at the home of
her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Walton and attended the funeral
of her mother on July 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boeiter
were Tuesday evening visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Mrs. Harry Caskey and Mrs.
Donald Caskey and family drove
to Norfolk Thursday. Suellyn and
Joan Caskey returned to their
home at Norfolk. They were
staying with their grandparents
since Sunday when their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey
spent the July 9 weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
were Monday evening visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hall and
family are spending a weeks va
cation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bryan Finch and his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall.
Work and Fun Picnic
The Work and Fun club held
their annual club picnic last Sun
day with ten members and their
families present.
Wednesday e v e n i ng dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Sokol of Verdigre
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cur
tis jr., Ami and Chuckie of Om
aha, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
EnEarl of Tacoma, Wash.
Last Weeks News
Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Brook
houser amt sons and Mr ami Mrs
Marlin Tusha and family were
June 28 evening supper guests at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Ralph
Brookhouser. Emil Bartos was a
visitor at the Brookhouser home
on Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. George Jeffrey
and Paul Lee and Mr and Mrs
Robert Mitchell and daughter of
Omaha visiteda t the home of
Mrs. George Jeffrey's parents at
Colome, S. D., on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskev were
Creighton visitors June 29.
Mrs. Clarence McKey of
Chicago came to the Harry Cas
key home from the Ray Hansen
home near Page. She pans to visit
at the Lloyd Butterfield home on
Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey and
Mr. and Mrs. LaVem Caskey ami
son attended a family reunion at
Sioux City on Sunday. June 26.
Mr and Mrs Donald Caskey,
Sharolyn and Kevin visited with
the latter’s parents. Rev. and Mrs.
R. Anderson of Elba. Mrs. Cas
key’s uncle of California was a
guest in the Anderson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin E. Tusha
and family of Woodbrdge, Va.,
arried at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
on Saturday, June 25. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Brookhouser and son.
Jeffrey of Norfolk were Sunday
and Monday guests and Mrs.
Emil Bartos and children were
Sunday visitors.
State Board
In Limelight
During July
lty Melvin Paul
State house Correspondent
The Nebraska Press Association
LINCOLN Every July a state
government board comes into the
limelight from relative obscurity
the remainder of the year. It is
the State Board of Equalization
and Assessment, composed by
law of the governor, secretary i*f
state, auditor, treasurer and the
tax commissioner.
During July, the board meets to
equalize the assessment of pro
perty in the counties preparatory
to fixing the state property tax
levy. The board has great powers.
It fixes the assessed valuation of
railroads for the purposes of
taxation and the franchise value
of public service corporations. A
franchise is the right to do busi
It also equalizes the assess
ment of property in the counties
and has the power to raise or
lower the taxable worth of any
county, or a class of property in
a county, such as town lots and
The board determines the
amount of all taxes required for
state purposes and the rate of
taxation upon all property in the
state necessary to raise the
money to operate state govern
This is done before August 2 of
each year. The current state levy
is $8.45 for every $1,000 assessed
value of property owned in Ne
That means if a Nebraskan had
a house whose assessed value is
$2,000, he would pay $16.90 to the
state on it, in addition to local
Actual work on how much
money is needed and the prob
able levy required to raise it is
done in the tax commissioner's
office, then presented to the board
for discussion and action.
School Petition
A proposal to abolish the State
Board of Education will be on
the November ballot It calls for
approval of a constitutional
amendment abolishing the elected
board and provides for election
of the State Commissioner of
Now, the board appoints the
commissioner and fixes his
A petition drive by the Nebras
ka School Improvement Associa
tion got the necessary 42,107
valid names of voters on petitions
asking that all voters be given the
opportunity to ballot on the pro
posal at the November election
Before 1053, the head of the
education department was eject
ed on a non-political ticket A
constitutional amendment approv
ed by voters authorized estab
lishing the elected board.
A similar campaign by the as
sociation failed in 10,>8 and a bill
introduced in the Legislature in
1957 was defeated. The Associa
tion has said it feels the board
has too much power and author
ity which should bo kept by the
The group anti the board and
Commissioner F. B, Decker have
been at odds many times over
policies but Asaxnatkm spikes
men say there were no personal!
ties involved in its campaign to
oust the board in favor of an
elected superintendent.
The Association feels that the
people would have a more dir
ect say on school matters if they
could vote on the commissioner,
rather than the individual com
Safety Patrol
Members of Nebraska's Safety
Patrol for the past five years have
bigger paychecks. Col. C. J. San
ders, patrol chief, said raises av
eraging $20 per month will lie
given every lour years after the
first five years with the patrol.
The pay scale for the first time
remains the same. Patrolmen put
in 6 i-heux weeks, have no Sat
urdays, Sundays or holidays off
and receive no extra pay for ov
ertime. Each trooper averaged 141
hours of unpaid (overtime last
year, Sanders said.
Without the new raises, which
will be based on years of service
troopers get $450 per month, ser
geants $510, lieutenants $550 and
captains $810.
School Costs
The per-pupil costs of educating
children in one-teacher rural
schools in Ni“braska ranges from
$240.83 in Sarpy county to $577.15
in Garden county. That's the re
port from the State Education
Department’s statistical division
chief, W. A. Schindler. Sarpy has
only two such schools while Gar
den has 20.
School costs include total ex
penses of districts plus deprecia
tion. Considering the state as a
whole, Schuxiler M»d, the hver
ase cost in the one-teacher rural
schools is $314 87 per pupil.
The average number pupils
taught per teacher » the ma
yor factor in determining the pre
student costs
Re venae
Liquor ami gasoline tax rev
enue collected by tlie state ran
ahead during the first six month*
of this year as compared with
the same period in 1959.
Gasoline tax collections for the
first six months were up a half
million dollars over a similar tune
in 1959 Liquor taxes climbed some
$ '1,000 higher than the first half
Of 1959,
Warranty Deeds
th'D R. E Spelts & wf to John
Enkc & wf 41-Lot 14. Spelts-Ray
WD- Edw Slayntuker to George
Lyman White $1600 Lots 7 & 8
Blk 45. P, T S Atkinson.
WD Turman Rossman to Rose
A Poctany $2t*X) -Same dcscp. as
WLvClaude Wicks to Harold
Rodgers & wf $3500 - Lots 11 &
12, Blk 43, Higgs Adn. O'Neill.
Wiv Dora Rosno to Joe Rosno
$1 SEG EG NWG 4-25-10.
WD Myron A Benton to lion
aid A Denton and wf 4-0-60
Sis.::.":!:!:’ SEVk 31-25-15 and SG
NKG and NGSEG and SG
SEG 35-25-16 and land in Gar
field Go.
WD Louis W. Reimer, jr..
lo Larry and I xiis Schaffer 7-1-60
$1 Part of Blk S MeCafferty'a
Annex O'Neill GO ft. by 170 ft.
WD Pearl Gary lo Charles Fox
and wf 8 6-60 $75.(k>0 SEG 19
NKG and SG 30- N'v and SWG
31- NWG 29-27-10.
yCD Merlyn M. Shaw, et al to
William F. Serck and wf no date
$1 Part of NKGNWG 23-29-13
WD F. J. Giig, et al to Myron
L. Burney and wf 11-13-59 $1,000
Lot 22 (lilg and Bessel's Subdi
vision O'Neill.
Wl) Patrick V. Hickey to
George J. Clirstens and wf 6-24-60
$3,750 lxjfs 13 14 15 16 Blk 52
McCafterty's Add O'Neill.
WD T. M Matthews to Ix'Wis
F. Kopeeky 7-11-60 $350 Lots 1 to
14 Blk 4 East Side Add Page.
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