The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 14, 1960, Section One, Image 9

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    Stuart News
By Mrs. Herb <SL»1»
Mrs. Rose Hovey spent last
week with Mr and Mrs Richard
Hovey and Bob, Mr. and Mrs
Archie Bright and family all of
O'Neill, She returned tome Sat
urday with Bill Hovey of Ott
awa, la who spent the weekend
with his mother Saturday eve
rang Mr and Mrs Archie Bright
and family stopped and Mrs Rose
Hovey accompanied them to
Winner, S. D, to visit in the home
of Mr and Mrs Dick Kaada ami
family over the Foirth cf July
Sunday afternoon they ah drove
to tto» Howard Hovey heme at
Herrick, S. D for a picnic sup
per. Mr and Mrs Richard Hov
ey and Bob of O'Nyill and Bill
Hovey of Onawa. Ia Join?d the
group at Herrick. They all return
ed home that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schmaderer
and family returned to their
home Tuesday morning after
spending several weeks with M-.
and Mrs Bill Hoffman and ot
her friends and relatives.
Steven Shald of Presho stayed
for a visit with his grandparents
Mr and Mrs John Shald and
Mr and Mrs. Dwaine Ulrich. Car
la Jean, Gary, Norman and Mary
Th.rese returned h me with their
parents Mr and Mrs G b Shald
after having spent the past two
weeks with their grandparents
and Barbara Mlinar of Atkinson.
Fourth of July dinner guests of
Katie Papke were Mr and Mrs
Harold Johnson and f.mily of
Burke, S. D„ Mr and Mrs. Jim
Hoffman and family, Mr. and
Mrs Joe Wallinger and toys and
Bobby Papke,
A few friends of Marlene Hoff
man helped her celebrate her
fifth birthday Friday, July 1.
Games were played and she op
ened her gifts. Ice cream and
cake were served by her mother,
Mrs. Alton Hoffman.
Guests over the weekend of
Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Ulrich were
Mr. and Mrs Gib Shald and Ste
ven of Presho, S. D., Mr and
Mrs. Dick Ulrich and family of
Omaha, Arlene and Maureen
Ulrich of Omaha and also
Norman. A family reunion was
held Sunday, this being the first
in two years and the frist since
Norman received his honors ble
discharge June 1 from the Navy.
He spent tile past four years at
Newfoundland, San Salvador, Me
Murdo Sound and Byrd Bases in
the Antartiee. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Ulrich and Barbara Mlinar of
Atkinson were also Sunday guests.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Bill Hoffman tome were Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Hoffman and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schmad
errr and family
Visitors the past week in the
Ervin Van Cleave home were
Mr. and Mrs John Maui. Mr tad
Mrs Elmer Goeschel and three
children ah of Lincoln, Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Heyne and Tim of
Fourth of July gu.ats of Mr. and
Mrs Ervin Van Cleave and Pat
ty were Mr and Mrs Fred Braun
of Atkinson, Mr and Mrs Verm a
S.ebert ami g.rls and Mr and
Mrs. Don Shald. Debbie, Danny
and David.
Lawrence Rudolph of Chapman
arrived Sunday to get his family
who had spi in the past week vis
iting Mrs, Rudolph's parents Mr
and Mrs Earl Estes and other
relatives and friends The boys
have been spending their vacation
wi.h their grandparents.
Card Hoffman of Omaha spent
the weekend with her parents Mr
and Mrs J.m Hoffman
Mrs Willard Schowalter ami
son of Fremont spent the week
end with Mr and Mrs Guy Cad
wailader and family Mrs Cad
wailader returned home with Mrs.
Mrs. Chris Menuey of Hot
Springs spent Tuesday and
Wednesday at the home of her
sister-in-law Mr and Mrs Har
ry Cadwailader
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cadwailader
of Lincoln spent from Wednesday
until Friday at the home of his
parents, Mr and Mrs Harry Cad
wailader after having spent a
week's honeymoon sight seeing
in Coli rado and Wyoming.
Mrs. Dw.ine Locknun enter
tained friends at a coffee party
Tuesday morning honoring Mrs.
Darol Miller of Denver, Colo,
Gary Addison spent a week vis
iting his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Addison.
Gary Huffman and sons of Om
aha spent the fourth of July
weekend with Mr and Mrs. Bob
Batenhorst and other relatives at
Mike Batenhorst of Wayr.e and
Kenny Batenhorst of Lincoln
spent the fourth erf July weekend
visiting their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Batenhorst. They re
turned to summer school Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. Mel Baum and
family of Omaha were fourth of
July weekend guests of Mrs. Cla
ra Baum and sons. Their son
Scottie returned home with them
Monday evening after spending
a month with his grandmother
and other relatives around Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Berry were
fourth of July weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry.
Mr. and Mrs Marvin “Red”
Johnson and family of sauth of
Ainsworth spent the long fourth
of July weekend visiting Mr and
Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mr. and
Mrs Max Weichman.
Mr and Mrs. Harry Hall and
family of Spencer were host to
a family picnic dinner at their
home Those attending were Mr
and Mrs Harry Appieoy. Mr
and Mrs. Charles Cadwailader all
of Inman. Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Baumgart and Shirley of Monroe,
Mr and Mrs Rudolph Jackson of
Dallas, S. D., Mr. and Mrs Don
Cadwailader and family of south
of Bassett. Mr and Mrs Bob
Cadwailader and family, Mr and
Mrs Joe Colson and Joyce, Mrs
Herb Skaia. Myk»n, Barbara, and
Jo Aim, Jerry Cadwailader all
of Smart Mr and Mrs Earl Cad
waliader of Stuart were afternoon
Mr and Mrs Bill Everetts and
Brian of Omaha spent the fourth
of July weekend visiting Bill's
mother Bea Everetts at Atkinson
rnd her parents Mr. ami Mrs
E Cadwailader at Stuart and
other relatives
Fourth of July dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs Rolto Berry
were Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ber
ry of Omaha. Mr and Mrs G. A.
Btocz of Rocky Ford, Colo and
Mr ami Mrs. Byron Blotz of
Fourth of July weekend guests
in the F. Dana Bigelow home were
Barbara Bigelow of Omaha, Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Hamik of Lin
coln, Mr and Mrs, Jim Hind
marsh of Grand Island and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Bakee.
Mr. and Mrs Paul Preston and
family of Freeport, 111. left Tues
day morning after visiting the
past week wkh Mrs. Preston’s
mother Emma Kunz and other
friends and relatives in and
around Stuart.
A family reunion was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Jim
my Hoffman Monday with all the
Johnson children present with
the exception of the eldest girl cf
Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Red John
son and family of south of Ains
wrth. Mr. and Mrs. Roger John
son ami family, Mr and Mrs.
Terry Johnson and Cindy < f Grant,
N. M. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnson. Kay and Frances.
Fourth of July picnic dinner
guests of Mr and Mrs Bill Hoff
man were Mr rnd Mrs. Alois
Schmaderer and family, Mr. and .
Mrs. Joe Schmaderer and family,
Mr and Mrs. Lee Schmaderer
and family cf West Point, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Kulus and son
of Omaha and Mr and Mrs. Pete
Schmaderer and family.
Sunday and Monday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weichman
and family were Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Hoerold, Gene and Dennis
of Aberdeen. S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman
and Mrs. Frank Johnson drove
to Sioux City Saturday evening to
get Roger Johnson who arrived
home from Lemont, 111.
The Library board met after
the story hour June 29 in the din
ning room of the auditorium. Mrs.
Henry Waechter conducts the story
hour and report* d a very good
attendence Li>ranan Clara Ful
ler reported a large number of
books are being read. Older child
ren are given a state in color for
each book read and should have
their maps at the U. S completed
by the end of the program Pri
mary and kindergarten children
are given a segment of a worm
until the worm is made whole
All children are invited to attend
from kindergarten through sixth
grade The next regular meeting
of the Library board will be Ju
ly 27.
Wednesday night supper guests
at Mr and Mrs Harry Cadwal
lader were Mr and Mrs George
.Anderson and two children of
Idaho, Mrs Chris Mtnuey of Ht
Springs, S. D., Mr and Mrs Dean
Cadwallader of Lincoln, Mr. and
Mrs Glen Cadwallader and boys
Mr and Mrs. La berm Cadwallader
and boys of Atkinson
Mr and Mrs Orville Clanton
and sons of Grand Island ar
rived Sunday st the Stan Cobb
home for a 2 weeks vacation.
Mrs Lawrence Rudolph and
Cherne of Chopman were Wednes
day afternoon cidlers of Mrs EI
gie Irish and Mrs. Bruce Shald.
Mrs Lawrence Rudolph and
frmily of Chopman and Mrs Earl
Estes spent Thursday at the Ar
thur Kaplin home
Monday morning Mr and Mrs
Dick Kazda and family, Mr and
Mrs. Archie Bright and family
and Mrs Rose Hovey drove to
Gregory to view the parade. They
met Mr and Mrs. Howard Hov
ey here and h id a picnic dinner
at the Gregory Park Mrs. Rose
Hovey and Mr. and Mrs, Archie
Bright returned to their hemes
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Hattie Rhodes, Orlo
Rhodes and Dor thy Wilkinson
of O’Neill were Sunday evening
callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Krup and sons
were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaup sr.
and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaup
and family.
Mewport News
Bv Mrs. Oliver C.llg
On Monday the fourth of July
thirty-five members of the Hattie
Fox family met in the Newport
gym for a reunion and to cele
brate the wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Fox of Co
lumbus tnd the birthdays of
Lindsey and Dugan Woodcock.
A family gathering was held j
Sunday, July 3 in the borne of |
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Everingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber
I fl
_ . i
Secret Love of Motorists Everywhere!
It probably won’t surprise you to learn that most
people—given a choice of any motor car in the land—
would choose Cadillac.
For Cadillac is so widely acknowledged the master
of motor cars that it has become a vital part of the
aspirations of people everywhere.
It is a possession deliberately created to represent
design and craftsmanship at their highest levels—and
to render the fullest possible measure of personal enjoy
ment and satisfaction.
Happily, more and more of Cadillac’s "secret
admirers’’ have this year decided to declare their
intentions—and start driving one!
And with good reason.
First of all, the car itself provides a greater tempta
tion to action than ever before. In the way it looks and
rides and handles—it has widened even further the gulf
that exists between Cadillac and other motor cars.
Secondly, the "car of cars” is now within the moann
of an even larger number of motorists.
Its original cost is surprisingly close to cars of far leas
stature and acceptance. Its dependability and reli
ability are unparalleled. And, as always, it is the"resale
champion” of all motordom.
We suggest you pay your Cadillac dealer a visit—
and let him arrange a date with your secret love.
and Faye of Grand Island spent
the pas: week visidng at die
Roy Farr Ranch Sunday a pic
nic dinner was held with Mr
and Mrs Glesson Kelier anti fam
Hy and Mr and Mrs. Bill Farr
and family.
Monm Stale part. Lloyd and
grands, vis Rickie and Randy went
to Omaha Saturday to attend the
funeral services of Mrs Stak
pan s brother, Carl Zink.
Delons McMillan spent several
days this week in the home of
Mr and Mrs Bud Zahradnicek
at Bassett
Wednesday dinner guests in the
Don Kaup home were Thelma
Wiggins of Roseburg. Ore . Hat
tie Fox of Stuart and Lynn Fox
of Ainsworth and Gary Blair.
Mrs Joy Blair and Sc;tt were
afternoon callers.
Lonnie Nelson returned Thurs
day evening from spending 26
months service in France. Lonnie
now has his discharge from the
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogel left
Wednesday to take Leona Bemt
to her home at Emersm, N. J..
after a weeks visit in the home
of her sister and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Harp
and sons of Ainsworth were Mon
day evening callers in the John
Slachetka home
Friday supper guests in the Jim
Seger home were Mr and Mrs.
Wilfred Seger, Hattie Fox. Thel
ma Wiggins and Lynn Fox. Eve
ning callers were Mr. end Mrs.
Bob Gilg.
Mr. and Mrs I>wight O Smith,
Donna and Larry cf Alba, la.
were weekend guests in the John
Slachetka home.
Mr .and Mrs. Virgil Andersen
and family were Sunday after
noon visitors in the Ea'l Arm
strong home near Bassett.
Charles Anderson accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dake and sons
to Denver, Colo, and Dayton,
Wyo. las Thursday for a few
days visit.
lone Naves and Carol Rath
felder of Emporia. Kan. came
Saturday evening to visit rela
Sophia Lashmett was a Sun
day dinner guest of Mabel Ander
Sunday dinner guests in die
diver GUg home were Mr. ami
Mrs. Dun and family and
Mr ami Mrs Bob Giig Afternoon
callers were Mr. and Mrs BUI
Waioott ami family of Woodlake.
Howard Fox of Climax, Colo,
came Saturday for a visit with
Mr. ami Mrs Lindsey' Fox and
Mahlon of Columbus spent Sun
day and Monday with relatives.
Mahlon will remain for a long
er visit in the Jun Seger home.
Mr and Mrs Leonard Bare I
man, Pattsy and Dick of Newman
Grove were house guests of Mr.
ami Mrs. Oliver Giig ov
er the week-end.
Mrs Bob Giig spent Saturday
with her mother, Mrs. O. W.
Wolcott near Bassett
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Henry
left Thursday for their home at
Kansas City after a weeks visit
in the home of his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. G. A.
Mr. and Mrs Doyle Carr and
Dennis of Cokunbus, Mrs Dewey
Johnson of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Johnson and family of
Burke. S D., Mr and Mrs. Ted
Johnson ami family of Peters
burg, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fox,
Sharon and Tummy of Leadville,
Colo., and Mr and Mrs. G. A.
Henry were guests Monday in
the Walt Johnson home
Mr. and Mrs Boy Nelson ami
Lonnie left Sunday for Midland,
S. D. to visit m the Dean Nelson
Arthur Hasch was a Sunday din
ner guest in the Maude Mohin
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stolcpart and
Mr. and Mrs. Vere Butler and
family were Friday visitors in
the Sophia Lashmett home. Mrs.
Roy Farr was a caller Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Den Everingham
and sons erf Idaho Falls, Ida.
visited from Thursday to Tues
day in the A. B. Everingham
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Connick,
Kenny, Terry and Jeff of Bas
sett were Thursday evening vis
itors in the Leona'-d Bendig home,
Mr and Mrs William Kaul of
Grand Island were weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and
Mrs. Richard Barber and Faye
of Grand Island were Saturday
callers in the Barnes and .Aik n
home Mr. and Mrs Harold Al
len i»f Bassett were Mi inlay vis
Mr. and Mrs Howrard Fuller,
Mr and Mrs Owen Lane, Mr
and Mrs Uo FulW and family
were guests in the Fanny ami
Clara Fuller home Monday at
Mr. and Mrs IXmnie Sparks
of Norfolk spent last weekend
in the Esii Sjvarks home, Mrs.
Sparks returned home with them
to spend the week in tin* heme
of her son, Merle ami family
Dennis Moore of Long Pine
spent Sunday night with Paul
Mr and Mrs Dean Moore and
family were Sunday guests in the
Hugh Moore borne at Long Pme
Mr and Mrs. Clifford Johnson
and family of Lauril, Mont came
Monday evening for a few days
visit with his grandmother, Lime
Mr and Mrs Ervin Christensen
and Walter of Aurora came Sat
urday for a visit. Mr Christensen
and Walter return oil Sunday Mrs
Christensen will visit in tile John
Christensen home.
Mr. and Mrs Del Martin s|»ent
Monday with Mr and Mrs. Clay
ton Boque.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gstermnn
attended the Herbert Brown fam
ily picnic Sunday at the Gun Club
north of Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
were Saturday over night guests
of Bertha Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown of
Long Pine and Mrs. Joe Friz
zeli of Bassett left Saturday for
Good! and, Kan. to visit in the
Leland Fackett hotne and to bring
K Bishop home with them. They
returned home Monday evening.
Mary Jo and Lindsey Frizzell
were guests in the Elmer Christ
ensen home.
Mr. and Mrs Albert Ostennan
were Monday callers in the Ralph
Leonard and John Berkheimer
heme at Ainsworth.
Mr. and Mrs Dick Brown of
Omaha. ? and Mrs Jim Brown
of Long Pino and Mr ,uid Mrs
Dei Martin were Ttaurstiav even
mg takers m the Elmer ttiristen
sen home
Mrs Guy Mmshult, Jim and
Bth, Carol ami Bid Pickmipaugh,
Kenny and Gene Kleckner erf Onv
aha, Nets Kaufman trf Bassett
were Sunday guests in the Fay
Piekenpaugh home.
Mr and Mrs Frank Johnson.
Mr and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr
and Mrs Bad Wilcox and family
Mr and Mrs Gene Hamik end
family anti Mr ant) Mrs Clif
ford Gillette of Chambers enjoy
etl a picnic Monday at Swan
Mr and Mrs. Herb Brown erf
Idaho and Mr anti Mrs. Udell
Brown and JuLia trf Mills were
Friday dinner guests in the Al
bert Oateroum home.
Mr anti Mrs John Gesirieek en
joyed a family reunion Sumtay anti
Monday when all eleven children
and family's were home
Irvin Christon left Wednesday
for Omaha for a checkup in the
Veterans hiwpital
Fern and Laurie Seger spent
the weekend with home folks from
their studies at Dana College at
BlaiK Sharon Conard spent the
weekend from Chadron State
Teachers college.
A family gathering was held
Sunday in the Glenn Fox home
in honor of her father, Harry
Stahl, for his eightieth birthday.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs Harry St.hi, Mrs. FLiyd
Gale, Duane, Floyd jr and Joyce
oi Rupert. Ida , Mr anti Mrs.
Roy Wilkinson, Mrs Leroy Wilk
inson. Frank Lindermnn, Mrs.
Gladys Stahl and family. Art
Kopp. Duane Emerson, Doug
Gilg, Ann Schneider, Maude
Mohin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Stahl and family and Mr. ami
Mrs Glenn Stahl and Murcia, Mr.
and Mrs Clayton Fox and fam
ily and Howard Fox.
Phone Your News To
The Frontier— •
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More Washing Power For Cleaner Clothes
Buy the Matched
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