The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 14, 1960, Section One, Image 6

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    Lynch News
Mrs Johnny Earnst, Mrs Chloc*
Dill and Mrs Dick Wilson of Rap
id City, S, D. were Sunday dinner
guests in the Ray Wilaon home
Mrs Irene Careten called on
Mr and Mrs. Frank Caraten Tues
day afternoon.
Mar gem- Weeder was a Satur
day overnight guest of Ruth Os
born in the Buss Greene home.
Shlene Johnson was a Saturday
overnight giest of Mar jean Bir
Mr. and Mrs. WUmer Craw
ford, Steve and Janice were Om
aha business callers on Friday.
Mrs Earl Moody and children
are spending a few days visit
ing in the Ray Long home.
Bill Spelts from Kansas arriv
ed here Tuesday and Bud Spelts
arrived here Sunday from Califor
nia to spend a few days with
friends and relatives.
Mrs Clayton Thomson is spend
ing a few days in the Jim Me
Crea home at Carroll, la.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Schommer
from Chadron spent the week
end in the Jake Birmeier home.
Velma Lanman was a Monday
overnight guest of Ruth Osborn
in the Buss Greene home.
iMr and Mrs Buss Greene spent
a few days visiting in Colorado.
Ruth Osborn is staying with Mrs.
Greene’s mother while they are
Mr. ami Mrs. Elmer Hull went
to Peirce on Friday to visit in
the Claude Hull home. They ac
companied Claudes to Iowa to
visit in the Harold Hull home a
few days.
Ewing News
By Mrs, Harold Harris
Wayne Kruntorad, U. S. Ar
my, who has been overseas for
service the past year returned to
the States recently and arrived
in Ewing July 4 to spend a leave
with his wife and children and
his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Char
les Kruntorad.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis
and children, who were holiday
weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ingerson
at Grand Island, returned home
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan and
family spent the weekend at Ni
obrara. They were accompanied
home by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert J. Ryan who were
guests at their home until Thurs
Tuesday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies
were Mrs. Mark Muff of Spen
cer and Mrs. Eddie Cuddy of
Mrs. Wilma Daniels entertain
ed at a family gathering on July
4 at her home. Among the guests
were her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Jefferies.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton
returned home Monday night af
ter spending the holiday weekend
with their parents at Creighton
and visiting relatives at O’Neill
and Page.
Judy Wanser and Bob Coufal,
both of Omaha, were weekend
guests at the home of Judy’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wan
ser. On the Fourth of July the
Wanser family were guests at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. R.
Suttecliffe near O’Neill.
Holiday weekend guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd An
gus were their sons and daugh
tars-in law, Mr. and Mrs. M. An
gus and Myra Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Angus, Randy and Kandy
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Seuring
all of Lincoln.
The Merle Angus family also
spent some time at the home
of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Watson McDonald, who
had as their guest their daughter
ami son-in-law. and Mrs. Jerry
Miller and Timmy from Califor
The Fourth of July weekend
found the Briggs home in Ew
ing filled to the eaves with rel
atives gathered from all over
America for Mrs. Grace Briggs
family reunion Twenty-two of her
relist ves were present for the
festive celebration.
Mrs Briggs guests include,
Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn, Mr and
Mrs Peter Vaughn of Omaha,
Mrs. Hoy Briggs of Corvalis, Ore
Mr and Mrs. Thomas King and
their eight children from Bloom
ington, til., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Briggs and son of Los Angeles,
Calif, and Mrs. Marjorie Lenker
and four children from Ogallala.
A reunion erf the Elmer Butter
field family was held at his borne
near Inman on Sunday honoring
his daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W Thorton ami fam
ily of Glendora, Calif Others pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Wright and family of Ewing, Mr
and Mrs. Raymond Hoxsie and
family of Orchard, Mr, and Mrs
Gillogly and family of Inman and
Mr and Mrs. Merlin Shaw and
family of O’Neill.
Mr and Mrs. Earl Wright and
family went to Orchard to join
a family gathering at the home
of her sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoxsie
on July 4.
Dinner was served picnic style.
Others in attendance were Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin Butterfield and
family of Meadow Grove, Elmer
Butterfield, Mr, and Mrs. Glen
Gillogly and family of Inman,
Mr and Mrs. H. W. Thorton and
family of Glendora, Calif., Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin Shaw and fam
ily of O'Neill and Marcene Sch
misser of Ewing.
A family picnic dinner was held
on the Fourth of July at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sch
roeder and family. Present were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mlnarik ami family of Ewing,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serr of Clear
water, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel
and son of Elgin and Gene Siems
of Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs Harold Savidge
and family from Minnesota were
weekend guests of his mother,
Mrs. Harold Savidge.
Mrs. Anna Savidge was a guest
at the home of her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bartak and family on the
Fourth of July.
Duane Horde of Syracuse, is
spending a week's vacation at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roland Horde and other
Mr and Mrs. Roland Horde
and Duane accompanied bv Mr.
and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter attended
a picnic supper family gather
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dewitt Hole*' on July 4.
Mrs. Melvin Gunter of Odebolt,
la. visited her mother, Mrs. Anna
Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt
Gunter during the weekend. Mr.
Melvin Gunter is a patient in a
Sioux city hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker,
who are vacationing in the west,
planned to spend July Fourth at
the home of their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eacker and
family at Kalispell, Mont.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wining and
family of Amelia were Sunday
guests at the home of Mrs. Min
nie Larson.
Mrs. Kittie Fry was a guest
July 4 at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Z. H. Fry.
A Sunday guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader
was her mother, Mrs. Kittie Fry.
Mr. Harold Parks and Tom
Wanser left Tuesday for the wheat
fields in Kansas.
Ardis Parks and Dennis Ickes
of Page were guests at the home
of Ardis’ grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Parks, sr. at Stuart
on the Fourth of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Secrist
were weekend callers at the home
of Mrs. Ella Ziems. They also
visited his mother, Mrs. Ada Sec
rist at a rest home in Elgin be
fore returning to their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka sr.
went to Omaha one day last week
to visit their son, Stanley Sojka,
who underwent an emergency op
eration at an Omaha hospital
Tuesday, June 28.
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka jr. of
Omaha were weekend guest at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Sojka sr. in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway
and family returned to Hastings
Monday after spending the week
end at the parental homes of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings and
Mr and Mrs. Roy Dunaway and
other relatives in the community.
Mrs. Myrtle Kimes of Clear
water is spending a few days at
with a
while they last!
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tiie home of her daughter and
husband, Mr and Mrs Earl Bill
Mr. and Mrs, George Neal of
Clearwater were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of their
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs Don Ruroede.
Mr and Mrs Don Ruroede en
tertained the following g iesti at
a six o'clock dinner Sunday eve
ning, Mr and Mrs Harold Van
Vleck of, Mr and Mrs.
Dale Van Vleck of Ithaca, N. Y..
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks of
Manhattan, Kan.. Robert Knapp
and Lois Jackson of Sioux Falls,
S D.
Mr and Mrs Tony Kacziff and
family of Omaha spent the holi
day weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Eva Kaczor and other rel
atives in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs Everett Ruby were
Fourth of July guests at the home
of thair son and wife, Mr and
Mrs. Gene Ruby end family at
Sioux City, la. Roxanna Ruby
came home with them to spend a
few days.
Mickey Roberts of Atkinson is
a guest this week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Butter
field and family.
A family gathering was held
July 4 at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Present were
her mother, Mrs. Vera Anson,
who wciis accompanied by her
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. John Rewolinski and fam
ily from Omaha, Mrs. R. G.
Rockey from Lake Worth, Fla.,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman,
Mrs. Doris Sanders, John and
Mary, Anita and Viola Parks all
of Ewing and Dr. and Mrs. Ver
non Rockey and family of Grand
Junction, Colo.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — it Pavs '
Fort Randall News
Janice Kirwan
Mr. and Mrs Ed Cassidy,
Janet and Virginia and Mr and
Mrs. Jack Cassidy. Darrel and
Stev e celebrated the Fourth of
July by attending a picnic supper
and watching fireworks at the
Hank Fish home near Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausmann
and Jill of Bristow and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Hausmann and family
of rural Bonesteel were Sunday
dinner guests at the G R. Kir
wan home.
Mr and Mrs Ed Cassidy,
Janet and Virginia were Sunday
dinner guests at the Frank Hei- ‘
ser home near Lynch where they
helped grandmother Levi cele her 77th birthday. Mrs.
Cassidy is Mrs. Levi's daughter.
Eugene Kirwan came from
Indiana to spend a few days at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Kirwan and other
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cover of
Pickstowai and Mr. and Mrs.
Fleming of Washington and Miss
Olga Bengston were Thursday
evening visitors at the G. R
Kirwan home
Janice Kirwan was a Monday
overnight guest at the Ben Roll
home in Picktown.
Mr and Mrs. N. R. Rask and
family of Gary were house guests
at the John Cassidy home from
Tuesday through Friday. Mrs.
Cassidy and Mrs. Rask are
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirwan jr.,
and girls Christy and Jeannie of
Lincoln were Fourth of July
weekend guests at the homes of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Kirwan sr., of Randall valley and
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Salmon of
rural Fairfax.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mashino of
Spencer were evening visitors at
the Melvin Anderson home on the
Fourth of July.
Mr. and Mrs Harry Hausm&nn
and Jill of Bristow spent the
Fourth of July weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs G. R Kirwan
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Anderson
and Kathy were last Sunday cof
fee guests at the Melvin Kirwan
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lang of
Portland, Ore., and Mr and Mrs.
Frank McKenzie of Winner. S.
D., and Mr and Mrs. John Cas
sidy and boys had a p'cnic sup
per on Wednesday evening at the
Fort Randall park Mr. Lang,
Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Cas
sidy are brother and sisters.
Brooks Roll of Pickstown si>ent
a few days last wreek at the G. R.
Kirwan home.
Mr and Mrs. Dan Kirwan jr.,
of Lincoln visited Sunday eve
ning at the home of his sister and .
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Kocer j£.. near Wagner.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Olson, Von
da, Dougie, Leon and Gaylord
were visitors at the Melvin
Anderson home on the Fourth of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bentz and
family of New Jersey visited at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walt Nyquist enroute to
San Diego, Calif., where they will
make their new home
Janice Kirwan, Janet Cassidy
and Susan Kirwan attended a
farewell party on Friday after
noon at the A1 Harvey home in
Mrs. G. R. Kirwan, Janice and
Mary Jane visited at the Clint
Farmer home in Pickstown on
Thursday evening.
Paul Nyquist left for his naval
station at San Diego, Calif., af
ter spending a week with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Ny
Mr and Mrs. Duane Kirwan
and Freddy were Fourth of July
visitors at the Dan Kirwan home
Russel Anderson of Bristow
was a Sunday evening visitor at
the home of his brother Melvin
Several from this community
attended the Fairfax rodeo on
Sunday evening and Monday af
Mary Jane Kirwan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kirwan, cele
brated her ninth birthday last
Sunday afternoon. Those attend
ing the party were the members
of the third and fourth grade
class from the Pickstown school
and neighboring friends. After
the games Mary Jane opened her
gifts. Mrs. Kirwan and Janice
served the birthday cake, ice
cream and kool-aid. Other lunch
eon guests that day were Mr and
Mrs. Bob Peshek and family of
Pickstown. Mr. and Mrs. Don
Olson and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Anderson, Mrs Emery
Olson, Miss Olga Bengston ami
brother Mauri tz, and Maj. and
Mrs Bon Roll and family of
Earl Cover and son, John and
Bob Keener of Pickstown and Mr.
and Mrs Fleming of Washington
were Sunday afternoon visitors at
the G. R Kirwan homo
Mrs Don Swansberg of New
York and Mrs James Pftton ami
family of Buffalo, N. Y , Mr. and
Mr Terry Donlin of Brookings,
S. D,, ami Debbie. Pat and Stevie
Sevino, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Sevm of Omaha were
visitors at the home of their par
ents and grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Donlin, for the past
several weeks
Mr. and Mrs. l>an Kirwan si\,
celebrated their 25th wedding an
niversary in their home Wednes
day ev ening. Their daughter, Mrs
Thomas Kocer jr., of Wagner
baked and decorated the cake.
The evening was spent visiting,
smging and viewing slides Tliose
present were Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Kirwan ami Freddy, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kocer jr., of
Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kir
wan of Gregory and daughter
Phyllis of California, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Kirwan and family,
Mr. and Mrs G. It. Kirwan and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Jonas of Gregory. After the gifts
were displayed, ice cream and
cake were served.
Debbie and Lynne Roll of
Pickstown were Sunday overnight
guests at the G. R Kirwan Inane.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausmann
and J ill of Bristow were Mondey
evening visitors at the G. R. Kir
wan home.
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
2real Hawaiian Holiday PalmTreesI
Two living miniature palm trees, each 8 to 9
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