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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
iiteafi,** mbiiibiii ■ II ■ . ■ I * m - tk ---n= m ■ ■■ »■ i rim 11 , =a-. n i i i FOR SALE FOR SALE—Good registered Here ford yearling bulls Reasonable. Francis Anderl, Inman. Phone 3255. _ 3 tf. FOR SALE -One Shorthorn bull, 3 year old—Art Ziska, Stuart, phone Atkinson 5856. U-t2c FOR SALE—Entire herd of young Holstein cows and springer hei fers—John Sojka, Page 3tf FOR SAI.F. Onswold Gro-Coated seed corn at Coyne Hardware, O’Neill 4tfc rXJh SALE. Reg. Polled Hereford Bulls. Two 2Vk and 3 vears old. Proven, herd buU quality some yearlings.—Everett Van Dover, miles east at old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Verdlgre, or 16 south of Lynch. 25tf SAIT FOR SALET Kanapolis 116.50 a ton; American $2050 a ton; white block 75c—Located J blits, east, 4 bika north at traffic light, Everett Gorg&n, Ph 164. O'Neill. 51tf BEEF BREEDERS Now with the use of frozen semen you may mate many cows to the same sire. Available are Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Chamois, Santa Gertrudis, and Brahma. Cal 470, Duane Gray O’Neil] 9-12c t>EE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Cb.. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE—Six room modern res idence, built about 5 years ago. I would be glad to show U to you—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 5ltf FOR SALE—Lawn mowers—new and used. New mower prices start at 39.95. See Coyne hard ware for all your lawn grooming needs. 4tfc FOR SALE—Registered and grade Angus bulls of serviceable age. Musil Brothers, O’Neill. 5-12p FOR SAI-E: More fancy Cream cows. Shore g Guernseys, Hol steins, Swiss Extra large fancy Some fresh with calves. Rea sonable prices. Harold Shores, Neligh. ph. TU 7-4060 TU 7 4850 25tf FOR SAI-E 1958, Allis Chalmers. D 14 tractor wide front end. and over size tires. Priced very rea sonable. S. R. Robertson, O’Neill. 3tfc FOR SALE New and used tractor parts; cracked head welded, work guaranteed.- Harry Martin son, Swedeburg, Nebr., Phone Wahoo GI 3-2461. 10-13c NEW AND USED MACHINERY Bargain price on new F240 Far mall W 1 Kramer built Sweep Head 1952 Farmall M with near new winch 1950 Ford Pickup Case SC Tractor Ford Tractor with 3 rake hitch 4 used 12 foot McCormick rakes 2 used 12 foot Case rakes I model A Truck sweep with sweep Head International truck sweep with good Head No 9 and No 7 Trail Mowers Special on new H-M 3J Power Mowers Used No. 16 Power Mower with brackets for Farmall regular and F 20. Used 42 foot Valley elevator No. 80 New Holland Baler with Wic/v»ncin pncrinp Kelley Ryan Mounted side delivery for Farmall H. or M. New Morrill side delivery in 5 or 6 wheel model New 30 foot Valley rake Open evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 During Harvest season KEATING IMPLEMENT CO. ATKINSON. NEB 11-12C MACHINERY Now you can own your own combine or a second combine Prices as low as $99.00 IHC No. 42 PTO combine Massey combine with motor Allis PTO combine Massev PTO combine New IHC combines AH our used combines must move this season IHC 50T Baler with motor $250. New Gehil field cutter See us for used mowers and rakes We have all models at all prices Stop in an see the new par-mel double sickle mower. Farmall 450 Farmall 400 Farmall M Farmall H Farmall C Farmall 20 APPUANCES See us for new and used ap pliances Your RCA Whirlpool dealer SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL. NEBR [HC - Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE 1954 Pontiac 2-Dr. Excellent shape, motor recently overhauled. -See John Weeder, Lynch, Nebr., Phone LO 9-2461. _12-13c FOR SALE: High quality April 1959 Hereford Bulls. Extra good backs, Kieth Abart - O’NeilL Dercy Abart - Emmet. 31tf FOR SALE Aeromotor repairs, mills. All sizes stock, bottom less tanks Pressure Systems. Phone 435, Inman, Cliff Sobotka. eowb50tfc FOR SALE -Fryers, three pounds and over, J1 each. Two miles west of Inman. Gene Sobotka, Rt. 1, O'Neill, Phone 43 Inman, Nebr. 12-13p FOR SALE—Crop hail insurance. We offer more for less.—Keith Abart, Box 642, O'Neill. 9tf MAKE PATTON'S BEN Franklin store your candy headquarters. Always fresh 27tfc On large size loans, I can loan Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park er, O’Neill, Nebr 3tf FOR SALE—AC 51 combine, not used for two years. See at Mar cellus Implement Co., O'Neill. 12c SEE—E. J. (Skip) Shane at Atkin son for sewer, drainage, ciam work, basement excavation and road work. _ 50-23p FOR SALE- Several Hereford bulls of Neiwohner breeding. May be seen at the ranch 2 Vi miles west of the Drive In Theater or see Ed Campbell. Mrs. Neiwhoner Nay. 9-12p A VJI V kjnXiAj-Aik IJk/J uutgci »*• « new blonde console with an auto matic zig zager for balance due of 9 payments of 5610 to a reli able party in this area. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 12-13c IvOW COST INSURANCE—And Erompt claim service. Virgil aursen Agy., O'Neill. lOtfc MOBILE HOMES Lot Clearance Sale As Much as $900 Discount On Coaches in Stock Now While They Last 50' x 10'2 Br. $3995.00 54' x 10- 3 Br. $4295.00 Many Other New and Used Bargains Open Everyday MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Phone EX 5-2170 Contact Us Today In the O'Neill vicinity see Clarence Johnson Elms Court, O’Neill ,10tf USED TRACTORS John Deere B 1948 WC Allis Chalmers 1948 starter and light WC Allis Chalmers 1942 starter and light F 20 John Deere B 1938 VAC Case tractor John Deere B 1946 John Deere A 1946 power trol John Deere B 1948 Rotary hoe Wagon box 32 ft. stock trailer W. H. DAVID Phone IV 2-2362 Chambers, Nebr. 12-14c FOR SALE -Four month old White zig zag sewing machine in a walnut console to be sold in this area to close account only 5 small monthly payments or will discount for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 12-13c FOR SALE—1952 12A John Deere combine with motor. Excellent condition. Reasonably priced or will trade for livestock.—John Thiele, jr., Clearwater, Nebr. 10-13p MACHINERY COMBINES M. H. Model 82 Good J.D. 55 M. H. 7 ft. M&M J.D. 12 ft. rake USED TRACTORS J.D. Model 60, 1955 J.D. Model 620, 1958 J.D., B, 1950 J.D., A, 1944 J.D., G, 1949 J.D., B, 1943 MACHINERY Mowers, All makes Chemicals 2-4-D Harry R. Smith Imp. Jtvine 562 O Neill Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE—Tavern. Includes build ing, fixtures and 3-bedroom modem home. Reason for sell ing—health. For further details contact or write Floyd De Long, Inman, Nebr. 12c FOR SALE—Wheel Inn Motel at Atkinson. 12 modem units and 9 room (5 bedroom) modem borne. Located on west Hi-way 20. Good business, excellent in vestment property, motel full al most every night —C. R. John son, box 524, Atkinson. Phone 890L_ll-12-13pd. FOR SALE—Grocery store and meats Good going business, good fixtures, low rent, will make someone a good deal for im mediate sale.—Write or call V. B Faust. Atkinson. tl-12c MONEY TO LOAN—On homes, low interest. Prompt service. Virgil Laursen, O'Neill. lOtfc On large size loan*. I can loan Money at 5^4 interest. R. H Park er, O'Neill, Nebr. 3tf FOR SALE — Building to be torn down or moved.—FYanct* An drei. Inman, Phone 3255. 3 tl TOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses--will sell separate or together —Kleth Abart, 321 West Clay, O'Neill. 12tfc FOR SALE—Complete set of farm buildings including house, barn, grainery, garage, milk house, hog house, chicken house Will sell all together or individually. Melvin Roach, Phone 2651, Page, Nebr. 9tf FOR QUICK SALE—Folks moving to Fort Randall to operate a new business. The A. L. and Ruth Wood dwell ing situated on the new pave ment on Everett street, between East 5th and 6th a very con venient location. New furnace, hot water heater—must be seen to be appreciated. One block from Safeway Store, 4 Vi blocks to school. Ed Thorin, Real Estate and Auction Service. 5tf FOR SALE—2 bedroom house, 3 years old, full basement.— Phone 560M, O'Neill 12-13p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—160 acres unimproved located NW of O’Neill, close in; 2 bedroom home SE O'Neill; 2 business buildings located 1 block south of stop light. Reasonable priced; Several very desirable building lots; Service station, very well located and doing a good busi ness, owner wishes to sell soon as possible so has made a very attractive selling price.—Virgil L. Laursen (Realtor), O’Neill. lOtfc I* UK KHIX 1 FOR RENT Basement apartment. 129 E. Clay, Mrs. Marie Crook, O’Neill. 12-13c FOR RENT—Electric Hedge Trim mer. Coast to Coast, O’Neill. ll-13c FOR RENT One bedroom home. 321 West Clay Keith Abart, O’ Neill. 45 tf FOR RENT—22 inch mower and tiller. Coast to Coast, O’Neill. ll-13c FOR RENT—Rooms! Night, week or month. Air conditioned, clean, good beds, Nicely decorated.— Hotel O’Neill, Phone 364, Mr. and Mrs. Stowe] 1. 7tl FOR RENT—Nice 5 room, 2 bed room duplex apartment. Full basement, gas fjrnace. O. E. Davidson, phone 126 O’Neill. lltfc FOR RENT—Floor sander, edger and flat sander. Coast to Coast, O’Neill. ll-13c City Loans on business buildings or residence property, See R. 11. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 49tf WANTED WANTED—W a i t r e s s for short hours.—M and M Cafe, O’Neill. 12c WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL GO.. O'Neill 3 blks W & 3 Mi blks N stoplight. HELP WANTED—Salesmen or Agents $2.50 per hour or more for part or full time route work. Large repeat orders. Man or woman. Write McNESS CO., 120 E. Clark St., Free port, 111. ll-12pd WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf SALESMAN-OR MANAGER In your community for Nation Wide Investment Company. Ages 30 65. Part or full time.—Write to Arnold Gardner, 4001 Famam, Omaha, Nebr. 10-15p WANTED—A person interested in w’riting news about people and happenings in Spencer to become the Frontier's Spencer correspon dent. Interested parties may write or inquire at the Frontier office in O'Neill. I am back in my office again in O’Neill, Nebraska and I loan money on farm land and ranch land and city property. See R. H. Parker. O'Neill. Nebr. 49tf WE DON’T WANT ALL THE bus iness—Just yours.. Patton’s Ben Franklin O’Neill. tfc WANTED—Custom Baling Roto ba ler—Gary Beckwith, 1 Vi mi north Sunset Motel, Phone 587R11, O’ Neill_ 6tf Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body ana Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 311W - O’NEILL - for Any Job 25tf WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. Sales Positions With a Future Exceptional opportunity to av erage over $150 per week with a guaranteed weekly minimum. To qualify: must have a car, | good background and average in jtelligence; bondable. Must be alert, j well acquainted, ambitious and j responsible. 9 Openings in the O'Neill Area You will be given a complete and successful training program expenses paid. You will be select ed for advancement to key man agerial positions. Your future and security are assured. This is a lifetime connection and a chance of a lifetime if you have what we want. For personal interview call or write Calvin Carder, Box 811, Nor folk. Neb. 11-13c WANTED— Experienced married man for ranch work. Small child ren or none preferred. Wife can cook for hay men. Separate bouse—Frank O’Kief, Wood Lake 70-ll-12p Farm Loans. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 49tl WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neil] 50tf WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farm supply business handling well known products. Small capital needed. Write box TH, c-o The Frontier. 5th DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SOOOP—DOZE It I>«tmor Elevated Grading John E. Do nohoe.. Phone 447-W O'NEILL, NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS OPEN EVENINGS Until after har vest.—Shelhamer Equipment. 12tfc RANCH AND FARM LOANS— Long term, low interest. Virgil Laursen, O’Neill. lOtfc BETTER CATTLE: Mean better liv ing, less work, less expense and more profit. For quick and sure profits build a herd with CUR TISS BREEDING SERVICE — Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill 6tfc On large size loans, I can loan Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park er, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O'NEILL IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill. Nebr. 34tf I just returned back to my office in O’Neil], Nebr., and have Eastern money and private money to loan on farms and ranches. If you need money, see or write to R. H. Par ker, O’Neill, Nebr. 49tf CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANK our friends and relatives for the messages of sympathy, floral and mass offer ing and all who assisted in any way during the illness and at the time of the depth of our mother, Mrs. Jane Judge. Your thoughtfull ness was much appreciated. The Judge family 12c WE WISH TO EXPRESS our thanks to all our friends and rela tives who helped us in any way at the time of our recent bereavement. Special thanks for the floral of ferings, your prayers, the food brought in and to those who helped serve it and to all who sent cards. Your kindness was deeply ap preciated. The family of Mrs. William (Myrtle) Pickering 12p IN OUR RECENT bereavement i we found comfort in the thoughtfull ness of our friends, neighbors and relatives. A special thank you to those who remembered us with cards, flowers, memorials, food and visits, and the acts of kindness during the illness and since the death of our father and grand father. We wish to extend our deep appreciation to Dr. Ramsay, the Sisters and hospital staff for his care and kind consideration. The memory of your kindness will al ways remain with us. The Family of Alex McConnell 12p ! WE WISH TO EXPRESS our heartfelt thanks to our many friends who stood closely by during Stanley’s illness and at the time of his passing away. Your every act is so deeply appreciated. A very special thanks to Rev. Earl Schwenk who gave help in a spiritual way and for his untiring devotion to help to the end. Thanks also to Dr. Cars tens. Mrs. Stanley Soukup Mrs. Mark Howard Mrs. Elmer Reddick 12p WE SINCERELY THANK all of our relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards, gifts, ami visits dur ing the time our daughter, Jeamne spent tn the hospital. A special Thank you to the doctors and nurses at St. Anthony's hospital for their wonderful care, j It was all appreciated. Mr. and Mrs Arden Laursen 12c |--Legal Notices— | (First pub. July 14, I960) Harold Rice, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PE TITION FOR FINAL SETTLE MENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4364 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF EUGENE V. FI ELDS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO .ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on August 3, 1960, at 10 o’clock, a m. LOUIS W REIMER County J udge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 12-14c O'Neill Locals Mr and Mrs. Walt Kopejtka of the O’Neill Airport were Monday business visitors in Omaha. Gary Mumm, brother of George Mumm jr., left Bloomfield last Wednesday for induction in the army and will be stationed at Camp Carson, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. George Mumm sr., of Bloomfield, Alice, Mary and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. William Ors born and Mary Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orsborn and four children, A1 Pritchett, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orsborn were week end guests in the George Mumm jr., home. Mrs. Lottie Lofquest and Mrs. Vina Munson were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lofquest north of Stu art. Mrs. Edna Lofquest of Ewing was a Sunday evening guest in the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lottie Lofquest. Friends and neighbors were guests of Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick for a coffee hour Friday after noon, the occasion being her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Me Kay were evening guests in her honor. Mrs. Floyd Wilson and Jim were Sioux City visitors Monday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzewski were Mr. and Mrs. William Po dany and daughter, Lucy and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Quig of Butte. Cathy and Daniel Doiel of Denver went to Butte for a couple of week’s visit with the Podanys. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish went to Stratford, la., where they were guests from last Sunday to Thursday in the home of her mo ther, Mrs. Lucille Peterson. They brought their daughter, Sharon home from a month’s visit with her grandmother They also vis ited Mrs. MoLeish’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mau rice Peterson at Ft. Dodge. Tentative plans were made when the members of the Waist Whittlers dub met at the home of Mrs. Mary Anderson for the observance erf their first anni versary of the club’s organization. Three new members have been added to the club. Club members meet each Friday at the home of Mrs. Mary Anderson, 825 east Benton street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin of Plainview were Thursday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jer ome Spittler and took Mike Austin with them to Plainview for a week’s visit. His grandmother, Mrs. James Kelly will go to Plain view Thursday and take him to Omaha where she will spend some time in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Austin. Sunday evening dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Juliana Kam phaus were her mother, Mrs. Jul iana Arnberger of West Point, and sisters, Mrs. Frank Haack of Madison and Mrs. Jennie Syno wiecki of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kamphaus and family and Anthony Kamphaus of Lynch, John Kamphaus of Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and son, Bobbie of Page. Becky Benash of Beatrice is spending a two week vacation with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hibbs and other rel atives. Mrs. Arthur Hibbs and sons, Craig and Mike were Thursday guests in the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schleusener at Or chard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin and Mr, and Mrs. Dale Beilin attended a Iowa-Nebraska Bee Keeper's association picnic at Sioux City Saturday when the Iowa group were hosts. On Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bei lin and Richard went to Lincoln to the state Bee Keepers as sociation picnic. Douglas Spittler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Spittler is spending the summer on the Higgins ranch at Brownlee and is a member of the hay crew. Juliana Arnberger of West Point, Mrs. Jennie Synowiecki of Omaha, Mrs. Frank Haack of Madison and Mrs. Juliana Kamp haus were Monday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Emesti at Clearwater The ladies are all daughters of Mrs. Arnberger Mrs William Shaw and daughters accompanied them there far the day. Mr and Mrs Leonard Hill d Edgar were last week-end guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. C. R Hdl and family Mr. and Mrs Dwayne Phdhnck and family were Sunday evening guests in the home of his twin brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Dwight Philbnek for a bar becue supper. Mrs. Don Ertogham of Idaho Falls, Idaho and Mrs Hattie Rhodes were guests in the borne of Mrs. Dwayne Philbnek and Mrs. Lottie Lof quest the first d the week. Mr. and Mrs Grant Peacock went to Yankton last Sunday where he attended the Sunday session of the Barber's conven tion in progress there. Enroute home Mrs. Peacock stopped at Wayne where she is attending the summer session at the col lege. Mr. and Mrs. George Oetter and children of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Ben Miller. Mrs. Oetter and the children, who spent the week with her father accompanied Mr. Oetter home. Mrs. Miller returned Wednesday from South Dakota where she had cared for her mother who is now hospitalized. Mr. and Mrs Francis Luben of Boulder, Colo, left after a weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Luben. While here they called at the Roger Bowen home at Page and at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Luben at Atkin son. Mrs Emma Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lavigne of Grass Valley, Calif., and Mr and Mrs. Walter Jutte of Chambers were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Martin’s aunt, Mrs. Ola Ermer at Chambers, Rodney Hibbs spent the week in O’Neill with Dicky Lieb and Johnny Sivisend. Drummond. Mont., was the scent of a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. lion Wrede and family, Gres hma, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld jr., and family, Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. John Bauld and family, Portland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNichols and family, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and family, O'Neill. Miss Ann Marie Saunto return ed home Sunday after a three week visit with Major and Mrs. H. 0. Brennan at Colorado Springs, Colo. John and Don Paul of Scotts bluff are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Orton Young. The boys came June 27 and plan to remain about six weeks. Mrs. Charles Mulford of Stuart visited Tuesday with Mrs. Lottie Lofquest while Mr. Mulford at tended an REA meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanton and children of Sioux Falls, S. D., were weekend guests of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stanton. Monday dinner guests at the Lloyd Liedtke home were Mr. and Mrs. John Kahler and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, all of Meadow Grove. Mrs. Kahler re mained to visit until Wednesday. Mrs. Liedtke is her daughter. Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke entertain ed Saturday at a birthday party for her son, Terry who was nine. The group went swimming and refreshments were served at the L and R cafe. Ten guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lavigne and family of Grass Valley, Calif, are ga ests in the home of Mrs. Emma Martin. The Lavignes are considering locating somewhere in Nebraska. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, Ainsworth, was a Saturday visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Loy, after returning her grand children. Connie. James and Deb bie Sorensen to their home at Page after a week’s vacation at their grandparents home at Ains worth and at the Kennedy cabin at Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. John Beilin left Saturday for Lincoln where they will visit in the home of her son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw re turned home last Thursday after spending a month in Washington. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Am brose Rohde in Kennewick, Mrs. Shaw’s brother, T. E. Carney at Soap Lake, a nephew in Richland and cousins in Olympia. Rev. L. W. Dickinson, state sup erintendent of Grand Island, held morning and evening services at the Assembly of God church dur ing the absence of a pastor. Robert Jenkins and R. Woep pel of Ewing took two cars of children to Boys and Girl’s State camp near Lexington Monday morning for their regular an nual Assembly of God study. Rev and Mrs. Robert Bmbree left Monday for a visit with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schrack of Santa Barbara, Calif. They will also vis it friends in Los Angeles, Red wood City, and San Francisco. They plan to return about August 5. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hamling and daughter, Lorine, of Greg ory, S. D. were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Hannah Se mon. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy re turned last Wednesday from a months visit with their daugh ters, Mrs. Charles Green at Se attle and Mrs. Arthur Goree at White Salmon, Wash. They tra veled by jet plane leaving Se attle at 3:00 a. m. Wednesday and were at their home in O’Neill at 4 p. m. the same day. They came by way of Minneapolis and Sioux City and came from there by car. Mr. and Mrs. Mike London jr., and family of Omaha spent the weekend at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike London sr. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lorenz and family will leave Friday for their home at San Jose, Calif., after a week’s visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles Summers j and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Carl Lorenz and other relatives Last Friday the Glen Lorenzes and Mr. and Mrs Carl Lorenz had dinner at the Sparetime cafe in honor of Mr. Carl Lorenzes birthday. Rosemary Urban, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Larry Urban, is spending a month with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs Charles King at Missouri Valley, la Mr. and Mrs. Gailard Gnes re turned Sunday from a we- k & va cation. Melvin Ruzicka and Reed Mer le y attended the Knapp-Sponcer Hardware conventual held at the Sioux City auditorium Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Urban and Mr and Mrs. Henry Kuhfahl were Sunday guests for a bar becue supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lowell Chaise A family reunion of the Sam Banks was held Sunday at Lake Andes Guests were Mr and Mrs. Sam Banks and daughter. Bar bara, Mr and Mrs James Banks, daughters and son of O'Nedl, Mr and Mrs D. L. Banks ami daugh ter of Casper. Wyo, SFC and Mrs Orville Banks and two daugh ters of Ft. Riley, Kan and Mr. and Mrs Robert Pruden of Page It was the first time in seven years that Orville and D L. had been together. Mr and Mrs. James Earley left Saturday for a week's va cation Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen and Ricky of Page and their daugh ter, Jenelle of Council Bluffs were Sunday breakfast guests in the home of Mr Allen’s mother, Mrs Mary Dusatko. Jenelle, who is a student nurse at St Vincent’s hospital at Sioux City is taking special, training at Council Bluffs Mr and Mrs Ken Curren and daughter left Sunday' for a week’s vacation. Mr and Mrs Charles Prit chett, Al Pritchett, Mrs, Ray Qrs bom and Mrs. George Mumm jr., Ellen Kay and Larry, visited Mrs. A. Pritchett at the Atkinson hos pital Monday. Mrs. C. A Richardson of Ains worth was a Sum! ay guest in the home of her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. R Hill and accompanied them to the 4-H C1UU pivluv ill 141“ ritv wi'ugiiinai home and also to the baseball games at Orchard that afternoon. Mr and Mrs L. W. David of Pontiac, Mich were Sunday to Wednesday guests in the home of Mrs Winner Barger They are relatives of Mrs. Barger. Mrs. Mary Lehn and LaVeta Lehn accompanied Mrs. Winnie Barger to Witton, S D., Sunday where they were guests of Mrs. Inez Ewing. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Skala Mr. and Mrs. George Kohle and family and Mrs. Hubert Kohle drove to Grand Island to visit Hubert Kohle at the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Arly Kruger and boys of Weyauwega, Wise., are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger and other friends and relatives. A Fourth of July weekend guest of Theresa Levi was Mrs. Mary Stolenburg of Bassett. A coffee party was held at the Theresa Levi home Thursday for Thelma Wiggins of Roseburg, Ore. The TPM Club was held at Mrs. F. P. Murphys on Tuesday. Prize winners were Bessie Green field. Theresa Levi, and Ethel Stracke. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Floyd Kayle, Greg, Nita and Kelly of Jefferson, S. D., and Mrs. Sidney Oakleaf of Sioux Ci ty were Monday visitors at the Dwaine Lockmon home. Mr. and Mrs. Dari Miller and Marsha of Greeley, Colo., were rourm oi juiy guesses oi ivu . turn Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon. Mr. and Mrs. Kasper Harley accompanied Mrs. Victor Synder and family to Chambers Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte. They also visited Mary Niemand. They then drove to Inman where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kopecky, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Synder. They drove to Plainview for Sapper with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harley and fam ily. Mrs. Kasper Harley and Mrs. Victor Synder and family were dinner and supper guests Thurs day of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Har ley and family of Atkinson. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Keith King and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry were Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Moody home in Ainsworth. Thursday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greenfield of Bassett and Mrs. Nick Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green field and girls of Newport were Wednesday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holbrook and Mrs. Keith King and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Art Hill at Piainview. Mr and Mrs Hill are Mrs Hoi bri>oks parents Carolyn Holbrook and Donald S'ixts of Omaha spent die weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Holbrook Lynn Gilg of Atkinson spent the past week visiting tier grandpar ents, Mr ami Mrs, Aloys Kaup. Mrs. John Lkmke and grand child left Tuesday after spending the past week visiting Mrs An na Kaup ami other relatives Mr a tut Mrs. Frank McCall at Bassett visited Mrs Anna Kaup ami other relatives Sunday. Sunday evening callers of Mrs. Anna Kaup weir Mr and Mrs. Jbii Ackren of Howells. , Mrs Frank Knap jr attended a birthday dinner at the Frank Greger >r , home Sunday to help her father celebrate his seventy ninth birthday Others present were Mr amt Mrs. Warren Marr of Atkinson, Steve Cieslak and Mr ami Mrs Ed Kyrsl and Mel vin. Sunday morning callers at the Vic Kaup home were Mr. and Mrs Paul Babl and family, Mr. anti Mrs Frank Schnicder amt Robert and Mr. and Mrs. lion Hanunit aixi children of Cali fornia Mrs Vic Kaup and children vis ited Mr ami Mrs. Aloys Babl on Clw? Fourth of July. Mrs Melvin Shephard and threw children of Omaha ami Mrs. Adolph Mlinar were Saturday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. *IV>ny Kaup Judy Mlinar, daughter irf Mr. and Mrs, Hamid Mlinar of O’ Neill, spent Wednesday to Satur day with Brenda and Benita Kaup, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaup. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ackren of Howells also called at the Ben Kaup sr. home Sunday evening. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. nn.l Xiee flit, iPOn U’OrO Charoiett Keidel and David, Mrs. Fred Zink, Nance Steck and Richard Jones of Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hatton and family of Sidney were Fri day sup[>er and overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs Karl Bernt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nuttle mann of Wisner were Sunday din ner guests at the Karl Bernt home. They visited Mrs. Nuttle mann’s mother Mrs. Smith. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bernt were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fry and boys of Newport. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Alexander and Linda were Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Butler and boys of Mills, they all called at the Charles Tinken home at Naper in the af ternoon. Mr and Mrs. Louis Keimig and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laufer and family of Wichita, Kan., spent from Friday to Tues day at the Walt Kaup home. Walt and Louis were army buddies. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Batenhorst were her folks, Mr. and Mrs Joe Ham ik and family of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Otto. Mrs. Bat enhorst’s brother Alvin Hamik is home after spending four years with the army in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwalla der attended a picnic dinner at Norfolk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton spent a few days last week visiting at State Center and Hanlon Town, la. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Merle McClure at Sioux City, la. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton were Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sass and family and Mrs. Gertrude Pierre, all of Ly ons, and Mrs Barbara Cdbb. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobrovolny and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyrsl and family, Mrs. Stan Cobb, Mrs. Orville Clanton and boys and Ethel Stra cke were Friday afternoon visit ors at the Floyd Greenfield home in Bassett. They visited Dorothy Thompson who had been ill. Atkinson News Mrs. L. T. Genung returned to her home north of Atkinson re cently from Greeley, Colo., where she had been since early June attending summer session at Colorado State College of Educa tion. Mrs. Genung is a member of the faculty of the Atkinson public school. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Genung and Tom, went to Glenwood, la., Tues day, to attend the funeral of Mr. Genung’s aunt, Mrs. Norman S. Genung, who died July 4. She was the wife of the late Norman S. Genung, prominent Iowa attorney. Before returning home Friday, the Genungs visited relatives in Hastings, la., and the Gene Buf fington family near Silver City. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Genung and Tom were in Columbus Saturday, July 9. Mrs. Genung attended an executive state education meeting and luncheon. IDEAL LOCKERS Page, Nebraska i When You're Ready To Butcher—Call 2711 For your convenience we will pick up your hog or beef FREE OF CHARGE. Come in and look over our newly decorated Locker RlanJ IMA *!*-•}■& •••*' • Bus. 2711 Phone Collect Res. 2686