The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 14, 1960, Section One, Image 3

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    Emmet News
By Mrs. Klappenberg
Mr and Mr*. Ehner Alder,
Dean and De4mar spent Sunday
at the Tom Alder and Mrs Grace
Alder homes at Lynch.
Sunday evening supper guests
at the hocne of Mr. and Mrs
Leon Beckwith were Mr and
Mrs. Len Ulrich. Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Ries, Mr and Mrs. Mar
dy Berg and Mr and Mrs Ken
neth Reggies and Ronnie
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kloppen
borg. Kiihy, Marty and Kelley
of Kimball arrived Wednesday,
June 22 and spent a week vis
iting with his parents. Mr and
Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg and ot
her relatives and friends,
Friday overnight guests of Mr.
and Mrs Wayne Fox and fam
ily were Mr and Mrs. Joe Luth
of Grand Island. They went on
to visit friends Saturday after
noon and returned to the Fox
home Sunday Rex Fox returned
to Grand Island with Mr. and
■Mrs Luth to spend some time
visiting them.
On June 22, Mr. and Mrs Wil
iam Klinetobe and Carol, Mr. and
Mrs. Jimmy Dean Comer and Bill
Wilson spent the day at the home
of Mr .and Mrs Ralph Colfack
and family of Albion.
Mr. and Mrs Carl Wafes and
children and Mr. Marrin Wabs
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs Cecil McMillan.
Bus Schedule
Leave Sioux City 11.30 a m
Arrive O'Neill 3:30 p.m.
Leave O'Neill 3:45 pm.
Arrive Sioux City 7:15 pm.
Leave Winner 6:00 a.m.
Arrive O'Neill 9:00 a.m.
Leave O'Neill 9:30 a.m.
Arrive Omaha 3:50 p.m.
Leave Omaha 8:30 a.m.
Leave Norfolk 12:30 p.m.
Arrive O'Neill 3:00 p m.
Leave O'Neill 4:00 p.m.
Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m.
Leave Valentine 9:10 a.m.
Arrive O’Neill 12:15 p m.
Leave O'Neill 12:25 p.m.
Arrive Grand Island 4:05 p.m.
Leave Grand Island 4:05 p.m.
Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m.
Leave Omaha 7:45a.m.
Arrive Grand Island 11 20 a.m.
Leave Grand Island 12:30 p.m.
Arrive O'Neill 4:00 p.m.
Leave O’Neill 4:15 p.m.
Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m
Mr and Mrs Paul Newton and
children were Sunday dinner
guerts of Mr and Mrs. Louis
Sniak end family Other guests
were Jce Frizzell and son Jim.
Mr Adolph Arp of Randolph
was a Sunday dinner guest at
the Dean Perry home
Donna Percell of Hastings spent
the past week visiting Connie
Mrs Wally O’Connell was a
Monday. June 27. caller at the
Norman Wayman home
On June 29, Nancy Benze was
an overnight guests of Marian
Duaatko 'file occasion wa* Mar
ians sixth birthday.
Mr and Mrs Darrell Kendall
of Grand Island and Mrs. Stella
Kendall of Hastings spent the
July Fourth weekend visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Wayne
Fox and family
Mr and Mrs Don Kloppenborg
and boys of Kimball were Mon
day, June 27, supper guests of
Mr and Mrs. Ai Kloppenborg
and family.
Jim Keim of Chadron was a
weekend guest at the Dean Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hitch
cock and Helen Martens were
supper guests at the William
Wilkinson home in O’Neill Sunday
Friday overnight guests at the
home oif Mrs. Bessie Burge were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul NeiLson and
son of Omaha and Helen Ben
ford of Omaha
The Methodist church Bible
school closed Friday evening with
a program given by the children
who attended school this past
Mrs. Joy McConnell was a Tues
day afternoon coffee guest of
Mrs. Wayne Fox.
On Thursday, June 23, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Comer and Little Bill
Wilson of Texas and Mr. and Mrs.
William Klinetobe and Carol were
supper guests at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Paul Menkens, Lynn
and Bruce. Mrs. Corner and Mrs.
Menkens are sisters. The Com
ers and Mr. Wilson left Friday
for their home in Houston, Tex.
Mr and Mrs. Robert H. Fox,
Mr and Mrs. Richard Fox and
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Paul New
ton and family gathered at the
William Kramer home in O’Neill
for a picnic on July 4.
Elaine and Cindy Bahr of Fre
mont spent Saturday afternoon
with their cousins, Lynn and
Bruce Menkens.
Mrs. Donna Staube was a Sun
day dinner guest at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Perry and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alder and
family spent the Fourth of July
Mr. and Mrs. John Conard,
Mrs. Georgia McGinnis, and Mr.
(Strand In a Serin on
the DedoroHon of Indeperd.rc.)
"we hold these tnuths to Be self-evident..."
Before our Founding Fathers oould lay down the principles on
which our loon of government is based, they had to resolve the most bade
question of all.
They had to decide whether or not then Is a Cod. For if there is no Cod,
then government is Cod and all of the despots and tyrants of history were right to
denying the rights of Individuals. But if there is a Cod Who created
the rights of man coma from Cod and governmentrmn
neither give nor take away those rights.
So, the Founding Fathers first stated the ultimate facts
*We hold these truths to be self-evident, that afl men are created.
They acknowledged the existence of a Creator of man... One from whan man
derives his very being. They stated their belief in Cod Who la
the, Omnipotent Government, more powerful than any man-mada system.
The dignity of man as a creature of Cod was first and foremost
fei the minds of the Founding Fathers, and on this principle they established
the roots of American government
and Mrs Bernard Troahynski and
sons joined with others at the
Country Club for a picnic supper
and to watch the fire works July
Mr. and Mrs Kenny Ruggless
and Ronny visited at the C. S.
Johnson home Saturday evening
Patricia, Robert anti Roy Klop
penborg visited Marjorie, Diane
and Darlene Wayman Thursday
On Sunday a picnic at the park
in O’Neill was enjoyed by Mr.
and Mrs. George Brainard and
family of Casper, Wyo., Mr. and
Mrs. George Bosn and family,
FnU Belzer and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Kelley, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Brainard, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Focken and family of New
port, Steven and Roy Fox, Mr.
and Mrs. Chuck Fox and family
Mr. and Mrs Larry Fox and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fox
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fox and Carol and Mr and Mrs.
Gilbert Fox and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kloppenborg
and family visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg,
Sunday and Monday.
A July 4 picnic was held at
the Henry Kloppenborg home.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Wayman and daugh
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Klop
penborg and family, Mr. and Mrs.
>Al Kloppenborg and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kloppenborg
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puckett and
daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Sew
ell Johnson were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Schmit and family of Osmond.
Carol Klinetobe spent a few
days in Fremont visiting her sis
ter and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Max Bahr and family.
A weiner roast was held at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Paul Men
kens last Saturday. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Max Bahr,
Elaine, Cindy and Kennie of Fre
mont and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kline
tobe and Carol.
Saturday overnight guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole
and family was Mike May of
Phoenix, Ariz.
Marjorie Wayman was a Sun
day overnight guest of Patricia
Mrs. Bessie Burge, June, and
Harold went to Swan Lake for
a family gathering, July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
family and Mrs. Robert Tomlin
son spent the June 25 weekend
visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Ste
vens and family at Rapid City,
S. D.
Mr. and Mrs Bill Clausson vis
ited Mrs. Mary Lewis Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kloppenborg
and family were Monday, June
27, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Wayman and family.
Susan Brainard of Casper,
Wyo. was a Saturday and Sunday
overnight guest of her cousin,
Barbara Fox.
Mrs. Georgia McGinnis and
Mrs. Jess Wills attended the fun
eral of Mrs. Jane Judge Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman
and family, and Mr .and Mrs.
Henry Kloppenborg visited the
A1 Kloppenborg family on Sun
day evening.
A Till,. ~ L
the Bonesteel Park. Those pre
sent from Emmet were Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Menkens, Lynn and
Bruce and Mrs. Bill Klinetobe.
Jim and Jerry Menkens spent
the Fourth at Spenrfish, S. D. at
the home of Mr .and Mrs. Holmes
and family. They attended the
Passion Plays. Jim and Jerry are
carpenters at the Oahe Dam at
Pierre, S. D.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tom
linson and Nina of Grand Island
and A1 Sipes jr. of Lincoln.
Steve Fox was a July Fourth
guest of Merlin Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson of
Atkinson were Sunday afternoon
callers at the Larry Tenborg
Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford
and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith
were Saturday evening visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith.
The county bridge crew has
finished repairing the washed out
bridges southeast of Emmet.
Martin and Mike Wiseman of
Page returned to their home
Thursday after visiting a week
with their cousin, Carmen Ten
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole went to
Fort Randall Sunday. They spent
the night there and returned Mon
A Sunday evening picnic at Ford
park was enjoyed by Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Cole, Mr. ami Mrs.
Larry Schaffer and family, Mrs.
Esther Harris. Mrs. Darold May
and four children of Phoenix,
Ariz., Mr. and Mrs. Bud Code
and family amd Mrs. Bernard
Troshynski and sons.
Jackie Cole was a Friday ov
ernight guest of Jerry Brockman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington
and family of Omaha visited her
father, Frank Foreman, Sunday.
They brought Jeanie home after
she spent the past three weeks
in Omaha visiting her sister and
Mr and Mrs Max Bahr and
family and Mrs. Lonnie Kline
tobe and Regina left Sunday for
their hocne in Frerramt after
spending a few days visiting
hevne folks.
Lawrence Brainard of Casper,
Wyo. is spending some time vis
iting it the home of Mr. and Mrs
Gilbert Fox and family
Thursday afternoon coffee guests
of Mrs. Wayne Fox were, Mrs
Fritz Belzer, Mrs. George Bosn,
Mrs BiU 'Kelly and Mrs Charles
Dorsey News
By Mrs. Harold IKborn
Mrs. Jerome Vandick and boys
of Dell. Wise, visited at the Ed
ward Carson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McWhor
ter of Norfolk arrived at the
Edward Carson home on Satur
day, June 25, and left on the
following Friday. They also vis
ited with the Carson sisters.
Sgt. and Mrs. Vernon Olesun
and Neil arrived early Saturday
morning for a few days visit with
their relatives and friends.
Muss Ruth Osborn is staying
at the Buss Greene home, dur
ing the Greene's absense and
keeping Mrs. M. Knapp company.
The Greene’s have gone to Den
imr tricif IKaim /fniurktae T~Y/ \ n
na and husband.
Joe D. Pavlik is visiting his
grandparents, the Otto Ruzicka's
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Me Whorter
and the Carson sisters visited at
the Lee Brady home Wednesday
Albert Ladely and Mrs. Anna
Carson were Thursday afternoon
and supper guests at the Lee
Brady sr. home.
Mrs. Myrtle Young visited rel
atives in Inman, O’Neill and Ew
ing last week. She arrived at the
Anna Carson home on Friday
for a visit with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chapman
and boys of Tracy, Calif, spent
Tuesday evening and Wednesday
at the Harold Osborn home. They
left Wednesday evening for Ly
man to visit at the Glen Bare
home and attend a family re
union picnic at the Rollie Bare
home on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hughs
and family and friends frojn Lin
coln spent the weekend at the
R. L. Hughes home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schollmey
er were Sunday afternoon and
evening visitors at the R. L. Hug
hes home.
A reception was held at the Dor
sey church Friday evening in
honor of Rev. and Mrs. Lee Hicks
who are holding services at the
Dorsey church each Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. Redshaw were
house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Richter on Friday. They
attended the reception held for
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hicks, and
ciljlJjrt-VI UICCUUg Uiu UU'UUfi UI1U
having ice cream and cake with
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard and
family arrived at the Harold Os
borne home so they could see
Sgt. and Mrs. Vernon Oleson and
Mr. and Mrs. John Derickson
visited at the Tom Alder home
Friday evening.
Mrs. Diane Snyder and Kathy
were callers at the Harold Os
bom home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber
were callers at the Harold Os
bom home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladely are
visiting at the Anna Carson home.
Her brother, Albert, has been
here several days before visiting
at Mrs. Carson’s home, as well
as other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene of
Lynch were June 26 visitors at the
Edward Carson home.
Thinking, not growth, makes
manhood. Accustom yourself,
therefore, to thinking. Set
yourself to understand what
ever you see or read. To join
thinking with reading Is one of
the first maxims, and one of
the easiest operations.
—Isaac Taylor
At 5% Interest
l am hack in my olfice and can
loan money at 5% interest on
land and City Property.
See or write to
O’Neill, Nebr.
Summer is about half gone and
we still are looking for our
jackets when evening comes but
the mosquitoes don't know that
it is chilly. It seems as though
they work that much harder
pestering hqmanity.
The week of July 28 to August
7 has been set aside by the poul
try industry as Midsummer Tur
key Time.
Not many years hack turkey
was considered a luxury and
served only at Thanksgiving and
Christmas At the presort time
turkey has become a very ver
satile meat. Many ways have
been found to fix and serve tur
key. It also has many nutritional
merits in a good summer diet.
When buying turkey choose a
large one to roast Many appetiz
ing dishes can be made from the
leftover or cold turkey, such as
TURKEY HASH which is suitable
for a summertime brunch party
or the second meal from your
, roast turkey
4 cups (quart' large cubes
cooked turkey
1 cup butter or margarine
2 cups (1 large bunch' chop
ped green onions
1 cup diced celery
2 cups chopped (2* green
l can (4 ounces' button mush
rooms. with juice
1 3 cup flour
1 tablespoon curry powder
2 teaspoons sweet basil
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon ground pepper
2 cups broth
Me cup sweet vermouth (or
cup silvered, salted al
Saute' turkey in butter or mar
garine until thoroughly heated.
Add onions, celery, and green
peppers and saute' until vege
tables are barely soft, but not
browned Add mushrooms, mush
room juice, and flour blended
with the seasonings. Stir until
flour has been absorbed Add
broth all at once and cook until
uniformly thickened, stirring con
stantly, but gently Add vermouth
lor milk > and simmer several
minutes, until very hot, spr.nkle
almonds over top Makes 8 serv
The following are a few I Vi's
and Dent's with regards to the
handling of meats, whether it bo
winter or summer.
1. IXin't ever stuff poultry
ahead of time, in any kind of
weather. Always prepare dress
ing and stuff the bin! just before
putting it in the oven.
2. Do remove all leftover stuff
ing from roasted meats as
quickly as possible. Refrigerate
all meats, gravies, stuffing im
mediately. I'se leftovers in a day
or two. unless they have h«'en
properly wrapped and frozen
3. 1X> heat leftovers thoroughly.
Broth and gravy should lie
brought to a full, rolling boll and
allowed to boil several minutes;
heat stuffing thoroughly.
4 Don’t permit fixxl to stand
in a warm kitchen If not served
at once refrigerate Reheat be
fore serving it necessary.
5 IXi speed the cooling of large
quantities by refrigerating quick
ly in shallow container is).
If you wish any special recipe
or would like to pass along an
interesting idea write to Mrs.
Sarah Michaelis, Inman. Nebras
ka and it will be Included in thia
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone too OoMmi Bids
Misses’ Slips
at 1.49
Save) Sanforized 4-gore
cotton slip. Shadow panel.
Trimmed with fine 3" cotton
eyelet. White. Size 32-40.
Tots’ Longies
Blue denim boxer style with
handy pockets. Full elastic
waist — fit so well! Sanfor
ized. Buy now! Size 2-6.
Shoe Values
Now 166
Terrific values! Large variety
summer casuals — flats,
wedgies, plus many morel
Girls', misses', women's sizes.
of 1.39
Boys need a lot of denim
dungarees—take rough wear!
Stock-up while supply lasts!
Sanforized. Sizes 6-1 2.
BSleeveless Blouses
f Compare at 1.19. Colorful,
* cool cottons. Plains, prints. Buy
several now at low, low price.
Misses’ sizes, 32-38.
11 l-ASST.
s and Play Wear
Reg. to 2.98. Chance to Savel
Full or straight skirts, pedal
pushers, shorts, slacksl Many
colors and sizes (misses').
Ill -ASST.
I Misses Sportswear Buys
Reg. to 3.98. A bargain! They
are all here — Jamaica shorts,
pedal pushers,, slacks. Many
colors and sizes NOW.
111 -ASST.
Tots’ and Girls’ Play Wear
Reg. to 1.19. Shorts, Jamaicas,
pedal pushers, sunsuits, play
suits, Capris, halters! Big choice
of color and size.
11 5-ASST.
^Girls’ Better Play Togs
Refl. to 1.98. Terrific salel
Bright and breezy — blouses,
halters, Jamaicas, pedal push
ers! Wide color and size choice.
Girls’ Jamaica Shorts
SPECIAL—usually 1.191 Huge,
happy selection of “short
shorts" or Jamaicas. Bright
Sanforized print or plain cotton.
Compare to 1.49. Red or blue. Non-skid rubber soles. Boys' and girls'l I
Orig. 39c each. Acetate tricot—smooth-fitting elastic leg. Size 6-8. FOR |
115-SI 01
Reg. 98c Save
During This Sale!
Size 9-11
If perfect, 35c pr. White
anklet with soft cushioned
foot. Men's lO'A-12.
' % , T._: _
Compare at 1.39. Blue cham
bray — Sanforized. Double
ititched seams. 14'/j-17.
wash ’n wear
sport shirts
Boys A A C
6 to 16
Men’s I 44
sizes £
Big Price Cutl Beat the heat
in these broadcloth or em
bossed cotton shirts! Short
sleeves and sport collar.
99 AND 100 ASST.
shirts & briefs
boys’ 6 to 16
£ 94*
men’s sizes
£ $i
Quality Salel Full cut, fine
combed cotton, rib knit keeps
its shape. Reinforced neck
T-shirts. Taped crotch and
elastic waist on briefs.
99-7422 99-341 S 100-7601 100-9)60
Prices and otters apply to all Gamble-owned stores. Gamble-Skogmo Authorized Dealers set their own prices and terms."