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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
reports Gerald Winter, Neenah, Wis. “We have to pick up milk in all kinds of weather—over all kinds of roads. Where we once needed chains, Firestone Super All Tractions pull us through without a hitch. W. H. Hoffman, our Oshkosh Firestone Dealer, backs his tires with good service, too.” Like Gerald Winter, you’ll find Firestone truck tires deliver extra service at no extra cost! • FIRESTONE RUBBER-X, the longest wearing rubber ever used in Firestone truck tires, greatly prolongs tread life. • FIRESTONE SHOCK-FORTIFIED CORD gives you built in strength for top impact resistance in roughest hauling. s FIRESTONE SUPER ALL TRACTION TIRE: extra deep tread, all-season tire for traction on highways, mud or snow. s FIRESTONE ALL TRACTION TIRE: improved road mile age with top traction for feed lots, soft fields and lanes. s FIRESTONE TRANSPORT TIRE: designed and built for maximum mileage at minimum cost in general farm hauling. Extra service at no extra cost—that’s the Firestone story over and over again! See your Firestone Dealer or Store about the complete line of Firestone farm tractor and implement tires, too. And remember. Firestone's FREE NEW TRACTOR TIRE LOANER SERVICE keeps your equipment working during re treads and repaira. I SAVE AND BE SURE with Firestone tires on all your wheels! -TRACTOR- -TRUCK- -CAR AH Traction Supar AH Transport* Da Luna Champion* AH Traction* Traction* Champion* *Firastona T.M. CONVENIENT TERMS BETTER RUBBER FROM START TO FINISH OpyrvfM tPCQ, The Firwxtanr Tirf and Rmbber Company Here's a group of range-reared pul lets that are nearly ready to be housed. Pullets from this flock can be quite profitable producers in the laying house but you need to know the conditions under which they have been grown. Without knowing this, you can't very well evaluate the pullet or know specifically what to do once the pullets are housed. ZtZ ♦ STARTED PULLETS More egg producers are giving serious thought to buying pullets, that are about ready to lay, from specialized growers. Many farm flock owners across the Midwest say they can buy healthier pullets than they can grow on their own farm—and they do better in the laying house. But you need to use caution in buying started pullets. The pullet can be expected to be only as good as its gen etic Background and the type of management under which it is grown. Also, the quality of pullet is far more important than the price. If you think you may want to buy some started pullets between now and the late fall, begin by re-evaluat ing the various strains. Results of Random Sample Tests are probably your best guide. If your hatcBeryman doesn’t have results of tests conducted during the last few years, write the extension poultryman at your agricul tural college. By studying the results of several years’ tests you’ll have a better idea of how the various strains stand in performance. Next, start looking for a good reputable grower that has the strain of pullets you want. Ask him for names of people who have bought pullets in the past. It’s im portant that this be done well ahead of the time you want to actually move the pullets into your laying house. Many egg producers find it is really to their advantage to place an order even before the grower starts to brood the chicks. You can then keep a check on the growth and health of the pullets throughout the growing period. By all means, know the precise feeding, sanitation, vaccination and management program being used by the pullet raiser. Is his place clean and well run? What type of feeding program is he using? What is his vaccination program for such things as Newcastle, bronchitis and fowl pox? Does he worm the pullets?—If so, when? It's important that you know these things so you can evaluate the pullets and know what will need to be done when you get them in the laying house. If you’re not sure how to evaluate the grower’s methods, ask your feed man, hatcheryman or other poultry specialist to visit the grower’s operation with you. His views may be of help. Well before the time you’re to take delivery of the pullets, make sure all equipment and facilities are thor oughly cleaned. It takes more than just some clean litter on the floor and in the nests. Completely clean the house, sweep down all dust and then thoroughly disinfect the entire house, feeders, waterers, nests and roosts. Often a disease can lay dormant in the laying house. If new pullets are brought into such conditions they may quickly become infected, even though they were originally in per fect health. The actual movement of the new pullets from the grower’s farm to your laying house puts a serious strain on the birds. It takes a strong, well-grown pullet to with stand the handling and movement to your farm. Most pullet growers cull the pullets closely before loading them on the truck. In fact, some growers will let you make a further 10* cull before they leave the farm. This helps assure you of a better pullet. Movement of these pullets can often cause them to react similarly to new feeder cattle with shipping fever. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have them treated with an antibiotic before they leave the grower’s farm—it will help reduce the stress. Make it as easy as possible for these new pullets to adjust themselves to your laying house. See that they have plenty of fresh, cool water and adequate ventilation. Use a feeding program that’s been previously worked out with your feed dealer. These precautionary steps can prevent death losses and limit any extra stresses. It’s all a vital part of giving you a pullet that will perform well in the nest and show you a good profit. I I I I These confinement reared pullets J have been given plenty of floor, feeder and waterer space to help them remain thrifty. Occasional visits with the pullet grower can keep you up to date on the progress of the flock. It will also give you an t opportunity to become acquainted | with the feeding, health and gen eral management practices used. : » • I I I I This may look like a brand new laying house but ac tually it's one that has been thoroughly cleaned to give new pullets the best of conditions once they arrive. All old litter was removed from this house, equipment com pletely cleaned and disinfected and fresh new litter added. This egg producer wants to make sure the new pullets don't come in contact with any old diseases and parasites from the previous flock. These pullets are just about to reach full production. They were well grown and handled carefully when moved from the grower's farm to the laying house. A well-designed program of feeding and management under the guidance of the local feed dealer had these pullets into production when they were about 22 weeks of age. They now show promise of a high level of pro duction and good profits. fast results with N OT N BICILLIN* FORTIFIED Bonzathln* penicillin Q and procalna penicillin Q, Wyath Swine erysipelas can cause losses of up to 75% of your herd and leave the surviving animals rough, undersized, or backward in growth. INJECTION BICILLIN Fortified provides fast results in swine erysipelas with only one injection. INJECTION BICILLIN For TIRED attacks the bacteria causing swine erysipelas by providing two types of penicillin blood levels—immediate, high levels that promote rapid spread of penicillin through the tissues to fight infection fast, and long-lasting levels (5 days) to help prevent relapses, recurrences, and reinfections. Because one injection provides this dual action, treatment time is cut—you save money. Available: Injection Bicillin Fortified 300, 150,000 units of Bicilun and 150.000 units of procaine penicillin G per cc., vials of 10 and 50 cc. Injection Bicillin Fortified 600 Tubex*, 300,000 units of Bicilun and 300.000 units of procaine penicillin G per l-cc. TUBEX-sterile needle unit. IVyeth Laboratories Philadelphia I, Pa. A Century of Service