Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
Some dairymen find that feeding grass silage during summer works better than chopping fresh grass daily. They take less risk with wet weather, which can keep them out of fields, and forage quality is more uniform throughout the summer. When using fresh green chopped grass, it's difficult to schedule the forage production program to give highest quality grass when needed. With a drylot feeding operation you'll want to provide plenty of premium quality hay all the time. For many dairymen this is the secret to their excellent herd production averages. Ef forts spent in growing, harvesting or buying premium qual ity forage can often make the difference between an 8,000 and a 10,000 plus herd average. Newer type ground-level hay storage buildings, from which cows can be self-fed, can save you a lot of time and let you handle more cows. Here'* a typical loafing barn used with drylot dairy opera tions in this part of the country. Cows are easy to keep clean in this type setup as long as the loafing area is kept well bedded and adjoining concrete lots are kept clean. Loafing barn should provide 40 to 50 square feet of area per cow, depending on their size. For a drylot dairy operation you'll need to provide plenty of lot and feeder space. Overcrowding can hurt production and create unnecessary management problems. Cows will need 24 to 30 inches of feeder space per head unless they have access to roughage all the time. In this case, they'll need only 15 to 18 inches each. In terms of lot space, figure on a minimum of 75 to 100 square feet per cow in addition to about 20 square feet of holding area near milking parlor. f I I A S»oml«»» PotyotHylono Shooting Mod* in door or Sun-R*ii»tant Block ItWKBALl. •• attar proof rot proof arid proof Moots fMA oportA rot woo I Ha rob!* inoapoooivs Tb# Boat f*ofyr»HjrUno Shooting Nonoj Cop Bat Mad* By Warp Bros (iHrtga Bl. IN BatoH tfltt (Wtg motors and I or grot Pfdotoia of Plootw Shooting Am form Uoo jmttiMft I Tafct TMi HI VHt Tb Taa. tat* Hto . II* ImpMmmI Oi ImN Mb In ti !■> Vm M MB Wm CtVftMl M IB Im. Iab Mb CONTROL FLIES... in your fairy born KILLS 7LII8 for weeks! Why spray a»ary day? Just one residual application ot Diazinon insecticide kills flies for i weeks at a time Yen save ie time, labor arid cast per day of protection. This year spray less and pay less for fly control Ask your farm supply dealer for Oiazinon one of the safer phosphate insecticides oniantaroes or 001 insienciors GEIGY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Division ot Qaigy Chemical Corporation • Saw Mill Rlvar Road, Ardalay, Nan York You’re sure of satisfaction ... when you buy by Brand Name! give you varmint rifle accuracy ... get bigger game, too! Take your choice of autoloading, slide- or bolt-action. All these Remington rifles in new long-range 280 Remington caliber give you accuracy out to the limits of human sighting and holding ability. In the 100 grain Bronze Point bullet you get the super-precision needed for varmints. And you can use the same rifle in the fall with 123-grain Pointed Soft Point “Core Lokt,” 150-grain Pointed Soft Point “Core-Lokt" or 165-grain Soft Point “Core-Lokt” for heavier game. Sec the new double-duty Remington rifles now! r™. *!!•••' •PrtrM mthwrt to itow ■•»*•«< M<to>. 'Woo4MM*Ur,” ** GmvwwUr " ’* tow or Matlc" and "Cora Lofct" are Bar US. Pa*. Off. b? Sam tartan Arma Compaajr. toe.. Bridrapart t. Cora, la Canada Ramtnrton Arm of Canada l imited, M Qaaaa ElUa bath Bird.. Toronto. Oat Remington. €jl>