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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
Riverside News By Mrm. IJonel < Jon ter Mr. and Mrs Thomas Martin, Judy and Cathy of Stockton, Calif., Frank Agosta and Theora Lettner of Omaha and the Charles Rotherham family picnicked at the Billy Lofquist home July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Waldorf, Billy and Bobby of Deerlog, Mont , were overnight guests Fri day at the Grant Mott home. Mr. and Mrs Howard Miller and the Leo Miller family sur prised Alice Miller on her birth day Tuesday evening. Wilbur Bennetts, Ralph Shra ders and Louis Shraders joined other relatives at Orchard for a picnic dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shrader. Jerry Meyers of Wisner, Rosella Ahlers of Norfolk, Irene Aiders and the Fred Ritter family of Tilden were guests Monday at the Rudy Ahlers home. Mr and Mrs. Earl Pierson vi sited Monday at the Marcus Pier son home. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers vi sited last Sunday morning at the Robert Ahlers home near Wisner and were dinner guests at the Ben Meyers home in Wisner. Sharon Johnston joined a group of girls Friday evening for a slumber party with Karen Wehcn kel. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Norwood and Mrs. Amy Jacobson visited one day last week at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family visited last Sunday eve ning at the Lorraine Montgomery home. Tom Vandersnick was a guest the past week of Jackie Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gunter and Mark left Tuesday for their home in Garland, Tex. The Verl Gun ter family left Saturday morning for their home at Springfield. 111. Mrs. Gerald Wettlauffer and Gary of O'Neill were overnight guests Thursday at the Will Shrader home. Joan Miller, Sharon Mott, Doug las, Susan and Jerry Taylor vi sited Faye Scheer Wednesday af ternoon. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family called at the George Kel ler home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock joined a group Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dugan Libby of Newark, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Libby and family of Eugene, Ore., at the Myrtle Thorin home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord and Duane were dinner guests Sunday at the Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlauf fer and Gary were overnight guests Saturday at the Will Shrader home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier at tended Mrs. John Juraceks funeral in Norfolk Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Trease and family visited Thursday eve ning at the Rudy Ahlers home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier, Glenda, Leroy and Dennis visited Friday evening at the John Napier home. Reed, Diana, Joan and Cheryl Emsick returned to their home in Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Earl Day and girls vi sited Thursday at the Billy Lof quist home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery were Wednesday evening cal lers at the Wilbur Mahood home in Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brunner and Mrs. Gertrude Daniels and Char les of Norfolk called at the Will Shrader home Saturday afternoon. Reverend and Mrs. Ivan Turner returned home Saturday evening after visiting friends and relatives in Illinois, Iowa and Indiana. The Wayne Fry and Ralph Mum families, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mrs. Kitty Fry, Mr. and Stock Car Racing j STUART, NEBRASKA SUNDAY JULY 17 8:00 p.m. 7 RACKS PLUS POWDER PUFF DERBY —OTHER RACE DATES— August 7 8:00 August II 8:00 p.m. September 4 2:30 p.m. September 18 _ 2:30 p.m. ADMISSION — Adults, $1.00; High School Age, 50c Children, 12 anti tinder — FREE, accompanied by parents. Mrs Otto Retke, Mr and Mrs. Z H. Fry. Dia|»a. Reed. Bill, Peg gy. Cheryl, Joan and Dicky Em sick were guests Monday evening at the Richard Napier home Reverend and Mrs. William Ross called Monday evening at the Will Shrader home Barbara Johnston, Judy, John ny and Jamey Gunter played with David Shrader at the Willie Shra der home Thursday. Jerry, Roger and Dale Miller stayed with their grandmother, Mrs Anna Miller, in Ewing Wed nesday while their parents, Mr. and Mrs John Miller, Charlene, Vicki, Mary and Ann visited at the Joe Miller home in Omaha. Vicki stayed for a longer visit. Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Jody Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier, Susan, Nancy and Reta and Dicky and Peggy Emsick left Thursday for a few days fishing at Picks town. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery were Neligh visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mahood of Orchard were afternoon and sup per guests at the George Mont gomery home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlauf fer and Gary of O'Neill and the Willie Shrader and Archie Johns ton families visited with the Verl Gunter family at the Will Shrader home Tuesday. A late lunch of home made ice cream and cake was served, Mr. and Mrs, Rol Hord and Duane visited Thursday evening at the George Montgomeiy home. Redbird News By Veldeen Pinkerman Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and boys were O’Neill visitors on Tuesday. The Dorsey Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Ray Wilson on Wednesday with ten members and one vis itor, Mrs. Guy Hull, present. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins were Friday evening visitors in the Veldon Pinkerman home. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinkerman called at the Veldon Pinkerman home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pinkerman accompanied Dick Ladley and Mrs. Anna Carson to O’Neill on Friday. Reggie Pinkerman and sons and Eddie Krugman called at the Veldon Pinkerman home Sunday morning. Mrs. Albert Carson from Chad ron spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Guy Hull called on Mrs. Dale Bessert and baby Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladley, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ladley and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Car son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson and June, .Jerry Jensen of Gordon, Mrs. Fay Pin kerman and Dick Ladley held a picnic dinner in the Anna Carson home Sunday. They all went sight seeing at Fort Randall in the af ~ I JULY Furniture O'Neill, Nebraska Specials \\ WE TRADE_ $5 Down Wi^ Del'ver All Major Purchases Any Purchase Under $200 Delivered Free Terrific Buy 3 Piece Bedroom Suite Light Walnut $ 139.95 With FREE Lamps Haddon Hall Box Spring and Mattress *49.88 Pin Up Lamps *1.50 6 Year Size Baby Crib Both Sides Adjustable *27.50 Maple Sofa Bed *57.88 Brass Magazine Racks 99c Values up to $119.95 7 Piece Dinette Sets Choice of 4 Different Sets *88.88 Budget Buy Hollywood Bed *49.88 Nursery Chairs $3.98 FREE 1 Coffee Table 2 End Tables With Purchase of any Living Room Suite 3 ROOM GROUP ! £ 3 Piece Bedroom Suite ONLY ««»— *369 88 3 Piece Sofa Bed Suite WW # • WW temoon Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson were afternoon callers. Marty and Weshe Pinkerman spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Krugman while their parents. Mrs. and Mrs, Reggie Pinkerman were on vacation. Virgil Pinkerman and Virginia called at the Veldon Pinkerman home Tuesday afternoon. Randy Pinkerman called at the Rex Carson home Monday. Mr. and Mrs Howard Oberle are vacationing in la , South Da kota, Colorado and Minnesota for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Redshaw arrived at the Marvin Richter home Friday. They ail attended the ice cream social Friday eve ning at the Dorsey church for Rev. and Mrs. Hicks. Vekior Pinkerman and Veld een called on Mrs. Fay Pinker man Tuesday afternon. Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Christensen and Mr .and Mrs. Reggie Pinker man called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Krugman Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladley and Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Ladley and Danny, all of Gordon spent the Fourth of July weekend with Mrs. .Anna Carson and other rel atives. Eldon Sedivy called on Guy Pinkenman Tuesday morning on business. Virgil Pinkerman and Virginia were O’Neill business callers on Tuesday. Charles Luber is visiting in the Frank McDonald home for a few days. Mrs. Johnny Earnst, Mrs. Chl^e Dill and Mrs. Dick Wilson were Sunday evening supper guests of Mrs. Fay Pinkerman. Mrs. Wil son and Mrs. Earnst were over night guests there. Mrs. Dill was a Sunday overnight guest in the Guy Hull home. Mrs. Johnny Earnst, Mrs. Chole Dill, Mrs. Dick Wilson, Mrs. Fay Pinkerman and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull were Sunday evening vj3iu»ia iuc y ciuuii * umci moil home. Mr. and Mrs. Swede Sedivy and Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull1 and family went fishing on Sun day afternoon. Monowi News By Mrs. Mike Piklapp U)eust 9-2520 Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Me George and sons sipent Monday at Fair fax, S. D. with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sherman and family of Sioux City, la., are visiting here this week with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Stroh and Betty were visitors at Fairfax, S. D. Monday. Fourth of July dinner guests in the Rudy Eiler home were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sherman and family of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach and family and Larry Lannman, and Jim and Dale Eiler of Verdel, Vic Carney of Minneapolis and Mrs. Piklapp. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and Orval and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Kolar and daughter attended a family picnic at the Gerald Lee home in Lynch Monday. Willard Davis of Verdel was | a visitor here Tuesday. Orchard News Mrs. Wilbur Mahood Phone SWS-3185 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of O’Neill and Mrs. Mae Knapp were supper guests in the Dick Knapp home Monday even ing in honor of their son Scott's eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Howard and Valeria of Lincoln were week end visitors in the Marvin Ho ward home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Liebsack and Dee Ann of South Sioux City, Don Liebsack, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry vMoore of Sioux City and Mr. and ; Mrs. Curtis Reynolds and Rona of Lexington spent the weekend j at Edna Liebsacks and Mr. and M'-s. Jen Aumans. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Edwards and children of Lincoln were weekend visitors in the J. W. Edwards | home. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Edwards of Rix'kford, 111. visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Carlson and Danny of West Palm, Fla. j are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ric- J hards. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drayton and Mr. and Mrs. James Clifton jr. returned Monday from a 10 day fishing trip with Mr. and Mrs. B. Q. Haines of Omaha. They were guests on an island MILLER THEATER! ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock rhurs. - Fri. • Sat. July 14 - J5 • 16 m EST oeo DON Oog *>E The Limb PLUS j * .flsf • ’’T W “v' iin. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. July 17 • 18 • 19 - 20 owned by Mr. and Mrs Ruy Hew er ter at the Lake of the Woods, Conor a, Out., Canada. Mrs. George Wettlauffer and son and Mrs. Louise Heese of Page spent Friday afternoon vis iting Mrs. Ed Sukup. Thelma Drayton of Alvo is vis iting m the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Drayton. Mrs Jeannette Green of Texas, who has been visiting in the Ger ald Bemey heme returned to her h >me Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Harold Pospos sil, Janet and Jerry were Sun day overnight gjests with his mo ther, Mrs Lilia Pospeshil. Mr and Mrs. R. B Reed. Mr and Mrs Jack Hildreth. Mr. and Mrs. Baby Hsrvv of Page and Mr. and Mrs. William Green of Fort Larmarie, Wyo., were Monday evening callers at the Mahood home Mr and Mrs. Ken Withee of Plainvirw and Mr. and Mrs. Lis ter Withee spent M >nday at the Lewis and Cbrk Lake Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stelling and Mary Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stelling and daughter and Mr and M-s. Bi'l Kruger and family were Sunday guests in the Bib Bergman home in Elgin. Mr and Mrs Bob LaFrenz and Mr and Mrs Paul Shellenberg of Ames, la., spent the weekend visiting in the Walter LaFrenz and Roy Goa key homes. Mr and Mrs. Ray Sivesind vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William son and Dawn over the Fourth of July holiday. Mr and Mrs Ed Jenkmson and granddaughter. Shirley Seger of Aberdeen, Wash., are visiting in the home of Mr and Mrs. Ray Sivesind. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and children are visiting in the home of Mrs Ethel Cooper Butch Cedarberg, who is ska tioned with the Air Force at Col orado Springs, Colo., and Arlen Reige. who is stationed at Den ver. Colo., spent last weekend in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Rudy Cednrburg and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Riege. Mr. and Mrs Sturrt Schleusener and Susanne of Cedar Rapids, la., were guests over the Fourth of July holiday" in the heme of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bight and Mr. and Mrs. John Schleusener. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Eppen baugh, Russel, Melody ami Alan of Rockford, 111., spent nearly a week in the C. E Everhart home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton and Kevin ot Columbus spent the Fourth of July with their par ents. Mr and Mrs. Homer Bar ton and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schaeht. Mrs Howard Eppenbnugh of Rockfiard, 111., is visiting her aunt ami uncle, Mr. ami Mrs. C. E. Everhart. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mahood at tended a family picnic at the Har old Payne home Tuesday evening in honor of Mr, and Mrs Ralph Payne of Richmond, Calif. Ralph is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. J W Mahood. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgreu-1 ery of Ewing wen' Wednesday evening callers in the J. W. Ma hood home. tMTETTE It RIDGE The Octette Bridge club met with Mrs E B'uee Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs Cecil Lee and Mrs Lester Withee won prizes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Lester Withee. St. Piters Lutheran Ladies Aid m t June 30 at the church base ment with 24 members ami five guests. The guests were Mrs. Will iam Hill, Mrs Hoyt Sirek, Mrs. Lester Raff, Mrs. Roy Siversmd and Mrs. Kay ScNeusner. Mrs. Schteuaner became a member. The chub now has 45 members. Mrs. Fred Knhne with our guests sat at the birthday table Rev Seefeldt opened the me.H jng. The Aid voted to donate $25 to the Kruti fund The Aid also voted to give $2U0 to the building fund Our ilelegates, Mrs Si'efeldt and Mrs Mosel, gave interesting reports on the LWML Conven tion at Omaha. Hostesses for July will be Mrs. Bob Sell wager, Mrs. Walter See feldt and Mrs, Chris Stellmg. CUSTOM BALING Twine Tie Large Capacity Baler Side Delivery Hake Furnished Wilmer E. Sedivy Lynch, Nehr. Sutter-nut keg <*&&> _ ■ P FINEST 0FANP M mm *POf%/K<£ " BEANS KRAFTS MIRACLE WHIP mfTrSS'PMFRS ■ a Q'CZ. PK&S Sr m ^tPfticesGooo WE£KhumJui//6T240KR*h1 Quanta/fi/w/s P&a?v££> * i£ m_ _ m a :<«r-44: k _ _■* ■ | EXTRA STAWHRP | KOOL-MD m® m »■ g I >wv*:*.' I 11 ground Beer* ■ ms» m mm CORN-FE0 BEEF i HOUND ST£AK*Cm S WannsZ^BBA ■ LEANAAEATy | ■ HORN ST6AKSM9' *mUNSCHW£tGtt*49't mm tsm mmm sasss ■■ «sas ■■■ vsm mm mm mm mm warn mgm.-■■ Bxw mm m fa i ■ « mm m mm i ■ ■ in I FRESH <£ CR/SP s-^-*\A {CELERY Wi B si JUMBO 81 | CARROTS ■ i for me SfiiAo eowu £jf ISEEDEESS ~ ^2%M ■ i GWAPE5 *' B *93$ aa 333 an 33? an sm bh gssg ra ms ess ms * '' • \« ■ / • i t • v* .,, ■ mi m mm mm Campfi re LARGE BOLOGNA.3 Lbs. $1.00 Young — Tender FRYERS.1% Lb. Ave. Ea. 59c Armour’s Campfire THICK SLICED BACON.2 Lb. Pk. 89c Vanilla — Chocolate — Strawberry Revel BIG DIP.Vi Gallon 59c O'NEILL - SPENCER - BUTTE - BONESTEEL ■