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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
Section Two Four Pages 'The Voice of the Beef Empire"—North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 80— Number 12 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, July 14, 1960 Seven Cents New farming method is e ; peeled to rut field work Minimum Tillage Gets First Try On Waldo Farm Jet age has caught up with farming at the Waldo place eight miles west of Chambers. Mini mum tillage is the new thing under the sun in the production of com. What is "Minimum tillage**? It’s just a fancy way of saj raise as much as you can by working the soil as little as you can. Sounds good doesn’t it? It sounded good to the Waldo father and son eombinati .1 who ranch in southern r »rt of the country. Both the B. W. and Lloyd Waldo families live on the home place. Primarily, cattle and hay are the major production but a tract of 65 acres is kept under cultivation to feed the hogs that they raise as a side line. Last year it was farmed in the usual way. It produced approximately 60 bushels to the acre. That's not a bad yield in any man's land and is something to brag about in the light sandy soil that is pre valent here. So why chanbc? ‘‘We decided to try the new method for two reasons,” said IJoyd (Junior member of the combo.) “First, the light soil blows badly ami second, rain and raid this spring made the planting season late." This is how they do it. First the old stalks arp cut then without any plowing the field is disked. Th ? corn a hybrid specially adapted to the locality is planted directly behind the disk. Mixed starting fertilizer is applied. The weeds don’t have a chance, pre emergence weed spray polishes them off before they get started. “Ordinarily,” LJoyd says, "one cultivation is enough for this kind of procedure but because the cold wet weather hung on so long, ours will gat a second cultivating.” Just before the last session a liquid fertilizer high in nitrogen content will l>e applied. Then nothing remains to be done but forget about the corn until autumn rolls around and it’s time to get the picker out. It will be interesting to see how this new venture pays off. Meek News Hy .Mrs. Fred Ijndborg Allen Walters had a yearling heifer struck by lightning July 4. Mrs. I iwrenco ltobrovolny and her mother, VioLa Hall, went to Minnesota to bring Larry home. He has been vacationing there with relatives. LADIES AID Paddock Ladies Aid met Wednesday with Louise Robert son. Fourteen members answer ed roll call. 9everal visitors were present. The ladies tied a comfort. Lunch was se rved by the hostess. Aug. 3 meeting to be with Ma bel DevaM. Henry and Mileired Walters cel ebrated their birthdays with a picnic elinner at the park Sun day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin An derson anel girls, Be'rtha Hayden of Wiggins Ce>lo., Christine John son, Cora Claussen and Norma Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer jr. and daughter of Atkinson were Friday evening callers at Delbert Rouses. Paddock Missionary Society will meet Friday afternoon with Mar j rie Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conard from St. Helen, Ore., and George Conard of Inman were Thursday overnight guests of Mrs. Eliza beth Cona’d and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Lor an Liibby and R >nnie of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Don Libby and Donald, Robert, and Larry from Eugene, Oregon Here’s the frosting—the value-packed Ford Fairlane I Already America’s lowest-priced* full-size sedan, the Fairlane is easier than ever to own during our easy-deal SAVIN’ SEASON. Like all Fords, the Fairlane offers spirited performance . . . built-for-people comfort . . . years-ahead styling. For the deal of a lifetime on the Ford of your choice, husde on down while our Ford Dealer SAVIN’ SEASON is in high gear! *tand on a companion of manufacturin' tuggittid nfait dalinnd pricot RIGHT NOW, WE RE OFFERING THE YEAR'S BIGGEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES TO PROVE TO YOU IT'S A GENUINE SAVIN’ SEASON P.OJLP. LOHAUS MOTOR COMPANY FOURTH & FREMONT, O’NEILL, NEBR. If You're Interested in an Used Car—Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer SAVE-Best Values!!! SAVE—Sky-High Trade-In Allowances!!! SAVE-Low, Low Prices!!! SAVE-Easiest Terms Ever!!! spent Thursday at Fred Lmd berg's. Mrs. Paul Nelson entertained a group of ladies at a party Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Norma and Carolyn Hall were Norfolk visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benash spent Tuesday night with their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty and Bill Shoemaker were callers Fri day evening at Emmet Slaight’s. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg were Sunday evening callers at Ver non Hardings. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls called Tuesday evening at Henry Walt ers. Mrs. Preston Jones stayed with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hull and Bill Saturday night and relieved Mrs. Elsie Eppenbaugh so sh > could attend a family re unit a picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth were Monday evening callers at Emmet Siaights. Garold Risor and girls were Thursday evening callers at Vir gil Hubliys. Mrs. Agusta Lindberg and E eanor and EsUier were Sunday dinner guests at Fred Lindbergs. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johrfig and family were Thursday even ing callers at Henry Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson attended Robert Gartners wedding in O’Neill Thursday morning. Ro bert is a brother of Mrs. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmitz and family drove to Pickstown Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Anderson of Monroe, Wise, are visiting at his parents, the Merrill Ander son’s at Atkinson. Both Kieth and his parents have lived in the Meek and Redbird communities. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh and tutituj nvn UUM>Vi M v W • Merrill Anderson home Sunday. 4-H meeting was held Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson’s, Georgia Mellar, Linda Woidneck, Kathryn Devall, Diane Devall baked a chocolate cake under the leader ship of Dolores Woidneck. The next meeting to be Friday even ing, Aug. 12, a picnic supper at George Nelson's. Freddie Johring spent Saturday afternoon at the Dewayne An&on home. His mother and sisters picked him up in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hoorace Craw ford and Carlyle and grandchild ren from Ewing were Sunday dinner guests at George Nelson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pierson and family were Sunday evening guests at Jack Schmitzs home. The Devall family enjoyed a picnic in the O’Neill park Sun day. Attending were Mr. William Devall from Spencer, the Elmer and Walter Devall families, Or ville Petersons, Delia Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conard cal led on his mother, Mrs. Eliza beth Conard Sunday. The Elmer Devall family and Delia Harrison called at the Ed Thomas home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were Smday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson of Atkinson. James K. Kelly, son of Mrs. James Kelly of O'Neill, was one of 187 Warrant Officers who graduated June 28 from a ten week course of Instruction as company grade officers at Baste School, Murine Corps Schools, Quuntico, Va. Kelly is a graduate of St. .Mary’s Academy, O’Neill, class of \»l and joined flic Marines in August of that year. Warrant Officer Kelly was married last November to Virginia Solis of Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Kelly is with him at present. A Poem From Mrs. Eby ... —My Country— Blue are her skies and bright fair are her fields today. Hearts here with joy are light, I happy our children play. Fathers and mothers smile after their tasks are done, Here gleams, for mile and mile, grain in the golden sun; Here gentle stars above look down on peaceM scenes, Hero is a land to love, this is what freedom means, Streams are pure and clean, or chards now come to fruit Land where no work is seen born nf the brawn of brute, Firesides with love aglow, homes that with laughter ring. These are joys we know these are the charms we sing. Land of men’s honest toil, land where no shell careens Staining with blood the soil, this is what freedom means, Land of man’s love for man, home of the brave and true Land where the humblest can ! his way his goal persue Land where to God we pray not for the strength to fight. But to be shown the way ever : to keep the right this we ar boasting of .these are the joys we know This is the land we love, our task is to keep it so. (Edwin A. Guest) SEE KROTTER’S FOR: NEW AND USED IMPLEMENTS SPECIAL: 1958 Massey-Harris 16' Self-Propelled Model 92 Combine, complete with almost new 2-row corn head. Massey-Ferguson Combines Massey-Ferguson Tractors Massey-Ferguson Mowers—See this no-pitman, dyna-balance mower for 3-pt. hitch New Idea 7’ and 10’ Mowers New Idea Parallel Bar Bakes New Idea 2-Row Pull Pickers (Special pre-season prices) NEW 1960 PONTIACS, BUICKS, GMC TRUCKS & PICKUPS GUARANTEED USED CARS 1959 Pontiac 2-Dr. Catalina 1959 Ford 2 Dr. 6 Cylinder 1958 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardtop Catalina 1958 Ford Retractible Hardtop 1955 Buick 4-Dr. Hardtop Special 1955 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan 1953 Ford 2-Dr. V-8 Overdrive 1954 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Pontiac 4-Dr. 8 All of the above cars are ready to go, priced right, good al lowance on your trade-in, see these clean used cars today. Most of them are one-owner cars. GMAC Financing available. DeLaval Milkers, Separators, and Bulk Coolers Maytag Washers, Dryers, and Freezers (Some good used guaranteed used washers—Conventional and Automatic) Admiral Refrigerators, Freezers, and Ranges (Special low-prices on all Refrigerators and F'reezers) Sioux Steel Buildings, Grain Bins, Tanks Forney Arc Welding Supplies Complete Shop Service Facilities Wm. KROTTER CO. West O’Neill Phone 531 “Serving North-Central Nebraska since 1891“ 1 " .— i| Amelia News By Miss Florence IJautsey Mr. and Mrs George Fullerton drove to Fremont, Sunday, to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skala. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce ac companied Mrs. Waldo and Mrs. Davis to Atkinson Sunday evening and visited John Zinkon at the At kinson hospital. He is much im proved and is able to walk some. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce were in Atkinson Saturday evening, and visited with Mr. and Mrs Don Weller and sons, who are here from Portland, Ore., visiting, friends in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus and Soma of Montebello, Calif., and Mrs. Emmet Carr, Karen an 1 Charles of Santa Monica, Calif., came Friday to visit their father, Art Waldman and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price of Hon olulu came by jot plane to the states last week and visited his parents in a southern state. They then crime to Grand Island on Friday where they were met by her motlie1', Mrs. Gertie Adair, and a brother, Ralph Adair, who brought them to Amelia for a two weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, Sarah, Margie and Bill jr. of Des Moines, la., ctrae Sunday night to visit her mother. Mrs. Gertie Adair and other relatives. Lee Gilman and Amos Nihaus fished at Willow Lake Wednesday. Mrs. B. W. Waldo and Mrs. Edna Davis cal'ed on Bertha Sammons Friday afternoon. M Sgt. and Mrs. Keith McMil lan and daughters, Cynthia and Sandra of Riverside, Calif., and Mrs. C Spath returned to the Spath home in Omaha Tuesday after attending the Phillis Ful lerton and Gene Skala wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Signer re turned Tuesday from Omaha, where Vern had been for a phy sical checkup Mrs. Sagesers mother, Mrs. E. L. Mmter, re turned with them for a visit m Amelia. • Sam Gilman and Tuny Doolittle went to Fort Randall Thursday fishing, Mrs Frank Pierce, Mrs Do lia Ernst, Mrs Wald and Mrs Davis were O’Neill visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Forbes of Atkinson spent Thursday with Mrs. Maude Forbes. Mr and Mrs. Paul Johnston and family of Schuyler visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Os car Peterson, Thursday and were supper guests at the Ernie John ston home Friday evening. Charlie Spath returned to his home in Omaha Friday. Tom Murrey. Demaris and Cle ta were Thursday callers at the Floyd Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. August Puspichal were called to Atkinson Thurs day on account of the illness of their grandson. Gary Pospichal. At latest report ho was recov ering satisfactorily. Myrtle and Vimta White spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs S. C Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Even its and Bryan of Omaha s|>ent Sunday. July 3. with his brother, Charles Everetts and wife. Mrs. Gerald Tesch, Linda • nd Sandra of Lincoln are gu -sts < f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art D lolitle. Judi and John Taylor spent Sun day with Darla and Roger Waldo. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear recently received a copy of the Seottsbluff paper in which their little great granddaughter, Pam ela Sue Curran’s picture was fea tured on the front page. She was one of ti>e participants in the citys sixtieth anniversary celebra tion. She is the daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Donnie Cearns . Mr, and Mrs. Leo Carney of Hayes. Kan., spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs Ef fie Withers. Hie Carneys were married Saturday, July 2, at Hayes. A group of friends char ivaried the couple at Ameliu Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nars kov of North Hollywood, Calif, Mrs. Catherine Narskov of A1 hion and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry were dinner guests Wednes day at the Inane of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry, Mrs. Roy I.ewus was an afternoon caller. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Clemens and family attended a family re union of Mrs. Clemens relatives at the Vernon Smith home in Chambers Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Grantier and Ronnie of Omaha were over night guests Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemen*. Mrs. Gran tier Is the former Sharon Por ter. Major and Mrs. George Fogle and family ait' enroute to Tur key where Major Fogle will be stationed for the next two and one half years Mrs. Julia White accompanied Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally out to Amelia Sunday and is spending the week with friends there. Florence Lindsey and Mrs. Edith Andersen drove to Norfolk Sunday to meet Florence’s mo ther, Mrs. Emma Lindsey, who had visited her daughter, Mrs. P. L. Stronger ami Mr. Stronger in Omaha the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Marian Stronger brought them to Norfolk and all enjoyed dinner at the park. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Winterstien of Lincoln visited Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Mrs. Winterstien is the former Pearl Backhaus. Try THe ^rentier Want Ads — It Pays ! Buy her Christmas DOLL now... during BEN FRANKLIN’S SMiL m-mm MM pol"nCOnvenienj Frieda with Freckles 32-INCH TODDLER A pert, freckle-faced doll with soft Vinyl head, open mouth, moving eyes. Rooted hair. Nylon Dress. ■ PATTON’S V ‘ \ ft* Shirley— the Curly Top! 25-INCH BABY DOLL Drinks from her own bot tle, then wets! Turning head, curly rooted hair, moving arms, legs. Vinyl. IWInnte—the Wee One! 18-INCH BABY DOLL Drink ’n wet doll M^9^ with bottle! Turn- AgJ ing Vinyl head, " jointed limbs. Root- * ed hair. O’NEILL