The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 14, 1960, Section One, Image 10

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    Inman Drainage —
(Continued from Page 1)
the corner located one rrnle north
of Chris Rentier's.
—It was reported that Kenneth
Smith would be willing to have
the fence removed on the east
side of the road south of the rail
road track if the trees in the
ditches were removed and trans
planted in a nearby grove.
—That the township board
should take steps to officially
abandon the Van grade to open
the drainage - way under the
railroad track. The dirt from the
Van grade should then he made
available to build up the grade
going south from the track.
It wm brought out at the
meeting that since the general
drainage pattern from the south
and west of Inman Is In a north
east direction, water can be
routed down the road ditches
one mile east and mile north. In
each ca#*e, without taking the
water very far from Its natural
water course.
To avoid the dangers of road
and bridge damage during the
times of excessive rain and in the
early spring when the road
ditches are full of snow and ice,
however, at least one culvert
should be placed under the grade
in each mile to allow the water
to follow the natural water
courses across the native grass
At least one property owner in
the area Is already displeased be
cause the water is not allowed to
run across his land in the natural
course and that the water table
on two sid:'s of the land had been
lowered to approximately five
Since funds are not readily
available, the committee was
then adjourned until such a time
as it is thought possible
economically to continue the cor
rection of the drainage problem
in the Inman area.
Krutz Fund —
continued from page 1
Mrs. Charlie Meyer, Leon Mitc
hell, Floyd Steinberger, Leonard
Fox, Frankie Schuster, Harry
Hamilton, Johnny Schwaker,
Fred Spar and Theo Hurtig.
Inman: John Sobotka, T. D.
Page: Frank Beeleart.
Bristow: L. J. Beavers (Bristow
Verdigre: Mrs. Frank Famik,
O'Neill: Mr. and Mrs, Bill Knox.
A total of $79.70 was collected
at the Royal Tavern. The
amounts of the contributions
were not recorded but donors
at Royal were:
Harry Allen, Startler family,
El. Rundquist, Buster Charf, C.
E. Rundquist, Glenn Colson,
Archie Walton, Lyle Holm, Art
Buxton, William Altimus, Gerald
Holm, Henry Graboski, Vernon
John and Evelyn Shannon, D.
J. Becker lO’Neill Beverage Co.,)
H. E. Bradstreet, Alvy Rabbass,
Clarence Weber, Richard Rader,
Roy Frahm, Emil Adamson
(Storzi, Otto Storm, Elaine
Dierks, Elvin Reinke, Hans Hof
fer, Warren Holm, Tom Dodds,
Everett Johnson, Andy Jensen.
Art Blackburn, the Henry fami
ly, R. G. Nagel, Frank A. Mur
ray, David Allen, J. Wacker,
Walt Buttler, Dale Weber, Forrest
Storm, Dale Pettyjohn, Mr. Mad
dis, L. Berry, Claude Donaway,
Lamoin Weber, Willis Sirek, L.
Benett, C. Dunauy, R. H. Swager,
Elmer Reed, Dutch Sadoff,
Ernest Kohls, Robert Blein (Bud
Paul Rabe, Forrest Storm, Otto
Storm, Gordon Charf, Fremont
and Mayola Curtis, Zola Herin,
Darold Trease, Ralph Trease,
Henry Maze, Jakie Cole, Day
Dawson, Glen Rundquist, Vern
Eppenbach, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Carlson, Lyle Quicholt and Jerry
The grand total of the fund will
be announced in next weeks issue
along with the names of additional
5L Social
^o recast
Thursday, July 14
W. S.C.S. at Methodist church
2 pan.
Eastern Star
Lutheran Ladies Aid
Janawa club at the home of
Mrs. Winnie Barger
Friday, July IS
Eden Rebekah Lodge
Sunday, July 17
Starlight Extension cltib picnic
Monday, July 18
f'uufitry cuib brtufc'£ kt 7'30 p ffl.
Wednesday, July 20
Country club breakfast
Meet Thy Neighbor club at the
home o< Mrs. Mary Price
Rohdes Celebrate
Silver Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rohde
of Kennewick, Wash., celebrated
their twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary. Rev. Martin Skehan
celebrated mass at St. Joseph's
church for the silver anniversary.
A son, Jim was altar boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohde were mar
ried June 18, 1933 at St. Patrick’s
church in O’Neill. Besides their
son, Jim, they have three daugh
ters, Mary Rita, Patsy knd Col
leen. Mr. Rohde works for
General Electric and Mrs. Rohde
teaches school.
A family dinner was held at
their home after mass. Mrs.
Rohde’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Grover Shaw of O'Neill, were pre
sent for the occasion.
Mrs. R. J. Rohde of O'Neill is
Mr. Rohde's mother.
Mrs. George Morlang
New State Officer
The V. F. W. auxilary 926 held
its regular meeting Tuesday eve
ning at the assembly room of the
court house.
Mrs. Otto Sprague, president,
conducted the business meeting.
A report of the rodeo stand was
given by the president.
Mrs. George Morlang of O’Neill
has been elected department re
habilitation chairman at the de
partment convention recently at
North Platte. Mrs. Morlang gave
a report on the department meet
The auxiliary has received cer
tificates for over 100% member
ship for 1960, fourth place in the
state for community service and
second place for their publicity
scrapbook. A project for civil de
fense was discussed.
A birthday card shower for
Mrs. Lottie Pierson was given
after the meeting. Cake and ice
cream were served by Mrs. Ray
mond Re veil and Mrs. Otto
Sprague. Mrs. Everett Staub won
the "guess what”.
Auxiliary Officers
Installed Wednesday
The American Legion auxiliary
met Wednesday evening at the
legion club for installation of of
The new officers for the coming
year include: Mrs. Archie Bright,
president; Mrs. Bill Jensen, first
vice-president; Mrs. William Cou
sins, second vice-president; Mrs.
Leo Laible secretary; Mrs. Clif
ford Harding, treasurer; Mrs.
Verne Reynoldson, chaplain; Mrs.
Jack Davidson, historian, Mrs.
Lester Riege, sergeant-at-arms;
Mrs. Orville Morrow, color bear
er; Mrs. Richard Minton, sr, Mrs.
Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs. Virgil
Laursen, executive committee.
Sonita Wilson, O’Neill delegate
to the Nebraska Girls’ State at
Lincoln, gave her report. Carolyn
and Patricia McKenzie, Dorothy
Havranek and Gail Murphy, dele
gates to the junior auxiliary con
vention, also gave reports. Re
freshments were served following
the meeting. ,
Here is your opportunity to stock your own pond
BASS available now for Immediate Delivery
Also stock Bluegill, Crappie, Trout, Northern Pike
and Walleye.
For Weed or Moss Problems See Us
1 Mile East and 4 Miles North of Orchard
Write or Phone TW 3-3785
Fill Your Freezer
Saturday, July 16
Behren's Produce
West O'Neill
O'Neill Band Boosters
Have Monday Meeting
The O'Neill band boosters met
Monday evening at the O'Neill
High school tor their regular
Ways of raising money for an
instrumental camp scholarship of
$23 00 were discussed. It is hop
ed to send one band member
each year to camp. Newt Mu lien
dore presided at the meeting.
Refreshments were served by
the officers. The next meeting
will be October 10.
District Staff
Meets At O'Neill
The staff of the Northeast Dis
trict of the Methodist church met
July 5 at the home of Rev. and
a*Ps ®Al>Art ShorSg to plan for
the new year.
A cooperative meal at noon was
enjoyed by the following: Rev.
and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott. Rev.
and Mrs. Robert Peterson of Bus
sett, Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Cam
mack of Walthill, Rev. Stanley
Ganzel of Bloomfield, Rev. Fran
cis St. Amant of Plainview, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Root of 'Belden,
district lay leader and Mrs. Roy
Norman of Wausa, president of
the Woman’s Society of Christian
Shower Honors
Leona Niles
Miss Leona Niles was honored
Wednesday at the pre nuptial
shower at the Legion hall.
Mrs. William Thelander pre
sented the program. Mrs. Nancy
Voorhies assisted at the guest and
gift book. Miss Susan Voorhies
and Miss Alice Niles arranged
gifts and assisted the honoree in
opening her gifts. There were
about thirty guests present.
Pre Nuptial Shower
Held At Bassett
Miss Karen Estes was honored
at a pre nuptial shower at the
Methodist church here on Thurs
day at 8 p.m.
Miss Bonnie Kaperman pre
sented a medley of songs accom
panied by Camella Connell. Mrs.
Verne Van Norman registered the
guests. Mrs. Clifford Turpin was
in charge of the entertainment.
Miss Estes will marry Lowell
Hunter ot Coleridge on August 7.
The couple will live at St. Ed
Amelia News
By Miss Florence Lindsey
Mrs. Bob Blackmore and Lou
Ann, Julie and Susie and Mrs.
Asa Watson were supper guests
Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Blake
Ott. Mrs. Blackmore and children
left on Saturday for their home
in Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton,
Joan and Beth the Doolittle and
Fullerton relatives at a Fourth
of July picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear,
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry, Mrs.
Howard Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Johnston and Richard Weh
land, Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs.
Gertie Adair and Florence Lind
sey were Fourth of July picnic
guests at Mr. and Mrs. Lew
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black
more joined their daughter and
family, the Vernon Beckwiths of
Page, and his sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Pausch and family of
LaMars, la. for a Fourth of Ju
ly picnic at Fort Randall.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black
more went to Glenwood, la.,
Wednesday to attend the funeral
ui ivies. rsutciuiiuie s auiii, ivies.
Norman Genung.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus
and Sonja of Montebello, Calif.,
and Mrs. Emmett Carr, Karen
and Charlie of Santa Monica
Calif., are expected to arrive here
the later part of this week to
visit their father, Arthur Wald
man and other relatives in the
O’Neill and Stuart area.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beuker,
Diane and Wayne and Mr. ami
Mrs. Truman Henry of Califor
nia, Mo., visited at the Irvin
Forbes home from Friday to Mon
day afternoon. They are cousins
of Mrs. Forbes.
Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harvey
Hanson and Carol of Atkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr,
Judy and Jean were evening
guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Forbes and Donna.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Claus
son, Debra and Linda of Burling
ton, la., arrived Sunday evening
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Gilman. Mr. Claus
sons work has been transferred
to Denver, Colo,, and he went
there to find living quarters for
the family. Mrs. Clausson and
girls will visit here for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kenny
and grandson, Bobbie, spent the
weekend in Omaha.
Richard Pospichal returned
home Monday from Miller, S. D.
where he had been working in
the bluegrass fields.
Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal
enjoyed a visit from her brother
and family, the Rudy Kobza’s of
for the
Phone 534 *
George C. Robertson •
Box 509 *
O’Neill, Nebraska •
Representing ;
y fluiuo^Vkl. CO. j
_ •
San Antonio. Texas.
Friday evening they were sup
per guests of Mrs. Bonnie Pos
ptchal and family in Atkinson and
on Saturday they all went to
Dwight to attend the wedding of
their nephew. Dell Balmakovic
Sam Gilman attended the fourth
of July picnic sponsored by the
Last Mans club at Atkinson park.
Ewalt Millers
Honored On
Mr, and Mrs. Ewalt Miller
were given a surprise Tuesday in
honor of their July 4 wedding'an
niversary! "Cards furnished the
entertainment. Mr. and Mrs
Ernie Roelter. Arnold Miller, Mrs.
Jerry Waring and Bob Tomlinson
received prizes. ,
Myrtle Boelter and Ewalt Mil
ler were married July 4, 1925 at i
O’Neill. Myrtle was born at I
Orchard and Ewalt in Wayne
county. Their first home was
within five miles of their present .
ranch home which they have oc
cupied since 1942.
The Millers are the parents of
three daughters and one son:
Mrs. Vince (Neva) Cunningham
ot tne, t'a.; Mrs. L,ysie (Verna'
Johnson and Barbara at home and
Mrs. Miller has three brothers,
Albert, Ernest and Wayne ami
one sister, Mrs. Jerry (Evelyn)
Waring. Mrs. Hattie Boelter is
her mother.
Mr. Miller has two brothers,
Richard and Robert and eight
sisters, Mrs. Martha Tate, Dallas,
Ore.; Mrs. Bruce (Clara) John
son of O'Neill; Mrs. Delbert (Lil
lie) Boelter; Mrs. George (Laura)
Mott, jr. and Mrs. Pearl Groeling.
both of Verdigre; Mrs. Wilbert
(Ruby) Widhalm of Madison and
Viola and Dora at home. Their
mother is Mrs. Hildah Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson
were the Millers attendants 35
years ago.
Two Car Crash
Injures Six
At Clearwater
A two car crash 10 miles south
west of Clearwater about 6:45
Sunday evening sent six of 11 oc
cupants to the Neligh hospital.
Drivers of the cars were Mrs.
Angela Bauer and Mrs. Louis
The accident occured on a
country road three miles south
and one mile west of the John
Raster farm, southwest of Clear
Hospitalized were Kathleen
Funk, 16; Frances Renee Funk,
5; daughters of Mr and Mrs.
Louis Funk of Clearwater; Vic
toria Lee Bauer, 8, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Bauer of
Clearwater; Mrs. Angela Bauer,
TO of Ewing. Mr Bauer’s mother;
Mrs. Louis Funk, 49. and Mrs.
Rosa Weibel, 82, mother of Mrs.
Mrs. Funk, the driver, suffered
a fractured angle and possible
broken ribs. Mrs. Weibel was
treated for serve scalp lacera
tions, Kathleen Funk suffered
shock and Renee Funk a gash on
the hand. Louis Funk received
Three ambulances, Elgin, Clear
water and Neligh were called to
the scene to take the injured to
the hospital.
The Funk auto was traveling
west end Ui« lieus." was going
north. The Funk car was hft
broadside at the intersection of
the two roads.
Emmet News
By Mrs. Kloppenberg
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fritz Brockman and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Millard Pet
ers and daughter, Sherry, Mrs,
Henry Peters and Mrs. G. G.
Trent all of Sargent.
.. and Mrs. L. B. Keene of
Hartley, la. were Thursday ov
ernight guests of Mrs. Agnes Gaf
t rances Mr Hoy of Los Angeles,
Calif, has sp.nt some time vis
iting her brother, Tom Malloy.
Mrs. Ed Winkler ami Mary Alice
spent Sunday afternoon visiting
her mother, Mrs. Josephine Bru
der in Atkinson.
Mr and Mrs Floyd Brainard
went to Oakdale Sunday to visit
her sister, Mr and Mrs Fred
M ck
Mrs. Jim Peatrowsky, Kathy,
Barbara, Mary and Sue of West
Point spent from Friday night
to Sunday afternoon with her sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kloppen
borg and family. Jim and Bob
Sass of Linco'n went on to Fort
Randall to fish returning Sunday
The Emmet Elkhorn VaUey
4-H club and their families went
to Longpine for a picnic Sunday
afternoon. The children and
grownups alike had a real enjoy
able time.
Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and
Harold were Sunday afternoon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Burge and family at Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and
family visited Mr. and Mrs, Char
les Fox and Carol in O'Neill
9 inday evening.
Robert Kloppenborg is spending
several days helping his grand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner of Chambers . . . married Thursday
Roberta Klabenes
Robert Gartner, jr.
Wed At O'Neill
Miss Roberta Klabenes of Ew
ing became the bride of Robert
Gartner jr., of Chambers in a 10
a.m. nuptial mass at St. Patrick's
Catholic church at O’Neill on
Thursday, July 7. Rev. Robert
Duffy performed the double ring
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Klabenes of
Ewing and the parents of the
bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Gartner, sr., of Chambers.
George Shoemaker sang, “Ave
Maria,” “ Panis Angelieus” and
"O Sanctissima,” accompanied
by Mrs. John McCarville at the
The bride was escorted to the
altar by her father. She appeared
in a floor length gown of white
lace over bridal taffeta. The neck
line featured embroidery of
sequins. She wore a finger tip veil.
She carried a cascade arrange
ment of pink roses on a white
Bible, a gift of the bridegroom.
Miss Jeanette Klabenes of Ew
ing, sister of the bride, was the
maid-of-honor. She wore a blue
taffeta floor length gown and car
ried a bouquet of blue pom poms.
L^lie J. Gartner of Fremont,
brother of the bridegroom, was
the best man. Robert Klabenes of
Wayne, brother of the bride, and
James Cavanaugh of Chambers
were the ushers.
The sanctuary was decorated
with white gladioli and blue
A reception and dinner wen?
held at the American legion hall
at Chambers. The wedding cake
was baked by the bride's mother
and decorated by Mrs. Dwight t
Hoffman of Clearwater and Mrs.,
Raymond Klabenes of Chambers.1
Mrs. Clarence Rouse of Royal
poured coffee and Mrs. Herb
Wattles of Meadow Grove served
the punch. Mrs. Forrest Storm of
Royal cut the cake.
Mrs. Robert Klabenes register
ed the guests and Miss Sheila
Hertel and Miss Alberta Miles
were in charge of the gifts. Mrs. |
Nels Mickkleson and Mrs Evelyn
Hertel were hostesses assisted by
ltuthie Smith.
The Ladies auxiliary of the
American Legion served the din
ner. Waiters were Mary Holnolka,
Ariiss Wright, Carole Hoffman,
Art Wintermote and Douglas Jar
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gartner,
jr., both attended the Chambers
high school. The bridegroom will
be associated wnth his father on
a fhrm near Chambers.
The bride wore a flowered dress
with white accessories for travel
ing. Following a wedding trip to
the Black Hills the couple will be
at home at Chambers. | ■
father, Mr. Henry Kloppenborg
out at the farm.
Mrs Josephine Bruder of At
kinson was an overnight guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Eld Winkler and
Mary Alice Monday,
Mrs. Ruby Wayman at O’Neill
was a Sunday dinner guest at
the home at her son, Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Wayman, Marjorie,
Diane, and Darlene.
Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Fox and
family were Sunday evening vis
itors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Tomlinson Other evening callers
were Mr. Nels Linquist, Donny
and Vicki and Ben Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Beckwith and
Eugene were Friday evening cal
lers at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A1 Kloppenborg and family.
Mrs. Wayne Fox and Mrs Lyle
Fox and Douglas went to Bartlett
to meet Mrs. Joe Luth of Grand
k!aiui and ktx f'JX, who had
been visiting the Luths.
Mrs. Norman Wayman and
daughters called on Mrs. Wally
O'Connell Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler went
to Gregory, S. D. Wednesday to
attend the wedding of her nep
hew Dan Weber of Stuart to
Miss Norma Jean Schrader of
Gregory .
A Sunday picnic was held for
Tummy Troshynski’s third birth
day by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Tmshynski. Guests were
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
August Troshynski and Mr. and
Mrs. John Conard, great grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South
of Inman and Mrs. Georgie Mc
A picnic dinner was served
Monday evening by Mrs. Georgie
McGinnis for Mrs. Darold May
and children of Phoenix, Ariz.,
Mrs, Esther Harris, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Conard.
The Emmet Elkh >rn Valley 4-H
club met at the h me of their
leader, Mrs. Elmer Schaaf Thurs
day afternoon.
Jeanie Foreman and Ruth
Schaaf planned, prepared, and
served a luncheon. A demonstra
tion of muffin making was given
by Janet Newton and Barbara
Fox. The muffins beked were
sewed at the luncheon.
Picnic plans for the following
Sunday at Longpine were com
Guests were Mrs. Gilbert Fox
Mrs. Lela Grothe, Mrs. Paul New
ton and Candv and Christv Cole.
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
were Sunday d;nner guests at the
home of their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur SuffLcooi and sons
of Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Spath and
family of Lincoln visited at her
parents over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard EnEarl
of Tacoma, Wash., arrived at her
parents home Tuesday. Mrs. En
Earl is the former Anita Brook
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhou
ser of Grand Island were sup
per guests at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Brookhouser anti visited with the
Marlin Tusha's, who have spent
the past week with Mrs. Tusha’s
The Dr. Floyd Owen, Vernon
Jones and LeRoy Brookhouser
families of Omaha spent the
Fourth of July weekend camping
at Middlebranch.
Dinner guests at the Emil Bar
tos home Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hannemon and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Brookhouser and
sons of Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Sokol of Verdigre, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard EnEarl of Ta
coma. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouser. Afternoon
visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Mashek and daughters of Spen
cer, Mrs. Gerald Neal of Pan
ama, Mrs. Victor Sheierer of
Verdigre and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bartos sr.
Mrs. George Jeffrey returned
Thursday from Winner where she
visited with her parents since
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulha
ber spent the Fourth of July
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker
and daughter at Schyler.
Visitors at the Emil Bartos
home Tuesday, July 5, were Mr.
and Mrs. Richard EnEarl of Ta
coma, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Brookhouser and Mrs. Marlin E.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B"ookhou
ser, Mark and Terry were Thurs
day, June 30 supper visitors at
the Ralph Brookhouser home.
Royal News
By Mrs. K J. Hiring
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Fryer
and daughters returned during,
the past week from a month in
California, Oregon and Washing
ton whore they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Leland Burvh and daughter
at Concord, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Burch and family at Pa
lo Alta, Calif., Air. and Airs. De
wayne Charf and family at Kent,
Wash , and other relatives and
friends. They came to Royal Sat
urday night to spend the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burch.
Mr. and Mrs. Jakie Cole re
turned Sunday from Pierre where
they bad spent » week visiting
friends Ihd prepared io leave
the first of the week for Rapid
City where Mr. Cole has been as
signed as superintendent in Gov
ernment construction work. Mr.
and Mrs. Cole were guests of
Mrs. Cole’s brother, Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Burch, while in Royal.
Kathy King, who has been vis
iting relatives in Royal, received
word from her mother, Jeri Sauth
ern, that she and her husband,
John Kitzmiller, have a booking
at “The Clouds" on wakiki Beach,
Hawaii, and that Kathy is to re
turn to Hollywood to accompany
them. This will be the fourth
booking on the Island for the en
tertainers and the third trip for
Kathy who is thrilled over the
prosi»ect. The family plans to
come to Royal in late August.
A Beutler family gathering was
hold Sunday at Grove Lake. Pre
sent were Carl Stange and daugh
ter, and Louie Beutler of Y.itan,
Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Held, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Held and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beutler and s >n,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beutler and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn
Strope and family of Orchard
and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Beutler
and family of Royal.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burch
and four children came to Royal
for the weekend with his sister,
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Rundquist
and Nolan. The visitors were re
turning from an extensive trip
that ha<l taken them to Tennessee
Washington D. C., through Michi
gan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and
South Dakota.
Mrs. J. B. McElhnney and two
children from California and Mrs.
Anna Richardson of Orchard were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Walmer. Mrs. McEl
haney is a niece of Mrs. Walmer.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Kidd last weekend were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Spraiegue and Mrs. Torn
Hargroves ef l>enVer.
Mr. and Mi's. T. R. Dodds of
Reyal and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Dodds of Albion went to Rochest
er, Minn, last week when Mrs.
Dodds of Albion went through the
Mrs. <jiarenee wener and La
Moine, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Bittner visited Mrs. Weber’s fa
ther, Mr. Albert Johnson of Plain
view, who had been released
from the hospital following a
slight stroke.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fox and
children of Lincoln were dinner
guests Saturday evening of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hagedom and
Mrs. Hazel Rehberg.
Post-nuptial Shower Held
A post-nuptial shower honoring
•a recent bride, Mrs. Ernest Ba
ier, who was Miss La Von Morsett,
daughter of Mrs. Fern and the
Fred Morsett of Royal, was held
Sunday afternoon at the district
28 schoolhouse in Knox county,
which the bride had attended
during eight years of grade scho
One hundred and seventy five
persons were in attendance in
cluding 84 families from Royal,
Creighton, Stanton, Norfolk, West
Point, Orchard, Atkinson, Omaha,
Tilden, Verdigre, Wausa, Ewing,
and Neligh.
Assisting in opening the gifts
were Lois Miller, Shirley Stev
ens, and Beverly Stevens.
Lunch was served by the
Friendly Circle club.
Mrs. Baier was to leave
Wednesday for Greeley, Colo.,
after spending two weeks with
her mother.
Mrs. Ralph Harris and three
children of Chicago, who had
been visiting her brother, Lyle
Brydon and family of Denver,
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sawyer, j
M”. and Mrs. Ervin Sawyer, Mr. j
and Mrs. Verdell Sawyer and
family of Hillsboro, Ore., Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Buche of Brunswick, |
visited in Fremont Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. LuVern Sawyer. |
Mr. an.) Mrs. Max Wanser of
Kwing aim oil nee tin- engage
nient of their itnughter, Judith
Ann. to Robert Francis Cental,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Kltlred Cou
fal of Schuyler.
Miss WaUser is a graduate of
St. Mary’s Academy of O’Neill
and attended the Norfolk Junior
College. Mr. Coufal is a graduate
of Creighton Cnlverslty.
The couple plan a No\ernlter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cerwlli
► ke of Rockford, In., announce
the engagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter, Lois
Irene, to Robert Duane Carroll,
Non of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Car
roll of O’Neill.
Too Late To Classify
us with grateful hearts towards
our neighbors and friends. A
special thanks to the St. Anthony
hospital staff, doctors and nur
ses, also to Mrs. J. R Gallagher.
Thank you for your many ex
pressions of sympathy and thought
fulness, they will always be re
Mrs. Alva Marcellus
Mr. and Mrs, Alan Van
Vleck and family
“royal theater
Thurs. - Frl. - Sat.
July It - 15 IB
Guy Williams
Fills Gala Day at Disneyland
Sun. • Mon. - Tues. July 17-18 It*
And The Barbarians
Steve Reeves
Colors cope
Wed. • ThurN. July 20-21
F.ntire Family for $1.00
Walter Brennan Phil Harris
Brandon DeWilde
Sets a New Record for Summertime Run of Hogs
Both the Weather and the Market "Extremely Hot" Last Monday!
Extreme top reached $18.85 with the majority of No. 1 and No. 2 hogs Helling from $18.00 to
$18.75. Sows sold from $13.85 to $16.90. Please Remember to use extreme caution In hauling hogs in
hot weather. We will be open Sunday evenings to receive your consignment for Monday’s sale.
Bring your hogs to Verdigre—plenty of buyers to pay top prices—we Invite you to make com
parisons—you will find that prices paid at Verdigre hist Monday were higher than the terminal markets
or any place in the cornbelt. Your patronage Is appreciated and we will constantly strive to provide
you with the type of marketing service you desire.
Remember our "Big Special Sale" this Friday Night in Verdigre — 7:00 p.m.
Starting at 7:00 p.m. we will sell the personal property belonging to the late Anna Rychtarik. Ad
ditional listings of miscellaneous items will be received until sale time.
Listings of machinery Include: 1 10 foot IHC binder complete with nearly new canvasses; 1 5 foot
MM combine with air cooled Wisconsin engine. Always shedded and in perfect condition; 1 E 3 Co-op
tractor with live power- also cultivator. Several other listings of machinery.
Horses: 2 spotted mares one with Arabian filly colt; 1 with Shetland cross stud colt; 1 beautiful dap
ple Shetland 2 year old pony.
Dairy Cattle: 50 Wisconsin Dairy Heifer Calves direct from Nolan Farms. 8 fancy Holstein first calf
iieifers either just fresh or to freshen soon; 3 big Holstein cows just fresh or to freshen soon; Several
yearling dairy heifers; 40 mixed cattle including cows and calves and yearlings; 1 horned Shorthorn
bull; 1 Polled Shorthorn Bull; 1 Hereford bull; 100 head of mixed light calves. 500 to 700 pigs.
We have many nice consignments of pigs for this sale. If you have pigs for sale or plan to buy
pigs, take advantage of this sale. No butcher hogs will be Mild and only good elean pigs will be ac
cepted. Contact us with your listings.
Come to \erdigre this Friday evening, July 15, Ann will he serving supper anil llinehes in the cafe.
Verdigre, Nebraska