The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 07, 1960, Section One, Image 8

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    OL Social
^o recast
Sunday, July 10
Dinner at the Country Club
Monday, July 11
Ladies bridge at the Country
Club, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July It
VFW Auxiliary at 8 p.m.
MM Club
Wednesday, July IS
Country Club ladies breakfast
Thursday, July 14
WSCS Methodist church at 2
Eastern Star
Lutheran Ladies Aid
Gayle Murphy
New Chairman
The regular meeting of the
Junior Auxiliary of Simonson
Post 93 was held Saturday. July
2. Twenty members were present.
Installation of officers was held.
Officers include Gayle Murphy,
chairman; Kathy Hynes, first
chairman; Dorothy Havranek,
secretary; Carol McKenzie, chap
lain; Bruce Ann McKamy,
Sergeant-at-arms; Arline Fritton,
color bearer; and Anna Marie
Fritton, historian. Mrs. Edith
Davidson was the installing of
ficer. She presented a gavel to
the group.
Miss Sonita Wilson gave a re
port on the 19<i0 Cornhusker girls'
state. The delegates to the state
convention gave their report.
Guests present were Mrs.
Stanley Huffman of Ewing, de
partment chairman of junior
activities; Mrs. William Cox of
Pierce, president of district II and
Mrs. Cevae of Plainview, vice
president of district II.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Edith Davidson and Mrs.
Dean Streeter. The next meeting
will be a picnic August 6.
Pat McKenzie,
news scribe
Rebekahs Meet Friday
The Eden Rebekah Lodge met
Friday evening at the hall for
their regular meeting. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Ted
Strong and Mrs. Dean Beckwith.
Mrs. Reimer F-lonored
Mrs. Louis Reimer, jr., was
honored Thursday morning at a
coffee hour and hanky shower at
the home of Mrs. Milton J. Baack.
Mrs. Reimer has been a faculty
member of the O'Neill high
She and her family moved to
Hastings this weekend.
Eagle Belles
Decorate Cakes
The Eagle Belle Extension club
held their June meeting at the
home of Mrs. Rose Prouty with
twelve members and five visitors
The business meeting was con
ducted by the president. Mrs. Ted
Crawford Mrs Paul Nelson gave
a demonstration on cake decorat
The July meeting will be a
picnic at the home of Mrs. Mary
Jo Borg.
Club reporter
Club Notes
live and Learn
The Live and Learn Extension
club held its annual picnic last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Reis, 20 miles south
of Woodlake.
All members but two were pre
sent also several that had been
members including Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Johns of North Platte.
After a picnic dinner swimming
and boating were enjoyed in the
Reis lake.
Marilyn Walter Wed
At Sioux City Chapel
Miss Marilyn Walter of Sioux
City, la., and Joe Morgan of the
U. S. Air Force stationed at Sioux
City were married at the Air
Force chapel there Saturday,
June 24 at 7 :00 p.m. Mrs. Morgan
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Walter of DeWitt, formerly
of Chambers. She is a graduate
of the Chambers high school and
has completed her nurses train
ing at the Lutheran hospital in
Sioux City.
Glenda Jean Wolfe
Robert Schwarting
Marry At Clearwater
Miss Glenda Jean Wolfe of El
gin and Robert Ray Schwarting
of Columbus were married at 3
p.m. Sunday, June 26 at the Re
organized Church of Latter Day
Saints at Clearwater. Elder Lee
A. Abranson of Grand Island per
formed the double ring ceremony
before an altar decorated with
baskets of orchid gladioli and
white snapdragons and candela
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Wolfe
of Elgin and formerly of Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schwarting
of Oakdale are the parents of the
Miss Carole Wanek and Miss
Judy Tilton sang accompanied by
Miss Glenda Thomsen.
The bride, escorted to the altar
Mr. ami Mrs. Leland Caskey . . . married June 25
Betty Sukup Weds
Leland Caskey In
Creighton Church
Miss Betty Sukup of Verdigre
and Leland Caskey of Orchard
were married in a Saturday,
June 25 ceremony at the Zion
Lutheran church at Creighton. The
Rev. Marvin Ritterling performed
the 3 p. m. double ring cere
ltlie bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sukup of
Verdigre and Mr. and Mrs. Ora
Caskey of Orchard are the par
ents of the bridegroom.
Bjmell Von Seggern sang, “Be
cause" and “The Wedding Pray
er." Miss Alice Jundt was the
The bride, escorted to the al
tar by her father, wore a floor
length gown of re embroidered
chantilly lace and itylon tulle
over silk talffeta. The molded
b’dire was fashioned with a
sweetheart neckline and featured
bridal sleeves. The bouffant tul
le skirt was trimmed in match
ing lace medallions. Her veil of
Illusion was held by a crown
of sequins and pearls. She car
ried a cascade arrangement of
pink roses surrounding a single
white orchid.
Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Om
aha was the matron of honor
Miss Donna Maule of Bloomfield
a cousin of the bride, and Miss
Rita Vecera Off Verdigre were
the bridesmaids. They wore blue
street length dreeses of nylon
lace over taffeta and matching
Miss Karen Sukup of Verdigre,
a cousin of the bride, was the
flower girl. Randy Gibbs of Clear
water, a cousin of the bride
groom, was the ring bearer.
Larry Caskey of Verdigre, bro
ther of the bridegroom, was the
best man. James Sukup of Fort
Bliss. Tex., brother of the bride,
and Gary Caskey of Orchard,
brother of the bridegroom, were
the groomsmen.
Ushers were Robert Jundt of
Creighton and Stanley Sakup of
A reception was held in the
church parlors for 200 guests.
The bride’s table was decorated
in the bride’s colors of blue and
white with miniature bells and
blue white streamers. The five
tier wedding cake was decorat
ed in the bride’s colors. Mrs.
C. E. McKee of Chicago cut the
cake assisted by Mrs. Verlyn
Gibbs of Clearwater and Mrs. Leo
Sukup of Verdigre. Mrs. Martin
Doerr of Omaha poured.
The bride and bridegroom are
graduates of Creighton High scho
ol and attended the Commercial
Extension school in Omaha. Both
are employed in Omaha.
The couple will be at home in
Omaha following a wedding trip
to the Black Hills.
by her father, wore a floor length
gown of French imported lace
and nylon tulle. Her fitted lace
bodice featured a sabrina neck
line and bridal sleeves The skirt,
worn over hoops, was styled with
wide panels of lace and deep ruf
fles falling into a whisper train.
Her veil was trimmed with
matching lace and was held in
place by a crown of tiny pearls
and sequins. She carried a
colonial bouquet of pink roses
centered with a removable cor
Miss Jeanette Wolfe of Norfolk,
sister of the bride, was the maid
of-honor Mrs. Merrill Johnson of
Tilden. sister of the bridegroom,
and Miss Luanna Gartside of
Mintum, Cok>., were the brides
They wore identical waltz
length gowns of orchid silk or
ganza. Folds of organza outlined
in white embroidery motifs form
ed portrait necklines and the fit
ted bodices were accented by tiny
sleeves. Motifs of embroidery
were scattered over the bouffant
skirts. They wore matching head
pieces wath tiny silk illusion
veils. The cascade bouquets were
of orchid carnations.
Debra and Dianne Jacox of
Gypsum, Colo., twin cousins of
the bride, w’ere flower girls. Jerry
Johnson of Tilden. nephew of the
bridegroom was the ring bearer.
Lyle Schwarting of Neligh,
brother of the bridegroom, was
the best man. Groomsmen were
Ronald Wolfe, of Columbus,
brother of the bride and Larry
Schwarting of Snyder, brother of
the bridegroom. Russell Leidy of
Mintum, Colo., cousin of the bride
and Roger Wolfe of Elgin, brot
her of the bride, were ushers.
Dale and Daryl Schwarting. twin
brothers of the bridegroom, were
A reception was held following
the ceremony.
Sick and Injured
O’NEILL—Haruld Johnson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson jr.
celebrated the Fourth of July en
tertaining a case of the mumps
. . .Mrs. Harry Sullivan is expect
ed home Friday from an Omaha
hosipital where she has under
gone surgery.
CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Remnger of Columbus,
Ohio arrived Sunday evening to
s(>end their vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William j
Reninger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
ORCHARD—Mrs. Carl Schwager
underwent surgery in the Tilden
hospital on Wednesday morning.
CLEARWATER—Benita, twelve
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bennie Prater suffered bruises
and possible internal injuries Fri
day evening when she fell from
a tree near the golf course south |
of town. She anil some little 1
friends were playing and Benita
was several feet above the ground |
in a tree when a limb gave way
throwing her to the ground. She
is in Antelope Memorial hospital.
PAGE—Linda Smith, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith,
underwent an emergency appen
dectomy Saturday night.
AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Coolidge were able to return
home this week from Ottumwa, ]
la., where Charles had submitted j
to surgery for a tumorous growth
on his lip. ,
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: June 29—Jeanine
La'ursen of Orchard; Mrs. Mary
Smith of Creighton; William Lan
gan of O’Neill; Ernest Eilers of
Spencer. 30—Kim David Ahlers
and Mrs. George Carstens, both
of O’Neill; Kevin Clemens of
Chambers. July 1-^Mrs. M. E.
Plunkett of San Angelo, Tex.;
Adrian A. Alden of Ewing. 2—
Joyce Harmon, Billy Jackson and
Mrs. E. J. Revell, all of O'Neill;
Robert Dean Jons of Bonesteel,
S. D.; Mrs. Fred DeHart of
Chambers. 3—Miss Linda Smith |
of Page; Thomas Joseph Meyer
of O’Neill. 5—Mrs, Russell Yus
ten of O’Neill. 6—Lewis Adams
of Fairfax, S. D.; Alva Marcel
lus of O’Neill.
DISMISSED: June 29—Julie
Ann Williamson of Ewing; Mrs.
Alfred Hamik and Mrs. William
E. Hansen, both of O’Neill. 30—
Joseph Bazelman, Dale Revell
and Mrs. Jack Osborne, all of
O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Grimes of
Chambers; Mrs. Mary Smith of j
Creighton. July l^Mrs. Don Mey
er of O’Neill.; Kevin Kugler of
Bartlett. 2—Mrs. Kenneth Jons of
Bonesteel, S. D.; Mrs. Roy Bos
hart and Joyce Harmon, both of
O’Neill; Lewis Adams of Fair
fax, S. D. 3—Jeanine Laursen of
Orchard; Kim David Ahlers and
Ernest Eilers, both of Spencer;
Mrs. Edwin Paulsen and Billy
Jackson, both of O'Neill; Mrs.
Fred DeHart and Ralph H. Blair,
both of Chambers; Robert Dean
Jons of Bonesteel, S. D. 4—Mrs.
Gina Cronk of Page. 5—Mrs.
George Carstens and baby boy
of O’Neill; Kevin Clemens of
Chambers. 6—None.
AD MUTED: June 28—Mrs.
Daniel Bennett of Bassett; Floyd
Butterfield of Ewing. 29—Mrs.
Bernard Lorenz of O’Neill; Mrs.
William Krysl of Stuart. 30— Cla
ra Staka of Stuart; Mrs. Minnie
Dennis of O’Neill. July 1—Mrs.
Gary Assarsson of Long Pine;
Mrs. LaVern Engler of Stuart.
2— Mrs. Harry Hood of Stuart.
3— Mrs. Fred Anderson and Mary
Mullen, both of Atkinson.
DISMISSED: June 27—Mrs.
Clesson Keller and daughter of
Newport. 28—Linda Ankney of
Stuart; Mrs. Daniel Bennett of
Bassett. 29—Mrs. Leonard Jung
man of Atkinson. July 1—Mrs. Don
Dobrovolny and daughter and
Mrs. Mattie Hoyt, all of Atkin
son; Mrs. Curtis Hook of Long
Pine. 2—Mrs. Jack Christiansen
and son of Chambers. 4—Mrs.
William Kohle and daughter and
Clara Straka, all of Stuart; Floyd
Butterfield of Ewing.
EXPIRED: June 27—Oscar
Woods of Stuart. 3—Alex McCon
nell of Atkinson.
PRESENT Hugh Anderson,
Mrs. Mary Classen and Miss Hel
en Eller meter, tut oi .Spencer,
Mrs. AHred 'Carlson of Fairfax.
S. D.; Mrs Ed Dreher, Carl
Nvgren and Baby Barbara Ann
Schetoost, ail of Bristow; Dr J.A
Guttery, Michael Hud. Dr G B
Ira, Mrs, Laura Norwjod and
Mrs. Hannah Stre t, all of Lynch;
Mrs. Joseph McNamara of Bone
steel: Erick Nelson of Anoka;
Mrs William Schultz of Naper.
DISMISSED; June 28—John
Johnson of Bristow 29—Mrs. Carl
Weeder and Mrs Leman Huber,
both of Lynch 30—Mrs Calvin
Pratt of Bristow July 1—Edward
Adams of Spencer; Mrs. Clara
Hahn of Butte 2—Mrs. Arthur
Dale Bessert and son of Lynch;
Mrs. Ladimir Scheinost of Bris
tow; Mrs Dave Fischer of Na
per. 3—Miss Leota Koenig of
EXPIRED: July 1—Charles
Havranek of Spencer.
CARSTENS—Dr. and Mrs.
George Carstens of O’Neill, son,
Paul Andrew, 8 pounds 14 oun
ces, June 30.
PLUNKETT—Mr. and Mrs.
Marlin Plunkett of San Angelo,
Tex., son, July 1.
YUSTEN—Mr and Mrs Russell
Yusten of O'Neill, son, 7 pounds
3/4 ounces, July 5. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henning
of Atkinson and Mrs. Martha
Yusten of Wagner, S. D.
Jack Christiansen of Chambers,
son, iirad Leu, a pounds 12 oun
res, June 27.
LORENZ—Mr and Mrs Ber
nard Lorenz of O'Neili, son, Jay
Jeffrey, 9 pounds 4 ounces, June
KRYSL—Mr. ami Mrs. William
K;y»l of Stuart, son, Thomas Jer
ome, 7 pounds 2 ounces, July
ENGLER—Mr and Mrs La
Vern Engler of Stuart, daughter,
Sandra Kay, 5 pounds 2 ounces,
July 1.
HOOD—Mr and Mrs. Harry
Hood of Stuart, son, Myron Eu
gene, 8 pounds 10 ounces, July
ANDERSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Andersen of Atkinson, son, Scott
Eugene, 8 pounds 4 ounces, July
JONES—Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Jones jr. of Clearwater, son, 8
pounds 2 ounces, June 28. Mr.
and Mrs Fred Maben are the
maternal grandparents and Mrs
Berniece Jones of Neligh is the
paternal grandmother
CERNY—Mr. ami M”s. James
Cerny jr. of Naper, a daughter,
8 pounds 9 ounces, July 2 at the
Virke, S. D. hospital.
FUNK-Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Funk of Ewing, son, 5 pounds,
June 28. They have a daughter
at home.
NELSON—Mr. and Mrs. Elston
Nelson of Chicago Heights. 111., j
son, 5 pounds 15 ounces, July 4
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
W S. Arter of Newport and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Nelson,
RENZE—Mr. and Mrs John H
Renze of Gardena, Calif., daugh
ter, Lori Ann, 8 pounds 11 4
ounces, June 30. Mr. Renze is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Renze
of O’Neill.
O'Neill Locals
Mrs. Mary Wentzler. Mrs
Maude Fuller and Mr and Mrs
Bert Ott were Sunday and Monday
guests in the C. E. Worth homo.
Roy Worth’s daughters, Rozan
and Rozella are visiting this
week with the grandparents
A group of relatives and friends
gathered at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Clarence Emst for a picnic
supper, ball game and fireworks
display Monday.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Strong
and family of Wahoo were week
end visitors in the homes of their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Strong
at Chambers and Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Summers.
Mr. and Mrs, Glen Lorenz and
faitttiy were weekend fTU<Sis Th
the home of their parents. Mr and
Mrs. Carl Lorenz and Mr. and
Mrs. diaries Summers.
Mrs. Frank Baisch of American
Falls. Ida., is visiting her brother
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Switzer. Mrs. Switzer
went to Norfolk Wednesday and
from there to Omaha for a medi
cal check-up, returning Friday to
Rev. H. H. Beers of Omaha was
guest speaker in the Presbyterian
church at the Sunday morning
worship service. Rev. and Mrs
Beers were overnight guests
Saturday in the home of Mr and
Mrs. Fred Bredehoft. Rev. Beers
Mrs. Dayle Hewett
Drapery and Alterations
Drapery by the yard
or custom made
108 No. 4th Phone ION
_O’Neill 11-12
served the O Neill church some
30 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlmar
and family attended a Larson
family reunion at Pickstown. S.
D„ Sunday Mr and Mrs. Don
l.arson accompanied them.
Mr and Mrs Charles Worth of
Wichita. Kan., were Saturday to
Monday guests in the home of his
parents. Mr and Mrs. C. E
Worth. Charles is in the Air Force.
Mr and Mrs Roy Worth and
children of Omaha were Friday
to Tuesday guests m the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Wentz lor of
Verdigre wore weekend guests in
the C. E. Worth and Mrs. Mary
Wentzler homes.
Mr and Mrs Walter Anson and
family of Grand Island were
Saturday to Monday visitors in
the home of his parent*, Mr. and
Mrs Roy Cole.
Mr. and Mrs Harold Mlinar and
family were Monday guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Kaup at Stuart. Benita Kaup ac
companied them home for the rest
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tomlinson
and Nina of Grand Island were
weekend visitors in the home of
her parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred
Lynch/ Nebr.
Bud Van Fleet
Bredehoft and with the Tomlinson
Mary Murphy of Lincoln ar
rived Wednesday for a week's
visit in the home of her cousin.
Matt ltelta and family.
Members of ths Starlight exten
sion club met at the home of Mrs.
Charles Beilin for their lesson on
the making of lampshades. Mrs.
Beilin was leader. They and their
families will meet at the Beilin
liome Sunday evening, July 17, for
a barbeque supper and a lesson on
barbeeuce fix'ds,
Milton Johnson, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Hoy Johnson of York, went
to Grand Island Wednesday where
his mother met him. He had been
a guest in the homes of his grand
father. Clay Johnson, sr.. and his
uncle. Clay Johnson, jr., for
several weeks.
One Show Nightly 8 e'clock
Thurs. • Krl. • Sat. July 7 8 0
_I H
Sun. - Mon. • Tues. We»l.
July 10 • It • 18 • 18
FUMRW£R£D /i,0 J-iOO 1
HASPBawes *t»£?/-•* SinJ| |
fey>4fie?'gy^l IMl |
I Van Cmpjyu/A
| grated- / Unrr
1 tu8.f*&
I Sff
I ^r/»0
I Ijggg
tsssn /LQQ\
M strawbcrky... A^j^#F m
$3.00 EXTRA
In S & H Green Stamps
When I’lirchanlng
Deluxe Creme
2 lbs. for 49c I
Mix-or Match
(■olden Valley !
y| No. 300 cans 39c I
Ferry l^ou <Hit
l^ike Region — Cream Style
^4 No* 303 cans 49c
| • MEATS • |
HEAPy-70-£fir&MK£O $ 9 O
£fQe 1
I Golden Valley
3btls- 49c
5 bt*s' 79c
, $5.00 EXTRA
In S & H Green Stamps
When Purchiwrtnif
Vanilla — Chocolate — Strawberry Revel
2 1/2 gal- ctns. $ jj 29
Gfic///w> aweer
H£&zry GYG&y mo //)&jrs%
Fresh — Tender — e Tying
CHICKENS 2 Lb* AV9‘ 69'
Dairy land
ICE CREAM.1/2 Gal. 69'
Mather — Gem Creme
COOKIES. Full Pound 27'
Medium Size
ORANGES 2 Doz- For 79'
1.000 Lb. Lots — 76c Per Block
CRUSHED ROCK SALT. 100 lbs. 98c
1,000 Lb. Lots — 85c Per 10O Lbs.
Above prices good at the following locations
' I