The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 07, 1960, Section One, Image 7

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    Atkinson News
Mr and Mrs Fred Roth re
turned Monday evening after
spending the weekend in the Black
HiUs with they son and fam
liy of Valentine.
Mrs. Opal Keating, Mrs Celia
Hackhaus, Mrs Bill Wefso ami
Mrs. Roy Griffin visited last
Thursday afternoon at the ranch
home of Mrs. Frank Skrdla.
Mr and Mrs. Tommy Dunn
of Omaha spent the Fourth of
July weekend with relatives an<1
Inends m Atkinson.
Denna McCkirg went to Lin
inln Tuesday morning to spend
the week with her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Cal
vin McClurg,
Mr and Mrs Alfred Kazda and
Mr. and Mrs. Brice Braziel and
Kent spent Sunday with Mrs.
Rose Hull ami other relatives
near Johnstown. The Braziels re
turned to their home in Lincoln
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shubert of
Shubert, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shu
bert of Kansas City, Mo., Mr,
and Mrs. John Foy of Hammond,
Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
t'erney and family of Arthur came
Friday to spend a few days vis
iting at the heme of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Johnson ami family
They plan to leave Thursday.
Also visiting at the Johnson home
over the weekend was their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, Claude Johnson jr. of Og
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steinhau
ser and Tommy of Stuart spent
Sunday with Mrs. Steinhauser’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Johnson in Atkinson.
Dr. ami Mrs. J. W. Carlson of
Crofton, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Bra
ziel of Lincoln, Lodema Wefso and
Norman Hodge of Denver attend
ed the dance Sat inlay night at
Hidden Paradise.
Dr. and Mrs. J. p. Brown of
O'Neill were Sunday evening call
ers at the William Wefso home
in Atkinson.
Holt County was well represent
ed at the Fourth of July rodeo
in Fairfax, S. D. Monday. Some
of those attending were; Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Carol
anil Boyd, Gus Obernure of Sui
ari, Mr and Mrs. Vern Whitaker
and family of Chambers. Danm
and Sandra competed in the Bar
rel! races, mid Vern participated
in some of the rodeo events, Mr.
and Mrs Emil Colfack and Den
nis and Mr. and Mrs. William
Lodema Wefso and Norman
Hodge arrived Friday night from
Denver to spend the weekend
with her parents, Mr and Mrs.
Bill Wefso. They returned to Den
ver early Monday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Carlson,
Scott and Sheryl flew up from
Crofton Saturday evening and
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs William Wefso.
On Sunday the group enjoyed a
picnic at the state park west of
Atkinson. Others attending were
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer McClurg and
Iionna, Mr. Mid Mrs. Emil Col
fack and Dennis, Mr and Mrs.
Calvin McClurg and Marcia, Den
te« Colfack and Sandra Putnam.
The Carlsons returned to Crofton
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs Calvin McClurg
and Marcia returned to Lincoln
Tuesday after spending the week
end visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Elmer McClurg and Donna 1
went to Grand Island Friday to I
take Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Rai- j
ney ami children to meet the
train. The Raineys went to Ster
ling, Cob., to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Arlan Caster and family and then j
on to Denver to spend several i
days before returning home.
Denton Colfack and Sandra Put
nam went to Lincoln early Mon
day where they attended a picnic
with a group of Denton’s class !
mates from the Lincoln School of
Roy White of Beaver Crossing
and Lester Schmadke of Lincoln
were Friday evening visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Wefso. Mi*. White remained
over night and Mr. Schmadke
drove to Burwell on business.
Mr. and Mrs Brice Braziel and
Kent of Lincoln spent the week
end in Atkinson with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda.
EUB church has been reassign
ed here at Orchard, for the com
ing year The annual conference
of the EUB church was held at
Lincoln last week Lay members
to the conference from the local
church was Harvey Holbrook, sr
Youth Fellowship
The Tilde n Youth Fellowship
met with the Orchard Youth Fel
lowship for a covered dish sup
per Sunday night at the EUB
church. Rev. Duane Lenz had
charge of the lesson on Hats
Mitchell and Mi’s Claude Elloit
were in charge of the recreation
Highlanders Extension
Highland Extension met with
Mrs Ralph TYease Tuesday af
ternoon with 15 members and one
visitor, Mrs. Darrol Trease, pre
Mrs. Harvey Holbrook sr. and
Mrs Harvy Holbrook jr. had
charge of the lesson an "Hats
and Accessories for Dress" Mrs.
Anton Pruss assisted with the
The club held their annual pic
nic at the Grove Lake last Sun
day, with 10 members and their
families present.
July 26 meeting will be
Mrs David Willats.
YOin.l REST EASIER with a
low-payment, long-term loan. That’*
why, earh week, hundred* of farm
er* and rancher* combine their
obligation* in a long-term Land
Bank loan on land — a loan that
can be paid in advance without
penalty. You can also nse a Land
Bank loan to buy land, liveatock
and equipment; to make improve
ments, and for other purpose*.
Come in and talk it over with u*
Federal Land Bank Assn.
Phone 91 O'Neill
I --
Orchard News
Mr*. Wilbur M&hood
Phone 2W3-3185
Mitchell Reunion
Held Sunday
At Orchard
The Mitchell reunion was held
Sunday, June 26, at the M. M.
Mitchell farm home. A picnic
was held on the lawn.
Those present were Mrs. R. L.
Bohannon and family of 9eattie,
Wash., Mrs. Ethel Griggs, Mrs.
Fannie Payne and Fern Mitchert
of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Lux anti family of Valentine, Mr.
nd Mrs. Lester Dorickson and
family of Lynch, Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Scranton and family of
Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitch
ell and family, Nellie Mitchell and
Florence Mitchell of Orchard.
All of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchells
children, grandchildren and great
grandchildren were present.
Stitch and Chatter Club
Stitch and Chatter club met
with Mrs. Leon Mitchell Friday
with 11 members present. Mrs.
Gerald Maple had charge of the
contest games.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Bus Napier. The club plans
to visit Neva Mae Young, who
was a former member who re
cently moved to Ewing.
Rev. Duane Lenz, pastor of the
GAS Air Conditioning
Fits Your Needs...
Choose One of These Modern
Cooling Units Now!
Heats m winter . . . cools in summer . . . witk a
angle fuel m a single unit
A remote unit that operates through your present
forced air heating plant . . . cools without %oaten.
Air-cooled direct expansion unit that operates
through your present forced air heating plant.
Call the Kansas-Nebraska Comfort
Engineer Today!
For Dependable GAS Service
The Auesday Evening Bridge
club met with Mrs. Carol CUflon
Tuesday evening with four mem
bers and four visiters, Mrs Carl
Ash. Gertrude Gibble, Mrs. Ar
chie Walton and Mrs George
Ha mil present Mrs Gail Bro
il ie ami Mrs. George Hamill won
Bridge club met with Mrs. Les
ter Wilbee Thursday after
noon with 10 members and two
visitors. Mrs. Kenneth Bruce and
Gertrude present. Mrs. Gail
Odie, Mrs Ernest Bruce and Mrs.
Ceciel Lee won prizes.
The club decided to discontin
ue unul next Seotemher.
Mrs Paul Bemeu and daugh
ters from Salem, Ore. called in
the J. W. Mahuod tome Tues
Mr and I^rs Paul Alexander
from Walnut Creek. Calif., were
Monday night guests in the Hen
ry Drayton home. Mrs. Alexander
is Mr. Drayton's cousin.
The FIT club met with Mrs.
Pete Cooper, Tuesday afternoon
with 13 members and three vis
itors, Mrs. James Cooper, Mrs.
Jacobsen ami Rita Thelander
present. Mrs Ralph Shrader pre
sided over the business meeting
The club worked on laprobes for
the lOOF home.
Mrs. Flora Young had charge
of die contest games. Serving
Committee was Mrs Pete Coop
* r, Mrs. C. E. Everhart and Mrs.
M.llie Lautenschlager.
He. and Mrs. Roger Withee
a:.J Lmily of St Francis, Kan
were visiting Monday m the J. L.
and Lester Withee homes. Rev.
Withee is a grandson of Mr and
Mrs, James L. Withee.
Mr and Mrs. Clifford Erb and
family. Mr and Mrs Duard
Dempster and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Pearson of Meadow
Grove were guests in the Oliver
Dempster home Monday evening
in h :ni»r of Oliver’s birthday.
Mr and Mrs. Jim Cooper and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Stalling were Sunday guests in
the Em ! Stelling home at Nor
Lila Fletcher returned home
Sunday from Greeley, Colo.,
where she attended a two week
reading conference at the Col
orado State College.
Mr. and Mrs Homer Barton,
Linda End Mrs. Louise Beal at
tended the Beal family reunion
at Fort Randall Sunday. There
were 60 present. Mrs. Lloyd Hix
on of Clearwater was the only
surviving member of the orginai
Mrs Duane Lem and children
returned home Tuesday from
Wahpeton, N. L>.
Mrs Clarence McKee of Chi
eago and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield
and Mrs Harrey Caskey were
Friday calers at the J W. Ma
hood home
Hayt Sirek retimed Friday af
ter spending several days in a
Sioux City hospital.
Mr and Mrs Pete Cooper were
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pofahl of
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Thomp
son of Creighton spent Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Ethel
Mr. ami Mrs. George Fairbanks
at Gordon were Suruiay guests in
the Floyd Meaning home
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tbdd of
Cartage, Ken and Bonita ami
Roy Powell of Fort Thomas Kent,
were visitors in the Lester Wit
her home Monday.
Mrs Roy Sivesind spent Mon
day visiting in the Joe Sivesind
heme at O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs Alvin Gowler and
children of Norfolk were Mon
day evening callers in the Mao
Knapp home.
Mr. and Mrs Harry Butterfield
and grandson, Mark, and Mrs
L; l»a Pospeshil were Sunday dm
ner guests m the Mrs. Lizzie
Grim homo in Ewing
Mr. ami Mrs Kenneth Pell art!
and daughter of Omaha ami Mrs
Jack Lampe of Norfolk were vis
itors in the E E West home
List week
Mr and Mrs E, E West visited
Mr and Mrs Ray Stewart at
Page Sunday
Mrs Clifford Erb ami Mrs Du
ard Dempster gave a diner m
honor of Mr and Mrs Merle Had
ley and family of Salem. Ore., at
the Dr ard Dempster htvme
Mrs. Ruth Farr is in the Plain
view hospital
Mr and Mrs Wilbur Brown
and Karen and Mr and Mrs
Harry Appleby of O'Neill were
Sunday visitors in the James L
Withee home.
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Withee
of Plain view visited in the Lester
Withee home Monday
Mr and Mrs Jim Wither and
Kevin were Thursday afternoon
and evening guests in the Les
ter Withee home
Mr. ami Mrs. Ivan Maples, !
Vicki ami Nancy, Mrs Josephine
Burkhart. Jean and Patty and
Judy Wapples of Lincoln were
Mom lay < vemng dinner guests in
the Flora Young home. Mr. Mid
Mrs Wayne Shrader and family
of Ewing were also guests.
Mr and Mrs. Louis Musilek
ami family i*f Vermillion, S. D.
were Saturday afternoon callers
in the Dr, and Mrs Kenneth
Bruce home
Guests in the J. W. Edwards
home over the weekend were
Mr ami Mrs Marion Everhart
and children of Blair, Mrs Delos
Ed wants and Susan erf Blair,
Mrs Louise Edwards and Shobert
and gnu id son Dick of Loves Park,
111 ami Mr and Mrs Kenny Sitt
man of Emerson They also at
tended the Meuret Reunion at
Neiigh Sjnday.
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
Call tw tV — it hr. Hervtoa
Northwest Electric
And LUCERNE Grape or Orange Drink =
Friday 2 to 6 PM - Saturday 9 AM to 9:30 PM ^
There’s no place like Safeway for Me r
**♦ d* combination of things we do makes Safeway Meats a better buy for you!
AH Safeway Beef and
Lamb are U. S. D. A.
Choice, graded by
U. S.D.A. expert*, who
judge the meat strictly
and impartially, award
ing this Choice grade
only when UADA. spe
cifications are met. Safe
way meats consistently
provide finer eating!
pROfftiY koay
Proper aging improves
the flavor of even the
finest quality meats. In
our vast air-conditioned
aging rooms, Safeway
meats are held under
controlled temperatures
the exact number of
days necessary to insure
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Our “close-trim” method
on every cut of Safeway
meat removes excess
waste and fat... so you
get more delicious meat
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money. Compare our
way of trimming meat
and you’ll see why Safe
way meat is always a
better buy!
Every cut of fine Safe
way meat ia uncondition
ally guaranteed. Take
hom'e any cut you choose,
cook it your favorite way
. , . savor its tender,
Juicy goodness. If you
don't agree it's absolute
ly delicious in every way,
Just come in and telt us.
Your money will be cour
teously refunded.
I Edwards Coffee I
I S59e S‘1.15 I
8 Tine aroma that “whooshes” oat as you open a tin B
■ of Edwarda. A free can of Edwarda coffee wtth Betty Crocker *
■ cake Mixes or Frosting Mix. Get complete details at Safeway. ■
I . Caicos Mix*s .S£39t I
• •_as I- Betty Crocker—whits, IK* SI. I
M . rwnaj IW* homemade goodness.Phg. wH «
I Coupon No. 3 now valid! FREE AT SAFEWAY! f
I place'srtttng'**6 Cook-out ideas and f
_ . . recipes from Lyle’s Patio. S
Bavarian China Get your new copy
Royal Duchess—the china 1.1
that everyone can own.
I Free extra Gold Bold Sta«ps I
■g with the purchase of 8
I Lucerne Cottage Cheese I
Si 39 extra 90 extra mmm
•tampe wtth etempe with X _ V
the purchase M X r the purchase W ■ r X
E Of 12-os. Ctn. Mm u# w of W-os. cm. aW I W ®
Always a delight when served wtth peaches 1
\ P*.
’ tb.
*-* *6i*t
Tor a L°*>cr T<*» _
fr»« **?S»«s=-!k
Deter® ue creom^^ 2*
w-SlP* rk 6iBean*1**^, »*35«
‘,ft(J *’ ..
»<£££-. Sw' ?'«^K4,‘
Catsup ^ HS5^ ~t Party "u
Apricots ^ 3^
Shop with confidence ...
Safeway’s the best place in town to buy Thompson, White shop Safcwayl
Chili with Beans EUto."#; ™ 35c
AW ■ ■ Cn.sL.u: N- MEAT BALLS, No. 304 «JQ„
■amammAa we wp«6n«ni bb»—ib t*»ty .cw »*■
96CQICSS VI ra PCS Ellis Tamales .29c
Ellis Beef Stew SgSK. 39c
Lima Beans N’ Ham mu. 37c
L| Noodles N’ Beef n uuce, delicious. .Can 31c
D. Ellis Brown Beans . 2 N^°° 29c
■_■ UI.VA|J DswAf Waxtex Brand — 100-ft.
j ifdACa rdp«I keeps food fresher ... Roll ME
4-piece week-end wardrobe of ^w.idorf-in «■»
coordinates for casual wear Red'r,pe'f”*1*,’?I,cy’ 10< Maui f nkk/i#«A Meai foT ., C, TOllef TlSSUO wmu or puW color.. i*i>r 37c
u D . Tomatoes Puu a m «iad. Tube New Labbage ma^g coie Lb 5c PUmama. ««.«. 7« ^ 9 ul ~
nail Price f « Solid, linn, glossy «% l I r r I I _____ Sunkist—juicy, for in D8D0 uieallSer trim. away ... C ouu, <WC
with label* from any of these products VUCUmbOTS and dark green.... JL for I J( I IvSIl LclflOllS making lemonade Lb. I 7 C
Kleenex Tissues ... 3 2%S 79c
Sanitary Napkins Kotex .... 2*i789c Instant Coffee.6j°azr$1.15
Kleenex Towels colors....Roll 35c ■■ Maxwell House—“Look for the jar with the atari on
M«n.x Ncpkini,SS“!..58 27c 3 W If, a picnic to save COLD BOND
.p* 59c »T. unc # (akuiavi
V J AH fric„ ,fft cun ,1m. s*mJm tub f, k> O'Neill, NebrMk* STAMP* from *AhfcWAY .