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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1960)
Chambers News By Mr*. E. R. Carpenter Rev. and Mrs Charles F. Cox were business callers in Spalding Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes have returned from their wedding trip and are living in the Blair house. Mr and Mrs. Nels Mikkelson and Joyce returned Friday from visiting relatives in Minnesota. On their way home they visited their daughter in Stanton. Honored at Shower Honoring Mrs Thomas Gilder (Judy Mastersoni, a recent bride, around thirty friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Vernon Smith Friday afternoon. LaRue Weller and Irene Brown planned the pro gram which centered around "bees," in as much as Mr. Gli der's business is connected with them. Miss Brown sang tw'o solos. The guests copied favorite reci pes for the bride. The party was held on the Smith lawn, WSOS Meet* Prior to the regular meeting of die WSCS Thursday the executive committee met to discuss busi ness matters. In the regular meeting Mrs James Grimes and Mrs. Louis Neilson led the study of chapters VI and VII of “Luke's Portrait of Christ." In the business session mention was made of the School of Mis sions to be conducted in Lincoln August 24-26 Action as to paying the expenses of any who might be able to go was deferred until a later meeting. It was decided to contribute $5 toward the expenses of Youth Fellowship members who can attend the Camp Font anelle sessions in July. The "askings” for home and foreign missions as presented by the sup ply work secretary were accept ed. Get well cards were sent to Charles Coolidge and Mrs. Charles Grimes. Twenty-one members and one child were present. The hostesses, Mrs. Eugene Halsey and Mrs. Richard Read, served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes DISTKIIMTION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1058-1960 AND APPROVED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1850 I860 AND ESTIMATED BUDGET I960 1061 Budget Amount Budget j Spent Est. 1959-1960 1959-1960 1960-1961 Administration Board of Education salary and ex penses 800.00 783.76 800.00 Superintendent of schools _ 6,200.00 6,199.93 6,500.00 School secretary salary . 1,650.00 1,724.50 1,500.00 Office expense 150.00 148.73 150.00 Legal service-audit-census _ .. 350.00 312.19 350.00 Other expenses including district Social security and miscellaneous 3,200.00 3,941.43 3,800.00 Instruction Salary of principal 5,000.00 4,966.70 5,200.00 Salaries of high school teachers 43,300.00 42,924.09 50,200.00 Salaries of elementary teachers 40,250.00 38,736.99 50,050.00 Salaries of substitute teachers „ 500.00 712.72 500 00 Vernon Carpenter, adult agriculture 350.00 Textbooks and workbooks 2,500.00 2,744.41 4,200.00 Library books-periodicals-supplies 700.00 684.35 750.00 InstructionaJ Teaching Supplies General Music, Science, Home Ec. supplies 3,000 00 3,653.79 3,500.00 Vocational Agriculture and mileage 600.00 697.58 600 00 Athletic equipment 400.00 609.55 800 00 Other School Services Health services and supplies _ 100.00 - 100.00 Milk Fund 380.13 Other services-lectures-diplomas Commencement speaker 250.00 207.09 250.00 Operation of Plant Salaries of custodians 7,160.00 7,191.03 7,160.00 Fuel 3.700.00 4,160.00 3,800.00 Light and power 1,000.00 1,471.88 1,200.00 Water 300.00 400.00 Telephone 275.00 363.60 275.00 Custodian supplies 1,200.00 1,197.89 1,400-00 Other expense-cleaning and laundry 200.00 198.22 200.00 Maintenance of Plant Upkeep of grounds and buildings 1,400.00 2,262.11 2,000 00 Repair and replacement of plant equipment 1,307.73 2,moo Replacement of instructional equipment 3,400.00 3,397.12 2,300.00 Replacement of tools _ 100.00 83.22 100.00 Street improvement . 1,000.00 994.01 1,100.00 Other expenses of maintenance _ 100.00 83.54 100.00 , Fixed Charges Insurance 2,400.00 2,186.69 2,400.00 Other expense ______ 100.00 98.43 100.00 Capital Outlay Building improvements 5,050.00 1,090.11 4,250.00 New equipment 6,500.00 7,793.38 4.700.00 Reserve for cash basis 17,000.00 - 17,000.00 Debt Service Interest payments __ 100.00 100.00 Total Disbursements 1959-1960 160,935.00 144,031.71 179,935 00 Statement of receipts for the fiscal year 1959-1960 and estimate of receipts for the fiscal year 1960-1961. Est. 1959-1960 1960-1961 Revenue Receipts front I<ooal Non-Tax Sources City and village fines and licenses_ 1.590.00 1,600 00 Tuition paid by parents and/or school dist. 3,116.00 2,000.00 Other local non-tax sources - 296.00 288.00 Revenue Receipts from County Sources Free high school tuition .. 29,199.00 25,000.00 County fine and license money 1,900.44 1,400.00 Revenue Receipts from State Sources Apportionment from temporary school fund 5,727.72 5,000.00 In-lieu-of school land tax — —.... . 84.40 Insurance premium tax_ 2,465.95 Revenue Receipts from Federal Sources For vocational educations.. 1,837.81 1,000.00 Other federal aid 564.32 Revenue Receipts from Other Non-Tax Sources 939.88 500.00 j Insurance adjustments _ 423.07 Total 48,144.59 36,788.00 Receipts from taxation _ 109,621.49 Total Receipts 1959-1960 _ 157,766.08 Computation of Property Tax Grand total expense, estimated for year 1960-1961 $ 162,935.00 Outstanding warrants (issued but unpaid) 5,160.00 Necessary cash reserve to remain on cash basis 17,000.00 Total estimated requirements for next year $ 185.095.66 Present balance in District Treasury _ 47,168.22 Total estimated income from misc. sources 36,788.00 Sum of present balances and estimated income from miscellaneous sources next year .. .. 83,956.22 Net amount of tax money needed 1960-1961 101,139 44 Amount of tax money retained by County treasurer for collection (1%)- 1,01140 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAXES REQUIRED (1960-1961) _ 102,150.84 CERTIFICATE OF TAX This certifies that the sum of $102,150.84 was approved on the 30th day of June 1960, by the board of education of the School District of O’Neill, No. 7 of Holt County, Nebraska, to be raised by taxation for general school purposes during the ensuing school year 1960-1961, the said sum being the total amount needed exclusive of the money now held by the school district treasurer, the balance now to the credit of the school district in the county treasury, and the moneys to be received by the school district from all other sources. We further certify that the amount of tax money required was voted in compliance with the provisions of ’ the Nebraska School Laws. The vote for the said levy was: 6 For: 0 Against Dated this 30th day of June 1960 Board of Education District No. 7 Holt County. H. J. Lohaus, President H. L. Lindberg, Secretary were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cumutt and family and two grandsons, of Salina, Kan, were weekend guests in the Bernard Cavanaugh home. Mrs. Cumutt and Mrs. Cavanaugh are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse had the unusual pleasure of their entire family being with them Sunday. Those present were their son Keith and family of Lincoln, Jim and family of Wichita, Kan., and their daughter, Katherine of Detroit. Sunday dinner guests in the Gaius Wintermote home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Phipps and children of Lincoln, Bob Wallace and family recently from England, now separated from the armed forces, Mrs. Jacqueline Wallace and four children, Pueblo, Colo., Mrs. Ida Howard of California, Carolyn Wintermote from Omaha and Mrs. Belle Wintermote, Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter accompanied their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Dean Stevens and family of Atkinson to Minneapolis, Minn , Friday to spend the holiday weekend with the Carpenter's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Med calf and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and two children of Lincoln came Saturday to spend the Fourth of July holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed and other relatives. Judy Beed who has been visiting the Lubkens re turned with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf were last Sunday guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Medcalf and fami ly at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. James Platt left last Saturday to spend the July Fourth weekend with their daughter, Beverly, who is at tending summer session at the Colorado State College in Ft. Col lins. Clearwater News Mrs. Charles Curtright HUnter 5-3’J80 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheets and family of Sargent spent the Fourth of July weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Michaelson and Mrs. Ilene Schmitz and Sally. Two new teachers have signed contracts in the Clearwater school. Paul McKeever of Tilden will coach and teach industrial arts and social science. He at tended the University of Nebras ka, Colorado State College and graduated from Wayne State Teacher’s College. He is unmar ried. Dwaine Mackey of Niobrara, also unmarried, will teach com mercial and be assistant coach. He received his degree from Wayne State Teacher’s College. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McKillip, Deborah Lee, was baptized Sunday, June 26 by Rev. Lee Abramson at the R L D S church. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maulding and family of Norfolk have been spending their vacation at the Glen Miller and Elmer Mauld ing homes. Jake Jones suffered a sprain to It's Conning To This Area Third Annual SHRINE CIRCUS Produced by Gil Gray Sponsored by Sand Hills Shrine Club FAIRGROUNDS JOHNSTOWN, NEBR. ONE DAY ONLY TUESDAY JULY 12, 1960 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. No Reserved Seats Tickets on Sale at All Banks in Area Any child who has not received a free ticket at school may obtain one at the banks In this area. DON'T MISS IT !!!! the heel of his foot Thursday when he stepped off his tractor while working at h:s home. Mr. and Mrs, Dwayne Mock and family of Sidney, who have been vacationing at the Emery Carey home, left Friday for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Michael of California are visiting friends and relatives here for several weeks. Mr and Mrs. Lyman Warner and son of Topeka. Kan., spent the holiday weekend with Claude and Gary’ Warner Mrs Ocea Kirchner returned Sunday from a week's visit with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kirchner of Sargent Bluffs, la. New playground equipment has been placed in the city park for the enjoyment of the small fry Royal News By Mrs. R. J. liering Connie Beutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler, observ ed her ninth birthday Tuesday evening by inviting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Truman Kirby and also Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rundquist to a picnic sup per at her home. Plans to go to Grove Lake had to be can celled because of the weather. Excessive rain has fallen in Royal and vicinity and each day and night brings additional mois ture until fields and gardens are over-saturated. Mrs. Fred Storm, visiting n Chambers with her daughter, Mrs. Emil Klabenes and family, expects to spend the weekend with relatives in Royal. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Weber are Mr®. Weber's cousin, Mrs. Clarence Muldner and son and grandson from Syc amore, Ariz. They plan to re main until the end of the week and will also visit relatives in Plainview and vicinity. Expected guests from Denver at the W. J. Reefe home include Mr. and Mrs. Neal Darr and children who will remain a few days visiting in Royal, Clearwat er, Creighton and Verdigre. Mr.and Mrs. Ed Charron and family of Yakima, Wash., son-in law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilroy, recently erme to the Gilroy home and will lo cate in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rice of Clearwater called at the Russeli Bunch home Ihursday evening to tell Mrs Burch that word had been received from Lonard R ab ba ss, of Boston, brother of Mrs Rice and Mrs. Burch, that he is at home from the hospital where he was being cared for following a fall from a ladder. Mr and Mrs. Mark Andersen and son and Mrs. Loren Her get and Candy of Hillsboro. Wash, departed for home Thursday fol lowing a visit here with rela tives. Wayne Smith left by plane Fri day for Kirkland. Wash to visit his sisters ami other relatives Mr and Mrs C. W\ Roberts of Fremont were callers at C. E. Rundquist's Monday. Mrs. C. E. Rumiquist received a letter from her daughter, Mrs. Gwen Morrison of Santa Ana, Calif., stating that she was still in the h >spttal and recuperating as “w-ell as can be expected”. Mrs. Morrison underwent an ap pendectomy recently. Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Gunter The Busy Hands 4 H club met Friday afternoon at the Archie Johnston home. Nancy Napier visited at the Dale Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scheer, Mrs. John Miller, Vicki, Charlene and Jerome, Mrs. Leo Miller, Joan and Becky, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Taylor, Susan, Doug and Jerry, Dean Pofahl, Ted Hage moser and the Lorraine Mont gomery family visited Tuesday evening at the Andy Welke home. Mrs. 'Leo Miller took Ellen, who had misfortune of stepping on a nail Saturday, to a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wetlauf fer and Gary of O'Neill were Sunday dinner guests at the Will Shrader home. The Archie John ston family were afternoon call ers. She ran Johnston attended a slumber party at the Archie Tut tle home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and , Clayton and Mrs. Bob Hobbs and ! Bobbie and the Jim and Alton Gunter families visited Saturday ( evening at the Rol Hord home. The Archie Johnston family' were Monday evening callers at the Will Shrader home The Jim Gunter family of Gen cseo. 111. came Ihursday and the Alton Gunter family of Garland, Tex came Friday to spend the weekend at the Lionel Gunter home and to visit other relatives. Those gathered at the Dewitt Hoke home for a picnic supper Monday were Mr and Mrs. De witt Gunter, Mr. ami Mrs Rol Hard ami IHiane, Mr. and Mrs Steve Shavlik ami Pam, Mr. and Mrs John Pennington. Mrs. Syl via Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs Lyle Switzer and the Jim Gunter, Alton Gunter. Verl Gunter and Alfred Napier families and Mr. end Mrs Lionel Gunter Mr. ami Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil of Omaha were July Fourth guests at the Dave Pol lock home, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin and Judy ami Cathy of Stockton. Calif, are visiting at the Billy Lofquist home. Mr and Mrs. John Napier and family visited the Ed Walters family at Chambers Friday eve ning. The Kenneth Pollock and Art Busshardt families of Neligh farmed the Rodney Pollock fam ily for a picnic dinner Sunday at the Dave Pollm'k home. Mrs. Earl Pierson and Mrs. Walter Woepple visited their mo ther, Mrs. Edith McClanahan, at the Brimswick rest home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited at the Robert Mont gomery home Friday. ltie Verl Gunter family of Spnngfiekl, III, came Saturday evening to the Will Shrader home far a few days visit. They also called at the R A Hard home to see Mr. ami Mrs. Mike Cro nin and Mi'S. Cheryle Riwe of Dem er, Colo. Mr. and Mrs Lynn Fry. Jack and Sheila and the Loraine Mont gomery family were Sunday dm ner g.iests at the Floyd Napier home. The John Napier family were dinner guests last Sunday at the Joe Cuddy home at Burwetl. Tile Grant Mott family attend ed the Wondercheck family reun ion last Sunday at Norfolk In the aftermxui they were guests at the John Strmle home in Nor folk for the Strode* twenty fifth wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford and graiuk'hildren visited at the Dave Pollock homi' Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs. George Mont gomery called on Mr. Silas Soh lotman in tile Wahoo hospital Thursday morning on their way to the Floyd Schlotman and Silas Schlotman homes at Valpraiso. Tliey visited with Mrs. Frank Montgomery of Burbank. Calif., who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Schlotman, who were married 63 years on June 30 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were Neligh visitors Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bosell of Salem, Ore., left Monday morn nig to visit their daughter and family at Winona Lake, liul. and also friends in Minnesota Mr and Mrs. Ora Switzer took Lloyd Switzer of Neligh to Ew ing for a treatment. A1 Gibson of Neligh and Mr. i Mrs Harold Mlinar of O’ Neill visited Wednesday evening at the Wayne Fry home, Jennie Brown and Mrs Lewis Heinz and Cathy and Betty of Spaulding visited Wednesday af ternoon at the Jvhn Miller twine. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Napier and family and the George Kel ler family ate their picnic supper at the Neligh Park Saturday Mr and Mrs Z. H Fry visited Friday evening at the Otto Retke home at Inman. Mr. and Mrs John Pennington of Naperville, III. and Mrs. Syl via Byers of Peoria, 111. were overnight guests Wednesday at tin* Dewitt Hoke h me Evening callers were Mr. ami Mrs. George Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter. On Thursday Mrs Alvin Nelson of Plamview visited at the Hoke home. Tlie Darrol Switzer family of Omaha are weekend guests at the Ora Switzer home Both families attended the Forum picnic Mon day at the Leo Miller home. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 2 real Hawaiian Holiday Palm Trees I - GROWN IN HAWAII I Two living miniature palm trees, each 8 to 0 inches high, in a colorful plastic pot. Guaranteed to come to you in perfect condition. A minimum of care will keep this charming conversation piece growing for years. For each pot with palms, send only 50 < and one coupon from half gallon carton of Meadow Gold Hawaiian Holiday Sherbetl POSTPAID OlVflO ■IATRICS fOOOl OOb Send to: Meadow Gold Palm Tree Offer lto\ ,1061 New York 1, N. Y. Wj -7#