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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1960)
- • " "**—*■ ' •' - J waits ■■ \ • ■ ¥•*»» • ■ MW * Ownership of the Page ele\ ator passed into the hands of John Dienes of Orchard last fall. During the winter workmen repaired the building and gave it a complete coverage with aluminum siding. Tuesday work was completed on the new 50 by 140 ft. grain storage bin (shown above) having a capacity of 100,(NM) bushels. The original elevator was built in 1903 by Thomas Wade, whose son operated it in 1909. In 19’H Wallace French operated It for the Farmer’s t nion. A. G. Braddock took over as manager in 1939. Other owners have been Albert Kllis, Fd lluhbard, Jack Weber, Dave Denver, Ik>n McKamy, diaries Sorensen and the Meuret Grain Co. Now the elevator will again hr- open for competitive busi ness. Page News By Mrs. Ben Asher EXTENSION CLUB The Page Extension Club held their meeting Tuesday with Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge as hostess. Guests were Mrs. Robert Luider, Page, and Mrs. Ziems and Mrs. Funk both of Ewing. The after noon was spent making lamp shades. The lesson was given by Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Dun Troshynski. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher, Neil and Lisa were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher in honor of the Jerry Ash ers eighth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, George ami Carolyn went to Niobrara Wednesday afternoon and brought Marilyn Max, LuArni Nissen and Roberta Asher home alter spend ing a few days there attending 4-H oamp. Timmy Fink, Valjean Parks, Becky Beeleart and Linda Thompson returned home with Mrs. Frank Beeleart and Mrs. Robert Prill and Scott who ac companied Mrs. Beeleart. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Matschul lat and family left Wednesday for their home in Chicago. They bad been here visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschul lat and Mr. and Mrs. Al Anthony, Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschuilat. LEGION AUXILIARY American Legion Auxiliary will have their regular meeting July 11 with their girl stater, Bonnie Crumly, giving her report. Mrs. Frieda Asher ate dinner Friday with Mrs. Hester Edmin sten. After dinner the ladies went to Mrs. Ethel Waring who was hostess to the GGG & G club. The afternoon was spent playing cards with Mrs. John Steinberg as a guest. Mrs. Ethel Park, Mrs. Clarence Stevens and Mrs. Clarence Dobbins won prizes. CHATTER SEW Mrs. George Clasey was hos tess to the members of Chatter Sew when it met with her an Friday. The ladies spent the af ternoon in doing their own fan cy work and visiting. Mrs. Har old Freemeyer will be the Au gust hostess. Linda Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup, celebrated her sixth birthday TXiesday. The fol lowing helped her celebrate. They were Patty Jo Crumly, Leeanne, Vonnie and Sally Cronk, Douglas Wettlaufer, Rodney, Rhonda and Melanie Harmon, Patricia Sojka, Monte, Gary and Nancy Stauffer and Bruce Fink. Also there were Mmes. George Wettlaufer, Ray Harmon, Dale Stauffer, Warren Cronk, Lee Fink and Andrea Wet tlaufer who helped Mrs. Sukup with the children’s games. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher left Saturday for Rushville to spend the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Robbins. Mrs. Harold Freemeyer and Su san accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbriclge to spend the weekend in Rapid City where the Trowbridges visited with their (laughter and family, Mr. and sars. Jerry Summers. The Free meyers went to see Harold jr. Air.and Mrs. Harold Heiss en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Max Berg strom, Ray, N. D., Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heiss and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and fam ily at supper last Monday. Kevin Heiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss went to Nor folk to have his tonsils removed Wednesday. Janice Crumly, Omaha, and Donna Crumly, Wayne, were home over the weekend to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly. WSCS MEETS Ttie regular meeting of the WSCS met on Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church. Mrs. Harry Harper had charge of the mediation entitled “Peace”. This was followed by the installation of new officers by Rev. Linder. Mrs. J. W. Finch, president, an nounced that the officers train ing meeting held at Page last week was attended by the of ficers of the society. It was an nounced that there will be a School of Missions at Lincoln on August 22 to 26. There will be a Memorial tea July 21. Get well cards were sent to Ed gar Stauffer, Mrs. R. F. Park, and Mrs. Grace Lamason. A thankyou card was read from Mr. E. H Farnsworth. Mmes. Edgar Stauffer, Merwyn French sr. and Orville Kemper were appointed to purchase much needed kitch en supplies. Mrs. J. W. Finch and Mrs. Harley Kennedy were hostesses. Thursday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Coded and fam ily of Venus. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey. Sunday the Woods and Mrs. Frieda Asher were dinner guests of Mrs. Hester Edmin steti. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Powell, Cor vallis, Ore. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and family of Page, attended the Bowden family reunion on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenny of O’Neill. Others who attended were Mrs. Della Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gude and family, Mr. Gen Clas sen and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and family, Mrs. Myrtle Splangler, Mrs. Audrey Bowden and Ole Classen. This was the first reunion and it was decided that from now on the last Sunday in July will be their regular meeting day. Mr .and Mrs. Duane Sukup and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Siver sind and family and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Slinsky of O’Neill were Sunday night guests at a picnic supper at the Arthur Hibb6 jr. home. The occasion was the birth days of Mrs. Duane 9ukup and Linda Jo and Michael Hibbs. Mrs. Catherine Mudloff and Dan, Mrs. Warner Hill, Leona Mud loff and Marvin Prokup all of Omaha, Mr. Lyman Parks jr. of Winbledon, N. D., Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff and Dale, Mr. and “ A A A A A A ^ Mrs. Lyman Parks and Barbara Belzer ot O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mudloff in honor of Tony's birthday. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lines and family of Inman. 5unuay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer of O' Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Park (jf Omaha were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Ragland, Fred and Eebbie, of San Leanleo, Calif., are spending a week vis iting Mr. and Mrs. William Rag land. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Mr. and Mrs. Everet Secrest of Rush Center, Kan. were evening callers and remained overnight. Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller, Portland, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Miller of Gresham, Ore. Loren Stewart called his fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stew art, from Sun Diego, Calif, that he was leaving Thursday .today, for a tour of duty for 7 or 8 months to Japan. Jenelle Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen, has been home for the past two weeks vis iting her parents and friends. On Sunday she leaves for Council Bluffs, la where she will take psychiatrist training there for three months. She has been in the St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. lee Fink and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. aind Mrs. Bert Fink of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnson of Pittsburgh, Kan., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeleart. On Monday the Bee learts entertained the Johnsons, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beeleart. On Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Miller, Gres ham, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carson and Ann Adele, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart held a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Ragland and family of San Lean leo, Calif., were picnic guests last Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr. The group was joined later by a group of neighbors who enjoyed seeing pictures shown by Eimmit Rag land of Alaska and parts of the U. S. They also viewed a group of articles sent to them by their son, Carroll, who is a missionary in the Belgium Congo. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and Glenn of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller of Portland, Ore., Mr. Fred Hurst of Red field, la., Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart, and Mr. and Mi’s. Bob Gray held a picnic supper at the Melvin Ruzicka home in O’-* Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family spent Thursday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shra der of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor of Scottsbluff spent the holiday week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler of Fremont spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch and other relatives in Creighton and Verdigre. Mr. and Sirs. Calvin Harvey and family and Mr and Mrs Robert Harvey attended an .Ames reunion Sunday at the home ol Mr and Mrs Leonard Wright ol Sioux City, la Others who at tended were Mr and Mrs Hugh Ames of Chicago. 111., Mr and Mrs. Marvin Ames and Mr and Mrs. Homer Charles of Portland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stauffer of Elm Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ny Stauffer of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ames of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ames of Nor folk, Mrs. Rollie Scott of Ottum wa, la., Mr, and Mrs Clair Scott and daughters and Mr and Mrs. Delbert Scott and daughters berth of Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott and family of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greem of Ft. Laramie, Wyo. Mr and Mrs. Norman Saltz at tended funeral services Wixkies day for Charles Franson at Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Resell Johnson of Freemont brought Mrs. Emma Morris home after she spent a few weeks with them. While she was there she had a medical checkup in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Gayien Miller and family and La Anne Nissen spent Monday in the afternoon in Niobrara and in the evening they went to Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie, Mrs. Ethel Park and Mrs. Frieda Asher had a picnic supper at the Ben Asher home. After sup per they went to Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks are on a three week vacation. They will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blezek and family at Apple Val ley, Oalif., Lois Jean Parks at San Diego and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Parks at Seattle, Wash. Mrs Dora Townsend and Mrs. Icie Snyder spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gray. George and Grace Zellers of Chambers were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zel lers. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King of Columbus came in the afternoon and were overnight guests of the Zellers. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sehi of Clearwater and Myrna Heiss were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Saltz. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and family enjoyed Monday at Grove Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trowbridge and boys went to Grand Island Monday where they met their daughter, Diane, wno had been visaing Mr. and Mrs. william *uik at Englewood, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlau in auu iaiuiij anu iui . uuu mi u. ■ Keith Kennedy had a picnic din ner Monday ai the Stuart park. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beelaert j and family of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. DaVem Finlay, Tommy and grandson, Stevie Good, all of Ewing were dinner anu supper guests Monday ox Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kornoek. On Sunuay the following enjoyed a ino-nost dinner at tne Walt Kopetka home in O Neill. They were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kornoek of Brighton, (Joio., Sharon and Duane Kornoek, Mr. and Mrs. AD Neunaus and Rich ard and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledderman of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Orwin Neuhaus and daugh ter of Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kornoek and family of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski and Hugh, Rita Lydon of Ewing, Mr. anu Mrs. George Pongratz of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Given and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kramer of Stu art attended a picnic dinner at Stuart Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon were Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon. On Monday they all had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Johnson of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Harmon, Scottsbluff were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Prill and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Mina attended a picnic sup per at the Marvin Stauffer home. On Saturday afternoon in honor of Marcia’s sixth birthday the tollowing girls were invited to help her celebrate, Patricia Sojka, Debbie and Kathy Heiss, Sharon [ O Bnen, Joanie Cronk, Vida Fre-1 rich. Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen and family went to Ainsworth i Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. | M. Kennedy. The Sorensens re turned home and left the children with their grandparents where tney will spend their vacation at! the Kennedy's cabin at Long Pine. William Hicks of Martin, S. D., Clayton Messmer and Leta Ree and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr., went to Ord Tuesday to visit DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact Lenses By Appointment Phone 2101 Spencer, Nebraska Mr. Oliver Morgan, who is re cuperating from surgery Mr. and Mrs William Lubby of Norwalk, Calif , and Mr and Mrs LX»n Libby and sons of Eugene, Ore , are guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Loran Libby. Mrs. Gene Libby of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christian sen and children of Blair were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Christiansen's parents, Mr and Mrs. Loran Libby and Ronnie. A Fourth of July pieic in O'Neill honored the William and lV>n Libby families. Seventy guests were in attendance. Meek News By Mrs. Fred IJnctberg Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson took their grandchildren, Sandra and Donald Robertson, to Grand Island Thursday where they took the bus to their home at Apple Valley, Calif. Mrs. Gene Libby is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and children were dinner guests Sunday at Clarence Ernst home. The occasion was Clarence's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dcvall went to Niobrara Wednesday to bring back the 4-H children from camp that live in this neighbor hood. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson from Omaha are spending their weekend vacation with relatives and home folks. Annette Long from California spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Karla Anson. Mrs. Gerald Risor spent the weekend with home folks. She goes back to school Tuesday and finishes Friday. Mr. and Mrs fiery Ie Bessert called at William Hansens Man day and Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs Edward Zach of Niobrara were over night and Sunday guests at William Han sen’s. Mr and Mrs. Louis Pierson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Huston and daughter enjoyed a barbecue at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolui Schmitz, Sunday evening, Mr. and Mi's Qsvvolil Drueke were supper guests at Elmer Devalls Thursday evening. The occasion was Mrs. Druekes birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mitchell called in the evening. A group of Gideons and their families met at the Fred Lindberg home Sunday for a picnic din ner. Several visitors were also present. Tne next meeting is planned for August 5 at the Koy Cole residence in O'Neill, Mrs. Don Borg called at Axel Borgs Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Happen heitner enjoyed a barbecue at Laurence Dobrovolnys Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Benash, Joyce and Jean spent the weekend vacation at Vernon Hardings and with O'Neill relatives. They call Lincoln their home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family, Mr. and Mrs, Lucean Taylor and family from Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rei-1 mer sr,, Christine Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Anson and girls enjoyed a picnic at Fort j Randall Sunday. Green Thumb Club The Green Thumb flower club 1 met at the home of Mrs. Mary ; Pierson June 29. Mrs. Florence Schmitz was co-hostess. Fourteen members answered roll call with a hint on freezing j or canning vegetables. Two visitors were present. Margery McNuUv gave a lesson on dahlias and Helen Nelson a • lesson on plants ami grasses for shady s^'ts Both were well pre sented amt interesting. After the regular business meeting and les son discussion, games were play ed, Mary Pierson was recipient of the birthday gifts. Mabel Ixwall won a matched mustard and jam jar sot as a door prize. July 27 meeting will begin with a picnic dinner at the home of Mrs. Delia Harrison. Mrs Howard Rouse was a din ner guest of Carrie Borg and Marvel on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby and Jessie Kaezor visited at John Kaczors north of Spencer Satur day evening. Lawrence Rouse and family vi sited relatives at Atkinson Fri day. Mr and Mrs. Chester Rallies and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lindberg spent Wednesday with Roger Rosenkrans. Mr anti Mrs Paul Nelson were dinner guests it Ralph Wertaa ol Spencer Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby cal led on Paul Nelsons Thursday e\ ening. Mrs. Roy Cole and lna Wolf were callers at the Fred UndlH'rg home Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and sons anti Carolyn Hall spent rueaday evening at Henry Wnl ters, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson and children went to Islington over the weekend to visit rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh anti girls attended a Sunday school picnic at Pender, July 4. They were guests of Frank Nov aks Mr and Mrs Roy Worth from Omaha spent the weekend with relatives. Diane lVvall was a visitor Sun day and overnight guest of her cousin, Kathy lVxall. ARE YOU PROGRESSING? ' h ■ Stores are ! ! We need capable young men who e interested in retailing and merchandising to enter our MAN AGER TRAINING PROGRAM. Advancement to Store Management position is made in ac cordance with your ability and interest. We h ive openings for immediate placements, however, you must be willing to relocate. Preference given to young men now employed in merchandising field, ages, 21-35, however, will con sider beginners Must have at least High School Education. Contact Mr. Roberts at the I>>e Store in O'Neill for application forms and initial interview. 4 Two "BIG SALES" Next Week At , < VERDIGRE ... \ j Regular Sale on Monday, July II 1 800 to 1,000 Hog Auction Starting 41:00 a.m. P A Consign your hogs to our big weekly auction on Mondays. At our | last Monday saJe top hogs reached $18.65 making a good steady * I market that topped all others in the combelt. TRY US WITH ) I | THAT NEXT HOG CONSIGNMENT—WE ARE CONFIDENT k * YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU “SOLD 'em in VERDIGRE." “ 4 SPECIAL FRIDAY EVENING SALE | | Friday Evening, July 15-8:00 p.m. t i " All types of livestock with the exception of butcher hogs will be " I sold at this evening sale. I g SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON (WVS AT THIS SALE " If you have market cows to sell, consign them to this Mile. Early P ' I listings include: | 8 Out standing big Holstein heifers, will be fresh by sale date or " shortly thereafter. Hangs vaccinated. P | 39 Mixed cattle—mostly cows and calves k 27 Market cows and heifers ' { 4 Voung milk cows ) a IS Young feeding cows and heifers s ' 15 Yearling steers and heifers " { Several listings on pigs and brood sows P g Make your listings soon to hike advantage of next week’s advertis- s P Ing. P | Soli ail your livestock at "NORTHEAST NEBRASKA'S FASTEST I . GROWING WEEKLY LIVESTOCK AUCTION MARKET” in [ " Verdigre. P 4 VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET ) g Don Jensen. Mgr. - Phone 86W In Verdigre k u /.WPDQKBi rV-v -# 11 Sty/s Ate s f,,,fc,D£sk Sst! Complete Selection of Easy-Care Fashions • • • Choose now on Layawayl A Jumper and Blouse Sizes 7 to 14 ^^95 Blouse and jumper separates. . .weur them together, or switch them around with something else for a new look. The jumper is fashioned in wonderful corduroy, perky tiny print cotton blouse. So easy to care for! Choose from rich shades of red or green. B Colorful Cotton Plaid Sizes 7 to 14 ^^98 Slated for top honors ... an easy going cotton that will look fresh as new after many, many tubbings! It’s styled with buttons trimming the fashionable cowl collar and patch pockets, and a front pleated waist. Belt of same material. Bright red or hlue plaid. C Little Cotton Charmer Sizes 5 to 6x ^^98 A jaunty style for little crayon crowders! Gayly embroidered waist, white puff sleeves under solid colored cap sleeves. Crisp cotton broadcloth in solid green or tan is washable, needs a minimum of care! D Wee Classroom Classic Sizes 5 to 6x 98 A merry little plaid dress that will be a pet from the very first day of school! Styled in completely washable woven cotton. Button detail gives the waist a crop top effect. Full skirt. Blue or red.