The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 23, 1960, Section Two, Image 13

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    Chambers News
Mr*. E. R. Corpeatar
Valley Center extension club met
Friday at the home of Mrs Joe
Honiulka with 12 members present.
Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote |>re sided.
The meeting opened with the col
lect and the singing of the twoi
songs “Down in the Valley" and
Sing your way Home". RoU call
was answered by telling of the
greatest blunder each made as ai
Mrs. D. K. Miller and Mrs, G H
Grimes gave a report on the St.
Anthony's hospital auxiliary meet
ing. They told of the new blood
count machine which had been pur
chased. Demonstrations on cake
decorating and leather tooling were
given by Mrs D. K. Miller and
Mrs. Bruce Grimes. Luxfcch was
served by the hostess assisted by
Mrs. Don Gartner.
A family reunion at the Ralph
Blair home Sunday included the
following relatives ' Mr and Mrs
Ben Blair and children, Mr and
Mrs. Dean Blair, Mr and Mrs.
Fred Hull and Mrs l>ean and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sasek
and Nola, Mr and Mrs, Jim KLas
na and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Klas
na and family of Spencer, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Widden and Gary of
Bonesteel, S. D., Mr. and Mrs
John Blair of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Blair and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Nachbman and
family of Chambers, Everet Jac
obson and Mrs Ella Blair of Oak
land, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher
and sons of Sedro Wooley, Wash.,
Faye Blair of Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Zenely and boys and Eli- <
nor Blair, all of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs Raymond Beet
who Uses six miles northwest o!
t namoers lost three cows which
were killed by lightning Friday
c .erung
Mrs. Bayne Grubb and children
came from Lincoln Friday to spend
a few days with relatives and
t.iends She was accompanied by
»'atty Avard, who is sending two
weexs with her grandparents, Mr.
-aa Mrs E. H. Medcalf. Patty
and Ellen Grubb went on to O -
NeiU for a visit with their grand
.a-iner, Mrs. Lenna Woile. Dully
Gruoo u visiting in the Guais Win
unm~>te heme Mrs. Gruob return
ed to Lincoln Sunday accompanied
by Judy Beed who is spending
several weexs with her brother
m-lcw and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
•i-rman Lumen ar,d children,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beed and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beed
- iid uaugmers drove to Stuart Sun
flay where they visited their oro
ther-indaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Kaup ami family.
Mrs. H. W. Hubbard was guest
oi henor at a surprise birthday
supper at her Irune Tuesday eve
mug-. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Snavlik and Pam, Mr. anil Mrs.
E A. Medcalf, Mrs. Anna Albers
and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard.
Eddie and Allen Fluckey spent
Sunday in the Paul Lidgett home.
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wilkinson and
Mrs Art Fluckey spent the past
weekend with their son-in-law Mr
md Mrs. Jim Messenbrink at Fre
mont and her brother anil sister
n-law, Mr and Mrs. Lynn Fluckey
*nd .amily at Arlington.
Mrs Chris Chriestsen of Pilger
md Mrs. Elsie Sorensen of Cham
bers were Sunday dinner guests
if Mr. and Mrs. Loy Fluckey and
I Mr and Mrs Everette Jarman
and Douglas spent Sunday visiting
her sister. Claire Tom jack at O
Honored at Shower
Marvin Damme went to Gregory
S D. Friday where he and his
fiancee Ruth Kreiger attended a
shower in their honor. Also Friday
Ruth Damme and R Miller accom
panied by S. Matz and M Baker
all of Lincoln came and were ov
ernight guests of Mr and Mrs.
Clarence Damme and family. They
went on to Gregory, S D Satur
day accompanied by Irene Brown
of Chambers. Mr, and Mrs
Damme. Larry and Cheryl drove
up Sunday for the wedding which
1 took place at St. John’s Lutheran
Church. Hie bride is a daughter
f Mr and Mrs. Joe Kreiger of
| Gregory and the bridegroom is the
I son of Mr. and Mrs Clarence
Damme of Chambers. Ruth Ann
Damme was the brides maid and
Ruben Miller was bestman. Cheryl
Damme was ring bearer. Irene
B own was the soloist.
Mrs. Cletus Hoerle of Seattle.
Wash is visiting her mother-in
law Mrs. Jake Hoerle and other
relatives this week
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huston of
Sedro Woolley, Wash , are visiting j
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr
pnd Mrs Glen Adams and fam
Mr and Mrs Leonard Miller and !
daughter of Portland, Ore., were
weekend guests of his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Miller and Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. Salem Magneson
of Oregon are visiting friends and
neighbors south and east of town
where they formerly lived. They
are houseguests of Alvin and Alice
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Epperson and«
daughters of O'Neill were dinner1
guest* of Rev and Mrs. Charles
Cox Sunday.
Rev and Mrs Charles Cox visited
Saturday evening with their son and
daughter in-law, Mr and Mrs Bill
1 Cbx in O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Wolfe and family at Clearwater
Sunday evening.
Mrs, Katye Peterson of Fairbury,
who has visited the past week in
the Andrew Gilbert home, left
Sunday for a visit with her son-in
law and daughter, at Kearney.
Beverly Platt and Mrs. Samuel
Burtwistle left Sunday for Ft. Col
lins, Colo., where they will attend
the summ er session at the Colotado
State University.
Sunday visitors in the A1 Liedtke
home were Mr and Mrs. Bill Mil
ler and children of Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Avery of
Baudette, Minn., have been visit
ing in the A1 Liedtke home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
v’-re Father s Day dinner guests
of their son-in-law and daughte”,
Mr and Mrs. Dean Stevens and
family at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dankert ar
rived home recently from Boon**
ville. Mo., where they had spent 10
day with their daughter. Mrs.
Arnold Lenz and family. Mrs. Lenz,
accompanied by relatives from
Minnesota brought her home. They
remained overnight returning to
Missouri the next day._
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. 3 doors west of Tnnen
123 East Douglas
Phone 263 — O’Neill
Mrs. Erna Tucker was a dinnet
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Honey -
well Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Duane K Miller
ami children left Sunday for
Chadron to visit her parent's, Mr
and Mrs. R. E. Richards ami on
to the Black Hills for a feyv davs
vacation. He plans to return Fri
day. The others wall remain at
Chadron a feyv dais longer.
Mrs. Louis Harley returned Sat
urday from St. Anthony’s hospital
in O'Neill where she had been a
patient for a yveek.
Bus Schedule
Leave Sioux City 11.30 a.m
Arrive O'Neill 3:30 P-m
Leave O'Neill 3:43 Pm
Arrive Sioux City 7:15 pm
Leave Winner 6:00 am
Arrive O'Neill 9.00 a.m
Leave O’Neill 9:30 a.m
Arrive Omaha 3:50 p.m
Leave Omaha 8:30 am
I^eave Norfolk 12:30 p.m
Arrive O’Neill 3:00 pm
Leave O’NeiJl 4:00 p m
Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m
Leave Valentine 9:10 a.m
Arrive O'Neill 12:15 pm
Leave O’Neill 12:25 p.m
Arrive Grand Island 4:05 p m.
I-eave Grand Island 4:05 p.m
Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m
Leave OmaVa 7:45a.m
Arrive Grand Island 11:20 a.m
Leave Grand Island 12:30 p.m
Arrive O'Neill 4:00 p.m
Leave O’Neill 4:15 p.m.
Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m.
Orchard News
Mm. Wilbur Mahood
, Phone ?WJ SIHS
Mrs. Mary Rice
Honored Sunday
On Birthday
Mrs. Ma-y Rice pioneer Orchard
lady was honored Sunday by the
members of her family at the EUB
———w—ag.-i-Ti -
Mrs. Mary Klee
church at a basket dinner. Her
< >ns end families accompanied her
to church in the morning. There
were about 60 attended the dinner.
The occasion was the mntieth birth
day of Mrs. Mary Rice, widow of
♦he fate George Rice of Orchard.
Mary (Ludwick) Rice was bort
at Grinnell, la., June 13, 1870 aix
lived there until she was 18, whet
she moved with her parents to «
farm six miles southwest of Ne
ligh She taught school two yean
and then married George Rice in
Oct. 1«90 They lived between Ne
ligh and Royal and she continued
to teach two more years
The couple are the parents of
six sons and one daughter, Wilda
Pearl, who died in infancy. Louis
■ Chester died at 11 years. Also Dr.
Clareixe Rice of Odell, Alva Rice
of Clearwater, Floyd Rice of Fair
bury. Roy Rice of Winner, S IV,
and Lester of Chicago, who was
| unable to be present
Mr. and Mrs. Rice lived two mi
les east of Orchard on a farm, Af
ter the death of Mr. Rice Mrs Rice
and Lester continued to farm for
several years Later Mrs Rice
moved to Orchard where she now
Mrs. Rice is very active and m
surprisingly good health. She does
her own house work, has a garden,
and continues to take her daily
w'alk. ,
She is a life member of the Hick
ory S. S society of the EUB
church and WSWS in Orchard.
Her hobby is crocheting and she
finds u great deal of pleasure in
Mrs. Rice has many grandchild
ren and several great grand child
ren. One sister Mrs. Edna Hol
brook of Orchard and one brotlier
Joe Ludwick of Oregon
Freddie Rice of Sulma, Kan.,
and Elvon Rice of Fairbury were
Sunday callers in the Mrs, Han
nah Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Graybiel
of Turock, Calif., and Mr. and
Mrs. William Graybiel of Neligh
visited in the Alex Browning
home Monday.
Mrs. E. E West returned from
Sioux City wiiere she has been
taking a series of treatments the
past three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Willats of Pa
mona, Calif., were weekend guests
at the Bill Thelander home.
Rev. Duane W Lenz, pastor of
the United Brethren church, and
Harvey Holbrook, sr.t will attend
tile conference at Lincoln from
Tuesday to Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cleveland
and family of Oceanside. Calif
i ly were present ami one visitor,
Lima Cleveland
Those from Orchard attending
were Mr amt Mrs Jim Bridge,
Mr. ami Mis. Kanold Wehenkel ami
family. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Riod,
Mr and Mrs John Harvy and John
Robert. Mis Jente Harv v amt Mr.
and Mrs. Art Bridge
Others attended from Creighton,
Davenport, Page, Neligh Lincoln,
Fremont. Atkinson, Iowa and
Clearwater. A basket dinner was
Mr and Mrs. S. U Alderson of
Bronden. Fla., visited last week
in the home of Mr. Alderson 'a
sister. Mrs. Wayne I.autensehlager
of Orchard and Mrs Wallace
Twiss of Clearwater.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Alderson of
Mitchell, S, D., has been visiting
his daughter, Mrs Wayne l.aulen
schlager this week.
Mary Hollida.v of O'Neill is visit
ing several days in the home of
her brother, John liollidav.
OKH Meets
Sunst't chapter met Thursday
evening at the Masonic temple.
Mrs. Walter LaFrenz and Gordon
Johnson presided. Several items of
interest were discussed at the
Past Matrons ('lull
The Past Matrons Club met at
the Masonic temple Wednesday af
ternoon with 15 rrtemtvers and two
visitors, Mrs. Reed and I-ura
Stonehr.iker present.
Mrs. Oliver Dempster presided
at the meeting. After the meeting
quilts were tied. The proceeds
from this pmject is to apply on the
; purchase of a sink and hot w ater
heater for the kitchen.
Mrs. D. L. Fletcher and Mrs.
Blanche Fletcher, hostesses served
Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom and Mrs.
Jesse Agnes of Ewing were Tuesday
callers in the J. W. Mahooil home
’ in the afternoon.
Joyce Rodgers of Valentine is
spending two weeks with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
Terry Drayton returned from
Baton Rogue, La., last week where
he had attended the university. He
plans to spend the summer with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gurney.
Bridge Club
Bridge Club met with Mrs. Ed
Bright Thuraday afternoon with 10
members and two visitors, Mrs.
Waldo Rodgers and Gertrude Grib
ble present. Prizes were won by
Moa \ II. ... f I ; 11 q', ,.l 1 t_
are expected hpjne June 22 on a
30 day furlough.
Lt. E. F. Spar left for Omaha
by plane Sunday for a tour of the
east coast. Mis. Spar and Mr.
and Mrs. C. F Osborn accom
panied Lt. Spar to Omaha.
Mrs. Gertie Cleveland attended
the wedding of Alice Young and
Horace Compton at the first Meth
odist church in O’Neill Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Young moved
to their trailer home in Ewing.
Mrs. Marion Everhart and sons
of Blair visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edwards.
Marie, Ella and Amanda Schutt
of Dixon spent a day last week
with Gertrude Gribble.
The neighborhood Birthday club
met with Hannah Johnson Friday
afternoon to help celebrate her
birthday. Mrs. Allen Hill, Mrs.
Gordon Drayton and Mrs. Hen
ry Drayton won prizes. Mrs. Gor
don Drayton furnished the birth
day cake and Mrs. J. W. Mahood
the prizes.
Wayne Holliday is now employ
ed at the East Side Auto repair
shop. He has recently completed
mechanical schooling at Milford
Trade school.
Sandra Brodie has been elected
vice-chairman of the nursing ser
vice organization of the University
of Nebraska School of Nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Clifton vi
sited their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tooker of
Wayne, Sunday. Mr. Tooker is at
tending the Wayne State Teacher’s
Mi-, and Mrs. Gordon Young of
Spokane, Wash., are visiting Mr.
Young’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Young.
Mr. Keith Thelander attended his
aunt’s and uncle’s funeral, Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Small at Pine Bluffs,
Wyo., last Thursday. The Smalls
were in an automobile accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Knee of
Chieo, Calif., have been visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Stelling and other relatives, the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parks and
family of Kearney are here for a
two week visit with relatives and
The Harvey family reunion was
held at Neligh Sunday, June 12.
Seventy-one members of the fami
and Mrs. J. W. Mahood.
Jance Schwager, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schwager, is at
tending beauty school at Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlio Icklcr and
| Caroline of Sidney visited Friday
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
' Sivesind.
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Knllhoff and
Tammy of Omaha visited Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Farr in Orchard and
Mrs. Kallhoff’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Thelmider, at O'Neill
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wurtz of
j Sioux City, la., were visitors in the
j Delbert Hill home Sunday.
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No Racing on Sundays or Mondays
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