Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Friokel . . . wed Sunday Art-ha Lee Pacha Ronald N. Frickel Married Sunday Miss Artha I>ee Pacha, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha of Atkinson and Ronald N. Frickel, son of Mr and Mrs Conrad Frickol of Atkinson were married Sunday, June 12 in a 4 p.m. ceremony be fore 250 friends and relatives at the Methodist church in Atkinson. Rev. Charles Gates performed the douiie ring ceremony. The wedding day selected was tiie twenty-fifth wedding mniversary of the bridegroom’s parents. Miss Audrey Coxbill sang, "O Promise Me” and "I Love Thee” accompanied by Mrs. Jay Jungman at tiie organ. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, appeared in a gown of silk organza over taffeta with a Basque waistline and Grier shirred sleeves. The Sabrina neckline v. as trimmed with pearls. The front of the gown featured alencon lace. Her veil was of tiered illusion caught by a cap of alencon lnce with pearl trim and three silk roses. The bride carried a cascade ar rangement of a cymbldium orchid and stephanotis. The matron of honor was Mrs. Robert Collins of Omaha. s>ster of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Connie Funk of Omaha nnd Miss Audrey Coxbill of Lin coln. They wore ident cal lavendar peasontina silk dresses fashioned on the style of the bride’s gown. They wore matching veil head pieces with lavandar velvet bows. They carried cascade arrange ments of feathered mums. The best man was Donald Sick and Injured O'NEILL—Mrs. Leona Hynes en tered 9t. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City Sunday for expected surgery Tuesday. . .Clyde Bowden was transferred to St. Anthony hos pital by ambulance Saturday from Ute St. Joseph hospital at Sioux City where he has been hospita lized for 15 days. His condition is described as critical. His 97 year old mother, Mrs. Della Bow den, is living with her daughter Mrs. Andrew Wettlalufer, since his huspitaLization. Mrs. Myrtle Span gler of the Star community has been assisting Mrs. Wettlaufer with her mother’s care. CHAMBERS—Robert Gartner, a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, Sioux City underwent surgery last lrrijiav fnr more hone and skin grafting. He is improving and will be allowed up in a wheel chair. Mr. Gaitner expects to come home for a period. ATKINSON—Sheryl Harley had the cast removed from her leg Friday alter a nine week's period of wear fu! lowing a bicycle acci dent She will be on crutches for two weeks before she is able to walk. _ , MOuNOWI—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis took Mary Kolar to the Sac red Heart hospital in Lynch Sat urday. She has congestsed lungs and a cough. STUART—ther's home for a month. Mrs. Edward Honke of Sioux City was a Saturday visitor in the homes of her brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lve voy and Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Glee son, enroute to Bonesteel, S. D. to visit their mother, Mrs. P. J. Donohue. Mrs. William Mosley and sons, Billy and Steve of Rockford, 111 arrived Saturday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cunningham. Her father has been confined to St. Anthony's hospital for quite some time for a heart ailment. His condition at tlie pre sent is satisfactory. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pruden at Page Sunday evening. Gary Joe Wheeler of Petersen, la. was a weekend at the Harrison Bridge home. Mr. Wheeler grad uated from Wayne State Teacher's college this year and will teach at Underwood, la. in the fall. mi*, anci lYirb. niui i»»u dj mgc left Monday -morning to take their daughter, Karen, to Yellowstone Park where she will be employed this summer. Mrs. Donald Moore and her grandson, Rodney Holz of Norfolk were Friday night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Munson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson and daughter, Carla of Houston, Tex., left for their home Monday after a two week vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Farrier. Donald is an IBM technician at Houston. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Luebcke and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith and family, all of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith of O’Neill were Sunday guests to the Bernard Blacknvore home at Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krugman were Tuesday callers in the Hugo Rice 'home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith of Emmet were Sunday afternoon cal lers in the C. E. Johnson home. Mrs. Minnie Higgins was a week end guest in the H. J. Storjohann home in Scribner. On Sunday she accompanied the Storjoharms to Minden, la. to visit a sister, Mrs. Charles Thies. Mrs. L, 1). Putnam and Audree Nelson spent the weekend at Ver million, S. D. They met Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bratz of Lake Ge neva, Wise, who had come to at tend the graduation of their daugh ter, Carol, who receives her B.A. degree from the University of S'. D. Miss. Bratz has accepted a posi tion as librarian at Rockford, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calkins, Jim, Jack and Jane and Bob Leonard of Portland, Ore. spent the week end here visiting relatives and friends. Misses Margaret Donohoe and Agnes Mahony left Sunday for St. Paul, Minn, to attend the Catholic school of action for the week. Mrs. Emma Ballard of Spencer visited June 7 with Mrs. Rosa Bow ers and family of Walden, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kallhoff and Ronnie were Sunday evening visitors in the home o her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack at Ewing. Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Sum mers were Sunday dinner guests there. Mrs. Goldie Liddy, who has been a resident for some years moved to O’Neill, her former home and is at home at 704 East Everett. Tom Liddy is her son. “"Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bird were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wattles, Ter ry and Bee of Geneva. Mrs. Bird's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swan An derson of Oakland were Sunday dinner guests there. Mrs. Opie Chambers of Los An geles, Calif., arrived Saturday for a visit of indefinite duration with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. , and Mrs. H. W. Heriford. ( Mrs. Helen Sullivan and daugh- , ter, Judy, went to Sioux City Tues day on business. i Mrs. Bob Kutz and Terry went to Valentine Sunday to visit John * Kurtz, who has employment there. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brockhaus, I Mike and Stevie of Sioux City, - returned Saturday from a two week , vacation trip through the Black Hills and spent the weekend with ‘ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 1 Spangler. On Sunday the group vis- . ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Melvin Johnson at Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kimbrogh ' of Geneva were Sunday visitors in , the home of Mrs. M. A. Sohel- j kopf. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker, Mrs. Les Walton and family and Jerry , Oetter spent last week in Om- , aha visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oet- < ter and Larry. Larry who has been j making his home with his grand- \ parents, Mr. and Mrs Parker has employment with the Kretchmer j Photo Co. as a salesman. r Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Reed Herley and family were Mr. £ and Mrs. Kenneth Herley and n daughter, Julia Kay of Norfolk and a Mrs. O. A. Herley of Neligh a Mrs. Gene Ourado and son, Tim- r my of Lexington arrived Saturday 1 to spend a week with her mother, j Mrs Jess Scofield and her uncle, r Ralph Scofield. : c Mrs. Susan Kubichek, Mrs. J. L t McManamv and B F'nueur <.vf Albuquerq le. N. M left Saturday for Casper, Wyo. where they will visit relatives The ladies had been guests in the home of Mr and Mrs Kieth Abart for a visit of a month's duration Mrs Kubichek is Mrs Abart's mother. Mrs Dale Berlin wus a weekend gin'll ui the- l*«n* rrf tier parents. Mr sind Mrs. Frank Porter su Chambers. Mrs. Marvin Johnson sent to Lincoln Wednesday to visit their daughter, Carole w!k> returned to O \c it! F d i> tor a weeken I \ >lr. aiul fttrn. (iorald Fahrenhol* . . . wed at O’Nt'lll Alice Frerichs Weds Gerald Fahrenholz In O'Neill Ceremony St. Patrick’s Catholic church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Alice Frerichs of O'Neill and (Jer ald Fahrenholz of O'Neill Saturday, June 4 at a 9:30 a.nt. ceremony. Rev. Robert Duffy officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frerichs of O’Neill and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. ix'on Fahrenhoiz also of O'Neill. Miss Alice Schafer and Miss Co leen Corkle sang accompanied by Mrs. John McCarville at the organ. The bride wore a floor length gown of re embroidered nlencon lace and nylon tulle. Long, tapered bride’s sleeves and pointed wing tip colar designed the lace basque bodice which had a diamond shaped illusion trim. The full gathered skirt worn over hoops fine! satin, featured a nylon tulle panel front with scalloped lace tiers circling the bouffant skirt. Her veil of silk illusion with lace trim was held by a plateau hat trimmed with sequins and pearls. She carried white carnations on a white prayer book, a gift of the bridegroom. The matron of honor was Mrs. Francis Holz, sister of the bride groom. She wore a dress of blue taffeta and net and carried a bou quet of daisies. Robert Fritton of O’Neill was the best man. Francis Holz, brother in-law of the briedgroom, and Lyle Frerichs, cousin of the bride, weie ushers. The bride's mother wore a blue and white dress and the bride groom's mother wore a tan dress. They each wore a carnation cor sage. A reception was held in the af ternoon. Mrs. Alvin Kotrous cut the cake. Miss Helen Frerichs, sister of the bride, was in charge of the guest book. Miss Kathlene I’on gratz and Mrs. I-irry Strong were in charge of the gifts. The bride is a graduate of the O’Neill high school and attended Wayne State Teacher's college. The bridegroom was graduated from St. Mary’s Academy ami at tended Nebraska State Trade school. He is employed by Schaaf and Ankney of Stuart. The bride wore a tan and brown dress with a jacket for traveling. Following a wedding trip In the Black Hills the couple will be at home in Stuart. Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Miksch . . . wixl at Emmet Phyllis Rose Welsh John Robert Miksch Wed In Emmet Church The Church of the Epiphany in Smmet was the setting for the wed ling of Miss Phyllis Hose Welsh if Atkinson and John Robert Miksch )f Stuart Tuesday morning June 4. Rev. Ralph O’Donnell performed he 9:30 nuptial mass. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Thomas Welsh of Atkin ion and the parents of the bnde ;room are Mr. and Mrs. John diksch of Stuart. James Hytrek of Stuart sang, ‘Ave Maria” and "On This Day" iccompanied by Miss Ellen Hav anek at the organ. The bride appeared in a floor ength gown of chantilly lace and ulle. The snug bodice was finished vith a Sabrina neckline and long apered bridal sleeves. The full ;kirt had tiers of jeweled lace and ulle scallops in front. Her tiered illusion veil was aught in a jeweled hat. She car ded a bouquet of red sweetheart oses on a white lace prayer book »he wore a double strand pearl lecklace and earrings, a gift of the iridegroom. Mrs. Francis Trousch of Rose and, sister of the bridegroom, was natron of honor. Bridesmaids were Trs. Mike O’Connor of Atkinson nd Mrs. Larry Paxton of Stuart ’hey wore blue lace dresses with : scoop neckline which ended in V in the back. The satin cum- ' nerbund waist ended in a liow. ’hey wore blue half hats. Their ewelry was pearl earrings and,, ' ecklaces, gifts of the bride. They arried bouquets of white carna- I ions. i The flower girl, Mynette Hytrek of Stuart was dressed identical to the bride’s- attendants. The best man was Thomas Welsh, jr.. of Atkinson, brother cf the bride. Martin Miksch of Stuart, brother of the bridegroom end I-arry Paxton of Stuart were the groomsmen. Ushers wer® Richard Kaup of Stuart and James Osborne of Atkinson, cousin of the bride. Larry Dix of Stuart was ring bearer. The bride1’s mother wore a pink dress witli white accessories. The bridegroom’s mother wore a pink lace dress with white accessories. Corsages of white carnations were worn by both mothers. A reception was held in the af ternoon at St. Michael's hall. Mrs. George Zeimens of Neligh, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake which was baked and decorated by Mrs. Charles Deermer of At kinson Mrs. Jim Dix of Stuart poured coffee and Mrs. Kenneth Krysl of Atkinson served the punch. Mrs. Ma;*tin Miksch of Stuart was in charge of the guest book Miss Minnie O’Connell of Atkinson was in charge of the flowers. Servers at the noon dinner were Misses Mary Osborne, Mary Weller,