The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 16, 1960, Section One, Image 4

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    Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Friokel . . . wed Sunday
Art-ha Lee Pacha
Ronald N. Frickel
Married Sunday
Miss Artha I>ee Pacha, daughter
of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha
of Atkinson and Ronald N. Frickel,
son of Mr and Mrs Conrad Frickol
of Atkinson were married Sunday,
June 12 in a 4 p.m. ceremony be
fore 250 friends and relatives at
the Methodist church in Atkinson.
Rev. Charles Gates performed the
douiie ring ceremony.
The wedding day selected was tiie
twenty-fifth wedding mniversary
of the bridegroom’s parents.
Miss Audrey Coxbill sang, "O
Promise Me” and "I Love Thee”
accompanied by Mrs. Jay Jungman
at tiie organ.
The bride, escorted to the altar
by her father, appeared in a gown
of silk organza over taffeta with a
Basque waistline and Grier shirred
sleeves. The Sabrina neckline v. as
trimmed with pearls. The front of
the gown featured alencon lace.
Her veil was of tiered illusion
caught by a cap of alencon lnce
with pearl trim and three silk roses.
The bride carried a cascade ar
rangement of a cymbldium orchid
and stephanotis.
The matron of honor was Mrs.
Robert Collins of Omaha. s>ster of
the bridegroom. The bridesmaids
were Miss Connie Funk of Omaha
nnd Miss Audrey Coxbill of Lin
coln. They wore ident cal lavendar
peasontina silk dresses fashioned
on the style of the bride’s gown.
They wore matching veil head
pieces with lavandar velvet bows.
They carried cascade arrange
ments of feathered mums.
The best man was Donald
Sick and Injured
O'NEILL—Mrs. Leona Hynes en
tered 9t. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux
City Sunday for expected surgery
Tuesday. . .Clyde Bowden was
transferred to St. Anthony hos
pital by ambulance Saturday from
Ute St. Joseph hospital at Sioux
City where he has been hospita
lized for 15 days. His condition
is described as critical. His 97
year old mother, Mrs. Della Bow
den, is living with her daughter
Mrs. Andrew Wettlalufer, since his
huspitaLization. Mrs. Myrtle Span
gler of the Star community has
been assisting Mrs. Wettlaufer
with her mother’s care.
CHAMBERS—Robert Gartner, a
patient in St. Joseph's hospital,
Sioux City underwent surgery last
lrrijiav fnr more hone and skin
grafting. He is improving and will
be allowed up in a wheel chair. Mr.
Gaitner expects to come home for
a period.
ATKINSON—Sheryl Harley had
the cast removed from her leg
Friday alter a nine week's period
of wear fu! lowing a bicycle acci
dent She will be on crutches for
two weeks before she is able to
walk. _ ,
MOuNOWI—Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lewis took Mary Kolar to the Sac
red Heart hospital in Lynch Sat
urday. She has congestsed lungs
and a cough.
STUART—<Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seg
er drove to Omaha to visit Paul s
mother, Mrs. Leo Seger, who is
very ill. ,
AMEL1A-Mr. and Mrs Clyde
Widnian and Marcia visited her
mother, Mrs. D. L. Fancher. at
the Ainsworth hospital Sunday.
DELOIT—Mrs J. Hupp returned
home last week from the the Ne
lign hospital.
VENUS—Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Block went to Rochester, Minn,
last week. Mrs. Block had a med
ical check at the clinic there. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield and
Mr and Mrs. Reed Risinger have
received word hat Arthur Butter
field, 77, of Omaha is very ill. He
suffered a stroke recently following
an eye operation.
ORCHARD—John D. Holliday fell
Monday and has been getting
around' with the aid of crutches.
He injured his knee. . jMrs. Eve
lyn McManigal tripped on a board
near the Bright store and fell. She
was able to return to work. . .Mrs.
Wilbur Brown and daughter, Ellen
called on Mrs. Brown’s mother,
Mrs. Jim Withee. sr. Friday. Mrs.
Withee broke her hip in a fall re
cently. , , ,
PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Cunningham visited his uncle. Bill
Stevens at the Veteran’s hospital
at Grand Island Friday. Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Stevens, Mrs. Eva Cim
ningham and Don Cunningham vis
ited him on Thursday. Mrs. Cun
Frickel of Atkinson, brother of the
bridcgnxjm. Groomsmen were Clif
ford Pacha, brother of the bride;
Lawrence Kalkowski and Carl
Fredrichs Ixdh of Lincoln. James
Furtzer and Gary Schmidt were
Jeanette Osborne of Atkinson was
flower girl.
The bride’s mother wore a biege
sheath dress with la vend ar acces
sories. The mother of the bride
gnxim wore a green sheath dress
with Ixine accessories. The grand
mother of the bride, Mrs. Mary ■
Pacha wore a navy dress with j
white accessories and the grand-,
mother of the bridegroom, Mrs.
Carl L. Smith, wore a rose lace
dress with white accessories. Each
wore a gardenia corsage.
J’he reception was held in the
church parlors. The four tier wed-;
ding cake was decorated by Mrs. j
William Morgan and Mrs. Leonard i
Mrs. Charles Shane served the,
bride’s cake and Mrs. Arthur Pacha .
served the groom’s cake. Miss Pat
Johnson poured coffee and Mrs.
Don Gokie served punch. Mrs. Earl
Coxhill was hostess. She was as
sisted by Linda LeMuriyan, .lulicne,
Beck. Judy Syfie and Vickie
Frickel. Maxine Pacha, Carol |
Pacha, Bonnie LeMunyan, Anita
Morgan and Kay Roether were in
charge of the gifts. j
The bride is a graduate of Atkin
son high schixil and attended the
University of Nebraska. The bride-1
groom is also an Atkinson high
school graduate and attends the J
University of Nebraska.
The bride chose a black and
white suit for traveling. Following
a trip to Colorado the couple will
be at home at 1644 No. 31st St.,
Lincoln. _|
ningham and H. J. Stevens are sis- j
ter and brother of Bill. His con
dition is reported as poor,
LYNCH—Mrs. Cal Conklin suf
fered a stroke Friday and was ta
ken to the Lynch hospital. . Mrs.
Theixlore Norwood received a frac
tured hip last week and is hos
pitalized in the Lynch hospital.
INMAN—iMirs. Ray . Siders re
ceived word Tuesday that her mo
ther, Mrs. Annie Taylor! age 95,
of Moscow, Idaho would undergo
major gjrgery Wednesday. Mrs.
Siders accompanied by her bro
ther. Ralph Taylor of Hay Springs,
left Wednesday for Idaho. . .Ev
erett Stewart, son of Mrs. Violet |
Stewart, submitted to surgery
Wednesday at Atkinson Memorial
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: June 8—Mrs. Mike
London, Mrs. George Janousek,
Mrs. Archie Juracek and Baby
Martin Kilcoin, all of O’Neill; Ba
by Jonathan Vogt of Spencer; Mrs.
Emil Bartos of Verdigre. 9—Lynn
Kellner of O’Neill; Theresa Levi
of Stuart; Mrs. Jessie Grow of
Inman. 10—Leonard Mahlendorf of
Bristow; George Pond of Inman;
Adrian A. Alden of Ewing. 11—
Mrs. Fred Ooleman of Spencer;
Clyde Bowden of O’Neill. 12—Mrs.
Clyde Streeter and Harry Graham,
both of O’Neill. 13—Robert Phil
brick and William McClellan, both
of O’Neill. 14—Merle Fagan of
Chambers. 15—Mrs. Elroy Ander
son of Bristow.
DISMISSED: June 8—Bob Mc
Kenny, Mrs. David Anderson and
baby girl and Mrs. Larry Tib
betts, all of O'Neill; Mrs. Charles
Pecena of Spencer. 9—Mrs. Theo
dore Strong and Mrs. Bruce John
son, both of O'Neill; Karl Bernt
and Miss Theresa Levi, both of
Stuart; Mrs. Harold James of Bone
steel, S. D., Mrs. Michael Galla
gher of Inman. 10—Lynn Kellner,
Mrs. Darrol A. Baker, Mrs. Art
Berger and Mrs. Harry Clauson, all
of O'Neill. 11—LeRoy Cunningham
of O’Neill; Mrs. Emil Bartos and
baby boy of Verdigre. 12—(Miss
Elisabeth O’Malley, Lori Lee Strong
and Mrs. Carrie Heise, all of O’
Neill; William A. Ellis of Lynch.
13—Mrs. George Janousek and ba
by girl, Mrs. Archie Juracek and
baby boy and Mrs. Selma Traney,
all of O'Neill; Leonard Mahlen
dorf of Bristow; Mrs. Fred Cole
man and Baby Jonathan Vogt, both
of Spencer; Mrs. Fred HoLsclaw
of O'Neill.
ADMITTED: Jane 6—Mrs. » Don
Mills and Mrs. Richard Klinger,
both of Atkinson; Mrs. Wayne Root
of North Platt. 7—Donald Vencel
of Atkinson, Everett Slew art uf
Inman, ft—Mrs. Jack Christiansen
of Chambers. Hubert Kohie of Stu
art. #—Mrs. Dewame Wiiaamsun
of Naper, Elmer Micbaehs of In
man. lb—Craig Fleming of Atkin
son. 11 - .Mrs. James Engler of Stu
art; Milton Andrus at Atkinson. 12
—Mrs. Jennie Ml mar of A unison
DISMISSED: June 6—Mrs Connie
Murphy and daughter of Stuart,
Mrs Hose Mononun of Atkmsom.
7—Anton Jurak of O'Neill; Charles
E. Braun of Atkinson. 8—Mrs
Fran* LeMunyan and Mrs. Anna
Zarnfailer, both of Atkinson. 9—
Henry Gruenberg and Julia Sam
ples, both of Atkinson lb—Mrs.
Maynard Coleman of Atkinson. 11
— Byron Conard and Frances Kra
mer, noth ol Stuart; Mrs. Rich
ard Kitnger and son of Atkinson;
Mrs. Wayne Root and son of North
Platte. 12 -Milton Andrus of Atkin
EXPIRED June lb-Ehner Mich
aelts of Inman
PRESENT Hugh Anderson, Mrs
Mary Classen and Charles Hav
ranek, all of Spencer; Mrs. Cal
vin Conklin, Dr. J A. Guttery
Dr G. B. Ira, Mrs. Theodore Nor
wood and Mrs. Hannah Streit, all
of Lynch; Carolyn Faye Dix, Mrs.
Clara Hahn. Mrs. Edgar Johnson
and Edwin Sieler, all of Butte;
Baby Mary Kolar of Norfolk;
Douglas Martin and Mrs William
Schultz, both of Naper; Mrs. Cel
estine McNamara of Bonesteel;
Erick Ohman of .Anoka; Peter Op
brock erf Fairfax.
DISMISSED June 7—Morris Car
penter and Mrs Leo Thomson,
both of Lynch; Mrs. Jerry Cars
ten of Bonesteel; Baby Ronald Han
sen cm u iNem. a—miss Anneua
Mashek of Spencer. 9—Mrs. Vance
Anderson of Butte. 10—Robert Wells
of Page. 11—Jerry Goodman of
Naper. 13—Mrs. Blanche Whetham
and Thomas Gray, both of Lynch.
EXPIRED—June 10—Mrs. Bertha
Laudenslager of Spencer.
Catherine Woslger
Larry Schmeckpeper
Wed in Ewing
Miss Catherine Woslager, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Wos
lager of Ewing, and Larry Seh
meckpeper, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Schmeckpeper of Neligh,
were married at St. Peter’s Catho
lic church in Ewing Saturday,
June 4.
The Rev. Peter Burke officiated
at the 9:30 a.m. nuptial mass.
Sharon Kropp was organist. Jerry
Jefferies and Bill Bauer sang. The
altar was decorated with white
The bride, escorted to the altar
by her father, wore a waltz length
gown interpreted in Chantilly lace
of nylon and acetate with nylon
net. The dress featured a molded
bodice with long sleeves, and a
skirt of net ruffled with an over
skirt of scalloped tiers. She car
ried a bouquet of pink carnations.
Miss Lois Woslager, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor. Rayetta
Gregerson of Omaha and Carole
Knievel of Tilden, Iwth cousins of
the bride, were bridesmaids. They
wore identical gowns of pink frosted
nylon over pink taffeta with full
skirts, v-necklines and pink cum
in rbunds. They also wore pink
hats. They carried bouquets of
white chrysanthemums formed in
to crosses.
Donald Schmeckpeper of Norfolk,
bride of the bridegroom, was best
man. Richard Woslager, brother of
the bride and Charlie Morsctt of
West Point, were groomsmen.
Mary and Barbara Woslager,
sisters of the bride were flower
Danny Schmeckpeper of Omaha
and Rickey Hauf of Kansas w'ere
ring bearers.
Ushers were Will Woslager. the
bride’s brother, and Randy Robert
son of Orchard.
A reception for 110 guests was
given hy the bride’s parents at St.
Dominic’s hall in Ewing.
The bride is a graduate of Ewing
high school and the bridegroom
graduated from Orchard high
school. He is in the air force sta
tioned in South Carolina.
BARTOS—Mr. and Mrs. E. Bar
tos of Verdigre, son, William Jack,
7 pounds 5 V* ounces, June 8. The
couple now have two sons four
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bartos sr. of Verdigre and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser of
Orchard are the grandparents.
JURACEK—Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Juracek have named their baby,
Lynn Leroy. Mrs. Juracek is the
former LaVada Frerichs.
ROOT—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R.
Root of North Platte, son, Brian
Dwaine, 6 pounds 3 ounces, June
KLINGER—Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Klinger of Atkinson, son, Terrance
Nolan, 8 pounds 5 ounces, June 6.
ENGLER—Mr. and Mrs. James
G. Bngler of Stuart, daughter,
Jayne Lynette, 8 pounds 1 ounce,
June 11.
HARLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Harley of Plain view, son, Paul Ed
win, 8 pounds, June 5. Mr. and Mrs.
Kasper Harley of Stuart are the
paternal grandparents.
YOUNG—Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Young of Kanopolis, Kan. son, Rich
ard Dean, 7 pounds 15 ounces,
June 6. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. 0. W. Wolcott of Bassett
and Mrs. Floyd Young of Ells
worth, Kan
MONTAG—Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mon tag of Omaha, son, John Fred
rick, June 12, St. Catherine’s hos
pital. Mrs. Montag is the former
Joellyn Backhaus and a sister of
Mrs. Kenneth Hoerle.
CASKEY—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Caskey of Norfolk, son, 7 pounds
10 ounces, June 13. The couple
now has a son, and two daughters.
Mrs. Mabel Bennet of Winnetoon
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey
of Venus are the grandparents.
LEMEK—Mr. and Mrs Robert
Lemek of Sioux City, la., son,
John Michael, 6 pounds 13 ounces,
June 10. The couple has a daugh
ter, Mrs. Lemek is the forrner
Janice TLrner.
Thelma Summers
Albert Philippi
Wed in Lincoln
Miss Thelma Summers, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sum
mers of Page and Albert Philippi,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Miley Phihppi
of Lincoln, were married in a
candlelight ceremony Sunday eve
ning, June 5 at the Havelock
Christian church in Lincoln.
Rev. Merlin Dana officiated at
the double ring ceremony. The
church was decorated with altar
bouquets of gladioli and painted
Robert McMein sang. "Because,"
"Oh Promise Me.” and "The Wed
ding Prayer." Miss Kaye Ruther
ford, cousin of the bride, was
The bride was escorted to the a'
tar by her father, she wore a gown
of imported hand clipped chantilly
lace featuring a pearl and sequin
embroidered sabrina neckline. The
sleeves were tapered to bridal
points. Velvet hows accented the
back and circled the hemline of the
louffant scalloped lace skirt. A
queen's crown of lace enhanced by
[icarl drops held her veil of silk
bridal illusion. She carried a bou
quet of white gardenias and pink
rosebuds on a white Bible, a gift
from the bridegroom.
The matron of honor w'as Mrs.
Richard Christen of Rockford, 111.,
sister of the bride. She wore a bal
lerina length dress of white lace
over blue taffeta accented with a
dark blue sash. She carried a bou
quet of pink roses and white step
Bridesmaids were Miss Joyce
Summers, sister of the hrfde, and
Miss Connie Philippi, sister of 'he
bridegroom. They appeared in bal
lerina length dresses of light blue
lace over dark hlue taffeta accented
with a flowing sash. Their hats
were of blue lace. They also car
ried bouquets of pink roses and
white stephanotis.
The flower girl was Becky Field,
cousin of the bridegroom. She wore
a dress of white lace over white
j taffeta and carried a basket of
j rose petals.
Paul Bateman, brother-in-law of
1 the bridegroom, was best man.
Groomsmen were Raymond Philip
pi, cousin of the bridegroom, and
Dion Bennett, brother-in-law of the
i bridegroom. The bridegroom and
i his attendants were attired in dark
trousers and white jackets with
| white carnation boutonnieres.
Ring bearer w'as Timmy Warren,
| cousin of the bridegroom. Billy
Nomyer, cousin of tho bridegroom
and George Summers, brother of
she bride, lighted the canules.
I'shers were Roland Philippi and
Dton Bennett.
A reception for 1135 guests was
held in the church parlors follow
ing the ceremony A five tier cake
toppl'd with a minature hride and
groom ami attendants was baked
and decorated by Mrs. C. B Woita
of Ceresco.
Mrs. Edgar Wood and Mrs. Roy
; Haynes, aunts of the hride, served
the cake. They were assisted by
Mrs. Elwin Haynes and M’s. I
Mdvin Haynes Aletha Rutherford.!
Nancy Philippi anil Patty Spiers, i
I cousins of the bride and bride
groom, assisted at the reception.
Mrs. Dion Bennett, sister of the
bridegroom, had charge of the
! guest liook Mrs. Paul Bateman.!
sister of the bridegroom was in
{ charge of the gifts.
The bride graduated from Page
high school and attended Wayne
State Teacher’s college. She taught
a Holt county rural school for one
year and is presently employed by
the Lancaster county Division of
Public Welfare.
The bridegroom graduated from,
Northeast high school. Lincoln and
is employed by the Dobson Brot
hers Construction Co. of Lincoln.
For traveling the bride chose an
orchid dacron dross witn ombroi
1 dered sweet pea design. She wore
1 a corsage of white gardenias and
pink rosebuds.
The couple will reside in Lincoln
; following a trip south.
O'Neill Locals
Mrs. Pauline Walston of New'
York City was a weekend guest in
the home of Mrs. Winnie Barger.
Mrs. Walston represented the Com
munity Concert interests at a lo
cal meeting Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson and
son of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Ce
cil Thorton of Chambers were Sun
day guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Tlracey in honor
of Mr and Mrs. Cecil James
Thornton and daughters of Daven
port, la.
Mrs. Bob Sholes and daughters,
Connie, Christy and Cindy and Guy
Johnson were Sunday visitors in
the Arthur Hibbs home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aim spent
several days visiting their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Kline of Harlan, Iowa. Their
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Compton . . . wed at O’Neill '•
Alice M. Young Marries
Horace O. Compton
In O'Neill Saturday
The First Methodist church in
O'Neill was the setting for the wed
ding of Miss Alice M. Young of
Norfolk and Horace O. Compton of
Norfolk. Rev. Glenn Kennicott per
formed the double ring ceremoi.y
in an 8 p.m. service Saturday, June
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter C. Young of O’
Neill and the bridegroom’s par
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Horace E.
I Compton of Oberon, N, D.
I Miss Judi Refshauge sang, ‘‘I
Love You Truly,” "The Wedding
Prayer,” and "Through the Years,”
accompanied by Miss Jean Fischer.
Miss Evelyn Speicher and Miss
Fischer played piano and organ
duets for the pre-nuptial music and
the wedding march. The church
was decorated with altar bouquets
of white gladioli with pink car
The bride, escorted to the altar
by her father, wore a gown of white
silk organza over bridal taffeta. A
band of Venice lace formed the
portrait neckline of the molded
bodice. The long fitted sleeves
ended in bridal points. Venice lace
was repeated at the waistline. A
large organza how and soft folds
forming pleats accented the bouf
fant floor length skirt.
The fingertip lace veil was pur
chased in Brussels during the
bride’s stay in Belgium. She car
ried a white orchid surrounded by
pink roses on a white Bible.
The matron of honor was Mrs.
Richard Reinholt of Lincoln, a
friend of the bride. Her light pink
taffeta street length dress featured
a bateau neckline forming a V in
the back and a gathered skirts.
The neckline was outlined with
pink chiffon flowing in streamers
to the hemline in the back. The hat
and gloves were in matching pink.
She carried a cascade bouquet of
pink carnations with green leaves
and white streamers.
The bridesmaids were Mrs. Louis
Nigro of Omaha, cousin of the
bride, Mrs. Leigh Aslakson of
Jamestown, N. D., sister of the <
bridegroom, and Miss Esther Young 1
of O'Neill, sister of the bride. The 1
bridesmaids dresses were identical I
to the gown of the matron of honor
except each was of a deeper shade i
of pink. t
Earl Compton of Oberon, N. D., j
brother of the bridegroom, was ■
the best man. Ushers were Robert
Young, Marvin Young and Junior 1
Young of O’Neill, brothers of the ;
bride. i
Julie Milne of Creighton, cousin 1
of the bride, was flower girl. Ring £
bearer was Gary Foote, Omaha, c
cousin of the bride. Candlelighters
were Dianne Milne, Creighton, and i
Dianne Summerer, Creighton, £
cousins of the bride. 1
A reception followed the cere- £
mony in the church parlors for 175
relatives and friends. The Maltese t
cross-shaped wedding cake was top- c
ped with bells and a minature bride
and groom. The cake was cut by t
Mrs. Russell Arnold. Mrs. Larry j
Pribil of O'Neill poured coffee and
Mrs. Edward Price poured punch, j
Mrs. Kenneth Brown of Stanton ‘
served as hostess. Mrs. Elaine ,
Zobel, Norfolk, was in charge of ,
the guest book. Miss Jean Dwinell, i
Norfolk, Mrs. Ann Hutchson, c
Creighton and Miss Nancy Devall, , j
O'Neill, were in charge of the gift ,
table. Serving were Mrs. Harold
Lindberg, Mrs. Merritt Pierson,
Mrs. Melvin Johring and Darlene 9
Pierson, Janet Young and Marilyn ?
Milne. k
The bride is a graduate of O’
Neill high school and attended the *
University of Nebraska. She has '
been an elementary teacher at a
The bridegroom is a graduate of r
Oberon high school and the North F
Dakota State college at Fargo, N. e
D„ and received his master’s de- I
gree at Oregon State college. He is
employed by the Nebraska State F
Game commission as a game! a
biologist. I d
For traveling the bride chose a J
green sheath dress with a short |
jacket trimmed with white lace; n
with pink and white accessories. U
Following a trip to the Black Hills J
the couple will be at home at 905 F
Durland, Norfolk. '
grandson. Bruoe Klein, graduated
irom high school and granddaugh
ter, Gnetehea Klein, graduated
from eighth grade Bruoe went to
the navy on June b
Mrs. E. M Eason was a busi
ness visitor in U« Atvgeles, Comp
ton, Chino, and Saiton City, Calif.,
last week, returning on Thursday
She made the trip by plane
Mr. and Mrs. William Marshal!
and son. Bill of Grand Island were
weekend guests in the home of
Mr, and Mrs. J. B Grady,
Ann Gleeaon returned home Mon
| day evening from Bonesteel, S. D.
where she has visited her grand
mother, Mns. P. J. Donohue, the
, past week
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lounsberry
and family and Mrs. Roily Chadd
and daughter, Debra, all of St
Johns, Kan., and Mrs, Tess Murray
went to Omaha Wednesday where
they were guests until Saturday
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran
cis Welch. Mrs. Lounsberry and
Mrs. Welch are daughters of Mrs.:
Sharon McLeish, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe McLeish, left Tues
day for Stratford, la. where she
will visit in her grand na>ther's
home for a month.
Mrs. Edward Honke of Sioux City
was a Saturday visitor in the
homes of her brothers-in-law and
sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lve
voy and Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Glee
son, enroute to Bonesteel, S. D.
to visit their mother, Mrs. P. J.
Mrs. William Mosley and sons,
Billy and Steve of Rockford, 111
arrived Saturday for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Cunningham. Her father has been
confined to St. Anthony's hospital
for quite some time for a heart
ailment. His condition at tlie pre
sent is satisfactory.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks visited
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Pruden at Page
Sunday evening.
Gary Joe Wheeler of Petersen,
la. was a weekend at the Harrison
Bridge home. Mr. Wheeler grad
uated from Wayne State Teacher's
college this year and will teach
at Underwood, la. in the fall.
mi*, anci lYirb. niui i»»u dj mgc
left Monday -morning to take their
daughter, Karen, to Yellowstone
Park where she will be employed
this summer.
Mrs. Donald Moore and her
grandson, Rodney Holz of Norfolk
were Friday night guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson and
daughter, Carla of Houston, Tex.,
left for their home Monday after
a two week vacation with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson.
They also visited Mr. and Mrs.
Max Farrier. Donald is an IBM
technician at Houston.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Luebcke and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Beckwith and family, all of Page
and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith
of O’Neill were Sunday guests to
the Bernard Blacknvore home at
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krugman were
Tuesday callers in the Hugo Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith of
Emmet were Sunday afternoon cal
lers in the C. E. Johnson home.
Mrs. Minnie Higgins was a week
end guest in the H. J. Storjohann
home in Scribner. On Sunday she
accompanied the Storjoharms to
Minden, la. to visit a sister, Mrs.
Charles Thies.
Mrs. L, 1). Putnam and Audree
Nelson spent the weekend at Ver
million, S. D. They met Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Bratz of Lake Ge
neva, Wise, who had come to at
tend the graduation of their daugh
ter, Carol, who receives her B.A.
degree from the University of S'. D.
Miss. Bratz has accepted a posi
tion as librarian at Rockford, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calkins, Jim,
Jack and Jane and Bob Leonard
of Portland, Ore. spent the week
end here visiting relatives and
Misses Margaret Donohoe and
Agnes Mahony left Sunday for St.
Paul, Minn, to attend the Catholic
school of action for the week.
Mrs. Emma Ballard of Spencer
visited June 7 with Mrs. Rosa Bow
ers and family of Walden, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Manson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kallhoff
and Ronnie were Sunday evening
visitors in the home o her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack at
Ewing. Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Sum
mers were Sunday dinner guests
Mrs. Goldie Liddy, who has been
a resident for some years moved
to O’Neill, her former home and
is at home at 704 East Everett.
Tom Liddy is her son.
“"Weekend guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bird were Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Wattles, Ter
ry and Bee of Geneva. Mrs. Bird's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swan An
derson of Oakland were Sunday
dinner guests there.
Mrs. Opie Chambers of Los An
geles, Calif., arrived Saturday for
a visit of indefinite duration with
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ,
and Mrs. H. W. Heriford. (
Mrs. Helen Sullivan and daugh- ,
ter, Judy, went to Sioux City Tues
day on business. i
Mrs. Bob Kutz and Terry went
to Valentine Sunday to visit John *
Kurtz, who has employment there. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brockhaus, I
Mike and Stevie of Sioux City, -
returned Saturday from a two week ,
vacation trip through the Black
Hills and spent the weekend with ‘
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 1
Spangler. On Sunday the group vis- .
ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
Melvin Johnson at Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kimbrogh '
of Geneva were Sunday visitors in ,
the home of Mrs. M. A. Sohel- j
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker, Mrs.
Les Walton and family and Jerry ,
Oetter spent last week in Om- ,
aha visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oet- <
ter and Larry. Larry who has been j
making his home with his grand- \
parents, Mr. and Mrs Parker has
employment with the Kretchmer j
Photo Co. as a salesman. r
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j
Reed Herley and family were Mr. £
and Mrs. Kenneth Herley and n
daughter, Julia Kay of Norfolk and a
Mrs. O. A. Herley of Neligh a
Mrs. Gene Ourado and son, Tim- r
my of Lexington arrived Saturday 1
to spend a week with her mother, j
Mrs Jess Scofield and her uncle, r
Ralph Scofield. : c
Mrs. Susan Kubichek, Mrs. J. L t
McManamv and B F'nueur <.vf
Albuquerq le. N. M left Saturday
for Casper, Wyo. where they will
visit relatives The ladies had been
guests in the home of Mr and
Mrs Kieth Abart for a visit of a
month's duration Mrs Kubichek
is Mrs Abart's mother.
Mrs Dale Berlin wus a weekend
gin'll ui the- l*«n* rrf tier parents.
Mr sind Mrs. Frank Porter su
Mrs. Marvin Johnson sent to
Lincoln Wednesday to visit their
daughter, Carole w!k> returned to
O \c it! F d i> tor a weeken I \
>lr. aiul fttrn. (iorald Fahrenhol* . . . wed at O’Nt'lll
Alice Frerichs Weds
Gerald Fahrenholz
In O'Neill Ceremony
St. Patrick’s Catholic church was
the setting for the wedding of Miss
Alice Frerichs of O'Neill and (Jer
ald Fahrenholz of O'Neill Saturday,
June 4 at a 9:30 a.nt. ceremony.
Rev. Robert Duffy officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Frerichs of O’Neill
and the bridegroom's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. ix'on Fahrenhoiz also
of O'Neill.
Miss Alice Schafer and Miss Co
leen Corkle sang accompanied by
Mrs. John McCarville at the organ.
The bride wore a floor length
gown of re embroidered nlencon
lace and nylon tulle. Long, tapered
bride’s sleeves and pointed wing
tip colar designed the lace basque
bodice which had a diamond shaped
illusion trim. The full gathered
skirt worn over hoops fine! satin,
featured a nylon tulle panel front
with scalloped lace tiers circling
the bouffant skirt.
Her veil of silk illusion with lace
trim was held by a plateau hat
trimmed with sequins and pearls.
She carried white carnations on a
white prayer book, a gift of the
The matron of honor was Mrs.
Francis Holz, sister of the bride
groom. She wore a dress of blue
taffeta and net and carried a bou
quet of daisies.
Robert Fritton of O’Neill was the
best man. Francis Holz, brother
in-law of the briedgroom, and Lyle
Frerichs, cousin of the bride, weie
The bride's mother wore a blue
and white dress and the bride
groom's mother wore a tan dress.
They each wore a carnation cor
A reception was held in the af
ternoon. Mrs. Alvin Kotrous cut the
cake. Miss Helen Frerichs, sister
of the bride, was in charge of the
guest book. Miss Kathlene I’on
gratz and Mrs. I-irry Strong were
in charge of the gifts.
The bride is a graduate of the
O’Neill high school and attended
Wayne State Teacher's college.
The bridegroom was graduated
from St. Mary’s Academy ami at
tended Nebraska State Trade
school. He is employed by Schaaf
and Ankney of Stuart.
The bride wore a tan and brown
dress with a jacket for traveling.
Following a wedding trip In the
Black Hills the couple will be at
home in Stuart.
Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Miksch . . . wixl at Emmet
Phyllis Rose Welsh
John Robert Miksch
Wed In Emmet Church
The Church of the Epiphany in
Smmet was the setting for the wed
ling of Miss Phyllis Hose Welsh
if Atkinson and John Robert Miksch
)f Stuart Tuesday morning June
4. Rev. Ralph O’Donnell performed
he 9:30 nuptial mass.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
ind Mrs. Thomas Welsh of Atkin
ion and the parents of the bnde
;room are Mr. and Mrs. John
diksch of Stuart.
James Hytrek of Stuart sang,
‘Ave Maria” and "On This Day"
iccompanied by Miss Ellen Hav
anek at the organ.
The bride appeared in a floor
ength gown of chantilly lace and
ulle. The snug bodice was finished
vith a Sabrina neckline and long
apered bridal sleeves. The full
;kirt had tiers of jeweled lace and
ulle scallops in front.
Her tiered illusion veil was
aught in a jeweled hat. She car
ded a bouquet of red sweetheart
oses on a white lace prayer book
»he wore a double strand pearl
lecklace and earrings, a gift of the
Mrs. Francis Trousch of Rose
and, sister of the bridegroom, was
natron of honor. Bridesmaids were
Trs. Mike O’Connor of Atkinson
nd Mrs. Larry Paxton of Stuart
’hey wore blue lace dresses with :
scoop neckline which ended in
V in the back. The satin cum- '
nerbund waist ended in a liow.
’hey wore blue half hats. Their
ewelry was pearl earrings and,, '
ecklaces, gifts of the bride. They
arried bouquets of white carna- I
ions. i
The flower girl, Mynette Hytrek
of Stuart was dressed identical to
the bride’s- attendants.
The best man was Thomas Welsh,
jr.. of Atkinson, brother cf the
bride. Martin Miksch of Stuart,
brother of the bridegroom end
I-arry Paxton of Stuart were the
groomsmen. Ushers wer® Richard
Kaup of Stuart and James Osborne
of Atkinson, cousin of the bride.
Larry Dix of Stuart was ring
The bride1’s mother wore a pink
dress witli white accessories. The
bridegroom’s mother wore a pink
lace dress with white accessories.
Corsages of white carnations were
worn by both mothers.
A reception was held in the af
ternoon at St. Michael's hall. Mrs.
George Zeimens of Neligh, aunt of
the bride, cut the wedding cake
which was baked and decorated
by Mrs. Charles Deermer of At
kinson Mrs. Jim Dix of Stuart
poured coffee and Mrs. Kenneth
Krysl of Atkinson served the
Mrs. Ma;*tin Miksch of Stuart
was in charge of the guest book
Miss Minnie O’Connell of Atkinson
was in charge of the flowers.
Servers at the noon dinner were
Misses Mary Osborne, Mary Weller,
<aron Weller. Bonnie Osborne,
Delores Tuender and Connie Moei
er of Atkinson.
The bride is a graduate of Atkin
son high school and attended Nor
oik Junior college. She will teach
school at District 58 near Stuart,
[he bridegroom is employed at a
service station in Stuart.
The bride chose a blue dress with
vbite accessories for traveling,
rhe couple will be at tome in
Jtuart following a short wedding