Meek News By Mrs. Fred Iindberf Aid Paddock Community Ladies Aid met Wednesday at the Mrs. Manor Woidneck home. A large crowd at tended. Lunch was served by the hostess. July 6 meeting to be at the home of Louise Robertson. Don Borg and John Donlin cal led at Axel Borg's Tuesday morn ing. Tomy Joe Drueke helped Tues day and Wednesday with field work. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmitz and family from Bonesteel were Friday dinner guests at the John Schmitz home. Rev. and Mrs. Turner were pre sent and he conducted the worship service at Paddock Union church, Sunday. They plan to return June 26 and continue his former sched ule by coming the last Sunday of each month. Bible School Schedule Daily Vacation Bible school starts at Paddock Union church Monday, June 13, and will con tinue through Friday, June 17. This will be an all day school An invitation is extended to all child ren up through the eighth grade. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter and Norma Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Viola Hall surprised Mrs. Ix>ran Libby of Page on her birthday Tuesday evening. Mr. Gilbert Benash and Eddie from Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benash of O’Neill were Sun day dinner guests at Vem Hardings last Sunday. Elsie Eppenbach spent Sunday in O’Neill. A number of the families from this community attended the fare well picnic in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Paul, Sunday. Due to the unfavorable weather conditions the picnic was held in the church base ment at The Assembly of God church in O’Neill last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and Kathy were Sunday dinner guests at the Elmer Oevall home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fillips of Crofton were visiting at the home of their son, Roman Fillips, last week. Mrs. Frank Fillips had the misfortune of breaking her arm. After receiving treatment, they re turned to their home at Crofton. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Berry and Mrs. Jessie Kaczor returned from Lincoln Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Berry left for their home at Kado ka, S. D., Friday. Lurry Dwbrtivolny took a : swift ride through the air Wed- j nosday but fortunately he es- ' raped serious Injury. While riding the horse at a high rate of spi'ed to check on the cattle the saddle cinch broke spilling him on the ground. The doctor in checking him over found only wrenched muscles luckily no broken bones. Mrs. Elmer Devall, Garry and Diane were Norfolk visitors Satur day morning. Mrs. Garold Risor left for Blair Monday where she will be attend ing summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Korab and Janet Peterson were dinner guests at Elmer Devall's Wednesday. The i Korabs are both teaching school J at Wausa. They leave Monday for | summer school at Emporia Kan. j Mr. Korab’s mother, Mrs. Orville Peterson was raised in this vicini ty. She is the former Myrtle Harri son. Mr. Bruce Hubby of Wayne were overnight guests of Delbert Rouse. Bruce is attending school at Wayne. Mrs. Oswald Drueke and child ren called Sunday evening at Axel Borgs. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford and two grandchildren of Ewing were Sunday dinner guests at the George Nelson home. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Le land Anson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and fami ly. Sandra and Donnie Robertson, children of Raymond Robertsons, from California arrived Sunday for a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson of Omaha and Christine Johnson were supper guests last Sunday at De v\ nj'uc The Midway Ranohette* 4-H club will meet ftt Bennie Johrings Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse en tertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs Alex Van Voorhies of Saginan, Mich. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse and boys. Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and boys, Mr and Mrs. Henry Walters and Norma Jean, Bertha Hayden of Wiggins, Colo., Maude Rouse, Edith Young, Marvin Rouse, Blanche Rouse and Mildred Keyes cf In Mr. and Mrs. Marriedy Hubby were overnight guests at Virgil Hubby’s Sunday and dinner guests Monday. Mrs. Carrie Borg and Marvel joined the group for dinner Monday. „ _ , Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and boys spent Sunday in Omaha visit ing at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Libby. Senator and Mrs. Frank Nelson left Tuesday for Omaha. Mrs. Nel son remained in Omaha with rela tives while Frank went on to Chicago to a meeting of the inter governmental committee. Twy re turned Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson enter tained Friday evening for supper. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil ItOYALTHEATER Thursday, June 9 ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW Harry Belafonte Robert Ryan Shelley Winters Fri. • Sat. June 19 • 11 heller IN PINK TIGHTS Sophia Loren Anthony Quinn Technicolor Sum. • Mon. • Tues. June It • IS • It “BABETTE GOES TO WAR’* Brigitte Bardot CinemaScope and Eastman Color Wed. • Thur. June IS • 1® happy anniversary David Niven Mitzi Gaynor ’ Hubby and Mr and Mi*. Ed Kaczor. The occasion was Eld Kaczor's birthday. Mr and Mrs Fred Lmdberg Mr and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Viola Hall were dinner guests Sun day at Roger Rosenkran a at l Mrs. E. R. Carpenter Chambers Alums Hold Banquet The Alumni banquet was held Tuesday evening at the Chambers high school with 149 attending. Master of ceremonies was E. R Baker of Chambers and guest j speaker was Rev. Kenneth Nye of j Chappoqua, N. Y. The theme was “In the Garden". Those from a distance attending the banquet were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bly of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blair of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown of Bart lett, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown j of O’Neill. Mrs. Hiram Conley of Mount Rose, Colo, Dr. and Mrs. Loran Coppac of Ottumwa, la., Gene Cavanaugh of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Max Farrier of O’Neill Edythe Gibson of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson of Houston, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grimes of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haake of El wood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc Clenahan, of Plainview, Mrs. Jerry Muessell of Omaha, Rev. Kenneth | Nye of Chappoqua, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osborn of Atkinson. | Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roe of Dana Point, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Rudolph of Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. ' Ron Rowse of Bur well, Mr. and j Mrs. Delbert Robertson of O’Neill, " Carlene Hallgrimson of Bassett, i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simpson of \ Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tag- t gart of Dannebreg and Jacqueline | Taggart of Omaha. , CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY | A family reception honoring Mr. . and Mrs. Art Walter on their I twenty-fifth wedding anniversary . was held Sunday at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes. Present besides the honored cou- 4 pie and their three children were t Mrs. Sarah Adams, Mr. and Mrs. 4 Glen Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 1 Adams and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. J Lloyd Gleed and Dorine, Mr. and " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walter and sons, Mr. anti Mrs. Edwin Walter and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dewey all of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roe of Danas Point, Calif., Mrs. Frank Ertz of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams of At kinson. I A bouquet of peonies formed a | background for the table. The wedding cakes were baked by Mrs. i G. Adams and Mrs. R. Adams. Mrs. Leo Adams cut the cakes. Mrs. | Lloyd Gleed served the ice-cream j anti Mrs. Hiram Conley and Dor- j ine Gleed poured. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Farrier i were supper guests Sunday evening in the Harry Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Flucky and family and Mrs. Elsie Sorenson enjoyed a picnic dinner and fish ing Sunday. Rev. Charles Cox went to Spen cer Monday where he conducted [ a funeral service. Following the service he drove to Lincoln to attend the annual conference of the Methodist ohurch. Daily vacation Bible school start ed Monday morning at the Cham bers Methodist and Memorial Bap tist churches. KKLLAK CLUB Due to conflicting engagements, I Kedlar Club met with Mrs. Sam Young instead of Mrs. Genevieve | Bell Wednesday. Mrs. Ernest Young was co-hostess. Seven mem- i bers and three guests answered roll call by telling a favorite method of calorie watching. In the ab sence of the president Mrs. Char les Ooolidge presided. Several hymns were sung, Mrs. Clyde Kiltz serving as pianist. Door prize was awarded to Mrs.1 Ernest Young. Games were played and lunch was served. June 15 meeting wall be with Genevieve Bell and will be the last before the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rockford and family of Comstock were week-end guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rockford and family. The group spent Sunday fishing at Browns lake. LEGION AUXILIARY The American Legion Auxiliary held their regular meeting Friday evening at the Legion hall. Mrs. Ernest Thorin, vice-president, pre sided. It was voted to allow $5.00 on transportation expenses o< the Boys State representive. It was al so voted to purchase a new 50 star flag far the Auxiliary. Mrs. W. H. Crawford wtas elected secretary and Mrs. C. F. Gillette treasurer, for the coming year. Plans were discussed for serv ing dinner at a wedding in July. Lunch was served by Mrs. Dellie Fauquier and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf. | HONORED AT SHOWER The fallowing ladies from here attended a prenuptial shower at Page Friday evening for Ruth Kel ly. Mrs. Raymond Beed, Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mrs. Ralph Adams and son Larry. Mrs. G. H. Grimes, Mrs. James Grimes, Mrs. Gene- 1 vieve Bell and Mrs Hiram Cttn ley Miss Kelly and Bernard Grimes will be married later this month. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs E R Carpenter were her cou sxns. Dr and Mrs Floyd Cork of Wagner, S D , and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Dean Stevens. Chenlyn and Terry of Atkinson Mr. and Mrs Roger Robertson of PhiUipsburg, Kan , spent from Thursday until Saturday of last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Vem Wilkinson Mr Robertson is a nephew of Mr. Wilkinson. Mr and Mrs Arl nd Tangeman and family of Chadran came to at tend the wedding of his sister. Kay, to Bill Cox Thursday They also visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Tangeman Mr. and Mrs Lyle Hanna were Sunday evening J me 5th visiters m the Vern Wilkinson home, Kenneth Lidgett. IXirmie Koenig and Verlon Rickard accompanied by Mrs Paul Lidgett and Darold drove to South Dakota Sunday. The boys went to Wessmgton Springs and Mrs LidgeU and Darroid at tended a family reunion at Huron. This was the first time the family had all been together m ten ye ns Mr and Mrs Donald Prill and family moved Saturday to Speneer, la where Mr Pnil is m the bar ker business Mr and Mrs Ralph Maas and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Edwards at P rk Rapids, Minn , last weekend They s. tended the graduation of her brother, Gerald Edwards. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pichler, Mr and Mrs Val Pichler and family and Mr and Mrs. Larry Pichler and children all of Grand Island and Mrs Etta KeUer of Cham hers were dinner guests of Mrs. Le'h.a Cooke Memorial Day User Walter and a friend from "ieWitt visited Riser's grandfa ‘har. ’dm Walter, and aunt. Mrs. Rena Dierkmg recently. Mr and Mrs. Chuck Forster and , Debbie came Tuesday and were guests in the Schwenk home Tdiey conducted a meeting at the Bap Ust church Wednesday evening They are leaving soon for Mission ary work m .Africa Mr and Mrs L W. Taggart and Thomas of Danneburg, Mrs Jerry Muesaell and sons and Jac qaehne Taggart all of Omaha at tended the Alumni banquet Tues day and visited at the A A Walt er home Vernon Whitaker and Daniela and Sandra attended a rodeo at Cherokee, la , the past weekend where they all competed Mr and Mrs Wesley Howe and children of Fremont visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Wood and attended Memorial Day ser vices, Beverly Platt nd LaRue Weller went to Greenville S, C. Wednes day to attend graduation exercises at Bob Jones University Miss Platt was a graduate. Mrs. Alta Myers of Ewing. Rich ard Mvers ami children and Mrs Pearl Goodspeed of Oakdale ami Mr and Mrs. Bill Myers of Bone steel, S. D. enjoyed a picnic din ner at Perkins park Memorial Day Mr and Mrs Jerry Hash and Rottaey of Norfolk. Mr and Mrs Duane Grossmcklaus at Bartlett. Mr and Mrs. Dale Jarman and son of Cheyenne Wyo., Mr and Mrs Wood Jarman and Mr and Mrs Richard Jarman of Chambers spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Juti Jarman at Bassett. The occasion was Linda G rossruck l a us, tenth birthday anniversary Mrs. Edd Codav left Monday for Hastings where she will attend the summer session at the college Mrs Roliert Klabenes started school at Wayne Monday. Mrs. Wayne Smith and Mrs Ver non Harley went to Lincoln where they enrolled for the summer term at the University Herman Schipman and sister, Anna Schipman of Chambers ac eo’npumed by their brother-in-law and sister. Sir and Mrs George Grimm of Ulyssis drove to McCook Friday where they spent the week end with the Grimm’s son and daughter-in-law', Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Grimm Mr. and Mrs. William Rickar I and Sheri were guests last Wednes ; day evening of Mr ami Mrs. Lo> E lucky and family. A family dinner ami get-to-gether was held Sumlay at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Walter. Pie sent were Mr. ami Mrs. Homer Roe of Danas Point, Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ret* and family of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs Art Walter and family, Mr and Mrs Louis | Walter and boys and Mr, ami Mis Edwin Walter and son Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Mr and Mia. Jessie Kelly of Page were guests in the Art Miller home Sunday. M-s Hattie Tvbhets returned Monday from Tucson. Art* , where she had spent several weeks on business and visiting relatives. Infant Baptised Mr. and Mrs. Edward Urban jr of Ewing' had their infant daugh ter, Pamela baptized Sunday ai the Method!** chureh. Mrs Lawrence Harnett and Mrs. Weaver Hrotherton of Greeley, Ohio, Mrs Kenneth Scholev and children of Milford and Mrs. Mar jorie Sain mans id Sioux City came Monday for a visit with their par ents Mr and Mrs. T K Alderaon. Mr and Mrs. Lavem Hoerle and family returned Saturday from a two week vacation spent with Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young amt family amt her hrotlier and sisters and their families at Meridan. Idaho. Mr and Mrs l.. V. Cooper id Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. D. L Holcomh of Aurora spent a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willie Cooper and other relatives and friends at Riverton, Wyo. They returned Sat urday. __ Alice’s Beauty Shop Ki>n. S door* wrai of Texaco 1*5 Fast Douglas Phone *63 — O'Neill K LIBBY’S KINO SIZE ( : RIPE OLIVES m,*..39c LIBBY’S MANZANILLA THROWN STUFFED OLIVES bi 9 Bnokat.... 37c LIBBY* HAMBURGER SLICED OB 0UK1 SLICED DILL PICKLES.2%T43c LIBBY’S HOT DOG OB HAMBUBGHB RELISH.2 iS 59c LIBBY’S OUT, SLICED OB DICED BEETS.2*^ 29c LIBBY'S DEUOIOUS CORNED BEEF HASH BVi-o*. Can .... .39c LIBBY’S TASTY EASY-TO SPREAD POTTED MEAT 14-0*- Can .., .21c LIBBY’S ALASKA 80CKEYE fLRED SALMON •lb. Can ... .79c LIBBY ’S PURE TOMATO CATCHUP.5 ■£ 95c St c\ cudahvs RKX o tb. Bag 89cl WEINERS.I> I • Armour IUS( 1 .00 | „ , w»««’99r,CE”lb 49c I Baconj I 9'mMEB 59c I locnheon^j ^llilo A §|\ qhoovh’ j - ii I TOMATO JUICE sT 2^49° [ MARGARINE S 2 *a 39s j Ip ACHES :s: -vr 19° j SC MARSHMALLOWS SST.. Z5C ( Snow Crop Frozen 10 ox. V §§> Strawberries 4 Pkgs. __ 1.00 ( g^ Sno Fresh Frozen M F Pea* 2 Pkgs._29c % > Tom Thumb Beef • Turkey - Chicken ■ Pot Pie* 5 For -1.00 1 Lemonade TipTop Froze. 10c 1 _6 Oz. Can M FREE CHEESE CUTTER WITH PURCHASE OF 2 LB. BOX KRAFT VELVEETA 2-Ib. Loti ... .79c I You II Need These, Too! PIECES AND STEMS MUSHROOMS k* «.. 19c REAL COLD PURE ORANGE BASE.2£,37c WISHBONE DELUXE FRENCH DRESSING 8-OI. Bottle .31c KRAFT'S RICH. TANGY BARBECUE SAUCE —. 39c SALAD STYLE • FRENCH’S MUSTARD17c PIK-N1K SHOESTRING POTATOES 2 S 39c KELLOGG'S COEN FLAKS CRUMBS JSUMi.21c no FINCH WHITE PAPER PLATES 40 Count .. .49c NORTHERN COLORED PAPER NAPKINS.2PkP27c 2*.FOOT ALUMINUM FOIL REYNOLDS WRAP P. M.35c CLEAN BURNING BRIQUETS CHARCOAL 10 lb. Bag . . 79c WIZARD BRAND CHARCOAL LITER * 0 49c FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS POTATO CHIPS BROOMS f 4 Pounds • • 1.00 Reg. 59c Size .. 49* Only ... 98* I FRESH SOLID CRISP SOLID BED LETTUCE RADISHES Per Head.10c 2 Jumbo Pkgs. . .19c FRESH FRESH Carrots 2 lb. pk. 19c Avacadoes Each 10c RIPE JUICY GOLDEN RIPE CANTALOUPE BANANAS 4 Large Melons 1.00 2 Pounds.29c DUNCAN JUNES WHITE, DXmATOOD, YELLOW OK SPICK CAKE MIX 2 69e RED DOT 5. TIE