Orchard News Mr*. Wllbar M&hood Phone 2WJ 31M Dr and Mrs. A G. Fletcher of ^°rk City, a retired Mission ary from Korea, are visiting in the Dr D L. Fletcher, G W Fletch er homes at Orchard and Mrs. Benny home at Clearwater. Lt. Col. and Mrs A. C. Fletch er and Thomas of Fort Huachuca, Ariz , visited Mr Fletcher’s moth er, Mrs. J. T. Fletcher the past week, J • F, Adams of Minneapolis, Minn,, was host to a family dinner held at an Orchard cafe Memorial Day There were 29 present. Four of the six living members of the original members of the Adams family attending were Mrs. Rebec ca Butterfield, J. F Adams, Mrs Anna Sexton anil Perry Adams. Also attending were Mrs. Perry Adams, Mr. and Mrs Edwin Por ter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brnok houser, Mr. and Mrs. A L. Cas key and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Reiselman, Jim and Jane, Lloyd Sexton and Carolyn, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs. Lt. Robert La Frenz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter La Frenz of Orchard, was graduated last Saturday from Iowa State Uni versity, Ames, la., with the de gree of Muster of Science. Id. La Frenz Is attending Iowa Slate under a two year civil schooling program of the Army Corps of En gineers. lie is studying Nuclear engineering and will continue his work there another year toward a Hr. of philosophy degree. La Frenz is a graduate of the United States Military Accademy at West Paint. , ■ Mr and Mrs Alvin Cowler and children erf Norfolk visited the Dick Knapp home Memorial Day. Captain and Mrs. John Schlight and family of Colorado Springs, Colo., Mrs Mary Mahood and Mrs. Mayme Payne were guests at the | J. W Mahood home Sunday. Captain John Schlight and fam ily are on their way to Princeton, N J , where Mr Schlight will at tend Princeton University working for his doctors degree Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton and Kevin of Columbus spent the Memorial weekend in the Bernard Sehacht home Mrs. Cora Cannenberg of Bassett has been visiting her mother, Mrs J Van Ostrand, for a few days. Mrs. Cannenberg is returning to Bassett after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Everhart at tended the wedding of Louise Schmid and Richard Meurett at the Sacred Heart Catholic church Sat urday at Norfolk Mrs Ethel Cooper and daughter, Mrs. William Strope and Mrs. Cy Coy visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Habeis troh. Mrs. J. W Mahood was a Ne ligh visitor Tuesday forenoon. Clarence Juracek and Marvin Has well, who own the Eastside Au to Repair shop, have purchased the franchise from Wayne Lautenschla ger, owner of the Orchard Motor Co. They have received notification from the Ford Motor Co. and are now authorized representatives in this territory. Wilmer Young has been assigned as conservation officer with the Nebraska Game Commission. Mr. Young was a license examiner for the Department of Motor Vehicles for 3Vi years. (Last Weeks News) Mr and Mrs. Ray Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill spent the weekend visiting Ed Hill at Kil gore. Fid is a brother of Ray and Allen Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neil, Holy hoek, Colo., are visiting Mrs. O’ Neil's father, Thomas A. Drayton. Mr. Drayton intends to return home with Mr and Mrs. Jim O' Neill for a visit. Robert Niles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Niles, who has finished his enlistment with the marines, has returned to Orchard from San Diego. He is planning to spend the summer with his parents. Victory Post 136 of the American legion is sponsoring a Junior Legion team this year. Clifford Flrh will he the coach. Purchases Sale Barn Wayne Lautenschlager has pur chased the Orchard Live Stock Commission Co. from Harold Meyer and held his first sale Sat urday. Mr. Meyer will be auc tioneer for the company. Mr. Lautenschlager is a resident of the Orchard community and was born and raised here. Orchard Alumni Honor Grads at Annual Banquet Approximately 175 attended the annual alumni banquet held Fri day evening at Orchard. Edwin Porter was the only member cf the first class of 1912 and was the honored guest. Graduates of 1935 were honored. They are Eloit Blackmore, Em moline Block, Richard Donoway, Faye Finley. Eunice Holbrook, Janet Hines. Mary Emma Fines, Harry Johnston, Wayne Matschui lat. Fern McNabb, Floyd Napier, Wendell Quigley, Neva Mae Ro bertson, Albert Seheer, Bessie Sims, Lorna Smythe, Irene Steil ing. Perry Van Ostrand. Jamie Voorhies. l^avern Wehenkel, and Ronald Wenhenkel. Short talks were given by Mts. V. E. Sherwin, San Diego, Calif'., Mrs. E. Rted. London. England, and Bennett Young, instructor at the Omaha schools. The banquet was saved by the ladies of the WSCS of the Ev. United Brethren church. New officers are Frank Sch wager, president, Mrs. Ray Reed, vice-president, Mrs. John Eley jr., secretary and Mrs. Vem Cleve land, treasurer. The program was presented by Gerald Hill. Mary Bennett, Jan I neil Cederlierg, Fred Deterville, i Elinor Mitteir, and Randall Wehen kel. Lt. and Mrs. Edwin Spar and children, Monterey, Calif., arrived in Orchard Thursday evening for a visit with friends and relatives. Lt. Spar is presently assigned to the U. S. N. post graduate school where he is enrolled in the electri cal engineering. Mrs. Spar the former Madclene Clifton, Orchard, and children will remain in Ne braska while Lt. Spar spends six weeks on the east coast. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Withee and Jan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Withee jr., and Kevin and Ken Withee attend ed the graduation at Wayne State Teachers College Friday. Mrs. Ken Withee was a graduate. Mrs. Mary Mahood spent the weekend in the J. W. Mahood home visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Anna Sexton, Ogalala, spent the Memorial weekend with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Housh and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Voorhies spent Memorial Day with their sister and family, Mrs. Adolph Bukacek, Ne ligh. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were Sat urday night and Sunday guests at the H. H. Drayton home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl Housh, San Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. ■ Wilson Voorhies, Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drayton, Orch ard, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Drayton drove to Sioux City Memorial Day to visit Mrs Drayton s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shrader and Jane were Memorial visitors >t Orchard, visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mahood o'd Mrs. Mary Mahood visited at the Robert Harris home, Brunswick. Memorial Day. Gertrude Gribble spent a few days in Sioux City last week visit ing friends. Octette dub Octette Bridge club met with Mrs. Cecil Lee Tuesday. Mrs. Te l Berry won high and Mrs. Kenn< h low. Mrs. Lyle Sehleusener and gins and Mrs. Gordon Drayton were Ne ligh visitors Friday afternoon. Alice Niles is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Watson at Seotts biuff. She will stay until July Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton at tended the Ewing alumni banquet Tuesday evening. Mr. Drayton is a member of the 1897 graduating class. Mrs. Louise Beal spent the week end with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Austin, Plain view. Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carpenter entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rettenaier, Mar vin Rettenaier and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kellog at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond attended the Ewing alumni dinner Tuesday evening. Mrs. Stevens was a grad uate in the class of 1931. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kohout and children, Fort Crowder, Mo., are visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Jennie George, who is Mrs. Ko hout's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bergman and family, Elgin, visited in the Henry Stelling home Sunday. Mary Elaine Stelling, sister of Mrs. Bergman returned home with them to visit a few days. ivirs. r.rnesi west nas leiurnt-u to the hospital in Sioux City for two weeks for a series of treat ments. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Faulha ber, Springfield, 111., arrived here the first of the week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Art Goiter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butterfield spent the weekend in the Don Vol quardsen home in Omaha. Lt. and Mrs. Robert LaFrenz, Ames, la., were weekend guests in the Walter LaFrenz home. Ro bert's parents also visited Mrs. La Frenz’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goakey. Mrs. Cora McDermott, Lincoln, and Mrs. Sarah Berkley, Creighton, visited relatives and friends last week in Orchard. Kenny Young as enrolled in the School of Commerce at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carpenter will spend the summer in Boulder, Colo., where Mr. Carpenter will attend school. Ladies Aid St. Peter's English Lutheran Ladies Aid Society met Thursday afternoon at the church with 26 members and three visitors. Mrs. Bill Waterman, Mrs. Harry Lampbert and, Mrs. Leland Stell ing. Rev. Walter Seefeldt had charge of devotions. Mrs. Bernard Scha cht gave a report on the collection of foreign stamps for missions. The project for the afternoon was a country store. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Seefeldt and 18 ladies plan to go to the LWML convention at Peony Park. Omaha, June 7. They will go in a chartered bus. Two new members were added to the membership roll, Mrs. Bill Waterman and Mrs. Harry Lamp bert. Hostesses were Mrs. Vern Reige, Mrs. Lomz Reige and Mrs. George Ruroedi. Royal News By Mrs. R. .1. liering Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McDaniel of Scotts Bluffs, who had been vis iting in Royal and Neiigh dur ing the week, returned home Sun day accompanied by Mrs. Ronald Helmer and children of Neiigh, who will visit her parents home. Mr. McDaniel stated that he and Mrs. Mcl )aniel have employment in Scotts Bluffs and that they like their new surroundings very much. They were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rundquist. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meisner and sons of Hillsboro, Ore., long time residents of Royal and vicin ity but for the past several years living in the west, returned for Memorial Day and for a visit with relatives and friends. Among the former residents who came to Royal for Memorial Day and a longer visit were Mrs. Har riet Francisco of Cherokee, la., Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Meisner of Ft. Pierre, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Alois Mlnarik of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holm of Butte and Mrs. Truman Carder of Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwanke of Missouri Valley, la., and formerly of Clearwater were Royal visitors Friday evening wrhen they stopped to call on Mrs. Schwnke’s great uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Hering, and also on Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reynolds, with whom Mrs. Schwnke (Belva Rae Hixon) board ed while teaching school in that district. The visitors were on the way to Greeley, Colo., where Mr. Sehmalke will attend summer school. Alumni Banquet Held Eighty-two persons were served at the alumni banquet held Thurs day night at the Methodist church dining room. The WSCS prepared the meal and high school students serving. Officers for the ensuing year were elected: Bruce Rehberg, O’ Neill, president; Greg Rundquist, class of I960, vice-president; Mrs. Walter Beutler, secretary; Mrs. Gerald Maple, Orchard, treasurer and Dr. Gordon Shape, Wayne toastmaster. A short program was given Clar ence Thomsen served as toastmas ter; La Rue Johnston, welcome; Greg Rundquist, response to wel come; Tom Rundquist, trombone solo; Mrs. Wayne Walmer, his tory of the class of 1935 and Rene and Vanita Thomsen sang. The program was brought to a close with roll call and the singing of “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”. The evening concluded with a >am dance at Everett Johnston s farm east of Grove Lake. Musk was famished by the TVoubadors, A family gathering at the home .rf Mr and Mrs. A R. Blackburn Skindav, included Mr and Mrs Harry Johnston ami son of Or diard. Mr. and Mrs Dale Buchta j< Osceols, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Bit nay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ev ?rard Blackburn and family of Ne ligh, Mr. Blackburn's brother, Rav, nf Langford. S. D , and his sis ter, Mrs Jessie Rundquist. who 1 recently came from Iowa for an [ extended visit. Mrs. Jessie Rundquist, a guest : in the !>,>me of her brother, Ar- i thur and Mrs. Blackburn, the past several weeks, was taken to New man Grove to spend some time with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rose Rundquist Both were formerly res idents of Royal. Attend Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Blackburn went to Norfolk Sunday to attend the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Axel Nordeen. Mr. ami Mrs. Tom Grissen and family, Hull, la., stopped to call on Mrs A. R. Blackburn Wednes day Mrs. Grissen was employed by Mrs. Blackburn while doing sec retarial work many years ago in Los Angeles. Daffodilly Club The Daffodilly Club ladies hon ored Mrs. Guy Mattison, who is 83 years old and her daughter, Mrs. Herb Williby, Friday when they met at the Williby home to hon or both ladies on their recent birth days. The guests furnished refresh ments. Mrs. Fred Storm accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Emil Klabenes, to Chambers the first of the week and will spend the summer in the Klabenes home. Mrs. Dale Weber will attend summer school in Wayne. She will take her children with her for the weeek. They plan to return home for weekends. Mi-, find Mrs. Leonard Hall and Mi-, and Mrs. Byron Hail returned Friday from several days in Om : ha where they had gone for a h. alth check. Grandchildren Hold Picnic. The grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burch, four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fryer of Norfolk; two daughters and two sons if Mr. and Mrs. Darrell An sour of Brunswick; a son and daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frahm, Royal, and two guests- the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Maple of Orchard, held a pic nic at the home if the grandpar ents while the parents attended the alumni banquet in Royal. Follow ing the banquet the parents picked up the children and took them to | the Alumni Barn Dance at Ever ett Johnston’s. Surprised on Birthday Mrs. Bryon Hall was surprised Saturday by the arrival of the eight guests who came to honor her on her birthday Monday. When the first guests arrived she thought nothing of it, but when others fol lowed and she was greeted with cries of happy birthday she be came aware of the purpose of the arrivals. Present were Mrs. Walter John son, Page; Mrs. Jack Hildreth, Or chard; Mrs. William Thelander, Mrs. Glen Robertson, Mrs. Keith Thelander, Orchard, Mrs. Clarence Bittner and Susan Marie, Mrs. Ro bert Hering, Royal; Mrs. Herring’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Joe V Hering, Beatrice, and Jolene Hering, Lin coln. Mrs. Joe V. Hering, Beatrice, and daughter, Jolene Hering, Lincoln, caled on the Hering relatives in Royal briefly Saturday and then went to Niobrara to spend Mem orial Day with her sister, Mr. end Mrs. Eddie Stubben and family. Mrs. Hering planned to remain for a week, and Jolene was to return Monday to resume her sec retarial duties in Lincoln. Lawrence Couch Dies Belated word was received here . 1 ■, M Lk /y iL/k Iimolr Jkf tVio nf Lawrence Couch, a former Royal resident; who was graduated from the local high school a number of years ago. He was a govern ment employee ami lived at Day ton, Ohio. Details of his death are unknown except that he met death in a plane accident in Michigan. Funeral services were held and in terment made in Arlington ceme tery, Washington. He was a son of John and Lillie Frahm Couch, long residents of this community. A wife and four children survive. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Allen, Be atrice, and Mrs. Cecil Sovereign. Lincoln, were in Royal Sunday re newing acquaintances and were callers at the R. J. Hering home. Both families were long-time res idents of Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Al len are employed in Grand Island and Mrs. Sovereign is employed in Lincoln. Ray Blackburn, Landford, S. D., and his sister, Mrs. Jessie Black bum Rundquist, Marion, la., called at the R. J. Hering home Monday morning. They also called on Mrs. R.mdquist’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reefe. Receives Degree Mrs. Catherine L. Carlson, a for mer teacher in Royal for three years and also at Orchard will re ceive her master of education de gree June 7 from the University of Miami, Miami, Fla. Mrs. Carlson plans to do gui dance and counseling in Palm Beach country schools. She gradu ated from Ewing high school in 1945, and received her bachelor of arts degree in 1954 from Wayne State Teachers College. Bible School Begins Mrs. Everett Jacobsen, Sunday school superintendent, stated that Bible school in Royal will begin June 13 and continue tor two weeks. All children in the area are welcome to attend. Teachers will be: Mrs. Edna Johnson, junior high; Mrs. Melvin Colson, intermediate grades; Mrs. Warren Holm, pri mary and Mrs. E. A. Rundquist, craft. Glenda Thomsen and Janice Chart will be assistants. The theme for the study will be, ‘‘Why Have a Church?” " 1 Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact lenses Ph»ne 167 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday Mrs Joe V. Hering of Beatrice, i who had spent the past week with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Stubben of Niobrara, returned to Royal Saturday morning and re mained with relatives till Sunday Friends of the late Pat and Chrissie Green of Creighton will be interested to learn that their daughter, Genevieve, (Mrs. Tom Eisiminger' and her son. Thomas Ivan, both were graduated from the University of Seattle. Tom is stationed in Indian Head, Md., and could not attend commence ment Mrs. Eisiminger taught school tn both Knox and Antelope county before her marriage. Newcomer* tn Royal Newcomers in Royal are the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Height who 'have rented the Methodist parsonage. He is employed in sewer construction at Orchard. Mrs L M Storm la v kilting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Watt Classen in South Sioux City ha\ ing accompanied them home when they returned from a \ isit here Mrs. OUie MoClintock, who is employed in Sioux City, ae 1 companied Classens to Koyal to \ isit Mrs. Lizzie Buckmaster. =The Wise Place to S • - YAHttl T UEKAKimtm =Know7n~fnr SAVINGS ■ — WADING POOLS KEEP THE KIDS COOL THIS SUMMER Heavy Rubber Coated Wirt' Frame WADING POOL Vinyl liner 6 ft. x 15".$g88 8 ft. x 15".$1288 AIR MATTRESS AND BEACH FLOAT Made of Heavy I^uninated Bolt*-Flex 100% Air and Water Tested 75” X 80” $2^7 RIDGID WADING POOL Metal Tubing Frame - Vinyl Liner 73” x 4#” x 13” $$88 PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE Brass Couplings 50 ft.$J99 SPECIAL 4 Vi Lb. Assorted CHOCOLATES $219 new eve rain two Rectangular Area Oscillating Sprinkler with NEW SET ’N SPRAY Dl All SIZES Spray the exact area you want automatically! Just nick Set 'n Spray dial for full or partial, right or loft side, coveragel . Just set It... forgot it I Iverain gives ^ IK W a deep, penetrating ipray that reaches oil the corners, soaks your lawn evenly. No puddles, £ ^%OA 1 sidewalks or overlapping. 4 In 77 Adjusts to lawns up to 2200 sq. ft. Ever-Tite sealed lifetime-lubricated motor keept dirt out. Made In U.SA. Shop 8:30 - 5:30 Saturday 8:30 - 9:00 O'Neill, Nebr. ^ ji"" “ ••* ;> * V . , Reg0\o.w» l Ne'N s,y'e!:.,. * «• i* •» ■“ \ rific fosb'°n . 5hea'bs . toe9e \ terobe