The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 09, 1960, Section One, Image 10

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    ttuiMtit.v, June 12
Dinner at the Country' Club
Mnmlay, June 13
Wesleyan Service Guild at the
home of Mrs. Ivan Hurley at 8
TueHfiay. June 14
VFW Auxiliary 8 p.m.
Mrs. Marlin Wichman
Named Club President
Mrs. Marlin Wichman was elect
ed president of the 0’Nei!l Woman’s
club Tuewlay evening at the home
of Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis.
The outgoing president, Mrs.
Howard Manson, presided at the
business meeting. Other officers
elected are Mrs. K. L. Van Voor
his, vice president and Mrs. Milton
J. Baack. secretary-treasurer.
The club voted to build shelves
for children’s hook in the Gratton
Township Library.
Mrs Dean Reed gave a talk on
fabrics She showed two color film
strips loan«*d by a pattern co., on
“Styles From the Beginning of
Time” and "Style, Origin to a Pat
tern." She was assisted by her
daughter. Paula Reed.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs L. R. Burgess and Mrs. F. W
Catholic Daughters
End Season Tuesday
The Catholic Daughters held their
last business meeting of the season
Tuesday evening at the Knights of
Columbus Hall.
The new officers assumed their
positions. They are Mias Marcella
Dendinger, grand regent; Miss
Catherine Donohoe, vice regent;
Mrs. Floyd Hershiser, prophetess;
Mrs. Edward Dumpert, financial
secretary; Mrs. Clarence Sauser
historian; Mrs. Mary Tomlinson,
treasurer; Mrs Harry Graham,
lecturer; Mrs. John J. Harrington,
monitor; Mrs Dominick Bohn,
sentinel; Mrs. L. A. Becker, organ
ist and Mrs. Loretta Hynes and
Miss Carolyn Neiers, trustees.
Plans were made for a picnic to
!>e held June 21. Cards were played
for entertainment Miss Catherine
Donohoe won high score; Mrs Tcss
Protovinsky, second high and Mrs.
Ed Murray, door prize.
Nina Burival Weds
Robert L Sorensen
Miss Nina Burival. O'Neill, be
came the bride of Rctoert L. Jtor
erisen Sunday, May 39, at St Paul
Methodist church in Omaha The
Rev Dr Alva Clark officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mr
and Mrs Edwin Burival of O’Neill.
The bridegroom's parents are Mr.
and Mrs, Soren Sorensen of Page.
Miss Mary Fetrow of O'Neill and
Kenneth E. Braddock, formerly of
Page, were attendants Arthur Holz,
O’Neill, gave the bride in mar
Mr Sorensen is a student at
Creighton University and a member
of Beta Alpha Psi. His bride at
tended Concordia college and Ne
braska State Teacher’s college at
The couple plan to live in Om
aha following a wedding trip to
the Ozarks. ,
Lorraine Coats Weds
Paul Kirschbaum in
Lincoln Ceremony
Miss Lorraine Coats of New York
City became the bride of Paul
Kirschbaum of New York City in
a double ring ceremony at the First
Presbyterian church at Lincoln at
4 p.m Monday, June 6.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Norris Coats of Stuart and
the bridegroom is the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirsch
baum of Los Angales.
Attendants for the couple were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coats of Lin
i coin, the bride’s brother and sister
in-law. The bride was given in mar
riage by her father.
A dinner was given at the Lin
coln University club in the evening
for the family. Other relatives at
tending the dinner included Mr.
and Mrs H. E. Paterson, Lincoln;
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ulrich, Omaha;
Capt. and Mrs, Claude Shopes and
Suzanne of Fort Worth, Tex.; Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Sheets, Elgin.
The bride is a graduate of Stuart
high school and the University nf
Nebraska. She was a member of
Kappa Delta Sorority. She was a
soloist at the First Methodist
church in Omaha. She is continuing
her professional singing in New
York City.
The bridegroom was educated at
a California college and served in
the army. He spent a year traveling
in Europe after his release from
the army. He is a writer for Sperry
Company in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy M. Cox . . . married at Chambers
Kathleen Kay Tangeman
Weds Billy Mac Cox
At Chambers Thursday
The Methodist church in Cham
bers was the scene of the wedding
of Miss Kathleen Kay Tangeman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Tangeman and Mr. Billy Mac Cox,
son of Rev. and Mrs. Charles F.
Cox, Thursday, June 2. Rev. Cox,
father of the groom and pastor of
the Chambers and Amelia Metho
dist churches officiated at tire
double ring ceremony before an
altar decorated with large bou
quets of spring flowers.
The traditional wedding marches
and prelude music were played by
Miss Sharon Squire of Elgin. Les
lie Bennett, also of Elgin sang,
'^Because” and "God Gave Me
You.” Miss Squire played the
Lord’s Prayer following the taking
of the vows.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, appeared in a gown of
French lace and nylon tulle. The
slim line bodice featured short
sleeves and tapered gauntlets. Hand
clipped lace framed the V neckline.
The full gathered ballerina skirt,
in redingote style, was enhanced
with hand clipped scolloped lace
and worn over a skirt of tulle ruf
fles. Her veil of double illusion was
caught by a lace cap trimmed with
pearls and rhinestones. Her only
jewelry was a pearl pendant wath
pearl earrings. She carried a bou
quet of pink sweet-heart roses with
streamers on a white Bible.
Mrs. Jerald McCleuahan of
Chambers, sister of the bride, was
matron of honor. Bridesmaids were
Marilyn Mignery of Elgin, and
Marilyn Davis of Ewing, friends of
the bride. They wore ballerina
gowms with bodices of lace and full
gathered skirts of nylon organaa
over taffeta. They wore white net
veils gathered on pink headbands.
Their bouquets were tinted white
carnations with pink daisies.
The groom was attired in a dark
business suit and wore a pink rose
boutonnier taken from the brides’
bouquet. Charles Cox jr., of Ord,
brother of the groom, acted as best
man. Groomsmen were Robert
Harris of Ericson and Melvin Lowe
ry of Burwell, friends of the groom.
All wore business suits witn white
carnation boutonnieres. Richard
Read of Chambers and Francis
Heumesser of Ewing, friends of
ihe groom, were ushers.
The mothers of the bride and
groom wore navy dresses with
white and beige accessories and
each wore a white carnation cor
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the church
parlors for the 134 wedding guests.
A three tier wedding cake decorated
with pink roses and white bells top
ped with a minature bride and
groom centered the buffet table.
The cake was cut and served by
Mrs. Richard Read. Miss Judy
Beed and Miss Ruth Smith of
Chambers poured coffee. Miss
Danelia Whitaker of Chambers had
charge of the guest book. Miss
Beverly Bartak and Miss Sheila
Hertel of Ewing recorded the gifts.
Ten ladies of the Women’s Society
of Christian Service helped with the
refreshments. Flower arrangements
were prepared by the bride’s aunt,
Mrs. Herman Holcomb of Cham
The bride is a 1960 graduate of
the Wheeler County high school at
Bartlett. The groom is a 1954
graduate of the Ericson high s.'hool.
He served four years in the air
force and spent three years over
seas in Germany.
After a short wedding trip to the
Black Hills, they will be at home
in O’Neill at 705 East Douglas.
] Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Moore . . . married Sunday
Navonne E. Schmidt
Weds Roy L. Moore
At Chambers Sunday
Miss Navonne E. Schmidt of Ew
ing became the bride of Roy L.
Moore of Chambers in a double
ring ceremony at the St. Paul
Lutheran church at Chambers. The
Rev. Williams Roten performed the
Sunday afternoon ceremony at 2
p.m. before 75 relatives and friends.
The bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Martin Schmidt of Ew
ing. Mrs. A. E. Moore of Muscatine,
la., is the mother of the bride
Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle sang ‘‘The
Lord’s Prayer" and "Bless This
House" accompanied by Mrs. Don
ald Hoffman at the organ.
The bride was escorted to the
altar by her father. She wore a
princess style gown of white lace
net over taffeta with three-quarter
length sleeves. The rounded neck
line was trimmed with seed pearls
and rhinestones. The bouffant floor
length skirt was trimmed in back
with a chiffon bow.
The bride carried a fan-shaped
bouquet of American beauty roses
and orange blossoms with white
streamers tipped with lilies of the
The matron of honor was Mrs.
Vernon Schmidt of Chambers,
sister-in-law of the bride. She wore
a light blue taffeta sheath dress
with a draped collar and a full net
overskirt. She carried a basket of
pink carnations with white satin
The best man was Vernon Schmi
dt of Chambers, brother of the
bride. Clarence Sanderson of Cham
bers and Eddie Hawk of Elgin were
the ushers.
The mother of the bride wore a
blue dress with white trim and a
red carnation corsage. The bride
groom’s mother wore a navy blue
dress with white trim and a white
carnation corsage.
A reception was given by the
bride’s parents following the cere
mony in the church parlors.
Mrs. Ervin Menebroker, Neligh,
aunt of Uie bride, cut the ■ ake.
Mrs. Duke Read, Chambers, -lour
ed coffee and Mrs. Walter Mene
broker Clearwater, aunt of the
bride, was in charge of the puncH.
Miss Joyce Mikkelsen of Cham
bers was in charge of the guest
book. Mrs. Clarence Sanderson of
Chambers and Mrs. Billy Legate of
Elgin, a cousin of the bride, were
in charge of the gifts.
The bride is a graduate of Cham
bers high school. The bridegroom
graduated from Tilden high school
and is associated with Cecil Thorn
ton of Chambers. He served four
years in the navy.
Following a wedding trip the
couple will be at home one mile
north of Chambers.
Hospital Auxiliary
Holds Last Meeting
St. Anthony’s Hospital auxiliary
met Monday evening for the last
meeting until September. Hubert
Ramold showed pictures of Italy
and Germany.
The auxiliary paid $270 toward
the remodeling of the nursey. The
group also paid for the blood typing
which was done recently at the
A check for $49.00 was received
from Mr. and Mrs. Martin Helm
richs of Orchard in memory of their
daughter Lynette. It will be applied
to the fund for the Micro-Hemato
crit machine which is to be a mem
orial for Miss Helmrich. She died
May 30 at St. Anthony's of a blood
Margaret Howard and Carolyn
Neiers served refreshments.
Married in Omaha
Mrs. Wayne Bates, Emmet, and
Mr. John Kee, O’Neill, attended
the wedding of Richard Kee Her
ing in Omaha on Saturday, May
28. Mr. Hering is the grandson of
Mr. Kee.
Miss Patricia Manzo and Richard
Kee Hering were married May 28
in St. Ann’s church. The couple
will reside in Omaha.
Miss Mary Froelich
Feted at Parties
Miss Mary Froelich, bride-elect,
has been the guest of honor at sev
eral social events this past week.
Mrs. Edward Gallagher gave a
kitchen shower Thursday at her
home following a luncheon at the
Tbwn House.
Mrs. Frank Froelich and Mrs.
Edward Campbell were hostesses
for a luncheon at the Town House
Mesdames Ed Wilson, H. J. Lo
haus and C. J. Gatz will entertain
at a luncheon and miscellaneous
shower for twenty guests today
(Thursday) at the Town House.
Auxiliary Holds
Election of Officers
The regular meeting of the Amer
i ican Legion Auxiliary Post 93 was
held Wednesday, Junel, at the Le
gion club.
The Junior Auxiliary presented a
j preview of a skit they were to use
at the state convention at Super
ior. Carolyn and Patricia McKen
zie, Dorothy Havranek and Gail
! Murphy acted in the skit.
Officers elected for the coming
year included; Mrs Archie Bright,
president; Mrs. Bill Jensen, first
vice president; Mrs. William Cou
sins, second vice president; Mrs.
Leo Liable, secretary; Mrs. Clif
ford Harding, treasurer; Mrs. Verne
Reynoldson. chaplin; Mrs. Jack
Davidson, historian; Mrs. Lester
Riege, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Or
ville Morrow, color bearer; Mrs.
Richard Minton, Sr.. Mrs. MHvin
Ruzicka and Mrs. Virgil Laursan,
executive committee.
Lunch was served by Mesdames
j Richard Minton, Matt Hynes and
1 Melvin Klingier.
Mrs. Van Voorhis hostess
Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis enter
tained friends at a coffee hour Fri
day afternoon in honor of her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert Van
Voorhis of Albion. Mrs. Van Voor
his has been visiting this past
Betty Spangler Weds
Dwain Ewald May 21
Betty Spangler, O’Neill, became
the bride of Dwain Ewald, Creigh
ton, at the Christ Lutheran church
at Bazille Mills.
Rev. Bernard Gorentz performed
the double ring ceremony at a
2:30 service Saturday afternoon,
May 21. The church was decorated
with asters and daisies.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Spangler, Page.
The bridegroom’s parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Ewald, Creighton.
Mrs. Ronald Fink sang, “Wither i
Thou Goest” and the "Lord’s!
Prayer,” accompanied by Mrs. Wil
bur Spangler, Ewing.
The bride escorted to the altar
by her father, appeared in a white
floor length gown of bridal satin.
The bodice of the princess style
gown had a rounded neckline trim
med with DuBarry hand clipped
French chantilly lace.
A Juliet cap held in place the
veil of veilette silk French illusion.
She wore a double strand of pearls,
a gift from the bridegroom.
She carried a white orchid on a
white prayer book, a gift of the
bridegroom’s mother.
The matron of honor was Mrs. IIa
June Burner, Fremont. She wore a
dress of lavender nylon chiffon
over taffeta and carried a bouquet
of asters.
The candle lighter was Lynn
The best man was Douglas Cam
plain, Kearney, nephew of the
bridegroom. The ushers were
Donald Spangler and Lynn Camp
The bride’s mother wore a dress
of white and blue nylon chiffon.
Bridegroom's mother wore a dress
of pink lace after acetate taffeta.
They each had a corsage of white
A reception was held in the
| church basement. The wedding
! cake was baked by the bride’s mo
i ther and decorated by Mrs. Norman
Saltz. It was decorated in the
bride’s colors of lavender and yel
Joann Barlow served the punch
and Lois Saltz. Page, cut the cake.
Mrs. Evelyn Camplain poured the
coffee. Mrs Ruth Janden, Creigh
ton, and Faye Rutherford helped
at the bride's table. Mrs. Luetta
Skipstead was in charge of the
guest book.
Students from her school, dio
! trict No. 88 served at the bride’s
' table. Mrs. Donna Ray Lyons and
i Mrs. Wilbur Spangler presided at
the gift table.
The bride is a graduate of Page
high school in 1954 and she at
tended Wayne State Teacher’s col
lege. She has been teaching
The bridegroom served in the
Army two years and has farmed
since his release from the service.
| After their honeymoon the couple
I will reside on a farm at Creighton.
Future Homemakers
Attend Workshop
Five members of the O’Neill
chapter Homemakers of America
a:leaded the annual workshop at
Kearney State Teacher's College
May 31 through June 2..
The officers elect who attended
the workshop were Merna Butter
field, president; Connie Brockman,
vice president; Eileen Pnbil, sec
retary; Joan Pease, parliamentar
ian and Gail Johring, degree chair
nun. The advisor, Mrs. Harold
Scger, accompanied the group.
Connie Brockman was elected dis
trict historian and Merna Butter
field was nominated for the state
office of song ieaiier. The election
of state officers wiB be held in
April at the state convention in
Board Elects
Three Teachers
Tuesday Night
Henry Lohaus, Dr. Rex Wilson
and Harold Lindberg were again
named officers of the local school
superintendent Milton Baack,
In other business the board
elected three teachers for the com
ing term. They are Mrs. Lois
Tompkins, to teach English and
foreign Languages; Helen Martens,
to teach elementary and Miss Cle
ta Murray, to teach lower ele
A representative of the archi
tectural firm working on plans for
the new school presented prelim
inary plans bat the board did not
have time to study them thorough
ly. A special meeting to do so
will be called later by President
State vs. Cecil M. Spence, Ken
nard, night speeding, fined $35 and
$4 costs; officer—Donald J. Fiala,
June 2.
State vs. Robert Michael Millea,
driver for Cecil James Smith, Em
metsburg, la., no reciprocity, fined
$10 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford
L. Kizzire, June 3.
State vs. Donald G. Pruden, Ew
ing, night speeding, fined $15 and
$4 costs, officer—E. M. Hastreiter,
June 6.
State vs. Robert C. Cole, At
kinson, reckless driving, fined $50
and $>. costs; officer—E. M. Hast
reiter, June 6.
State vs. J. L. Pascale, Omaha,
night speeding, fined $25 and $4
costs; officer—R. L. Gude, June 7.
State vs. Lewis R. Adkins, New
Castle, Wyo., day speeding, fined
$15 and $4 costs; officer—R. L.
Gude, June 7.
LaVem Lee Peterson, 19, of Val
entine and Vemetta Marie Krogh,
23, of O’Neill on June 8.
Clark Nelson Gaughenbaugh, 18,
Inman and Charline Agnes Boyle,
22, O’Neill, June 3,
Ray J. Moore, 23, Chambers and
Navonne Elaine Schmidt, 16, Ew
ing, June 3.
Horace 0. Compton, 26, Norfolk
and Miss Alice M. Young, 24, Nor
folk, June 6.
Ronald N. Frickel, 20, Atkinson
and Miss Artha Lea Pacha, 20, At
kinson, June 6.
Robert Joseph Ries, 19, Woodlake
and Miss Carolyn Kay Butterfield,
19, Atkinson, June 8.
Sick and Injured
O’NEILL—(Mrs. Bruce Johnson
was admitted to St Anthony’s hos
pital Thursday for surgery. Her
condition is reported to be sat
isfactory. . .Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wise
man took their son, Tommy Wise
man to Sioux City where he sub
mitted to surgery for the correc
tion of a broken arm.
PAGE—Freddy Asher, 10, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Asher erf Powell,
Wyo. fell from a horse and broke
his arm. The Ashers who had
been here for a short visit left on
Thursday morning for their home
. . .Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mudloff,
Brenda and Mrs. Dan Mudloff went
Sunday to Omaha to visit Miss
Madelyn Mudloff, who is a pa
tient at a hospital and Mrs. Suz
anne Hill, who is recuperating at
home. Mrs. Mudloff, who had been
staying with her daughter for the
past three weeks returned to her
home in Page. . .Bill Stevens, a
patient at the Veteran’s hospital
at Grand Island has had the cast
removed from his arm which was
broken some time ago. His sisters,
Mrs. Eva Cunningham and Miss
Effie Stevens, his aunt, Miss Maude
Martin, Don Cunningham and Miss
Evelyn Ernst visited him Sunday.
Miss Stevens and (Miss Ernst are
BUTTE—Mrs. Jack W. Staples is
doctoring a hand which was bitten
by a cat. The cat has been shut
up to see if there is a possibility of
CHAMBERS—Mrs. M. J. Fagan
received word Tuesday, May 31st,
that her husband Merle had been
injured in a truck accident near
Marshalltown, la. She with her son,
Gary, son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell left
immediately for Marshalltown i
where he was in a hospital. He had
suffered a broken hip and cuts and
bruises. It is expected that he will
be moved to St. Anthony’s hospital
in O’Neill as soon as possible.
MEEK—The latest report on Ken
nis Hansen’s baby is that he is
still at the Lynch hospital. He had
double pneumonia, but is improve
AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pierce called on John Zinkon at
the Atkinson hospital Sunday after
noon. Mr. Zinkon's burns are heal
ing after having skin graft. He
will be hospitalized yet for some
DELOIT—(Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bartak were hospitalized in Ne
ligh overnight last week. It was1
thought to be a case of food poison
ing. . -Mrs. John Hupp was a pat
ient in the Neligh hospital.. .Cindy
Kallhoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Kallhoff, has been hospitalized
in Neligh for two weeks.
NAPEK-Mx and Mrs, Harvey
Davis. Mrs. Herman Gennelo and
Mr and Mrs Lloyd, Herrmann of
Burke, S D„ made a trip *> Sioux
Falls, 5 D Tuesday where the
ladies received a medical checs
NEWPORT Dewayne Slachetku
suffered cuts on his feet while wad
ing in the North Creek when he
stepped on barbed wire. 1tie cuts
required 12 stitches. . Johnny Mc
Kenney is suffering from burned
legs be received when his pant
caught fire Johnny is the young
est son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc
RIVERSIDE—Wayne Fry and
Grant Mott are in the Tilden hos
pital. Both had appendectomy’s
Mr Fry planned to come home
Sunday. Mrs Keith Biddlecomie
came home from the Antelope
Memorial Saturday afternoon.
ROY Air- Fred Anson is hospita
lized in Antelope Memorial hos
pital at Neligh where he is re
ceiving treatment for diabetes.
William DeCamp has been a pa
tient in the Tilden hospital several
days and is reported improved at
this writing. . David, two year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoff
man was taken to a Tilden Dr.
Tuesday evening when he fell while
playing in his home and cut a
very deep gash in his head just
at the corner of the eye. . Rollie
Hank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rud
olph Hank, fell while at work in
Grand Island and suffered a frac
ture of the ankle. . .Dwight Hoff
man was a patient several days
in the Tilden hospital last week.
ANDERSON-Mr. and Mrs Da
vid Anderson, O’Neill, daughter,
Kristie Lynn, 6 pounds 13 ounces,
June 3.
JAN OUSE K-Mr. and Mrs.
George Janousek of O’Neill, daugh
ter, 6 pounds 94 ounces, June 8.
JURACEK—Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Juracek of O’Neill, son, 7 pounds,
8 ounces, June 8.
MURPHY—Mr. and Mrs. Connie
Murphy Murphy of Stuart, daugh
ter, Julie Ann, 6 pounds, 15 oun
ces, June 1.
ANDERSON-Rev. and Mrs,
Vance Anderson of Butte, son,
Mark Leon, 8 pounds 1 ounce, June
5. The couple has another boy and
two daughters.
SCHMITZ—Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Schmitz of Morres Mill, N. Y., a
son. This is the couple’s third son.
The paternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. John Schmitz and the
maternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Babl of Emmet.
THURiLOW—Mr. and Mrs. Ben
ny Thurlow of Eau Claire, Mich.,
son, Steven, 7 pounds 9 ounces,
May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thur
low of Stuart are the grandpar
HUEBERT— Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Huebert of Wichita, Kan., daughter,
Gayle Renaee, 7 pounds 124
ounces, May 19. Mrs. Edna Hue
bert is the paternal grandmother,
Wayne Schonefeld of Naper, son,
Bruce Wayne, at Burke hospital.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
William Vogt and Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Schonefeld, all of Naper.
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: June 1—Mrs. Ralph
Stow ell and Mrs. Bruce Johnson,
both of O’Neill. 2—Christine Her
ley and Clifford Rustemeyer, both
of O’Neill; Mrs. Frank Filip of
Crofton. 3—Mrs. Ron Park of Page;
Mrs. Fred Holsclaw and Mrs. Da
vid C. Anderson, both of O’Neill;
Karl Bernt of Stuart; William A.
Ellis of Lynch. 4—Mrs. Carrie Heise
and Mrs. Harry Clauson, both of
O’Neill. 5—George Westhioff, Billy
Perry and Karen Perry, all of
O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Pecena of
Spencer. 6—Mrs. Michael J. Gal
lagher of Inman; Regina Schmit
and Mrs. Art Berger, both of O’
Neill; Mrs. Robert Cunningham of
Neligh. 7—Mrs. Darrel A. Baker,
Bob Me Kenny, Mrs. Larry Tib
betts, Mrs. Theodore Strong and
Mrs. Fred Holsclaw, all of O’
Neill. 8—Mike London, Mrs. Ar
chie Juracek and Mrs. George Jan
ousek, all of O’Neill.
DISMISSED: June 1—Mrs. Fran
cis Pribil and baby boy and Mrs.
Ralph Stowell, all of O’Neill; Pa
tricia Hahlbeck and Harold Parks,
jr., both of Ewing; Freddie Asher
of Page. 2—David Cunningham of
Page; Chester Hamimon of Spen
cer; Mrs. Donald L. Parks and
Christine Herley, both of O’Neill;
Roy Rees of Ewing. 3—'Mrs. M. J.
Gallagher of Inman; Mrs. Frank
Filip of Crofton; Mrs. Ron Park
of Page. 4—None. 5—Mrs. Edward
Tharnish and baby boy, Mrs. Ro
bert Clements and baby girl,
George Westhoff and Mrs. Fred
Holsclaw, all of O’Neill. 6—Mrs.
Leslie Repenning and baby boy of
O’Neill. 7—Regina Schmit, Karen
Perry, Billy Perry, Clifford
Rustemeyer, all of O’Neill; Mrs.
Pauline Noffke of Ewing. 8—Mrs.
Charles Pacena of Spencer; Mrs.
David Anderson and baby girl and
Bob McKenny, all of O’Neill.
PRESENT: Mrs. Vance Ander
son and son of Butte; Morris Car
penter, Dr. John A. Guttery, Dr.
G. B. Ira and Mrs. Blanche Whet
ham, all of Lynch; Mrs. Jerry
Carsten and Mrs. Celestine McNa
mara, both of Bonesteel; Mrs.
Mary Classen, Charles Havranek
apd Mrs. Bertha Laudenslager, all
of Spencer; Erick Obman of An
oka; Mrs. Martha Schultz and Jer
ry Goodman, both of Naper; Baby
Ronald Hansen of O’Neill.
DISMISSED; June 1—Vem Rust
of Spencer; Mrs. Elmer Hall of
Lynch. 2—Anton Hambek of Spring
view; Harold Bennett of Lynch.
3—Mrs. Clifford Lewis of Lynch.
5—Mrs. Lloyd Tuch of Verdel.
ADMITTED May 30- Byron Con
ard of Stuart; Charles Braun of
AUfTRson 31—Mra Janies Rother
ham of O’Netll; James Stemhnu
ser of Stuart. Junel—Ray Gant of
Atkinson, Mrs Connie Murphy of
Stuart. 2 .Rodney Christiansen of
Atkinson 3—Julis Samples of At
kiasiHi, Mrs. Scnut of O'Neill;
Robert Cole of Emmet. 4—Frank
Bose of Stuart. 5—Airs. Maynard
Col oman, Mrs. Frank LeMunyan
and Mrs. .Anna Zarnfaller, all ol
Atkinson; Anton Jurak of O'Neill
DISMISSED May 31 Henry Jur
enek and Mrs. Ed iJchniuecker and
daughter, all of Atkinson. June 1—
Mrs. James Rotherham of O’Neill;
James Steuihauser if Stuart. S—
Rodney Christiansen ami Mrs Nor
bert Dobias and daughter, aH of
Atkinson 4—J. S. Hoffman of St
uart; Robert Cole of Emmet. 5—
Mrs Ben Sehnut of O'Neill 6—
Mrs. Connie Murphy and daugh
ter of Stuart.
" 1 —— hi ——
Butte News
Mrs. I Alls Anderson
I’lume 5JM>2
Dwaine Edwin Hl.iber of Pierre,
S. D., pleaded guilty by waiver in
county court to night speeding anil
paid a fine of $10.00 ami $4.00 costs.
Drivers license tests will be given
at the Boyd County Courthouse at
Butte on Friday, June 10, in the
morning only. The following date
for the drivers tests is Friday,
June 24.
Butte director, David Morgan, in
vited all beginner band members
to meet with him at the school
bandroom Monday morning to work
out a schedule for summer les
sons. He announced the summer
concert band will meet Monday
eve at 8 for a short rehearsal.
Adults interested in playing this
summer are invited to play.
Barry Turner, coach of Butte
high school left Saturday for Chad
run where he will attend the sum
mer term at Chadron State Teach
ers College. His family remained
at their home in Butte.
Gary Nelson, Butte public school
principal, has gone to Wayne to
attend the summer session at the
teacher’s college. His wife and son
accompanied him and will live at
the college dormitory.
Ben Hahn of Butte was appointed
by the county board of supervi
sors to serve as Deputy County
Sheriff He is serving until County
'ihecHt. Chtwrie- xMtaw recovers
(rmn a broken arm
Russell Luth. sr . has taken over
as manager of the Shellhamer food
sere in Butte.
Mrs Darlene Anderson uiul
; children are to Omaha spending
a three week vacation at her par
ents home, Mr and Mrs. Walter
H. Munter.
The Butte .Lion’s chib sponsored
the installation of a basketball
| hoop aim! backboard on the open
| air concrete fUwr owned by the
Miss Carmen Meusoh came Mon
day night for a short visit at the
home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
William Meusch. She was accom
panied bv a friend, Barbara Beals,
i also of Lincoln Both are student
1 nurses at St. Elisabeth's school of
nursing. They returned to Lincoln
| Wednesday
TNvila Wilson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Chester B. Wilson of
Butte graduated Wednesday front
the Sacred Heart hospital school
at Yankton. S. D. Exercises were
held at the Marian Auditorium,
Mount M«rty College at Yankton,
June 10 will be the last day of
I the Butte Community church va
cation Bible School. There are 51
students enrolled. Rev. and Mrs.
George Muasey are supervising the
TV ,• ichors are Donna WoodiMttJ
Mary Ann Thompson, Shirley Mu**
■*ey, Helen Matliors, Janice Ellwan
i ger, and Mrs. Janies Hansen
A combined annual Sunday school
1 and Bible school picnic will be
held at the Sello picnic grounds
Friday evening Hie Bible school
program will be given Sunday
evening at the church.
Too Late To Classify
FOR SALE Sno-Cneme Drive-In
located on highway 275 & 281.
Contact Aindv Goeden, O’Neill.
7 8c
The annual meeting of tlie O’
Neill Fire Protection District will
be hel<l in the assembly room at
the courthouse on Saturday, June
11 at 2 p m.
P. V. Hickey, sect’y 7c
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — it Pays I
—1 1 ■■■ ■ ■■-»
Sunday, June 19 Is
Make Dad Feel Like a King on HIS Day With A
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An ever popular, always appreciated gift. We have sets and in
dividual pieces.
Priced from $1.00 (plus tax)
Toiletries by Stag, with its "he-man” aroma, show the thought
fulness of the giver.
One of the leading brands of men’s toiletries another featured
line at Devoy’s Rexall Drug.
We have a stock of pipes as complete as any to be found in town.
If Dad smokes a pipe, we have the pipe for him.
If Dad smokes cigars why not get him a box of FRESH cigars
from our newly installed, electrically humidified cigar case.
Dad will get years of good service from one of these plastic-lined,
zipper Trip-o-Kits of genuine leather. Just the thing for his shav
ing equipment and toilet articles.
An Amity Billfold or Key Case in one of many attractive, hand
some styles is the practical answer to the Father’s Day gift pro
You’ll find just the right card for Dad in our selection of Father’s
Day Cards by American Greetings. Pick one out now while our
stocks are plentiful.
Wo will be glad to gift-wrap the Father’s Day gift you pick out
at Devoy’s Rexall Drug.
Remember, Devoy’s Rexall Drug U the place to buy your lawn
and garden Insecticides and weed killers.
For a highly effective, all-round garden dust, a combination In
secticide and fungicide, try Kubecide. Kubecide is an indispensable
part of any garden equipment. Regular applications of kubecide
will control many, many diseases and insects common to garden
Don’t let insects or disease spoil the beauty of your roses. Miller’s
ROSE DUST effectively controls insects and diseases which at
tack the plants.
For all your needs in lawn and garden insecticides and weed kil
lers, come to DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG.
The next time your doctor gives you a prescription to be filled,
take it to DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG to be filled by a PRESCRIP
TION SPECIALIST. Remember, there is a Registered Pharmacist
on duty at DEVOY’S until 9:00 P. M. for your convenience.
Bob Devoy, Pharmacist
Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings
O'Neill, Nebr.