The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 26, 1960, Section One, Image 4

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    O'Neill Locals
Mr wnd Mrs Sam Banks left i
today <Thun*W> *«• Ava. Mo 1
where they wtii spend ten days
visiting in die borne of his 88 year
old m 'tiier, Mrs. Dolle Banks and
•islers, Mrs Orville Gemigan and
Mrs. Lester Eslick.
Mr and Mrs. Preston Jones
were overnight guests Friday in
the home of Her brother and wife,
Mr and Mrs. Elmer Hull at Lynch.
Jeanne U-haus left Saturday to
visit her si&ters, Mrs. John Baker
and Miss Ellen Ijohaus in Omaha.
Miss Patricia Allen was a week
end gaest in the home of her par
ents Mr and Mrs. Bernard Allen.
Mr and Mrs. C. P- Hancock,
Mr and Mrs. Loyal Hull and son,
Galen spent Sunday in Creighton
Willi Mr. and Mrs. Duane Booth
Mrs Booth is a daughter of the
Hulls. , m
Missionaries Rev. and Mrs Mu
rice Hart of flexas spent lhurs
day evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Wells.
Dr and Mrs. Bob Waters spent,
the weekend at the home of her)
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. |
Scherff of Aurora.
Kip Van Voorhis, son of Mr and
Mrs. Robert Van Voorhis of Al
bion visited with grandparents,
Mr 'and Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis.
Mr and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson
and family visited at the Frank
Drunks home in Cozad on their
wi*y to attend the Lion's club state
talent contest in Sidney.
Mr and Mrs Milton Rhodes of
Columbus called on Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Shellhase on Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Keith Shelhase
of Atkinson were Sunday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shell
haae . ...
Assembly of God church will hold
a farewell picnic for Rev. and
Mrs. Paul on this next Sunday at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Wilson and
family will leave Sunday to spend
a few days at the home of her
folks Mr ami Mrs. W. H. An
drews at Coffeyville, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wickman
of Sunnyvale, Calif, are spending
a vacation at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Marlin Wichman.
Fred Wells took Mr. and Mrs.
Tx.li_ Muumort Omaha
(Monday to see their son, Charles,
off for the summer at the home of
Robert Wells of Monroe, Wis.
A picnic was held Sunday at
Ford park in honor of Bobbie Wil
liamson who recently finished
eight weeks basic training at Ft.
I<eonard Wood. Those attending
were William Anderson, Mr and
(Mrs. Howard Peters, Mr. Harold
Williamson, Bobbie, Donnie and
Bonnie of Wisner, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville McKim, Mr. and Mrs.
Gene O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Es
ty Nelson, Ixiis and Connie Wray,
Sheryl Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Timm and Mr. and Mrs. Billie
Marcell us.
Mrs. Ben Otter of Omaha spent
Wednesday to Sunday at the home
of iMr. and Mrs. Roy Parker. Lar
ry Otter took her to Omaha on Sun
da«p/4 and Mrs. lx-s Walton went
to Omaha where Mr. Walton will
leave for Canada on Wednesday.
Mrs. Walton will spend some time
with Mrs. Ben Otters.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollendick at
tainted the wedding of Janet Smith
and Dan Snodgrass at Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every
t<v>k a lb-duy vacation to visit
them sons and daughters. They
visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van
Every and family in Omaha, Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil Johnson of Lin
coln, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van
Every ami Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mil
ler of Norfolk. They also visited
in the home of Mrs. Van Every s
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Wholes, and become acquainted
with their new baby son. The Van
Everys returned home Monday
Carl Rethwisch of Tilden, Mr.
and Mrs. P. C. Tennis of Oak
dale attended the graduation ex
ercises of Sharon Tennis, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tennis.
Mr and Mrs. E. M. Stewart at
tended the Stock Growers associa
tion at North Platte on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson
wvre in Adrian, Minn, for the week
end to attend the graduation of
Steven Nelson.
Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt and boys
spent Saturday at the home of
Mrs. Robert Amen and boys of
Saturday and Sunday visitors in
Atkinson at the home of Mrs. Joe
. _a n/i.. anX Charles
Ziska were Mr. and Mrs. Marv
Ziska and family. Sunday after
noon they were callers at Mr. and
-Mrs. Walt Kaup of Stuart.
Mrs. Marv Ziska and children
were Tuesday afternoon callers of
Mrs. Marge Peterson.
Sunday guests of Mrs. Rosa
Bowers were Mr. and Mrs. Leo
nard Larson of Plain view.
Mr and Mrs. C. P. Hancock of
ILos Angeles, Calif, have spent the
past two weeks visiting their son,
Ed Hancock and their daughter,
Mrs. Loyal Hull and their families.
They planned to return home tins
week. While here Mr. Hancock’s
brother, Jess of Casper. Wyo.
came and Mr. and Mrs. Hancock
accompanied him to Armour, S.D.
where they visited another bro
ther, Wilbur, who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner en
tertained at a picnic dinner in
Ford park Sunday in honor u!
-their son. Gene who is home or
leave. He has recently completed
his course at Memphis, Tenn. and
is being transferred to New Jersey
Over 40 relatives and friends wen
Mrs. Al Hamik and Lynn Gal
lagher were Sunday afternoon vis
istors in the home cf her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher ai
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pappen
heimer and family left Saturday
for Woodside, New York, when
they will spend their vacation ii
the home of his parents. Mr. anc
Mrs. Fred Pappenheimer. A nep
hew, Ronnie Cohn of South Sion;
City accompanied them.
Reed Heriey and daughter, Sal
ly and Vernon Lorenz and daugh
ter, Patjty spent Sunday at tfai
Ft Randall data. On the retun
trip they had tlie misfortune t
lose the motor which broke loow
and was a total loss by the time
mey had been flagged down and
Mr, and Mrs Stanley Uxjgnecle
er, Mr and Mrs Harry Page and
Miss Alice Pjige, all of O’Neill and
Nyal Rouse oi Chambers went to
Seneca, S D. Sunday where they
attended the wedding of David
Page awl Miss Beverly Hynes ot
rt. ,;id City.
The following guests met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. wait Kp
etka Thursday evening alter the
commencement exercises for the
evening Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Kornock and children of Page,
Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and daughter,
Mary Anne of Inman and Eugene
Bamhard and Bonne y Lw.-ence
both ol O'Neill. A late lunch was
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen and
Ri k of Page were Sunday break
fast guests in the home of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Dusatko.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Straube and
children of Grand Island were Sun
day visitors in the home of her
mother, Mrs. Emma La«>;f ice.
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Harley and
family of Atkinson were Sunday
guests in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith.
Mr. ami Mrs. ('Iiarles Wright
of Ewing announce the engage
ment of their daughter, diar
lotte Ann to Richard Wright,
son of Mrs. Mildred Wright and
Mr. Emmet Wright also of Ew
Miss Wright is a l»li(> gradu
ate of the Ewing High School.
>lr. and Mrs. Norman Salt/,
of l’age announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Lois
Ann, to Merle Sehl, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Sehl of Clear
water. An August wedding Is
planned. Both have attended
Norfolk Junior College and
Wayne State Teachers College
and are now teaching In the ele
mentary g riides.
State vs. Harry Erma! Trinkle,
Paoli, Ind., night speeding, fined
$25 and $4 costs; officer—R. L.
Gude. May 19.
State vs. Richard D. Rollman,
Bellevue, night speeding, fined $25
and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hast
reiter, May 23.
State vs. Laurel J. Rott, Alber
deen, S. D., no reciprocity, fined
$10 and $4 costs; officer^-Donald
F. Richardson, May 23.
State vs. Rex L. Olsen, Provo,
Utah, overweight on interior group
erf axles, fined *60 and $4 costs; of
fjoer—Donald F. Richardson, May
Stale vs Neil B. Ryan, O'Neill,
day speeding, fined *10 and *4
easts; officer—R L. Gude, May
vs. Walter J. Welsh, Em
met, operating motor vehicle with
out driver's license, fined $5 and
* costs; officer—E. M. HastresUT,
May 23. I
State vs. Melvin J. Sommers,:
Ainsworth, 1. overweight cat ca j
pacUy plate, 2. overweight, fined,
1. *10 2. *50 and *4 costs; officer ;
—Donald F. Richardson, May 24.
Eddie Lee Krugrnan, 21, O Neill
and Mavis Kay Christensen, 20,
Monowi, May 19.
Charles Duane Butterfield, 21, Ha
zelton, Kan. and Linda Sue Mac
Kinlay, 20. O'Neill, May 20.
Larry Dale Butterfield, 20. Kelt
ner, Mo and Kathryn Ann Me
Carthy, 19, O’Neill, May 20.
William H. Cihal, 24. Wahoo and
Elizabeth M. Watson, 18, Amelia,
May 21.
Jack Melvin Osborne, 25, Atkin
son and Janice da ire Scholz, 21,
Stuart, May 24.
Billy Mac Cox, 24, Chambers and
Miss Kathleen Kay Tangeman, 17,
Chambers, May 25.
Terrence Carr Wanser, 23, o
Ewing and Janice Marie McAn
drew, 23, of O’Neill on May 25.
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: May 16—Kelly Pap
ke of Chambers, James Slaymaker
of Atkinson; Clifford Heyden of
Newport; Miss Amy Jacox of Long
Pine. 17—Terrance A. Herman of
Butte; James Humpal of Atkin
son, Mrs. Richard Dougherty erf
Ainsworth. 18—Mrs. George Wall
inger of Stuart. 19—Mrs. Rose
Monahan, Dan Snyder and Mrs.
Henry Kruger, all of Atkinson. 20—
Mrs. Leo Slachetka of Stuart; Jef
fery Hamik of Atkinson. 21—Mrs.
Ralph Shald and James Wilson,
both of Stuart. 22—Mrs. Roman
Coasch of Bassett; Frances Kram
er of Stuart.
DISMISSED: May 16-Dave Rat
liff of Atkinson; Willis Russell of
Page; James Wilson of Stuart. 17
—Kelly Papke of Chambers; Ray
Gant of Atkinson. 18—James Slay
maker of Atkinson; Clifford Hey
den of Newport. 19—Amy Jacox
of Long Pine. 21—Jeffery Hamik
and Mi's. George Wallinger, both
of Stuart; Mrs. Harold Vrooman
and baby of Atkinson. 22—Mrs.
Henry Kruger of Atkinson; Mrs.
Richard Dougherty and son of Ains
PRESENT: Morris Carpenter,
Dr. John Guttery, Dr. G. B. Ira j
and Mrs. Hannah Streit, aU of i
Lynch; Mrs. Mary Classen, Mrs,.!
Bertha Laudenslager and Vem
Rust, all of Spencer; Robert Ko
cian of Bristow; Mrs. Jannettie
Nelson of Center; Erick Ohman of
Anoka; Mirs. Martha Schultz of
Naper; Mrs. Ernest Wirth of Ver
DISMISSED: May—17 Mrs. J. B.
Roush of Butte. 19— Miss Mary El
len Wells of Lynch; Mrs. Edgar
DeHart of Bristow. 21—Mrs. Etta
Bennett of Naper. 22—Mrs. Joe
Peshek of Lynch. 23—Dan Reiser
of Spencer; Mrs. John Johnson of
Bristow; Mrs. Vernon McManigal
and son of Vendel.
EXPIRED: May 26—Mrs. Ben
Tunink of Butte.
ADMITTED: May—17 Jackie Lee
Tom jack of Ewing; Mrs. Donivan
J. Becker, Fritz Yantzi, Mrs. Don
Elsberry and Gary Plessel, all of
O'Neill. 18—None. 19—Douglas Jar
man of Chambers; Sheryl Kitch
ens of Atkinson; William E. Gatz,
Thomas Gleeson, Mrs. Larry Tib
betts, Mrs. Anton Tomjack and
Mrs. Edward Campbell, all of O’
Neill; Lynette Helmricks of Or
chard; Mrs. Frank Klasna of Spen
cer; Mrs. William Grothe of Em
met. 20—Joseph Fredericksen of
Spencer; Mrs. Harold Coburn, Mrs.
Vernon Gorgen , Mrs. Dora Ros
no, Mrs. Donna Staub and Paul
Herberg, all of O’Neill. 21—Fay
Doty of O’Neill; Lynette Helm
ricks of Orchard. 22—Mrs. Elmer
Schaffer of Fremont; Douglas Spit
tier and Henry Schacht. both of
O’Neill; Mrs. Wilbur Miller and
Mrs. Harry Prouty, both of Spen
cer. 23—Russell Stahlecker and
Duane Filsinger, both of Spencer;
Mrs. LeRoy Kirwan of Butte: Doug
las Hiatt of Glenview , III. 24—
Annette George and Terri Lynn
Kirkpatrick, both of O’Neill; Ro
byn Boettcher of Spencer. 25—Mrs.
Darrel Carr of Amelia; Mrs. Ro
bert Berigan of O’Neill.
DISMISSED: May 17-Fritz Yant
zi and Darrol Baker, both of O’
Neill; Raymond Jacoby and Mrs.
Elmer Foster, both of Spencer;
Mrs. Robert Pn.iden of Page. 18—
Kill Strong displays a giant northern pike caught Sunday at Scalp
Creek. The big fish weighed 18 pounds and was 41 Inches long. Strong
caught the fish on a minnow while fishing for croppies. Frontier photo
and engraving.
Jackie Lee Tom jack of Ewing;
Gary Hesse 1 and Mrs. Patrick
Gokie and baby girl, all of O’Neill.
19—Douglas Jarman of Chambers;
Mrs. John Stuifbergetr, Mrs. C.
Lee Brady and Mrs. Larry Tib
betts, all of O’Neill; Miss Lynette
Helmricks of Orchard . 20—Mrs.
Roy DeLong, Mrs. Jane Judge,
Mrs. Don Elsberry and Mrs. Ver
non Gorgen, all of O’Neill; Sheryl
Kitchens of Atkinson; Mrs. Rollie
Snell of Page; Joseph Frederick
sen of Spencer. 21—Karl Bernt of
Stuart; Mrs. Robert Prill and ba
by boy of Page; Mrs. Don i van
Becker and baby girl, Mrs. Will
iam E. Hansen and Mrs. Charles
Luber, all of O’Neill. 22—'Paul Her
berg of O'Neill. 23—Mrs. Gus Ro
binson of Page. 24—Russell Sfcah
lecker of Spencer; Mrs. Harold
Coburn and baby boy of O'Neill.
25—Robyn Boettcher of Spencer;
Annette George and Marcellus
Schaaf, both of O'Neill; Mrs. Le
Roy Kirwan of Butte.
EXPIRED; May 19—Mrs. Will
liam Grothe of Emmet. 20—
Mrs. Dora Rosno of O’Neill. 23—
Mrs. Anton Tomjack of O’Neill.
Emmet News
By Mrs. Kloppenberg
For a change the weather proved
in our favor and we had a beauti
ful Sunday for the annual school
picnic of District 20. People came
from near and far to help make
it a big day. The children probab
ly were still running in their sleep
trying to keep up with each other.
During the week the school
children enjoyed hikes and dinners
away from the school yard. On
Thursday the children from the
lower room rode with Mrs. Klop
penborg, the teacher, and Mrs.
Herman Grothe out to the “Old
Carney Place’’, where they had
a weiner roast and then went for
a walk to see how many birds
they coufld identify.
The upper room walked, or hiked,
out to the Carney place, had din
ner, then played a game and hiked
the two miles back. There were
quite a few tired legs by the time
the gang returned to the school
Mrs. Bessie Burge, June, and
Harold were Sunday dinner and
afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Arch Densburger.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Grenier were
Thursday evening guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Fox and family.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ken
ny Ruggles and Ronnie entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGee and
Mrs. George Wiegond at a Sun
day dinner at their home.
Mrs. Wiegond returned home
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc
Gee after visiting the Ruggles
family since Thursday.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Hen
ry Kuhfahl and Maxine Urban
- mlmwiuwuww ■ jmjrj/rmwm m
O’Neill public school students closed their term Monday with a picnic. These youngsters made the
most of their noon meal at a picnic held at the city park. Shown here as they finished the last of the pop
i and potato chips (left to right) are: Mike Moore, Danny Anderson. Carol Ford, Pamela Hanlon, Susan
1 ulter, Karen Strong, Dennis Anderson, Danny Menlsh, Patricia Newton, LaDonna Parkinson and Sally
\nn Stewart. Other groups spent the afternoOn pic nicking at the country club and roller skating.
David I- Schaffer, son of Mrs.
Clara K. Schaffer, O'Neill, will
receive his Bachelor of Science
degree from Creighton Univer
sity, school of pharmacy, June
I. David, a 1956 graduate of St.
Mary’s Academy, was named to
Alpha Sigma Nu. national Jesuit
honor society and Rho Chi, na
tional pharmacy honor society,
lie was also affiliated with Phi
Delta Chi.
| were callers at the Paul Menkens
Marian and Jimmy Dusatko are
spending a few days at the home
, of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
| Joe BataL
WSCS met at the home of Mrs.
Norman Wayman on Thursday af
ternoon. Mrs. Agnes Goffney had
tfhe lesson. Eight ladies were pre
sent. The next meeting is with
Mrs. Guy Beckwith.
[Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Peggy and
Debbie were invited to Greg Bel
zer’s birthday party on Wednes
day afternoon. Greg was six Thurs
Tuesday Mrs. Bessie Burge,
Jane and Harold, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Burge at Amelia. That evening
the ladies attended a farewell
party for Mrs. Art Kaiser. The
Kaisers are moving to Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry and
family were Sunday afternoon vis
itors at the Dean Perry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth of Grand
Island were weekend guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Fox and family.
Robert Abart, son of Keith Abart,
is spending several days visiting
his grandparents and unde, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Abart and Der
Barbara and Peggy Fox were
Sunday overnight and Monday
guests at their grandparents home,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard
visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mauch
of Oakdale Sunday. On their return
they called at the Dale Hurley
home at Clearwater.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman,
and Mrs. Wallace O’Connell went
to Sioux City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ruggles,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hitchcock,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ulrich, and
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith were
Sunday supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Ries.
It was (Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beck
with’s 34th wedding anniversary
and Mrs. Ulrich’s birthday. Mr
and Mrs. Beckwith were present
ed TV trays.
Ronnie Richards, Art Wills, and
Betty Perry were among the sen
ior graduates of Saint Mary’s Aca
demy and O’Neill high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatkt
and family visited Mr. and Mrs
Don Engler and family of Stuar
on Sunday.
iMrs. Bill Klinebdbe was a Sun
day dinner guest of Mr. apd Mrs
Paul Menkens and family.
Todd Troshynski, youngest sor
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Troshynski
spent four days last week wit!
his gnmdpanents, Mr. and Mrs
John Conard.
Monday evening Mr. and Mrs
Ivan Wayman and family visite<
the Norman Wayman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox an<
Debbie were Monday evening sup
per guests of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson am
Veldon. Barbara and Peggy return
ed home with their parents. Veldoi
Tomlinson left on Tuesday for th
EUen Abart spent several days
last week visiting her grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs Charles Abart.
Holland Wills spent the weekend
visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs
Jess WiUs and Art.
Hie Victory Homemakers askeil
Hubart Ramokl to show his pic
tures on Sunday evening. He took
the pactures while cm a tour of
duty in Birope He gave an inter
esting talk and the pictures were
enjoy I'd.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Klinetobe
were Monday afternoon visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menkens,
Bruce and Lynn.
Hie West O’Neill Little League
team defeated Emmet Little
League, 17-0. Mr. and Mrs Fritz
Brockman treated the Emmet
team after the game.
Tom and Jerry Troshynski stay
ed at their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. August Troshynski while their
parents, Mr and Mrs. Ben Tro
shynski were in Lincoln hist week.
Mrs. Ed Winkler visited Mrs.
Josephine Bruder of Atkinson on
I'hursJ ,v
Sunday afternoon callers at the
Bud Cole home were Mr. and Mrs
Jim Pollack and family of Pilger.
Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mrs. Jos
ephine Bruder attended the St.
Mary’s Academy graduation exer
cises on Friday. Ronald Janzing.
Mrs. Bruder’s grandson, was one
of the graduating class. They had
dinner at the home of Ronalds par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jan
Jini McGinnis, Dick Moody, Fred
Messener, all of Wisner and Bud
Cole went fishing last week at
Fort Randall.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart vis
ited the Willard Lenville home
Sunday evening.
r- f
Shoemaker Graduates
Miss Sharlene Shoemaker, the
daughter of Mrs. Leona Shoemaker
will receive a Bachelor of Arts
Degree in English from Mount St.
Scholastica College, Atchison,
Kan., at commencement exercises
Miss Shoemaker plans to work
in Catholic publications.
Mrs. Leona Shoemaker and fami
ly attended the exercises.
Hams Meet
At Chambers
The Elkhom Valley Amateur
Radio club met Monday evening at
the home of Ken Werner at Cham
Business details were discussed
and Werner demonstrated amateur
radio performance and showed his
newly constructed telescope.
Ham operators were present from
Atkinson, Bassett, Chambers, New
port, Orchard, O’Neill and Royal.
Time and place of the next meet
ing will be announced.
Kindergarten Students
Entertain Parents
Forty-three kindergarten stu
dents of the O’Neill public school
presented a program Friday after
noon at the school auditorium for
their parents.
The program included songs and
poems of the seasons and numbers
by the rhythm band. The closing
number was a song by the entire
group, "We’re Growing Up, We re
Ready for the First Grade." The
teacher, Mrs. Harry Petersen,
directed the program. A tea was
I served following the entertainment
by room mothers of the classes:
Mesdames Tony Asimus, A Neil
Dawes, Woodrow Melena and Clay.
Johnson, jr.
Meek News
By Mrs. Fred IJndborg
Cactus Ranchettes project club
met with Mrs. Phyllis Dobrovolny
Tuesday evening. The lesson,
“Meat Cookery’’ was well present
ed by Phyllis Dobrovolny. All
members but one were present.
Roll call was answered by re
lating experience with meats. The
next meeting will be June 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and
family made a business trip to
Omaha Wednesday. They also vis
ited with Mrs. Johring’s sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Libby. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and
boys and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Walters and Norman Jean made
a business trip to Norfolk Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kampus and
family were Tuesday evening vis
itors at Carl Krogh’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull. Lynch,
visited his mother and Bill Hull
Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Jones from O’Neill called Friday.
Mrs. Jessie Kaczor visited Delia
, Harrison’s Thursday. Mrs. Blanche
i Rouse and Lei a Risor called Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeVall and
Will DeVall, Spencer, called on
I Frank Spindles- at Genoa Satur
1 Mrs. Judy Burgard is visiting
- her aunt, Mrs. Kennis Hansen, this
. week.
1 -
i The Women’s Missionary society
> from the Assembly of G<xl church
! met at the home of Mrs. Carl
Krogh Friday Ten ladies were pre
sent. They made bandages, sewed
quilt blocks and cut and sewed
girl's dresses for an orphanage,
lhey decided to clean the church
Friday, June 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dohru
veiny went to Atkinson Wednes
day night and helped his lather
Frank Dobrovolny celebrate his
Patty, Buck ami Danny Watson,
Chambers, were Sunday dinner
guests at Emmet Smights.
Mr. and Mrs. Frito Brockman
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at Henry Walters.
Mr. and Mis. Stanley Watson
and family visited Robert Gart
ner, Cluunbers, Sunday at a Sioux
City hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benash, O'
Neill, were overnight guests Sat
urday and Sunday in die home of
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding.
Mi*s. Elsie Eppenbach attended
graduation exercises in O'Neill
Thursday. Her son Gary Eppen
bach was included in the graduat
ing class.
Mrs. Blanc lie Rouse, Inman, and
her granddaughter, Marilyn Risor
calk'd on Mrs. Frank Nelson Sat
Mr. ami Mrs. E. E. Cummings
and family, Rushville, were Satur- j
day night guests at the Paul iNel- j
son’s. Sunday they attended open
house at the new parsonage at the
Wesleyan Methodist church, i
Jerry Rosenkrans spent Sunday
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Lindberg and Mrs.
Agusta Lindberg and daughters,
Eleanor imd Esther, were callers
in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClellan
were afternoon callers imd supper
guests at Vernon Hardings Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson
and daughters were dinner guests
at Bennie Johrings Tuesday.
Mrs Axel Borg attended the
steak dinner given Wednesday eve
ning by Mrs. Lee Jackson for the
bowling team.
Raymond Risor graduated with
the class of I960 at Butte high
school. Those attending commence
ment exercises from this commun
ity were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer De
vall, Diane and Bennet, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Devall and Kathryn,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
Norma Jean.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen at
tended commencement exercises
at Lynch Wednesday night. This
included the first, eighth and
twelfth grades. Melvina Mulhair,
a niece of Williiun Hansen’s, was
in the eighth grade group.
Kathryn Devall was an over
night guest of Diane Devall Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring
and family were supper guests at
Henry Walters home Thursday eve
Mrs. Delia Harrison, Mrs. Elmer
Devall and Diane Devall attend
ed a school picnic Sunday. Mrs.
Walter Devall was the teacher.
Don Bong called at the Axel
Borg home Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Bessert and
Debbie were Saturday overnight
guests of the William Hansen’s.
Sunday they went boating at Fort
The Meek school closed a suc
cessful year Friday with a school
picnic. Baseball and horseshoe
games wore played.
Lloyd . IVlitert. Lois and Darryl
Rouse went to Sioux City Wdim's
Mr. and Mrs Merlin Anderson
and girls and Mr. and Mrs Hen
ry Walters and Norma Jean vis
ited at the Allen Walters home
Wednesday fright
Mr. and Mrs Dewayne Anson's
Wg'iv supper guests at Leland An
son's, Spencer, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and
boys were business callers at Ne
ligti Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders held
a barbecue Sunday evening. Guests
were Mr anti Mrs. Dean Beck
with, Mr' and Mrs, Larry Strong
and the Lawrence Dobrovolny fam
The K itemi Her family art' mov
ing to the Sam Robertson farm
Uus week.
Plans are being made to have
Memorial Dav services at Pad
dock I nion church Monday, May
JO at 2 p.m.
O'Noill Locals
Nick Schmit, Mike, George and
Allen visited Monday night at tlie
home of Mr and Mrs. John Schmit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Luben
drove south anti west of Chambers
Sunday on a sight, seeing tour to
see the high water there.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spence
were last week visitors in the
home of Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Dai
ly. ______
: oixisuiA. J
T perlal j
Head Mow yoac low*
•ortgcbalr" nn tflth year
ArUm IMPERIAL 4Yi or Sft
b,p. angina; optional 12-volt
electric tlorllng. Fingertip
control*- Tiptoo clutch and |
brake. 4 forward tpeedc;
reverie. Exclutlve, non-Malp
log Flex N Float mower; Inita
HHcb attachment!. Aik for
' free "teit-rIda" d#mon»tratlonl
O’Neill, Nebr.
W* ■ * ■ » »■
From Iowa's Oldest Hereford Establishment
20 Outstanding Horned
These are strong aged two year olds or coining twos, light colored,
grown for range use, not fat, highly fitted bulls. They are of
straight Anxiety Fourth Breeding from the Charles Anesty Herd
of Massena, Iowar-Many Handbills Ranchers have purchased bulls
from this firm in the past, direct from their farms—Buy them
next Tuesday the 31st at the Old Reliable.
Atkinson Livestock Market
_Atkinson, Nebraska
I »
Ideal Lockers
Pleezing Freezing
Wayne Feeds - Gillette Ice Cream
1 Gal. Gillette Ice Cream_$1.39
Fully Processed
V2 Choice Beef.48c lb.
Golden Dew Margarine .. .20c lb.
Guaranteed Tender
Fresh Minute Steaks.79c
Poultry Dressing.25c a bird
Birds are dressed, drawn wrapped and fro*en
Remember our FREE pickup service of your hog l
or beef when you're ready to butcher.
Patronize Page
You'll Be Glad You Did
♦ •«/ 1 < r •
2711 Bus. Phone Res. 2686
Page, Nebraska