The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 26, 1960, Section Two, Image 10

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    Ewing News
By Mm. Harold Harris
Exercises Held
For 13 Seniors
At Ewing School
Commencement exercises wire
held Thursday evening at the Ew
ing high school auditorium. Thir
teen seniors and twelve eighth
graders were presented displomas
The program opened with the
processional march played by
Sharon Johnston The invocation
was given by the Rev. W. W, El
liott of the Ewing Methodist church.
Miss Lois Kaczor gave the
salutatory address and Miss
<'oralre Sc h miser the valedictory.
Miss Schmlser received the
scholarship from the Norfolk
Junior college and Miss Kaczor.
the State Teachers college. These
were presented by Hupt. O. D.
Dr, O. F. Moore, Wayne State
Teachers College, was the speaker.
Theme of his address was "Let’s
Go Forward "
Mrs. Beulah Black presented the
eighth graders to Supt. Ryan who
presented diplomas to the follow
ing students: Sandra Tellender,
Judy Spangler, Karen Woeppel,
Marilyn Johnston, Mary Karen
Funk. Florence Black, Sharon
Spangler. Joan Spangler. Eddie
Ro‘h<Th?m, Larry Mlnarik, Billy
Hobbs and Kennv Brion.
Supt. Ryan presented the class
of seniors to Alfred Napier, presi
dent of the board of education Mr.
Napier presented diplomas to the
following seniors: William Bauer,
Ronald Cloyd, Garry Blacker, Leon
Hahlbeck Jerry Jefferies, Lois
Kaczor, Tom Koenig, James Miller,
Harold Parks, Coralee Schmise',
Evelyn Scholl, Catherine Woslager
and Charlotte Wright.
Music for the program was a
vocal number by the triple trio,
Coralee Schmiser, Lois and Bonnie
Kaczor, Linda Larson, Ardis Parks.
Kay Bergstrom, Betty Wright. Pat
ty Hobbs and Barbara Ernesti.
The evening program closed
with benediction by Rev. Bllliott and
the recession by Miss Johnston
Mrs. Redd Mummert, Clearwater,
wis a supper guest Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Steskal sr.
Mrs. Wilma Daniels entertained
Mr. and Mrs George Jefferies,
Mrs. Loraine Wight. Ewing, and
Mr. Mick Rutledge, Orchard, at
dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Gary Tessemer closed her
school term at District 227 with a
picnic Sunday. A soft ball game
furnished entertainment for the af
An officer's meeting was held
Wednesday at the Ewing Methodist
church parlors. Officials made out
quarterly reports. Mrs James Tin
Isey was hostess for the afternoon
and served lunch.
Mrs. Earl Billings is spending a
few' days at the home of her daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dunaway and family, Hast
Mr. and Mrs Andrew Olson spent
Sunday at the home of their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Wilson, Elgin.
Ina Bennett and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Bennett accompanied by
Mrs Flora Young, Orchard, went
to Norfolk Sunday to spend the day
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde and
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter were
supper guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and family.
They also visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Montgomery.
Mrs. John Steskal sr., and Mrs.
Kenneth Arehart and family visited
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Arehart. Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham
and family and Cathy Lofquest at
tended commencement exercises
at Marycrest School, Alliance, Fri
day morning. Their daughter, Ann,
was a member of the class. They
also visited his mother, Mrs. Mary
Rotherram, at a Scottsbluff hospi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williamson
and daughter. Omaha, visited at
the parental homes of Delbert Car;
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William
son during the weekend They at
tended graduation exercise* Thurs
day evening at Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham
and family attended the graduation
exercises at St. Mary's Academy,
O'Neill, Friday morning. Their
daughter. Kay, a graduate.
John Wanser graduated from St.
Mary's Aocademy, O'Neill. His par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser,
attended the graduation services
Friday morning.
Mrs. Thoma* Hutton, chair
man of the Cancer Drive In Ew
ing, report* the total collection
a* $70.93. She ha* appreciated
the cooperation of the neighbor
to neighbor canvas to the village
of Ewing.
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Hutton
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs Willie Shrader and fami
The Hutton family plan to leave
Friday for Glacier National Park.
Sunday afternoon and supper
guests at the Mr. and Mrs. George
Jefferies home were Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Cuddy and family, O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield
sr., Atkinson, were Sunday guests
at the home of their son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Floyd But
terfied jr. They also attended ser
vices at the United Presbyterian
Thursday evening guests at the
H. R. Harris home after commence
ment exercises were Allen Peter
son, U. S. Navy, his sister, Tamzan
Peterson, Neligh. Lois Sanne.t
Clearwater, and Mrs. Maryetta
Mr. and Mrs Thomas Bishop,
Plainview, and her son and wife, I
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bittner and
daughter. Royal, were callers at
the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer
Bergstrom and other relatives
Mrs Ida Kemnitz. Wood, S. D.,
is a guest this week at the home of
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.!
and Mrs. Ben Larsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Latzel, Oma
ha, were recent weekend gues*s at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs George Latzel.
Mr and Mrs. Alfred Doud spent
Sunday evening at the Lillie
Meyers home, Clearwater
Mr. and Mrs Sis Ebbengaard
drove to Osmond Sunday to visit
Mrs. Ebbengaard's aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard
were guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Roy Stevens, Cleanvater,
Friday evening.
Guests at the home of Mrs.
Florence Butler on Sunday were
Mrs. Thomas Scheehan and daugh
ter, Patsy and Mrs Erpenbeck and
daughter Jean, Omaha. Miss
Scheehan and the Frpenbeoks ie
turned to Omaha the same day
while Mrs. Scheehan remained un
til Wednesday,
judy Wanser and Boh Cousal,
Omaha, accompanied by her aunt,
Mrs. D. E. O’Brien. Chicago, plan
to be guests at the home of Judy's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wan
ser, during the coming weekend.
Friends and relatives gathered
at the Mr and Mrs. Wayne Shra
der home Saturday evening to i
honor Mr Shander's birthday an
niversary Card games provided i
entertainment. Refreshments were
served by the guests Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bennett, Orch
ard. Mr. and Mrs Wayne Fry. Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Napier, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Napier, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs
John Napier. Mr and Mrs. Louis
Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Mr. and Mrs Wayne Shrader and
children were guests on Sunday at
the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrader
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Cloyd Thursday were
Mr and Mrs. George Timmerman
and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wostrel
and daughter of Plainview. They
attended graduation exercises in
the evening at Ewing. Ron Cloyd
was a member of the graduating
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thramer and
family were guests at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walnofer and
family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoag and
son. Omaha, visited her father.
Perry Saisor and his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hoag the first of the
week. Mrs. Gordon Hoag remained
for the week with her father.
Mr and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman
accompanied by Joe and Esther
Zimmerman w-ent to Gavins Point
and Yankton Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Elliott and
Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. James
Tmsley and family were Sunday
evening guests at the home of Mr.
amt Mrs Alvin Tinsley. Clearwater
Max Wanser went to Peru Tues
day to get his son. Jerry who at
tends college there. Linda Nyga
and. Omaha, accompanied them to
Ex pec ted weekend guests at the
Wanser l»me this week are Mi's
Wilda Carr and family', Holdredge.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies accom
panied by his mother, Mrs. Maud
Boies, Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck and
Mrs Matvei Boies went to Plain
view Tuesday to attend the funeral
of Larry Larsen, the son-in-law of
Mr. and'Mrs. Ray Boies, Piainview
John Wanser went to Grand
Island Wednesday where he met
his brother, Larry Wanser, who
has completed a year at Regis Col
lege at Denver, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Roy Stevens, Clearwater.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Breden
kemp and son returned to their
home at York Monday.
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Eacker and
their daughter ami son-in-law, Mi.
and Mrs. Russell Bredenkemp.
York, drove to Sioux City Sunday
to spend the day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruby ami
Mrs. Edna Lofquest spent the
weekend at Stuart with friends.
Sho aso visited at the homos of Mr.
and Mrs. Cal Allen. Mr ami Mrs.
Lawrence Lofquest and Mr and
Mrs. James Doming in the Cleve
land community.
Phone Your News to
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Spencer, Nebraska
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
CWI 843-W — 84 hr. Servtoa
Northwest Electric
Now's the time to enjoy outdoor eating...
ason's here aga
Black Bread SJ W'.T.Sr 19c
White Bread Mr*. Wright’s, fresh . .Loaf 19c
n . . Lucerne—quartered, Grade-A, 1-lb. A A
DUTTer sweet cream, lightly salted.Carton O VC
■ n Breakfast Gems—U.S.D.A. A C
Large eggs Grade-A, U.S. Inspected ..Doz. JC
C XX 1 I • Empress Brand— 10-oz. |- A
btutted Olives thrown, queen.Jar J Sr C
A AI , Bond Brand— 40-plate A A
Paper Plateswhue.pacW4Vc
Orange Soda,
Sparkling Punch,
Lemon Lime,
Cola or Root Beer
T .ST ■ - ---- -
Aluminum Foil for outdoor cooking.Roll 29<
Sno-White Suit something extra to foods.. .Carton 12c
Worchestershire Sauce Perrin*, delicious . ,Btl. 37c
Salad Dressing 22?£T£Z22r..2Pkg. 35c
M&M Candy Chocolate coated Pkg 29<
This is the time of year many folks, |wtu||«Ht|tiiwt|*it(*TOtiHw«immiim|ti.uiiHiiiuimnMMMMj
drawn by the warmth of near-summer weather, Cnlnuinu C*.
will head for the great outdoors with S JQlCWOy OTOl ©5 |
picnic baskets laden with good foods. | Will
Others will satisfy husky outdoor | Will UC
appetites with back-yard family barbecues £ I C C
or patio dinners. No matter what you g ™ ** ™
choose to do this week-end, Safeway has a j Mon., May 30
i wide choice of fine foods to fit your plans. | ' * g
m ru
Remember to shop for a longer weekend!
90 mJf JCrn Van Camp’®—a must for No. 300
Mr R Im IvwUI RaSP your cook-out, No. IVi Can 19c.Can ™ MM ^
l.AlflAllflflA Bel-air— 6-oz. M ilf
q# permium quality, frozen, 12-oz. Can 19c ••..... .Can I W*
Busy Baker— 24-cookie
aWwImlwV Marshmallow treats, fresh, delicious.Pkgs. R
Paper Napkins,^ .2s25c
Rf R f| IIA t £ —CHARCOAL, 20-lb. ^^29
■II l%l wl w ■ 4^R quick starting, always bum...Bag B
Wizard Charcoal Lighter Fluid.1-qt. Can 49c
Fresh Yens! SEEK,.3 c.. 17r lee Tea Blend SKEElS ...X* 65e Cauliflower 52tZ??.7..'& 37c
Sandwich Spread i.unch bo* ...16j®r 39c Waxed Paper Si1 Swt^uek .!2r1u 31c Anchovies ^Ifde^iwtthsaiad* 2 am, 33c
Golden Corn 3£,WMT?^2 ££ 31c lunch Bags %£?££... 2 SJ? 25c Mandarin Oranges .u<£ 29c
Potato Soup 2£S^..2 ^ 49c J-Wax car flnlsh looking bright .. .Can $1.49 Onion Rings frozen, delicious.. 2 Pkga. 49c
Powdered Milk l^m**.*pk£ 29c Aerosol Bomb Black nag.Bomb 98c Yel Beauty Bar ^nim., 2 cak«* 39c
Cranberry Sauce Spray ......... Can 23c Liquid Yel washing dishes .....Can 41c Liquid Bleach cleaner waahea ...Bottle 20c
Delicious with Chicken
FREE, 20-lb. Bag of Charcoal Briquets with
each 24-inch, motorized, Ozark Chef
Barbecue Grill
—with Rotisserie
I Both Only $| 5.95
Jjujm#. Chickens
Cut-up... Lb. 33c ^QhC
U.S. Inspected.... WHOLE A 7 lb.
Wings. .Lb. 25c Legs or Thighs. .Lb. 63c Breasts. .Lb. 69c
FREE! 50 Extra Stamps
—with the purchase of a WHOLE, fully cooked
Boneless Ham
Hormel Buffet, skinless,
shankless, 7 to 9-lb. average. .. .Lb. Jr C
** | r\* • Decker Iowana— 3-lb. Si O
Canned Picnics de-fatted. skinless . .Can | ,7 O
r* If. Safeway or Swift's Premium— 1-lb. x
Frankfurters skinless, an meat.Pkg 49c
f* C Cervelat, r
5ummer bausage Arm0«rstar.Lb o9c
n f c Safeway Brand—fresh, 1-lb />
Deer jausa^e always delicious.Roll X7C
Prim effective thru Saturday, May 28, fa O'Neill
Dozen 49c 6 Ears 25c
FREE! 6 Lemons §
— with the JE
purchase of fOV ^
Sunkist Brand—full of tangy juice
Tomatoes ulcy, flavorful .Carton 29c
Watermelons !4-lb. average, whole or piece... .Lb. 8c
E. 0. M. SALE
Jamaica style. In easy-care cotton plaids and plain.
With belt. Sizes 12 to 18.
Each $157
One group of assorted styles and colors. All
easy-care cottons. Sizes 32 to 38.
Each $ J| 88
7 to 14 sizes. Sanforized cotton ginghams.
Assorted colors. Hurry for this buy!
Each $£22
First quality. Bleached white. Unhemmed.
Approx. 29" x 29".
Sturdy quilted plastic. Holds 16 garments.
Full length zipper. Floral print or plain.
Each 90c
Sturdy 13^4 oz. Denim. Sanforized. Western cut.
Sizes 8 to 16. This is a real buy!
Each pr. $J88
Short sleeves in gay cotton prints that are so easy
to wash. Assorted colors. Sizes 6 to 16.
Each $ J
Sturdy, American made oxfords. Heavy duck
uppers, machine washable. Red. Sizes 12 to 3
Pair $^44
One group of this season styles. All reduced for
savings. Assorted Fabrics, styles and sizes.
*5 *7
Assorted barefoot styles, slings, T-straps, etc.
Whites and colors. Sizes 6 to 9
Pair $2
First quality, famous brand gingham and cotton
prints. Hurry for this big Fabric scoop!
Yard 58c
Large Size Boxes, 400 sheets. Your choice of
Several colors.
Boxes $ J