The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 19, 1960, Section Two, Image 11

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    Deloit News
By Mm H. Reiner
Mr and Mrs. Rex Chapman and
family are moving from the L. L,
Bartak's west place to a place
near Stanton
Mrs Ralph Tumjack went to Om
aha by bus an Tuesday and re
turned* on Thursday Jodie Ray
accompanied her borne On Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Ray and Vic
kie and Mr and Mrs Ralph Zahm
came up from Omaha to spend the
weekend at the Tomiack home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
were Sunday dinner guests at the
John Napier home.
Mr. Nuley, 61, father-in-law of
Tom Christon was killed instantly
Tuesday morning between Forth
Worth and Colorado City, Tex. It
is thought he may have gone to
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauer and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Tomjack spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Myrtle Jewell in
Dallas, S. D.
Mrs. Johnny Bauer returned
from her trip to California and
Seattle, Wash. The two older child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Borg
came home with her from Seattle.
The new Newton Bible church
was dedicated on Easter Sunday at
2:30 p.m. at Newton, Kan. Jim
Conway is the minister. Mrs. Con
way is the former Sally Christon.
The H.E.O. club met Thursday
with Mrs. Fred Stearns All mem
bers but one were present. Mrs.
Don Spahn became a member. A
lessen on first aid was given by
Mrs. Glenn Harpster and Mrs.
Clarence Schmiser.
Mrs. Mary Steams, Mrs. Martha
Kinney, Mrs. Maynand Steams and
Madine attended a Mother-Daugh
ter banquet in Elgin Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak visit
ed the Carl Bartak home at West
Point Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer at
tended a faculty dinner at Inman
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Bill Gibbs was a Norfolk
visitor one day last week.
Mrs. Keith Bartak and Mrs. Wil
mer Mosel went to Lyons on Fri
day. Mona Mosel returned home
with them. She had been teaching
there the past term.
Mrs. Pofahl sr., formerly of Nor
folk, is visiting at the Willis Rocky
home in Ewing. Mrs. Rocky is her
Mr and Mrs L. L. Bartak anc
Mrs. Alice Lodge visited the Cif!
Lodge home near Pwersburj
Wedmjaday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus via
ited at the Watson McDonald harm
last Sunday' .
Mr. and Mrs Merle Angua and
Myra Lee o»f Lincoln spent Sunday
at the Watson McDonald home
Virginia McDonald and Gary
Moon of Nehgh were also there.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson
were Sunday guests at the Har
old MLinar home in O'Neill an
Mr and Mrs Richard McDon
ald and baby visited the Watson
McDonald’s on Thursday.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Jewell and
Mrs. Myrtle Jewell of Dallas, S D
visited the Ralph Tomjack home
on Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Jewell re
mained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Tomjack and
Mrs. Jewell were Sunday evening
callers at the H. Reiraer home.
On Thursday Mrs. Tomjack and
Mrs. Jewell went to Omaha to
consult a specialist about Mrs.
Jewell’s eye sight.
We had almost lVi inches of rain
Sunday night.
Bristow News
Mrs. Burl Beasert
Mrs. Ernest Londberg of Omaha
is spending a few days at the Ed
Dreher home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beckner
spent Sunday afternoon at Ed
Mrs. Seger Pratt was a Friday
morning coffee guest of Mrs.
Melvin Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnson
and Wilton and W. R. Bailey at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Jack
Bailey Friday, May 6 at Winner.
Mis. Jack Bailey is a cousin of
Mrs. Vero Johnson.
Wednesday evening Pastor Elroy
Anderson and family, Mrs. Dorothy
Johnson and Lavone were callers
at the Edward Martinson home,
helping Wayne celebrate his birth
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martinson
and family, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson
and Lavone had Sunday supper at
the Bristow park.
Mrs. Selina Ilebner and Mrs.
Edith Truman were Sunday dinner
guests at Mrs. McQuestian.
All of the pastors and their wives
of the Wakefield district will call
on Rev and Mrs Bernard Nelson
Mr. and Mrs Ray Long spent
Thursday at Willard Landholms
Friday evening callers at Mel
Jay Long's were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Long and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J Boska.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jay Long and
Randy were Sunday dinner guests
at Thomas Boska's.
Mrs. Veldon Lee and family were
Thursday visitors at the Orville
Holz home where they attended the
Sunshine Extension club.
Tim Davey was a Friday evening
supper guest at the Veldon Lee
(home. Later in the evening Mrs
Glen Davey and Mrs. Alfred Davey
and Mary called.
Monday caller of Mr. and Mrs.
Veldon Lee was Bill Stoffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Veldon lee and
family spent Sunday at the Bill
Stoffer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Snider, Mr and
Mrs. Bill Snider and Kelly of Butte
! were Sunday supper guests of the
Ben Nelson’s.
Mrs. Ben Nelson spent Wednes
day evening with Mrs. Ronald
Mrs. Rudy Prokop, Bonnie and
Betty were Friday evening callers
of Emil Prokop.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roush were
Sunday dinner guests at Arden
( Berg's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Truman
| and Dennis of Omaha were week
! end guests of Mrs. Edith Truman.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of
! Spencer called on Mrs. Edith Tru
man Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson and
Kenneth. Mr and Mrs Clifford
Nelson and baby of Fairfax, Mrs
day Mashino find girls. Mrs.
Beryle Bessert and Iiebbie all
gathered at the Oliver Nelson home
Friday evemg to help Vickey Jo
celebrate her 1st birthday.
Newport News
By Mrs. Ollier (dig
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pake and
family were Sunday evening visi
tors in the Everett Adams home at
Mr and Mrs. Ed Vogel and fami
ly were visitors last Sunday at
Orlean with Ed's sister, Sister
Mrs. Clifford Stahl and family
and Mabel Fog were Wednesday
callers with Hattie Fox at Stuart.
Newport school closed last week
with a picnic and roller skating in
the park at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Robeson of
Wood, S. D., spent Sunday in the
Mabel Anderson home.
Mr and Mrs. Wilmer Keebaugh
of Alliance called Friday in the
Sophia Lashmett home. Other cal
lers were Mrs. Vere Butler and
Danny and Mrs. Lewis Gilg and
Jo of Bassett.
Mrs. Mabel Anderson and Mrs.
Sophia Lashmett spent Saturday
visiting in the Bemie Dyer home at
Dick Bazelman of Newman Grove
was a weekend guest of his aunt
and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Oliver
Gilg. Sunday dinner guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaup and fami
ly. Afternoon callers were Marge
Bazeiman and Patricia of Newman
Grove, Hattie Fox of Stuart and
Mr and Mrs. Pete Fox, Mary
Beth and Joel of Bassett.
Mrs. Fay Pickenpaugh. Bill and
Carol accompanied by Mr. C. W.
Kleckner and Danny of Bassetl
were visitors Sunday with Mrs.
Kleckner in Norfolk hospital. Miss
Carol Pickenpaugh left from Nor
folk for Omaha where she has em
ployment for the summer,
Jim and Mark Savage of Oma
has spent the weekend in the Roy
Farr home.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Ammon and
family spent Sunday in the home
of his mother, Emma Meyers at
Bassett. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Meyers of Salem, Ore.,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hilsendager of
Morristown, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Meyer and family of Rose.
Bill Woodcock of Stuart came
Friday to spend a few days visit
ing in the Pete Utter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen and child
ren of Los Angeles, Calif., were
visitors Saturday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Barnes and
Mrs. W. H. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan
and girls were guests in the Louis
Strelou home Sunday evening after
Baccalaureate services.
Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Benjamin
of Omaha came Saturday after Mrs.
Ellen McPherson and spent the
weekend in the Sylvia Dodge and
Harold McMillan homes.
I Mabel Fax was a Sunday dinner
guest in the Clifford Stahl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fax and family
j of Bassett were afternoon catlers.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farr were vist
| tors in Halting ton in the Ed and
; Leslie Miller and family home.
Floyd Miller of Wessington Springs,
S. P., returned home with them for
a few’ days visit.
Carl and Carol Wilcox spent the
weekend with tWir grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson.
Virginia Fisher of Bassett was a
weekend guest in the Joe Burt
Monna Stolcpart accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stolcpart and
sons to the 1,11 the ran church in
Bassett Sunday and attended dist.
21 school picnic in the Bass»tt park.
Mal»el Anderson and Sophia Lash
mett were Tuesday afternoon cal
lers at Ainsworth and in Long Pirn'
with Anna Keebaugh in the Rest
Mrs Bill Wolcott and family of
Wooil 1-ike. and Mrs. O. W. Wolcott
of Bassett were callers Friday af
ternoon in the Bob Gilg home.
They attended the school picnic at
Atkinson. Miss Billi Jo returned
home with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bendig,
Roger and Robert were Thursday
evening visitors at Stuart in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pix and
and Larry and were Friday eve
ning dinner guests in the J. S. Bair
home at Bassett.
Mr and Mrs. Howard Fuller w’ere
Sunday dinner guests in the Fanny
and Clara Fuller home at Stuart.
Callers the past week in the C. A.
Henry home were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Farr Wednesday evening ami
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs Hill
Nifct of Long Pine and Mrs. Rub)
Sehlank was a caller Saturday af
Mrs. R. O. Williamsen of Aina
worth is spending a few days this
week in the Albert Evetingham
Mrs. Lyle Gordon and children ol
Ainsworth were Sunday supper
guests in the Reno Gordon Ironic
Rude and Linda Conard were
Sunday dinner guests of Rertlia
Mrs. Fl ank Johnson spent Mon
day in the Gene llamik home near
Tire annual Spring Tea of the
graduates and their mothers was
held Wednesday afternoon in Bas
sett. The Nigbtmgttls and B.ireka
Valley Project club had charge of
refreshments, cup cakes represent
ing May baskets
Mrs. Byron Hutton and Janet of
Bassett were Sunday afternoon cal
lers with Ann Schneider. Mrs A.
B. Hutton was a Sunday forenoon
Mrs. Dewaine Wood and girls at
tended a birthday party in honor of
Jerry and Larry Dake Saturday for
their 4th birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gilg, Mr and
Mrs. Bob Gilg and Billi Joe Wol
cott were Thursday evening dinner
guests in the Don Kaup home
Callers in the Howard Fuller
home the past week were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Jacox and family, Mr.
and Mrs lk> Fuller, diaries and
Evelyr., Mr. ami Mrs. Jim JaooK.
Mr i mi Mrs. Alliert K\ eringham
and Me. and Mrs. Hoy Fallows of
Mr. ami Mrs. Glenn Stahl and
Marcia weic Sunday dinner guests
j in the Harry Stahl home.
Mr and Mrs Owen lame and
Mr. and Mrs Howard Fuller were
| O'Neill visitors Friday.
Mrs Ye re Butler and Danny ami
Mrs. Gene Linc&non ami family of
Bassett were Tuesday callers in the
Sophia Lasniett home.
Mr and Mrs I lean Moore, Miss
Eileen Anderson and Fsli Sparks
attended a mail carriers convention
at Broken Bow Saturday evening
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Udell Brown and
Julia of Mills were Friday after
noon callers in the Alliert Oster
man home. Mr. and Mrs. John
Copeland and family of Bassett
were evening visitors
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Henry' were
Monday evening callers in the L.
W. Bendig home and visited Wed
nesday evening in the John
Slaehetka home.
Sophia I-ashmett was a dinner
guest Sunday iti the Vere Butler
home at Bassett, in honor of Mrs.
Lashmott for her birthday. Mr. and
Mrs. Butler and sons were Sunday
evening supper guests in the Sophia
Lashmett home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bendig,
Roger and Robert were Sunday af
ternoon callers with Mr. and MTs.
Bob Gilg.
s“ KROTTER’S ,0,;
Piper Sudan Sweet Sudan Regular Sudan
Waconia Cane Orange Cane
All of the above listed seed on hand for im
mediate delivery. Place orders now for your seed
needs to insure delivery.
New 1960 Pontiacs, Buicks, and
GMC Pickups and Trucks
Used Cars
See these clean-guaranteed used cars-all wait
ing for a new home and owner. Our best sales
men are our past customers-ask them about
our used cars and guarantees.
1959 Pontiac 2-Dr. Catalina Sedan
1958 Pontiac 2-Dr. Catalina Hardtop
1958 Mercury 4-Dr. Montery
1957 Ford Fairlane 500 4-Dr.
1959 Ford 2-Dr. 6 Cylinder
1955 Buick 4-Dr. Hardtop Special
1953 Ford 2-Dr. 8
New & Used Seasonal Implements
New Idea 10' and 7' PTO Mowers
Massey-Ferguson 7' Mowers-3 pt. Hitch
New Idea 8' and 10' Parallel Bar Rakes
New Idea Manure Spreaders-Ground Drive and
Massey-Ferguson Combines
Massey-Ferguson Tractors
Used MM Corn Shellers
New MM Rotary Hoes—Any Size
De Laval Milkers & Separators
New DeLaval Cow-to-Can, Suspended, and Pail
type Milkers all on hand for immediate delivery.
With the work-load heavy, do something for
yourself and the cows too—invest in a new
milker. See us for complete information. Easy
financing available.
Maytag—Admiral Appliances
See North Central Nebraska's only complete May
tag stock on hand at our store at all times. Auto
matic Washers, Dryers, Freezers, Conventionals.
Admiral electric ranges, Refrigerators, Freezers
all on the floor for immediate delivery. Many
used appliances of all descriptions priced to sell.
"Serving: North-Central Nebraska since 1891"
"""305 West Douglas-O'Neill, Phone 531
Every season has its taste delights and strawberry season
has the finest... especially with berries from Safeway!
Our buyers have been watching the fields for weeks in order to
bring you this event when berries are at their peak in
quality and sweetness. Absolutely loaded with flavor, our gorgeous,
plump, red-ripe gems taste as luscious as they look!
Picked daily from select crops ... rushed for "Berry Time at
Safeway.” Original pack, fuller boxes, California grown.
Large Grapefruit white meatcd, zesty... Lb. 15
Tender Asparagus quality, firm T"... .Lb. 19c | STRAWBERRY jj
r Ini. L L Midwest-grown, 1 c | HULLER |
Fresh Rhubarb wen traced /.lkIdc | |
Crisp Radishes crunchy .Bunch 5^ ^ ^
Pitted Cherries
Town House — red tart, just the thing for pies and tarts
Angel Food-cake mix..,7ps49«
Duncan Hines — white, enjoy angel food cake topped with strawberries
Chunk Tuna Sea Trader.9%-oz. Can 33<
Star-Kist Light Chunk Tuna .... 9V4-oc. Can 39c
Beet Sugar .. ..10-lb. Bag 89c
Flavors and sweetens, a Feature Value Buy
Golden Corn...^.6 e *1°®
Green Giant Sweet Peas .... 6, No. 303 Cans $1.00
Rath's Brand, first quality, 6 to 84b. average
Beef Steaks battered, deliciou■,??,.. ....cbSopS 65c
Ring Bologna aStES!—s Rings $1 *00
Sliced Bacon .££99c
Cornish Hens Inspected, 18 to 20-oz. eve. .. Eh eh 69e
For Gifts you «umt from the
companies you hear about... save //
Cold Bond Stamps
bomSafemtyi w*,.*,».» O'Neill Nebraska
With delicious Safeway Strawberries,
serve these "go-together” specials
D:_* L Betty Crocker—texturised. 40-os.
DISqUICK make your own shortcakes.Pkg. 4JC
Enriched Flour E35<2fc“rl?...£S; 43c
Dairy Whipt pasteurised Grsde-A. unis. .Can 49c
Whipping Cream *«**..*<■(£ 43c
Pie Crust ...’?£ 20c
Dessert Cups deHaouswilBi ntrnMti'ininn. .Pk)-! 20c
For a Lower Total Food Bill... Shop Safeway!
Skylark BreadSK^S..’SSI9c
Coffee Cake SS&JST...*?530c
Marshmallows aS.2 SS 29c
Instant Tea dally good forTcod hea^Jar 53c
Boysenberries .Ko:“25c
.... "PIIJJJ J