The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 12, 1960, Section One, Image 8

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    MKr'BMMVW* IT"^ -&£ T
A number of Holt county schools visited the Frontier (luring the
past week and we are publishing their pictures to show a Imt a happy
group of children they are: Front row, left to right, Gary Raten
horst, Mary Tess Kunz, Jimmy Kramer and Doris Kaup. Second row,
Mary I .you Hoyue, Diane Kaup, Jeanlc Kunz, Patty Kunz and Danny
, Greenfield. Rack row, Jeanne Kramer, Lois Kaup, Leon Kramer,
l.inda Kaup, Dilute Greenfield and Dennis Kramer. Teacher Miss
Carol Zahl Is shown behind the group. Miss Phyllis Welsh will teach
this school, M at Stuart, next year. Frontier photo and engraving.
Thursday, May 12
Eastern Star
Monday, May J6
Starlight Extension, Mrs. Frank
Band Boosters
Thursday, May 19
St. Patrick's Altar Society
Club Notes
Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Auxiliary mem
bers met May 4 for their monthly
meeting with 21 members present.
Hostesses were Mrs. Maiy Jur
gensmeier, Mrs. Bill Jensen and
Mrs. Orville Morrow.
The auxiliary will sell tickets for
the May 12 dance recital of Mrs.
W. D. Melena's dancing classes
and will also help furnish the
lunch to follow the recital.
Four junior auxiliary members
will attend the junior conference
at Superior in June and will be ac
companied by Mrs. John Davidson
and Mrs. Dean Streeter.
The group is preparing for the
Legion poppy day to be in O'Neill
Saturday. Mrs. Deraid Grahm,
chairman, reported that the window
display is complete and volunteer
auxiliary workers will work Sat
urday with poppy sales.
Hand Boosters
O'Neill high school Band Boos
ters will meet Monday night at 8
p.m. in the band room, it has been
announced. The Boosters welcome
anyone interested in promoting in
strumental music in the school.
Officers have drawn up a con
stitution for consideration and ap
proval at the meeting. Band mem
bers’ parents are invited to attend.
Itrhckiih Lodge
Hebekah lodge met Friday night
in regular session with U mem
bers present. Mrs. William Claus
sen and Mrs. Albert Klingler
Members will wear formals for
their next meeting when Mrs.
Maude Sanderson, assembly war
den, will be guest of honor.
O'Monde club members held a
farewell surprise dinner Tuesday
night for Mrs. Louis Roimers jr.,
at the Town House. Following the
dinner bridge was played at the
home of Mrs. George Carstens.
VFW Auxiliary
Members of the VFW Auxiliary
met Monday night at the court
house with 8 members attending.
Mrs. Anna Brown was elected
first delegate and Mrs. George
Morlang, second delegate, to the
department convention in North
Platte in June. A report on the
poppy day sale was also given.
Madison Eight and Forty
Ladies Visit O'Neill
O’Neill women were hostesses
Thursday evening to a May marche
and dinner for members of the
Madison county Eight and Forty
club from Norfolk, Pierce and
A business session followed the
dinner at the Legion club with
Chapeau Evelyn Stegelman pre
siding. The group will dedicate a
Nebraska lied this week at the Na
tional Jewish hospital for Tubercul
ous patients in Denver.
Hostesses were Mrs. Lester
Riege, Mrs. Vern Reynoldson, Mrs.
Virgil Laursen, Mrs. Robert Lowe
ry, Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs.
John Davidson, all of O'Neill, and
Mrs. N. P. McKee, Atkinson.
Rebekah's Visit Piercq
For District Convention
Mesdames Darel Baker, Norbert
Clark. Richard Hovey, Dale Fet
row, Clay Johnson, jr., Carl Schen
zel. all of O'Neill and Mrs. Grace
Lulien of Inman, went to Pierce
i Friday for their 58th district con
vention of the Rebakah lodge.
Ritualistic work was reviewed
and Mrs. Fern Nelson of Tekameh,
assembly president, conducted a
school of instruction in the after
. noon. Mrs. Nelson also gave the
evening address.
Chambers, Inman, Neligh O'Neill
and Page lodge members were in
attendance. Mrs Melvin Smith of
Page and Mrs Ruby Wayman of
O'Neill served as marshall and
chaplain of the district meeting
Irene Wrehe Honored
For 25-Year Service
As Telephone Operator
Mrs. Irene Wrehe was honored
for 25 years of service with the
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.,
last week. The surprise event was
given by the O'Neill telephone em
11 E. Schory, manager from
Grand Island district presented
Mrs. Wrehe with a gold bracelet
from the company in recognition
of her service as an operator for
25 years in O’Neill and Rockville.
Special guests were Mrs. Wrehe's
mother Mrs. Carrie Heise, Mrs.
Norb Uhl and several former em
ployees. Refreshments were served.
Atkinson Club Elects
ATKINSON Members of the
Avon Shakespeare club at Atkin
son closed their 50th year of study
May 6 with a spring party held at
the home of Mrs Claude Humph
Members completed the reading
of King Henry V, Hamlet and The
Merry Wives of Windsor, during the
current club year.
New officers are Mrs. Claude
Humphreys, president; Mrs. V. C.
Wilburn, vice president; Mrs. A.
M. Wurtz, secretary-treasurer; and
Mrs. D. F. Scott, critic.
Retiring officers are Mrs. John
Silverstrand, Mrs. Claude Humph
reys, and Mrs. V. C. Wilbern.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson of
Amelia, announce the engagement
and approaching marriage of their
daughter, Elizabeth, to William Ci
hal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lad Q
hal, of Wahoo.
A May 28 wedding is planned.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder,
O'Neill, announce the approach
ing marriage of their daughter,
Barbara to Marvin Hawk, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk of
A June 18 wedding Is planned.
Frank Urbans
Honored May 1
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gorgan en
tertained at a May day dinner
May 1 in honor of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Urban's 40th wed
ding anniversary.
Guests were Mr and Mrs. I^eo1
Urban and Mrs. Charlotte Honey
weli of Chambers; Mr and Mrs.
Lawrence Urban and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Vincent Streeter and fami
ly and Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Olson
and family, all of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Urban were mar
ried April 28 at Neligh and have
lived all of the forty years of their
married life in the same home, a
combination farm-ranch 22 miles
southwest of Ewing.
A three tier wedding cake, de
corated with red roses on white
frosting was baked by May Clark
of O'Neill and served with coffee.
A bouquet of red roses centered
the dinner table. Mrs. Charlotte
Honeywell, 93 year old mother
of Mrs. Urban was a guest.
(Continued from page 1.)
Burney received 685 votes. Frank
Marsh had 1,346 votes for sec re
tary of state. Ray Johnson re
ceived 1,214 for auditor, Rolun
Clark had 684 for treasurer Clar
ence Meyer received 606 votes for
attorney general and Richard Lar
son had 524 for railway commis
Far congressman, Dave Martin
led Monroe Buder by 103 votes.
On the c«*mty republican tick
et, Frank Crook was nominated
supervisor in the fourth district,
Walt Smith was nominated in the
sixth district. The democratic
candidate In the second district.
Mike Landreth, will run unop
posed. Crank will face Martin
fteimricks in the fourth district
and Smith will face A. M. Baten
h.»rst In the sixth district in No
vember. _
president, Kennedy received 889
votes. L. D. Putnam polled 528
votes for fourth district delegate.
For Senator, Ralph Brooks received
412 votes here in Holt county and
also the right throughout the state
to face incumbant Carl Curtis in
Robert Conrad received the most
Holt county votes for governor, Ed
ward Dosek was the leader for
lieutenant governor, Robert Dix
on for secretary of state, Alan
Jogan for auditor, Richard Lar
sen for treasurer, Hal Bauer for
attorney general, Fired Sorensen
for railway commissioner and Don
ald McGinley had 889 votes' for
representative to congress from the
fourth district.
Elkhorn rural power, J. P.
yen, 79 votes. For legislator, 28th
district, Frank Nelson, 1,784; Ora
Yarges, 836 votes.
For 4th district judge, Norman
Gonderinger, 1,480; Wm. Smith, 540
and Wm. Brennan, 581. Louis Rei
mer had 2,341 votes for county
The large turn-out could be at
tributed to the favorable weather
here election day. County clerk
Ken Waring said that absentee bal
lots are not likely to change any of
the standings.
(Continued from page 1.)
Vernon Linnaus, superintendent,
will present the eighth grade grad
Baccalaureate services were held
Sunday evening, May 8 at 8 p.m. at
the Inman public school. Rev.
Ralph Schrunk of Atkinson gave the
invocation and scripture reading
Wayne Smith of Aurora was guest
The Honorable Warren Cook,
mayor of Norfolk, was guest
speaker Wednesday evening, May
11 when the Commencement ex
ercises concluded the school year.
Valedictorian was Roger Tomp
kins and salutatorian was Carolyn
The senior class members were
presented by William Miller,
principal. Diplomas were presented
to the senior and eighth grade
classes by Louis Kopecky jr.
Awards were made by Supt. Walter
Baccalaureate sendees at Cham
bers high school will also be Sun
day night, May 15. Rev. Cox will
give the address. Commencement
will be Friday, May 20.
Speaker Friday night will be Dr.
Donald O. Olson, assistant profes
sor of speech and director of de
bate at the University of Nebraska.
Fifteen Chambers students will
For pictures of all the Holt
county graduates, turn to the in
side pages of section two in today's
Sick and Injured
O’NEILL—Andrew Wettlaufer en
tered St. Anthony’s hospital Fri
day afternoon for treatment for
hemorrhage and was transferred to
a Sioux Citj4 hospital Saturday.
His sons, Kenneth and George
accompanied him in the ambulance.
Mr. Wettlaufer underwent surgery
there Tuesday afternoon. . .Alva
Marcellus, a patient at St Mary’s
hospital in Rochester", Minn, for
the past three weeks is still hos
pitalized. He submitted to surgery j
two weeks ago. Mrs. Marcellus is j
with him. . .Mrs. Leo Moore is back
at work after three weeks at home. |
PAGE—Mrs. Frances Stewart
was a Thursday to Monday patient
at St Anthony’s hospital for treat-;
ment for pneumonia. She is re- j
cuperating at the home of her j
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Stewart before return
ing to her home at Page. . .Mrs.
Robert Pruden oi Page entered the
St. Anthony hospital Tuesday af- j
ternoon and submitted to an em- i
ergency appendectomy later in the |
BUTTE—Mrs. Ben Tunink was (
brought from the Lady of Lourdes
hospital by ambulance on Tues
day. Mrs. Tunink underwent sur
gery in Norfolk a couple of weeks
NEWPORT—Mrs. Juhn Hasch en
tered Our Lady of Lourdes hos
pital in Norfolk Monday where she
planned to undergo surgery.
LYNCH—Mrs. Frank Ertz, sr. is
a patient in the Sacred Heart hos
pital at Lynch.
NAPER—Julius Serr returned to
his home last Saturday evening af
ter spending the past two weeks
in the Methodist hospital in Om
INMAN—William Kipple was dis
missed May 4 from St. Anthony’s
hospital where he had been a pa
tient for a couple of days. . .Mrs.
Lewis Kopeeky jr. and'Mrs James
Banks visited Mrs, Josie Kopeeky
in the Antelope Memorial hospital
at Neligh on Wednesday afternoon.
. .Mrs. Wynn Baldwin returned
Wednesday from St. Anthony’s hos
pital where she spent a few weeks.
..Mrs. Mira Fairbanks has return
ed from St. Anthony’s hospital
where she spent a couple of days.
. .Mrs. Elmer Michaelis entered the
Atkinson Memorial hospital Sun- I
iay for treatment.
AMELIA—Mrs B W Waldo and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce vis
ited John Zinkon at the Atkinson
Hospitad Friday evening Mr Zm
kon is improving sati&factorly with
his burns and will not require
nearly as much skin graiting as
thought necessary.. Mrs Gertie
Adair accompanied her son, Ralph
Adair and family to Norfolk Fri
day. Mrs. Ralph Adair’s sister is
very ill in a Norfolk Hospital and
they visited her while there. . .Mrs. |
Maude Forbes accompanied Mrs
Irvin Forbes to Grand Island Thurs
day to bring Irvin’s father. Lew
Forties from the Veterans hospit
al to his home in Atkinson.
BASSETT Mrs. Mollie Bucken
dorf undervent major surgery in
the Bassett hospital May 3.. Tom
Galleher underwent surgery in the
Bassett hospital May 4
CLEARWATER—James Barnhill,
youngest son of Mr and Mrs Fran
cis Barnhill, accidently fell from a
bed at hi® home Friday and fell
on a pair of scissors running the
blades into his stomach, in such
a way that the points came out
about 2 inches from where they
entered. He was taken to a Ne
ligh doctor for treatment. The
Barnhill family bad just moved
into the late Hattie Smith property.
Mr. Barnhill is the crane operator
with the Diamond engineering Co.
working on the new bridges on
highway 275 . . .Seventeen year old
; Charlene Rogers of Cambridge,
who was a weekend guest in the
Clarence Rothchikl home, suffered
two fractures of the ankle tn a
tractor mishap with a grcnip oi
young people about 11 00 o'clock
Saturday morning She was taker
to Antelope Memorial hospital anti
is resting comfortably at this writ
ing. . .Mrs Stanley Hemenway was
taken tU about 3 00 ajn Monday
and was taken to the TLldeu hos
ALDER—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
.Alder of Emmet, son. Dean Wil
lian, 6 pounds 11 ounces, May 5.
VOKOC—Mr. anril Mrs. Wayne
Vokoc of Verdel, son, 7 pounds 11
ounces. May 1. Mrs. Vokoc is the
former Marcehne Kosek of Verd
igre. The couple has a daughter
and two sons.
NEWHAUS—Mr. and Mrs. Ar
vid Newhaus of Wayne, daughter.
7 pounds U4 ounces. May 4 Mrs
Newhaus is the former Rita AW
men of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Newhaus are the paternal
grandparents anil Mr. and Mrs
Henry Lettermann are the great
HERON-Mr. and Mrs“ii^and
Beron of Spencer, twins- son, The
odore Date, 6 pounds
daughter, Tomasuve Diana. 6
pounds 9 ounces. The Beron* liave
three daughters. Mr. Beron taught
at Verdigre some yaars ago.
BOWDEN—Mr and Mrs. D Bow
den of Chicago, ID, daughter. Mrs
Bowden is the former Patricia
Schultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Herman Schultz of Butte.
ADAMSON Mr and Mrs. Gene
Adamson of LeMars, la , son, May
JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Johnson of Japan, son, Mathew
Todd, 7 pounds 34 ounces. May
6, Paternal grandparents are Mr
and Mrs Walt Johnson of New
port and the maternal grandpar
ents are Mr, and Mrs Dint Davis
of Bassett.
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
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With a feeling of gratitude and a desire to
serve you.
I thank the voters of the 28th Legislative dis
trict for the vote given me at the Primary elec
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