The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 12, 1960, Section One, Image 4

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FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire
boars, long, big rugged from
Champion Bloodlines. Welcome
to look Prices reasonable. 3 mi.
east Creighton on Highway 59
Shady lane Hampshire farm.
FOR SaLE Good registered Here
ford yearling hulls Reasonable.
Francis Anderl, Inman, Phone
3255. 3JL
FOR SALE Entire herd of young
Holstein cows and springer hei
fers John Sojka, Page 3tf
FOR SAI-E Truck scales to be
moved. J. B. Ryan Co., O’Neill.
Phone 94 or 661. See Neil B.
B. Ryan. 3c
FOR SALE. Reg. Polled Hereford
Bulls. Two 2^ and 3 vears old.
Proven, herd bull quality—some
yearlings.-Everett Van Dover,
2*4 miles east of old Opportun
ity or 22 miles west of Verdigre
or 16 south of Lynch. 25tf
FOR SALE Ear corn. Call 859,
O’Neill. _3pd
SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis
316 50 a ton; American 320 50
a ton; white block 75c—Located
3 blks. east, 4 blks north of
traffic light. Everett Gorgan.
Ph 164, O'Neill. 51tf
FOR SALE 50 Farmall H with
power und No. 9 trail mower,
also IHC loader will sell together
or separate. Keith Abart, O'
Neill. 3c
SEE US for new SPARTAN or
SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25%
down, 5% int.; up to 84
months to pay. Write or phone:
Contois Motor Go., Nellgh.
1958 International two ton truck
with two speed, radio, power
steering, 16>4 ft. combination
rack and hoist, low mileage.
1958 International three quarter
ton pickup with stock rack, four
speed overloads and radio.
1951 Dodge 1*4 ton with two speed,
rear axle, 16 ft. combination rack.
1950 Chev >4 ton pickup.
1950 Ford *4 ton pickup.
1948 Ford 114 ton truck with 14 ft.
combination rack
1945 International K-7 with 15 ft.
combination rack.
1961 LI85 Tractor.
34 ft. Tandem semi trailer stock
and grain.
Farmall used tractor
Farmall MTA
Farmall M, gas burner, wide front
Farmall MD New rubber
Farmall H Overhauled
Farmall C Overhauled
Farmall B Reversed with sweep
Case SC Tractor Bargain
Farmall F20
1952 Ford Tractor and Wagner
loader i
3 Used 12 ft. Case hay rakes
3 Rake hitch Ford tractor
Used McCormick Tractor Spreader
Used 182 Lister
Mounted Cultivator for Farmall H
or M
Used mounted planter for Farmall
C. Used one season $50.00.
'New C46 Lister
New MM lister
New 2 row mounted planter for
Farmall 300, H, M. One only $150.
Used 4 row John Deere Godig
Hay stacker for Ford tractor
Grapple fork for Ford tractor
Several used feed Grinders
Best Oilers in Stock
See us for seed needs.
Sudan grass
Atl&s Sorgo
United Econ Pac Seed Corn $7.60
Atkinson, Nebraska
On large size loans, I can loan
Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park
er, O’Neill. Nebr. 3tf
47 Farmall M
44 Farmall M
45 Farmall H
43 Farmall II
50 Farmall H
50 WD Allis
49 Farmall C
Farmall 450
Farmall 400
54 Farmall Super H
46 John Deere B
2 Bottom plow for Ford
2 Bottom plow for Farmall C
4 Row Blackhawk planter
H & M 46 lister planter
John Deere mounted lister
Discs—all sizes
«IC 11 ft. Drill
IC 2 row Eli
4 Row J. D. quicktach cultivator
Cultivator for Farmall II & M
Cultivator for Farmall C
Mowers and rakes
No. 80 New Holland baler
55 T IHC baler
Oliver Diesel power unit
IHC 20 ft. Freezer
IHC 12 ft. Freezer
IHC - Gehl — RCA Whirlpool
i FOR SALE- 2 Blue fertilizer at
tachments ; one complete unit
and one partial unit Leland W.
Stelling, Orchard.
FOR SALE: \<ore fancy Cream
cows. Shore s Guernseys, Hol
steins, Swist. Extra large fancy
Some fresh with calves Rea
sonable priots. Harold Shores,
Ndigh. ph. TU 7-4060. TU 7
4850 25tf
store your candy headquarters.
Always fresh. 27tfc
FOR SALE- 1959 Singer in a new
walnut console with automatic
zig zag for balance due of 8
payments of $6.13 each to a re
liable party in this area. Write
! Credit Manager, Box 123, Lin
coln, Nebraska. 2-4c i
I FOR SALE Extra good Oct. 1958
Hereford bull, Zato llcir, Pioneer
Shadow breeding. S. R. Robert
son, O’Neill. 3tfc
FOR SALE—One I. H. C. two row
lister NO-185 in good shape; One
two row JOHN DEERE Go Dig
or so called Eli; NO 820 listed
corn cultivator in good shape—
George L. Hendrickson, Bristow,
FOR SALE— Nearly new 2 bed
room home. Excellent location.
For information phone 574J. O’
Neill. _
FOR SALE—1958, Allis Chalmers,
D 14 tractor wide front end, and
over size tires. Priced very rea
sonable. S. R. Robertson, O'Neill.
FOR SALE—Six room modern res
idence, built about 5 years ago.
I would be glad to show it to
you—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill,
FOR SALE -Three t>edroom home,
4 years old in new addition. Call
573J, O'Neill._50tf
FOR SALE 3 month old White
semi automatic zig zag sewing
machine to be sold in this area
to close account. Only 4Ms small
monthly payments or will dis
count for cash. Write Credit
Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Ne
braska. 2-4c
FOR SALE 1959 Ford Galaxie, all
extras including air-conditioning.
Like new condition.—See Earl
Wright, Ewing, or call 151 O’
Neill. !-3c
FOR SALE: High quality April
1959 Hereford Bulls. Extra good
backs. Kieth Abart - O’Neill,
Dercy Abart - Emmet. 31tf
Now is the time to trade or buy
a MOBILE HOME. Let Us show
you our fine selection of New
& Used Mobile Homes. Contact
us today.
We Trade-Finance-Deliver
In the O’Neill vicinity contact
Clarence Johnson, Elm Court,
Open Every Day
Ph. EX 5-2170 Albion, Nebr.
FOR SALE—14 foot Penny Ann
boat complete with 10 horse mer
cury motor, trailer and steering
wheel. All in good shape. Price
$300—LaVem Stracke, Stuart,
ph. 3172 2-3p
For Sale—45 Registered Angus
Bulls, 20 are two years old. Hea
vy boned, thick, blocky type.
Prices reasonable. Quantity dis
counts—Elmcrest Farms, Leigh,
Nebr. Ph. 36F2 52-3c
SEE—E. J. (Skip) Shane at Atkin
son for sewer, drainage, clam
work, basement excavation and
road work.
FOR SALE—Lennox oil furnace,
like new. O. E. Davidson, Phone
126, O’Neill. _ 42tf
Farm Loans. See R. H. Parker,
O'Neill, Nebraska. 49tf
Institute ,'’Opportunity” ad un
der "INSTRUCTIONS in this
paper. 3-4pd
Fresh Cut
For Memorial Day
Peonies — Roses
Place Your Order
Now at Lee Store
JJ3. Model 50, 1954
J.D. Model 60, 1955
J.D. Model 620, 1958
J.D., B, 1950
J.D., A, 1944
J.D., G, 1949
J.D., B, 1943
J.D. 730 Lister
I. H.C., 182 Lister
J. D., Disk, 11 ft.
J.D., Disk 15 ft.
J.D. Disk, 18 ft. .
Plows, All sizes
Mowers, All makes
Funk’s Seed Corn
Gold N/Pure Alfalfa Seed
Harry R. Smith Imp.
Phone 582 O'Neill
White egg layers lead in egg pro
duction, high livability, feed ef
ficiency and ideal egg size. Order
chicks from
New Deal Produce
FOR SALE—Two year old Angus
Bull from north Minn. Heavy
Bone. His calves are convincers
—Pete Sojka, Page, Nebr.
Real Estate for Sale
FOR SALE 480 acres pasture
good water and fences, north of
Atkinson.—Write W. H. Bokel
man Realtor, Platte Center,
Nebr. 3-7pd.
FOR SALE My house in Ewing,
Nebr. 5 room house with bath,
and gas. Good location near
school. All modem.—Gladys
Steskal, Lynch, Nehr.
On large size loans, I can loan
Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park
er, O'Neill, Nebr. 3tf
FOR SALE—Building to be torn
down or moved.—Francis An
drei, Inman, Phone 3255. 3 tf
Listings For Sale
760 acres northeast of Inman,
improved; 160 acres north of
Page, modem home; 320 acres
modem improved, Atkinson, ir
rigation equipped; 320 farm near
Emmet; 160 farm east of O’Neill,
irrigated, with equipment; 320
improved northeast of O’Neill,
farm and pasture; 80 acres
northwest O’Neill, good location,
well fenced and near Highway
No. 20; 200 acre improved farm
near Page.
FOR RENT - One bedroom home,
321 West Clay. Keith Abart, O'
Neill. 45 tf
FOR LEASE—To responsible party
modern two bay service station
in O’Neill Nebraska. For further
information write F. V. Nunges
ser. Box 529, Norfolk, Nebr.
FOR RENT—Modem 3 room fur
nished apartment on ground floor.
Private entrance. Close in.—Ph.
609, O’Neill. 3c
City Loans on business buildings
or residence property, See R. H.
Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 49tf
FOR RENT—Furnished apartment
with automatic washer. Availa
ble June l—O. E. Davidson, ph.
126, O’Neill. 2tf
FOR RENT—IHC Rotary Stalk
cutter. Shelhamer Equipment
Co., O’Neill. tf
OPENING—Profits of $2 per hour
and up at start possible. Full or
part time. Established Watkins
Routes in city of O’Neill.
Big demand for famous, nation
wide, TV advertised household
products. Write Watkins Pro
ducts,, Inc., D-87, Winona, Minn.
2-5 pd
HELP WANTED—Use your spare
time to increase your weekly
earnings. $25-$50 or more. No
investment but car needed. For
information write Rawleigh's
Dept. NBE-101-326, Freeport, 111.
I WOULD like lawns to mow.
Prices reasonable. Have own
mower.—Terry Tomjack, phone
154, O’Neill l-4c
WANTED—Man of woman. Fami
lies need service in O’Neill. Full
or part time. Some earn $3.50
hourly and up. Write Rawleigh’s
Dept. NBE-101-538, Freeport,
111. 2-4c
Nebr., on No. 20. We’ll buy and
give land just off highway near
new pool. Investigate.—Contact
Community Club. l-3c
I am back in my office again in
O’Neill, Nebraska and I loan
money on farm land and ranch
land and city property. See R. H.
Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 49tf
WELL DRILLING and well and
windmill repair. — Write Box
562, phone 553-J.
3 blks W & 2Vz blks N stoplight.
supply business handling well
known products. Small capital
needed. Write box TH, c-o The
Frontier. 5th
iness—Just yours.. Patton's Ben
Franklin, O’Neill. tfc
Ideal Cleaners
Phone 775-W for Pickup
and Delivery!
Complete Body ana Fender
Repairs and Painting
Glass Installed—Towing Service
Phone 211W
tor Any Job 25tf
WANTED Farm route driver I
salesman experienced. EGGS,
not have to re-locate. Need ag
gressive, honest dependable men. j
Salary1 plus commission. Your
own business. Only top caliber
men need apply. 5 day week,
vacation with pay, group bene
fits. Interested in men within 50
mile radius of O'Neill. Write box
BG care of the Frontier.
WANTED Considerable hay mow
ed and stacked. Can do one or
hoth.—John Drayton, Wood Lake.
Nebr. 3-4e
■ -- — 1 — 1 —— I
room house or apartment in O’-,
Neill by permanent Frontier em
ployee. Call 788 or 789, The j
Frontier. nc.
Age 21-35
Plus weekly bonus based on
production. You must have car,
be free to travel Monday to Fri
day. Sales experience no abso
lute necessity but you must pre
sent a good personal appearance
and have high school education
or equivalent.
Fremont Nebr.
Reliable man or woman from this
area to distribute complete line of
cigarettes, candy, nuts or gum
through new automatic vendors.
No selling, we will establish ac- j
counts for you. To qualify party
must have car, references, and
cash capital of $800 which is
secured by inventory. Excellent j
earnings part time—Full time1
more. For personal interview
give phone, etc. Write P. O. Box
156, Rochester, Minnesota.
man. 6 years bookkeeping and
clerical experience, 2 years sales
clerk in clothing, shoe and dry
goods store. Draft exempt. Re
ferences furnished.—Write CK
care of The Frontier.
HEIJ5 WANTED—Steady income.
Man or woman. Average $125 a
week and more, servicing our
customers in your county. North
western quality clothing for en
tire family. 200 made-up samples,
sweaters, slacks, shirts, jackets,
underwear, etc. No collecting,
deliveries. NO CASH INVEST
MENT. Northwestern Woolen Co.,
403 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis,
Minn. 3c
L. Guthmiller
Half Block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds of
automobile, truck and tractor
repair. Acetylene welding.
LAWN MOWER repairing. Also
repair parts for Lawson — Reo
— Clinton.
For Farm and Domestic Wells
Call 721 or come to—
Kelly's Well Service
5 Blks. south of the New Deal
Oil Station—O’Neill
50 tf
Domor Elevated Grading
John E. Bo nohoe. Phone 447-W
WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading 1
days, Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday each week.—Dwaine
Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf
FOR A LOW COST, reliable, non
assessable, no deductable claim
Insurance policy on Homes,
Farm, insure with The Farmers
Mutual Insurance Company of
Nebraska in business for 69
years and having over $6,000.00
cash reserve over Liabilities to
protect policy holders against
excess losses. See, write or
phone L. G. Gillespie, Agent, O’
Neill, Phone 114 and 218, Nebras
ka. 2-5 pd.
On large size loans, I can loan
Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park
er, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf
Installment, Residence & Farm
O’Neill Loan Company
Ph. 434 Vlrg Laursen O’Neill
EVERY COW can stand for im
provement. CURTISS STUD
SERVICE can bring improve
ment to your cows with matings I
to the greatest sires in the world. ■
Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill.
_ 34tfc
I just returned back to my office
in O'Neill, Nebr., and have Eastern j
money and private money to loan
on farms and ranches. If you need
money, see or write to R. H. Par
ker, O’Neill, Nebr. - 49tf
Private Listings and Auctions
Auction Service
IS YOUR insurance costing too
much? Are you properly In
sured. — See Ed Tlionn, agt.,
O'Nety, Nebr. 34tf
O'Neill, Nebraska
For ambitious men, ages 17 to
50, from Northeastern Nebraska
area, in Industrial Electronics
and Guided Missile Field.
No previous experience needed.
Must be willing to spend one
hour a day, four days a week,
on short, practical industrial
training using actual equipment
under the guidance of our en
gineers. Training will not inter
fere with present employment.
Positions for which this training
will qualify you pay top wages.
If you have a sincere desire to
better yourself with a steady
job and income, we will be glad
to discuss these opportunities
with you. No obligation for
strictly, confidential interview
with our bonded representative.
Please write UNITED ELEC
SC-29 4050 Westport Road
Louisville 7. Ky. giving age, ad
dress. working hours at present;
also phone number if you can
be reached by phone.
3-4 pd
I WISH TO THANK All our friends
and relatives for the many cards,
letters and flowers I received while
in the hospital.
Also the Sisters and nurses and
Dr. Waters at St. Anthony’s for the
good care I received. Also will take
this opportunity to thank Frank,
Bob and Punch Beelaert, Loren
Libby, Matt McCabe for helping
with my work and all those who
kindly offered my family help
while I was in the hospital.
Joe Beelaert
and Waters, the Sisters and
nurses at St. Anthony’s hospital for
their wonderful care.
We want to thank those who gave
us gifts and sent cards and those
who came to visit us at the hos
pital and at home.
I also want to thank those who
helped care for the children and
brought food while I was in the
Mrs. Elmer Alder and
Dean William
I WOULD IJke to take this op
portunity to thank the Chambers
fire department and the neighbors
who came so quickly to help put
out the fire we had last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor
and family
WE WISH TO TAKE This means
of expressing our sincere thanks
to our relatives and friends for the
masses, the flowers, the many acts
of kindness and expressions of
sympathy during our recent bere
John O’Neill and Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Gene O’Neill
and appreciation to the Sisters,
Father Kucera, nurses and Dr.
Waters for their wonderful care,
also thanks to my friends and re
latives for the cards, gifts and
visits to me during my stay at the
Jerry Schmitz
I WILL TAKE this opportunity to
thank all my relatives and friends
for the Mass offerings, prayers,
gifts and cards sent to me while
I was in the hospital. I also wish
to thank those who did so much
for my family while I was away.
Mrs. Francis Gilg 3p
|-Legal Notices-j
(First pub. April 28, 1960)
No. 4396
County Court of Holt County,
Estate of James H. McPharlin,
The State of Nebraska, To All
NOTICE is hereby given that
Esther B. Downey has filed a peti
tion alleging that said deceased
died on the 11th day of November,
1935, a resident of die State of Ne
braska and County of Holt, seized
and possessed of Lot 11 in Block 2,
Original Town of O’Neill, Holt
County, Nebraska, in which said
real estate Petitioner has derived
an interest by purchase and mesne
conveyance in the chain of title
from the heirs at law of the dece
dent herein, praying for a determin
ation of the time of the death, the
heirs, degree of kinship and right
of descent of real property of the
deceased, and that the deceased
died intestate, which petition will
be for hearing in the County Court
on the 19th day of May, 1960, at
ten o’clock A.M.
(COUNTY Louis W. Reimer
COURT County Judge.
SEAL) l-3c
First pub Apr. 28. I960
Cronin & Hannon, Attorneys
Estate No. 4390
APRIL 21, 1960
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limit
ed for presenting claims against
said estate is August 19, 1960, and
for the pavment of debts is April
21, 1961 and that on May 19, 1960,
and on August 22. I960, at 10,
o'clock A M., each day, 1 will be j
at the County Court Room in said
County to receive, examine, hear,
allow, or adjust all claims and ob
jections duly filed.
SEAL) l-3c
(First pub. April 28, 1960)
William W. Griffin, Attorney
Estate No. 4389
APRIL 26, 1960
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limit
ed for presenting claims against
said estate is August 19, 1960, and
for the payment of debts is April
26, 1961 and that on May 19, 1960,
and on August 22, 1960 at 10 o-clock
A M., each day, I will lie at the
County Court Room in said County,
to receive, examine, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
(COUNTY Louis W. Reimer
COURT County Judge.
SEAL) l-3c
(First pub. May 5, 1960)
To: Patrick Fahy; Lawrence
Freney; Hannah Freney; and all
persons having or claiming any
iterest in a tract of land described
as follows: Commencing at a point
169.5 feet west of the southeast
comer of the Northeast Quarter
of tlie Northwest Quarter of Sec
tion Thirty, Township Twenty-nine,
Nonth, Range Eleven, thence north
98 feet, thence west 62Vi feet,
thence south 98 feet, thence east
62 Vi feet to place of beginning,
West of the 6th P. M. in HoAt Coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown,
You and each of you are here
by notified that on the 3rd day of
May, 1960, Phil Harrington as
plaintiff, filed his petition in the
District Court of Holt County, Ne
braska, against you and others as
defendants, the object and prayer
of which is to quiet and confirm the
title in him, the said Phil Harring
ton, to the real estate hereinabove
specifically described, as against
you and each of you and to secure
a Decree of Court that you have
no interest in, right or title to, or
lien upon said real estate, or any
part thereof; and for general equit
able relief.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 13th day
of June, 1960.
Dated May 3. 1960.
His Attorney
Dorsey News
By Mrs. Harold Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruzicka
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Pavlik and son of Verdigre spent
Mother’s day at the Otto Ruzicka
Mr. and Mrs. John Derickson
spent Sunday at the Lester Derick
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hughes
and family of Holdridge spent
Mother’s day at the R. L. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCullan
and family of Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. William Kala of Verdigre had
Sunday dinner at the Gordon Barta
home. Their visit was cut short
due to the sinking of the earth at
the Tom Alder home, as Mr. and
Mrs. Barta and Evelyn were help
ing to move them out.
lriajr tiii jjuvvcu IU ur (1 l
exciting and interesting day in the |
lives of our Holt county 8th grade
graduates. Miss Dolores Rosen-1
krans from district 4 was among
the group who toured several
places in Sioux City. They visited
the art building, fire station and
police station, bakery and Braniff
Airlines and the T V station.
Miss Rosenkrans especially stres
sed her visit at the fire station and
police station as giving her a thrill.
At the T V station they saw the
cartoon, "Popeye.” They had din
ner at the Airline cafe. They re
turned back to O'Neill around
7:30 that evening.
Little David Derickson is visiting
at the John Derickson home a few
Lorell Pickering spent Saturday
night at the Claude Pickering home
visiting his parents and grand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and
boys visited at the Howard Slack
home Sunday. Mrs. Wells and the
boys returned home Sunday after
she had consulted the doctor Sat
urday concerning her throat.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans
and family visited at the parental
home, the Fred Lindbergs on
Mother’s day.
Callers at the Roger Rosenkrans
home on Monday to see the baby (
was Mrs. R. L. Hughes. Tuesday:
Mrs. A. W Aim and Mrs. Arthur
Aim of O’Neill called to visit and
see little Lynn Roger. Mr. and Mrs. >
Guy Keller were evening callers.
On Wednesday Miss JoAnne Aim
stayed at the Rosenkrans home
until her mother came for her af
ter attending aid.
Miss Beverly Carson of Lincoln
drove up Saturday so she could
spend Sunday with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Pickering were
Sunday guests at the Claude Pick
ering home.
Hal Rosenkrans helped Roger
with work on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham
and Leslie took Marlyn to O’Neill
Suixiav so she could ride to Nor
folk with her girl friend.
The Dorsey school, Graham
school, ScottviBe school and
MinneoU school attended a sight |
seeing trip through the House of
Yesterday at Hastings and the
Pioneer Village at Minden Satur
day Don Allen drove them down
in'the bus early Saturday morning
returning a bout 8: JO that evening.
The Drobny brothers were Sioux
City business callers Monday.
Those who helped to move Tom
Alder's and Mrs. Grace Alder's
household items out Sunday were:
Mr Elmer Alder of Emmett, Mr.
and Mrs Merle Spangler and
Dennis, Mr and Mrs. Gordon
Barta. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn, Mr.
and Mrs Tom Hiscocks and Mr.
and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar. In the after
noon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brady
and H. V. Rosenkrans came to
help. , . ..
Callers to see the place in the
evening wort' Mr. and Mrs. Ai
Schindler of Lynch. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Alder of Verdlgre and John
Stuart News
By Mrs. Herb Skivla
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Rakes and
job Cassey Jon of Colorado
Spring, Colo'spent last week at the
pareHftl home, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gans accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Olan Rakes
to Columbus last Wednesday where
they visited at the home of Mike
Gans. , 11 j
Brownie Scout meeting was called
to order by President Barbara Ska
la, Twenty-two members were pre
sent and two visitors, Mrs. Tony
Kaup and Brenda Obenmire. Color
bearers were Benita Kaup and De
nise Olbercung. ror emenammrm
games were played outdoors. Beni
ta Kaiap and Denise Olberding
served cookies.
Sunday dinner guests in the Karl
Bernt home were Mr. and Mrs.
Mamin Pry and boyis. Mrs. Fry
brought the Mother’s Day dinner
all prepared. Afternoon callers
were Mr. and iMrs. Louis Gilg, Car
ol and Jo of Bassett and Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Nuttlemann of Wis
ner. All were supper guests. Sam
dra Gilg was also a Sunday din
nen guest in the Bernt home. She
returned home with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gilg.
Library Board met at the home
of Mrs. James Newman on April
27th with Mrs. D. R. Davis of At
kinson as a guest. She extended a
helping hand with plans being made
for the summer reading program
in connection with the story hour.
The next meeting will be the 18th
of May with iMrs. Ralph Shald.
Mrs. Roy Greenfield attended the
district library board meeting at the
Rock County Library at Bassett
Tuesday, May 3rd. Mrs. Dorothy
D. Corrigan, trustee of Rockford,
III. Public library was the main
speaker on “Books and Boards”.
Luncheon was served at the ho
tel with Mrs. Alice Fox of Bassett
as the presiding officer.
Mrs. Gas Obermire and children
took the children of Mr. and Mrs.
James Scott home to Lincoln after
they had spent a few weeks with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Obermire. Mrs. Obermire and
children also visited other rela
tives over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brayton and
family spent Saturday at Hastings
visiting Mr. Brayton’s mother,
Mrs. Blanche Brayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Slachetka spent
[Sunday at Newport visiting Mrs.
iMaude Mahin.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cadwallader
and children of Bassett were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Cadwallader.
Mrs. Karl Bernt attended the
5th session of district 40 of the
Rebekah lodge held in Atkinson
May 3rd. Mrs. Bernt is district
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Colson were
Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Skala.
Mother’s Day guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Kasper Harley were Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Harley and family of
Plain view, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gar
wood and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McConell and girls, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Harley and fam
Liy cu«a jti cu i y iwpp.
Friday evening visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Kasper Harley were Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Harley and fam
Mr. and Mm. Del Stracke of
Omaha were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Irish and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Stracke.
Mrs. Dick Kazda and children
of Winner, S. D. arrived Friday
to spend a few days with her mo
ther/ Mrs. Harrison Hovey.
Mother’s Day guests of Mrs. Har
ison Hovey were Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Hovey and family of Her
rick, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Ar
chie Bright and family of O’Neill
and Mrs. Dick Kazda and fam
ily of Winner, S. D.
Mn and Mrs. Pete Jensen spent
Saturday and Mother’s Day at
Grand Island with Mir. and Mrs.
Lloyd Pierson and daughters.
The Home Demonstration Tea was
attended by 45 ladses Friday after
noon at the Stuart auditorium.
Mrs. Indra of O’Neill demonstrated
the salad and uncooked mayonnaise.
Prize winning salads were made
by Mrs. Jack McGrow, Mrs. Leo
nard Olberding, Mrs. Frank Mur
phy, Mrs. Wes Cobb and helpers.
Mrs. Karl Bernt accompanied by
her granddaughter, Sandra Gilg
of Bassett spent from Thursday
till Sunday at the Raymond Fox
home in Hastings.
The kindergarten class helped
Sharon Johnson celebrate her sixth
birthday Friday, May 6th. She re
ceived many gifts Lunch of ice
cream and cake was served.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kiedel
and David Kiedel took Mrs. Lottie
Kiedel out to dinner at Bassett
for Mother's Day. Fred Zink ac
companied them.
Circle 2 met Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Walter
Gill with Mrs. Bessie Greenfield
as co-hostess. Nine members were
present and one guest, Mrs. Har
ry Cowles. *
Monowi News
lly Mm. Mike rtklapp
LOeuM 0 W20
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Kolar and
daughter of Norfolk and Mr. aud
Mrs. Gerald Lee and boys of
Lynch were Siuiday visitors In tin*
Frank lewis home.
Mr and Mrs. Elvin Hrbek and
family were Sunday dinner guests
in the Clarence Carson home at
Mr. and Mrs. Ed May and De
wayne were Sunday dinner guests
in tiie Bob Courtney home near
Mr and Mrs Herman Heiser,
Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Heiser ami turn
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Her
ser were Sunday visitors in Uie
Floyd Haun home in Spencer.
Mrs. Herman Heiser called mi
Mrs. Mike Piklapip Sunday aften
Miss Kay Christensen and Ja
mes Chvaln held their school pa
nic in Verdel Sunday. A nice crowd
Lois Genser and family spent
Saturday and Sunday with relative*
and friends at Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Eiler and
children visited in tlie Robert
Zach home in Verdel Sunday eve
(Mrs. Frank Lewis is helping at
the Ed Heiser home. Mrs. Heiser
isn't too well.
Mrs, A. W. Schindler was a
business caller in Bristow Monday
Mr. and Mrs. John Stroll and
daughter were weekend guests
with relatives in Osmond and
Sioux City, la.
The Monowi Ladies Aid met
with Mrs. Eric Neilson Tuesday
afternoon, May 3.
Rock Falls News
By Mrs. Floyd Johnson
Sunday, May 8 was the day set
aside to honor mothers. Just like
so many other days it’s past aaai
gone and today, Monday, another
lovely day which makes it diffi
cult to stay at writing, with all
out-doors beckoning, but it won’t
take lung because your reporter
received about tile same response
as last week-not much news.
School is out in district 33 and
vacation begins. To mark the end
of a successful nine month term,
also the third year for Miss Bur
ival as teacher, the patrons and
families (save one) and several
outsiders met at the school on
Sunday with well filled picnic bas
kets for a final get-together.
Immediately after the tables were
cleared and desks shoved to the
side, Miss Burival called her pup
ils and put them through several
dances, such as Virginia reed,
broom dance, Mexican hat dance
etc. This followed by a rousing
ball game in which several elders
took a part, gave everyone an ap
petite for lots of ice cream aixJ
Those unable to attend were the
Don Hynes family due to Lynda
being sick with a bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins
spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. Don Hynes and family which
helped Lynda pass time since she
couldn’t attend her school picnic.
Mrs. Louis Brown, Terry and
Cindy spent Sunday with Mrs. Et
hel Brown and the Arlen Brown
family in Atkinson on May 3. Ethel
had just come home after spending
two weeks in the Atkinson hospital
Nina Burival was an afterschool
and supper guest of the Albert
Widtfeldt family on May 3.
Mps. Gordon Johnson and Mrs.
Don Enright of O’Neill were eve
ning visitors at the Floyd John
son home last Tuesday.
Betty Miles and Lillian Fleming
attended the school picnic in dis
trict No. 33 with Rita Vequist on
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sanders
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Sanders and Melvin spent
Sunday in Bassett at the Albert
Hepburn home.
Mrs. James Curran and Ardell
visited at the Albert Stems home
on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moss and
children of Siaox City, were week
end guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Sterns .
Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt and Nor
ma were in Spencer on business
Saturday forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and
Ardell spent Sunday at the Jim
McNulty home at a Mother’s Day
dinner honoring Mrs. McNulty’s
mother, Mrs. Celia Grutsch. Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Pongratz and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grutsch and
Mrs. Celia Grutsch and Mrs. Cur
ran were winners in a card game
versus, James Curran and Ber
nard Pongratz.
IMr. and Mrs. Blake Benson were
Sunday evening visitors at the
James Curran home,
Mrs. Louis Brown and children
visited the O. J. Drueke family
an Sunday evening.
Gale Taylor was a Sunday sap
per and evening guest at the Floyd
Johnson borne.
Donna McNulty, who accompan
ied Linda from the school picnic,
was also a supper guest.
Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher and Pat
visited Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi on
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken, Mitchell and
family were Friday evening vis
itors at the Sam Derickson home.
Mrs. James Curran and Ardell
sailed on Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi last
Monday evening.
Mrs. Theresa Breiner of O’Neill
reported that she and daughter,
Lois, spent Sunday with the John
Cleary family. Cleary’s daughter,
Mrs. Dick Loock and family of
near Spencer also spent the day
Sort of in keeping with Mother's
Day here’s a little thought—“A
mpther Is not a person to lean on,
but one to make leaning unneces
sary.” 4 I ■< t *1 • . .