The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 12, 1960, Section Two, Image 13

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    Servicemen's News . . .
Army Pvt. Gary W. Waller, 22,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Winford W.
Waller of O’Neill receives the Ne
braska state flag from Colonel
Francis C. Bowen, deputy com
mander of the Army Signal Train
ing Center at Fort Gordon, Ga.
Waller recently carried the state
standard in a parade commem
orating the 100th anniversary of
; the Army Signal Corps. The 50
states were represented by a sol
dier from each bearing his home
state’s colors.
Waller entered the army last
September A 1956 graduate of O’
Neill public high school, he attend
ed Nebraska State Teachers Col
lege and was employed by the
State Highway Department of Lin
coln before entering the Army.
John H. E. Turner, airman ap
prentice, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John J Turner of 123 S. Mad
ison, O’Neill, stationed at the Na
val Air Station, Memphis, Tenn.,
took part on Aprul 23, in what is
believed to be the largest fishing
expedition in U. S. history.
The second annual “Crappie Car
avan, complete with cars, busses,
trailers, moving vans, sound
trucks, boats and motors, made
its way to Sardis, Emd. and Gren
ada Lakes in northern Mississippi,
for a full day of fishing and fun.
Eugene K. Lee, 23, whose wife,!
Wilma, and mother, Mrs. Anita
Lee, lives in Ewing recently was
commissioned a second lieutenant
in the Army upon graduation from
the Officer Candidate School at
Fort Beivung, Ga. Lieutenant Lee
received 23 weeks of intensive
traming in map reading, infantry
tactics, leadership, logistics, admin
istration and physical conditioning.
The 1954 Ewing high school grad
uate worked for the American Re
public Insurance Co. in Des Moines,
la., before entering the Army.
Army PFC Bernard D. Engker,
24. sen of Mr and Mrs. Gilbert
J Engler of Atkinson, recently par
ticipated with other personnel
from the ath Infantry Division's
2nd Artillery in an annual tram
mg test near Baumholder, Ger
Engler is assigned m the artil
lery’s Battery E in Baumholder
He entered the Army m December
1958 and arrived overseas in May
1959 He is a 1953 graduate of St
Joseph High School.
Army Pvt. Rolland G. Karr,
whose wife, Kay, and parents, Mr.
and Mfs. Eugene H. Karr, live in
Atkinson, necently completed eight
weeks of advanced individual train
ing with the 2nd Armored Divi
sion at Fort Hood, Tex. He entered
the Army last December. The 23
year-old soldier is a 1953 graduate
of Atkinson high school.
Army Acting Sergeant Chester
Hiserote, son of Mrs. Caroline B.
Hiserote of Butte recently partici
pated with other personnel from
the 8th Division’s 18th Infantry in
a field training exercise near
Baum holder, Germany
Hi senate, a fire team leader in
Company B of the infantry in
Sandhofen. entered the Army in
August 1968 and arrived overseas
in February 1959.
Naper News
By Mrs. John Schoncbaum
Edward Peppel accompanied by
George Langan of Herrick, S. D..
went to Springfield. S. D, on Sat
Mrs. Gertrude Bettcher and Mr
and Mrs- Herman Ulmer of Oma
ha came on Saturday and spent till
Sunday with the ladies’ mother.
Mrs Mary Nicalous.
Mrs. Elizabeth Reichel of Cook
Minn., spent the past week with her
sister, Mrs. Barbara Vogt. From
here she went to Jamison to visit
with Mrs. M. Stahlecker.
Mr and Mrs Charlie Mount and
family of Sioux City, la.. Tod Sen
of Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Mundelien of Presho, S D., were
Inst Sunday visitors in the Julius
Serr home.
Miss Janis Blakkolb of Lincoln
came Saturday evening and spent
till Sunday with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. William Blakkolb.
Mr and Mrs. Henry D. Tordoff
and Marilyn Jean of Primghar, la.,
and Mr. and Mrs William Vanden
berg of Estherville, la., came on
Friday to spend the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holmgren.
Mrs. Kenneth Relf and Douglas
of Melbourne, Fla., Mrs. C. C.
Stepanek of Tabor, S. D., Mrs. S.
B. Warden of Lincoln and Mrs. J.
E. Dvorak of Bonesteel, S. D., were
Monday visitors in the Edward
Peppel home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and fami
ly went to Pierre, S. D-, on Sun
day to visit with Mrs. Fred Smith
and also visit her husband at the
hospital. They were dinner guests
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih, Mrs.
Stelia Cunningham and Leslie M»
ner left on \\ ednesday for Denver,
Cw>lo., Mr. and Mrs. Sieh attended
the wedding of their granddaughter,
Loma Sieh and Joseph Maldonado
on Saturday.
Weekend guests in the Jack Rent
on home were: Mr and Mrs.
I^ei>n Schademann, Linda Schade^
mann and Harold Schroeder of
Rev and Mrs. Kenneth Strack
and Susan Kay were Friday supper
truest* in the home of Mr and Mrs
Wayne Ahlers and family to cele
brate the first birthday‘of Susan
Kay Strack and the second birth
day of Richard Ahlers. Mrs
Srack baked the birthday cake for
the honored people.
Art Wetzler took his sister, Mrs
D;ck Porter hack to her home at
Stanton on Sunday, Mrs. Porter had
been helping her mother the past
I week.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs George Higgins and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bentzen
and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Schademann and Harold Schroeder.
Several ladies helped Mrs, Philip
Holmgren celebrate her 79th birth
day at her home on Wednesday af
ternoon. Evening guests were Mr
and Mi's. Clarence Kibby and fami
ly, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holmgren
and Nola Ann.
Elmer Sattler and Kenneth Kat
zer, both of Wayne college, spent
the weekend in their homes.
Mr and Mrs. Reinhold Fuhrer,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green and
sons and Lina Schademann were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs Marlin Green and son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peppe! and
sons accompanied her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dvorak of
Bonesteel to Tabor, S. D., to visit
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Relf and
Douglas of Melbo.trne, Fia, in the
C. C. Stepanek home.
Mrs. Oliver Whitley attended a
mother and daughter banquet on
Friday evening at the Methodist
church in Burke, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ahlers
and Reita and Larry left on Thurs
day afternoon for Denver. Colo.
Those going on Friday to attend the
wedding of Lorna Seth and Joseph
Maldonado on Saturday were- Mr
and Mrs Alvin Schonefeld. Mrs.
Henry Stahlecker and Mr and Mrs.
Kenneth Stoltenherg
Mr and Mrs George Stroh and
sthi of Herru-k were Sunday visi
taro in the Philip Holmgren home
Those that spent Mother’s I lay
tnd were dinner guests of Mrs.
Mary Nicalous and Mr and Mrs.
Cliff I Aind on Sunday were Mrs
Gertrude Hettcher and Mr and
Mrs Herman Ulmer of Omaha,
Metha Beck of Winner, S. IV. Mr.
and Mrs Henry Zimhelman, Mr.
md Mrs. Jake Zimhelman, Mrs.
Roy Mckoski and family, all of St
Paul, Mr. and Mrs Oeland Moel
er and sons of Elba, Mr ami Mrs.
John Nicalous of Butte. Mr. ami
Mrs. Ed Nicalous and Dale. Mr.
md Mrs Lester Nuemiller and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Nicalous and family Evening cal
lers were Mrs. John Zeisler and
Mrs. Lena Wergen of Winner, S. lv
Mr. and Mrs Ernest Juracek and
Mr and Mrs. H. N. Newhirter of
Stuart spent Mothers' Day in the
Susie Spahn home
Melvin Rentzen s|»ent from Thurs
day till Saturday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rentzen
Friday evening visitors in the
Gust Wetzler home were George
md Ivan Stroll of Herrick, Mr. and
Mrs Reo Ludemann and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Engelhart
and sons.
Mr. and Mrs Mac Brockemaier
of Danville, Ind., came Saturday
and are visiting in the Dean Brock
emaier home.
Mr and Mrs. Harlan Stahlecker
and daughters of Wood, S D., came
Saturday and spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Stahlecker and family.
The junior-senior banquet was
held Saturday evening, May 7 at
the town hall which was beauti
fully decorated for their theme,
"'Ihe Soi^j Of My Heart." The
dinner was prepared by the mot
hers of the junior class Jug Brown
and Aces of Rhythm played for the
A good crowd attended baccalau
reate services on Sunday evening
at the town hall. The address was
given by Warren C»x>k of Norfolk.
Nineteen semurs will graduate on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Urban on their 40th Wedding Anniversary
Story on l’age 8, Section t.
Wednesday evening. They are,
Marjorie Kortmeyer, Harry Swal
low, Karen Relx*r, Lou Ann Stnh
lecker, Ruth Kntzer, George j
Dawson, jr., Grace Faatz, Karen1
Gentele, l>>ris Goodman, Jerry
Goodman, Delores Krueger, Ralph j
Kulm, Patricia Peterson, Mary
Jane Riesselman, James Sattler.
Judy Small, Steve Sparks, Bernice I
Stahleeker and Barbara Stolterv
Sunday dinner guests in the home
of Mr and Mrs. 1 Van Broekemaier
and family wore Mr. and Mrs.
Bud McClurg of Stuart, Alfred
Whitley, Mr. and Mrs Mae Brock
emaier of Danville, Ind. Supper
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Whiltey and family.
I <■