The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 05, 1960, Section Three, Image 17

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Section Three Foor P*9M
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"
Volume 80-Number 2 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, May 5, 1960_ Seven Cents
Venus News
By Mr*. Ralph Brookhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Raff and
Robert were Friday evening din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Tyler.
(Mrs Ralph Brookhouser motored
to Norfolk Friday and vasited at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cihlar end
Sheen were Wednesday visitors at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Donald
Mr and Mrs. J. W. Finch were
Munday, April 25 visitors at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Bryan
Mrs. Robert Meyers and son,
Frankie called at the Brookhouser
home on Friday, April 22.
Marvin Vavak of Verdigre had
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roe
coe Groeling April 26.
Frank Murray of O’Neill called
at the Clarence Finch sr., Norman
Rakehr and Ralph Brookhouser
homes April 28.
Gus Ennen moved to the Arthur
Ennen farm last week. Mr, and
Mrs Vernon Boelter are moving to
the Dale Waring farm. They have
been staying with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Boelter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mott and
Mr and Mrs. Richard Clyde and
family spent Sunday at the for
mer’s old farm home. Mr. Clyde
has been helping with the fence
Mr and Mrs. Lavaine Hines and
family visited with his brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hines and
family near- Royal.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch were
Saturday, Apr. 23 visitors at the
Lon Pichler home at Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mitties and
family visited at the home of the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.J.
LeMasters Sunday, Apr. 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir, Frank
lin and Arnett were Norfolk vis
itors Saturday. April 23..
Misses Viola and Rita Pospeshil
called at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Uhlir. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Levs me Hines and
children spent Eastg wstfc her mo
ther, Mrs. Myrtle Wheeler.
Sunday, Apr. 24 Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouaer and Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Bruokhcaiser of Grand
Island visited at the Joseph Sokol
home at Verdigre. The group drove
to Niobrara that afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter and
Loren visited at the home of their
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Knori and family at Niobrara Sun
day, Apr. 24.
Morr News elsewhere
Orchard News
Mrs. Wilbur Mahood
Phone 2WS S1S5
A post nuptial shower was held
Friday evening for Mrs. Carrol
Holcomb, at the American Legion
ball.. There were 35 present The
following program was presented:
a vocal solo tty Marlene Hurtig
accowhan solo by Karen Wehenkle;
and Sharon Boelter. Sharon Boelter
had charge of the guest book
Those assisting Mrs. Holcomb in
unwrapping the gifts were Miss
Doris Leiding, Miss Karen Wehenk
le and Miss Sharon Boelter. Novel
la Hurtig had charge of the gift
book. A lunch was served by Mrs.
John Leiding, Mrs Ted Meyer,
Mrs. Jim Meyer, Mrs. Henry
Leiding, Mrs. Don Cleveland, Mrs.
Theo Hurtig and Mrs. Randol We
Mrs. Edd Bubbs from Inglewood,
Calif, is here visiting friends in
Orchard. She was a long time res
ident at Orchard and an active
worker in civic and church work.
She is at present a guest in the
C. E. Everhart home. She has been
visiting relatives in Oklahoma, Chi
cago and Royal since January
The Evangelical United Brethren
Women’s Society of World Service
met Wednesday afternoon at the
church parlors with 19 members
and four visitors, Mrs. Edd Bubbs j
{creeping jenny, possession vine, morning glory)
with fu Pont
Make this your year to control field bindweed effectively
and economically with a new liquid weed killer—Du Pont
"Trysben” 200. Spraying with "Trysben” 200 gives ex
cellent control of bindweed and keeps this deep-rooted
pest from taking over your valuable land.
“Trysben” 200 attacks bindweed two ways, through
the leaves and through the roots. Successful trials in
many states where deep-rooted, perennial weeds are a
problem have shown that areas sprayed with "Trysben”
200 stay free of bindweed and similar noxious weeds
that are hard to control with other chemicals. *
TRYSBEN® 200 also controls
Du Pont “Trysben” 200 controls a wide variety of hard*
to-kill broadleaf weeds and also woody vines such as
trumpet vine and certain kinds of brush.
"Trysben" 200 is a highly effective weed killer of the
benzoic acid group. Economical and easy to use, it is a
liquid to be diluted with water for spray application.
See your dealer for a supply of Du Pont “Trysben” 200
I. L du Pent da Nemours a Co. (Inc.)
Industrial and Blochemleala Department
Wilmington (I, Delaware
On nil ckomieal*, follow label imtrnHum* and warning* canfnUg.
' M ’ jH
of Inglewood, Calif., Mrs. Robert
Willats Mrs John Deines and Mrs
Duard Dempster.
Mrs. Waldo Rodgers bad charge
of the devotions.
Mrs. Wayne Lautensch lager,
president presided over the busi
ness meeting. She gave a report
of the W. S W. S. meeting at Lo
gan Center, Laurel. Mrs. Vernon
Monger presented the following
program Original poems "House
Cleaning Rush", "Whiter Garden"
and an "Ode to Spring"; vocal
•ok). "Perfect Prayer" by Mrs.
Duard Dempster. Honored at the
birthday table, centered with a
beautiful white cake, were Mrs.
E. E. Brecce and Mrs. R. Willats.
Others seated were Mrs. John
Deenes! Mrs. Edd Bubbs and Mrs
D. L. Fletcher. Hostesses were
Mrs. Ted Berry, Mrs. Vernon Mun
ger, Mrs. Howard Bradstreet and
Mrs. Pete Cooper.
F. L. T. club met with Mrs.
Carl Nelson Tuesday afternoon Six
teen members and one visitor, Mrs.
Arlan Tlvompeon were present
Mrs. Ralph Shrader, president
had charge of the business meeting.
At this meeting there was a dis
play of Easter bats made from
paper plates and other kitchen
utensils. First prize was wan by
Mrs. Ralph Shrader and second by
Mrs Harry Sparrow.
Mrs. Arlan Thompson was in
charge of the games. First prize
went to Mrs. Harry Sparrow and
second to Mrs. Ralph Shrader It
was decided to make memorial
flowers for the Rebekah and Odd
Fellow graves at the Rebekah May j
Mrs. Ada Chifton had the open- j
ing poem. Mrs. Harry Sparrow is |
to give the opening poem at the!
next meeting. Everyone is to bring i
scraps of wool material for lap1
robes for the Odd Fellow’s Home i
next meeting. Mrs. Carl Nelson
assisted by Mrs. John Stelling and
and Mrs. Roy Robertson served
lunch. Mrs. Flora Yeung is to
have charge of the games at the
next meeting.
The Highland Extention club met
with Mrs. William Hielander Tues
day afternoon with 17 members
present. Mrs. Harvey Holbrook, jr.
presided at the business meeting.
The lesson was given by Mrs.
Lawrence Hauf on "Skillet Meals’’.
She gave a demonstration on how
to take "Hamburger Stroganoff"
and corn bread.
Work to be done on the picnic
area 3 miles east of Orchard was
discussed. This project is sponsored
by this club. The hostesses, Mr. |
William Thelander and Mrs. David
Willats served lunch. Next meet
ing will be with Mrs. Josh Trease
Mary 31.
Open house for Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Anson will be held Sunday
May 6, at the Legion hall honoring
them on their 40th wedding anni
versary from 2 to 5 p. m.
Mrs. Herman Ennen gave a very
interesting and instructive report
on the Christian Growth Institute
held at Bloomfield on April 19.
Eight members from the St. Pet
er’s aid attended this meeting from
Mrs. Henry Letterman sat at
birthday table. She was 84 years
old and has the honor of being the
| eldest aid member.
Twenty-five members and three
guests, Mrs. William Waterman,
Mrs. Harry Lampbert and Mrs.
Vernon Held, jr., were present.
Hostesses were Mrs Wilmer Mo
sel. Mrs. George Rang and Mrs.
Ed Richards. A tea will be held
cm May 16. Mrs. Tassemeyer will <
show pictures of Toronto Conveo- <
tion in Canada.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Grubbs have
returned from a 12 day trip, dur
ing which they visited the Otto i
Grubbs family at Great Falls, Mont, j <
and also a brother and sister of
Hot Springs, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs Raymond Stevens 1
left Wednesday to attend the post
masters' convention at Columbus
and returned home Sunday.
The Couple’s Pitch club met
Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. I
Hoyt Sirek. High was won by Mrs. j
Richard Knapp and Marvin Nel- '
son and low by Mrs. Marvin Nel
son and Wayne Lautenschlagtr.
The Bridget* ’s Bridge club met 1
Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Marvin Has well. High was 1
won by Mrs. Archie Walton and
second high by Mrs. Carl Ash.
St Peter’s Lutheran aid and
L. W. M. L. meeting was held on
April 28. The meeting was opened ;
with a hymn and prayer. The topic,
"Sit, Stand and Walk with God”,
was conducted by Pastor W. 9ei
feldt. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller and
family helped to celebrate Lloyd '■
Miller's birthday at a dinner in 1
Norfolk Friday noon. Later they
went an to Sioux City to visit Mrs. '
Ernest West at the hospital.
Sixty-one pints of blood were ob-' ■
tained when the Red Cross blood- 1
mobile visited Orchard Wednesday
from 9 a. m. to 3 p.m. in the Amer- j
ican Legion hall. There were three 1
rejects. The quota was 120 pints.' j
Mrs. Gordon Fletcher, sr. was '
Wayne Lautenschlager, Jack Ro-1 :
dors nd Thomas Holliday joined j <
the Gallon club. Dr. Gordon Fletc- j 1
her, sr. was the physician in; I
charge. The hostess was Mrs. Tom j j
Sawyer. J '
The typists were Mrs. Gorden j 1
Fletcher, jr., Miss Swager and! <
Miss Genelle Cedarberg. Registered
nurses were Miss Mary Clemens, ; ;
Mrs. Si Berry and Mrs. Gail Bro
die, nurses’s aid, Mrs. Willard _
Sherer. The American Legion aux
iliary had charge of the canteen. 1
More News elsewhere
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Shirley, Alice and Walter Miller
helped with the painting at the
Howard Miller home Friday.
Mrs. Byron Jackson and daugh
ters, Betty and Sue of Gordon were
supper guests Saturday at the
Grant Mott home enroute to spend
the night at an aunts home in Nor
Mrs. Z. H. Fry stayed at the I
Wayne Fry home Friday afternoon 1
j while Norman, Julie and Jody were
in O’Neill.
Ernst Trowbridge and Anna
Smith of Inman and Mrs. Jessie 1
Cronk of Page visited their sister,
'Mrs. Howard Miller Wednesday af
Susan Napier was an overnight
guest Saturday and Sunday at the
'Dale Napier home. I
I • W
For the graduate...
the light-hearted luggage that's
the Class of '60... at new low prices
that are really money-saving...
starting at only
With a diploma in one hand and Streamlite in the other the
graduate is ready to face the world. College-bound or career
bound they’ll need Streamlite's triple-strength lightweight
construction and smart, scuff-resisting vinyl coverings that
make this luggage ideal for the traveling years ahead. Trip
after trip they’ll arrive ship-shape with wrinkle-free clothes
and luggage that looks newer-than-evcr.
"Shoes for the Whole Family"
Sharon Mott, Faye Scheec, Jer
une Miller and Francis Bergstrom
i[tended a 4-H dairy meeting Tues
lajr morning. Apr. 26 at the Clar
ence Hanson home near Inman
TTv- Billy Lofquist family were
Relish visitors Saturday afternoon. I
Alfred Napaer accompanied Mr. i
ind Mrs. Ralph Lmdqunt to Dm
iha Friday to a Chevrolet meeting.!
Mrs Leo Miller, Ellen and Me
anie, Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mrs. Wil
lin' Bennett. Mrs. Ora Switzer,
iandy and Cindy, Mrs. Richard
fapier and Susan. Mrs. Dale Na
iier, Mrs. Web Napier and Mrs.
Vilhe Shrader and David were
fuests Wednesday at a luncheon at
he Bethany church near Cham
>ers Wednesday
Mrs. Alfred Napier called on
Mrs. Gary Tessemer Saturday af
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock were
)'Neill visitors Friday.
The Happy Hollow 4-H club met
Friday evening at the John Mil
er home.
Cheryl and Julie Pierson stayed
i few days at their grandparents,
Sar! Pierson’s home.
Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Hoke were
feligh visitors Wednesday mom
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were
upper guests Tuesday, Apr. 26 at
he Lee Fink home near Page.
The Richard Miller family of
lakdale and Mrs. Anna Miller of
Swing visited Sunday afternoon,
ipr. 24 and were supper guests at
he John Miller home.
Mrs. Alfred Napier and Glenda
ind Mrs. Archie Johnston, Mar
lyn and Barbara visited Friday
iftemoon at the Richard Napier
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cuddy, Mr.
ind Mrs. Ed Walters and family
>f Chambers and the Jerry Cuddy
amily of O’Neill were dinner
[uests April 24 at the John Na
>ier home in honor of Tommys
rd birthday anniversary and birth
lay anniversary of Mrs. Joe Cud
The Richard Napier family vis
ted Wednesday evening at the
Wayne Fry home
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited
ruesdav evening, Apr. 26 at the
Jeorge Montgomery home.
The Ed Cuddy family called Sun
lay evening, Apr. 24 at the John
Vapier home.
The Robert Montgomery family
/i si ted Friday evening at the
Cherry Custard Pie
A Delicious Combination
Suggests Bill Perry
While waiting for really warm
weather to ripen fresh cherries,
make this pretty layer cherry cus
,ard pie with frozen tart cherries.
It’s a delicious combination of
sweet-tangy flavors, according to
Bill Perry, local sales-supervisor of
;he Meadow Gold Dairy, who gave
as the recipe.
Cottage cheese is the surprise
element in the custard layer, says
Beatrice Cooke, director of the
test kitchens. It makes it thick,
;reamy and rich—a perfect topping
for the tart cherry filling.
Cherry Custard Pie
(Six Servings)
1 9-inch unbaked pastry shell
1 (1 lb. 4 oz.) can frozen red
tart pitted cherries
Vz cup cherry juice
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
Few drops red food coloring
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup (8 ounces) cottage cheese,
1 teasipoon salt
1/3 cap milk
Vz teaspoon vanilla
%cup whipping cream, whipped
and sweetened
Defrost cherries; drain well. Mix
together Vz cup cherry juice, Vz
cup sugar and cornstarch in sauce
pan. Bring to a boil; cook until
slightly thickened, stirring constant
ly. Add a few drops red food col
oring. Stir in cherries; cool. Spoon
cherry filling in bottom of pastry
shell. Combine eggs, cottage
cheese, Vz cup sugar, salt, milk and
vanilla; mix well. Carefully pour
over cherry filling. Bake at 375
degrees for about 1 hour, or until
set. Cool. Before serving, top pie
with mounds of whipped cream.
George Montgomery home
Mr and Mrs. Daw Pollock were
guests Sunday at the Rollie Snell
home at Page.
Mrs Wendell Switzer and Mrs
Bert Fink called on Mrs. Albert
Ahlers Tuesday afternoon, Apr
Mr. and Mrs Rudy Ahlers vis
ited Sunday evening. Apr. 24 at the
Chet Taykrs home.
Mr and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers were
O'Neill visitors Saturday.
The Alfred Napier family were
guests Thursday evenng at the
John Napier home
Hie Alvin Nelson family of Plain
view called at the Dewitt Hoke
home Both families attended the
gatheruig for Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Switzer's 25th wedding anniversary
which was held in the Methodist
church basement in Ewing Sun
day afternoon.
More News elsewhere
Bassett News
By Mr*. C. M. Terry
It was “Springtime In Holland’’,
for the junior-senior banquet held
in the Bassett high school gymna
sium Friday evening when the jun
iors entertained the 28 seniors and
the faculty members at a 6:30 o’
clock dinner prepared by the jun
ior's mothers.
The blue and yellow decorations
formed a dike about the outer
edge of the room surrounding the t
tables anti heki back the ocean
waves fashioneti over the bleachers.
Along the walls tulip® were blrom
mg profusely. On the .stage stood
a dutch windmill—beside it was
a pond with ducks swimming la
xity in the water. All before a back
drop of a beautiful honwm as the
sun was sinking low into the clouds.
Hie waiters and waitresses also
added to the Dutch atmosphere as j
they moved about in native cos
Joyce Hallgnmson acted as
Mistress of ceremonies. She opened
the program with a welcome "Tip- j
toeing Hwixigh the Tulips". Tom
Thompson responded wit® a "Dank
U" from the semens. Rev. M.
Blabaum spoke on "lafesaving
Dykes ’. Hie Dutch waiters and
waitresses presented “In the Land
of Windmills". The program closed
with “Gaeden Dag" by Miss Hall
Miss Joycelyn Rlakkolb is junior
sponsor and joe Chapman is sen
ior class sponsor.
The banquet was folkvwi'd by the
grand march for juniors and sen
iors. The Aces of Rhythm pro
vided the music for dancing. A
large crowd attended the dance
Open house was held Sunday for ^
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hasch honoring '
them on their 25th wedding aimi j
versary. The Haschs received many
Out of town guests were Mr and
Mrs. Harold Arter and children,
Michael, Carol ami Warren of Oral,
S. 1)., Kathryn Schiesler and child
ren, Lanny and Cheryl of Ains
worth and Mr. and Mrs. W. 9. Art
er of Newport.
Ewxnnataons (or «U *th grade
p.ipila of Rock county were held
May 4th in the Bassett grade
school with Supt tilen Estes in
The concluding meeting of the
adult sewing class was held Thurs
day evening at 7 3# o’clock with a
demonstration and fihn on the use
df the sewing machine and attach
ments given by N. H. Ruhkamp.
The group of about 20 women
completed the course in advanced
sewing, supervised by Rock coun
ty high school home economics in
structor, Mrs. Delia McOurge.
A variety of street dresses, for
nulls, suits, spurts clothes and
children's garments were made by
the members of the class.
The annual rural track meet will
be held May 6 at the high school
tracks begiiming at 1.30 p in. The
students of the Newport school and
the rural schools of Rock county
compete with the grade school stu
dents of the Bassett grade school.
A trophy and ribbons will lie pre
sented by the Bassett loons club.
L. W Helmers left this week for
his home in Thayer alter spending
a week with his (laughter and
son iivkaw, Mr and Mrs Jack
WalLstrom and family. Jack is a
member of the game commission
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
MARTIN for Congress X
This ad Paid tor by Martin tor Conorett Committee., W D. Rlchardton, Treat.
Kansas-Nebraska will begin a new Budget
Billing Plan in on June 1st!!
Now you can divide your yearly gas bill into
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There has never been a BETTER TIME to
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We'll be happy to explain the details of this simple, convenient plan to
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Act now, and join the others who are taking advantage of
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For Dependable GAS Service
Here’s the glamorous new extension
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