Butte News Mr*. I>ils Andrnaa 5’bone SM2 A meeting was held Tuesday ewning, Apnl 19th at the Butte pjblic acho.il for the purpose of the deckling whether or ik* a P. T. A. unit would be rrgarden? at Butte. Mrs. Roy Barleson bad charge of the lesson and devotions. Mis iionary letters were read and a get well card was sent to Minnie Coltran of Anoka. Mrs. John Fuh rer and Mrs. Tom Thomsen servec lunch Hie Lutheran Woman’s Mission ary League of the Immanuel Luth eran church met at the church basement Ifuusclay evening, Apr. *DON’ITbE CAUGHT -NAPPIN-... Please CaN Quickly to Insure Getting H the Varieties You Want I A. M. Ii«-cInert, Orchard, Nebraska Ben Engler, Stuart, Nebraska I.autcnnchlager St Zirgenbein, Orchard, Nebraska Emmet Mummert, Clearwater, Nebraska Virgil Plnkerman, Lynch, Nebraska Robert Strong, Chambers, Nebraska TIME FOR FUN UNDER THE SUN FRI. MAY 13 THRU JULY 4 No Racing on Sundays or Mondays Except Monday, May 30 and Monday, July 4 8 - RACES DAILY - 8 LADIES’ DAYS 9 RACES TUESDAYS EVERY AND SATURDAY FRIDAYS ADMISSION ADM SION FOR LADIES 35c | (Including Slat* / JA and F•dural Taxi NO CHILDREN ADMITTED ill iti l m I FiM W B JtiMM Hlri mBi 19th for their regular meeting. Mrs Martin Rermer gave the lesson or the topic "Sit. Stand and Walk with God”. Mrs Henry Hoffman was hostess of the evening and served the refreshments Mrs R. J. Gustafson, acted as temporary chairman, presided at the meeting It was voted that a un it would be formed and the organ ization meeting date was set tor Monday evening. April 25th at the Butte high school. Mrs. James Newman of Stuart a represe native from the state P.T.A. congress will be present at this meeting to help organize the unit and answer questions. On Tuesday, April 26th electors of the village of Butte will vote on the question of bonding the village for the construction and im provement of a new well. They will vote on a fifty thousand dol-1 lar band. A few friends helped Gregg Han-1 sen celebrate his 11th birthday at his home on Tuesday, April 19th after school. His mother, Mrs. Jim Hansen served birthday cake and ice cream in honor of the occa sion. Mr and Mrs Gus Sieler of Butte spent the weekend in Manhattan, Kan visiting their son, Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mahannah spent Sunday in Ainsworth visiting her mother, Mrs. George Schiessler and other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Orion Sieler of Custer. S. D. were weekend vis itors of Mrs Mary Sieler and Mr. and Mrs W. L. Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxenhardt of Lincoln spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting her father, George Krickac and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson of Lynch were Sunday evening sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nelson and son, Dana. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS Tlie Women’s Missionary Society; met Thursday afternoon April 21' at the Butte Community church basement. Mrs. C. B. Stone conducted the business meeting in the absence of the president. 22 members were present. Roll call was answered by reading a scripture from the Bible with the word “Peace” in it. BUTTE— More News elsewhere Bristow News Mrs. Burl Bcssert Mrs. Delvma Kramer and Mrs. I Mary Boltz of Spencer spent Apr. ] 21 afternoon with Mrs. Claire Van i Hove. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kraft and j Lois of Yankton, S. D. spent the weekend at the Fred Kraft home. ! Irene Westley of Norfolk and Lawrence Kraft of Cheyenne, Wyo. J were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Kraft home. Mrs. Ed Couch of Spencer and Mrs. McQuistan spent April 21 af ternoon at the Mrs. Vemie Bayne home. Mrs. Ed Dreher returned home ] the first of the week after spend ing several days at the Ernest Londberg home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Beryle Bessert went to Sioux Falls, 9. D. on Thurs day to see about their trailer. On j the way home they stopped in | An Industry That Takes "Time Out" To Be Courteous Ever have a flat tire or run out of ga* miles from a service station and have a truck driver stop to help you? K so, you understand perfectly what is meant when ifs said that the trucking indus try is an industry that takes "time out" to be courteous. And R*s plain to see. too. why truck drivers are often referred to as gentlemen of the highways. Courtesy is one of a number of basic subjects given top billing in truck driver train ing programs all over America. In addition to helping stranded motorists, it involves the con scientious use of signals, giving the other fellow the right of way, maintaining the proper mental attitude. The industry's emphasis on courtesy and safe driving practices helps explain the splendid safety record of the nation's over-the-highway truck drivers. On* at a Sariaa of AJvarthamanf Prapand by hwpa*»a MOTOR CARRIERS' ASSOCIATION, SOO Soutb IStfc Str**t, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA This Space Paid For By O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN TURNER Daily Service O'Neill-Omaha PHONE 57E % Wagner, & D. at the hospital to. see Mrs Bessert s grandmother. Mrs Martha Yusten. Mr. Mid Mrs. Conrad Thorell and girls visaed Sunday evening at the Howard Anderson home. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Dorothy Johnson home were Flor ence Lay land and Emil Peterson. Mr. and Mrs Moms Hagberg were Sunday evening visitors at the Ernest Hag berg home. A Sunday evening supper guest at the Harry Johnson home was Miss Selma Hebner Mrs, Willard Land holm and fam ily were April 19 afterocwn lunch eon guests at the Lewis Schemes! home in Spencer. Lowell Nelson spent several days last week at the Donald Olson home at Fairfax, S. D. while his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Benard Nelson were attending a conference in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pratt went to Omaha the first of the week on business Mrs Wally Fredrickson and Mrs. Clay Mashino of Lynch spent Mon day, Apr. 18 visiting Mrs. Martha Yusten at the Wagner, S. D. hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zimmerman of Colome, S. D. spent Sunday at the Harry Johnson hme. Debbie Bessert stayed at the Clay Mashino home Apr. 21 while her parents were at Sioux Falls. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beekner were Wednesday evening coffee guests at the E. O. Dreher home. Albert and Gus Nelson were Sun day night supper guests at the Er nest Hagberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Beryle Bessert and Debbie were Sunday dinner guests at the William G. Hansen home of O'Neill. BRISTOW— More News elsewhere Orchard News Mrs. Wilbur Mahood Phone >W’S 3IM Teachers m the Orchard public school planning to attend college this summer are: Mrs Opal Pel litz at the University of Wyoming, Mr. Cowling at North Dakota Ag riculture College at Fargo, Mrs Fred Deterville will attend Mon tana State College at Base matin, Mr. Carpenter will attend the Un versity of Iowa. Supt Deterville will attend at Montana State and Mrs Grim at Wayne State Teachers College. The American Legion auxiliary announced that I960 poppy day vill be observed May 7. Volunteer workers from the Aux liary and other groups will donate :heir time for this annual program Committee members are Mrs. Ger aid Maple. Mrs. Ray Hill and Floyd Young. Eastern Star met at a stated meeting at the Masonic Temple rharsday evening. Mrs. Walter La Frenz, worthy matron and Gordon Johnson, worthy patron presided Mrs J W Mahood gave a report an the meeting at Plain view. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gor don Johnson and Mrs. Dale Green ameyer. Mrs W. G. Fletcher announced that the blood roohile will be in Orchard at the Ijeguw dub an Wednesday, Apnl 27 between the hours of 9 00 a. m and 2 p m The quota for this day was 120 pints. The auxiliary will assist with the blood-mobile refreshments The American Legion auxiliary has set the date for "The Gokl Star Tea" for May 9. Bach member is urged to brag a guest Commit tees are: lunch—Mrs. J LeidingJ Mrs Wilham Hauf and Mrs. S Tnis sel; program—Mrs. Leonard Hall, j Mrs Allen Hill and Edna Lub- j sack; decoration—Mrs Lyle Schleu | sener and Mrs. Lee Bjomsen. The auxiliary will sponsor the | girl scouts this year Refreshments were served by Mrs. Jack Classen, Mrs. Leonard Fox and Mrs Allen Hill. Six students from high school will go to the University of South Dako ta to compete in math examina lions. Richard Ha mil, Douglas Mo sel and Loretta Shrader will com pete mi geometry and Mila Krutt, Judy Ann Montgomery and Alice Niles will take algebra Mr Cowling will accompany the | gn>u|> Mr. and Mrs Glen Miller and daughters. Sherry and Kathy mo j hired to Sioux City, la. to visit Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. E. West who is m the Lutheran hospital. Mr. and Mrs Then Hurtig ami daughters. Novella and Elan* v ;s itewt Mrs Hurtig's sister, Mrs Carl Cuninghmn at Ms per, Sunday Mr and Mrs Walter LaFrent vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Frank A Kinder in Omaha, Sun day. to get acquainted with then new gnu nisi si OKt'HARIV More News elsewhere Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Alice’s Beauty Shop Re*. S door* went of Texaco 125 Rant Dougin* Phone 263 — O’Neill HELP ELECT "Mr. Republican" FOR DELECATE AT LARGE Charles S. Iteed Norman Gonderinger O'Neill, Nebraska NON-POLITICAL Candidate for DISTRICT JUDGE 15th District — Holt, Boyd, Rock, Brown and Key a Paha Counties Practicing Attorney 21 Years Married — Four Children Overseas Veteran World War n Your Support at The Primaries May 10th Will Be Appreciated ■—-iififiififiSS——m Virgil Laursen Owner, Manager In The O'Neill Area ... Its Virgil Laursen for Insurance Loans Real Estate REAL ESTATE • Homes • Farms 9 Ranches 9 Mercantile Bldgs. 9 Home Sites 9 Business Sites We Have Many Buyers Waiting—Bring In Your Listing Today ! Mrs. Dale Herberg 1 Secretary, Beal Estate I xian Dept. LOANS • Automoblie • Household Goods • Home Loans # Farm & Ranch "Let us Help you Solve your Money Problems Now"! INSURANCE • Automobile & Truck • City & Farm Fire • Hospitalization & Income • Life & Accident • Special Rates To Claim-Free Drivers ALWAYS QUICK CLAIM SERVICE "Your Independent Insurance Agent" Faye Brady I ■■■■■■■Mi ■ ' **W’ ■ Secretary, Insurance Department Virgil Laursen I 315 E. Douglas O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 434 ™u^mm■■s^^*^*m