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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Riverside News By Mr*. Lionel Gunter The Hilly lofquist family were Sunday guests at the Charles Ro therham home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and Kevin and Mr. and Mrs. Dave An son were Norfolk visitors Tuesday Apr 12. Mr and Mrs Z. H. Fry motored to Omaha Wednesday to visit at the Frank Em sick home. They plan to return home Monday. Mrs. Dale Raasch and Renea of Omaha spent a couple days at the Dave Pollock home last week Shirley Miller. Ellen and Me lanie called Thursday afternoon at the Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier and Carol Ann were dinner gjesta Sun day at the Bert Fink home. Mr. and Mrs Will Shrader and Alice and the Veri Gunter family were dinner guests Wednesday at the Gerald Wetlauffer home in O’ Neill. The Verl Gunter family were supper guests Thursday at the Wil lie Shrader borne and at the R. A. Hard home on Friday. On Satur day morning the Gunter family left for their home at Springfield, Illinois. A1 Gibson and the Richard Na pier and the Lou Vandersmck fam ilies were dinner guests Sunday at the Wayne Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited Sunday at the Wilbur Mahood home in Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mrs. Kitty Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Na pier and the Lorraine Montgomery THIS POWERFUL •RAND-NEW EUREKA MODEL (OS-B s:r«s $0088 *69« «|7 Complete with 7-pieco set off cleaning tools Consumers Public Power District SAVE On Phillips "66" Oils & Greases Now at your "66" DEALERS Graham '66' O'Neill Storjohann '66' Spencer East End '66' Atkinson Mattson '66' Inman Verdel '66' Verdel McLain '66' Bartlett Shelhamer Oil O'Neill family were limner guests Blaster at the Lynn Fry home. The Seek and Share project club met Wednesday afternoon at Mrs Dave Anson's Wanda Larson as sisted with the lunch. Ruth Ann Shrader gave the demonstration on skillet meals. The Leo Miller and Walter Mil ler families were dinner guests April 10 at the Howard Miller home. Mrs. Meniyn Meyers and Mrs Billy Lofquist were Norfolk vis itors Wednesday. The Archie Johnston family were dinner guests April 10 at the Louis Shrader home. The Willie Shrader, Archie John ston and Louis Shrader families j visited the Verl Gunter family Sunday, April 10 at the Will Shrader home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel mo tored to Lyons Thursday for their daughter, Mona who teaches in the grade sc tool there. She came home for the spring vacation. Mrs. Alfred Napier, Glenda and Leroy were in O'Neill Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddlecome were guests on Easter at the Joe Hegr home near Madison. Mrs. Leo Miller, Becky and El len visited Saturday afternoon at the John Miller tome. Mrs. Johnny Miller, Ann, Mary Vicki and Charlene were O'Neill visitors Thursday. Keith Biddlecome came home from Chicago, 111. on Friday for his Easter vacation. He will go to Scottsbluff for the week. Mr and Mrs F.arl Pierson and the Marcus Pierson family were in Norfolk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry, Jackie and Sheila were visiting in Nor folk on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson were guests Sunday, Apr. 10 at the Mar cus Pierson home in honor of Julie’s third birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston, Sharon, Marilyn and Barbara and Mary Ann Bauer visited Wednes day evening at the Willie Shrader home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier, Nancy, Reta and Susan and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier and Carol Arm were supper guests Saturday at the Dale Napier home in hon or of Ethel’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Napier of Sterling, Kan. came Friday to vis it relatives over the Easter week end. On Saturday evening a fam ily gathering was held in their honor at the John Napier home. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and the Glen Harpster, I Richard Napier and Alfred Napier families. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer were supper guests Friday at the Wendell Swit-! zer home. The Grant Mott family were Sun-1 day dinner guests at the Frank j Wondercheck home at Atkinson. The Rivierside Missionary society 1 met Friday afternoon with Wan da Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil of Omaha came Friday to spend the Easter weekend at the Dave Pollock home. Mrs. Dale Napier had an egg coloring party Saturday afternoon. Those nresent. were Susan. Rita. Nancy and Carol Ann Napier, Glen Ellen and Cathy McDaniel, Jody, Sheila, Julie and Jane Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Napier called Saturday afternoon at the George Montgomery home. The Jolly Worker’s club met Thursday afternoon with Belva Shrader. Florence Hoke and Bessie Napier assisted with lunch. The ladies tied a guilt, sewed quilt blocks and embroidered for the hos tess. Mrs. Carrie Gibbs, Mrs. Mil lie Lautenschlager, Janett Hobbs and Betty Gunter were guests. The Gerald Wetlauffer family of O’Neill and the Verl Gunter fam ily were supper guests Tuesday at the Archie Johnston home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton and Mrs. Bob Hobbs and son were Neligh visitors Saturday. Frances Shrader went to Wayne Thursday after her daughter, San dra and Roberta McDaniel. The girls came home for their Easter vacation. They are attending Wayne college. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cuddy and fam ily of O’Neill and the Ed Walters family of Chambers visited Sun day evening, Mar. 10 at the John Napier home. Irene Ahlers is spending her Eas j ter vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ah lers. She planned to return to col lege at Seward on Monday. Vera Miller and Alice Miller and Danny were Neligh visitors Sat ! urday. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 0 Window Shades _ . . a Venetian Blinds • Drtt^r> I Vertical Blind* 0 Drapery Hardware • • ln-the-home consulation with- f will cut and match your out obligation. drapes lor sewing at home. Frontier MM© • All work guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. • Write for appointment Modern Shade & Drapery Shop 4©6 Madison Ave. Norfolk, Net»r. FR MM© "Across the Street From the Telephone Co.” Lynch News By Veldeen Pinkerman Mrs. Ruth Mukelson left this week to visit her son and family in Omaha. Mrs. Glady s Gallop ot Fender is spending a few days with her i daughter. Mrs Ted Crooks and family. Mr. and Mrs Guy Pinkerman and Randy were O'Neill callers on Wednesday. Miss Hallie Carsten was a Tues day. Apr. 12 overnight guest of Veldeen Pinkerman in the Hannah Streit home. Misses Marlene Streit and Shelene Johnson were Wednes day overnight guests of Marjean Birmeier. Mrs Veldon Pinkerman, Veldeen and Mary Ellen Schindler were Norfolk visitors on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Weeder and Paula moved here from Omaha and are living in Dr. Guttery's house. Delmar Pinkerman won first fcr the 6th grade in the language con test which was held on Wednesday. Carolyn Sedivy won first for the fifth grade. On Saturday they went to O’Neill to the County contest and Delmar was awarded fifth for his grade. Miss Mary Ellen Schindler spent from Thursday till Saturday visit •Jig with Veldeen Pmkermac The Lynch seniors returned home ! from sneak day on April 12. Mrs Ruth Mickelson visited Mrs. Hannah Stmt Tuesday afternoon, Apr 12. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart kept Curtis Wilson while his parents. Mr and Mrs. Paul Wilson w«re gone with the seniors on sneak day. Mr and Mrs. Jerry Carsten were business callers in Bonesteel on | Thursday. Dick Courtney and children from Lincoln spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Courtney. Mrs. Courtney came up for the week end. Shelene Johnson is staying in the Don Bare home since her parents moved to Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran called 1 ui the Veldon Pinkerman home home Saturday evening. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman is spend ing a few days visiting in the Reggie aid Veldon Pinkerman homes. Misses Janie Schindler. Glenna Courtney, Jan Micanek, aid Eu gene Hrbek aid Boone McDonald from Omaha all spent the week end with friends and relatives. Jerry Carsten and Mrs. Irene Carsten called on Veldon Pinker man Sunday afternoon. Dorsey Newt Mr». Harold Osborn Mr and Mrs. John 1 Vrickao* spent Sunday at the Lester Der ickson home Mr ar.d Mrs. Otto Ruzicka spent Easter Sunday with their son, Mar vin and family. Rodnck Hughes spent the Easter weekend with his parents, the R. L. Hughes Marian Graham was dismissed freni school duties on Wednesday. She was met in O'Neill by her par ents. Miss Marlyn Graham took Mrs. Frank Gehlsen and pupils to the language contest Thursday, It was held at the new school at Oppor tunity. The seniors of Lynch enjoyed their sneak day very much. They | motored to Omaha where they took in the ice capades and enjoyed the show "Ben-Hur”. They returned home April 12. Marion and Fred Rosenkrans 1 spent the Easter weekend at home. Mr and Mrs. Fora Knight were callers at the Harold Osborn home Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr. spent April 12 night at the Floyd France home after attending the concert in Lynch. Mrs Wilbur Mitchell and M:-s Ted Crawford spent Fnday at the Gordon Barta home while the men were hauling bay to the Mitchell farm. Mr and Mrs Robert Wells called at the Slack home Sunday before going on to the Thomas Hisoocks borne to spend Easter Sunday Otto Ruxicka was called to the Merle Spangler home Sunday morning. Miss Beverly Carson spent the Easter weekend with her parents, the Edward Carscns Little David Derickson is spend ing a few days with his graudpar ents, Mr and Mrs, John Derick sun. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Butter field and David spent Sunday at the R. L. Hughes home. Mr and Mrs. Howard Graham and family attended the Easter dance at Butte Sunday evening Guests at the Thomas Hiscocks home for Easter Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and family, Mr and Mrs Robert Wells and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! O'Neill Locals Alan H Martin of Conception Seminary at Conception, Mo , vis ited from Monday to Wednesday with Ins mother, Mrs. Henry Mar lin. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard rruss and baby of Omaha spent from Thurs day until Monday visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs George Me Carthy. Edward McCarthy of Columbus arrived Saturday to spend the E as ter vacation with his parents, Mr ( Mid Mrs. George Me (.'art Ivy He returned to Columbus on Sunday. Mr ami Mrs, Ted Soturmer of Lincoln ware weekend guests of tier parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McClellan Sumlay i tinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Chris MiGuvn ware Mr. and Mm Albert McDonald of Lynch Mr and Mrs C K McVay- amt Barbara took their ilaughter, Mrs Edward Rourke, jr, to Scottabkiff Monday where six* met some friends ami went mi to Los Alamos. N M She Ivad spent the Easter vacation with her parents NOTICE TO ALL PAGE CITY WATER USERS. All meters must be repaired and working by July or an ex tra $2 will be added to your water bill quarterly. The Page City Board Wm FOOD SALE I . , sm ** y ,or •o-awui ZZ <tar~ -- W**Bh I '^aSSas M J“'ce Drink3Z~~ .. Cans = V Enjoy this Safeway twine on juice-hefty 1 ORANGES | = Safeway's Waldorf = Brand—Florida-grown, == large size, high in =§ juice content | 5-lb. Bag | M Apples extra fancy, Washington State.Lb. 19c | = —or tiKRKN ONIONS. o 1 C, = ss ROOISneS red and tender.. L Bunches 13% zz M Fresh Rhubarb welt trimmed. ....Lb. 19c | H Yellow Onions dry, mild, medium.Bag 29c § §E§ d|-.L D...J Mrs. Wright's— 16-oz. in = = DiaCK oreaa Old World, fresh, sliced ... .Loaf 1 "l = H Sweet Rolls Nut Snails, fresh, delicious . .Pkg. 19c | I Waverly Wafers a perfect snack.Pkg. 29c | = D . . rL- Kitty Clover 6-oz. on. = == rOTOTO Chips crisp ana cruncny ........ JVC ^ ~ f_L_ u- Betty Crocker— 16-oz. rn = = V.ane mlX White Angel Food.Pkg. JJC = == Confetti or Lemon Custard Aflgel Food Cakes Mixes ... S = 16-oz. Pkg. 55c Fur frozen foods, all vow need to remember is Sa/etvav.' ( ICE MILK j Lucerne— in assorted flavors JM £| | Va-gal. Carton "TP = - FRENCH FRIED. n 9-oz. <JQ, = = rOTQlOeS Bcl-air premium quality... * Pkgs. ’J/l = = (niaarli Bel-air leaf or n 12-oz. *n - jpmacn Chopped, premium quality ... * I*k£S. 7i = H Broccoli Spears Bel-air—frozen.Pkg. 27c | H Modcss Napkins regular size . 2 Packages 97c | | Lavatory I Bowl Brush | Filled with white = Tampico bristle I [ EACH I yC I 12 inch hardwood sanded handle with metal nickel ferrule and metal hanger. | Soda Crackers E^^p.p£ 35c S | Pillsbury Flour ^ 55c | H Bisquick multl-purpoae baking mix.Pkg. 49c 1 = rmLA Min Betty Crocker Cocoa IS Vox. rr — vORC IfllX or Orange Chiffon.Pkg. DDC = | Toilet Tissue ££ 37c | -ItiiliiiiillillllllllliiuilllillillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllltlillillillllllllllllllHin FRUIT I COCKTAIL No. 303 Cans _i Yellow Cling PEACHES 3-85c Early Garden Sweet Peas = I GOLDEN CORN 3n°ZIOc Cans ““gyr jW | Tender, Cut i Green Beans 2h45c Halved Dill PICKLES *ir 25< ■ • r\ * I Del Monte— 46-oz. « JUIC0 Urink Pineapple-Orange .Can J7C Del Monte Catsup flavored. . 2 Btls. 39c Sweet Cherries dark, delicious.Can 49c o I • I r> Del Monte— No. 303 Olicea HearS fresh, orchard flavor.Can / tC Sweet Peas early garden variety .. 2 Cans 29c Whole Figs full of natural flavor ... .Glass Jar 37c .wllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM Tender, richly flavored, 12 to 16 pound average, fresh — I WHOLE or RIB HALF LOIN HALF I s II CT, Jk S v c* U.S.D.A Choice Grade 5£ — ■ V18C? dlCviiiS Beef, deliciously tender Lb. jw ^ C Boiling BeefSEiSs.u. 19c *~****'**- ...... ~ Beef Steaks frozen, buttered.65 Bacon...Re8“ 45c 89 Wilson's Corn King Brand FREE...200 Extra Gold Bond Stamps! Redeem your product coupons featured in Gold Bond’s Coupon Carnival. See special ad elsewhere in this paper. 11UUT « . /* . • z jnautvM) Prices effective thru Saturday, April 23, in O’NEILL jj Redeem your Armour’* "Name the Nominee” coupon* at Safeway.