Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris National Library Week was ob served at the Ewing public library Apnl 3rd to April 9. The library was visited by 147 people dining the opening hours on Monday, Wednesday. Friday and Saturday. The greatest number of visitors was on Friday when 47 persons came. New readers obtaining library oards were: Anita Parks. Linda Yelli, Linda Mae Thramer, Vicki Miller, Joe Rotherham, Monica Munn, Bonnie Arehart, Richard Sham. all third and fourth grad ers of the Ewing pub he school accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. Neva Bergstrom. Several others re newed their library card for the year. Lora Lee Funk accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ray Funk, and Beth Rotherham accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Charles Rother ham received their first library card. The display of new books for ad ults and juveniles attracted atten tion of all. Much interest was also shown of the selection of books on shelves in the adult section as well as for the teenage boys and girls and children by visiting mothers with their children. During the week 147 books were loaned, 52 of these on Friday. Some of the best books for adults are popular selections through the Literary Guild of America and Our Family Reading club. Teach ers of rural schools in the com munity make good use of the li brary books in their work as well as for pleasure amcng their stu dents Forty-two new books have been added this year. Available also are 85 books which are loaned to the library for a three month period by the Nebraska Public Library Commission at Lincoln. Many pam phlets and other materials are re ceived throughout the year for ref erence work. Since the organization of the li brary, the exact date not krown, the librarians have been as follows: Mrs. Althea Pusson Peterson, Miss Florence Ponton, Mrs. Belle Bam hardt, and the late Mias Lydia Selah. Mrs. H. R. Harris, present i librarian, began her duties in the year of 1948. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck en ! tertained at a one o’clock dinner on Wednesday at their home hon [ oring the 81st birthday of her mo ther, Mrs. Maud Boies. The birlh ■ day cake was made and decorated ' by Mrs. Hahlbeck. The honored guest was presented several gifts Present were Mrs. Mabel Boies. Mr and Mrs. Ed Hoag, Mrs. Ella Zeims, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahl j beck and family and Gail Boies ! Pictures were also taken on this occasion. Other callers during the day were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boies of Plain view, Mr Mid Mrs. Fred Sparr and Mrs Lucite Biddlecome Mr and Mrs. Carl Michael were recent callers on Mrs. Amelia Lar son at the C. C. Hahlbeck home. The American Legion and auxil iary, met Thursday evening at the Legion club. The attendance was small in both groups due to ob servance of Holy Week in the chur ches of Ewing. Commander Bob Eppenbach presided at a short busi ness session with Legion members consisting of routine business. Mrs. R. H. Sham president con dacted the business session of the auxiliary. Poppy Day was the topic for discussion with Mrs. H. R. Har ris, chairman. A poppy window on main street is planned. Committees for poppy wreaths to be placed on the graves of deceased members will be made, also for the sale of poppies Poppy day May 14 in Ewing. Lunch was served by Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck and Mrs. Earl Van Os I trand. Easter guests at the home of Mrs. Anna Pollock were her daugh ters and husbands families, Mr and Mrs. Don Kellner of O’Neill i and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter of Odebolt, La. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby went ; to Sioux City to spend Easter Sun i day at the home of their son and 1 daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruby and family. The Spring musical concert of the Ewing public school was pre sented Wednesday evening, April 13 j at the school auditorium, sixty five students participating, under the direction of C. D. Ryan. There was a good crowd in attend ance. ; The program opened with band selections, "Our Flag Forever" a concert march and "Waves erf the Danube” an overture, followed by clarinet solos, "Peppenno” by Joan Spangler and “Air and Dance” by Judy Spangler; vocal solo, "Green Cathedral by Kay Bergstrom; a flute solo, “Fantasy” by La Royce Blunt; song, "America, My Own" and Prayer Perfect” by the mixed chorus; vocal solo"Silently into the Night" by Douglas Shrader; vocal solo, "If I Could Tell You" by Kar en Mktarik; song "Great Is Thy Love” and “I Heard You Go By” sextette, Patty Hobbs, Kay Berg strom, Ardis Parks, Lois and Bon nie Kaczor and Linda Larson; songs, “Open Our Eyes” and “Liza Jane” by Girls’ Glee; song’ Every time I Feel the Spirit” by mixed octette, Lois Kaczor, Linda Lar son, Kay Bergstrom. Ardis Parks, Ron Cloyd. Jerry Jefferies, Doug las Shrader, Bill Bauer: song” It's Me” and “You Can Be True, Dear” by triple trio, Betty Wright, Bar bara Ernestt, Cora lee Schmiser, Lois Kaczor, Linda Larson, Ardis Parks, Bonnie Kaczor, Patty Hobbs and Kay Bergstrom. The concluding numbers of the evening’s program ware by the band, “Tchaikovsky Themes” an overture and “June Night” a waltz. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Rotherham had all their family home lor t c Easter holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Kronschaaoel au.d so.i, Michael John of St. Paul, Minn, and ! Beverly Rotherham of Lincoln ! came home on Friday, Ron Rother ham of luncoln came Sunday to spend the day Kay. Annette and Myra Rotherham, who attend St Mary’s Academy at O’Neill, were home for the Easter vacation. Mrs. Jessie Angus, who celebrat ed a birthday anniversary April 12th, was honored guest at dinner at the home of her sister and hus band, Mr. anti Mrs. Ed Hogg. Mrs Amelia Larsen, who cele brated her 9i*h birthday anniver sary on March 21, received a card of congratulations from Mrs. Ma mie Eisenhower, Washington. D. C. Sgt Kenneth Lee graduated from officer’s training at Fort Benning, Ga. cn April 12 and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Lt. Lee was given a leave and left for Ta coma, Wash, to get his wife and family who are visiting relatives in the state. He plans to return to Ewing to spend a few days with his mother. Mrs. Anita Lee On expiration of his leave he will be stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, w here he will be company comman der. Charles Rotherham and daughter, Lynne went to Merriman on Wednesday where they met Ann Rotherham and a schoolmate tc bring them home for the Easter vacation. Larry Rotherham of Om aha came home on Thursday tc spend the holiday weekend at the parental home. Miss Rowena Roth erham and fiance, Frank Agosta of Omaha came Saturday to spenc i Easter with her parents and fam ily. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Downs of Van Nuys, Calif, are guests al the home of her mother, Mrs. Eva i Kacaor and other relatives anc fnends of the community Supt and Mrs. G. D Ryan and children left Thursday morning for a vacation trip to Omaha and Car son, la where they were guests of relatives They returned home Sat urday to attend the Easter ser vices at the United Presb.v .crian church, Douglas Ryan, the son of Supt. I and Mrs G D. Ryan celebrated a birthday anniversary on Friday In honor of the occasion afternoon i guests were Carol and Rosemary Rotherham and their mother, Mrs. Jerry Rotherham, Mrs. Ivan Wright and R.xlney and Jeffery, Mrs. George Keller and Nancy and Tom. Games provided amusement Re fresh menis were served by Mrs. i Ryan Guests for a six o’clock birth day dinner the same day were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryan and Mr | and Mrs. W P. Scott and family, all from Niobrara. Mrs. Robert Mcl.achlan visited Sunday at the home of Dr and Mrs. William H. Ross remaining until Tuesday when she left for Nebraska City to visit at the home of her sister and niece. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were Twain Curtis of Guadalajara, Mex ico, Mr. and Mrs. Wittier of Tilden and Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Or chard, who was an overnight guest Mrs. Davis took her home to Or chard on Monday and remained for the day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Louise Beal. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cram moved to Neligh on Tuesday. They will make their home in a trailer house at the Country club where Mr Cram will be caretaker for the year. Mr and Mrs. Horace Craw 'ford of Atkinson moved to tin* Ray Magwire residence vacated by the Crams. He will work for Mr. Mag wire this year. Mr Magwire and family, who now lire at Grand Island, contin ues to raise turkeys on a large scale on their acreage in east Ew ing. Mrs J L. Pruden. county chair man of the Holt County extension club and president of the Facts aixl Fun Home Extension club in Ew ing and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman, chairman of the Ewing Center at tended a council meeting April 12 j at O’Neill. Plans were made for the home extension tea which will be heki for the Ewing Center at the parkrs of the First Methodist church o*i May 3rd. Mr. and Mrs Don Starr and fam ily ami his mother, Mrs, Nellie Starr were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lar .vxn Mr. Starr later Uxik his mo ther to Chambers Mrs. Jerrv Tomjack, Mrs. Ralph Mum. Mr. and Mrs Dale Napier and Mrs Richard Napier made ! a combined business aid pleasure trip U> Omaha on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Luben of Inman is spending a few days at the home of her daughter aid husband, Mr. aixi Mrs. Janies Boies and family. Vote For W. L. BRENNAN Non - Political CANDIDATE FOR 15th Judicial DISTRICT JUDGE HOLT — HOYD — BROWN - KEY A PAHA ROCK County Attorney — Boyd County — 32 Years Qualified — Veteran of WW I YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATED COME IN AND LOOK OUR MERCHANDISE OVER 1 Warehouse Furniture Clearest® • Only $5.00 Down on Purchases • Pay as Low as $5.00 Monthly • Free Coffee & Cookies on Satur- ■ up to $200 Take up to 2 years to pay day p.m. in our top floor furni- m . ture Department ■ O'Neill, ^xW^yyyyYVVVVw- - Nebr. _____ 1 VALUED AT $21.95 WALKER STROLLER >15.88 REAL GOOD BUY BUDGET BUY SWIVEL ROCKER. *2988 lli'd Nylon Acetate Cover LIVING ROOM SUITE.*!7888 Idincd Oak 2 PC. BEDROOM SUITE.$13888 MAPLE BUNK BED WITH MATTRESSES.$G38S Padded Back Chairs 5 PC. DINETTE SET. $4488 WALNUT OR LIMED OAK CEDAR CHESTS.$5388 5 SHELF METAL CABINET. $1988 I War in Walnut Finish SHERWOOD GROUP BEDROOM SUITE .... .>159“ KIDDIE SWING AND STAND. $788 BLUE TWEED SOFA BED. *7488 Adjustable Drop Ends ! j j T. V. 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