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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Scalar Students Share Honor* The following students were on U* honor roll for the past six weeks: Seniors—Roger Tompkins and Carolyn Reimers both, 5 A's; juniors—Gary Fkk and Keith K; vett, both 5 A's, Karen Brown, 3 A’s 2 B's mid Bernice Oilman 2 A's 3 B’s. Sophomores— Ruby Scholz, Ruth Arm Hansen, Sharon Michael is and Barbara Keil, all 5 A’s and Kathy Fkk 3 A’s and a B; freshmen Warren Hansen with 4 A’s. Mrs. Jim Ferns and family of Atkinson were Inman visitors Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Vern Wrede and Becky of O’Neill were Wednesday visitors in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ubben and Christie spent the Easter weekend in Omaha visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Cline. Robert A. Ruther, a student at Wayne State Teachers College came April 12 to spend the Easter va cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ruther. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Webster of Omaha. Ralph Dholes, who is employed at Ainsworth, spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allendor fer and family of Omaha visited Thursday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Delong and family of Omaha came Friday eve- j ning to spend the weekend with; Mr. DeLong’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan and family left Saturday for their home in Lexington. Mrs. Hartigan and family have been visiting the past two weeks in the James Coventry and Mary Hartigan homes while Mr. Hartigan has attended telephone school in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley of Ohio wa spent the holiday weekend vis iting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley ami family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke left Wednesday for Omaha where they will spend a few days visiting re latives. ! -■ * ___ CENTRALIZE YOUR ► DEBTS * - ‘ r • e-« No need to pay a dozen different people. Group your debts and pay them off with a Central Ixtun. We loan on furniture and auto mobiles. Payments are designed to suit your income. Central Finance Corporation O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 14 IMcCarville's L After Easter \ . s CLEARANCE SHOES Ladies' white wedgie . 2.98 Girls' saddle oxfords.3.98 Girls' white buck.3.98 Girl Scout brown oxford .4.98 Girls' brown penny loafer ..3.98 Girls' black flat pumps..2.98 ( assorted styles and sizes) Men's and Young Men's Oxfords, one group .6.98 Men's white boxer shorts by Hanes were $1.00 now 3 for . 2.00 McCARVILLES CLOTHING "Shoes for the Whole Family" O'Neill *»■ - —__ Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson vis ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs Vent Wrede anti family at O’Neill Thursday evening. Mrs Wilbur Brown entertained die Neighborhood club Wednesday at her home. Dinner was served at noon and the afternoon was spent socially. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dtfinal and family of Pendleton. Ore. have been visiting Mr. Dohnal's mother, Mrs. Josie Dohnal and daughter. They returned to Oregon Monday. Mr and Mrs. Milo Gorgen of Plattsmouth spent a few days vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lines. Sam Watson and Linelle Tomp kins left Monday to resume their studies at Nebraska Wesleyan Un iversity after spending the Easter vacation here with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Charles Russell and daughter, Debbie of Lincoln spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mrs Ray Siders, and Marilyn and also visiting relatives at Page. Mr and Mrs Raymond Luben and family of West Point spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Charles Luben. Mrs. Ray Siders spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek and family at Orchard. Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn and Ronnie Ross spent Friday evening in the Duane Sukup home at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and Debbie of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup and family of Page were Easter dinner guests of Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn. Mrs. Charles Luben left Monday for Ewing where she will spend a few days in the home of Mr. and James Boies and family. Mrs. Charles Luben and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luben and family were Easter dinner guests of Mi and Mrs. Norbert Clark at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins took Mrs Tompkin’s mother, Mrs. uora '-aicrweu to ner Dome in Ut ica on Friday. They returned on Saturday. Mrs. Caldwell had spent several weeks here in the Tomp kins home. Easter dinner guests in the Ru fus and Violet Sholes home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and fam ily of O’Neill and Ralph Sholes, who is employed at Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. James Reis and daughter of Omaha were overnight guests Saturday night in the Da vid Morsbach home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hackett and son of Chamberlain, S. D. spent the weekend here with Mrs. Eliz abeth Morsbach and also visiting relatives at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach attended church services Sunday morning at the RX..D.S. church at Clearwater. They were Easter din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conard at Clearwater. Easter guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong and Bill were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong iand Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeLong and family of Omaha. Miss Margaret Pruss, who teaches at Clearwater, spent the Easter weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss. Eddie Clark of O’Neill was an overnight guest Saturday night of his grandparents, Mir. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. Joe Bittner, who is employed north of O’Neill, spent the week end here. CWO and Mrs. Larin Keyes and family came Saturday from Olym pia, Wash, to visit Mr. Keyes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes and with other relatives. The Keyes’ will soon be leaving for Hawaii where CWO Keyes will be stationed with the army. Harold Sobotkia, Dick Coventry and Ned Kelley, students at Nor folk Junior college, came Wednes day to spend the holidays with their parents. Ttiey returned to school on Tuesday. I MEYER'S MIDWEST FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE I SAVE SPRING SAVE FURNI SALt These are all true and honest values-some only one or two I of a kind so shop early for better selection. I !J ioAtercrafi OF OMAHA The finest living room furniture money 1 can buy • mastercraft • kroehler 2 2 pc. Suite-one only .... 99” 1 2 pc. Suite-nylon covering . 129”! 2 pc. Suite-Mastercraft .. 159951 2 pc. Suite-Kroehler ... 189” 1 3 pc. Sectional-nylon covering .. 199” I Hide-a-beds ... J3995 anc^ ' ’ * 1599^ 1 Studios.0095 Sofas . 99” I I Folding Lawn CHAIRS $3.95 Bar-B-Q GRILLS $5.95 Table LAMPS $2.95 SMOKERS *2.95 Brass Stand Step TABLES >5.95 Plastic Tops 5 Piece f DINETTE I Sets m $29.95 I ( ROCKERS - CHAIRS Rockers at_14.95 Rockers at_19.95 Rockers at_37.95 Rockers at_39.95 Large swivel rockers with sus|>encled arms choice of colors and fabrics 54.95 Many others up to 89.95 CHAIRS — MANY STYLES and colors from 24.96 — 27.96 — 34.95 Recliners starting at ....59.95 A heavy large chair ILane Cedar Chest The Practical Gift For Graduation or That Loved one Many Styles and Colors From .39.95 to 99.95 Serving Carts Utility Cabinets Base Cabinets Book Cases Record Stands Unfinished Chests Wardrobes and Many Items too Numerous to Mention M 5 pc. Dinette.29.95 TOI* QUALITY 5 pc. Dinette.49.95 5 pc. Dinette.59.95 7 pc. Dinette .69.95 With 42x72 Table one only 7 pc. Dinette .69.95 86x72 Table AND UP Warehouse Crammed with Dinette Sets LAMPS Table — Floor — Pole — Boudoir Tree — Desk — Bed — Pin up From 2.95 to 32.95 Ceiling and Pull Down CARPET-WISE ECONOMIZE... Carpet-wiae buyers find just the fabrics they want . . . magnificent, first quality Guliatan carpets . in the special style, pattern and color they want ... at our big showroom. Economy wise buyers find convenient budget plans to meet their needs, and low, low prices to pay. Why don'tyou come in today.. see our wide vari ety of exquisite Guliatan carpets . . . discover our easy payment terms. CARPETING By Gulistan The Carpet Line with the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval ALL WOOL * Sq. Yd. Tweed .. .525 ALL NYLON WITH FOAM ' 8q. Yd. Rubber back .. •550 NYLON AND WOOL 8q. Yd. Blend .095 TOP QUALITY DUPONT 8q. Yd. Nylon.095 ALL WOOL Bq. Yd. Broadloom . ALL WOOL Wilton .095 S PLY ALL WOOL Wilton .. io,5l 200 More Samples To Choose From Dining Room Suite DROP LEAF TABLES . 69.95 WALNUT BLOND BUFFETS .69.95 WALNUT BLOND CHINA .99.95 GLASS FRONT STARTING AT SIDE CHAIRS.8.95 DROP LEAF TABLE.89.95 WALNUT BLOND — PLASTIC TOPS DESKS STUDENT DESK.16.95 UNFINISHED RANCH DESK.37.95 WALNUT MAPLE PLASTIC TOP DESK.39.95 HASSOCKS OF ALL STYLES With 3-year covering .3.95 to 9.95 1 » » — • ' 4LL . 3 pc. Suite DRESSER, MIRROR. (WEST, BED one only M 2 pc. Suite r MAPLE— BOOK!-ASK BED DRESSER IbU/J 3 pc. Deluxe Suites TILTING MIRROR — DIJST PROOF 4g CENTER GUIDED DRAWS IN ORES SER — CHEST 3 pc. Deluxe Suites tg m DRESSER, MIRROR, CHEST, BOOK- ■ fcl CASE BED ™ 3 pc. Suite-Extra Large ^g ■bbkqc 60” DRESSER, 36” CHEST, BOOKCASE T M BED — WALNUT or MAPLE * * ^ MATTRESSES 1 • BERTA £ SIMMONS VL Serta-full size.17.95 ( Serta 220 coil 1 full size.27.95 | Simmons mattress I and box spring.69.95 I Korlon foam rubber mattress I and box spring set.89.95 ( BUNK BEDS.6995 1 3»’ MAPLE BUNK BEDS COMPLETE WITH MATTRESSES 1 CRIBS .1C95 I FUUj SIZE (6 YEAR) CRIB MATTRESS. HIGH CHAIRS. AIX WOODEN