Section Two Four Pages THK HiOSTIKR, O’Neill, Nebraska, Thurvlay, April 14, IMi Atkinson News The Modern Farmerettes club met Thursday at the home of Mrs Jennie Mlinar with Mrs Beatrice Everetts as hostess There were twenty three members present and three guests, Mrs. Metta Ev eretts, Mrs. Pauline Davig and Mrs. Holland Everetts. Contest winner was Mrs Clar ence Tasler. Cards furnished the afternoon's entertainment, with pri zes going to Mrs. Libby Mlinar, first and Mrs Ed. Jensen jr., low Mrs. Ray LeMjnyan won the Moot prize. Next time will be at the home of Mrs. Ed. Jensen jr. on April 21. The U. P. W. met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. Shane for their general mfet ing. Assisting hostesses were, Mrs. Glen McClurg and Mrs. Ellen Par sens. Twenty-four members were present. Mrs, Marie Thompson pre sented the lesson. The group conducted an Hon orary service and gave $50 toward the life membership for Miss Lau ra McLachlan who is in Christian Education and Missionary work. Miss McLachlan’s mother, Mrs. Ro bert McLachlan received the cer tificate ami pin and will send it to her daughter. The next meeting will be at the church m April 20 with the Dorcas Society in charge Hostesses will be Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Mrs. John Silverstrand and Mrs. Glen Butterfield. Mrs. Fred Roberts will have the lesson on Psalms. James Mellor came Fridnv to j spend his spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mel lor and other relatives. James is a student at Kansas State Univer sity at Manhattan, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. George Zaruba of Cairo drove to Niobra ra Sunday to view the flood dam aged area in and around the park. They also saw the swinging foot bridge which has been built across the river. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McMillen came Friday of last week to visit at the home of their daughter and — EASTER DANCE DALLAS and TINY OLE at Butte, Nebr. Legion Hall SUNDAY, APRIL 17 ADMISSION: $1.00 family Mr and Mrs Claude John son They returned to their home on Tuesday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. H. McMiilen of Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. George Zaruba of Cairo. Mrs. Harvey Steinhauser and Tommy were Sunday afternoon cal lers at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson, Mr awl Mrs Jim Puckett were Sunday dinner guests of her par ents, Mr. anti Mrs. Sewell John son. Mrs George Randol took her •chool pupils to the rural sing in O'Neill on Monday. Those taking cars were, Mrs Art Kaplan, Mrs. Beryl Beck and Mr and Mrs. Al fred Heying Mrs Clarence Creig also accompanied the group. Dr and Mrs. J. W. Carlson arc! family of Crofton were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Carlson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso. The Atkinson Civic Improvement Garden club will meet April 13 at the home of the president, Mrs Lois Mortens for the first meeting of the season. Mrs. Leonard Jung man will present the lesson on, "Trees and Shrubs of Atkinson.” For roll call each member will make and wear an Easter bonnet. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Colfack were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, anti Mrs. Emil Colfack and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cnlfack and family of O’Neill were Sunday eve ning visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Nels Colfack in Atkinson. Mr and Mrs. Ronald Sladek were Saturday night dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lad Sladek, and overnight and Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Sladek’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Arp. They returned to Schulyer Sunday eve ning where Ronald is employed. Miss Lois Puckett came from Chadron last Friday to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett and other rel atives. She returned to her teach ing duties on Sunday evening. Clarence Johnson of O’Neill was in Atkinson Monday on business. Donna McClurg was an overnight guest of Janith Gnns on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg were Sunday evening visitors of Mr and Mrs James Deming. Mr and Mrs. Elmer McClurg were in Spencer Monday on busi ness. The WSCS met at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon April 6 at 2 p.m. for their general meet ing with twenty-two members pre sent. Mrs. Oren Schippen led the de votionals and Mrs. Clarence Propp had the lesson on, “New Lights fer Town and Country.” Division seven with Mrs. George Tracy as j chairman was hostess. An election of officers resulted as follows. Mrs. Albert Lemmer, president; Mrs. Earl Coxvill, vice president; Mrs. Jay Jungman, sec retary; Mrs. George Frohardt, trea surer. Secretaries appointed are: Mrs. Lloyd McDowell, promotions; Mrs. Lewis Humphrey, missionary edu LINOLEUM • CARPETING Meyer's Midwest Furniture and Appliance— your headquarters for quality most recognized by Good Housekeeping in three year test. See our fine display of carpet rolls and many, many samples to choose from. Come in today to have us figure your floor covering needs. How to live s* like a & millionaire without ^ j being one! W... . _ ASBESTOS TILE qofld and siiver un^e^oal! The Gold and Diamond Look for to day’s smart-money floors! Rich gold veining, gold and silver metallics mixed right through and through the tile. Full-range choice of decorator cc'ars, too! Greater Wear, Better Dent Resist ance, Easy Upkeep tor the best floor buy of the year. Resists household spills and stains ... over-all pattern hides scuffs and soiling .. . all- , — nurnose for every room in the house. And you can install it yourself! OR HAVE IT INSTALLED MEYER'S MIDWEST FURNITURE and APPLIANCE Phone 526 West O'Neill cation; Mrs Mabel Hammerverg, social relations; Mi's Lula Dunn, student writ; Mrs. Charles Gates, youth work; Mrs. Max Young, childrens work; Mrs E. E Got sc hall sr., spiritual life and Mrs Wes Gage, supply work Others chosen are Mrs Robert Horner, local church activities; | Mrs. Charles Radke. literature and publications; Mrs Join Mohr sr , membership; Mrs. C. E. Ipence, Mrs. Robert Horner and Mrs. R.J Kelly, nominating committee. A quiet day will be observed, Thursday, AdhI 14 at 9 a m. The spring meeting will be held at Wayne on April 15. r pg FREE - FREE - FREE KC^ [ QK Baby Chicks To The First 2,000 Kiddies In The New Outlaw | THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ^0^ ^k^^ milk or almond mjk Ct £? I4 r I I HERSHEY BARS <19tvl feasts] fasTiw Eastertime, as every homemaker knows, requires a great deal pared for the Easter feast! At Super Saver Stores, you'll find of planning! Many are the details for you—the little one's grand buys in Tender Ham, Flavorful Turkeys, and many other dress, your own bonnet, plans for Easter observing, and the grand idea items that you can choose for your fee-1 — “Easter Parade"! Then, as you well know, you must be pre- Thrifty Prices! The Atkinson hospital auxiliary met e Seger *» hostess to the J G M club at a seven o' clock dinner on Thursday evening Thirteen members answered rol' call with. What we have learned from the younger generation. Mrs. Earl Penry had charge of the pro grim and conducted several guess ing games. The next meeting will be on Wednesday evening April 27. with Mrs C. J Brook Mrs Clarence Propp was hostess to the Pinochle Pals card club Thursday af.ernoon, There were twelve members present First prize was won by Mrs John Henning and second by Mrs. Donald Mills Mrs. Raymer Funk won low. Mrs Ed Ries will be hostess to the club members on Maj 5. The American Legion Auxiliary met at the hall Wednesday eve ning for their regular meeting About twenty five were present. Mrs. William Morgan jr. program chairman had charge of the pro gram on Pan American Day and Jiill Miller of O'Neill showed slide* of his tour of South America which he took last summer. The auxiliary is one of the sup porters of the Crippled Childrens Scholarship fund and voted to give $10 toward the fund Next meeting will be on April 20. ihe program will oe on child welfare and a guest speaker is expected to be on hand Mr and Mrs James L. Berigan are vacationing in Phoenix, Am Phone your news to las Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact Lmmcmi By Appointment Phone Slot Spencer, Nebraska p|V We Will Be Closed All Day Easter Sunday Hi IP I I % HOLLY BRAND d| £*% Q BROWN SUGAR »,b: 1U PHILADELPHIA CREAM ^ CHEESE 1U FRESH BAKED SANDWICH Swift’ning Pure Vegetable COOKIES SHORTENING cqc VANILLA CREME & OR DEVILSFOOD.2-lb. pkg. 3-POUND CAN WSF I FOR YOUR EASTER SALAD A Aa ______ ROSEDALE PEARS ZH I TOP QUALITY I Mall flavors A c ICE CREAM KLEENEX NAPKINS .25£43c HALF 0ALL0N KRAFT’S MARSHMALLOW 8UN8WEET PRUNE A CREME...*&25c JUICE «..rt49c LIBBY KINO SIZE OLD HOME FRESH TEA "" RIPE OLIVES tuinc»39c ROLLS Pkf, 24c _ OEDNEY WHOLE _ TRUPAK SLICED SWEET PICKLES^49c PINEAPPLE.N*cJi38c LIBBY WHOLE_ RED MARASCHINO GREEN BEANS 29c CHERRIES . Backet 35c | 'I __ _____ hershey Yes! We Have PICKLED BEETS r;::27c CHOC. CHIPS ^ 49c Country Fresh GIANT PEAS . c»19c MARSHMALLOWS.HM& 25c 6rade Lai** TAYLOR SWEET BUSTER SALTED POTATOES ..cJ29c MIXED NUTS 89c GEISHA BUSTER FRESH ENGLISH _ , . MANDARIN ORANGES.29c WALNUT MEATS.«. 39c Breakfast Gems Ideal for Easter Egg . - - . Coloring Fun! Fresh,Tender, Crisp - I ' Lt Lettuce Per IH £ H Fresh As Spring! Crisp, Colorful Radishes Bunches CUDAY'S PURITAN l Jjryj j SHANK PORTION j f J W* »IN ** mh < \m IIBHBHBMMBBBB S (Itf ^ ^ 4 WRAP YOUR EASTER HAM with } rJnut, > REYNOLDS j [JW | Heavy Duty | I ! ALUMINUM -- FOIL ! CUDAY’S PURTIAN a we | MINCED HAM Lb 4S‘ S§| CUDAHY’S PURITAN ALL MEAT | OUTLAW’S REST HOME MADE $ AiQ/ < WEINERS 2 Lb. Sack .79c I PORK SAUSAGE Lb.39c CENTER CUT PORK GRADE ‘A’ | SWEET RASHER CELLO FRYERS Lb.35 I 3ACON Lb.39c (■OLDEN RIPE BAM AN AS 2 Lbs.29c SUNKIST ORANGES Doz.39c EMPEROR RED GRAPES Lb.25c DESSERT TOPPINO REDDI WHIP.. c« 51c FRESH WHIPPING CREAM P^40c SCHILI IN’G'S EASTER EGO COLORING KITS.*«h39c PALMER'S ASSORTED Easter Candies 29c & 39c FROZEN SUGARED AND SLICED ” j STRAWBERRIES 2 C 39c SNO FRESH GREEN SNOW CROP FROZEN 1 PEAS 10,, ng.6 fa SI ORANGE JUICE 4 S 89c | F1SS9 SALE II & G FROZEN 10 LB. BOX w::itin3 .$1.39 H & G FROZEN SA£!L?; Lb.19c II A G FROZEN LB. NORTHERN PIKE 19c FILLET OF' OCEAN PERCH Lb.29c FILLET OF HADDOCK FILLET OF COD Lb. ... I '•* -