Thursday, April 14 WSCS Eastern Star 7 p m Lutheran Ladies Aid Monday, April 1M Starlight Extension, Mrs. Jerry McGinn Friends of St. Mary's, business meeting, 8 p m. Tuesday, April 19 Friendly Neighbors Extension, Mrs. Boh Young MM Bridge, Mrs. Harry Claus sen Thursday, April 21 Live and learn Extension, Ray Schaffer, Atkinson. St. Patrick's Altar Society Club Notes Couple's Club Mr. anell, to Eugene R. Janzing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing. A May wedding is planned. Rock Falls News By Mrs. Floyd Johnson Your reporter was sort of in disposed last week (some call it spring-fever), and missed our little chat. And now with all the snow gone, save for some in gulches, and sheltered spots, and a few lovely spring-like days, it’s really a test of the will-power trying to resist the urge to do things out side when there is so much house I cleaning to be done. But isn’t it sort of worth the ] while and effort put forth in rak injg the yard and cleaning off the I iris beds, to see bow the new growth seems to spurt up by in ches every day. It will only be a few days till those early dwarf variety of iris will open into deep purple orchid-like blooms and soon to be followed by other and later species. i Mesdames Albert and Donald Sterns were April 12 afternoon cal lers at the Floyd Johnson and John Schultz homes. Mrs. Doris Hynes and Mrs. Louis Brown were dinner guests at tht Don Hynes home on April 13. Visitors at the Don Sterns honu on April 3 were Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Barival and family and Mr and Mrs. Charles Richter and son Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moss anc children of Sioux City spent the week-end at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns Sunday dinner guests at the A1 bert Siterns home were Mr. anc Mrs. Jim Moss and children anc Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sterns anc children. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Davis called in the afternoon. Mrs. Floyd Johnson was a Fri day supper and evening guest al the home of her mother and sister Mi's. Theresa and Lois Breinei in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were Thursday evening vis itors at the Blake Benson home Mr. and Mrs. John Kirsenbrocl and Floyd Johnson were Fridaj supper and evening guests of the John Schultz family. Randy and Peggy Curran came home with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. James Curran on Sat urday and spent the night there Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and children and Caryl Donlin came for them on Sundaj afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees anc Mrs. Delia Ernst of Amelia were Sunday supper guests at the James Curran home. Bill Claussen called at the Johi Schaltz home on Saturday fore noon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders ol O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of the Henry Vequists. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist anc Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders were Sunday supper guests of the Du ane Sanders family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dericksor and boys were Sunday evening visitors at the Don Hynes homo Elwin Grutsch and John Richard REAL ESTATE AUCTION On April 21, I960, at 2:00 P.M. at the Lobby of the Courthouse in O'Neill, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, the resi dence property of the late Jennie Eppenbach, consisting of a good four room house, with full basement and bath, modern except heat, described as East Half of Lot 14, and All Lot 15, in Block “O" of Fahy's Park Addition to O'Neill, located at 724 East Grant Street. Terms of Sale: 20% with bid, and balance on delivery of deed. Sale subject to confirmation of Executor. Address inquiries to the undersigned. Edward T. Campbell Executor son were Monday evening visitor* at the James Curran home. Nina Burival was a Monday sup per guest of the Floyd Johnson family. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt and Norma called on Mrs. Albert Sterns on Friday evening. And now. I’d better rush this to the mailbox. Looks as though it would rain any minute. What did you think of the April fool joke the weather roan pulled on us? Really, ten to twelve inches of snow isn’t very funny. But no need to kick about it now. “People who get the most kick out of life are those who kick the least.” Till next time then, So long ev erybody. -- Deloit News By Mrs. II. Reimer Terry and Willard Hanpster spent Sunday at the Alfred Napiers. Several from here attended the funeral for Mrs. Chester Ellison at the Park Center church on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lar son were Sunday guests at the H. Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson of O' Neill spent Saturday at the Leon ard Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple arid daughters and Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer called at the J. A. Lar son home in Ewing and the Fred Harpster home on Sunday after noon. Lynch News ——mm i By Veldeen Pinkerman Charlie Courtney and Bob were April 5 business callers in Nio brara. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Audiss spent Tuesday evening, Apr. 5 visiting in the Edward Streit home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson returned to their home in Lynch Tuesday evening, April 5 after spending the winter in Arizona and California. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France vis ited in the Elmer Christensen home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mills, Ar thur and Sammy of Riverton, Wyo. were April 5 overnight guests in the Frank Carsten home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havranek and baby left for their home in Missoula, Mont, on Sunday. Larry Lanman was a Wednesday overnight guest of Loren Pinker man. John Wikes’ have been staying at the Elmer Christensen home since the flood. Mrs. Ruth Mickelson visited Mrs. Hannah Streit Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Marvin Schindler left for their home in Missoula, Mont, on Saturday. Mary Ellen will stay at the Albert Schindler home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hazelhorst and family left April 5 to make their home in Michigan. Mrs. Art Wilson visited with Mrs. Hannah Streit Thursday af ternoon. Harold France from Ainsworth visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit. Lynn and Elaine went to Sioux City on Friday. Francis Fisher returned home from Omaha Monday where he was employed. He plans to farm for his father. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Christenser visited in the Floyd France home Wednesday night. lVlid£> OlldlVSJl V/V/Ul c few days in the Hannah Streit home the past week. Miss Margene Weeder was i Wednesday overnight gaest of She lene Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull, Guy Hull Mr. and Mrs. G. Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs Howard Oberle, Mike and April Oberle, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wike, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkran* and Mrs. Mary Tomlinson called on Veldon Pinkerman this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim and JoAnn, Mr. and Mrs. George Cal kins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson, and Mrs. Anna Carson were Sat urday evening supper guests in the Fay Pinkerman home. They spent the evening playing cards Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerma: and Veldeen, and Mr. and Mrs Reggie Pinkerman and boys and Mrs. Fay Pinkerman were Sunday dinner guests in the Guy Pinker man home. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christ sen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull, Charlie Schollmeyer and Mr. and Mrs Jerry Carsten called on Veldon Pinkerman Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson were O’Neill shoppers on Saturday. Miss Kay Christensen was a Fri day overnight guest in the Reggie Pinkerman home. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Dorsey News Mr*. Harold Osborn Mrs. Willis Butterfield and David of Norfolk visited in tins community over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard and daughters returned to Sioux City Sunday after spending a week at the Osborn home. Mr. and Mrs. l-eman Huber were Sunday supper guests at the Osborn home and later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene called Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson and Mrs. Carrie Hunter were Lynch visitors Friday afternoon. Miss Marlyn Graham accom pained the Hume twins home from Norfolk Saturday night. The Lynch seniors left Lynch early Sunday morning for Omaha where they went to see the ice capades. It was their 'Sneak Day' Monday. Miss Sadie Derickson is now living at her home on Steel Creek again. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derickson and family were callers at the John Derickson home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka at tended a lodge meeting at Pischel ville Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta were O'Neill shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn called Wednesday evening at the Hamid Osborn home to see Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard and girls. The approach at the Albert Car son bridge was repaired this week. Arthur Aim was out to the A. W. Aim home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans and John Derickson were O’Neill shoppers Thursday. Charley Sehollmeyer was a Sun day visitor at the R. L. Hughes home. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marston visi ted at his brother's home, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston on Sunday. Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey vis ited at the home of Mr and Mrs. LaVeni Caskey of O'Neill Thurs day, Mar. 31. A dinner was held at the Art Neuhaus home in honor of their 25 wedding anniversary on Sunday, Mar. 20. Relatives from Madison, Orchard. Winnetoon and Page at tended. Richard Neuhaus, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Authur Neuhaus, recently was separated from the Army. Richard spent much of the two years in service in Germany Visitors at the Harry Caskey home Sunday evening, Apr. 3 w*re Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Fire destroyed a barn at the Duard Dempster farm Monday night, April 4. Around 100 small pigs and 11 sows were lost. Heat lamps are believed to have been the cause of the fire. Tin j Orchard fire department answered j the alarm. Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds j FLORENCE PONTON, Prop Phone 10(5 Golden Bid* Money To Loan! Property, Cars, Trucks, Farm Equipment Household Goods, Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES II I EASTER “EYE-CATCHERS” Take a look at these .. . better yet, bring in your youngster for a try on. You'll wish you were young again just to be able to "strut” in the Easter parade in a pair of Step Masters. Outstanding values with maintained quality ... and we take extreme care in correctly fitting young feet — always and all-ways. Sudyct Pitted! ^ A and M Shoe Store O'Neill Phone 139 Mr. abd Mrs. Bryan Finch ao eompanied by Mr. anti Mrs Ralph Brookhouser motored to Norfolk Thursday evening. March 31 where they attended die wrestling mat ches and visited at die Lon Pitch ier and Ray Brookhouser homes, Mr. and Mrs. Finch reinainetl at the Brookhouser home that night due to the rain. Mr and Mrs. Henry Wellman were O’Neill shoppers Thursday, Mar. 31. Mrs Ralph Brookhouser went to O’Neill March 31 where she had dental work done. Mrs Sidney Faulhaber was a business visitor at Ore Haiti and Center on March 31. Mrs. Ora Caskey spent Friday. Apr. 1 and was an overnight guest of Mrs. Cecil Moser. With about 8 inches of snow cov ering the deep mud tracks the roads were impassible. The mail man was unable to cover liis route mi Friday anti Saturday, Apr 12. Mr and Mrs. Harold Cihlar and Sherie were Thursday evening. Mar. 31 visitors at the Donald Kumison’s. Mra. Mary Zastrow O'Neill is staying with her daughter and son i in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faul haber. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kotrows aixl Vincent Jackson visited at the ; Donuld Kinnison home Simday, Apr. 3. We Will Be Closed On EASTER SUNDAY That our employees may enjoy the day with their families CANDY BILL'S CAFE Happy Easter to our friends and patrons FIFTH ANNUAL MISSIONS CONFERENCE MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Chambers, Nebr. April 17-24 7:15 Nightly Speakers. Don Rubesh, missionary from Ceylon Con Shonkwiler, missionary from the West Indies I Colored slides, special music, missions messages, missions display Good Friday Service 8:00 p.m. Easter Cantata, Sunday night, 8.00 o’clock Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sixteen classes Trained teachers. Good class rooms Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Bible messages. Choir Perfume of the Ages NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU ! "OIL OF GLADNESS" I Is a fragrance recreated from the Bible and contains precious oils imported from all parts of the world. This comes to you In a handsome one dram Glft-Pak. Also an interesting booklet, “The Story of the Oil of Gladness.” -Both for $1.00 “Thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness: Therefore God, thy God, hatli annointed thee with the Oil of Gladness above thy fellows!" Psalms 45:7 , ^ Send Cash, Chock or Money Order, w w ^p, ^ r 1 | ADDRESS 4 | CITY STATE 4 9 Biblical Fragrances, Ltd. . Mail This To: 1345 N. I .a Brea, Hollywood 28. Calif. 4 a. mm Mm. Mm mm mm ^ mm mm mm a a a ma a a