|nrrvanNew* By Mn. 4mmern MrM.h.. Mrs Alva Scholz of Neiigh ns lted Monday afternoon with Mr and Mra. David Morsbach Mr. and Mrs. M M Crosaer and sons of Neiigh visited Sunday after nt«Q in the home of Mr and Mrs David Morsbach and Mary. ^f, Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family were visitor* Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs Raymond Taylor at Page. Dick Coventry, Neil Kelley and Harold Sobotka, who attend college at Norfolk, spent the weekend vis iting their parents. Robert A. Ruther, a student at Wayne State Teachers college, spent the weekend visiting hi* par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Ruth er. Joe Peters, who is employed at Norfolk, spent a couple of days last week with his family. Mrs. Henry Reimer spent the weekend at her home at Deloit. Ed and Bill Clark of O'Neil] were Friday evening sUbper guests in the home of their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky and Dick, Mr. and Mrs Albert Antho ny and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith were Saturday eve ning guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Ubben and Christie. Mrs. Lewis Kopecky and Dick, Mrs. Albert Anthony and Gaylene, Mrs. Walter Ubben and Christie and Miss Donna Harte spent Thurs day in Norfolk. They were accom panied as far as Ewing by Mrs. Henry Reimer who spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larson. Mr and Mrs. Tom Clark and daughter of O'Neill were Friday evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E E. Clark. Sunday evening dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of O'Neill. Mrs. Howard Beed and family of Chambers spent Monday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kopejtka and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson took their daughter, Mrs. Richard Perry to Holdrege on Saturday where she met Mr. Perry and continued on to their home at Borger, Texas. Mrs. Perry has spent the past two weeks in the Watson home here. In spite of the winter weather and blocked roads fourteen mem bers of the Inman Workers Pro ject club met Wednesday afternoon at the country home of Mrs. Clif ford Sobotka. Mrs. Albert Reynolds, president was in charge of the meeting and roll call was answered by a hint regarding the feet or shoes. Mrs. James Coventry and Mrs. Albert Anthony then present ed a very interesting lessons on “Shoes that Fit”. Mrs. Sobotka served a dessert luncheon at the close of the meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson have received word that their son, Sam, a pre-med student at Nebraska Wesleyan University has joined the Theta Nu Medical Honorary Fra ternity at the Nebraska State Un iversity. This is an honor as it is by invitation onlv. Mrs. James McMahan attended a meeting of Circle 11 of the Pres byterian church in O’Neill on Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arlo Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder of O'Neill visited Sunday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ray Siders. Mrs. Ray Siders spent Saturday morning in Orchard visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clar ence Juracek and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Shirley of Newcastle, Wyo. spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mrs. Shir ley’s mother, Mrs. Mira Fairbanks. Mrs. Shirley was the former Edna Fairbanks. Lyle Pyle ana aaugnier, Bar bara came Friday from Bayside, Va. to join Mrs. Pyle who is vis iting in the home of her father, John Reimor. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sawyer and family of Atkinson visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clif for Sawyer and Mick. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Mick. Mrs. Ira Watson spent Friday and Saturday in Lincoln visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley and daughter and also with her son, Sam, a student at Wesleyan. Mrs. Cora Caldwell of Utica is spending a few days in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and boys. Ivan Couch, who is employed at Geneva, spent the weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley left Saturday for Grand Island where thev will be employed. Miss Tina Sanders of O Neill vis ited Friday evening in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Joe Peters. Try the Frontier Want Ada_ i O'Neflt Locah Paul Young of r\)rttp(pn, brother in-law of Mrs Gay Young was a FVtdsy visitor in her home Mr Young is visiting his brothers, Wi, ter and Ralph, has daughter, Jan et who is with the Orton Youngs and other relatives in the Oppor tunity neighborhood Fred French, Joe Pritchett, RoS lie Miller, Tommy Zakrzewski, Bob Tomlinson and Nels Linquist avail ed themselve* of the opportunity to hire a man and a bulldozer from Verdigre to open up the meadows move some haystacks in to the home stackyards and ppen road; that have been closed all winter in the ranch country northeast of O'Neill. The lndav afternoon callers in the Jeff Davis home at Inman Mr. and Mrs E L. Miner and Miss Ethel Oetjen went to Cham bers Saturday evening where the ladies visited Mrs Miner’s parents. Mr and Mrs Floyd Whitaker who were released from the Atkinson hospital Friday. Mr and Mrs Gene Bird and family wore Friday evening vis itors in the home of Mr and Mrs i Adolph Latzel. Mrs. Charles Beilin and son. Dale Ifcltin of O'NeUL ami. Charlie Mossnvan of Valerirtne at | tended an executive meetmg -at j Sx'tix City last Saturday when plans were made for the national i beekeeper's convention to be held at Omaha next winter Marlon Rosenkrans of Dorsey was a Sunday afternoon caller in the home of Mrs Annie Derickson and the Misses Jeanette and Sadie Der ark son Mr. and Mrs LVwey Pierson erf Turringtou, Wyo arrived last Tues day and are guests m the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. George Mott Mrs Elisabeth Bode of* Elgin was a Friday to Sunday guest In the home of her soo-in-lavt and daughter. Mr and Mrs Matt Behs The Beta family took her home Sunday Mr and Mrs, V. C. Johnson, Mrs Loyd Godel, all of O'Neill Mrs, Lloyd Godel, all of O'Neill ami Mrs Don Godel and sons of Winner, S. IV were Sunday eve ning guests in the M L. Harmon home. WE GIVE a®*'1® TOP VALUE STAMPS With Every Purchase See the Ad On Page 8 Of This Paper ' ■ ^|^^jj^;i^^|Hlgaglggllllgl^HMHHMMHiiiiiBHHMIttlMiiMlfiBBKSMiBBK»MiMNMMi { TALK ^ TOWN I I SPECIAL I I ■ folger's ! 1 VACUUM-PACKED I ■ 69$ t . —-— 1 NORTHERN I I TISSUE | I 8 Ron® 59< I ft- POST TOASTIES Or I ft KELLOG'S CORN FLAKES 1 ~ i9« IHERSHEY f CHOC. SYRUP ' ^k 16 Oz. Mm Cans Jr BLUE RIBBON WAX PAPER.100 Ft. Roll 19c PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER . 12 Oz. Jar 35c L GOOCH’8 BEST MACARONI .... 10 lb. box. 1.89 MISTLETOE ' QLEO.6 lbs. 1.00 BROOK ^ MARSHMALLOWS .. lb. pkg. 29c ■ " ALMA BRAND SWEET POTATOES 216 can 23c 1 BAKERS 1 I COCONUT.14 ox. pkg. 59c 7 ^ >1.00 GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS f o L**s* 25c * “ Sensational New CARROTS AI,WICK BOMB - ORANGES 50 TV Stamps r 10 gm M , | FREE With The Purchase Of A Can At 2 f°r 15' 5 LbS' 59C Regular Price of 79c i •' I - - - I TALK «TOWN ' | I SPECIAL | ! folger’s I (INSTANT COFFEE * C °n/y 89 ^ > ~ 6 OZ. JAR C ———— - ■ SO HUEY WE RAN OUT SO EAST ON ROBIN HOOD FLOUR M EAST WEEK m ROBIN HOOD V FLOUR.50 Lb. Sack $349 * | W1EE ARRIVE SATURDAY M .MARSHALL Pork & Beans 300 can 10* STALEYS SYRUP ot. iar 39* HOLDEN WHEAT Macaroni 2 Lb. pkg. JJc R W AY DILL PICKLES Half gal. ^0c DAVID IIARUM j Pancake Flour 3 lb. sack 20c SWANS DOWN ANGEL FOOD Pkg. 59c IJPTON (THICKEN NOODLE SOUP 3 Pkgs. for J0c LEVER BROS. SURF Giant pkg. 00c ) DELICIOUS THRIFTY MAIN DISH < • ^ ^ryqs^pii.1,1. w %uV7rjtw^P 3 Lb! 1.00 ; LONGHORN CHEESE.Lb. 59c j i00% PURE GROUND BEEF.Lb. 39c ARMOUR CAMPFIRE % I BACON.2 Lb. Pka. 79c PICKLE AND PIMENTO, OLIVE I.OAF, MACARONI AND 1 CHEESE I LUNCH MEAT. END CUT PORK CHOPS k *i iitrn r .. 3**^ -ezwym- '.Mil PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SATURDAY MARCH 26th »