The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 03, 1960, Image 10

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to the
The secretaries of the school
boards of Holt county received i |
letter from the Holt county super
intendent, Miss Alice French. This
letter makes reference to some
of the activities of the NSIA This
letter is the direct result of the
four-page letter Miss French re
ceived from the Washington coun
ty superintendent, which he sent to
the school board mem tiers of
Washington county. This letter
was sent, so says Mr. Blanchard,;
to all county superintendents.
This is a concentrated and des
perate state wide effort to dis-1
credit and undermine our associa
tion. The letters are full of im- j
plications and distortions, which
we take exception to. The time
has come when the air must Ik
cleared. We have invited Miss
French to explain her statements
at a public meeting. The insin
uations she has made are not go
ing to pass unchallenged.
This increased activity to smear
the NSIA is motivated by our or
ganization’s decision to circulate
a referendum petition for a con
stitutional amendment, calling for
the election of the State Commis
sioner of Education.
Since there Is a lot of misun
derstandings and concern in Holt
county over the recent reorgani
zation plan which was submitted
to the state by the County Reor
ganization Committee, there will
he an open discussion on this pro
Mr. S. H. Brauer. jr.. Field Re
presentative for the Nehrask
School Improvement Association
will conduct the meeting. If y
want the facts and information <
what is going on in our schools
don’t fail to be in the O'Neill
American Legion hall on Friday,
March 4, at 1:30 p.m. We expect
one of the liveliest meetings ever
held in Holt county on school pro
blems, to develop. You may in
vite interested school district pa
trons to this meeting.
Richard Brauer
Chairman, NSIA
In a recent publication the Ne
braska School Improvement As
sociation stated they were start
ing their f>etition drive to secure
a referendum that would make
the office of Commissioner of Ed
ucation elective rather than ap
It would appear to me that,
since the Commissioner is appoint
ed hy the State Board of Edu
cation, and members of the State
Board are elected hy the voters
of each district, the voters not
satisfied should speak to the man
that represents their district.
They should inform him that they
are not satisfied with the Com
missioner, and if necessary, work
towards replacing their State
Board representative in office
The Districts of which I speak re
present Supreme court udicial
I'm sure the efforts of the many
volunteer workers who will be
needed to secure the necessary
signatures could l>o put to much
better use in the improvement
of interested individuals to their
own schools. Efforts to see how
and what should go first and
what might he done to insure the
children under obligation are be
ing provided the best educational
opi>ortunities that the taxpayer's
money can provide are more im
If and when these people come
to your door and request you to
sign their petition ask them this
question: "How will this action
of your organization insure that
the educational programs will be
Milton Baack
Supt. of Schools
O’Neill, Nebr.
Hospital Notes
Admitted: Keh. 21 Mrs. Harry
I-ampert of Orchard; Ralph Sto
wed of O’Neill; James Rorgmeyer
of Inman; Mrs. Paul Menkens of
Emmet; Mrs. Phyllis Salt and J.
S. Hoffman, Iwth of Chambers.
26 Walter Johnson of Page. 27—
William Pinkerman. Marilyn Don
ohoe and Martin Schuchman, all
of O’Neill. 28 Karen Fernau and
Mrs. Howard Zobrist, Ixith of
Butte; Mrs. Art Reiser of Anoka,
Harry Sullivan, Sue Ann Free
burg, Andrew Wettlaufer, Miss
Mary E. Vogel. Mrs. Henry Benze
and Mrs. Marlin Wichman, all of
O’Neill. 28 Mrs. Francis Pfeffer
Sat. Mar. 5
43 Head of Dairy Heifers and
Young Cows
O'Neill Livestock
Kubart Bros., Atkinson
\ 7 Holstein Cows 3—« yrs. Top
9 tiurnsey Cows 3—Kyrs. Heavy
II First Calf tiurnsey Heifers
Calf in March.
Minnesota Breeding
Matt McCabe, Page
15 Holstein springers. Minnesota
Breeding from top herds. Will
Calf April 1st. 1,000 lb. heifers.
Top Prospects
All Cattle T.B. & Bangs
,LKhJ K 1 1
of Pickstowm Mar 1— Donald R
Myers erf Stuart, Mrs. Mary Zas
trow, Mrs Harry Sullivan and
Mrs. Francis Holz, all of O'Neil’
Dismissed: Feb. 25—Mrs. F. J
Dtshner, Joseph Bazelman. Mrs
G. Duane Mintle and Thomas D
Anderson, all of O'NeUl; Mrs. Eu
gene Clark of Inman, Brian Thom
as Blake of Ree Heights, S. D
26— Mrs. Mane Schroeder of Oma
ha; Mrs Clyde McKenzie, jr., ai
baby girl and Mrs. H. B. Burch
all of O’Neill; Mrs Kenneth Cas
key of Orchard; Rodney Kenne
dy of Page. 27 Mrs. Paul Men-!
kens of Emmet; Karen Heese of
O’NeUl, Mrs. E- R. Stewart of
Page. 28 Mrs. Laval Freeburg i
of O'Neill. 29 Walter Jiihnson of
Page Mar. 1—Mrs. Fred Appleby
and Mrs. Henry Benze, both of
O'Neill; Mrs. Howard Zobrist of
ADMITTED; Feb. 22 Fred
Stolte, Mrs. Margaret Clausson
and Clarence Wright, all of Atkin
son. 23 Mrs. Earl Houts of At
kinson. 24 Edward Winkler of
Emmet; Mrs. Clessen Keller o
Newport and Mrs. Don Vencil of
Atkinson. 23 Irvin Christon of
Newport. 26 Lyle Addison of
Atkinson. 27 Lorene Judge of
O'NeiU; Richard Klinger and
Rodney Christensen, both of At
kinson 28 Mrs. Donald Beck
with of O'Neill; Mrs Sophie
Hoppe of Atkinson; Mrs. William
Anson of Butte; Mrs. Roy Forbes
of Spencer. 21- Mrs. William Tur
ner of Chambers; Dwight Kenny
of Atkinson; Mrs. John West of
DISMISSED: Feb 22-Vemon
Berry of Amelia. 23 Billy Doo
little of Amelia. 24- Mrs. Robert
Kenny and son and Mrs. Arthur
Harley and daughter, all of At
kinson; Mrs. Bruce Horn of
Chambers. 25 Clarence Coleman
of Bassett; Clarence Wright, Mrs
Horace Crawford and Mrs. Rich
ardard Osborne, all of Atkinson.
27 Lyle Addison of Atkinson. 28
Edward Winkler of Emmet; Mrs
B.. Iieo Bcnenberger and son of
Atkinson. 21 Mis. Donald Ven
cil and daughter of Atkinson.
EXPIRED: Feb. 24 - Frank
Keating of Atkinson.
PRESENT: Mr. Mary Classen
of Spencer; Dr. J. A. Guttery of
Lynch; Mr. William lfavranek of
Bristow; Dr. G. R. Ira of Lynch;
Mrs. Mary I-ange of Fairfax, S.
D.; Mrs. Anna Mashek of Spen
cer; Mr. Erick of Anoka; Mrs.
Edward Roeder of Fairfax, S. D.
Mr. Harold Schultz of Naper;
Mrs. William Schultz of Naper.
Wittmus of Fairfax, S. D.; Mi
Alliert Tejral of Spencer; Mrs.
Frank Small of Butte; Mr. Elmer
Kinzie of Anoka; Master Lyle
Atkinson of Butte; Mrs. Mamie
O'Neill of O’Neill; Mrs. John
Kaczor of Spencer; Mrs. Glen
Stewart of Lynch; Mr. William
Horst of Butte; Mrs. Conrad
Thorell of Bristow; Mrs. Vernon
Rinehart of Butte; Mr. Matthew
Schmitz of Naper; Mi's. Jakt
Muller of Lynch; Mrs. Harold
Bennett of Lynch; Mrs. Jake
Derk of Lynch.
Mrs. Edgar DeHart received
woi'd last week of the death on
February 15th of her aunt, Mrs.
Irene Nutcher of Santa Cruz,
Mary Irene Eisele was bom at
Lincoln, June 6, 1880, the young
est of a family of ten. Following
her marriage, she and her hus
band, George Nutcher lived for
a number of years on the farm
northwest of Chambers now own
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Whi
taker. Mrs. Nutcher was well
known here and at O'Neill. She
was a sister of the late Mrs. John
Cox of Chambers and Bill Eisele
of O'Neill. She visited here for
about a month last spring. Mr.
Nutcher died a number of years
ago. They had no children.
Mrs. Nutcher suffered a stroke
in December from which she
never recovered. She was cared
for during her last illness by a
niece, Hazel Durrence of Tur
lock, Calif.
Funeral services were held on
February 19th and she was
buried beside the grave of her
husband. She leaves to mourn
her passing a number of nieces
and nephews in California and in
Omaha and Lincoln. Also Mrs.
DeHart of Chambers and Mrs.
George Webber of Salt Lake City,
Utah. __
Methodist Bible Group
Study Text of Luke
The study of St. Luke’s “Por
trait of Christ" hy Laymon is the
text for a special Lenten Bible
study lieing given by the Methodist
j women.
The study began yesterday
I (Wednesday) and will continue
each Wednesday afternoon at 2
p.m. until Easter, meeting in the
5 Methodist church basement Mrs.
j Robert Embree will lead the study
The Methodist women extend an
invitation to any one in attending
the study classes.
Power Firm
Schedules New
Electric Line
CPPD’s board of directors ear
lier had given tentative approval
of the project ponding the go-ahead
from NPPS.
The tine, an extension of a 115.
000-volt line from O'Neill to Aif)s
worth. will provide the needed ad
ditional power in the Valentine
area. Valentine. Crookston, Kil
gore. Newel ,*nd Cody "will receive
an increased "firm” power supply
to meet growing needs of industry,
ritel, residential and commercial
customers. "•
QPPP »also carries additional
IKWcr for the K-B-R Rural Public
Power. District now servving a
portion of the rural area. The
CPPl) 34.500-volt line, now operat
ing between Ainsworth and Valen
tine will continue to supply cus
tomers at a lower voltage.
. „►)' *
The Consumers Public Power'
District of Columbus announced
Wednesday that Raymond H. Reed
Co., has been retained to start
engineering work mi the 115,000
volt transmission line to be built
between Ainsworth and Valentine
H. L. Carson, CPPD's operation s
manager, said engineering for the
£>95,000 construction project will
get under way immediately. The
contract will be given by June
first with a completion date of
Sept. 1 for the 45 mile line that
will meet the increased demand for
additional power.
This project is the first to be dis
cussed jointly by CPPD and the
Nebraska Public Power System
under a recent CPPD-NPPS con
tract which calls for joint planning
of certain high-voltage transmis
sion lines to eliminate any possibili
ty of duplication of present or fu
ture facilities by the two agencies.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.
Rotherham, Ewing, announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Rowena Mary, to Frank
Agasta, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles <«. Agasta, Omaha.
Miss Rotherham is attending
Creighton University in Omaha
and Mr. Agasta is a graduate of
the University of Omaha where
he was affiliated with Delta
Sigma 1*1 fraternity.
Mr. anil Mrs. Floyd Butter
field of Atkinson announce the
engagement of their daughter.
Carolyn Kay of Lincoln to Ro
bert J. Ries, son of Mr. and
Mrs Walter Ries of Wood Lake.
Kay is a graduate of Atkinson
public school and Lincoln Na
tional Business Institute. She is
presently employed at the Con
sumers 1’ublle Power District in
Robert was graduated from
St. Joseph’s in Atkinson anil Is
•nguged in ranching with his
A June 11 wedding is planned.
(continued from page 1)
and has 6 children. 5 girls and 1
toy. He has lived on this place for
15 years and has been a cooperator
of the District since 1952. Last year
he signed a Great Plains contract.
He was one of the first in the coun
ty to do contour bench leveling.
He is really sold on surface irri
gation. He has also terraced, con
structed waterways, dams, planted
trees and grass and is developing
a sound, complete conservation
program on his place.
Elmer Vogel Mr. Vogel is a 33
year old rancher who has lived on
his place 7 miles Southwest of At
kinson for seven years. His family
includes his wife and five children,
2 girls and 3 toys. He operates ap
proximately 3,000 acres. He has
seeded all of the cropland back to
grass. He is a firm believer in
taking good care of his grass and
knows that by resting his pas
tures they will come back to be
able to produce better gains.
Through his conservation program
and production testing, carried out
in cooperation with the Extension
office, he says that calf weights
have increased 90 pounds on the
Robert Witherwax Mr. Wither
wax has lived on his 860 acre place
some 25 miles North of O'Neill
since 1943. He has been a District
cooperator since 1952. Bob is 44
years old, married and has 2 chil
dren, a boy and a girl. Bob says
j that he believes his terraces and
waterways have done him the most
good. In addition, he has construct
! ed 2 dams, leveled for surface irri
j gation, plus keeping a good crop
land rotation and good manage
ment of his native range Bob won
1 the Photo award in the County two
years agp.
Each of these men has consented
to be a nominee for the election of
^wo supervisors for the Holt Soil
and Water Conservation District.
The land owners of Holt county are
urged to vote for the two of their
choice. The above is presented to
acquaint voters with each of the
candidates prior to the election.
Holt Fair
Dates Chosen
The established dates for the
1960 Holt County Fair are August
15, 16, 17 and 18 The 15th will be
entry day. the 16th will be judging
day and the 17th and 18th will be
given over to entertainment with
an RCA approved rodeo each
The American Quarter Horse As
sociation and The American
Quarter Horse Association of Ne
braska have given approval for an
A-Q-H-A approved show- on the 18th
with halter classes in the morning
and performance in the afternoon
Kurtz, Samuelson
Attend Line School
Boh Kurtz of O'Neill and Carl
Samuelson of Hartington. Foremen
for the Consumers Public Power
District of O'Neill attended the 9tli
annual I-me School held at Norfolk
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Feb 24. 25 and 26
CPPD personnel from 28 com
munities attended the refresher
training session on construction,
organization, safety, equipment,
personnel and other problems of
electric utility operations.
Miss French Attends
Superintendents Meet
A workshop meeting of county
superintendents was held Monday
at Hotel Madison. Problems and
policies of their office were dis
Dr. Iieo Ortgiesen of Lincoln,
director of certification in the
State Department of Education,
conducted a discussion on the in
terpretation of certification la%vs.
Miss Alice French, Holt county
superintendent, is the group presi
dent. Mrs. Frieda Josten. Antelope
county, treasurer and Miss Clara
Ottoman, Thurston county, secret
O'Neill Locals
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler of
Stuart were Sunday afternoon
and evening visitors of Mr and
Mrs. Eugene Schmiechel of
Rodney Hibbs, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Hibhs of O'Neill was
a weekend guest of Johnny Sive
sind. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Bob Mattthews. Mrs. Darrel
Adamson, Mary Jones and Mrs
Jerome Spittler went to Norfolk
to bring Mrs. Ina Wolfe and Mrs.
Alice Matthews to O'Neill. The
ladies had spent a month in
Arizona visiting with their sister.
Mrs Beverly Wright.
Mr. and Mrs L. A. Ott were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Ott and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvm Ruzicka
visited Sunday with Irene Ru
zicka of Q ark son
Sunday afternoon visitors of
Mr. and Mrs Dick Tomlinson
were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Roth child of Atkinson.
Eddie Tomlinson of Valley City
N. D. visited at the Anson Clos
son home. Mrs. Tomlinson and
children returned to Valley City
after visiting with the Closson
Weekend visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Worth wore Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Worth and Mr. and
Mrs Floyd Worth and Mrs. Roy
Worth They visited with Mr
and Mrs. Roy Karr of Spencer.
They all attended the 45th an
niversary celebration of Mr ami
Mrs. Otto Bossow at the home o'
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bossow of
Rev. Robert L. Embrec, dis
trict superintendent of the Meth
odist Church commenced a round
of quarterly conferences over the
district. The schedule for thi
week includes Crawford Valley
ami Stark Valiev on Monday,
Creighton on Tuesday evening.
Plainview, Wedesday evening and
Randolph and McLain on Thurs
L>. A. Raker and Arthur lliatt
left Saturday for Keeline, Wyo.,
where they attended the 85th
anniversary observance for Mr.
Baker’s mother, Mrs. O. W’.
Baker. They returned to O'Neill
Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Behrens
and son, Bob, of Norfolk were
Sunday guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Behrens.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Em
bree conducted communion ser
vices at Waua and Magnet Sun
day, Rev. Embree is dist. super
intendent for the Northeast Dis
trict of Methodist Churches .
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bohn
and son. Max, were Sunday
guests in the home of Mr. and
| Mrs. Gail Bois at Ewing, the oc
casion being Mrs. Rose Bauer’s
! birthday anniversary. Other
guests were Mrs. Bauer’s family,
and Mr and Mrs. Frank Bohn
of Deloit.
Mr and Mi's James Foreman
and sons of Winner, S. D. and
Mr. ami Mrs. Wayne Bates and
family of Emmet were Sunday
guests In the home of their par
ents, Mr. ami Mrs Claude ikues.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Max Lt Masters, Mr.
and Mrs. Suren Sorensen jr , and
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wuihalm
were Saturday evening dinner
guests at O'Neill in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Widhalm who moved
their personal effects to Madison
Monday where they will make
their home. The group also at
tended the dance at the Ewing
dance hall.
Weekend guests in the I-a Vei n
Caskey home were Mr. and Mrs
Harry Caskey of Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wedlge and
family of Omaha were Sunday
guests in the home of her father,
Charles Cole. Mr. and Mrs.
Georg* Wedige accompanied
them from Omaha ami went on
to Atkinson for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Loon Beckwith of
Emmett were Friday afternoon
callers in the William Luben home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath of In
man were Saturday guests in the
Alvin Heese home.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDon
ald of Lynch were Saturday din
ner guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Chris McGinn.
Mrs. Roger Bowen and son.
Bruce were Saturday morning vi
sitors in the home of her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William
Stuart News
By Mrs. Herb Skala
Relatives from Stuart attending
the wedding of Karen Kaup at'
Atkinson Saturday were Mr. an<
Mrs. Ben Rapp, Mr. and Mrs.
Viv Vaup, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kaup,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaup, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilford Kaup, Mi
ami Mrs. Freddie Kaup and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Schaaf.
Carol Hoffman of Omaha spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman.
Tne Brownie Scout meeting was
called to order by the president
Barbara Skala- Color bearers
were: La Veta Clements and
Sherry King. Mrs. Louise Shald
acted as assistant leader since
the leader, Dorothy Kohle was
- ^ —M>
unable k> tie present. Twenty
members answered roll call, and
line visitor. Michelle Kohle. We
worked on a plaque with the
browne promise printed on it us
ing alphabet macaroni. Sherry
King served "Crispy Treats."
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Cadwallader were
Mr. ami Mi's Harry Appleby of
O’Neill and Mr and Mrs. Pat
Cadwallader and duaghters of
Anchorage, Alaska. Afternoon
callei-s were Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Cadwallader and Diane, Mr. ami
Mrs. Mike Cadwallader and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skala and
family and Don Cadwallader of
Weekend guests of Mi's. Minnie
Potter were Mr and Mis. Ed
Green ami family of Fremont.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Gill and
family spent Sunday in Norfolk
with Mr. and Mrs. Dorlin Lock
Mr. and Mrs. S E. Timmerman
ami family were Sunday dinnei
guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Eugene
Hansen and family of Amelia.
Mrs. Herbert Young and Mark
spent ten days with Mrs. Young's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil John
son at Colome, S. 1). Kev. Young
went after them Monday, Febr.
22 and they returned home Tues
day, Febr. 23.
La Vonne Dvorak of Norfolk
and a classmate. 1 H>ns Seelmeyer
of Meadow Grove were weekend
guests of I-^i Vonne's parents, Mr.
imd Mrs. IJoyd Thurlow and her
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow were
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Thurlow,
Donnie and Margie, Mr. and Mrs.
Fitz Nalier, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Bausch, all of Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Florian Gesiriech
and duaghler are being sent to
Germany from Bor bank, Calif,
according to word received by
Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow.
Hi Five club met at the home
of Martha Baum Friday, Febr.
26. Prize winners were Theresa
Levi, Mrs. John Shald and Mrs
Katie Papke. The next meeting
will tie with Noma Hall on March
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lockmon,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steinhauser
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dolmv
volny attended the Ice Capades
Saturday night at Sioux City, la.
David and Dickie Dobrovolny
stayed with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Steinhauser.
Tuesday, Feb. 23 supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straka
were Mr ami Mrs. Freddie Kaup
and hoys ami Mr ami Mrs. Kill
Shorn anti girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Strait a were
Saturday evening callers at the
Elmer Allen home to help Larry
AUyn celebrate his birthday
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
ami George Shald ami family
were Mr. ami Mrs. John Shald
and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shakt
and family.
Mr. ami Mrs. Earl Stewart.
Roy ami Carol of Newport were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr ami
Mrs. Gene Rainm and family.
Friday dinner guests of Mr.
ami Mrs Sam Mareellus was
Mrs Dwight Moody of Ainsworth.
lhvaine Lock mo n ami Louie
Steinhauser spent Wednesday in
Grand Island.
Herb Lane returned home Wed
nesday evening from Winchester,
Idaho, after five months of em
ployment there.
Thursday supper guests of Mr
and Mrs. Kurt Kunz were Mr.
and Mrs Frank Ackerman of
Buffalo, Wvo., and Mr. and Mis.
Ed Jansen, sr. of Atkinson.
Mrs Kurt Kunz entertained the
G. M C. card club Tuesday
evening. High score winner was
Mrs Hud Kunz, second high score
was Mrs. Elton Hollman and low
Mre. l-arry Hamik. Lunch was
served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Ikin Fox and
children of Kassctt were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Nachtman.
Mr. and Mi's. Lyle Haney and
family of Butte were Sunday,
Febr. 21st dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wol
ford silent the past week in Mis
souri where they visited their
daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Law
renco Woodcock ami family at
Imperial. Mr. Mulford attended
the National R. E. A. meeting in
St. Louis.
200 to 500 Tons of
Prairie Hay
Room 109
*~~***^*+- ,
MIX l.Jit £t >h ELECTION
1U1T SAI TD MIX pifi
PLUMS NO 2* 2 1
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