The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 25, 1960, Image 8

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    Atkinson News
Mr and Mrs Elmer McClurg
and Donna were Sunday evening
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Law
rence Lofquest near Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gokie and
Mrs. Gokie’s mother. Mrs. Nor
hert Schaaf and Linda returned
Saturday from Iowa where they j
attended the wedding of Dean
Schaaf and Miss Eileen Ulrich.
Artha Pacha, daughter of Mr.
ami Mrs Lawrence Pacha came
Friday night from Lincoln to
spend a few days with her par
ents and other relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha en
tertained with a turkey dinner on
Sunday. Guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. I^wrenee Pacha. Artha and
Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith,
George Penry, all of Atkinson and j
Kay Ruether of Butte.
Word has Den received by Mr.
and Mrs. Harlan Reber of Stuart j
that their son, Jason who entered |
the service in October and has
been stationed at Ft. Ord, Calif.,
was one of a group of thirty eight
young men to the flown to Ft.
Gordon, Ga., for an eight week
training course for telephone j
switchboard operators Signa1. Corp j
Jason’s address is: Pvt. Jason M l
Reber. U. S. 56324010, Co. 1D1
USA S.A I.T.G., Ft. Gordon, Ga i
Jason was a graduate of the Atkin- |
s«w public school in the class of
Mr and Mrs. Henry Schmuec
ker, Joe Schmueeker and Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Schmueeker went to
West Point on Monday to attend
the funeral on Tuesday morning
at 10 a m., of Henry Schmuec
Money To Loan!
Property, Oar*. Trucks,
Form Equipment
Household Goods, Personal
Loan and Investment
ker's sister. Miss Agnes Schmuec
ker, who died on Saturday. Thej
returned to Atkinson Tuesday at
Sunday dinner guests of Mr unci
Mrs Oliver Anson in Atkinsor
were their children and then
families, Mr. and Mrs Dwainc
Anson of O'Neill, Mr and Mrs
Orland Anson, of Atkinson. Mr
and Mrs. Ed Walnofer of Stuan
and Mr and Mrs Leland Anson
Sunday afternoon the group help
ed the Leland Anson famfty to get
moved into their new' home ir
Buttp, where Leland recently took
over the management of the Shel
hamer store.
Mrs. Alice Reber of Stuart visi
ted with Mrs. Harvey Wahl Mon
day forenoon.
Mrs. Harvey Wah' and hei
daughter, Mrs Kenneth Haas ol
Valentine entertained at a birth
day party at the Wahl home in At
kinson on Tuesday for the Haas
small son, Bryan who was one
year old on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spann arve
Gayle were Saturday evening <’aY
lers at the home of Mr and Mrs
George Randol and Mona Rae.
Mrs. Fred Roth went to Valen
line Sunday afternoon to spend e
few days at the home of her sor
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
Ivan Roth, where she will care
for the Roth children while Mrs
Ivan Roth is hospitalized for £
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Linus Judge
Mary and Rose Ann returned Sun
day after spending a couple of
days visiting in Portsmouth, la.
with Linus's sister. Sister Izirenc
who teaches at St Mary's higl
school in Portsmouth. Joan Judge
remained with her grandparents
Mr and Mrs. Frank Wewel ir
Stuart while her parents were
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cart son ol
Crofton spent Sunday with hei
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williarr
Wefso. They returned to their
home Sunday evening accompani
ed by their son, Scott who hac
sirent the past six weeks with hii
grandparents in Atkinson.
The A.VAV. club met Thursdaj
wdth Mrs. E. C. McKay in Atkin
son. Eleven members were pre
sent. Entertainment was conduct
cxi by Mrs. Darlene Putnam
Lunch was served by the hostess
and the group adjourned to meet
on March 3 with Mrs. Linus
The American Legion Auxiliary
met Wednesday night. Feb. 17 at
the hall with a good attendance
Miss Barbara Mlinar, program
chairman presented an Ameri
canism program when the first
graders from the Atkinson public
school gave a flag drill. Several
mothers of the youngsters were
It was voted at the business
meeting to give $10 to the Heart
Fund. Serving committee were
Mrs Margaret Mathis and Mrs
Sylvia Morgan Plans were discus
sed for the Auxiliary's birthday
party which will be held March
9. This will be a joint meeting with
j the Legion and there will be a
covered dish 'luncheon The enter
tainment will lie furnished by the
j Legion.
Plans were also made to have
delegates to attend the conference
in Grand Island this weekend and
j Mrs. Opal Keating left on Thurs
| day to attend. The organization
will headquarter at the Yancey
Hotel in Grand Island.
The next regular meeting of the
Auxiliary' will be on March 2 at
the Legion hall.
Circle B met on Wednesday at
the home of Mrs Albert Lemmer
with Mrs. Tony Dohrovolny Jr.,
as co-hostess. Fifteen members
were present. Mrs Louis Hum
phrey led the devotional* and Mrs
Dean Fleming had the lesson on
: "City Missions." The next meet
ing will be with Mrs. Lloyd Mc
' Circle A met at the home of
Mrs. Dick Osborne with Mrs. Met
ta Everetts as co-hostess with
seventeen members and one guest
Mrs. C. H. Kline of Boston, Mass
Mrs. Kline also gave a talk dur
ing the afternoon, reporting on
her visit to the Holy City, which
was very interesting. She had vi
sited twenty-one countries and re
ported high lights of her travels.
Mrs. Charley Radke led the devo
tion in the absence of Mrs. Vera
Planck, program leader.
The next meeting vviR be on
March 16 with Mrs. Haney Hansen
and co-hostess will lie Mi's. John
Mohr Sr.
The Live and Learn extension
club met February 18 at the home
of Mrs. Charles Deermer with Mrs
Ed Winkler as co-hostess. Eight
members answered roll call by
bringing a baby picture of them
selves. Due to the ahsence of the
program leader, Mrs Ed Winkler
had charge of the program.
There were two guests. Mrs
Kathryn Freed and Mrs. Ray
Tunender. The Guess What' was
won by Mrs. Ed Winkler. Next
meeting wSl lie with Mrs. William
Wilkinson at her home in O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs Ed Moeller went
to Omaha Sunday returning home
on Monday evening.
Mrs. Opal Keating returned
Sunday from Grand Island after
attending the American Legion
Auxiliary conference Friday and
Mrs. Louis Goeke was hostess to
the E.V.R.N. extension club last
Thursday with all of the mem
tiers present except one. Roll caM
was answered with, "Three things
that help to lift our spirits.’’ There
was a valentine exchange. The
lesson was. More Meals For
Your Money.’
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Mabel Marshfield on March
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ackerman
of Buffalo, Wyo., came last Tues
day to spend a few days visiting
at the home of Mrs. Ackerman’s
sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Bouska and other rela
Inman News
By Mr#. Janie# McMahan
Mrs. John Buhlman ami son o
Bartlett visited in the home o
her parents. Mr and Mrs. Jame
Banks and Roger on Tuesday o
last week.
Otto Retke spent a few day:
last week visiting relatives ir
Omaha. He returned on Friday .
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson lef
Thursday for Iiorger. Tex., when
they will spent! a couple of week:
visiting in the home at their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. ant
Mrs Richard Perry.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Coven
try spent the weekend in Omalu
visiting in the home of Mr. ant
Mrs. James Pinkerman and fami
Mr. and Mrs. W. E Kelley ant
daughters and Mrs. James Kelley
spent Wednesday evening in Nor
folk where they watched the Nor
folk Junior College baskethal
team play Wayne
Mrs. Henry Reimer of Deloi
spent last week in the home ol
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke. Mrs
Reimer teaches kindergarten ir
the Inman schools.
Cart Jeffers of McCbok was ai
overnight guest in the home o
Mr anti Mrs Otarles Young 01
Tuesday night, Feb. 16
TUesday evening guests in th«
[ home of Mr. and Sirs. Charles
f Young were Mr and Mi's Mich
. Jeffers and daughters of O Neill.
Vein Wivde and. John Hipke o
O'Neill were Inman callers oc
i Friday afternoon.
Miss Nvla Reynolds spent Wed
nesday and Thursday in the home
of Mr, ami Mrs. Walter Ubber
■ and Oiristie while l»er parents at
i: tended a lumberman’s conventior
i in Omaha
I Miss Margaret Pruss. vvhc
teaches school in CYearwater
spent the weekend visiting hn
parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry
Harold Solxitka, Ned and Nei
Kelley and Dick Coventry, who at
tenil college at Norfolk, sfx'nt the
weekend here with their parents
Mrs. Kathryn Abbehaus of
Stuart was an overnight guest ir
the home of Mr. and Mrs Charles
Young on February 16 evening
Mrs. Ablx'nhaus is an aunt of Mr
Mr. and Mrs Albert Reynolds
and Mr. M L. Harkins left Wed
nesday for Omaha where thev at
i tended a 'lumberman's convention.
: They returned to their homes
i here on Friday.
Bruce (iiuch of O'Neill was an
' overnight guest in the home of his
: grandmother, Mrs. Ivan Couch on
Tuesday night, Feb. 16
Mrs, Vernon Green of Sioux City,
la., eanie Wednesday to spend a
few days visiting in the home of
her parents, Mr and Mrs T I),
Guy ami Sharlene Reynolds
spent Wednesday and Thursday
in the home of Mrs. Ray Siders
and Marilyn while their parents
attended the convention in Omaha
Mr ami Mrs. Otto Matsehuilat
spent Wednesday evening in the
home of Mr. and Mrs Albert
Anthony and family The Matschu
llat's have recently returned from
California where they spent a
couple of months visiting relatives
Miss Brenda of Omaha
spent the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 1.
Coiman ami family.
Phone Your News To
The Frontier
Phone 788
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S’S* &&&$$5 c.reen.Giant7,. . , CE) N;v 303 100
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H|BB^pB7 H BEB B ^fcgr W so easy to serve, so delicious to eat ...Cans
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ICC IflllK assorted flavor* .••••••••••• Carton » '»
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Dried Prunes medium size.Pllo Bag 59c
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Instant Coffee .r.H $1.05
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COCOa smooth and rich .I’kg. J/C
Cranberry Sauce perfect with pork ..Can 23c
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He^ ^ac
Red Tomatoes Sl'Wr,r'*h2 5<
gF* 9 Delightful flavor ^ ^ C _
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