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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1960)
Karen McKlm and tiene O'Neill exchanged wedding vows at St. Patrick's church here Saturday at a 10 a.rn. nuptial mass. The bride Is tin* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mrkim and the bride groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill. The couple will live on a ranch near O'Neill. Karen McKim Marries Gene O'Neill Saturday At St. Patrick's Church Miss Karen Rae McKim and Gene Arthur O'Neill were united in marriage Saturday at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim and the bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Neill. Rev. Robert Duffy officiated at the 10 am. nuptial mass and double ring ceremony. Singing ‘‘Ave Maria.” "O Sanctissima.. and "O Lord, I am Not Worthy" were the Misses Alice Schaffer and Coleen Corkle. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a ballerina length gown of chantilly lace and nylon tulle. A Sabrina neckline formed a v in back and accented the molded bodice which featured sleeves tapering to points. Her full skirt was trimmed with scalloped lace. Her finger tip veil of silk illu sion was held by a crown shaped hat trimmed with sequins. The bride carried a cascade of white roses on a white prayer book. Maid of honor was Miss Hetty Miles and bridesmaids were Miss Elaine Miller and Miss Cherri Knepper. Miss Miles' gown was pink while the bridemaid’s were rose. The nylon street length gowns were styled with fitted bodices trimmed in satin with a bow at the waist and full skirts of nylon over taffeta. The bride's attendents carried cascade bouquets and wore white head bands and gloves. Jerry Schmidt was best man anil Fred Snowardt jr., and Ronnie Ross | were groomsmen. Ushers were \ Dmnie McKim and Thomas DrueUe. Tluf mother of the bride wore a royal blue wool sheath with off whitif accessories while the bridc gnxjn's mother chose a navy blue silk dress with navy acces soiles. Both wore pink carnation corsages. A breakfast for the bridal party and families followed the cere mony with a reception in the af ternoon. The wedding cake, de corated in pink and rose and top ped with a miniature bride and bridegroom, was baked and de corated by Mrs. Matt Boha. It was cut and served by Mrs. Har old Williamson, the bride's aunt. Mrs. Charles Tasler also served. At the guest book was Miss Lin da MacKinlay and assisting with the gifts were the Misses Marilyn Strong and Marilyn Siders. Pour ing were Miss Lois Nelson and Miss Sharon Murray. The bride wore a royal blue suit with black accessories for her going away. Following a short wedding trip the couple will live on a ranch near O'Neill. The bride is a graduate of O' Neill high school and the bride groom a graduate of St. Mary’s Academy. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S ADMITTED: Feb. 17—Joseph ! Bazelman of O'Neill; Lyle Fre richs of Page; Mrs. John Reimers, Mrs. Thomas Hutton and Mrs. Eugene Clark, all of Inman. 18— Patty Jane Petsche of O'Neill; Charles Simmons of Page. 19 Scott Charles Menish of O’Neill. 20 Thomas D. Anderson of O’ Neill; Ralph Blair of Chambers. 21 Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, r., and Ann Monish, both of O'Neill; Mrs. | Kenneth Caskev of Orchard; Rod ney Kennedy of Page. 22 Mrs. F- j J. Dishner, Mrs. Fred Appleby and Mrs. G. Duane Mintle, all of O'-1 Neill; Mrs. Edd Stewart of Page ( 23 Mrs. Laval Freeburg and Mrs. Francis Belzer, both of O'Neill; Kamilla Rotherham and Leo I, Vandersnick, both of E>ving. , DISMISSED: Feb. 17 Mrs. Seth , llertel of Chandlers; Mrs. Rex, Stowell and son of O’Neill. 18— i Mrs. Wendell Babl of Emmet; John Reimer and Reinhold Reimer, both of Inman. 19—Jay Houck of Anchorage, Alaska; Mrs. Thomas ] D. Hutton of Inman: Patty Jane , Petsche of O'Neill. 20—Mrs. Her- ! man Nicalous of Butte; Charles j Simmons of Page; Joy Ann Tet- ( terington of Bartlett. 21 William Pinkerman of O'Neill; Willet Al len of Mullenville, Kan.; Mary Jean Kayl and Nick J. Berens, Ixith of Spencer. 22—Judy Bous laugh of Butte; Joan Wilson of O' Neill. 23 Donald Wright of Ewing; Lyle Freriehs of Page; Mrs. Ed win Paulsen, Ann Menish and Scott Menish. all of O'Neill. -_ ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Feb. 15 Mrs. Clar once Sanderson of Ewing. 16 Mrs. Thilo Poessnecker of Atkin ! son. 17 Mrs. Arthur Harley of ! i Atkinson. 18 Frank Keating of Atkinson; Anton Dobrovolny of Alkinson; Mrs. Bernard Leo | Bonenherger of Bassett. 19 Cathy Morgan of Stuart; Mrs. Robert Kenny of Atkinson; Clarence Cole-j man of Bassett; Vernon Berry ol ' Amelia. 20 Mrs. Horace Craw ford of Atkinson; Mrs. Richard S. Osborne of Atkinson. 21. Mrs. Bruce Horn of Chambers; John Adams of Orchard. 22—Billy Doo little of Amelia. DISMISSED: Feb. 15—Mrs. Dean Gotschall of Atkinson; Keith Jones of Atkinson. 16 Mrs. Peter Itam old of Atkinson. 17 Alliert Straka of Wood Dike; Mrs. Frank Dis terhaupt of Atkinson; Mrs. Theron Bogue and son of Atkinson; Mrs. Don Dobrovolny of Atkinson; Mrs. Orville Hitchcock of Atkinson. 18 Harold Fullerton of Amelia; Jim Berigan of Atkinson. 19 El don Voss of Wood Lake; Lewis Vaughn; Earl Crawford of Long Pine; Mrs. Richard Wadsworth of Stuart; Mrs. Jess Hoyt of Naper. 20 John Ziska of Atkinson; Anna Humphreys of Newport; Mrs. Edgar Sanderson and son of Ewing; Cathy Morgan of Stuart. 21 Mrs. Thilo Poessnecker of At kinson. SACKED HEART Lynch PRESENT: Mrs. Mary Classen, Mrs. John Kaczor, Mrs. Anna Mas ! hek and Albert Tejral, till of Spen tv-. r * _ tv.. /~» n I Ctrl, ui. u> viuuv ij, M-'t • vj. i' • Ira and Mrs. Jake Serk, all of , Lynch; Mrs. Harry Henzlik and I baby of Niobrara; W. M. Horst of Butte; Elmer Kinzie of Anoka; | Mrs. Edward Lange and Mrs. Ed ward Poeder, both of Fairfax; ( Erick Ohman of Anoka; Mrs. j Mamie O'Neill of O'Neill; Matt- I hew Schmitz and Mrs. Martha | Schultz, both of Naper. DISMISSED: Feb. 16—Mrs. Bert- j ha Bright of Butte. 17 -Joseph Fredrichson of Spencer; Mrs. Jim J Minarik of Verdel and Carl Gne wuch of Lynch. 18 Rocky De Speidel of Bonesteel; Fred Hrbek | of Monowi; Marvin Anderson of Butte; Baby Joan Wittmuss of I Fairfax. 19- Marvin Havranek of Spencer; Mrs. William Podany of Butte; George Kubik of O’Neill. 20—Mrs. Josephine Dvorak of Verdel; Eugene Lowman of Lynch; Baby Sherri Loock of Spencer; Miss Gaylene Hoffman of Butte. 22 Steven Crawford of Lynch; Baby Robert Lee Kocina of Bris tow. i i I! It I ( I! ST. ANTHONY’S I MCKENZIE—Mr. and Mrs. Clyde < McKenzie jr.. of O’Neill, daughter, 1 Judy Ilene, 7 pounds 8ti ounces, t February 21. 1 APPLEBY Mr. and Mrs. Fred f Appleby of O’Neill, son, Mark Al- • len, February 23. t ATKINSON MEMORIAL 1 SANDERSON—Mr. and Mrs. a Charles Sanderson of Ewing, son, e Clarence Eugene, 7 pounds 12* ounces, February 16. The grand- * parents are Mr. and Mrs. I^on-1 < ard Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. tl Ray Sanderson, all of Chambers. | _ HARLEY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley of Atkinson, daughter. Karola Patrice, 6 pounds 11 C ounces, February 17. Mr. and Mrs. li Ralph Beckwith are the maternal n grandparents. They now have four, c children. k BONENBERGER Mr and Mrs Bernard Leo Bonenberger of Bas sett, son, Steven Alan, 7 pounds 13 ounces, February 18. KENNY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenny of Atkinson, son, John Ed ward, 7 pounds 14 4 ounces, Feb ruary 19. SACKED HEART Lynch HANZLIK Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanzlik of Niobrara, daughter, Julie Elizabeth, 9 pounds 13 ! ounces, February 20. — ELSEWHERE BANGS Mr and Mrs. Joe Bangs of St. James, Mo., daugh ter. Jeanne Marie. Feb. 1. Mrs Bangs is the former Evalyn Asher VOLK Mr. and Mrs. John Volk of Battle Creek, daughter, 9 pounds, February 14. The couple has four sons. Mrs. Volk is the former Doris Darr. ROBERTS- Mr. and Mrs. Donald : Roberts of Lowell, Mass., twins: ! son, Donald Lee, 5 pounds 4 ounces; daughter, Donna Lea. 5 pounds 8 ounces, February 11. The couple ha# another daughter. Mrs. Roberts is the former Shirley Sc he most, daughter of Mrs. Tony Scheinost of Verdigre. ANGUS Mr. and Mrs. Max An gus of Lincoln, daughter, Kandy Kay, 5 pounds 9's ounces. Febru ary 18. Max, who is in the U. S Air Force, is stationed at the Lin coln Airbase. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus of Ewing are the grand parents. SHOLES Mr. and Mi's. Gordon Sholes of Fullerton, son. Kirk Leon, 10 pounds 2 ounces, Febru ary 22. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore of Inman and Mrs. Helen Sholes of Buhl, Ida SAZMA Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sazma of Lincoln, daughter. Cindy Sue, February 19. Mrs. Sazma is the former Alice Bolin. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bolin of Lincoln are the maternal grandparents. Mrs. Hes ter Edminsten of Page is the ma ternal great grandmother. This Ls Mrs. Edminsten s 23rd great grand child. KRAUSE Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krause of Sioux City, la., son, 8 pounds 6 ounces. February 15. Mrs. Krause was the former Pat ricia DeBolt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Durlin DeBolt and a grand daughter of Mrs. Sophia Lash mett of Newport. The couple now has two sons. Sick and Injured LYNCH Herman Heiser took Mrs. Marvin Schindler and Mary Ellen to Omaha Tuesday, Feb. 16 where Mary Ellen consulted doctors. INMAN Mrs. J. H. Reimer was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital on Wednesday evening for medical ! treatment. . Mrs. E. E. Clark underwent major surgery on Thursday at St. Anthony’s hospi tal in O'Neill. . .Mrs. T. I). Hut ton entered St Anthony's hospital on Wednesday evening for medi | cal attention. She returned to her 1 home on Friday. . .Mrs. Ernest | Brunckhorst underwent major ! surgery Wednesday at St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City. Mr. Brunck horst and their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Smith accompanied her to Sioux City and remained until after the operation. . .Word has been received here that Leon Tompkins who had undergone surgery at a Tucson, Arix., hos pital had returned home on Feb ruary 12. His condition is satis factory. VENUS Mrs. Ora Caskey was unable to teach Monday and Tues day, Feb. 15-16 on account of a siege of the flu. . .The Walnut school had no school on Friday as the teacher. Miss Karen Miller was ill. . .Mrs. Irvin Held return ed to her home on February 15 from St. Anthony's hospital after undergoing major surgery on Feb ruary 1. . .Mrs. Clarence Finch and Mrs. Gerald Waring were ill with the flu on Tuesday and Wed nesday. . Gary Caskey was iP and did not attend school school on Thursday or Friday. He was taken to O'Neill for medical at ! tention on Thursday. RIVERSIDE Mrs. Earl Pier j HI I III I IllUUIfl , 1V1I ?». FTdith MoClenahan, Thursday in the Brunswick Rest home. Mrs McClenahan had a slight stroke recently. . .Mary Napier and Norma Fry took the Fry haby to the doctor in Tilden for a medical check on Monday. . .Otto Retke of Inman and Richard Napier went to Omaha February 16 to visit Mr. Retke's son. who is in the hospital there. Mr. Napier re turned Wednesday and Mr. Retke planned to return later in the week. AMELIA -Tom Baker was ill a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter helped with feed ing the cattle and household chores. . Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell of O’Neill vi sited Mrs. Delia Ernst Wednesday. Mrs. Ernst has been ill with the flu but is some better. Mrs. ! Maude F'orbes, who has been stay ing with her, returned home on ! Sunday. . .Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson took their son, Ronnie to Omaha for a medical check-up on February 18. . .Billie Doolittle, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle had his tonsils removed Monday at ihe Atkinson Memorial hospital. . .Vernon Berry suffere d a relapse of the flu and was taKen to the Atkinson Memorial hospi tal Friday evening. . Harold F'dl lerton returned home Thursday from the hospital where he had been hospitalized with infection of the lungs and sinuses. . .Mrs. i Lindsey received severe burns on j ber arm and chest Friday when j j pressure cooker she was using exploded. . .Mrs. Blossom Butler Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos and Florence 'this writer) were all victims of he flu the past week. MEEK—The latest report on Jrandma Hull's condition is very | ittle change. She is still taking lourishment and seems to have :onsiderable strength but stays in >ed most of the time. I PAGE -Ray Harmon took his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Har mon to Sioux City where the elder Mr Harmon entered a hospital On Wednesday Kay and his mother returned to Stou.x City to be pre sent when surgery was perform ed. . Mrs. George Winkler of O'Neill took Mrs. Orville Kemper to Omaha where she underwent medical treatment for bursitis. She returned home on Saturday. O'Neill— Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz re turned Sunday from Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Gatz submitted to surgery' earlier in February. He is making satisfactory re covery at his home. . .Mrs. M. L Harmon of O’Neill and her son Rav of Page visited their hus band and father, M. L. Harmon Sunday at St. Joseph hospital at Sioux City where they had taken him last Monday and where he submitted to surgery on Wednes day. His condition is given as satisfactory. . .Mrs. Willie Anson of Bristow has been confined to her home by a recurrance of a congested lung condition that fol lowed an attack of the flu. . Mr anil Mrs. Iiarel Baker of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt of Amelia went to Hastings Friday where they consulted an oculist. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hornby and daughter, Pamela wVre Omaha vi sitors Friday where they consulted an oculist for Pamela. EWINa Mrs. Lyle Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag who is hospitalized for surgery is making satisfactory progress af ter the operation. She is a former resident of the Ewing community NEWPORT Irvin Christon re turned home Sunday after a week spent with relatives in Lincoln and Omaha ami a medical check up at the Veterans hospital in Omaha. . .Anna Humphreys re turned home Saturday from her stay in the Atkinson Memorial hos pital. * DELOIT Mrs. Ralph Tomjack went to Omaha Wednesday by bus for a medical check-up. . . Jack Funk was injured February lti while cabling hay. He slipped and fell and taught his foot in a chain which resulted in the loss of the big toe and two others. He was wearing overshoes and boots which prot>ably prevented further injury. He is about in a wheel chair at the Antelope Memorial , hospital in Neligh. CHAMBERS Mrs. T. E. New house taught in the intermediate room last week for Mrs. Seth Her tel who was hospitalized. Mrs. Joe Daas substituted two days for Mrs. Newhouse while she was a victim of influenza. AT THE COURTHOUSE CXM'NTY (X>1 liT— State vs. William R. Vaughn of Atkinson, operating a motor ve hicle without driver's license, fined $7 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Hastreiter, Feb. 17. State vs. LaVerne J. Mendenhall of Omaha, night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer E. M Hastreiter, Feb. 18. State vs. Raymond Olson of I .eland, la., overweight, fined $50 and $4 costs; officer -Clifford L Kizzire, Feb. 18. State vs. Virgil E. Holz of O’ Neill. night speeding, fined $15 ami $4 costs; officer R. L. Guile, Feb. 23. State vs. Haul F Seger of At kinson, night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Has treiter, Feb. 23. State vs. Daniel J. Hurley of At kinson, failure to stop at stop sign, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E M. Hastreiter, Feb. 24. State vs. Leon Urban of Ewing, procuring liquor for minors, fines! $50 and $4 costs and sentenced tc five days in the county jail; of. ficer—E. M. Hastreuer, Feb, 23. State vs. Lynn E. Gallagher an Jerome L. Schmitz, both of O Neill ami Steven G. Higg ins o Valentine, possession of aic ..i h liquor by minors, fined am $4 costs each; officer—EM. lias treiter, Feb. 24. MAKKIAl.E 1JCKNSES— Lyle E. Davis, 24 O'Neill am Vonda Rose Thomas, 24. O'Neill Feb. 18. James William McCrea, 21 Scranton, la., and Bonnie Belli Thomson, 17, Lynch, Feb. 28 Judge L. W. Reimer performet the ceremony the same afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hul were their attendants, O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracei . went to Lincoln Monday when Mr. Juracek attended a watershei I soil and water conserv ation meet ing while Mrs. Juracek visitei i their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Dean Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin lleese at tended the mid-winter Legion anc Auxiliary conference at Grant Island Saturday and Sunday, Feb 20-21. Mr. Heese is Holt County Ser vice officer and I >istrict No. 2 ser vice officer. He visited Hurlej Jones of O’Neill, Ed Coday ol Chambers and Bill Mosel of Oreh ard at the Veteran's hospital while there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuch and sons of Lake Andes, S. D., were Friday guests in the home of Mi ami Mrs. Bernard Schmitz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krugman moved Tuesday from a farm northeast of Opportunity to a combination farm-ranch eight miles northeast of O’Neill, which they purchased. Coupon Special*—0x12 vinyl sealed nig. $11.00. Scovle's Western Auto. 44c Miss Ellen Lohaus was a week end guest in the home of her par f ents, Mr. and Min. Henry Dthaus > She is a student at St. Mary's 1 College, Omaha. Paul Ziska was a weekend vi sitor in tin' home of his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ziska Jerry j Schmitz of Nebraska City was a bouse guest. The young men are I twill students at Creighton Uni . versity, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ctmninghani , of Neligh were Sunday guests in * the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LoKoy Cunningham. Mr I Cunningham is recuperating front a bout with the flu and a pneu I monia condition. Mr ami Mrs Bernard Schmitz were Friday guests in the home oi Mr. and Min. Ijivern Caskey for an evening at cards. Mr and Mrs. Ben Miller enter tained the following guests at aj ■ 7:30 dinner at the Town House j Saturday evening.: Mr. and Mrs. I i Hob Tomlinson and son. Veldun; Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linguist and son, Don; and Mr. and Mrs. Suren Sorensen jr. Mr and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus of Lynch and Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus was a Monday v isitor in the home ! of her son-in-lavv and daughter, Mr. anil Mrs. James Stewart in [Grand Island. Mrs. Mattel Sho!>o and daughter, I Margorie were dinner guests in the home of Mr. atvl Mrs, Wil { liant Kraft Friday. Carl Kamphaus of Bartlett was i a Monday visitor in the home of | his mother, Mrs. Juliana Kant J phaus and attended to business matters in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus and family of Lynch were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs William Shaw. Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus spent Sunday evening with Mrs. John Pruss. Mrs. James Stewart and son. Bobbie were Wednesday guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Juli ana Kamphaus and overnight guests in the Glen Stewart home at Page. Among those from out of town who attended funeral services for Ed Hubby on Thursday, Feb. IS were: Merril Hicks of Hastings, Twila Hicks of Fairfax, S D., Mr and Mrs. Lee Ob bom of Kansas, Howard Rradstreet of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sieler, George Krecik anti Mr. and Mrs. Charles l/xx-k and sons, all of Butte. Mr. and Mrs. William Mo ler and Mr. and Mrs, Ray Trask, all of Wall. S. D S[x-<4aJ—S year battery, $S..XX exchange. S«-ovie’s Western Ma Me Legal Notices (First pub, February 25, I960) Julius 1 >. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF IIKAIUNO OK PETITION FOR FIN U SETTLEMENT OK UtXH NT No. i:KHI COUNTY IXlURT OF HOLT (XH'NTY, NEBRASKA E S T A T E OF GERHARD 1> JANZING, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. IX) Al.l, CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate aixi approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on March 16, I960, at 10 o’clock, A M, 1 /mis W. Reimer County Judge (COUNTY COlfRT SEAL) 44-46e Too Late To Classify FOR SALE Improved land 11 si*: 35 T28 R12 located 6 miles South of O'Neill on highway 281. See l/Hina Shoemaker personally if interested. 44p J PRICES ARE LOWER JFK AT JACK and JILL 7 SWISS M"s?/cteaic Our Family PANCAKE MIX.i£: 33c I Log Cabin Cane and Mapl* „ , SYRUP..I I frte'‘0ame5*to£% I SWEET EATIN' CARNIVAL PACKAGES i CATSUP I mX&MAxm jl xw .u’H 8-o*. pkg. S-o*. pkg. j 8Vz-O*. lO-o*. / ,< I 29* 29* I 35*_29* / | M Durkee's ” ] CHILI _ J POWDER Minion Royal Ana f i2-2\* jiTi43* ^ . cherries t£r...^S25e (Mil) ORANir..%» I IODDV Pure Vegetable 3-Lb. 7Qr Uin I Shortening.Tin I J DIAMOND ST..79c VEL PINK LIQUID DETERGENT BIG 22-OZ. TIN FAB Washes clothes the whitest • brightest clean you've ever seen. B°x 76c Large Hcao Economical to Serve — Only JO Calories Per I Cup Serving. Serve the Greens os Well as Curds. for Gerber's BOUQUET 2 23c 2"-'™31c , strained 'foods ' PALMOLIVE 2^ 23= 2“31‘ / ,A VEL .2~39‘ I r ,fVEL-';it.'"::83c ( «n F»r A»lur*tfe loin SrtSS ^ aX AU Wuhfm BOX /m ^ FLORIENT DEODORIZER ^79c PA\i r I f MV FHESH rBOM LABGE 1 J } fl»* I CALIFORNIA __ BUNCH \TllMArilFS ^ I Wllin I ULV SALADS OB SLICING _ LB T/. f)i -THE WOULD S FINEST BAKING APPLE' /iCffrl-. niESH noM idaho H MAYONNAISE ROME BEAUTY 39 4 57c IU BY BED or TEXAS WHITE GRAPEFRUIT.10 for 49c FROZEN FRESH STRAWBERRIES 30-lb. tin GOLDEN VALLEY “KING SIZE” PORK & BEANS .3 50-oz. $100 BANNER ——^JLbSj^lo^ MIX 'EM or MATCH 'EM KKOOART ^ 303 tins PEAS ^ CORN GREEN BEANS W m T I'OKK.MOST'H 1*01*1 EAR DESSERT V»> . > • , S > • . ' - * Vanilla - Chocolate • Strawberry BIG DIP l/2 Gal. Carton .