Inman News By !Hr». Junm McMahan A valentine party was enjoyed i J* Tnman Workers Project club on Wednesday afternoon at Uie home of Mrs. Albert Anthony Then- were 15 members present Hostesses were Mrs Wynn Bald wn, Mrs Raymond Taylor Mrs L. W Sobofka. Mrs L P Kopec. *?• Mrs. IJvelle Butterfield, Mrs "bert Anthony and Mrs James Me M ai utii Mrs. Clarence tfansen and Mrs James McMahan attended a 6 3C banquet at the M E church and a stab-d meeting of Sym Aony Chapter OES on Thursday every mg in O'Neill. Mrs. Joann Seen of Sargent, District Supervisor was a guest. Ivan Couch left Monday for Geneva where he wall be employ ed. Marvin Stewart has returned from Amelia where he spent a few days in the home of Raymond Bly. Harold Sobotka, Dick Coventry and Ned and Neil Kelley, who at tend college at Norfolk, spent the weekend with their parents. Joe Peters of Norfolk spent a few days visiting his family last week. On Wednesday of last week Neil Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs James Kelley was interviewed over radio station W J A G on the Norfolk Junior College broadcast as the personality of the week. This is a feature of the college. Louie Vitt of O'Neill was an Inman caller on Monday. W.SC.S met Thursday after noon at the church annex for their regular meeting. Ten members were present. Plans were made for starting work on their annual bazaar. Lunch was served by Mrs. Charles lolien and Mrs. Roy Gan non. Mrs. Charles Luhen left Sunday for Iz*xington where she will spend a few days visiting relatives. Mrs. Mira Fairbanks spent Tues day in Orchard visiting relatives. Mrs. Don Parks and daughter of O’Neill visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iz'onard Halstead Satur day. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris The Methodist Youth Fellowship met at the church parlors Mon day evening with an attendance of twenty members and guests. Bonnie Welke and Florence Black conducted the devotional period which was followed by a party. In charge of the entertainment were Sandra Elliott, Bertha Har ris and James Tams, which in cluded games and group singing. The refreshment committee was made up of Bonnie Welke, Maine Davis and Alfred Schilousky. Both committees were assisted by the sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson. Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow Elliot were also in attendance. The Heart Drive in Ewing is underway sponsored by the Church of Christ with Mrs. C. C. Jlahlheck as chairman. Heart con tainers have been placed in the business places. Envelopes will be passed from neighbor to neighlior in the residential district for fami ly donations February 23 is the date set for a community benefit home talent entertainment to be held at the auditorium of the Ewing public school. Persons interested in participating in this event may contact Mrs. Hahlbeck. Mrs. George Jefferies and her daughter, Mrs. Ixurainc Wright attended the Clearwater Creek ex tension club meeting held at the home of Mrs. V. Cratty at Neligh, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Larson of Norfolk were Monday guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Min nie Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier called at the home of Mrs. Clay Babcock on Monday evening. Mr. Babcock died on Sunday after a long ill ness. Funeral services will Ik* hold Wednesday afternoon at the Clear water Methodist church. Mr. Balicock was a barber in Ewing a number of years ago. Mrs. Donald Armfield of Sioux City la., is a guest at the home of her mother, Rev. Bessie Kline She also called at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest.____ SAVE On Phillips Oils & Greases Now at your "66" DEALERS Graham '66' O'Neill Storjohann '66 Spencer East End '66' Atkinson Mattson '66' Inman Verdel '66' Verdel McLain '66' Bartlett Shelhamer Oil O'Neill K-fcUJfF§|P Mr. and ^frs, K*lph Shraderi and family and MlSs Ina Bennett' were dinner guest* on Sunday at thf home at Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader. David Wright took Miss Lor-, rajne Bartos to Grand Island on Sunday. She plans to leave there to visit her brother and sitder-in law'. Mr. and Mrss Stanley Bartos t at Kimball and relatives at Julev berg, Colo. Mr. and Mrs Walter Woeppel j were honored Sunday at a family gathering at their home to cele brate their 40th wedding anmver-! •ary which was February 10 A one! o’clock dinner was served. The wedding cake baked and decorat ed by their daughter, Mrs. Pat Burk and a valentine cake was present*: *> them uy Mr* Men v. i'ter* xi. Present were fheir children, Mr and Mrs. Pat Burk and family and Mr and Mrs. Russell Woeppel anti family of Ewing Others were Mr and Mrs. Earl Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson and daugh ters, all of Ewing and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow • and children of Cedar Rapids. Naper News By Mrs. John Sehonehwum Relatives came with a basket dinner on Sunday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Fuhrer to help them eelbrate their 25th wed ding anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Nicalous, Mr and Mrs. Herman Fuhrer, Mr and Mrs. Bill i'uhrer ai'4 Emma Fahrer, all oi Butte, Mr rod Mr*. Gust Fuhre* and Mr and Mm. Met FUhrer and *>n of Borvesteei. Mrs Anna Goscll anti Albert, Mr. and Mra. E»- n-.! Green and sons Afternoon callery _ were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lude- * ! man and family of Newport and Mr and Mrs. Ralph WrigW and family of Bassett. Mr and Mrs Albert Faata and family were Sunday aftemnor t »• sitors and supper guest* of Mi and Mrs. Wayne Kaatz. Mr. and Mrs. Bill H*n»asen and family of St. Charles. Mr. ami Mrs. George Ahlers and Roy Skolasky helped John Krnniei celebrate his birthday anniversa ry on Sunday afternoon in the Pete Kramer home. Mr ami Mrs Claus Seih were Sunday afternoon visitors and supper guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Stahlecker and i~mr& Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Fuhrei wen. surprised for their Jf»th wed ding anmverstry at their home on l'hursdav evening by relatives and friends. Progressive pitch was' plac'd at four tables, after which a no hostess luneh was served. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Carslens and family were Wednesday eve ning visitors in the home of Mr and Mrs. Clean All press ami sons Mr. and Mis. John N lea kms and Mrs. Kmma Fuhrer were Sunday evening callers in the home of Mrs. Mary Nicalous and 1 Mr and Mrs. Cliff Lund. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Ahlers and family wen' Sunday evening v isitors m the home of Mr and Mrs. Wayne Ahlers and family. Friday evening visitors in the1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Fuhrer were Mr and Mrs Albert; Nicakxis ami family erf Fairfax. S !>.. Mr and Mrs Ervin Schock emaier and family of Boneateel and Mrs Anna Gosch ami Albeit Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green;! were surprised on Monday even ing for the 24th wedding anniver-1 ] sarv at their home by friends If O'Neill Locals Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and dauglv ter, Miss Mary Ann Kopejtka of Inman were Monday visitors in the borne of the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Walt Kopejtak at the O’Neill Air port. Mr and Mrs. Esty Nelson of O’Neill and Miss l*ns Nelson of1 Norfolk were Surnlay guests m the lome at the former s son-in-law uni daughter. Mr, and Mrs I'ak as Behrens. Sunday dinner guests in the „«xhi Backwith home near Km nett were Mr. anil Mrs Guy Jeckwith and Mr and Mr* Dean Vekmth all of O'Neill and Mr, md Mrs Kenneth Kuggless and *>n Konnie of Emmett Try the Frontier Want Ads. Alice’s Beauty Shop Km S door* west of I'rawoe 13ft Kant Douglas Phone 3*9 — O'Neill ROYAL THEATER m. sue fW m t* •JACK THE KIPPER” 14*** Patterson, Etkbe l'.vnuv Betty MclViwall. Fwen Solon ft RIO DAYS Sun Mmi hun ll I'd I'hiir*. Feb. JJ thru tft THE MIRUir' Starring Carroll Haker, Roger Moore, Walter Slezak Filmed In Technirama Qjlor by Technicolor 100% PURE FRESH DONT' MISS THESE TERRIFIC END CUT PORK [HOPS 3 SLICED or CHUNK - SLAB BEHOR 4 SMOKED SHANKS OF HRR1 4 ALL MEAT - SORRY WE RAN OUT LAST WEEK (U8ERERS 3 _ CUDAHY’S LUNCH MEAT | CHOPPED HAM.Lb. 59c I IT. S. <.OOI> — TRNDKK DKl.H’IOI S V RIB STEAK.Lb. 69c C f HOLLY BEET IHERSHEY'S CHOC. SYRUP Reg. or. can I # V Va OIL SARDINES c°" lot CONTADINA SLICED or HALVES PEACHES 4 11 $1.00 SWANS DOWN White - Strawberry - Lemon Chip ANGEL FOOD Pl<9' 39( DAVID HARUM FLOUR 50-1 b. QQ Sack YVtVf 5-lb. sack 39c JELLO 3 C 49< VETS DOG FOOD 3 reg. cns. 27c VELVEETA CHEESE .2 lbs. 79c ASSORTED CANDY BARS ..10 for 39c BAKER’S CHOCOLATE CHIPS .12-oz, pkg. 49c SPRY .3-lb. can 69c M AISON ROYAL_ * Blk. PEPPER ... Full lb. 69c OOLDEN WHEAT MACARONI 2-lb. pkg. 39c GOOCH Great Northern BEANS 4-lb. sack 49c KKAFT MUSTARD 6-oz. jar 10c ?! A DELICIOUS COMBINATION OF 11 I HONEY AND PEANUT BUTTER I 1 I ITS DELICIOUS If | FREE! FREE! FREE! | I I Sample all day Thursday, I 1 I Friday and Saturday. Stop in I 1 I and have a treat on us 19 ~ Vanilla - Chocolate - Strawberry * | ICE CREAM V">» iV/;gf ^Ijjjs^jljjjra^^^ JIFFY BISCUIT MIX .Pkg. 29c STALEY’S WAFFLE SYRUP .Gal. can $1.29 BRACHS CHOCOLATE CHERRIES.Box 49c AUNT JANES ICEBERG DILL PICKLES .Qt. 39c KARO BLUE SYRUP .5-lb. can 59c SNO-FRESH FROZEN CAULIFLOWER 5 10-oz. pks. $1.00 TUBE Now Only 6 THE FRIENDLIEST STORE IN TOWN \ WE GIVE T V STAMPS Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 lbs. 29c Fresh Crisp CARROTS Cello Pkg. 9c Ex. Fancy Red m DELICIOUS C 2 lbs. 29c I r *•* CANNED SNACK r 39? GOOCHES Cut Full SPAGHFTT! 10-lb. fflg and Elbo Bulk | ir MACARONI Box Buy By The Box and Save!