The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 11, 1960, Image 3

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    Dorsey News
B> Mr*, Harold Osborn
Butterfield visited at the
Jt. L, Hughes home Saturday eve
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wells visi
ted at the Howard Slack home
Saturday evening.
Marlyn Graham spent the week
end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harta
were business callers at the Har
old Osborn home Friday.
H. V. Rosenkram spent Sunday
at the Leo Brady sr., home. He
was a dinner guest helping Mrs
Brady celebrate her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr..
were Friday O'Neill shoppers.
Mr. and Mrs Joe llrbek and
family were Friday evening cal
lers at the Emil Hrbek home.
Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Graham
and Leslie visited at the Guy
Hull home Tuesday evening, Feb
Bernard Webber was out in this
community calling on his custo
mers Tuesday, Feb. 2.
Mrs. Anna Carson spent the
weekend in Lynch at her son s
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull v isited
at the Albert Carson home Satur
day evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Barta and
Evelyn, Miss Lizzie Carson, Mrs
Mary Wolfe and Mrs. Carrie
Hunter slant Friday evening al
the Rudy Cihlar home helping
Mrs. Cihlar celebrate her birth- 1
Deloit News
By Mr*. II. Iteinier
Mrs. Martha Kinney of Elgin
spent Saturday night with Mrs
Mary Steams.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rexin sponi
Saturday evening at the Ewald
Spahn home.
Mrs. Ralph Tomjack is giving
a series of flower making lessons
in Ewing beginning on Monday .
The Deloit Pinochle club met
Feb. 2 at Paul Funks. Edith Pofahl
won high score, Bernice Bartak
low and Mary McDonald won the
traveling prize. All members were
Mrs. Frank Bohn went to Ewing
and Mrs. Minnie Miller returned
with her for the party.
Mr. and Mrs Gibbs were Norfolk
visitors on Friday.
Mrs. Henry Reimer was an over
night guest Thursday with Mrs S
Anderson m O'Neill. Mrs Howard
Man son and Mrs. Reimer attended
the Holt county teachers meeting
where Helen Martens showed
Hawaiian pictures.
Mr and Mrs. Harold Werkmei
ster went to Lincoln on Saturday.
Jan. 30. They attended commence
ment exercises at the University of
Nebraska where their youngest son.
Donald received a bachelor of
science degree in agriculture
Donald began teaching vocational
agriculture in Scribner Feb. 1st
Leonard Mcltonald who farms
near Oakdale, is having a farm
sale soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
ami boys called it the Watson Mc
Donald home Wednesday evening
Mr. and Mrs Jim Squire and
Mr and Mrs. Fred Schmidt visited
Thursday afternoon with Mrs
Howard Manson and Mrs. Sidney
Anderson at the Ande rsc >n home in
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Funk attend
ed the wedding of a friend in Elgin
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I>ronanl I .arson
called at the Don Larson home in
O’Neill on Friday.
Supper guests at the Don Larson
home in O’Neill on Friday pvenin
were Donald Luben of Clearwater
and a friend. The occasion was
Don 1 .arson's birthday anniversary
Some of the east and west roads |
are still not open.
Leonard McDonald of Oakdale
called at the Glenn Harpster home
Sunday afternoon.
PwOger, Dean and Hutch Pofahl
were among the winners at the Nor
folk Golden Gloves tournament last
week. Roger won the heavyweight
division and Butch the middle, j
weight crown.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
and boys visited Mrs. John Napier
and twins at the Neligh hospital
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel spent
Sunday at the Keith Bartak home.
Virginia McDonald, who is em
ployed in Neligh, si»ent the week
end at home, the first in several
weeks due to the bad roads.
Phone Your News To
The Frontier
Number — 788
Page News
By Mrs. Ben Asher
The Junior Audubon club was
leid on Monday , February 1st at
L>istnet No. 23. Mrs. Prill is the
leather, members answered roll
.-all by naming and describing a
uird. President Landa Thompson
presided; the secretary. Danny
A’ettlaufer read the minutes. Re
ports were given on trees by Patty
Slyer, maple; Bob Myer, apple;
Roberta Asher, oak and James
Jrumly, pine. The Audubon pledge
was recited. Roll call will be
mswered next month by naming a
mamal, its color, size, where it
lives, how many young it has. if
it is harmful or helpful Next
meeting will be Tuesday the first
A March.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Hill and family ut Orchard were
luesday night. Feb. 2 suppot
guests of the Ben Ashers. The oc
casion was the anniversary of the
The Improvement club met on
Monday night at the Harry Har
per home with Mrs. Arnold Stew
ait and Mrs. Ethel Waring as co
hostesses. Plans were made foi
tiie club to serve at the Alumni
banquet which will lie held in May
There were ten members present
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer. Mr
and Mrs. Gene Baber, all ol
Plain view and Mrs. Evelyn Gray
were last Sunday dinner guests of
the Cordes Walkers.
Ten members and one guest.
Mrs. Van Horn were present on
Tuesday when the HOA club met
with Mrs. L. F. Knudsen. Miss
Bonnie Bemholtz joined the club
The afternoon was spent in visit
ing and the ladies doing their
faneywork. Mrs. Harry Van Horn
will be the next hostess.
Royal Neighbors met on Wed
nesday night in regular session at
the IOOF hall. The hostesses Mrs,
Ethel Park and Mrs. R. F. Park
served the 17 present. February
17th will be the Valentine party
with Mrs. John Steinberg and
Mrs. Alton Braddock as the host
Mrs. Hester Edminsten was
hostess to members of the 4'G
club Friday afternoon. Cards were
played with Mrs. Alta Finch win
ning high score, Mrs. Clarence
Dobbins won low and Mrs. Frieda
Asher took the traveling prize
Mrs. Alta Finch will be the next
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper
were Wednesday dinner guests of
the Frank Beelearts. The occas
ion was the 4Sth wedding annivers
ary of the Harpers.
On Thursday W. S. C. S. met
for an all day meeting at the Ray
mond Heiss home for a covered
dish dinner with '21 ladies pre
sent. Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge
substituted for Mrs. Merwyn
French sr., and gave the lesson
entitled ‘‘This is the Day.” It
was about city missions. She was
assisted by Mesdames Jesse Kel
ly, Harold Heiss, Norman Salt/.
Orville Kemper and Harry Har
per. It was closed by a prayer. It
was decided that the money col
lected from the African study is to
go to Carroll French, a mission
ary in Africa. It was also decided
that the president should appoint
a committee to decide who should
get special membership pins. All
were urged to attend the talk
given by Lethah Doyle, a mission
cry speaking in O’Neill on Friday
night. A birthday card was sent
to Mrs. Elsie Cork. Get well and
Cheer cards were sent to Gerald
Snyder, Mrs. Arnold Stewart,
Cliff Leach and Mrs. Sarah Soren
sen. It wasn’t decided whether
the next meeting will lx- at the
church or at the Heiss home. It
will depend on the weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
and Mr. and Mrs. George Pong
ratz of O'Neill were Tuesday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Pongratz of Emmet.
Seventeen were present when
the Commercial club met on Tues
day night in regular session at
the I OOF hall. Mrs. Elmer Trow
bridge and Mrs. Ethel Waring
served lunch after the meeting.
Ilelp-U club met on Wednesday
with Mrs. Jerry Waring for a
covered dish dinner. The eleven
members present did fancy work
for the hostess. The new officers
took over, they were: Mrs. Ervin
Held, president: Mrs. Sid Faul
habcr, vice-president; Mrs. By
ron Finch, secretary and Mrs.
Alta Finch, treasurer.
Seaman Lloyd Fusselman ar
rived in Norfolk on Wednesday
where he was met by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman
sr. Lloyd jr., (Sonny) was station
ed at Charleston. S. C., and will
be home for a couple of weeks be
fore going to the Great Lakes
training school.
Miss Leona Mudloff and Miss
Christine Connot of Spencer flew
to Norfolk on Friday from Omaha
Assessment schedules are coming in slow
in O'Neill and Grattan precinct. Only about
one-half of the schedules are in for O'Neill.
March 1st is the deadline.
Please assist us by getting your assessing
done to avoid the last minute rush.
Wm. F. Wefso
County Assessor
45 Registered Hereford Bulls
82 ( HOK E POLLED HEREFORD HI IJ-S, 2 to 4 years old
23 CHOICE HORNED HEREFORD HI I.I.S, yearlings to 4-yr. oUls
1 coming S-yr.-old, outstanding — 1 coming 5-yr.-old
Sale Starts at 1 p.m.
For further information, write or phone
L. J, Walthers, auct. Ericson, Nebraska O. J. Walthers, mgr.
I will sell the following property 2 miles north and ** mile east of Bristow, or 5 south of Gross corner
Sale Starts at 1:00 pm. Lunch by Lutheran Ladies
21 Polled Shorthorn Cattle
8 Shorthorn cows, freshen early spring; 3 coming 2-year-old Shorthorn Heifers to freshen; Reg.
2-year-old Polled Shorthorn bull; 5 Shorthorn coming-yearling heifers; 4 Shorthorn coming-yearling
steers Team of well broke smooth mouth Horses
Machinery and Buildings 1
2-bottom 14-in. Case tractor plow; 12-ft. Disc; JD tractor sweep; Overshot hay stacker with
cable; 2 McCormick mowers: 10-ft. hay rake; Co-Op rubber-tired wagon gear with good box; Wagon
gear and box; Hay rack and steel gear; 32-ft. Valley elevator with motor; Cream separator; Full
line of good horse machinery; Manure spreader; 10x20 grain bin; 850-bu. Economy grain bin; 8x16
grain bin: 3 feed bunks; 6-ft. and 8-ft. water tanks; Cob or wood tank heater; 5 rolls cribbing; Hog
wire and 4 80-rd. rolls barb wire; 160 steel posts; Hog Oiler; Slip Scraper; Wagon hoist; Pump jack;
Electric motor; 70-ft. electric cord; Movable loading chute; Set of harness; Saddle; Set hay slings.
250 Bushels of EAR CORN 200 Bushels of OATS
TERMS: CASH, or make arrangements with clerk before the sale
PEARSON and LARSEN. Auctioneers NEBR. STATE BANK, Bristow, Clerk
where they were met by Harlan
Sedivy of Spencer. Mr. Sedivy
brought Leona here and he and
Christine continues! to Sp'ncer
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs Tuns
Mudloff took the girls back to
Omaha where they are employed
and Mrs. Mudloff kept an ap
pointment with her doctor.
Mrs. Elsie Cork celeb) ated her
"3rd birthday on Friday and re
ceived tit) cards in response to a
card shower for her. Mrs Cork
is hospitalized at St. Anthony s
hospital following surgery on her
hip, which was performed at St
Joseph hospital on Dec. 18th. Last
year Mrs. Cork also celebrated
her birthday at St. Anthony s
hospital. Thf hospital .i' well ^
her daughter-in-law Mrs. Lloyu
Cbrk baked her birthday cakes
Members of the King's Daugh
ters entertained the W.S.C.S at
a lo clock luncheon on Saturday
afternoon at the fellowship hall of
the Methodist church. Mrs. Ro
bert Van I lorn acting as toast
mistress gave the welcoming ad
dress and said grace before the
luncheon. Mrs. Van Horn also
talked on the subject. "Love
Never Fails.” Mrs. Merwyn
French jr., sang “I’ll Walk with
God ' accompanied on the piano
by Mrs. L. F. Knudsen. Mrs. Van
l lorn introduced the guest
speaker. Miss Helen Marten of
Emmet who showed slides of her
trip to Hawaii. She was one of a
group of teachers accompaning
Miss McCullough on the trip and
Mrs. Merwyn French jr., showed
slides on the Kaponga Mission as
well as the leper colony in Africa
where Mr. and Mrs. Carroll
French are serving as missionaries
there. The three tables were de
corated beautifully each in a dil
ferent theme, one was in honor of
Lincoln's birthday, the second for
Washington and the third was ioi
St. Valentines day. Sixty-three
signet! the register.
Jerry White, grandson of Mrs,
Elsie Naslund of Page, has been
transferred from Anita, La., tc
Daingerfield, Tex. Jerry is em
ployed by a telephone construction
The Elmer Trowbridge family
is on the move. A general shake
up is scheduled. Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Trowbridge are in the pro
cess of moving their posessions tc
the John Lamason farm; Mr. anti
Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and
daughters, Lori and Susan, are
taking posession of his parents'
home and leaving his grand
mother. Mrs. A. O. Weber's
home available to Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Trowbridge, Diane, David,
Danny and Dirk. Richard (Dick)
will continue to farm the land he
is vacating because of the ex
tremely poor condition of the
building there.
Elmer Trowbridge has turned
over the farming operatings to
his sons and he is working at the
carpenter trade.
Mrs. Elsie Naslund purchased
the Amelia Larson property Tues
day of last week. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Goodart and children are
the present occupants of the
home. Posession will be given at
the close of the school year.
A temporary building was
moved in from the Emporia neigh
borhood to the Page elevator
yards to accomodate a car of feed
while quonset building are being
A pulpit light and two solid
oak collection plates were used
Sunday for the first time at the
Wesleyan church at Page. The
memorials were purchased from
the Mrs. Roy Wilson Memorial
Sunday callers in the Louise
Heese home were Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Heese and family of O'Neill
Sunday dinner guests of the Wil
liam Raglands were Mr. and Mrs
George Clasey.
Mesdames Alton Braddock,
John Steinberg, Jessie Cronk, J.
E. Smith, Anna Thompson and
George Clasey surprised Mrs.
Lyman Park Saturday morning or
her birthday for breakfast. The
self invited guests brought rolls
and coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup and
family were Sunday afternoon cal
lers in the Clarence Jurack homo
in Orchard.
Vida Frerichs, 6-year old
TV/T TTIcio yVorirhv
informed her mother on Saturday
that the following day she was t<
have a party. She didn't get tc
have her birthday party in Movent
her so this was a belated one
i The invited guests were Debbie
and Kathy Heiss, Marcia Stauf
jfer, Sherry O'Brein, Kevin Frahrr
and Joan Cronk.
Mr. and Mrs. William Scheinosl
were Thursday night callers in the
Ray Harmon home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon anr
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harmon ol
Mr. and Mrs. William Sorenser
1 visited with Mr. and Mrs. Let
Fink on Thursday night.
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs
! Kittie Fry of Ewing were Mr. anc
' Mrs. Lee Fink and family of
i Rage, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry anc
family of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs
Willie Shrader and family also o:
Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Ottc
Retke of Inman. It was a birthdaj
celebration for Mrs. Kittie Fry.
Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walkei
and Larry and Lyle Harvey lef
Friday to spend a weekend wit!
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker o
i Cairo. They returned home or
; Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trowbridge
and family and Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Trowbridge were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewi:
Copple of Norfolk. Mrs. A. O
Weber, who had been visiting he:
granddaughter. Mrs. Copple. re
turned home with the Trowbridges
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruther anc
family and Mrs. Anna Ruthei
were Friday night visitors at the
John Stelling home at Orchard.
Sunday night supper guests o
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch wen
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr.
and Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficoo
and son of Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch vi
sited with Mr. and Mrs. Byroi
Finch of Orchard on Friday nighl
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Suku]
and Stanley of Page, Mr. anc
Mrs. Henry Sukup, Mr. and Mrs
Leo Sukup and family, all of Ver
digre and Mr. and Mrs. Doi
Maule and family of Bloomfieli
were Sunday dinner guests o
Mrs. Bessie Sukup.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart an
baby were Sunday dinner guest
»f Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus of O
Mr and Mrs. Jim Stewart and
baby moved on Monday to Grand
Island where he has employment
Mr. and Mrs. J esse Kelly. Mr
and Mrs. Arnold Stewart. Mr. ami
Mrs. Richard Heiss ami boys and
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heiss were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr ami
Mrs. Harold Heiss. who oelebrat
; ed their 31st wedding anniversary
' on Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Lee Fink and
j boys were Friday evening callers
j at the Edward Sukup home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau
i for and family and Mr. and Mrs
Alvin Heese and family of O'Neill
j were Sunriav evening guests of
Mrs. Louise Heese for a waffle
supper and home-made ice cream
j and cake afterwards.
Mr. ami Mrs Roy Nelson of
Lincoln were weekend guests of
Mrs. Stella Russell
Loren Stewart called his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stew
art from San Diego, Calif., that
he was in the states and will
leave for home on Monday for a
30 day leave. Loren was on the
ship l'.S.S. Prairie AD-15. When
he returns to Sun Diego m March
ihe Uth he will In- transferred to
the U S.S. Dixie AD-14
Mr. and Mrs. N D. Ickes were
Sunday evening callers of Mrs
Stella Russell.
Mr and Mrs. William Neubauer
ami Mr and Mrs Hob Harvey
were Thursday evening supper
guests of Mrs. Hester Edmmsten
for an oyster su[>per.
Mr. and Mrs Dan Troshynski
were Sunday evening callers at
the Dick Copes home.
Mr. and Mrs LJoyd Cork and
family had Sunday dinner ami
supper at Mr. anil Mrs. Clifford
1 lah 1 beck of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss en
tertained Friday evening at a
home-made iee cream party. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Crunk, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Heiss and Mr ami Mrs Normal
Tua\bridge Cauls were played
Mr, and Mrs Mcrwyn Frenct
sr., of Cage, Waller Pick id In
man and Mr, ami Mrs. Klmei
Juracek id O’Neill attended thi
National Convention id the Sol
and Water Conservation The nier
are suix'rvisors id Holt ciHuity
The conventual was held at Louis
\ille, Ky They left January 2;
and returned February 2. They
went by chartered bus.
The American legion auxiliary
met on Monday evening with 21
members present. It \v as voted it
send So to the little Red Solum
House fund Mi's George Wettau
fer offerer! to make a poppy cor
sage to take to the mid-wintei
conference at Grand Island to en
er into the jxsppy contest. It w;o
also voted to send So to the btngi
fund for the veterans hospital a
Grand Island. The auxiliary wil
sjxinsor a card party for the hear
fund benefit on Friday, Fob l1*
at tin* IOOF hall. It wa» dec sit'd
to send a girl to girl's state anti
to buy an ad in die high school
The file fund prize was won h>
Mrs. Hay Harmon and the door
prize by Mrs. Hob Harvey Hos
tesst's were Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Mrs. 1'Cii Asher.
Chambers News
H> Mrs. K. K. Parpciitor
IXmald Prill, vvlm is aitending
a trade soht<ol in Sioux City, la ,
siH'iit the weekend with his (anti
| ly.
Mrs. Jack Beierle ami children
;1 ot Coiumlais is s|>endittg a couple
i of weeks w ith her mother. Mrs
Paul Hot It On Saturday. Mrs
Hoth and Mrs C. F I'.iHoUo drove
l to Coluntlnis to get the familv
I They spent Saturday night there
Boys Stripe
Heavy 10-oz. denim jeans now
sale priced! Sanforized for easy
washing. Sizes (>12. Keg. 1-39.
Junior Boys
Dressy two piece suits now sale
priced. Only 15 at this price.
NOW! $4
Boys Thermal
Warmest underwear on the
market! H-lfl. Save now!
Ono talilo full of lirokon sir. oh •
stylos. Non all roprlooil for fast 1100. Valins* tn H.ttX.
NOW! $0
Nylon Hose
test value in O’Neill!
Icatilul 60 gauge, 15 de
lier perfect fitting stock
ngs - every pair perfect,
liew Spring shades. Size
i-Jil. lleg. G9e.
NOW! 3 prs. $1
100% Wool Suede
Boys Now! $3
Mens Now! $5
n navy Winter
Boys Now! $8
Mens Now! $10
Polished Cotton
Boys and Mens sizes
Now! $2
Polished Cotton
Broken sizes and colors. San
forized Wash and Wear Slac ks
that sold regular at 4.9H.
Mens NOW! $3
Boys NOW! $2
Misses Winter
Entire stock of winter coats
now repriced. Be here early
for this real special. Values
to 39.95.
NOW! $10
Mens Sport
What a buy! I/OUg sleeve Wash
and Wear shirts at 12 price.
Sizes S M I.. Slock up now and
save! Itcg. I.HH.
NOW! $ J
Reduced for tliis sale! Fine
quality knit tricot. Perfect fit
ting eli.stie waist briefs. Stock
up! Sizes 0-7-H. Reg. 39c.
NOW! 4 pr. $ J
Percale print Half :unl Rib style
aprons. Save at Gambles! Reg
ular <!9c.
NOW! 0 for $|
Kiddies Polished Cotton
What a buy! Boxer longies in
Antelope-Tan-Blue. Sizes 2-4-6.
Reg. 1.39.
NOW! $||
One table full of assorted play
togs. Be, here early for tills
great value! Values to 1.98.
NOW! $ J
Our best Heller. Kayon Cotton j
knit in si/.e* 4-14. Compare, at
NOW! J pr. $1
Our better blanket now sale priced!
Assorted pastel colors. Extra long 90 inch.
Three days only!
f j ^
Host buy In O'Neill! Compare!
Hit; double bod size cotton sheet
blankets at a real savings to you.
First quality. Stock up now!
r- $3
; Popular throve
While only 40
NOW! 2 -or $\