The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 04, 1960, Image 8

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    Inman News
By Mrs. James McMahan
Mr and Mrs. Gerald Snyder of
O'Neill were visitors in the home
of Mrs. Ray Siders on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond l-utx’n
and family of West Point spent
Sunday visiting Mr. Lubens
mother. Mrs. Charles Luben.
The W.S.C-S. met Thursday af
ternoon, January 28 in the newly
decorated annex Seventeen mem
bers were present. Mrs. Elsie
Keyes, president was in charge of
the meeting. Mrs Woodrow Gaug
henbaugh Jed the devotions. The
topic was "The Epiphany" Birth
days were observed for members
having birthdays in October, Nov
ember, December and January.
Those not having birthdays in those
months served a lunch. The next
meeting will be in the annex on
February 11.
Walter Fick was one of the seven
ty Nebraska soil conservationists
and their wives who left Omaha
Saturday enroutc to Louisville, Ky..
for the convention of the National
Association of Soil Conservation
Districts. The group will return to
Omaha on Saturday, Febr. 6.
Mr. and Mrs Don Loben and
daughters of Wtsner spent Sunday
visiting in the home of Mrs. Charles
I„uben. They were accompanied to
Inman by Mrs. May Fraka who
has spent the past few months in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin
I jjben and family at Oak and with
the Don Lube ns at Wisner.
Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and Bob
and Mrs James Coventry spent
Saturday in Norfolk on business.
Ralph Sholes, who is employed
at Ainsworth, spent Saturday visit
ing his mother. Mrs. Violet Sholes
Max Mossman of Tekamah
brought Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst
to her home on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Brunckhorst had tieen helping
in the Mossman home for a few
weeks while Mrs. Mossman was in
Omaha with their youngest son,
Kelley, who was a patient in Child
ren s hospital, recovering from
meningitis. Mr. Mossman returned
to Tekamah on Sunday accompani
ed by his mother, Mrs. Blanch
Mossman who will spend a few
days in the Mossman home
The senior class of the Inman
high school sponsored a bake sale
Saturday at Anthony's market.
They also served pie and coffee.
Atsmt $20.00 was added to their
class treasury.
Mr. and Mrs Walter Ubben and
Christie and Mr. and Mrs Albeit
Anthony and Gaylene and Terry
were Saturday evening supper
guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Kopecky and Dickie.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Smith and
Mrs. Anna Smith spent Thursday
visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roland Cadwallader and son
at Newport.
The Inman Workers Project club
will sponsor a food sale at
Anthony’s market on Saturday. Pie
and coffee will also be sold. Any
donations for the sale will lie ap
Eddie Clark of O’Neill spent the
* weekend visiting his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark.
Mrs. Bill Butterfield entertained
10 girls Saturday afternoon at her
home in honor of her daughter,
Linda’s 7th birthday. Games were
played. Mrs. Butterfield served the
group ice cream and cake at the
close of the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Vein Wrede and
family and Mrs. Mable Wrede of
O'Neill were Inman visitors on
VARIETY . • • you won't see more styles or patterns In
more sizes, in any age of shopping Penney'* . . . almost
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VAIA'E . • . you won’t find more for your money in fit,
finish and fabric than in a BreutwiMid'*1 . . . and for so
little you can easily afford a closet full!
SHOP PENNEY'S . . . you'll live better, you'll save!
I Mr and Mrs. Clarence Juracek
and family of Orchard. Ronnie Ross
of O Neill and Marilyn Siders of
Inman helped Mrs. Ray Siders cele- j
1 brate her birthday Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson and 1
Mrs. James McMahan were Sun
day evening supper guests in the
home of Mr and Mrs Vem Wrede
and family at O’Neill.
Robert A. Ruther. who attends
college at Wayne, spent the week
end visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert W. Ruther.
Harold Sobotka, Ned and Neil
Kelley and Dick Coventry, who at
tend college at Norfolk, spent the
weekend visiting their parents.
Joe Peters, who is employed at
Norfolk, spent a few days last week
visiting his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Delving and
family of Omaha sjient the week
end visiting Mr. DeLong's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeDong.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. R. tWpenler
Charles Cbx of Ord spent Sunday.
Jan. 31 with his parents. Rev. anti
Mrs. Charles Cox.
Mr and Mrs. Raymond Heed
visited their son-in-law and daugh
ter. Mr and Mrs. Dennis Kaup and
children at Stuart Sunday, Jan 31.
Mr, and Mrs. Duane Miller and
family visited his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hutchinson and family at Elgin
Sunday, Jan. 31.
Sunday evening, Jan. 31 guests
of Mi-, and Mrs. John Honeywell
were Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Har
kins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lenz,
Mrs. Anna Albers and Mrs. Ema
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mignery
and two daughtrs of Bartlett at
tended services at the Methodist
church Sunday morning, Jan. 31.
Miss Ethel Oeljen, who is teach
ing in the Butte high school, was
a guest Sunday, Jan. 31 ui the
Floyd Whitaker home.
Mrs. A. B. Hubbard accompanied
her brother ami sister-in-law. Mr
and Mrs. Chauncey Porter of O’
Neill to Columbus Sunday where
they visited the latter's two sons
and their families.
Kay Tangeman was a dinner
guest in the home of Rev. and Mrs
Cox Sunday in honor of Bill Cox’s
birthday anniversary'.
Carol Tracy, who has been em
ployed in Lincoln, came Friday
evening, Jan. 29 to spend a couple
weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Tracv and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harley re
turned Friday from a vacation of
about three weeks in Florida and
other southern states and Washing
ton D. C.
Oeloit News
By Mrs. (leary Rclmrr
A miscellaneous shower was
held for Elaine Taylor Primus at
I the Church of Christ church base*
j tnent on Friday ev ening. The
I Primus’ are employed by the
I Stearns. Several from here attend
! ed.
Mr. and Mrs. L, L. Bartak were
| Sunday supper guests at the Vonnie
1 Paul home in Elgin. They called on
! Mrs. Alice Lodge.
Donald Bauer, son of Mr. and
| Mrs. Sylvester Bauer, spent the
weekend with his grandmother,
Mrs. G. A. Bauer.
Mary. Leonard and Robert Miller
returned to Omaha Saturday. Jan.
L’3. where they arc employed. Mrs.
Minnie Miller has been staying
with Mrs. Anna Miller in Ewing
Janies and Mrs, Miller spend the
weekends at their farm home.
Mr, ami Mrs. Leonard 1 .arson
were dinner guests at the Harold
Mliner home in O'Neill mi Friday
They also visited the Don 1-arson
Mrs. Myrtle Jewell of 1 'alias, S
D. spent the past two weeks at tile
Johnny Bauer ami Ralph Tomjack
homes She left Saturday for her
home in Ikillas.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauer cal
led at the Ralph Tomjack home on
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack ami
Mrs. Myrtle Jewell sjamt Thursday
evening at the Ewald Spahn home
Mr. ami Mrs. Freddie Bollwitt and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Spahn and fami
ly were also tliere.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauer and
Mrs. Myrtle Jewell visited Mr. ami
Mrs. Rudy Morrow in O'Neill on
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Jewell of IMllrtS. S D . were also
guests and Mrs M\rUo Jewell re
turned home with them
Mrs. Minnie Miller had x-rays
of her fractured arm taken last
week and it is progressing niooly.
The road past our mail )*>x has
been closed since Jan. 14 Elen
one enjoyed the good weather over
the weekend.
The wildlife such a quail and
pheasants seem to be suffering
from hunger ami should l>e fed.
Mrs. Carl Christon, formerh of
Kwmg was seen and hoard last
week on Art l.inketter’s program
from Hollywood, Calif. where they
are visiting. She is Mrs 11 Hei
mer's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. 11 Relmer sjvnt
Friday evening at the Ralph Tom
jaek home.
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