The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 04, 1960, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frerlehs
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Alice Mae, to
ticrald Fahrcnholz, son of Mr.
and Mrs. la-on Fahrenhnli.
Miss Frerlehs has taught
school for the last three years
and Mr. Fahrenheit Is employed
with Uie International C'ompuny
In Stuart.
A .lime wedding is being plan
f'n. r ”'-’4: ■’ ■ - j
A scries of post holiday parties
lots brought the engagement of
>1lss t'hristena Ann Connot,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Oonnot of Spencer, to llaraln
It. Sedlvy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Sedlvy of Bristow.
Miss Connot is a I95H grad
uate of Spencer public high
school. She graduated from Com
mercial Extension School of
Commerce in Omaha January,
1959, and is now employed as
secretary to the assistant admin
istrator of Creighton Memorial
St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha.
Iler fiance, a 4957 graduate of
Spencer public high school, is
employed by the Beacon Con
structlon Company at the I'. S.
Missile Base in i’lattsmouth.
The couple plan a summer
w (siding.
Mr. anti Mrs. Ijiurenee Albers
of Osceola announce the engage
mont of their daughter,
Mae, to Ooualtl Werkmelster,
stin of .Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Werkmelster of Kwlng.
Miss Albers is employed at
the Itutler county Kural Public
Power Histrict office in David
Mr. Werkmelster graduated
from the I nlversity of Nebraska
College of Agriculture January
30 anti is now teaching vocation
al agriculture at the Scribner
high school.
A June wedding is planned.
Mr. and Mrs. James Minarik
of Ewing announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Karen
Ann. to Gene Siems, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Siems of Ne
Miss Minarik is a student of
the Ewing high school.
Mr. Siems, a graduate of the
Neligh high school In the class
of 19T>9, has enlisted in the U. S.
Air force and will leave for
service February 10.
fcwing News
By Mr**. Harold Harris
Twelve Students On
Semester Honor Roll
The honor roll for the first se
mester of the Ewing high school
include the following students
Seniors Lois Jean Kaczor, 5 As,
juniors IXxiglas Shrader, 5 As;1
Ben Boliwitt, 4 A s, Sharon Johns
ton, 4 A s 1 B and Lenora Tuttle
4 A s 1 B; sophomores-Jerry Tams,
4 A s, Jurgen Verhune, 4 A’s, Bet
ty Wright, 4 A s and Donna Wright,
4 As; freshmen Sandra Elliott, 4
! A s, Kay Bergstrom, 3 A’s 1 B and
Clayton Hoke, 3 A s 1 B.
A special feature of the Sunday
evening service, February 7th at
| the Ew trig Church of Christ will lie
a film of the Women’s Christian
Temperance Union lieginnmg at
7:30 p.m.
The American Legion ami Auxili
ary will hold the regular meeting
Thursday evening, February 11th
at the Legion club. Mrs. K. H
Sham president of the auxiliary re
quests memfa*rs to bring stories or
some incident pertaining to Lincoln
of Washington. Mrs. Josephine Li
ston and Mrs. H. K. Harris are
| the hostesses.
The Clearwater Creek Home Ex
tension club met Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. George Jefferies. A
I covered dish dinner was served to!
the twelve members ami guests,
Mrs. Eddie Cuddy and children oi
O’Neill, Mrs. Lorraine Wright and
Mrs. Don Ruroede of Ewing, in at
“First Aid" was the lesson and
demonstration presented by Mrs. ,
Fred Maben and Mrs. Sexton Carl
son. Miss Hilda Jones, president;
conducted the business session.
Plans were made for an oyster sui>
per to be held at the Legion club,
the date to be announced.
Next meeting of the club will be
February 16 at the home of Mrs
V. Crafty of Neligh.
Mrs. Archie Tuttle was the win
ner of the special prize Tuesday
evening when the Young Matrons
Pinochle club met at the home of
Mrs. Ray Funk with Mrs. Rose
Bauer co-hostess. Other prize win
j ners were Mrs. Gail Boies, Mrs.
I Jerry Tomjack, who was a guest,
j and Mrs. Arthur Kropp. Refresh
I ments were served by the hostes
| ses after the games.
Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft were
honored guests at a six o'clock din
ner Friday evening at the home of
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
| and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and
family. The occasion to celebrate
i Mr. Grafft's birthday anniversary.
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
I and Mrs. Arthur Kropp were her
j sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
! Charles Young of Inman.
Miss Sharon Kropp. who spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
; and Mrs. Arthur Kropp returned to
i Wayne State Teachers College on
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim were
callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Waldo Davis on Sunday.
Guests on Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan were
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ryan of Nio
The singspiration held in Neligh
at the Church of Christ was at
tended by Jim Catron Ministerof
the Ewing Church of Christ, Mrs.
Eula Eppenbach and Mrs. James |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother
ham entertained the pitch club
Thursday evening at their home.
All members were present. Win
ners of high score were William
Spence and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Low
score went to Elmer Bergstrom
and Mrs. Waldo Davis
A lunch was served by the hosts.
Mrs. J. L. Pruden spent Satur
day at the home of her daughter
and husband. Mr. and Mrs S M
Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden were
Sunday guests at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Pru
Mrs. Bert Fink of Ewing and
Mrs Lee Fink of Page were guests
of Mrs. Kittle Fry on Monday
while their husbands attended the
sale at the Ewing pavilion.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield
and children went to Lincoln on
Saturday to visit at the home of
his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Butterfield and also
to make the aquaintance of a new
nephew. They also called on his
sister. Miss Kay Butterfield and
his grandmother, Mrs. Rose Po
Floyd Butterfield attended a
district meeting of Allied Mills m
Omaha on Monday and Tuesday
January 25 and 26.
Mr and Mrs. Willis Hockey and
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks attended
a bowling tournament at Bloom
field on Sunday.
Rev and Mrs. Woodrow Elliot
and Sandra. Mrs. Willis Rockey
superintendent of the primary de
partment of the Methodist Sunday
school, Karen Woeppel and Marie
Davis attended the sub-district
observation school held at the O -
Neill Methodist church Friday and
Mrs. Lila Pospeshil spent the
past week with her mother, Mrs
Lizzie Grim. She went to Orchard
on Sunday to visit at the home of
her sister. Mrs. Butterfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim ac
companied by his mother, Mrs. Liz
zie Grim and her guest, Mrs. Lila
Pospeshil went to Verdigre Friday
to spend the evening at the home !
of Mr. and Mrs. Telford Grim and
family. , .
Hfro I iiiio r.nm mid hor iiauirh
ter, Mrs. Lila Pospeshil were din
ner and evening guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim on
Mrs Lizzie Grim recently re
turned home from Creighton where
she had been a guest at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Josie Butter
Mrs. Merlin Meyer and son.
Mark. Mrs. R. S. Brion and Mrs.
Edna Lofquest and granddaughtei
visited relatives and friends in I
Neligh on Thursday.
Rev. Bessie Kline and Mrs. Edna
Izifquest were guests on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F ay i
Doty at O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen spent ;
a few days last week visiting ;
friends and relatives at Norfolk. |
Wisner and Hoskins. They return
ed home on Thursday.
Mrs. Florence Butler was a Sun
day guest at the home of Mr. and |
Mrs. Ben Larsen.
Melvin Pruden, who received his
discharge from the U. S. Army
about three months ago, left Mon j
day to re-enlist in the service. He
has served five years as a paratro
Mrs. Edna Lofqust was a caller
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Doud home.
Stuart News
By .Mrs. Herb Nkala
Club Entertainment
For Benefit Fund
The Sand Creek Improvement
club held its annual Polio, Heart
and Cancer benefit card party Fri
day, Jan. 29 at the Sand Creek
school house. At cards high scores
were earned by Mrs. George Hitch
cock and Ed Weber. Mrs. Dick
Wadsworth conducted a bingo
game for the children's entertain
ment. A lunch of sandwiches, pie,
cup-cakes, coffee and kuol-atd was
served. A total of $22,42 w as realiz
ed for the fund.
Senior High Youth Fellowship erf
Stuart had a skating party Thurs
day night, Jan. 28th with the At
kinson Senior High Youth Fellow
ship. Sponsors were Rev. Herbert
Y'oung and Kay Myers.
Mr. and Mrs Marlyn Schrader
and sons were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Alexander and family.
Leo Slachetka accompanied his
brother, John Slachetka of Newport’
Stella Slachetka and Josie Mating
of Atkinson to Omaha Thursday to
, attend the funeral Friday of a
nephe%v. Francis Slachetka.
Sunday, Jan. 23 afternoon and
supper guests of the Brayton
children was Mark Y'oung
Mark Y’oung w as a Monday sui>
per guest of David Mueller.
David Mueller was a Wednesday
dinner guest of Mark Y'oung
Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Young
and Mark were Thursday suppei
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Km Moss
and sons.
Mrs. Berlin Mitchpll and Mrs
Harry Cowles met Friday after
noon at the home of Rev. Herbert
Y'oung for a committee meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hamilton
were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Earl Chaney. They had their
daughter. Cathy Ann baptized at
St. Boniface church. Mr and Mrs
Bob Tilke of Atkinson were her
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman
of Long Pine were Thursda> din
ner guests of Mr. and Mi'S. Ward
Alexander and family
Sunday supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Steinhauser were Mr
and Mrs. John Steinhauser, Mrs.
Emma Kuzisek, Mr. and Mrs. John
Friedel and Freddy.
Hi Five club met at the home of
Mrs. John Stea.hauser Thursday
Jan. 28. Theresa Hytrek, Anna
Kr\sl and Emma Kunz wort' prize
winners Mrs. Agnes Murphy and
Emma Kozisek were guests. Lunch
was served. Mrs. Harvey Stein
hauser helped serve. Next meeting
will be Febr. 11 with Mrs. John
1 Friedel.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Cadwallader were Mr
and Mrs. Leo Slachetka. Mr. and
Mi's. l>»n Cadwallader and fa nub
of Bassett.
Sunday supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs LaVern Clements were Mr
and Mrs. Ted Manzer and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy
and family of Burnell w ere Sunda\
dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Rhodes
i Afternoon callers were Dorothy and
Eileen Wilkins and Bobby Johnson. |
Thursday callers of Mrs. Hoy
Rhodes was Mrs Robert NlacLach- ;
lan and Mrs. Celia Garwood of At
Mr and Mrs. Jim Nelson ami
daughter, Joyce of Bertrand were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mi's
Clifford Nelson.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Zimmerman
of Colonic. S. D., were Saturday
visitors of Mr. ami Mrs. Clifford
Nelson. Mrs Zimmerman is a
sister of Mr Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson of
Pickstown. S. D., were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Nelson. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs
Nelson are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Schneider
entertained four tables of pitch
players Sunday evening, Jan. 3t
Bill Wedige won men s high. Law
rence Hamik men’s low. Mrs. El
ton Hoffman, ladies' high, and
Mrs. bn Weickman ladies' low
Lunch was served and Mr. and
Mrs. Elton Hoffman will have the
next party on February 21.
Sunday supper guests of Mrs
Clem Olberding were Mr and Mrs
Elmer Olberding ami family of
Club met at the home of Mrs
Clem Olberding Friday. Jan. 29
with three tables of players
Theresa l>evi and Agnes Englei
and Martha Baum were the prize
winners. Lunch was served. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Kane Papke February 12.
Frontier Wiuit iili I’av Dividend*
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays I
Free Soil Fertility Clinic
1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
• Soil test; just bring a soil sample
• Box of African Violet plant food for all wives
• Information discussions and movie about soil fertility
• Display of fertilizers and chemicals
• Coffee and Doughnuts
PLUS . . . You may win one of Eight Valuable Prizes if you can
Answer Simple Questions about Soil Fertility.
Sponsored by
Lincoln Service & Supply, Inc.
Nebraska's oldest and largest fertilizer manufacturer
New 1960 Pontiacs
See the car that just captured top honors at the
Daytona Stock Car Races last Sunday. Due to
our low used car inventory we are in a posi^
tion to give you the deal of your life. See us
Used Cars
1954 Pontiac Chieftain 4-dr. 8 Hydramatic -
1954 Pontiac Chieftain 4 dr. 8 Hydramatic -
Tu-tone Blue
1950 Mercury 6-Passenger Club Coupe
1958 Ford V8 6-Passenger Country Sedan
Station Wagon
New and Used Appliances
ON HAND — Including: Automatic Washers,
Dryers, and Conventional Washers
1959 MODEL Admiral Refrigerators, Freezers,
and Electric 30" Range at real bargain prices
Many used washers and dryers—all Maytags
New and Used Implements
New Idea 95 Bu. Manure Spreaders — PTO i
and Ground Drive
New Idea Horn Loaders and Grapple Forks
Used MM Model D Sheller
Used MM Model E Sheller
Used New Idea Horn Loader
Used Twin-Draulic Hydraulic Loader
Used Loader to fit C Farmall
DeLaval Milkers, Separators,
and Bulk Coolers
See and price our complete display of DeLaval |
Milkers, Separators, and Bulk Coolers. Buy
quality milking equipment found in a name
like DeLaval, a line you can be assured of
long life and local service
Sioux Steel Buildings, Tanks, and Self Feeders
Forney Arc Welding Supplies
Complete Shop Work (We guarantee our work) I
West O'Neill GMAC Financing Phone 531 i
Pontiac, MM, New Idea, Mnftsey-FerffUNon, Maytag, Dclaival,
Admiral, Forney, A and M Irrigation Equipment, Sinu\ Steel )■
White Sale
* Now is the lime to buy that "most wanted"
Electric Appliance Only Electric Appliances
have given "Value Received" for your dollar.
During National Electrical Week you can take
"FINE TUNING" for exact heat on
surface units. "KING SIZE OVEN"
for perfect baking results. As Low As
' Per Week
Per We«k
Store more and SAVE on
your grocery bills
will match vour refrigerator.
Economical To Operate!
I Big 75 Lb. Froxen Food Capacity in the New
Westinghouse 11 cu. ft. Refrigerators
$22.00 •
$100.00 ffi^wissgsrrejar
^lotnes come out Cl fanfp \
Matched Pair Matching Dryer . . . mo,,K0noS
cal to operate. Direct air-flow
system dries faster.