Chambers News Bv Mr*. F„ R. ('Hrpmtrr Thirteen memhm of the Wo men s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs E H Medcalf Thursday, Jan. 21. Mrs E R Car penter led the devotional*. Mrs I.loyd Gle«*d and Mrs Louis NeiL son presented the second part of the study on "The Way in Africa", The \ice president, Mrs Darrell Gillette presided at the business session, in the absence of the pres ident Several cards of thanks were read: also one from a Nebraska Methodist missionary to Sarawak. Romeo Invitations from the O' Neill and Atkinson societies to meet with them when a mission ary Miss lot ha Doyle speaks Febr uary-5 C. before returning home A telephone call to their daughter. Mrs. Donald Hoffman, several days ago. disclosed that they were then in Georgia enroute to Wash ington and would he home sooner than they had first planned. Mrs. Harley's father, Fred DeHart, ac companied them as far as Omaha January 10 where he visited rela ' tries and transacted business, re turning honu* by bus Friday Mr amt M rs William Turner ' nere Sunday dinner guests in the Wyvem Kugler home near Bart lett Keller club met Wednesday, Jan 20 in the home of Mrs Glen Grimes. Mrs Raymond Beed be ing co-hostess. Nine mem tiers were present Roll was answered by telling of a cure for dandruff Both president and vice president being absent, the secretary presided. It was decided to pay S3 50 to the March of Dimes The I960 year liooks were completed during the meeting. I>oor prizes were award ed to Shirley Svotos and Mrs. Louis Nielson. Following the regular meeting a few games were played The hostesses served lunch. Next meeting will he Feb, 3 with Mrs. Ed Eisonhouer, hostess and Mrs Lela Grubb, co-hostess. Roll call to be answered by telling of something learned from a teen ager Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowse and family were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Porter and girls. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith were Mr and Mrs. Omar McClenahan. Mr. and Mrs Jerald McClenahan, Mrs. Edith McClenahan and Mrs. Cur dia Smith. Mr and Mrs. Everetto Standage and family of Atkinson were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ed Coday and family. A group of MYF members met at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon and enjoyed a film. Sunday dinner guests in the E H. Medcalf home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams. Eugene Adams. Mrs. A. B Hubbard. Mrs Paul Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shaviik and Pam and Mrs. Anna Albers. The Baptist Ladies Aid met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Everette Wintermote. It was the first meeting of the month. The time was spent working on bandages, and baby quilts. A film strip regarding the Tabor-1 nacle and the Children of Israel ! was shown by Rev. Schwenk in connection with his sermon at the ; Baptist church Sunday. j1 St. Paul’s Lutheran Missionary’ J league met at the church base-; ment Thursday afternoon, Jan. 21 j with 10 ladies present, pastor uo- 1 ten used the topic from the league Quarterly "Don't Stay at Home". ■ The business session was in charge of the president, Mrs. Rich- , ard Jarman. Mrs. Duane Gross- ; nicklaus acted as secretary and 1 Mrs. Erna Tucker as news re- . porter. A rising vote of thanks1 was extended the out going offic- . ers. It was voted to buy a desk for the parsonage study. The regular LWML offering for missions was taken, also a contribution was 1 made to the polio fund. Contact ladies for the LWML are ] Mrs. W. M. Rieck and Mrs. John , Buhlman. letters from Missionary . Norman Walter were read, also one from the Lutheran Commun- ( ity hospital at Norfolk expressing . thanks for the food sent them by ! the ladies of the church. Lunch ‘( was served by Mrs. Leonard Pe terson and Mrs. Duane Gross- , nicklaus. i I Emmet Grade School Tells Honor Students Upper Grade Room The Golden Keys club is con tinuing its weekly meetings. We plan to have a guest speaker next week. Last week we had slides. The beans which we planted early in the school year have bloomed and have a lot of beans | on them. We are enjoying our! flowers and the fish that we can have this year in our new school house. The teachers are preparing hot lunches each day for those who want them. We completed our first semester January 15. Those with perfect attendance for the semester are, Duaine Skopec, Dwayne Perry. Dennis Aller. Sandra Alder, Jimmy Newton, Betty Alder, Graydon Bates, and Billie Perry. Those with perfect attendance for the third six weeks are. Duaine Sko pec, Dwayne Perry, Dennis Alder. Linda Bates, Sandra Alder, David Cole, Jimmy Newton, Betty Alder. , Graydon Bates, Jack Cole, Kent ' Cole, Barbara Fox, Billie Perry, and Tim Mullen. We had semester tests last week. Those on the honor roll for the last six weeks are Duaine Skopec, ! Ruth Schaaf, and Jimmy Newton. We will soon start making post ers for the animals in the art con test and the Miller and Paine art contest. Roy Fox, reporter Phone your news to 788 \\ CLIP-A-COUPON [/ I, PAINT SALE! J 1 COUPONS WORTH... A II ft on Purchat* of ' I mm I | HOMEguard PAINT lfl[ ^B m 90 I ill iave on Uuallfy ^amts- ffj Take advantage of this tremendous MBmI J&MM offer now ! Clip these coupons and bring tM£m Jnl them to Gambles1 Ask for FREE HOME- f JfW guard Clip-A-Coupon Book, too. Save on wall finishes,enamels, varnish, brush i-n I Clip this Coupon — Bring to I Your Gamble Store | SAVE 75< j HOMEguard i SATIN LATEX ! j FOB WALLS | I ' m I I I I I I I I Your I Name_ I Offer Good till March 31 i ■-1 I-—-—-- — -I i Clip this Coupon—Bring to ' Your Gamble Store | SAVE 40< | HOMEguard ! DtJRA-GLO | I ENAMEL | ! *•*- ! | I Nome I I Offer Good till March 31 | I_I Stop in Today: Get Tour FREE BOOK, that Entitles You to a Saving of $5.05 BIG GRAND OPENING Save $135.00 During These 3 Days At The ADLER SEWING CENTER, O'Neill, Nebraska JANUARY 28 - 29 - 30 We took over the PFAFF Franchise for North Central Nebraska. Come in and see the 1960 PFAFF There will be a company demonstrator in our store these 3 days. They will also have a demonstrator here for the KnitOMatic Knif ing machine. Don't fail to see this. During these 3 days we will offer the PFAFF No. 16 machine complete in your choice of limed oak, wal- • nut or mahogany cabinet, regular $199.95 value for only $99.00. It will Zig Zag, embroidery, scallop, blind stitch. No attachments to buy. Plus 20 sewing room accessories valued at $35.00. Open until 8 p.m. for your convenience. There will be door prizes. Come in and match the last four numbers on your social security card with the last four numbers on a dollar bill and win a sewing machine FREE. Liberal Trade-In Allowance Easy Terms ADLER SEWING CENTER O'Neill, Nebraska "We Sell The Best and Service The Rest" .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Water man Miss Cullen Weds Charles Waterman Bessie Cullen, daughter of Mrs. Hary Hartman of Page and Mr. Charles F. Waterman, son of Mrs. Tiara Waterman of Page, were named Wednesday, Jan 20 at he St. Peter’s English Lutheran ■hurch at Orchard. Rev. Walter Seefeldt officiated it the 7:30 p.m. double-ring cere nony. Soloist was Harvey Holbrook, jr. le sang "The Wedding Prayer" ind ‘‘The Lord's Prayer". Accom ranist on the organ was Mrs. varen Schawger. The bride, given in marriage by ter brother, appeared in a light >lue street length gown of lace, ashioned with three-quarter length Jeeves, fitted Ixrdice and a full ;athered skirt. She carried blue inted carnations on a white Bible, j ler jewelry was a heart shaped hinestone necklace and earrings, i gift from the bridegroom. Mrs. A. T. Crumly was matron if honor for her sister. She wore i navy sheer dress with white trim j md accessories. She carried a bou |uet of bronze and gold mums. John Lehn of Ainsworth was best nan and ushers were lister Wa erman and Harold Miller. Candle ighter was Alvin Crumly. The ceremony was followed by a •eception in the church parlors, ’residing at the guest book was Hrs. Vernon Schleusener. Misses Donna Payne and Maxine Sparrow ittended the gift table. n The 4-tier wedding cake was cut ry Mrs. Walter Waterman of 'Jewell, la. Mrs. Alva Carson poured coffee and Mrs. Roger 3owen served punch. Servers were Vlesdames Christine Dienes, Ruby Hiller, Margerite Mosel, Herman Veiling. Gladys Riege and Walter Jeefeldt and Misses Lura and Ronnie Crumly and Karen and jynn Napier. The bride is employed at the Drchard creamery as bookkeeper, rhe bridegroom is a brand inspec-j or. He served two years in the trmy. After a short wedding trip the ■ouple will reside in Orchard. Ewing News . By Mrs. Harold Harris A guest on Monday at the home if Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmer vasi'Mrs. Dan Troshynski of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tams, who ■ecently sold their Clearwater pro-1 >erty, and bought the residence j n Ew ing formerly occupied by the Richard Edwards family, moved i !o Ewing last week. They are the parents of Robert Tams. Mr. and Mrs. James Bois and family moved during the weekend from west of Ewing to the Van Tonet property in north Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rockey left 1 - Saturday to return to West Palm Beach, Fla., where Mr. Hockey was offered a good position. Before returning to Ewing in December, Mr and Mrs. Hockey had made their home here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie were dinner guests on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wittwer at Tilden. The occas ion was in honor of the birthdays of Marie and Mr. Wittwer. The Past Matron's club and Star Kensington were entertained on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Leila Snell northwest of Page. New officers for the year are: Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle, president; Mrs. John A. Wood, vice president; ;md Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, sec retary-treasurer. Members attend ing from Ewing were: Mesdames John A. Wood, Waldo Davis. J. L. Pruden, Frank Schmidt, Keith Biddlecome. Wilbur Bennett, Al fred Conner and Henry Fleming. A sub-district observation school will be held at the Methodist church in O'Neill Friday, Jan. 29, 1:30-5:00 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 30. 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Those who should attend if pos sible are teachers and substitute teachers of the Methodist church school, from nursery through jun ior high, those w'ho may teach in the vacation church school and the leaders of youth in evening ses sions. Dr. William H. Ross went to Wayne Thursday to attend the dist rict conference of the Niobrara Presbytery. He was elected as a delegate to attend the annual gen eral assembly of the United Pres byterian church to be held at Cleveland, during the summer months. Dewitt Gunter and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke were honored Sunday at a family gathering at the Dewitt Gunter home. The occasion was to celebrate their birthdays. The self-invited guests provided food for a one o’clock dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton. Paul Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde, all of Ewing, Duane Horde of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer of Clearwater. The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian church met Thursday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross. "The Faith We Proclaim" was the theme of the devotions and the lesson presented by Mrs. Willie Shrader and Mrs. Dale Napier. Fourteen members were in attend ance. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lionel Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman w’ere dinner and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ewald Spahn Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Indra, home ex tension agent for Holt county pre sented a lesson and demonstration at the home of Mrs. Gene Zimmer man Monday afternoon. Present - BASKETBALL SANDHILLS GUARDSMEN VS. N. Y. HARLEM CHICS THURSDAY. FEB. 4 O'NEILL HIGH SCHOOL Admission: Adults $1.00, Students 50c wen* two members frnm each club m the Ewing area who will be the leaders at the respective clubs at their regular meeting date, Mr and Mr- 1, A Hobbs and their daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs. John Turay and family were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Dcwayne Hobbs Mrs. Reed Mummert ami son, LaVanee of Clearwater were din ner amt evening guests at the home of her sister ami husband Mr and Mrs John Steskal. sr. Thursday Mrs. Robert Hobbs spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs Mr and Mrs John Steskal. sr went to Atkinson Sunday to spend the day at the home of his brother and sister-in-law. Mr and Mrs Elmer Steskal and family. Many from Ewing attended the Holt county basketball tournament held at O’Neill last week The Ewing Tigers played St Mary's Academy in the finals Friday and were defeated in a hard fought game, w hich was rebroadrast Sat urday on radio station KHHX at O’Neill The Ewing Tigers won fourth place in the tournament, Mr and Mis John A Wng Pine; Dorothy Adkinson, Mila Hollingsworth Springview; Alice French, Eileen Seger O'Neill; Barbara Mlinar, Atkinson; Ber niece Estes, Mahalia Hart, Lorene Kernan, Delia McCIurg, Adah Newbauer, Joyce Blakkolb - Bas sett. The next meeting will he a din ner meeting in Ainsworth Satur day, Feb. 20. Try the Frontier Want Ads. Inman News By Mr* Janie* M ••Mahan By Mr*. Janie* McMahan Mr ami Mrs Larry Sawyer amt daughters of Atkinson v tsiuxl Sun day afternoon in the home of Mr Sawyer s parents Mr and Mrs Clifford Sawyer and Mick Mrs Gerald Sny der of O Netll visited her mother, Mrs Ray Skiers Wednesday Mr ami Mrs M M Grosser and sons were Sunday supper guests in | the homo of Mr and Mrs. Pav id Morshach and Mary. Ralph Sholes. who is employed at Ainsworth, visited his mother Mrs Violet Sholes Saturday Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wtvde of O'Neill were Inman visitors Wed nesday. Harold Sobotka. Pick On entry and Nod and Neil Kelley , who at tend college in Norfolk, >pent 'ho weekend v (siting their parents Mr and Mrs Robert Hutton and family of Omaha spent the week end visiting Mr Hutton’s parents Mr. and Mrs. T P Hutton Mrs Pillie Valentine, Mrs Gus Pierson and Mrs Jake Koch all of Ainsworth, were Tuesday after noon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs Wynn Baldwin. Mrs Chris Renners is employ ed at St Anthony 's hospital in O' Neil! Joe Peters of Norfolk spent a few days last week visiting his family. Mrs Walter I’hben and Mrs Ira Watson were visitors Thursday in Norfolk. A surprise party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lyle Abney Saturday in honor of their Jfitii wedding anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs Melvin I/iron/, Mr. and Mrs. P. P IVBolt and Mr. and Mrs. lee Brady of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelley and family of Wisner, Mr, anti Mrs. Kenneth Smith Mr. and Mrs Clar ence Hansen, Mr and Mrs. Wynn Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony of Inman. Mr. and Mrs Abney were presented a gift by the group. Miss Join Matsehullttt ot Page >l>«*nt Kndav evening and Saturday visiting tn the home of Iter uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Advert Anthort) and family. See the !!*»*> Kelvinator Washer 1 lvep turbulent washing action cues you the thoroughness and gentleness you w ant from an auto matic washer, J Automatic pre-scrubbing ac tum t>(! seconds ot deep turbulent washing action in a small amount of water and full amount of deter gent to loosen dirt, grease and grime for the washing that follows ;t No e\j>ensive replacement You will never have a $150 or $70 gear repair bill because there are no gears to cause trouble Kelvinator gives you all the most wanted features Water tempera Hire guide. Illuminated back ground, Iioad cycle dial. Water temperature dial. They also give you low water consumption, double tub construction, automatic cut-off. Automatic equalizer and many other features wanted by you, the housewife. Stop and see this Ifeautiful Kel vinator Washer at Meyer's Mid west Furniture today and find out how easy we are to deal with Meyer's Midwest Furniture & Appliance It’s like getting a dryer free! When you buy a new PHILCO DUOMATIC Washer-Dryer Combination Fits anywhere a washer will! Combines all the best features of deluxe washers and dryers . .. and out performs separate units . .. ACT NOW . . . GET A FREE 4-piece set of CORNING WARE ifc BEFORE YOU BUY . . . Choose your Philco ... no installation Duomatic charge . . . try it for 30 days ... no obligation Trade in Your Present Laundry Equipment You'll get a big trade-in allowance ... Terms to fit your budget. For Dependable GAS Service Ford Truck Value Bells Ring in bjg savings for 1960 Lowest-priced pickup— new from stronger frame to longer lasting enamel finish. JE. u 5 Gat-toying champion, fold Si« (or 60 JNow—economy certified in tests by independent experts! Examples: over 25% more miles per gallon than the average of other sixes in Economy Showdown U.S.A.; over twice the front tire life of pickups and trucks now using “soft type” front suspension. See all the test results. Check Ford’s prices. They’re the lowest of all leading Light and Medium Duty trucks!* • Based on certified comparison of the latest ovoilab'e manufacturers' suggested retail delivered paces, including Federal excise tax, excluding dealer preparatieCi, conditioning and destination charqes F 0 A F LOHAUS MOTOR COMPANY FOURTH & FREMONT, O'NEILL, NEBR.