Mrs Elizabeth Morsbach, Inman, Revives lost Art of Quilting Il\ Surah Mictiaelts About 20 or TO years ago quilt ing was considered an art Many women prided themselves in the difficult designs they could put together in an appealing manner and tin dainty quilting they could do on these quilts. So it was that Mrs Elizabeth Morshach of Inman, in these span of years, has quilted some fifty qui1ers of the Get | To-Gether club Thursday night, j Cards were played with Bob Har vey taking high honors and travel ing. Norman Saltz took low. Mrs. Earl Parks won low and Mrs. Bob Harvey won high honors. Kathleen Walker was home from Wayne for a few days bringing her roommate home with her. She was Miss Bobbie McDaniel of Ewing WSCS met Thursday for an all day covered dish luncheon with 1 Mrs. Harold Heiss. There were about 20 present. Mrs. Norman Saltz had the lesson on African i Missionary. Mrs. John Steinberg and Mrs. Jesse Kelly assisted Mrs. Saltz with the lesson. Mrs. Harold Heiss presided over the meeting. O'Neill WSCS invited Page to a missionary talk by Leta Doyle February 5 at 7:30 p.m. The King's Daughters will entertain the WSCS February 6 for a 1:00 o’clock luncheon. Mrs. Raymond Heiss announced the new study lesson ‘‘Portrait of Christ”. A caxd of appreciation was received from Mi's. Bertha Harsh of I>>s Angeles, Calif. Get well cards were signed for Mrs. Leroy Jensen, a past dist rict president. Mrs. Harold Mel eher. Mrs. Hattie Carson and Mrs. Rollie Snell. A birthday card was sent to Carroll French, a mission ary in the Belgian Congo. The meetings in February will be held at the home of Mrs. Raymond Heiss. Paul Neubauer and Albert Chi chester were afternoon callers at the N. D. Ickes home. Mr. and Mrs. Benard Kornock and family visited in the Walt Ko pecky home in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby of Inman were Sunday dinner guests of the Don Nissens. Community night was held at district No. 55 Friday night. Cards were played for the evening’s en tertainment. Joe Luebcke won high prize and Edward Sukup low for the men and Charlotte Luebcke and Mrs. Roger Bowen took high and low honors. The door prize was won by Mrs. Joe Luebcke. Mrs. George Wettlaufer and Mrs. Louise Heese served the lunch. Mrs. Louise Heese and Harold went to Allen Thursday to help » *.. . IT . r. „' r. rrmi’n t M Laurel. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy were Wednesday night guests at the Ray Harmon home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harris vis ited in the George Wettlaufer home last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ronnie and Mr and Mrs. Ben Asher and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn and Allan were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Bertha Prill. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill and family of Orchard were Saturday night visitors in the Edd Stewart home. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr. and family of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and family of Norfolk were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. Afternoon call ers were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Sorensen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and Thursday night guests at the Wal ter Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer and Susan were Sunday night sup per guests of the Lorenz Rieges. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beeleart were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeleart. Mr .and Mrs. Ray Harmon and family were Saturday night guests in the M. L. Harmon home in O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neubauer were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart. Mrs. Stella Russell and Willis Russell were all day guests at the Elmer Spann home in Atkinson Sunday. Wort! was received here that Ar thur Grass' brother, Edward Grass of Auburn, Wash, died Thursday. Jan. 21. Funeral services were held at Auburn Saturday the 23rd of January. He is survived by his wife, the former Grace Clyde, who in her younger days lived in the Middle Branch area, and five chil dren. Mr. Grass was around 55 years old. Sunday night supper guests of the Emmitt Thompsons were Mr. and Mrs. Art Grass and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and Mrs. Anna Thompson. Darrell Heiss attended a sub dist rict youth conference meet at Clearwater Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Arnott Buxton and family of O'Neill w’ere Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. George Hegge meter and Edward of Orchard, Mr 1 and Mrs, Arthur Coover. jr and i family of Verdigre. Mr and Mrs j Carl Nelson of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. Ikiane Sukup and family and Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Anson and i family were all Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr, and Mrs Edward Sukup. The occasion was the birthdays of Mrs Heggemeier Mrs. Edward Sukup and Duane Sukup. Mr and Mrs. Orville Kemper were Sunday night guests in the William Buxton home. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen at tended a golden wedding anniver sary for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wamke. It was held at the Leroy Warner home at Tilden. Mi s. Warner is the daughter of the Warnkes. The Golden Rule Extension met Wednesday with Mrs. William Sor ensen. Nine iViembers were present for the covered dish luncheon. The aftmoon was spent in filling out year Ixtoks. Two members dropped ■out. They were Mrs. Calvin Har vey and Mrs William Sorensen. Mrs. Ix-ila Snell will lx* February hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grubbs were afternoon ami supper guests of Mr and Mrs Glenn Hams Sun day Sir and Mrs George Wettlaufer and family visited in the Kenneth Wettlaufer home Sunday night. Mr ami Mrs Tommy Kelly and family of Wisner were here for the weekend visiting Mr and Mrs. Lyle Abney of Inman and Mr ami Mrs Jess** Kelly of Page Mr and Mrs William Scheinost and family were Saturday night callers in the George Wettlaufer home. Mr and Mrs Andrew Wettlaufer were Sunday dinner guests at the Kenneth Wettlaufer home Mr and Mrs. Floyd Frahm and family. Arthur Frahm and Mr and Mrs. Sid Frahm of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Alvin Rabbas of Ncligh. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Jerry Asher home Mesdames Fanny Stewart, Car r.e Steiner. Leota Roan, Clarence Stevens, Clarence Dobbins, Allan Haines. Anton Nissen. 1 O. Wood Jessie Crunk, Lyman Parks and Cliff Leach surprised Mrs. Ceies nne Williamson Monday on her Slst birthday. The self invited guests brought lunch. There will be .1 benefit card par tly to be held Thursday night at the I.O.O.F hall. It w ill he spon sored by the Improvement club and the proceeds will go to the new March of Dimes. Mr and Mrs. John Sorensen and family and Roy Wilson were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Butterfield. An executive meeting of the W.S.C.S and the King's Daugh ters was held on Monday after noon with Mrs. Carl Max. Fifteen were present it the meeting, 5 were King s Daughters the rest were members of the WSCS. On the 6th of February the King s Daughters will intertain the mem tiers of the WSCS at a luncheon and Miss Helen Martens. a teacher at Emmet, will show slides that she took on a teachers tour to Hawaii. A nice crowd attended the joint Holt County Legion and Auxiliary meeting on Monday night at Atkin son County Commander Mike Co day of Atkinson introduced Dept Adjutant W arren R*ker and Dept Service Officer Val Liken both of L neoin Others introduced to the group were District 2 Commander George Wettlaufer of Page. Dis trict Service Officer. Alvin Heese of O'Neill and District Adjutant I>m Kramer of Atkinson. The en te'dainmcnt was furnished by the Atkinson Auxiliary. Those attending from the Page unit were Mr and Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heese, Mr. anti Mrs, Lloyd Cork. Mr and Mrs Bon Asher, Mr. and Mrs Duane Sukup and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon. Servicemen's News . . . Francis F. Havranek, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek, is now stationed at Costa Rica. Ho is seiving in the navy. His add ress is: Francis E. Havranek. YN3 lTSN MCB SEVEN. Navy No. 1506. e-o FPO, New York, N. Y. Army Pvt Marvin D. Morgan, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A Morgan, O’Neill, completed the supply specialist course January 8 at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Morgan received instruction in the fundamentals of Army supply procedures and the preparation of supply records and forms He entered the At my last Aug ust and completed basic training at Fort Hi lev Kan Morgan attended St. Mary s Aca demy high school. Army PFV Frank 1> Fetrow. a. son ol Mr. and Mrs l'ale Fetrow O'Neill, is a nn mber of the Sth Infanti v i>iv isi n Artillery's Head quarters Battery which is sponsor I mg a children s orphanage neat Stuttgart, Germany. Personell of the 1 lattery have lieen sponsoring the orphanage since September 1956 even after ( moving about .'10 miles away to ! their present location in Baunt ] holder. In audition to contributing money, food and toys for the chil dren, ttie battery arranged to hav» the orphanage completely re-paint ed and has converted the hc.iUn system from coal to vdl Fetrow, a com puter in the battery, entered thi , army in November 1958, complet u , basic training at Fort Carson, Colo and arrived overseas last May He was graduated from O'Neill high school in 1956 and aticndcd the Pniversitv of Nebraska. D. 1 Hayes, aviation machinist's mate third class, USN. sun of Mr and Mrs, George A. Hayes of At kinson, is serving with Airborne Early Warning Squadron Three at the Naval Air Station, Agana | Guam. - ■ - 1 Army PFC James Ft. Tomlinson, son of Richard I, Tomlinson. O' i Neill, was a member of the team j < which recently won tlie U. 8. Army I l Furopr football team which reoent ly won the Championship in Ger mtm with a fx'rfect record Tomlinson a rifleman in Com pany B of the 504th Infantry in Main/, entered th Army in May 1967 and was last stationed at Fort Knox. Ky The A>-y ear-old soldier was gra duated from O'Neill high school in 1957, His mother, Mrs Doris A Tom linson. lives on Route 1, Cedar Ra pids. Federal Land Bank Scholarships Given Two Nebraska high school sen iors will lx» provided with SilOO Federal Rind Hank scholars!) p> again this year for study at the College of Agriculture. University of Nebraska The scholarship program has been in effect for the past eight years, sponsored by the 40 Fed eral Rind Bank Associations in Nebraska and the Federal Hand Rank of Omaha, according to Hy le P. Dierks Manager of the Fi'deral Rand Hank Association of O'Neill Thc< scholarship program is in ended to encourage hoys of out standing ability to continue their education in agriculture. Dierks mid. Application blanks ,uv available rom vocational agriculture touch ers, county extension directors, tigh school suix'rintendenls and at he local Federal Rind Bank Asso ciation office. Applications should he submitted o the College of Agriculture, Uni ersity of Nebraska, lincoln, bc ore February 1. 1960. O'Neill Locals Mr and Mrs Bud Moler and family of Omaha spent the week end here visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs Mae Simonson and Mr and Mrs Pave Moler. Mrs. Moler returned w ith them to Oma ha for a few days \isit. Mr and Mrs Max Arnold of Germany are here visiting their -on anil daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs Helmut Arnold They will leave Sunday for Lincoln where they will xtsit liefore returning to Germany Mr and Mis Wayne Bates and family of Kmmet were Sunday dinner guests of his parents. Mr and Mr- Claude Bates Mr, and Mrs ,! C. Ra/elman \ - ited xxith her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. R Reed at Orchard Sun d.iv Mr. and Mrs. John Beilin were Sunday guests in the Bud Rynear sun home at Ainsworth Mr and Mrs Jack Oat/ of Oma ha spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. .1 Gat/. Monday morning guests of Mrs, Rosa Bower- xxere Mr. and Mrs, I m 1 lowc - of Carroll and their Mrs Herb Wills and -on and Mr and Mrs, Heroic Bowers of Winside. Mr and Mrs. Kd Boyle and Paulme Mahony sp'nt Saturday in Omaha Sharlone Mahony , student nurse at St Catherine's hospital returned home with them, Mrs .lames Gallagher and chil dren of Inman spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahony. Mrs Mamie Higgins was a din ner guest in the Mrs. Josie An derson home at Spencer Sunday. FREE Sausage Samples Saturday There’s no place like Safeway for meat! _ # _ _ Wimmers Ring Bologna .J5c Pork Sausage fresh country style.% the yd 69c I DMfAH Hormel's; Range Brand, 7 Q. Hormcl Dairy Brand, A C, DllCOIl thick-sliced .. .2-lb. Pkg. # TC.Reg. Slice, 1-lb. Pkg. *1 Jl I FishsticksS£”':.“^..liS33c...’{£49c For a Lower Total Food Bill, all you need to remember it Safeway! I Fruit Drink Pineapple-Grapefruit.TL Cans 35c I 1 Skylark Bread s23S“**.SS19< B* _• |_ Wonderful multi-purpose *0-oz. *3 Q . DISCJUICIC baking mix, texturized.Box JyC If SWeet Ro 11S fresh,'^pineapple tarts.Pfcg. 1 9c Ice Cream Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry. .Carton 59c *5 I Bar-b-q Sauce .»*£45c ITake advantage of Safeway’t Midwinter Carnival of idttci on Guaranteed Hontehold Prodmehl (White Magic { DETERGENT 1 Power protected in foa 49’A-ox. Box White Magic j BLEACH ] j Deodorizes, disinfects, works like magic Va-gallon Jug Liquid Scamper DETERGENT Cuts grease easier, M faster! (Save 10c) S^\Jgi 32-ox. Can V#' is*7~n iTa#miTa OaiBn i~>«i Mm <~T ■ 15-oz. Bottle 2S-o«. Bottle... 45e j Beef Short Ribs&.M,^.»H..u.29c Pork Rib Chops^^,,_^5 9c Pork Spareribs^.^**.^.......^ 39c lllllll— Enjoy eating California-grown, seedless, navel ORANGES« Sunkist Brand, ^^^^k ,||p vS peel and segment ^B ^B Lb. IV 1 Pineapple modiunfsizc, sweet.Each 29< Apples fancy, Washington-grown ... 2 lfca. 29 C Red Radishes £&£*?*. S5 5c Peppers wttfa ground beef . i^29c Stock up and Save on these Feature Values! Macaroni-or spaghetti.MBr29c Quality Brand — economical, quick and easy to prepara Shortening.^5 9c Velkay — the all-purpose shortening! Good for frying and baking. Conned foods.4^ 89c Choose from Libby's—Tomatoes, Cut Green Beans, Fruit Cocktail or Sliced or Halved Peaches or Del Monte—Sliced or Halved Peaches, or Stokely's—Tomatoes *__i__ aoet an extra aivmcna turn youi purcnases Toilet 5oop 10 105 hars B • • • Gold Bond Stamps from Safeway! Brocade—Bath Slap, S rau nek Me 49 C Blue Detergent...4£* 59c Su-Purb—quick acting deterge;;. White Magic Cleanser.^ Safeway Guaranteed Product—2114 -oa. Can 1 MOW ni.- UIVLD TO LOUT ot ANTITIL4 ■ " ,ir' !" 9UB<1 MMHB • . Spaghetti Dinner ’ ?■£ 29e Dried Yeast 3 17c Mixed Nuts MK .. IC 4°c Waxed Paper ; r ’ Jl, 23c Ad Detergent • UtcHWBtU w.1»hrn . . 3,h ; 39c Clnrox Rlnath N,hrr 5 27c