Chambers News By Mr*. E. IL (Urp>*t*‘r The Chambers community was1 hit New Years day by snow and high wind which continued through tiie night, with the high wind con tinuing all day Saturday. The sfsiw was plied into high drifts and roads were impassable until late Sunday when some roads were opened. The temperature went to 6 degrees above zero Saturday night, which was the lowest dur ing the storm. Monday morning it was 6 degrees below. Dinner and supper guests on Christmas at the WiU David home were Mr. and Mrs. Verle David and family and Glenda Bell of Riverton, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs Clar ence Logeman and Billy of Bruns wick; Mr and Mrs. Lion Beal and Jimmie of Plain view; Herman I»rr of Venus; Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil David, Londa and Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle David, Billy and Timmy; Mr. and Mrs. Earl David; Mr. and Mrs. Zane Ravse, Allen, Ricky and Phillip and Arliss Wright, all of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fangman of York spent Christmas with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Bernard Hoffman and fami ly. Mrs. Hoffman and children ac companied them home on Sunday and visited until Wednesday, Dec. 30 when Mrs. Fangman brought them home. T ramp NOW Year’s day from Lincoln to get Mrs. Lubken and son Michael, wlK> had spent the week follow ing Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seed and Judy. They returned to Lincoln Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thies and son, Dallas of Ames, la., spent from Tuesday, Dec. 29 until New Year's day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart. They re turned to the home of his parents at Winside Friday due to the storm. „ .. . Mr and Mrs. Verle David and family and Glenda Bell of River ton, \Vyo., left Sunday, Dec. 27 for home having spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. will David and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heed and daughter si>ent New Year's day with her parents family at In Mr and Mrs. Wayne Smith and Judy drove to Plymouth Satur day. Dec. 26 to visit friends. Due to the storm and icy roads in the eastern p'rt of the state they were unable t return until Monday evening. ' _ . . Mr. ana Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and family spent Christmas with her mother and brothers at Ord, Bernard Hoffman carried die mail on rural route No. 1 three days last week for Vernon Whi taker. , _ Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan and Gary went to Lincoln to spend Christmas eve with their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jtimes B. Mitchell. Christmas ( morning they drove to Kensington, Ktin., where they spent until after New Yeur with her brother and family. This was a family gather ing, the first for all members to be together in seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams, accompanied by Mrs. Ld Smith, arrived home Saturday night, Jan. 2 from Phoenix, Ariz., where they had been visiting the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams and children. There was no school in Valley Center District 107 Monday, Jan. 4 due to the fact that many country roads were not yet open to travel. „ Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper at tended the wedding of their nep ROYAL THEATER Frt.-Sat. »-9 “CAST A I/>NO SHADOW” Starring Audie Murphy and Terry Moore_ Sun.-Mon. Tues. Jan. 10-11-12 Gary Cooper, Rita Hayworth, Van Heflin, Tab Hunter in “THEY CAME TO CORDFKA” Cinemascope Eastman Color Wed.-Thurs. Jan. 13-14 “THE MAN WHO CODED CHEAT DEATH” Starring Anton Differing, Hazel Court, and Christopher Lee. Technicolor hew, Carl Friedrich of Spencer i to Barbara Barr of TUden at the Methodist church in TUden on I>cc(*mber 27. Qiarles Cox jr, of Ord spent the weekend with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Qiarles F. Cox. Rev. and Mrs. Cbx attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Peter Dahls ten in Eric son on last Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Qiarles Cox and sons, Charles and Billy enjoyed New Years day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Read and Rita. Last Weeks News Family gathering on Qiristmas at the Glen Grimes home includ ed Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, Diane and Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Be jot and son. J. D. all of Long Pine; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaup and three children of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and son, Michael of Lincoln; Ruth KeUy of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beed and three children; Mr. and Mrs Howard Beed and Elizabeth and Miss Jannette Urban, all of Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and son of Lincoln spent Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed and Judy. Mr. Lubken returned the first of the week to his work in Lincoln. Mrs. Lubken and son remained for a longer visit. A Christmas program was pre sented Thursday evening, Dec. 24 at each of the Chambers churches Methodist. Lutheran and Baptist by the children of church schools. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and four children of Minneapolis, Minn., came early Christmas morning and spent until Sunday in the E. Ft. Carpenter and E. H. Medcalf homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jungblutt and boys were weekend visitors in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Bayne Grubb and family of Iancoln spent Christ mas with relatives at Chambers. Dinner guests on Saturday, Dec 26 in the E. R. Carpenter home were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and family of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and child ren of Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Ole Larson was taken to St Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill one day last week for medical care. Mrs. Chet McClenahan has been on the sick list the past week. Dinner guests in the E. II. Med calf home Christmas included Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and Patty of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and family of Min neapolis, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Dean Steven, Cherelyn and Terry of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth were Christmas day din c .j r* ti ner u* mi. »*• Grimes. Guests on Christmas in the Darrel Gillette home were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rudolph and child ren of Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson and Mrs. Jennie Gibson of Chamlx'rs. Mr. and Mrs. Guais Wintermote tixik their daughter, Carolyn to Norfolk Sunday, Dec. 27 where she t(X)k a plane to Omaha after sjx'nding Christmas and a few days with her parents. Sunday, Dec. 27 guests in the G. H. Grimes home were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grimes, Gleeson and Charlotte of Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes, Bernard, Edith, and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidgo ami Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Van Gerpen of Fremont spent Christmas and the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart. They re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Reninger left December 20 to spend the holidays with their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reninger and family at Colum bus, Ohio. Mrs. Reninger’s sister, Mrs. Ned Frady is tending the store during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller and family of Atkinson were Sunday, Dec. 27 visitors in the E. H. Mod calf home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and \ ‘ v « V |\ FLAT FGiNTEG \Vl rcr. A FRETTiER P . • • •• S>i 'A ’ 0^99 Soft faille crushes into a big bold bow that tells of spring at the toe of this little low pointed pump. It dresses you up while it comforts you. Blue leather or shiny black patent. OTHERS AT S'-’.99 and $3.99 A & M SHOE STORE O'NEILL family drove to Lincoln Christmas morning and spent the day with her mother. Mrs, Goldie Jones and other relatives returning Sun day. Jerry Robertson had his tonsils removed at St. Anthony's hospital Monday. 11 Mrs. Clara Kirkland of O'Neill j: and Lid Averiil of Port Angelos. Wash., were dinner and supper I guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter. Other supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith, Dean and Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Max DeHart and family and Frederick DeHart of Cuuncil Bluffs, la., spent Christ mas with their parents, Mr. a»d i Mrs. C. F. DeHart and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart. Mrs. Joe Daas taught the lower room at Valley Center school thn e days last week during the absence , of the teacher, Mrs. Kenneth Adams, who went to Phoenix, Ariz., with her hustxind to visit over the holidays with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter visi ted the L. W. Taggart family at Dannebrog Saturday, Dec. 26. Merle Fagan of Sioux City, la., , spent the weekend, Dec. 18-19 with his family in Chandlers. Mr. and Mrs. Lurlin Collins and family of Ilnutington, Long Island, N. Y., arrived Friday, Dec. 21 to spend Christmas with their son j and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Collins and baby. Billy and Sammy Lambert are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Carl Lamlxtit. Mrs. Lyman Covey and Mrs. William Ritterbush assisted the Lambert family while Mrs. Lam bert and baby David Dale were 1 in St. Anthony’s hospital. Rivaraide News #By Mrs. IJumI limiter Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry in Cali fornia planned to see the Hose parade and attend the football game New Year’s day. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery were Neligh visitors Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson and girls visited Friday at the Earl Pierson home. We had a foot of snow in the January 1st storm or so it seemed to those of us who had to dig our way out. Mary Ann Bauer was a guest Friday at the Willie Shrader home. The Richard Napier family were supper guests Thursday at the Dale Napier home. The Ralph Munn family were evening visi tors. , Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlauffer and Gary were dinner guests Fri day at the Will Shrader home. They also called at the Willie Shrader home. . , _ 1 Glenda Napier visited Peggy Lou Me Bane at the Reverend Ross home Tuesday, Dec. 29. ' Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Sw itzer ; and Karen Reigle of Omaha came Friday to visit at the Ora and Wendell Switzer and Leo Miller homes over the weekend. Carolyn Fink spent Wednesday night with Joan Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock talked to their son, Ralph in Seattle, Wash., by telephone Sun day, Dec. 27. The Lynn Fry family visited Thursday evening at the Kitt> Fry home in Ewing. Jackie and Judy Switzer of Omaha visited at the Ora Switzer, l,e0 Miller and Wendell Switzer homes the past week. Joan, Peggy, Dick and Bub Emsick of Omaha visited the past week at the Dale and Richard Napier and Wayne Fry homes, mu,,.. »rom at touts Nt'W Year s (lay | at the Richard Napier home. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and the Wayne Fry ft*The Dale Raasch family . of Omaha came up Thursday to visit at the Dave Pollock home. Hear ing die weather report, they went hack to Omaha Thursday evening. The Gerald Wettlauffer himib of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Reimes and children of Crooks ton and the Archie Johnston and Willie Shrader families and M . and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paid were guests December 27 at tnc Will Shrader home. Don Spangler was an afternoon caller. Mr and Mrs. Archie Johnston, Barbara and Marilyn were sup per guests Thursday at the Lf o , Miller home. The Millers an(* the ;, Johnstons were celebrating then J w e d d i n g anniversaries. Both couples were married in Dtctm ^ l*Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Miller and j Danny arrived home early Satur day morning from a tnp to j Kansas, coming home through ^ Iowa and by way of Omaha. The Veil Gunter family and ' Alice Shrader were supper guests - Tuesday, Dec. 29 at the Gerald Wettlauffer home in O Neill. The Allred Napier family were , Sunday dinner guests at the R. ^ A. Hord home. i David Earl Shrader, son of Mr. .. and Mrs. Willie Shrader, had a tonsilectomy December 22 in the Antelope Memorial hospital. He ^ was able to return home Wednes- . day afternoon. . r Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ilegr jr., of £ Madison visited Wednesday at the c Keith Biddlecome home. j Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink and £ the Billy Fink family visited £ Thursday at the Lee Fink home { near Page. . c The Alfred Napier family visi- | ted Sunday evening at the G- D. Ryan home. , The Bill Fink family were sup- * per guests December 27 at the Hilly Lofquest home. Mrs. Merlyn j Meyers and Mark were evening callers. Carolyn and Jolene Fink ( were overnight guests Tuesday at c the Lofquest home. j Irene Ahlers planned to leave j for her college at Seward on Sun- j day after spending her holiday at > the Rudy Ahlers home. . Sharon Johnston visited Thurs- j day and Friday at the Harvey Spangler home near Page. I Paul Gunter was an overnight < guest of Duane Hord Thursday. | On Friday Paul accompanied the Hol'd family to the Alfred Napier ] home for dinner. Duane stayed ' with Paul Friday night. The Verl Gunter family were also evening | guests Friday at the Lionel Gun- ( ter home. Leaving for their home i in Springfield, 111., Saturday morn ing. Edna Lofquest and the Reuben Meyers, Merlyn Meyers, Richard Brian and the Charles Ruche n ham families were guests Sun lay evening, Dec. 27 at the Billy >>fquest heme to a surprise pany or Mrs. Billy Lofquest. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wecker raby were guests December 27 at he Rudy Ahlers home. The Bill Fink and Lee Fmk 'amilies and Mr. and Mrs. Bert r'urk were guests Wednesday to in oy'ster supper at the Howard Wilier home. Jean Hobbs was a guest of Jo thy Lofquest from Sunday until Puesday, lice. 27-29. Judy Gunter visited Barbara and Warilyn Johnston from Sunday ■vening, Dec. 27 until Tuesday ruon. The Calvin Reimer family if Cruokston were overnight guests sunday at the Archie Johnston rome. The Reimers were over tight guests Monday of hoi nother, Mrs. Gertrude Daniels m Morfolk. (Last Week’s News) Rock Falls Newt By Mrs. Floyd Johnson I didn’t get around to wish you ill a Merry Christmas, but I tope you did have one and that ,-our New Year will be a happy ind prosperous one. Old Man Winter kept pretty vill pent up till after Christmas, rut he surely was letting off all he surplus steam and fury dur ng Sunday and Monday, First vind and rain followed by snow iriven by a strong north west rlast. It’s hard to determine the imount of snow in this vicinity recause what didn’t lodge in drifts n sheltered places must have rlown clear to the gulf. T. r-1 I_I._ t. __ .. r — a 1_L.vl: LHTllJf ov nuiu., inmiw uiv lays from school in Hastings, waved the storm on Monday morning to ride out to the John Schultz home with Gordon John son. She planed to spend a day or wo with her brother and family'. Mrs- Doris Hynes visited at the _*)U Brown home on Christmas tight. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist ind son, Donald (Bud) drove to Lafayette, Ind., on Decemlier 22 o spend Christmas with their son, Raymond and family. They plann ed to return on Sunday but due to he storm didn’t make it till Mon Jay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children spent Christmas at the darry Lansworth home in O’Neill vhere all the Grutsch children except John and family of North Platte, spent the day together. Present were the Vequists, Mr. ind Mrs. Joe Grutsch and child ren, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty ind La Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Bern ird Pongratz and children, Mrs. Zelia Grutsch and Tom Langan. Floyd Johnson and Linda and jwenda, Trudy and Debra Schultz vere late afternoon callers at the James Curran home on December 13. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Denekson and boys and Mrs. Kathi'yn Vantzi spent Christmas with the Elroy Lieb family in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pride and children of Omaha arrived at the aome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stems on December '4 for Christmas returning on that afternoon. Other family members ) re sent were Mr. and Mrs. Llmei 31 ay maker and children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stems and children, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stems and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry 3trong of Omaha. Sunday guests at the Albert Sterns home were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Strong, Ronald and Donald Strong, all of Omaha and Vernon, Roger and Darold Stems of near Atkinson. Christmas guests of the James Durran family were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and children, Mrs. Delia Ernst of Amelia, George Uurran and Anita Elston. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi and children of Chardon spent Christ mas with Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi. Jene Yantzi of O’Neill spent a lew days there with his grand mother. . Mrs. Kathryn- Yantzi and Mrs. 5am Derickson rode to iuncoin on December 17 with Mr. and Mrs. \rden Larson, where they visited 'randmother, Mrs. Llizabcth 'i ant ji, Christmas eve guests at the 'loyd Johnson home were Mr. and lrs. John Schultz and children, >an Rakes and Lester Waterman. Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda >ok time out on December 24 rom shopping to call at the Mike lonenberger home in Atkinson for short visit with the family and lrs. Kathryn Johnson, who has een rather poorly the last while, /hat better way to exchange sea on’s greetings than with a cup of offee and Christmas cake and ookics. Nels Schultz, here from Los rngeles, Calif., for a few days, /as an overnight guest at the ohn Schultz home on December 3 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson nd Linda spent Christmas day /ith the Gordon Johnson family i O’Neill. Also arriving on Christ mas eve were all the members f the Gordon Johnson family, in luding her sister, Mrs. Melvin )ewey and husband and children f Waterloo, la., and her parents nd brother, Mr. and Mrs. John ’innt, Duane and Bobby of Cha ron. Her other sister, Dorothy, ves with the Johnsons. During dinner Russel Johnson ilayed “Silent Night’’ on the lectric organ. The John Schultz family called m the late afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and | hildren had a six o’clock dinner n Christmas day with his mother, lrs John Kersenbrock and fami y. Miss Betty Schultz of Hastings, liss Shirley of Grand Island and 5 els Schultz of Los Angeles were ilso present. Nels had to leave ater that night. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and ;irls were Sunday visitors at the iam Derickson home on Decem >er 20. i The Sam Derickson family cal ed at the Don Hynes home on Vednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and 'iris were Christmas eve guests it Mrs. Doris Hynes in O'Neill. Mr ind Mrs. Jim Taumg am an wore also guests there. Christmas day guests at the Ora Hynes home were Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Calkins. Mrs. Calkin's sister and husband. Mr. ami Mrs. Her schel Mullen erf Griswold. Ia.. and their mother, Mrs. Emma Waage of Valisca. Ia. The Dun Hynes family spent Sunday at tin* George Calkins home and in the evening bad as guests at their home Mrs. Mary I Tomlinson ami son. Larry of O - | Neill. -- (Last Week’s News) Lynch Nnws By Velrfee« Pink-mum Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull visited 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Streit in ne Hannah Streit home on Satur day mght. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Courtney and ! family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Court | ney ami daughter and Mr. and ! Mis. Bob Zack and family were | Saturday evenuig guests in the Richard Christensen home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oiristen ;en and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and family were Christmas cv enmg guests in the Elmer Christensen home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and daughter of Hay Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Evans of Rushville arrived at the Albert Carsons for Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Evans and daughters went on to ! Iowa to visit friends and relatives, returning to Carsons on Sunday. Sunday dinner guests in the Carson home were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Car son and Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Witherwax, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Car son, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dune anti family, Mrs. Anna Carson, Albert Ladley, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and daughters. Charlie Schollmeyer was a Christmas day dinner guests in the Willis Butterfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and boys, Mr. ana Mrs. ciegg ic Pinkerman and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christensen and family and Mrs. Faye Pinkerman were Christmas day dinner guests in the Veldon Pinkerman homo. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oberle and Ray Wilson were callers at the Veldon Pinkerman home Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weeber, Fran cis Fisher, Janie Schindler and Eugene Ilrbek, all from Omaha spent Christmas with friends and I relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Christen sen and Sharon, Guy Pinkerman, IDelmar and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. ! Reggie Pinkerman and toys, Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Christensen and I Kay were Christmas eve guests in the Calvin Christensen home. Dick Ladley and Mrs. Anna Car json were Sunday dinner guests at jFay Pinkerman’s. Mrs. Pete Mulhair and Mrs. Iphylis Mulhair and Dorothy were O'Neill shoppers Wednesday. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman was a Christmas eve guest in the Veldon Pinkerman home. Misses Mary Ellen Wells and Jean Mulhair were Saturday over night guests of Linda Crooks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Levi and family from Lindy, Mrs. Esther Davy from Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jorgensen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiser, Mrs. Marvin Schindler, Mary Ellen and anie, Delores Kalkowski, Mrs. Levi and Mrs. Mary Heiser were Christmas day dinner guests in the Herman Hei ser home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stewart and family, Miss Marvene Kimitz, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Farran and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen and family were Christmas day dinner guests in the Leo Farran home in O’Neill. T_•_A_J iVUS. iA.«t lIVVi Mrs. Esther Davey on Saturday to spend a few days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Streit of Wichita, Kan., arrived Thursday at the Hannah Streit home and re turned to their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France went to Harold France's at Ainsworth on Thursday and returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds were Christmas eve guests in the Gay Hull home. Veronica, Boone, and Ike Mc Donald are here spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Lorrell Pickering 1 of Omaha spent the Christmas weekend with Claude Pickering. Mrs. Wilna Churchhill and girls from Keswick, la., accompanied them here and are visiting her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family were Thursday over night guests in the Guy Hull home. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hul! and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rey nolds were Christmas day guests in the Swede Sedivy home. (Last Week's News) Deloit News By Mrs. II. Reimer Mrs. G. A. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kallhoff and family were dinner guests Christmas day at the Sylvester Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple. Twila and Shirley of Hastings ar rived at the Henry Reimer home Christmas evening and spent the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Schrunk and daughters visited them at the Reimer home Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon ol Denver, Colo, spent Thursday night and Friday at the Henry Reimer home. They left Sunday for the Don Starr home in West Point and the Elmer Pahl home in Oak land. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster have been suffering with serve colds. Leland Hupp, who is taking a course in mechanics in Omaha, spent the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hupp Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray and daughters of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tom jack and sons of Hastings spent the holidays at the Ralp Tomjack home. Mrs. Alice Lodge of Elgin has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr. L. L. Rantak sinoe Wednesday. Sunday dinner guests at the E. L. Sisson home were Mr. and Mrs Otto Reimer of tun coin, Mr and Mrs. John Sisson and daughters of Oakland and Mr. and Mrs. Dana Sisson of Washington. Guests for dinner on Christmas i day at the L L. Kartak home were Mr. and Mrs Bill Gibbs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rar tak and sons, Vonnie Paul and Larry, Mrs. Alice Lxige ami Mr. and Mrs. Don Selling of Elgin Mr. ami Mrs. L. L Rartak, Mrs. Alice Lodge of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Gibbs and family were sup per guests at the Keith Rartak home Christmas eve. Donald Larson, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Larson and Sharon Hartrunoft of North Platte were married Sunday, Dec. 27 at the Lutheran church in Clear water. I Km a Id is teaching in O' Neill high school. They will make their home in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters of O Neill spent Christ mas day with Mr. and Mrs I- L. Larson. Dunald Larson and Sharon Hartronoft were afternoon visitors. Mrs Stanley Huffman's father, Mr. Elam from Falls City has ! been visttmg at the Huffman home. Venus News .. By Mrs. Ralph Brookhnimrr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butterfield ami son of Pierre, S. D., spent Wednesday. Dec. 23 evening at the | Harry Caskey home. The Butter- J fields arrived on Saturday to spend ! the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield ami her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Leon Mitchell of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hintz of Oma ha arrived at Verdigre Thursday, sending Christmas day with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacot st\, and other relatives. They were Saturday dinner and overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moser and Ardith were also dinner guests. The Omaha folks I..Ca L_ . Laoinn for Omaha Sunday were LeLand Caskey and Bette Sukup. Sunday, Dec. 27 visitors at the Ora Caskey home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey and Suellyn and Joan and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and Jerome of Holdridge. The later folks were also Satur day overnight guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were December 27 evening visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tyler and Chuck. Christmas day visitors at the home of Mrs. Edna Boelter were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alder and family of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. * Delbert Boelter of Creighton and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boelter. Sun- ; day visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knori | and family of Niobrara and Mr. i .and Mrs. Lavemo Warriner of j Center spent Christmas with the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Boelter and Loren. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch re ceived word that their sister-in law, Mrs. O. S. Finch, 61, of Pal mer died Sunday, Dec. 27. The funeral was at the Methodist ,.U. U „ * TT*i <11 '"HI Doc. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tyler and Chuck were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cas key Tuesday, Dec. 29. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield were their children and families. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butterfield and Kevin of Pierre, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butterfield and family of Center and Mr. and Mrs Eugene Love of Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen and family of Page visited there also that afternoon. Six o'clock dinner guests at the George Jeffrey home Deceml>er 26 were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and daughter of Omaha and Mr and Mr* lyle Rasmussen and family of Osmond. Snow plow* were buay opening roada December 29-30. The mail from Orchard came as far as Venus Tuesday, There was no traffic Monday due to drifted mads. Mr. and Mrs Harlan Spath ami family of Lincoln visited with the later's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hry- j an Finch i«i Christmas Arm ing' at tin' Finch homo Saturday wore 1 Mr. ami Mrs. Val Pitcher and family of Grand Island. They left for their home late Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Pitcher is also a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Finch. Lorrence Edmisten ot Iancoln was a house guest at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs George Jeffrey, Deceml'er 29-30. Those attending the funeral of Mrs. O- S. Finch Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch and Mrs. .Vita Finch of Page, iLast Week’s News) Newport News By Mr*. Olive*- (iil| Richard Baacelman of Newman Grove was a house guest of his aunt ami uncle, Mr. and Mi's. Oliver Gilg Friday night and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bonitig and sons spent Christmas eve in the Jack Keracii home at Spencer and Christmas day in the Paul Bendig home near Bone steel, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Towle and family of Norfolk and the Vere Butler family of Bassett were Sunday guests in the Sophia Lasb mett home. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bendig, Roger and Rot>ert spent the week end visiting relatives and friends in Winner and Presho, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stahl and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox, Mr. and Mrs Howard Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fox and fami l.f M -ilwxl L\vw .,.,,1 1 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lemmor near Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Greenfield and family of Sundance, Wyo., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Utter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and girls were Christmas guests in the Louis Sire low home near Bassett. Mrs. Oscar Keithly of Atkinson is spending this week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calfack. Sunday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wondercheck and family. ; Mr. and Mrs. Don Skinner and \ girls of Gering and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Irwin and family of Central City spent Christmas holiday in the Francis Irwin home. Mr. and Mrs. Owen I^ane and • Ernest attended a family reunion j in the Howard Fuller home on Christmas. ] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ammon and family were Sunday dinner guests in the home of her mother, Emma Myer at Bassett. Other I tmesis were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Myer and family. Christmas guests in the Reno Gordon home were Miss Pat Gor don of Lincoln, Ray Denman of Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Christ ensen and Walter, Ed Oxner, Jim Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuis Oxner and girls, Mr. and Mrs. John Christensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gordon and family, Lizzie Johnson and Mi's. Pete Utter. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Christensen and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown in long Pin*'. The John Slachelka family were Sunday dinner guests at Ainsworth in the Walter Vargason home. Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farr were Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeBolt and Gene of Scottsbluff, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield of Stuart and Jim and Mark Savage of Omaha. The Bill Farr and Jim Sager • and (ami has spent Christmas eve with their father, Max Karo in Stuart. Q'N«1I iQCMk Mrs. Emma Lawrence sixsit Christmas vacation w ith her daughter, Mrs Elmer Straube of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. II G Kruse re turned Saturday evening after vi siting for the last two week-' with Mr. nr.d Mrs. E. L. Van Every at Perry, la., and Mrs. Kruse's mother. Mrs Anna Dahl and other relatives at Svvea City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kjster re turned SatuiMay front Council liluifs, la., where they spent the Christmas holidays w itlt their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kv ster, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stem pie. Mike Liddy returned to school in Lincoln Sunday after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. tuid Mrs. T. L. liddy. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farrington of Lincoln visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lid dy. Tom Boyd of Omaha came New Years Eve to get his wife and children who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Liob. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Lieb went lor their son, Larry, Sunday, who spent the Christmas vacation with he Arden Larsens. Mrs. Rod Wilmoth, who had x'en visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 1. I,. Lindberg left Tuesday for Lincoln and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elders left nuiua.t ijtin Will mil IV »lun to make their home. Ellen Kay Lohaus, Mary Eliza L'lh Gatz and Edith Gallagher re turned to Omaha Monday where hey will resume their studies at St. Mary's College. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WIVFrcd J. Jungman to Fred J. Jungman jr.. 12-59 $l-Part of the SWLSWV* 33-30-11 GUARDIANS DEE I v - Vera Vo id - Card to Milton E. Weiehman 1-9-59 $109.38-1-32nd Lnt in Lots 8 M0 Blk 8-Halloeks Add- Stuart. CARD DEElvjohn W. Copdand, ird to Milton E. Weiehman 11-0 >9 $109 30 Lots 8-9-10 Block 8-Hul oe ks Add- Stuart. Wlvllenry J. Wewel, el al., to Milton K. Weiehman 1-1-59 $3500 Llndivided Interest in Lots 8-9 V 10 Blk 8- Bullocks Add- Stuart. WTV Cnle W. Dierberger to iVayno B. Rodle A wf 12-12-59 $11. 176 Lit 5 and No L lot 6-Gilg and Iwensons’ Subdivision - O’Neill iubj to mtg. WTV West Lumber & Coal Co., o Loyd Lewis West. 12-18-59 $21^1- Lit 5 Blk 21- Ewing. WD- Carl Svenson to Stale of Nebraska 9-18-59 $4.25- .034 acres it EL SWU 25-29-12. WTV John Berigan to State of •Jdir. 9-24-59 $1- Part of ELSE Vi 5-25-12 about 10.55 acres. «, J [MODS tow cost .. towo mm ■borrow wtPii confident* • Cum,**#, Dm** • Bwy • Pmi m *-% • MsAmln • !>t»y • f>**y Dvm*mIi • Amy Urnytmmm N^a. RaJbnaJ Farm Loaa Ara*i LYLE P. DIERKS, 8ECHETABY-TBEAMJKEB rhonu 01, O’NaUJ % IWide-Track widens the stance, not | the car. With the widest track of any car, Pontiac gives you better stability, Less lean and sway, accurate control. I SEI YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER Wm, Krotter Company O'NeLLl — Stuart — Spencer — Kaper *-t^ r - "Serving S'orth-Central Nebraska Mince 1891”