the '60 Baby Derby Champ
We're pleased to present to the
first-comer of the New Year
One case of—
. . . directly from our factory—
our gift to the proud POP
of the 1960 Baby Derby Champ!
First Baby’s beaming Dud will be entitled to
pick his choice of flavors—with our compliments'.
Happy New Year, Everyone!
I f
The A & M Shoe Store
O'Neill, Nebraska
Our Prize — one pair of
Jumping Jack's Shoes
for the little Miss or Mister
flumping Jacks are the shot's that all children prefer to wear
Finest baby shoe there is!
Hotpcint and Norge
Welcome the First-Arrival of the New Year!
The lucky parents will receive a—
On Any Major Appliance
THAT’S OUR WAY of welcoming the lucky little boy or girl . . .
HoltS king or queen of ’60.
We're Headquarters for gas or electric:
Ranges — Refrigerators
Freezers — Washers — Dryers
O'Neill and Chambers
Meyer's Midwest Furniture and Appliance
to the first baby of 1960
Our prize to the lucky parents—
$7.50 IN TRADE
on the purchase of a crib and mattress set
OR $7.50 in trade
on the purchase of a play-pen and pad
M.J. niKOn il the year make Meyer’s Midwest Furniture and
Appliance your headquarters tor fine furniture and beautiful
floor coverings.
Phone 526 West O'Neill
■ ____
__ _
Come 'Round
. . . and I'll tell you WHY 1 prefer—
Heinz Baby Food
And if Holt County’s 1960 Baby Derby
Winner takes my advice, he'll insist on—
Presenting ONE CASE of HEINZ
Congatulations to First Baby
of '60 from . . .
One Dozen 3x5 Photos (mounted)
with our Compliments!
WHETHER THE Baby Derby laurels go to a single baby, twins
or triplets . . . we’re standing by ready to photograph the
CHAMP (or champs).
takes great pleasure in welcoming the
First-Born in the New Year of '60!
FOR THE PARENTS of the lucky one we’ll
happily present . . .
Manufactured in O’Neill—the Butter Capitol of the Sandhills!
O'Neill Locals
Mr and Mrs. Howard Manson
ana Mrs. Munson s mother, Mrs.
Sidney E. Anderson spent the
Christmas holidays at the 1. W.
Briggs home at Omaha.
Sunday overnight guests of Mr.
ana M: J, K. On lots w» re Mr
and V.: • G. B, Dunning ut Sut
ton and Mi ,utd Mrs. Virgil Mai
Mi iv; Mrs, Billie M&reelhts
visile i Mis. Ceiestine WUlianuoti
and Mr. anti Mis. C. f. Leach at
P e O i .stmas night,
Mr a ; Mrs. Gordon Fox of I
| Luwea van; Thursday to spemi
tile ti.n.-tm - iKiiidays with then
| parei is Mi a.ia alis.
Fox ,uid Mr. and Mis. M B. Mai
coiiUs a 11 oilier relatives. Linda
Haynes who aecumpamed them
from i..tu m returned with them
|on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Billie Mareeiius,
Mr. and Mrs. VI. B Mareeiius anu
: VIr. amt Mrs. Guidon Fox spent
Chnsttnas day with Mr. and Mrs.
D. B. Mareeiius at Stuart.
Vlr. and Mrs. Keith Sehweigert
and family of Gregory, S. D.,
were guests ol Vlr. and Mrs. VI.
B. Vlarcellus Sunday and Mon
! day.
Mr. and Vlrs. George McCarthy
and Eddie, Jim ,uid Lynn want to
Omaha Thursday to spend the
Christmas holidays with Vlr. and
Vlrs. Bernard Press and Miss
Beverly McCarthy. Lurry Butter
field ol Sharon Springs, Kan., and
Kay McCarthy went down Friday .
Eddie McCarthy returned home
I with them on Saturday.
Marjorie MeElhaney of Denver,
arrive,! IVriin^nii.iv fit snelld
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. "led Mi'Elhaney.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MeElhuney
and son, Ricky came Thursday
to spend the holidays with their
' parents, Mr. ;uid Mrs. Ted Me
Elhuney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Johnson ot Star.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill MeElvain and
Gregg of Omaha spent the Christ
mas holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MeElvain.
Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. George Beatty at Madison
and Mrs. Maude McIntosh at
Meadow Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hay of Wa
dena, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Evans ot Norfolk Miss Mardelle
Johnson ot Virginia and Larry
Combs of Virginia were Sunday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William McIntosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane McKay,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ressel ol
Norwalk, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Cavanaugh and son of Atlun
I tic, la., spent Christmas day with
Mr. and Mrs. I larry McKay and
Vickie at Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie,
jr., and family were Christmas
guests of Mrs. Clyde McKenzie,
sr., of Lynch.
Michael Streeter of Lincoln is
spending this week with his uncle
I and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mc.Kim spent
Christmas in Omaha with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. John DeGeorge. They re
* turned home on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish spent
Christmas with her mother, Mrs.
Lucille Peterson of Stafford, la.
Gerald McLeish of Lincoln visi
ted Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe McLeish.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cadwalla
der and Carol and Mrs. A. li.
Grow, all ot Inman, ,Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Cadwallader of Newport
and Donald Kurpgeweit of Ewing
were Christmas guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Menish.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Larson of Clearwater Christ
mas day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolf Mlinar on Monday, Decem
ber 21, for the family Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Morrow,
Mr. and Mrs. Iam> Jeratowski and
family of Grand Island, Mr. and
Mrs. OrviUe Morrow and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrow and
! family had Christmas dinner at
the Maynard Morrow home on
Sunday, December 20.
Carolyn and Marion Moseman
II >[ Omaha spent the Christmas
holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Moseman.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Adamson
spent Christmas at Ewing with
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Koenig and
Atkinson News
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brady left
Wednesday, Dec. 23 for Iowa to
spend Christmas with relatives,
j They will visit Mrs. Brady’s
mother, Mrs. M. B. Olson and a
sister, Mrs. Roy Funk and family
and a brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olson and
family, all of Osage, la. The
■ Bradys returned home on Mon
Mr. and Mrs. George Randol and
Mona Rae spent the weekend of
December 20 at Ponca, visiting
Mr. Randol’s father, Mr. O. G.
Randol and other relatives and
The Clover 4-H club members
met on Saturday evening, Dec. 19
and went caroling. After the
caroling the group went to the
home of their leader, MisS Helen
Martens for a business meeting.
Roll call was answered with,
"What we want for Christmas.”
New business discussed was the
planning for the Family 4-H Fun
night which will be held in O'Neill
I in January.
Lunch was served by Miss Mar
tens and the group adjourned to
meet on January 31 with Miss
Connie Moeller in Atkinson.
! Mrs. Harvey Shaw spent Christ
mas with her son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Shaw in
Miss Lodema Wefso left Satur
j day for Denver after spending her
Christmas vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wef
Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso and
Ixxlema drove to Crofton Thurs
day evening to spend Christmas
eve and Christmas day with their
daughter and son-in-law, Dr. J. W.
Carlson and Scott. They returned
home Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little re
turned to their home in Omaha on
. Sunday, after attending the wed
ding of her niece, Miss Kathleen
McConnell and IXiane Pongratz.
They were guests in the home of
her sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, Walter Puckett and a Bo
visited other relatives and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Brice Brunei and
Kent were Saturday afternoon cal
lers ui the home of Mr. and Mrs
William Wefso.
Mi*, ami Mrs. Ah in Forbes and
family left Monday tor their heme
in Ft., Colo., alter spend
:ng their Christmas vacation with
her pui tih Mi. and M Ca
Smith and lus parents. Mr.andMi s j
Lew Forbes.
Sunday dinner guests at the home 1
of Air. anil Mrs. Cui l Smiih, si ,
were ad their children ami their
families, Mr. and Mrs, law mice ;
Pacha and family. Mr and Mrs '
Allien smith ami tuniiiy. Mr. and
Airs. Carl i liKid Smith and
tv ot Aida, All*, and Airs. U lUian.
Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert LeMuny.m and family. Ah
and Airs. Alvin Forbes and Gerald
and l,i she and Air. and Mrs
Charles Shane and family. Altss
Ktiy Kent her of Butte was also a
guest. Tins was an old fashioned
family gathering with a turkey
dinner with homemade ice cream.
Saturday evening dinner guests
of Air. und All’s. Eugene llickok
were Air. und Airs. Wayne llickok
and Sherry* from le.vmgton and
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Hickok of
Denver, Colo., and Dari an and
Emory Hickok.
Mr. and Mrs, Vem Hickok left
Sunday for Denver, Colo., after
spending their v acation with their
parents. Air. and Airs. Eugene
Hickok and Mr. and Airs. Sewell
Johnson und other friends and
relativ es.
Air. and Mrs. Brice Braziel and
Kent came Christmas day from
Lincoln to spend the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Kazda. They returned to
Lincoln on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kazda and
family of Winner. S. D., were din
ner guests on Christmas day with
his parents, Air. and Mrs. Al
lred Kazda.
Bill Richardson left Sunday for
Denver, Colo., to return to his
vvork. lie had spent the past week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas and
son of Valentine and Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Sehnuiocker and fami
ly were dinner guests of the ladies’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Wahl in Atkinson. The dinner was
also in honor of Mrs. Haas’ birth
day which will be December 28
Sunday guests in the home of
Mr. and' Mrs. Claude Humphrey
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tooker
I and family of Broken Bow. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Mack of Casper,
Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
j Tooker of O'Neill.
Mr and Mrs Claude Johnson
and soil. Jim I'etuiTtixi Sunday
night alter spending a few days
during Christmas \ aeation m
western Nebraska anil Colorado.
Hie Johnsons spent Christmas day
at the home ol then daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. anil Mis Eriue
Cemey .it Arthur, tiieil spent a
> iHijne ol days with their s«*n and
daughter-in-law. Mr. and Airs.
Claude JiMiirsiHi, jr m t ’...i * .»
1 hey aiso spent some tune ui
Mi-s. Alary Krjsl looked aftei
the Wlieel In M. el tor the John
son- w h. ti:o weie aw ay
Air. .nut Mr> c.eorg, i.arul'a ol
Cairo, arrived this week to spend
a lew days visiting with Air and
C* l ia ’ d«tl Alt n ! < null
i he .ambus ju->t recently sold
their stole ill i oil id u
dee Med just now ,;s I. where tiny
will locate. Mi. < ui'.is liven in
Atkinson tn; i* moving to Cairo
about two years ago.
Miss l*n- Duckett i.Ullf l font
i'ii.ulion to s|H'ii«l hi r v aeation
with her parents, Mr. and All's
Walter Duckett in Atkinson. She
will go to Lincoln to spend a Hw
days this week betoiv returning
to her teaching duties at Cliadron
Air. and Mrs. Calvin McClurg
and Marcia of Luuxiln are spend
tng this week with his patents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer McClurg and
Ikmna in Atkinson.
The Junior Catholic Daughters,
Troop ol St. Theresa held their
annual Christmas meeting at the
homo of their counselor. Airs.
Harvey Cirof. flames were played
and gifts wen* exchanged. Alary
Beth Engler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 1km Engler of Stuart was the
lucky little girl to win the doll,
"Debbie,” and her large ward
robe. which was made by the
momliers. At the close of the meet
ing a lunch was served by the bos
The next meeting will be at the
home of Connie Coufal in Stuart,
Amelia News
Ity Miss Florence Lindsey
Tlie Merry Matrons dub met
Thursday, December 17 at the
home of Mrs. Blake Off as hos
tess and Mrs. Stella Sparks as co
hostess. Hostess gifts were received
by Mrs. Nellie Haskins and Mrs.
Ralph Adair.
A dinner was enjoyed by till
present. This was the Christmas
party and exchange of gifts. .Mys
tery sisters were revealed and
names were drawn for the coni
ing year. Boxes of fruit, candy and
pastries were gift wrapped and
taken to tlie elderly people in the
I community.
A clipping found in an issue of
the November l»3s» paper h> the
president was read to the group.
It tohl of the organization ot the
club at the lwmc ot Mrs 1 ee GU
Next meeting will In' held at the
home ot Mi's. U.t pii Ad.ui as hos
tess ami SIi '■ Ha an .1 oking a-*
K1 VI. i.MHH ruvxsti us
WD-lrma Redd. el al to l.ois
;x»nohiH« and I4015 1 v ioti,s- Tm
ee 11 IV hi V Lots 10 It iml West
i 10 ft of North 3t it. lot 12 Hlk .S
I O'Neill.
W i * F M K at • to Im F.
\i aim 3 ■ 1 $! F.ut ot Nl 4 SI 1 4
| i2 db-14
Sick tuul Injured
1 'w in M: v |\ ill W ht Ih'
came ill at her home 1 ! w • and
was taken la th, Antelope Mem
orial hospital on Or, emher lo
! when* her rendition shows ini
prov cment Finest N 1 w«hh! is
also a patient at the Antelope
Memorial hospital, having entered
' on Thursday.
1 AUvtii ttM'iiu'nt)
Cheese Chips Are Tasty
Says Supervisor Perry
Warm, crisp cheese 1 laps art*
worthy accompaniments lot- egg
nog or other libation served dur
ing the holiday season, says Bill
Ferry, local supervisor of the
Meadow Gold Dairy who gave us
tin* recipe.
On the order of today s popular
refrigerator cooky dough, tin*
savory cheese mixture inn lie pre
pared ahead, refrigerated, and
then sliced and baked ns needed,
according to Beatrice t'ooke who
develo|tcd the appetiser in the
company's Chicago test kitchens.
Remember them, too, for after the
holidays. They go well w ith salads
and soups.
Cheese Chips
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons shortening
1 eup cake flour
12 teaspoon salt
1 eup grated natural cheddar
3 tablespoons milk
Celery, (nippy or caraway seeds
Cut shortenings into flour and
salt. Add cheese and mix thorough
ly. Add milk and mix until blend
ed. Shape into a roll about l'a
inches in diameter. Wrap in waxed
paper and chill until fi in. i'll!
thin slices and place on greased
cooky sheet. Brush with milk and
sprinkle with seeds. Bake at 400
degrees aliout 12 minutes or until
delicately browned.
' tvt&WJ*.1• *■*.¥*.**.r*r*«***♦••
1 L/ \
j I58 f
ruin 7!xI08 inches Sanforised1"1 fitted *
♦1 Full 81xl08-in. Sanforized fitted 1.78 f
11\.'i<> inch pillow ease 39c. j
i'M Vation-Wide muslins are famous for 8
£ ong wear! Compare: strong staple ■
? J .‘otton, firm balanced weave! Smooth t
1 finish. ALL PERFECTS! Years of
E value! Stork up now and save.
. L Havings! Hurry in today!
I %. i
>'•••* ***'<«§ • ••+¥':%*mSW&Hji-i
cil/-. .HWWU-.V.V.V. . jv.-.v. /sssEasm*
A*** *.♦. ■•+■
! I97 I
. *£L !i
p Twin 72x108 inches Sanforized'*' fitted g
►1 full 81 \ 108-in. Sanforized fitted 2.15 B
? 42x30 inch pillow ease lft'/ie I
Snowy, silky-smooth percale;, every ■
p inch perfect! Selected, long staple ig
S rot ton, combed to extra smooths >s! B
d Weave is high-count for excellent I
5 wear! Save now! 8
... Havings! Hurry in today!
2 ^or
Rath size |
You’4 look far to match i
this good thirsty weight
at these prices! All first g
quality! Complete color ^
range in each size! Yel
low, brown, pink, rose,
white, turquoise, gray.
Hand towel, 3 for 1.00
Wash cloth, 6 for 1.00
Full size
Special Penney price
for the cover that
smooths o n quickly,
gives padded comfort!
Extras like bleached
cotton filling, tape edg
es, Sanforized" skirt.