The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 31, 1959, Image 5
Page News By .Mrv Ben Anker Mra Mary Hartman. Mr, arxl Mrs. A. T. Crumly ami AKm Janice Crumly of Omaha and I*onna Crumly of Wayne were all' Christmas dinner guests at Mrs Bessie Cuilcn and Vicki of Orch ard. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie. Mr and Mrs. Gene Mud ioff and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stew art and Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neutxiuer, Mrs. Carrie Sterner and Mrs. Fanny Stewart were Christ mas dinner guests of the Paul Krugmam of O Neill. Mrs. Ethel park entertained for Christmas supper the following;! Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and boys of Logan, la., Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Asher of Woodbine, la., Mr. and Mrs, 11. O. Hill and family of Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and boys, Mrs. Hester Edminsten, Mrs. Frieda Asher and $lr. and Mrs Ronald W<x>ds and family of Cen-! terville, S. D., were Christinas' dinner and supi**r guests of the Kenneth Ashers. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Harmon of O'Neill entertained the following for Christmas dinner and supper, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Vorce and Sherry, Mrs William Vorce, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Johnson, all of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Har mon and family of Norlolk and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hannon and family of Page. Christinas eve guests oD the Milo Landreths were Mr. ami Mrs. Kay Harmon and family and Mrs. F. W. Hendricks of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Soren So re tv sen. sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen and family, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen. ji\, and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and family ol Creighton, Boh Sorensen of Omaha and Miss Nina Burival of O'Neill were all Christmas dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. ejnaries sorensen oi aonum. Christmas dinner guests of the Floyd Frahms were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rabhas and family of Ne ligh, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Rabbas and Mr. Coil Rabbas, both of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Meyer of Ewing, Elmer Rabbas of Westpoint, Jemiette Giampe of Norfolk, Carrol Schnickloth of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Sul Fra hm of O'Neill and Arthur Frahm. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nissen, Mr. ami Mrs. Lorenz Riege and Con nie were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer. Also there was A/3c Harold Free meyer, jr., who Is home on leave. Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Free meyer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ixirenz Riege and Connie and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ronnie left Thursday morning to spend Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher and fami ly of Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Fusselman and girls, Mrs. Frieda Asher and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family were Christmas eve supper guests of the Jerry Ashers. Breakfast guests of the Harold 1 busses were Mr. and Mrs. L. Heiss Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo. They opened their Christmas pre sents then. Larry lleiss and Dick Ashers stayed for dinner and Richard Heiss returned later and joined them for supper. _ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Lyndley Crumly and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Walker of Cairo were Christ mas dinner guests of Ronald and Lura Grass. Supper guests of the Lyndley Crumlys on Christmas eve were Mr and Mrs. R. V. Crumly and boys. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Walker. „ . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King and family of Columbus, Mr. ami Mrs. Merlin Rapp and family of Den ton, Grace and George Zellers of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and boys were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlau fer and boys, Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strong anti Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stevenson, both of Norfolk were Christmas dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Harold Strong of Nor folk. Little Janet Scheinost is staying with the George Wettlaufer* while her mother is in the hospital Christmas supper guests of Mrs Evelyn Gray were the following Mr. 'and Mrs. Virgil Chase am Stevie of Keystone. Mr. ami Mrs Keith Weyer of Plainview, Mr and Mrs. Gene Baber. Bob anc Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wal ker of Cairo. Mr. and Mrs Ralpf Gray of Bluehill, Mr. and Mrs Duane Gray and family of O MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o'clock Thurs. Krt. Snt. Dec. 31 .Inn 1 ! MILLIE PERKINS Sun. Mon.-Tue*. Jan. 3-4-; mt< DEE ROBERTSON COt-OK ^ Wed.- TTiurs. Jan. 6 ' Neill, Mr and Mrs Loren Baber of Wayne Mis* France* Twiss *f Plaim'tew and Mr and Mrs Gli des Walker and family . Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy were Christmas night guests m the Kenneth Wettlaufer horn# Mr. anti Mrs. Ben Asher and family had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs G H. Switzer of O Neill. Mr .mil Mrs Walter Asher of WoodbBne, la.. Mr and Mrs. Dale Asher and boys, Logan, la., and Mrs. Ethel Park were Saturday dinner gue*ts of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hess* and family, Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Hetss and family, Mr. and Mrs Wally Johnston and family of Bend, Ore , Mr and Mrs. Don Weiss and family of Lincoln were dinner guests of the Raymond lie isses. Miss Mane 1 lets* of Hastings arrived in the afternoon and joined the group for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and family were Wednesday night guests in the Ben Asher home. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Max enter tained the following guests for Christmas dinner: Mr. ami Mrs. Stan Silver and family of Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Knudsen and family, Mr. ami Mrs. Hal Farns worth, Miss Bonnie Bemholtz, Richard Sehrum of Pleasant Plain, la., James Sehrum of Colorado and Mrs May Sehrum of Man ning, la. Christmas dinner and supper guests of Mrs. Bertha Boelter and Mrs. Wilma Buskhol of Norfolk were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Busk hol and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tikalsky and boys. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Smith of Page, Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest Trowbridge both of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Smith and family of Ephrate, Wash., and Mrs. Jessie Cronk had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retka of In man. Linda Smith, Charlene Fussel man, Rita Larson, Ralph Larson and Mrs. Amelia Larson had Christ mas dinner with Mrs. Icie Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. John Cray, mi. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Ver nie Hunter were dinner guests of the Hob Grays. Vemie Hunter left in the ufterrxxm and the rest re mained for supper. Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. A. O. Weber were Mr. and Mrs. William Kink and family of Engle wood, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple and family of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers and family of Rapid City, S. L>., Mr. and Mrs. Eorrest Henderson and Eldon of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coburn and Susan of O' Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Mar cellus of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trowbridge and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller were afternoon cal les. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony and family of Inman had Christmas dinner and supper with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat. Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Coolidge of Amelia entertained guests on Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Ragland and family of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and family of O'Neill, Mr. and Mis. Ernest Young of Chamliers, Mr. mid Mrs. Julius Below and Marlin of Norfolk, Mary Negley of Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brad dock of Watertown, S. D., and Julia White of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuelbcrth of Coming, la., stopped here on Saturday to see Mr. and Mrs. An ton Nissen and Mi's. Frieda Asher Mrs. Fueblberth, Mrs. Nissen and Mrs. Asher ars sisters and bi-other. They all went over to Inman to see another sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst. The Fuelberths are on their way to spend the winter in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beeleart entertained for breakfast on Christmas morning Mr. and Mi's Bob Beeleart and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill. The Beeloarts also had guests for dinner they in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Har per, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauf fer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ro l>ert Prill, Albert Chichester and Mrs. Bertha Reed. Gary Kemper of Sharon Springs, Kan., and Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Kemper and Lynette of Osage, Kan. snent the Christmas week end with Mr. and Mrs. tteiotn Kemper. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sukup and Stanley spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Don Maule of Bloom fitMr. and Mrs. Norman Trow bridge met Mr. and Mrs. Ickes and family of Nampa, Idahc at Grand Island on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Malmberg and family of Gordon and Mr and Mrs. Bud Ickes and Bobby ol N a m p a, Idaho had breaktasi Saturday with the N. D. Ickes The Malmbergs, who have Ix-er here since Tuesday, then left foi their home in Gordon. The Duane Sukups were suppei guests of the Edward Sukups or Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes anc Luke Rakow were Thursday visi tors in Norfolk. Mr. Ickes had tc go back to the doctor for his check-up. He is getting along jusi fine. On their return, Mr. Rakow stopped at Neligh to spend Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ra kow and Laurie at the Hazel Kimes 1 home. .... _ . Mr. and Mrs. William Park o Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Paik Mr and Mrs. Bud Ickes and farm l*y of Nampa, Idaho were Christ mas dinner guests at the R. F Park home. Mr. and Mrs. Normal Trowbridge were afternoon callers Mr and Mrs. Edward Sukuj were Tuesday night callers in th< George Heggt meyer home in Oreh ’ £lrd. Visiting in the Heggemeye. home was Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Grass and baby from Rapid City S. D. „ , Mr. and Mrs. Marion Parks am family and Mr. and Mrs. Virgi Parks and family had Sunday din ner with the Richard Trowbridge Mr and Mrs. Jerry Summers am j family of Rapid City, S. D am l Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbndgi were afternoon callers. The Virgi Parks remained and had suppe: with the TTobridges. Christmas dinner guests of th< William Buxtons were Mr am Mrs. Arnott Buxton and famil; I of O'Neill, Lt. and Mrs. Richari I Buxton and family of Clarkville Tenn, and Luther Buxton of Ewing, The Rjehard Buxtons left Monday morrnng from Omaha for Camp Com pi*1 Li, Ky He i* sta ti'tned in Kentucky but their home is about 17 miles away in Ten nessee. Christmas day Mrs. Kitty Fry of Ewing entertained the following guests Mr and Mrs. lee Fink and txjys of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family of Ewing, Mr and Mrs. Lynne Fry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eklred Fry of Mc Pherson, Kan. and Mr. and Mrs Bert Fink ol Ewing. Sunday night supper guests of the Lee Finks were Mr. anti Mis. William Fink and family of Engle wood, Colo. Gary Fink was an overnight guest. Bruce, six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer was taken to the hospital on Sunday and operated on for emergency a ppentiee tomy. Mr and Mrs. Earl Park and Valjean left Tuesday for Ca id wall, Idaho to visit m the' Plenn Nickels home. Mr. anti Mrs. Pat Ilartigan and family of Lexington and Mrs Mary Ilartigan of Inman were Friday evening supper guests of die Paul llartigans. Mr and Mis. Bernard Kornoek and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs Milo Snyder and family and Allan Hildreth of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Don Lockwood of Hot Spring, S. D., were Christmas night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe I Kmiciek and Mrs. Darien Snyder of Plainv lew. Mr. and Mrs. John Stelling and Mrs. Carl Nelson were Tuesday evening callers in the Jim Ruther home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and I toys of Logan, la., were Christ mas day guests m the Rollie Snell home. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen ami Mr. arul Mrs. David Ehv and Tami of Omaha wore Christmas dinner guests of Mr. und Mrs. Ray Eby of O'Neill. Leona Mudkrff was a Saturday night supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen. Gary Bowen, who is a student at Lincoln, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Van Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn attended a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rourke of Los Alamos, N. M. Mrs. Rourke is the former Charlotte McVay. Paul Neubauer, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes and Albert Chickester called in the Roy Zellers home on Wednesday as Mr. Zellers had two toes mashed in a hay cabling accident. Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg went to Omaha on Tuesday to see Mrs. Elsie Cork who is in traction in the hospital. As she is running a fever they cannot oper ate. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Luben of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Luben and Bernard of Atkinson. Sunday night supper guests of the Ben Ashers were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo., and Mrs. Frieda Asher. Student recognition day was held at the Methodist church on Sunday. The following young people were recognised: James Ntssen, Leroy Clasey, Dixie Nissen, Myma Heiss, Gary Bowen, Elmer and Lois Saltz, Ruth Kelly, Lura Ann Crum ly, Harold Freemeyer, jr., Diane Cork, Margie Finch, Kathleen Walker and Becky Kennedy. Rev. Green read the sermon. There was a covered dish dinner after wards in the church basement with a special table for the young folks. Rev. Robert Embree presided over the Sunday morning services at the Methodist church as Rev. Green was ill with a strep throat. Larry Mudloff took Mother Agne sine, Sister Josepnine, sisier Aunt's and Gale Stevens to Sioux City on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Waterman accompanied their son, Cecil to Norfolk Sunday where they at tended a vesper service at the city auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Komock and Mrs. J. E. Smith attended funeral services for Mrs. Smith's aunt, Mrs. Laura Hale at Wakefield. She was 93. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kopecky, Russell and Stanley of O'Neill were Sunday night callers in the George . Hall home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy were Sunday night supper guests of the Harley Kennedys. The oc casion was Mrs. Keith Kennedy’s birthday which was on Friday. (Continued from Page 1) Remember... November 19 . . . Frontier Airlines announced that they would curtail scheduled flights along the Northern Nebras ka routes. The airlines claimed that the service was not being used and was not paying its own way. November 26 . . . Senator Frank Nelson filed for his seventh term. Senator Nelson is now the dean of the Nebraska Legislature. December 3 . . . The O'Neill city council auth orized the plan to insure city workers and also granted bingo licenses to the O'Neill Legion club and the Knights of Columbus. December 10 . . . Bob Gartner, Chambers farmer, Special Angus Bull Consignment TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 15 Head of Registered, j ‘ coming 2 year olds Not highly fitted j Consigned by Laflin B Broken , Bar ranch at Crab Orchard 1 ATKINSON j LIVESTOCK MARKET Atkinson, Nebraska _ broke his leg in several places in a power take-off accident at his farm white picking corn. He was taken to a Sioux City hospital Nit did not lose his leg. December 17 . . . The Sadie Dickerson murder trial was in full swing and the trial went to the jury today. Nyal Franch, son of Sadie, testified i against his mother. December tt , , , Sadie Dickerson was set free on the charge of murdering her son. Frank Vanderlinde. Cardinals Lose St Marys Cardinals, leading < ally once, dropped their first t’tslce’imfl came of tf* season ruesdajr night to a fired-up Niu folk Sacred Heart five, 51-50. Cold Cardinal shooting plus many fouls prevented the losers from ts'inc contenders in the first half St Mary 's hit on only 8 ot 34 shots before tlie intermission Glass bank boards may have ghen the Cardinals some trouble in the first half, but they scored 22 points in the third period to close the gap by 3 points Gale Stevens hit 20 points for the Cards to t.ike the scoring honors l ju ry Mudloff scoOtd 11 and Hemie Kam{itMtts notched t* SMA 9 10 22 » 50 Norfolk 11 La IS T 51 \»h tinners Hum Mortgage People ui the Ash Grove com munity were entertained at a free dance Saturday mght as Ash Grove Hall officials burnt the mortgage. The occasion turned out to he a gala celebration. The Rhy thm Aires played at the free dance .nven by Bill Dickerson, sr Unhurt In Crash Harvey A Tompkins, Innian was tnvloved in a two car acci dent ui Norfolk Monday. Only slight damage was done to levn cars and no tuu was hurt. Wi\m G. wdouvson. the other driver involved, was hacking his car from n building ami Tomp kins w as dn\ mg to the gasoline jmtnp at the time of the crush, I Joy d Patras Dips Funeral services were held Hips day at the Community church in Brunswick for ldoyd 11. Patras O'Neill Locals Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mt* Hat Sullivan were her »vm Mr and Mrs Uov Sulli van and family. Norfolk Mr and Mrs ilone Sullivan anil family, Sk»u\ Kalis S. I > . and her daugn I 101. Mr and Mrs Hill Jensen and ! family . O'Neill. Mi's Ruth Murphey, Sums City, was a visitor at the Inane of her 1 sister, Mr ami Mi's Kloyd Wilson, from Thursday until Sunday To Mr. and Mrs O'Neill md vicinitj M We wish to extend to all ■ our friends a very pros- v porous New Year. M The Outlaw Gang W PS We will U' closed all da> New Years W I END CUT 1 NEBRAska red PORK CHOPS .3 lbs- *1°° I dm* f'rj*, fresh m |g||p| -OYSTERS.Pint 79c I WINESAP -—-- ■ SWIFTS PREMIUM TIIH’K SIJCED U APPLES BACON.2-lb. box 89c I 100 lbs. A% 4 ,b# ba9 49C PORK STEAK.Lb. 39c I HOME MADE — OUTLAWS WEST W JONATHAN or WINESAP PORK SAUSAGE .Lb. 35c J APPLES Half boX 99C SUMMER SAUSAGE.Lb. 59c ( 6-oz. cans -- - W GOLDEN DEW 1 PILLSBURY FLOUR C REAL GOLD MIX 'EM or MATCH 'EM (ORANGE BASE i: J ^ LEMONADE BON-AIR ICE CREAM (Half JE> A( gallon Jr Clear Sailing Green Beans ....303 can 15c l.ipton SOUP Chicken Noodle ... Pkg. 39c Shedd* Peanut Butter ...12-oz. 35c STAFLO Starch .Quart 25c Staley's Waffle Syrup .Quart 45c Aunt .Jam's Iceberg Pickles ..Quart 39c Butter Kernel - Cream Style Corn .2 303 cans 35c Derby Chili .No. 2 can 25c {VETS | Wilderness Cherry • Lemon | Baker’s Instant DOG FOOD .Can 9c j PIE MIX .Can 29c j Chocolate ..2-lb. pkg. 89c Cudahy’s TANG .12-oz. can 49c Halmark Strawberry or Red Raspberry PRESERVES .21/2-lb. jar 59c Fushia House NUTLADE .16-oz. box 49c Bango POP CORN .2-lb. pkg. 25c Oedney’s Homo Made SAUERKRAUT .Quart 29c Libby’s GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .46-oz. can 33c Baker’s CARAMEL CHIPS .6-02. 19c