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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1959)
FOR SALE FOR SAIF. Reg Polled Hereford Bulb Two 24 and 3 vears old. Proven, tierd buu quality tome yearling* Everett Van Dover, 2 4 miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miies west of Verdlgre, ir 16 south of Lynch 25tf 1 FOR SAIF 30 registered Angus \ hull*, coming 2 years old Elbon I Bardolier ami Black Peer breed ing Well grown, rugged, heavy hone, bloeky type, price* reason able. Elmerest Farms, 6 miles south. 14 east of Leigh, Ne braska. 34-36p | »v>R SAIF: Registered Hamp Mir hoars Big, rugged well grown Affred Hansen, Plain om, Nebr. 12tfc FOR SALE Six head of Hereford hulls; *1 sired by Hardy Aster and 2 by Domino 91. These bulls are 4 and half brothers to my Grand Champion bull at Here ford-A-Rama sale at Broken llow in Nov. Yellow in color, rugged while fed oats and grass. Range in age from coming 2 year olds to early fall yearlings. Also have a few registered cows and one heifer Bert Huff, phone 20W1, Ainsworth, Nebr. 34-36p FOR SALE Hereford hull calf, sire Zato Heir M. 29 dam. Princess Choice, calved May 20. 1959 George Gatzerhoyer, O’ Neill. 2 mi. N. 1 mi. E. on Oppty. road ami 24 mi. north. 36-39i) SALT FOR SAIF; Kanapolis $16 50 u ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c Ivocated 3 blks east, 4 hlks north of traffic light, Everett (’.organ, Ph 164, O’Neill. 51 tf FOR SALE- Pu ebred Hampshire meat-type Ix-ars. Reasonably priced. Henry Stelling and Son, 2 S. and Vi V/. of Orchard, Nc hraska. 2#tf FOR SAIF: More fancy Cream cows. Shore s Guernseys, Hol steins, Swiss Extra large fancy .Some fresh with calves Rea sonable prices Harold Shores, Neligh ph. TU 7-40«) TU 7 ♦850 25tf TAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy headquarters. Always fresh. 27tfc SE1 US lor new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mdbile homes. 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Nellgh. 30tf FOR SALE Milo, 250 bushels or more. Ron Shonka, Atkinson. 34-36c MUST SELL!! LARGE STOCK OF New ami Used TRAILERS No Reasonable Offer Refused!! Whether you pay cash, Fimuice or have a Trade You Can Do Better at MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. EX5-2170 Low Overhead—Low Prices Contact Us Today O’Neill vicinity contact Clarence Johnson Elms Motel—O’Neill 34tfc FOR SALE—IIIC power washing cream separator, model 3G. Near new. Charlie L. Meyer, Royal. 34-36p TOR SALE Set of oxygen and acetylene tmttles (large size). Northwest Electric, O'Neill. 34tfc (59 Hereford Bulls. Extra good FOR SALE: High quality April backs. Kieth Ahart - O’Neill, Dercy Abart - Emmet. 31 tf FOR SALE Army Halftrack with front winch. Trade for corn. Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 36-38c MACHINERY 42 Farmall MI) 48 Farmall C 49 Farmall II 47 Farmall II 43 Farmall H Snow buckets for loaders Hydraulic farm loaders $50 & up IHC Cream separator Used chain saw JD Hammermill Mechanical shop press Used parts bins APPLIANCES— Used Easy Spindry, very clean Used Maytag wringer washer Used Norge refrigerator $35 Used IHC refrigerator Used IHC 12-ft. freezer $135 See us for RCA Whirlpool appliances SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL, NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE—Improved 80 acres 4 mi. from Clearwater on good gravel road, l'a mi. to highway 275. Ideal for semi-retired couple Buildings in good repair. REA. natural gas, hot and cold water, bathroom. Mail route t,o door Immediate possession. ' Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 36tf FOR SALE with March 1, 1960 possession. approximately 8 acres, well improved, located , immediately east of the Gate way Motel just off Hwy. 20 in cast O'Neil]; 160 acres well improved, located 2 mi. east of O’Neill on Hwy. 108; 3 vacant city kits in O'Neill lo cated directly east of the Jim Corkle residence. For inspection and additional ' information see either Jim Cor klo, O'Neill or Ernie Weller. At kinson. 3&-38c Listings For Sale 760 acres northeast of Inman, improved: 160 acres north of Page, modem home; 320 acres modem improved, Atkinson, ir rigation equipped: 320 farm near Emmet; 160 farm east of O'Neill, irrigated, with equipment; 320 improved northeast of O’Neill, fnrm and pasture; 80 acres northwest O’Neill, good location, well fenced anti near Highway No. 20 EDTHORIN PHONE 207 — O’NEILL 13tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Heated apartment, 3 rooms and bath, private en trance, utility room. Phone Darel Bright 638LW after 6. 35tf FOR RENT- two Tied room home. Kieth Abart. O’Neill. 22tfc T)R RENT Apartment in Golden Hotel annex. Furnished or un furnished. Call 35, O’Neill. 27tf TOR RENT Rooms Night, week or month. Atr conditioned, clean, gixxi beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O’Neill. Phone 364. New Man agement. 36pd. FOR RENT — Basement sleeping rooms for men. Close in. Call 574J, O'Neill. 29tf FOR RENT—IHC Rotary Stalk cutter. Shelhamer Equipment Co., O’Neill. tf HOUSE FOR RENT All modem, two bedroom. Across from Li brary. Mrs Lawrence Jonas, Box 212, O’Neill. 36p WANTED Money DOES Make A Difference If you would like a good personal income, Avon Cosmetics holds the answer. Become a represen tative and serve your neighlwrs during convenient hours. Work approximately 5 hours daily. Over 35. Write Miss Alice Dial, District Manager, P. O. Box No. 365, North Platte. 36c WANTED—Used harn or granary. Call 434 or write Box 276, O’ Neill. 36c $100 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from New Type high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net up to $400 monthly. More full time. For personal inter view write P.O. Box 1055, Boise, Idaho. Include phone number. 26p WELL DRIIJJNG and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL 00 . O’Neill ” hlks W & 3% blks N stoplight WANTED: Serum ptgs: loading days, Monday. Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WORK WANTED Guaranteed welding and mechanic work done. East of drive-in theatre.—Ver non Gorgen, O'Neill. 32tfc WE DON'T WANT All. THE bus iness—Just yours.. Patton’s Ben J Franklin, O’Neill. tfc WANTED I DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body ana Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL - for Any Job 25tl WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farm supply business handling well known products. Small capital I needed. Write box TH, c-o The Frontier. 5th EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neill ~ Minnesota Woolen Company Bonded Representative Robert W. Young Phone 192-J 609 East Adams 2Stfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal | Station—O'Neill 7 90tt L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIAL^’ . in all kinds of autornot'n le, -uc« and tractor repair Acetyir-ie », t f;ng LAWN MOWER renHlrtnii. Also repair parts for Lawson - Keo -Clinton PACKING HOUSE WORKERS Openings on permanent jobs With or without experience Minimum rate 2.1612 per hour Plus 2c allowance for each hour worked Hospitalization Life Insurance Sick Pay Paid vacation and holidays Write, phone or apply Employment office Omaha phone MA 4720 Wilson & Co., Inc. 27 and T Streets, Omaha, Nebr. 34-35 LOST & FOUND IX9ST Three whiteface calves and one cow branded S Bar 1 on left hip from pasture on Carsten place. Liuis J. Jaros, Verdigre. 35-36p MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION—A new Fringe Area Philco for Christmas. We will give absolutely top trade-in al lowance on any make or model TV’. It makes no difference if it works or not. Bring your set in or call on us for trade on our 1960 line of Philco TV’s. Terms available. As little as 2.50 per week. No reasonable offer re jected. Stuart TV & Appliance. Stuart. Nebraska. In Atkinson _it Mai 9fw. TRY MYRT’S CAFE for delicious home-made bread and rolls. 35-37p EVERY COW can stand for im provement. CURTISS STUD SERVICE can bring improve ment to your cows with matings to the greatest sires in the world. Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. 34tfc IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill. Nebr. 34tf. ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL. NEBR. — PH 269 CASH LOANS Signature — Auto — Furniture O’Neill Loan Co. VIRGIL LAURSEN Phone 434 ONeill AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O NEILL NOTICES NOTICE The annual meeting of the Share holders of the O'Neill National Bank will be held in the banking rooms of said bank between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 1960. The purpose of the meeting is for the election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year and transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. F. N. Cronin, president SAVE UP TO $20 OR MORE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VIRGIL LAURSEN O'Neill, Nebraska CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sin cere thanks and deep gratitude to all our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy, the beautiful floral of ferings and cards. Special thanks to the Work and Fun club members for the lunch served at the Grimton school house after the funeral. 36c The Pospeshil Family WE WISH TO THANK our friends, neighbors and relatives for their expressions of sympathy, acts of kindness and the floral offerings and memorials. Also thanks to those who offered their prayers and sem cards to John while he was hospitalized. A special thank you to Dr. Carstens, the Sisters and nurses, who gave him such kind and good care. Your kind expressions and thought fullness w'ill always be remem bered. Mrs. John Osenhaugh 36p and family I WE WISH TO EXTEND our most sincere thanks to our many rela tives and friends for their many .acts of kindness extended during our hpother's accident and death of Arthur Masden of Verdel, Nebr. Drs, Wilson and Waters labored so many long hours in an effort to save Artie's life. Ma\ God bless them for their heroic work Never have physicians tried harvler to save a man's life’ The sjiecial nurses were also among this heroic group. No words of mine can ex press my sincere gratitude. Among the many others who were So very helpful were the Don Franklin family of O'Neill, whose thoughtfulness helped me during Artie's stay at the O’Neill hos pital, Their kindnesses helped me. The. St. Anthony’s hospital Sisters and nurses were so helpful and understanding during Artie's stav there. May God bless them in their wonderful care of the injur ed and sick. When Artie w as taken to the hos pital, Mr. and Mrs. Art Barta took over the duties on the farm. My confidence in their ability left me free to do anything I could do for Artie with no other worry. And among the many neighbors who worked so tirelessly with them were the families of: Edward Mays’, Marvin Tuchs’, Allen Hen dersons’, Fred Millers'. Gordon DeKays’, Corky Kalkowskis’, Wal ter Svatos'. and Leonard Blacks'. There were more names I cannot recall. May God lie gracious to you all! There were many floral offerings and memorials. These were lovely and may I again say, “Thank You". The Community Ladies served a most delicious dinner at the Ladies Aid Building at Verdel for the relatives and close friends and then brought out lunch in the home for the family. We apprec i iated this so much. It was hard for me to return home after Artie’s death and my sin cere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Graf ton Franklin ami the relatives at Lynch and Bristow for the shelter of their loving homes, and the many days and nights they stayed with me Pastors Chase and Herr had the funeral services so beautifully planned with Mrs. Emil HanzUk and Mrs. Rtvss Runyan as their singers Both pastors and singers made taxi's name glorified Sirs. Melba Black Lower gave us com fort and spiritual strength in her piano selections. Our hearts again overflow with gratitude for all this and our church's prayers and help are deeply appreciated. The many comforting letters, and cards of sympathy helped us to all to lift our hearts in praise for friends who mourn Artie's death with us. May we each have pure characters and lives that when Jesus and His Holy Angels de scend to this wicked earth for His Saints, that you, with us, may meet our brother in the air, and spend eternity together. Then we shall understand! Frances Masden The Masden Families of S IT, Minn., Kans., Colo., Ariz., Wash., Ore., and Nebr, Inman News Bv Mrs. James McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Warren Webster of Omaha, came Thursday after noon to spend the Christmas weekend in the home of Mrs. Webster’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. William McEl v ain and son, Greg of Omaha came Thursday to spent the holiday weekend in the home of Mrs. Mc EJvain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill and with relatives in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith and family of Euphrata Wash., came Tuesday to vist in the homes of Mrs. Anna Smith and Mr. and | Mrs. Otto Retke. Mr. and Mrs. Altiert Anthony and family wore Christmas guests m the home of Mr. anti Mi's. Dale MutschuUat and family at Page. Miss Brenda Oilman ot Omaha si«ept the Christmas weekend vi siting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George L c'olman and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Hartigan and family of Lexington came Thursday evening to spend the weekend in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Hill and Mrs. Mary Hartigan. Mrs. James Reis and daughter of Omaha came Tuesday to spend until Thursday in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. l>avtd Mors , ach and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. John Holla m mid family of Syracuse, Kan., spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. Boh am s mother, Mrs. Mira Fairbanks and with relatives in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander left Wednesday for Water bury where they spent the holidays in the home ot Mrs. Alexanders brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and family . Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson and Mrs. Jiunes McMahan spent Wed nesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wrede and family at O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch and daughter, Conda, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Couch and Bruce and Fred Schaum were Christmas day guests in the home of Ivan's mother, Mrs. Eva Couch at Orch ard. Ronald Coventry of Norfolk s(>e!it from Wednesday until Monday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry. Mr. atul Mrs. James Coventry were Christmas eve guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc Elvain and family in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Caster and daughters of Sterling, Colo., came Saturday to visit in the fume ol Mrs. Caster’s mother, Mrs. Anna Smith and with other relatives. Ned and Neil Kelly, Clark Gaughenbaugh, Dick Coventry and Harold Sobotka, who attend college at Norfolk, came Wednes day to spend the holidays with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley of Ohiow'a visited in the home of Don’s parents, Mr. mid Mrs. W. K Kelley and family during the Christmas holidays. Miss Shirley Luben of Devils l-age, N. D., came Thursday morn mg to spend the holidays visiting her mother, Mrs Charles Luben. Christmas guests in the homo of Mr. anil Mss Kenneth Coventry atul sons were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McEh am and son oi Nor* folk James Pinkcrman of O Neill* Mr and Mrs. James Co\entry and Hill. Mrs James McMahan and Mr and Mrs. John Mattson, Af ternoon guests in the Coventry home were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harte and tamily \lr, and Mrs. Rolvrt Hutton and family of Omaha s|x'nt the r'hrtstmas weekend visiting m the home of Mr. Hutton's parents, Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ohorle of Minneapolis. Minn., came Thursday to visit in Hie home of Mrs, C>lx-r ie s mother, Mrs. R H. South and Mr South and with relatives and friends in O’Neill and Emmet. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd lvl*>ng and Mr. and Mrs. Merle IvLoug and BUI left Thursday for Oma ha to spend the Christmas week end in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. I van DeLong and family and Mr. and Mrs. 1 vnald Meyer and fami ly. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hackett and family of Chanilieiiain. S. IV, were Christmas day callers in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. David Morsb.n h. They wen* accompanied to Cham berlain Thursday evening by Mrs. Haekett's mother, Mrs. Khz.alieth Morhaeh, wlx> will spetal some time in the Hackett home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I-angley and daughter left Tuesday tor their home in Lincoln after spend ing a few days in the home of Mrs. Langely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson. Christmas day guests in the home of Mrs. Josie ivlinal were Mrs. Arthur Horton and family of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs Karl MeClenahan and family of O' Neill. Christmas eve guests at the llon ald Keyes home were Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pruss, Margaret and Verna, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mildred Keyes and Marvin Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sobotka and family of Dansville, 111., spent a few days last Week ei-hkig Mr. Sobotka s parent!. Mr and Mrs. Lew is Sobotka and family . Mr ami Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family were Oinstmus eve guests in the homo of Mr. ami Sirs. Gay Hull ami family at Ked hn\l They wore overnight guests iTtristmas eve in the home of Mr. ami Mi's. Guy Hull. Kdwin Rev maids of Eugene, Ore., spent Saturday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs Albert Reynolds and family. Edwin ami AUwrt are bn'tliers. Clifford Antlx>ny stopped ruos day evening enroute to his home m Hillings. Mont-, to visit his brother, Albert Antltuny and faint ly Mr. and Mrs Henry l’mss and daughters. Margaret ami Verna sjH'nt Christmas day m Greeley with their daughter, Mrs. Pat Cook ami family. Gray don llartigan returned to his home in Lexington Sunday after spending the weekend in Uie homes of Mr. ami Mrs. James Coventry and Mis. Mary llartigan. Mrs llartigan and children remained tn the Coventry home for a longer visit. Mrs. Russell Napier of Sterling. Kan. visited Verna l'russ Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Miehaelis and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Ri mer Miehaelis were Christmas day guests in the home of Mr, and Mrs. lJoyd Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gorgon re turned to their homo in Platts mouth Saturday after visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patta Lines. Money To Loan! Property, Oars. Truek*, Fium Equipment HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company Household <»oods, Personal iX)\V RATES 1The Wise Place to Shop... JANUARY \ WHITE ==::: VARIETY DEPARTMENT STORES _ __ _ Known for SAVINGSj“ 5 Ai iL ' Our First B/G SAVINGS Event for "6G" \ — -^ Rayon Trico Hell Slip With shadow panel, «« w fancy loce trim, white, K M . pink, blue, 3 sites m m €r small, medium ond lorge » » My Brand is PARDNER BOYS’ WESTERN JEANS SANFORIZED 1334 oz. DENIM Jam Proof Zipper Reinforced At All Strain Points Sizes 4 to 16 $|88 Muslin Sheets $1.77 . 72x108 or twin fitted 81x108 or full fitted $1.88 Ladies 15 denier, 51 gauge Self-Seam Nylons bi/es 8 Vi to 11- -Box of I 3 for $1.37 I I SEAMED PILLOW CASES $100 PAIR Hemstitched for crochet. Buy sev eral pair at this sale price. BOYS ALL KNIT COTTON BRIEFS 3 PAIR 5*1®® Stripes, checks, solids, prints. Sizes 2-8. Help yourself to these savings. TRICOT ACETATE RUN-PROOF PANTIES f Comfortable tit sii#t 5-6-7, check, floral, or dotted prints. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Sanforized Cotton BRAS ) 2 G6 Elastic insert—full ^ circle stitched—White ^ A Cup 32-36 B Cup 32-38 B Cup 36-40 Symphony Bleached SHEET BLANKET $177 Multi Color Stripe. Full Size. Each in poly bag. Bleached Tea Towel 3 for - 77^ Unhemmed, Hour tack weight Rayon Out Size PANTIES Sizes 8, 9, 10 White or pink. See this value. DOLL SALE!! 3 Year Old Beautiful Boxed DOLL DOLL formerly sold for 19.95 formerly sold for 4.95 Now only $9.99 Now only $3.33 p All Dolls Are Sale Priced!! |