The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 31, 1959, Image 3

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    Rivervde News
By Hr*. I.i»n| l<um«r
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock caL
MNi at the ItoUie Snell home at
Page Saturday,
The Frank Em&ick family of
Omaha. Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier
and the Richard Napier and Wayne
fry families gathered Friday eve
ning at the Z II Fry home for a
gdt exchange and family party.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Napier re
turned to their home in Sterling.
Kan., Sunday,
Mrs. Darrul Switzer and girls uf
Omaha visited at tlx> Ota awitz' r
home over the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink and Mrs
Bex* Fink, Timmy anil Bruce and
the Lynn Fry and Willie Shrader
families joined Mr. and Mrs. El
dred Fry of McPherson, Kan,
at the Kitty Fry home Christ
mas day.
Douglas and Charles Mott of
Sioux City, la., were guests from
Tuesday until Friday at the Grant
Mott home. On Friday the Mott
family took Douglas and Charles
to their home at Sioux City and
were guests for dinner. Charles re
turned with them to visit until
January 1st.
The John Napier family were
guests Friday evening at the Ed
Walters home at Chambers.
Peggy U>u McBane visited Satur
day afternoon wfth Glenda Napier,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
were Wednesday evening callers
at the Dave Pollock home. Mr anil
and Mrs. Carl Chnston visited
Thursday at the Pollock home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord and
1 mane were supper guests Thurs
day at the Alfred Napier home*.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ucker and
baby of Torrence, Calif , spent
Christmas with her parents. Mr
and Mrs. Rudy Aiders. Other
guests were the Robert Aiders
family of Wisner and Mrs. Rudy
Aider s brother, Duns Uteske of
Columbus. The Fred Ritter fami
ly of Tiiden were evening callers.
Howard Montgomery and the
Lorraine and Kots’rt Montgomery
families were guests at the George
Montgomery home.
The Art Hussharrit iutd Kenneth
Pollock families of Neligh and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Richards of
Orchard were guests Friday at the
I >ave Pollock home.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller vi
sited Friday afternoon at the O.
A. Weber and Earl Stevens homes
at Page.
On Wednesday evening the Archie
Johnston family attended Betty
Spangler’s school Christmas pro
Zita Donohoe of O'Neill visited
a couple of days with her daugh
ter, Mrs. John Napier and fami
The Ralph Shrader family visi
365 days of the year
Example —
$10,000 Ins. House $28.00
$2,(XX) Ins. Household
Goods - 5 80
Yearly Payment $33.80
Fun coverage on dwelling and
household goods. TV antenna
covered up to $100.00 without
charge, See—
Al Gaskiil
R. E. Gaskiil Ins. Agency
O'Neill, Nebr. Phone 710
Why pay more?
| ted Friday everting at the Wayne
, LauUnseblager family in Orchard.
Thursday evening the Wayne
Fry and Lewis Vanderstuck fami
lies had an oyster supper wittf AJ
Gibson m Neiigh.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller vi
I sited Friday evening with his
[ mother, Mrs Anna Miller in Ewing.
Mr. and Mr*. Carl Chnstun were
dinner guests Tuesday at tile John
Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs Walter Miller
| and Danny left Cuesday morning,
Dec. 2 for Mound Vatic>, Kan ,
to visit Mrs. Miller s sister and
| family.
Jay Butler and the Leo Miller
! and Wendell Switzer families were
j guests Friday at the Ora Switzer
I home,
Mr. and Mrs. William Fmk and
I lamily of Englewood, Colo., and
the Lee Fink family of Page were
i guests Thursday evening at the
Bert Fink home. The William Fink
I iamily were guests Friday at Mrs.
IO. A. Weber home at Page.
The William Loi quest family
joined die Reuben Meyer family
| of Neiigh at the Edna Lofquest
; home for Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
! and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller
j and Danny were guests Monday
evening, Dec. 1 at the Leo Miller
j home lor a gilt exchange and
j lunch.
Mart in Prihnows of Cedar Ra
pids, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wi>'p
ple, Gail and Kuy Fleming, the
Marcus Pierson family and Mrs.
j Muliel Pierson were guests Christ
mas at the Earl Pierson home.
A1 Gibson of Neiigh was a Christ
mas dinner guest at the Wayne Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Napier of
Sterling, Kan., came Thursday to
spend Christmas vacation with re
latives. They were guests Friday
at the Alfred Napier home. Other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Web
Napier and the John Napier, Glem
Harpster and Richard Napier
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wctlauffer
and Gary of O'Neill, U>n Spangler.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and
girls, the Willie Shrader and Verl
Gunter families were guests Christ
mas eve at the Will Shrader home.
The Joe Luzie family of Emer
son, Maynard Morrow tamily, Ina
Bennett, James Bennett, Mr. and
Mrs. Roger Bennett, and the Will
Shrader, Iziuis Shrader, Ralph
Shrader, Archie Johnston, Bus
Napier and Verl Gunter families
were dinner guests Christmas at
the Wilbur Bennett home. The
diaries Morsett family were af
ternoon callers.
Glenda. Leroy and Dennis Napier
were overnight guests at the John
Napier home Monday while their
parents attended the Hegr- Biddle
come wedding.
The Alfred Napier family and
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord attended
Miss Gary Tessmer’s school Christ
mas program Wednesday evening
in the Jim Tinsley school district.
Mrs. James Love of Buffalo, N
Y., called her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Montgomery about
noon Christmas day wishing them
a Merry Chrismas. They have
plenty of snow in Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and
i Jimmy of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs.
I Lyle Switzer of Clearwater, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Hord and Duane
and Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter
of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel
Gunter and Paul were guests Fri
day at the Dewitt Hoke home. The
Verl Gunter family were agtemoon
Wilbur Bennett attended a
cousin's funeral at Fairbury Satur
Larry Larson was home trom
Fort Knox Ky., over the Christ
1 mas holidays.
Inman News
By Mrs. James McMahan
(Last Week's News)
Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Mr.
and Mrs. James Banks spent Tues
| day in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs.
i Banks visited their daughter, Mrs.
| John Buhlman, jr., who under
I went major surgery Sunday in a
i Norfolk hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller of
Council Bluffs, la., visited in the
home of Mr. Miller's father, Earl
Miller and Mrs. Miller Sunday,
i They also visited an aunt of Mrs.
| Miller's, Mrs. Jennie Crosser, a
patient at St. Anthony's.
Mrs. Charles Luben returned
Sunday from West Point where site
visited in the home of Mr. anil i
Mrs. Raymond Luben and daugh
ters for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsback
and son of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs.
___ ii i - -——
, Kay Conard oi Clearw ater and Mrs
Eliza heth MorsbacK of Inman
were callers tn tin* David Morsback
home Sundav
Mr and Sirs Heryl Conger of
Whitefish, Mont,, and Mr and
Mrs. L>ean Conger oi Nevada visi
ted friends in Inman Tuesday.
Mrs Ira Watson returned Satur
day from Lincoln where she visi
I ted in the home of her son-in-law
i and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ed
1 win Langley and daughter. She
1 was accompanied home by her son,
versity and is home for Christ-,
mas vacation.
Vem Wrede of O'Neill was an
Inman visitor on Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs John Mattson ami
Mrs. James McMahan attended!
die Christmas program at Dis-1
trict til’ north of O Neill on Thurs
i day evening and w ere v isitors in
the home of Mr and Mrs. Vem
Wrede and famih following die
Miss Ijnelle Tompkins w!s> at
tends Wesleyan University at
1 Lincoln, came Saturday to spend
the holidays with her parents, Mr
and Mrs Harvey A. Tompkina
Holland Hansen, who attends the
University of Nebraska, came
Friday to spend his Oinstmas %a
cation with his parents, Mr and
Mrs Clarence Hansen,
The Inman Workers Project
club nut (t the home of Mrs
Woodrow Gauifhenbaugh on Wed
nesday afternoon for a 1:S lunch
con All nimil i rs were present,
A business session m charge of
Mrs Albert Reynolds followed the
luncheon. A Christmas party* and
rescaling of secret pals was en
joyed and names of secret pals
ware drawn for next year The
January meeting will he at the
home of Mrs. Walter Ubben.
Mrs James McMahon attended
a regular meeting of Circle 2 at
the home i>f Mrs. Alfred Drayton
of O Ni ill when she entertained at
a l o'clock pit luck dinner on
Thursday 1’his was followed by an
interesting tTinstmas lesson m
charge i>l Mrs Rax Lmehart and
Mrs Elizabeth Slutffor Exeiymu
enjoyed an exchange of Qyist
[I. .1 I I —- - —TM 1 1 — r
mas gifts
Harold Sobotka, Ihck Coventry,
Ned and Neal Kelley and Out k
Gaughenhaugh who attent o» i.
in .Nurtolk, spent the wecVend with
their parents
Robert Kuther, ji who attends
college at Wayne, is spending his
Christmas vacation visiting his par
ents, Mr, and Mm Robert K h< r
Han Couch, who is employed at
Campbell, ciime Monday to spend
a few days with his family
TYi# Inman grade school ilmst
mas program was given Friday
evening at the sehis'l tuditonum
to a capmeity crewel Santa Claus
made hu usual \'sit at the chvse of
the program and tie at provided
by tin Inman I'oumn lend »lub,
wo;e given to the children oi the
Mr and Mis M M Gvsaor
and sons of Nohgh wen' Inman
visitors Friday evening
I960 licenses will go on sale January 4. Will not lie open
Saturday, Jan. 2.
Office hours for January ana February will be. Door open
at 9 o'clock, remain open during the noon hour and close door
at 4 o'clock on every office day except Saturday when we close
at noon and not open afternoon.
When mailing in for licenses, all copies of the tax statements,
the 1959 registration certificates for each and every vehicle to
he licensed, along with the proper amount of tax and license fees
plus postage, 20c for each set of passenger plates, 10c for each
truck plates, .05 for each trailer plate, must lie sent in. License
fees are the same as last year.
When applying at the office for licenses, the same applies
except you will not pay postage.
We must have your 1959 registration certificate for each and
every vehicle to l>e licensed or we must charge an additional
fee of $1.00.
If there is an error in your tax statement, which will be
mailed from the Assessors office before January, wrong School
District, wrong Precinct or taxed on wrong car, please have
your statement corrected at the Assessors office before present
ing to the Treasurers office.
If you have moved since licensing last year be aure and tell
us the Precinct and School District you now live in.
To all house or cabin trailer owners. All house trailers, not
licensed for highway or road travel, must have a 52.00 permit
and the tax must be paid. Apply at the Treas. office for the
permit and tax. There is a penalty to the owner of the trailer
and the owner of the property the trailer is parked on, for failure
to get permit or notify’ the Co. T>eaa. or Assessor within 30 days
after parking the trailer. The permit does not allow moving of
the trailer. The permit doee not apply to licensed dealers of
house trailers. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated and
will enable us to get the licenses out much faster.
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.
— -O'Neill, Nebr. - Shop 8:30-5:30 -.
II ■ I I V
spectacuhr values!
irig cottons
Sew A Dress
For Less Than *2°°
Yards and yards of exciting new
cottons! Medallion prints, pais
ley patterns, crisp stripes and
paintbox plaids included. Drip
dry, crease-resistant, 36*' wide.
Terrific buy for spring sewing!
SAVE! 100# FLOUR SACKS 4 <1 |
Regularly 29t\ 1st quality sacks, approximately 36' COD |
square when open. Bleached, washed, ironed. TvK ■
..hi ii ■■ 11 11—■—itimmmmmw—■■
Regularly 594! Spring Mills 128-count pillow tubing,
bleached snowy white, ready to hem. 42' wide. 1 •
Compare at 2.29! Natural creamy white cotton, both '•
sides finished with a soft warm nap. Full bed size. ■
Compare at 4.98! Thick, flufFy blend; jumbo 72x90' ^^B
size; green, gold, cherry, camel, turquoise, pink.
Compare at 3.98! Closely-woven cotton cover in pink m
or blue floral print; shape-retaining corded edges. Jtuam each
■ 125-7008
Haddon Hail Fitted or Flat
REG. '?
_ 72x108 " Sire or
1,89 Fitted Twin
Big, big savings during our January ^ .
White Sale! All 1st quality muslin DOUBLE BED SHEETS 66
sheets, woven 132 threads per 81x108'or full-size fined... w
square inch, bleached to snowy
whiteness. Edges hand-torn for MATCHING CASSS
straight true hems; taped selvages. Haddon Hall, 42x36 size....
125-5043, 46. 40, 47. 5100
loop twist rugs cannon towels
2for $3
Compare at 1.98! Washable 24x Compare at 59<! Bath-brightening
70" runners and 30x50" throw rugs Cannon stripes In white with rose, tur
in hi-lo cotton loops. Red, rose, white, quoise, green, yellow. Fringed trim,
grey, aqua, brown, green. Hand Towel 274, Wash Cloth 13<
120-272a 120-29*0. If. 12
I. ■' 'll"'.
Fitted Twin
Smooth, luxurious sleeping on
Combspun percales! Woven of
fine combed yarns, 186 threads
per square inch. Hand-torn
hems, strong taped selvages.
81x108' or Full Fitted 2 15
Pillow Cases.
Regularly 3.49—tave! Sturdy mus
lin pads, cotton-filled, zigzag stitched,
all edges firmly bound and taped.
Twin Size 1.99, Contour Pad 3.99
125-474*. 4*. m
" " —■■■■■.. I
duralon panels sailcloth cafes dacron tier set print draperies
$1 198 198 ^99
Easy care —just whisk through Gold, red, or turquoise print on Dainty flocked trim on freeh, BoJd leafy print on champagne
suds, hang on rod. No starching, sturdy cotton sailcloth. Includes crisp Dacron marquisette. 36' or white background. Lovely
stretching or ironing! In white or one pair of 36' panels with curtains, matching valance in rayon-acetate fabric is soil re
champagne, 40x81' size. rings attached, valance to match, white, gold, pink. No ironing, sistant, washable. 45x84'.
1 '9 1W-8I40 IW-S14I 1»)M
> V*>
at 3.98
Chenille Bedspreads
Full-sixe spread of baby-tufted
rayon chenille, thickly fringed on
three edges. Koty-care—fluffs dry
fresh and pretty as new! Six guar
anteed foil colors: pink, rose,
green, yellow, white, oqwa.
11 MW